Captura de Tela 2023-12-29 À(s) 18.39.00
Captura de Tela 2023-12-29 À(s) 18.39.00
Captura de Tela 2023-12-29 À(s) 18.39.00
# GameFAQs *
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Mortal Kombat Trilogy –
Move List and Guide
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Chameleon is just a special ninja that morphs from one ninja to another
every 10 seconds and you can do that ninjas moves while you are that ninja.
It's just like randper kombat but only changes to ninjas. Also there is NO
LOAD TIME when he changes into other guys because it loads while he fades
without stopping the game.
Classic Sub-Zero
Freeze: D-F-LP
Freeze ground: D-B-LK
Slide: B+LP+BL+LK
Fireball: D-B-LP
Teleport Punch: D-B-HP
Inviso Slam: B-D-B-HK
A lot of this stuff is wrong for Smoke. They switched a lot of his stuff and
I don't have it wrote right.
Spear: B-B-LP
Teleport Punch: D-B-HP
Throw (in air): BLK
1 Missile: B-F-HP
2 Missiles: F-F-B-B-HP
Gotcha Grab: F-F-LP (tap LP to keep punching)
Backbreaker (in air): BLK
Quad Slam (after starting a throw): tap HP
Ground Pound: Hold LK
Dashing Punch: F-F-HK
Fireball: F-D-B-HP
Grab and Punch: F-F-HP
Teleport: D-U
Lightning: D-F-LP
Torpedo: B-B-F
Teleport: D-U
Fatality 1: F-B-B-B-HP
Babality: ???
Pit: D-D-F-HK
Spear: B-B-LP
Teleport Punch: D-B-HP
Forward Teleport: D-F-HP
Air Throw: BLK
1 Fireball: B-B-HP
2 Fireballs: B-B-F-HP
3 Fireballs: B-B-F-F-HP
Volcanic Eruption: F-B-B-LK
Baraka: D-D-LK
Cage: B-B-D-LP
Classic Subzero: BLK-BLK-R-R
Ermac: D-D-U
Goro: B-B-B-LK
Human Smoke: BLK-R-LK
Jade: F-F-D-D+BLK
Jax: F-F-D-LP
Jax (MK2): D-F-B-HK
Kabal: LP-BLK-HK
Kano: B-F-BLK
Kano (MK1): 360 CCW
Kintaro: Hold LP for 3 sec. Rel.
Kitana: F-D-F-R
Kung Lao: R-R-BLK-R
Kung Lao (MK2): B-D-B-HK
Liu Kang: F-D-B-U-F
Mileena: R-BLK-HK
Motaro: F-D-B-HP
Nightwolf: U-U-U
Noob Saibot: F-D-D-B-HK
Rayden: D-F-B-LK
Rayden (MK1): B-B-F-R
Rain: R-BLK-LK
Reptile: R-BLK-BLK-HK
Sektor: D-F-B-R
Scorpion: D-D-F-LP
Shao Kahn: B-B-F-HK
Sheeva: Hold LK(F-D-F) or F-D-F-LK-LK
Sindel: B-D-B-LK
Smoke: F-F-HP Sonya: D+R+LP+BLK
Stryker: F-F-F-HK
Sub-Zero: F-D-F-HP
Fireball: B-B-F-LP
Slam: D-F-LP
Upper Slam: D-F-HK
Hammer: B-F-HP
Throw: F-F-LP Upward Slam: D-F-HP
Laugh: D-D-HK
Taunt: D-D-LK
Fireball: F-F-LP
Two Ground Fireballs: B-B-F-LP
Fireball (in air): D-F-LK
Fly: B-B-F-HK (press BLK to land)
Scream: F-F-F-HP
Spear: B-B-LP
Teleport Uppercut (can do in air): F-F-LK
Invisibility: U-U-R (do while invisible, and you will reappear)
Throw (in air): BLK
Fatality 1: Compactor Kiss: Hold BL+R (U-U-B-D) (more than half screen)
Fatality 2: Kiss of Death: B-F-D-D-R (anywhere)
Animality: Hold LP (B-F-D-F) (close)
Friendship: B-F-B-D-R
Babality: D-D-F-LK
Pit: F-F-D-HP
Freeze: D-F-LP
Ice Shower: D-F-HP
Ice Shower (in front): D-F-B-HP
Ice Shower (behind): D-B-F-HP
Ice Statue: D-B-LP
Slide: B+LP+BL+LK
Treasures of Shao Kahn
Once you beat the game you get the a screen that says you have discovered
the lost treasures of Shao Kahn. From there you can pick from the below
options. But you can only pick certain ones by beating harder levels. Here's
what mode to pick to get the boxes.
Novice: 1-4
Warrior: 1-6
Master: 1-8
Master 2 (Champion) or beat the 8 player endurance match: 1-12
Treasures of Kahn
1 Tournament Outcome
2 Galaga
3 Battle With Ermac
4 Battle With Noob Saibot
5 Random
6 Fatality Demonstration #1
7 Fatality Demonstration #2
8 Fatality Demonstration #3
9 Fight Noob & Ermac
10 Fight Classic Sub-Zero & Noob
Kombat Kodes
A number means how many times you hit a button to achieve the correct
symbol. The first 3 digits of the code are entered by the left player and
the next three are entered by the right player. Each player pushes the
button in this order: LP, BLK, LK.
Show Revision 99 9 - 99 9
Disable Throws 10 0 - 10 0
Silent Kombat 30 0 - 30 0
Quick Uppercuts 78 8 - 32 2
Encourage Throws 01 0 - 01 0
Randper Kombat 44 4 - 44 4
Randper Kombat 46 0 - 46 0
Disable Block 02 0 - 02 0
No Powerbars 98 7 - 12 3
Sans Power 04 4 - 04 4
Player 1 1/2 Energy 03 3 - 00 0
Player 2 1/2 Energy 00 0 - 03 3
Player 1 1/4 Energy 70 7 - 00 0
Player 2 1/4 Energy 00 0 - 70 7
Dark Fighting 68 8 - 42 2
Unlimited R 46 6 - 46 6
Play Galaga 64 2 - 46 8
Psyco Kombat 98 5 - 12 5
P1 inflicts half damage 39 0 - 00 0
P2 inflicts half damage 00 0 - 39 0
Both P inflict half damage 39 0 - 39 0
Combos Disabled 72 2 - 72 2
Super R jumps 32 1 - 78 9
Special Moves Disabled 55 5 - 55 6
Quick Uppercuts 68 8 - 43 3
Real Kombat 04 0 - 40 4
Super Endurance 02 4 - 68 9
Regenerating powerbars 97 5 - 31 0
PUB! D.K.P. 3 0 0- 0 0 3
It Should Work! P.A.B. 2 0 0- 0 0 2
"Rain..." 2 8 2- 2 8 2
"No Fear" 2 8 2- 2 8 2
"There is no Knowlege..." 1 2 3- 9 2 6
"Hold Flippers..." 9 8 7- 6 6 6
"Don't jump at me" 4 4 8- 8 4 4
"Skunky!!" 1 2 2- 2 2 1
"Watcha gun do?" 0 0 4- 4 0 0
"Go see Mortal Kombat..." 5 5 0- 5 5 0
Kodes and Tricks
Chameleon: You have to be playing as any of the seven male ninjas. Then at
the beginning of any round, you can switch from your character to Chameleon
by holding Back, HP, HK, Run, and BLK (the same as the old Human Smoke
These codes are done at the character select screen. The regular version of
the character must be selected also. Once you do the code the character on
the bottom will explode like the old Smoke code for UMK3 and the old one
will jump out. Also the character icon will flip around into the old icon.
MK2 Kung Lao Kode: Highlight Kung Lao and tap Select to switch between
klassic and regular
MK2 Jax Kode: Highlight Jax and tap Select to switch between klassic and
MK1 Kano Kode: Highlight Kano and tap Select to switch between klassic and
MK1 Rayden Kode: Highlight Rayden and tap Select to switch between klassic
and regula
Stage Select
At the character select screen highlight Smoke or Sonya then press and hold
Start and then tap Up. Then pick your character and now you get a stage
Cheat Kode
When you're at the options screen highlight 'Game Konfigure'. From there
hold UP+R1+R2+L1+L2 for 5-seconds. You'll hear a sound and then be able to
pick rom a list of new options behind the question mark.
Instant Agression
One hit fills the aggression meter.
Reduced Damage
Does reduced damage when you hit someone.
Match exit
Pause the game during a match and tap Select. It will ask you if you want to
end the match. From there it's up to you.
Random Select
If you hold both Run buttons after you do the stage fatality on
Scorpion's Lair, you can hear Shao Kahn say "Crispy".
If you hold both HP buttons, Dan Forden will pop out and say "Crispy".
You can hold both Run buttons and both HP buttons, and you will hear
both Shao Kahn and Dan Forden say "Crispy".
Fatalities are a special move executed any time after the announcer says
Finish Him/Her. As long as you do it in the supplied amount of time. A
Fatality is something exclusive to each character where they use one of
there powers to destroy there enemy. Most characters have two Fatalities.
Friendships and Babalities
Friendships are a finishing move where your character does something that
doesn't harm your opponent (usely something really goofy). And a Babality is
a finisher that turns your opponent into a Baby. Do them after the announcer
says Finish Him/Her. They can now be done even if you use block in the
deciding round.
A Pit is a special Fatality that uppercuts your opponent into some kinda of
pit or death trap of some type. They must be done after the announcer says
Finish Him/Her and not all are done the same. See the Pits section for more
Animalities must be done on the third round after doing a mercy and after
the announcer says Finish Him/Her for the second time. When you do an
Aniamlity your guy morphs into some type of animal and attcks your opponent.
Mercy is a Finishing move that gives your opponent a small sliver of life
back. After doing a Mercy the fight contimues. If you destroy them again and
the announcer says Finish Him/Her again you can do any Finishing move you
want (Animality, fatality, Brutality, Friendship, Babality, or pit if your
on a pit background) except for another Mercy.
To do a mercy hold Run and tap down about 4 times ( I think the exact number
is 2 but I'm not sure) after it says Finis Him/Her on the third round.
Agression Meter
The agression meter is just a meter that fills up on the bottom of the
screen if you pick agressor mode that spells out Agressor and once it's
filled your moves are shadowed and do more damage.
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