E Paper - 29 - April - 2024
E Paper - 29 - April - 2024
E Paper - 29 - April - 2024
: UPENG/2007/19688
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(+126.51 ; 0.27%) VOL. 18 | ISSUE NO: 237 | Monday, 29 April 2024 | DAILY MORNING | Page 4 | Price Rs 1.00
Editorial: ‘Incredible India’ Spiderman takes Spiderwoman on a bike ride, both arrested Implementation of UCC across India is Modi’s guarantee: Shah
Nainital forest fire reaches near IAF AAP 'war room' for LS THERE IS A LOT LEFT
Leading Charge
‘Incredible India’
Here’s an unpopular opinion. Have we dropped the ball
on the ‘Incredible India’ campaign? Now, now… before we
start talking about how Lakshwadeep is more happening
than Maldives, let me elucidate. India is simply not attract-
never comparable to China, have not recovered from the
ing out foreign shores but not enough foreign tourists, es- My recent visit to a village, to
pecially quality ones, are visiting ours. participate in a programme
The ‘Incredible India’ campaign led by Amitabh Kant in felicitating teachers work-
2002 and championed by the Atal Bihari Vajpayee govern- ing in public schools, specif-
ment had come at a time when much of the western world ically Adi Dravida schools,
was wary of travelling to countries such as India. 9/11 and a organised by a group of
slew of other national and international terror events paint- scientists, enabled me to
ed a poor picture of the nation, and the tourism campaign identify a model of social
went a long way to correct that image. work that brought unfath-
The positive buzz showcased India in its glory, steeped omable consequences to
in history and beauty alike, and resplendent in its slogan the households of margin-
of “atithi devo bhava” (guests are akin to God). As per re- alised communities.
ports, the campaign helped increase foreign tourists from Scientists from the Indira
2.38 million in 2002 to 7.7 million in 2014; and yet India Gandhi Atomic Research In-
remained nowhere close to China that received a stagger- stitute, stationed near Chen-
ing 56.9 million foreign tourists in 2015. While we compete nai at Kalpakkam, formed
with China on all things, why not tourism? their staff association and
Today, almost all our endeavours are to highlight India as operated it for some time,
the favoured destination for foreign capital. Invest in India, primarily for staff welfare.
set up factories in India, become wealthy in India — but In one meeting, they de-
what of the soft powers of tourism and cultural exchange? cided to visit nearby villag-
Are we doing enough to encour- es without a fixed agenda,
age country-to-country relation- Travel and tourism seeking connection with
ship-building that is spearhead- contribute just 5.9 per the communities around
ed by tourism? And are we taking cent (as of 2022) to their institute. Witnessing
advantage and promoting an in- India’s gross domestic the dire living conditions
dustry that can create millions of product; While foreign of marginalised families
jobs and small businesses? tourist arrivals are during their visit to villages
In my overseas travels to Eu- yet to return to pre- around Kalpakkam on a
rope, I’ve often been intrigued by pandemic levels, India Sunday, particularly those of
the perception that the common squanders a golden poor and Dalit families, mo-
European has of India. From opportunity to boost tivated them to resolve to
organ theft to fear of rape, the the job-creating sector work toward transformative
depiction of our nation is woeful change in their lives.
among Europeans. A retired scientist, while
A few rave about the magical powers of yoga and Ayurve- interacting with me during
da, but most are simply scared to visit. They consume hor- the programme, shared, “as
rid tales of violence and gangrapes of foreign tourists via long as we sit in our room
social media; they see the teeming masses and are easily and laboratory we do our
overwhelmed; most importantly, they lack a balanced un- job consciously and earn
derstanding of what life in India truly is. A nation of contra- our livelihood. The moment Through 18 years of continuous work in public schools, scientists have demonstrated that Dalits and the poor are not inferior in capacity and skill
dictions and paradoxes — India is not an enigma but a coun- we move out from the four to realise that it is shame- that the government had pointed by the government strengthening the bond be-
The work done by
try to be avoided. walls of the institution and ful to send their children to provided infrastructure fa- have cooperated with the tween the community and
scientists at Indira
The European tourist may willingly travel to Thailand, Cam- connect ourself with the private schools, indicating cilities but not enough staff. teachers recruited by the the scientists.
Gandhi National Atomic
bodia, and China, but for most, India is a no-go, especially community, we find social an underestimation of their Public schools in Tamil Nadu scientists in all teaching The impactful activities
Energy Research Institute
for women travellers. Shocking cases of violence against consciousness in us and own teaching capacity. were operating with an in- and learning activities. The in schools have attracted
shows the emergence of
women and instances of gruesome rapes continue to rattle it will not allow us to sleep Therefore, the scientists sufficient number of qual- scientists have not stopped resources from external do-
a new culture of social
both Indians and foreigners. Some instances of assault of till something happens to have opted to work with ified teachers, resulting in with the appointment of nors who have begun con-
responsibility among the
foreigners have exacerbated an already notorious visage. the families which we have students from poor families a significant decline in the teachers but have also be- necting with the scientists’
middle class
Incidents such as the recent alleged gangrape of a Bra- seen in the villages. in public schools, aiming to quality of education. gun visiting the schools reg- team. Now, these activities
zilian biker tourist and her husband’s assault in Jharkhand Thus we moved out from make a significant impact The public schools were ularly and interacting with have expanded to many vil- played a culture of high civil-
have done no favours. In 2018, a British woman was al- our institution and connect- in rural areas. However, they in dire need of teachers, parents and teachers. lages due to support from ity in their activities, driven
legedly raped in Goa; in 2016, an American woman was al- ed with community in the recognise the challenges but the government had not This increased the com- donor agencies. What is solely by the desire for trans-
legedly drugged and gangraped in a five-star hotel in Delhi; nearby villages”. He empha- ahead. Firstly, they need gov- taken steps to appoint them munity’s attention to school significant about the work formative change, serving
while in 2013, a Swiss tourist was allegedly gangraped and sised the need for leader- ernment approval to work despite repeated pleas activities. Continuous moni- done by scientists at the In- as a model for public insti-
her husband thrashed. ship in meaningful activi- with public schools, cooper- from the community. The toring of the schools yielded dira Gandhi National Atomic tutions and higher learning
Police action is swift and the cases are few and far be- ties, highlighting the role of ation from the teachers, and scientists’ group also took positive results, improving Energy Research Institute is institutions nationwide.
tween, but India’s image as a safe haven for women re- Sridhar, a brilliant scientist support from students and initiative to meet with ap- attendance and pass per- the emergence of a new cul- During my participation in
mains chequered in the long-term. The foreign investor and who led the group. families. propriate higher officials to centages. During school ture of social responsibility their programme, teachers
industrialist might view India as a ready market swelling Though Sridhar is no lon- Bringing all stakeholders address this need but were visits, scientists were ac- among the middle class. appointed by the scientists
with consumers, but the average European Union (EU) cit- ger with us, his dreams have on board is no easy task unsuccessful. companied by their family Although they operate demonstrated a high level of
izen is unaware of the rich history, cultural tapestry, and been realised by his friends in rural areas. The Govern- Therefore, they have re- members, further engaging through a trust, they are commitment to their duties,
largely hospitable and kind people that Indians are. It’s to and their families. He set ment of Tamil Nadu aims to solved to address the issue both scientists and their neither a NonGovernmen- setting an example for other
be noted that here I refer to high value European tourists an example by inviting stu- strengthen the public school by appointing teachers, with families. Orientation and tal Organisation nor a civil public institutions.
with greater spending power and not the usual Russian dents from Dalit families in system through school man- their salaries being covered training programmes were society organisation; rather, Despite receiving lower
tourists that throng Goan beaches, content in thriving in a surrounding villages to stay agement committees but by resources contributed organised for final-year they are a group of volun- pay compared to govern-
peaceful country where their Russian Ruble fetches slightly in his house and provided faces difficulty in obtaining by the scientists. To recruit students to prepare for en- teers committed to bringing ment-employed teachers,
more against the Indian Rupee. necessary assistance for active cooperation from teachers for these public trance examinations into transformative change to they exhibit maturity and
So, in terms of brand-building — business scores high their education. teachers. The teachers do schools, the scientists have professional courses. marginalised households dedication in service deliv-
but tourism and cultural exchange perform abysmally low. This inspired other scien- it as a ritual, and beyond it, identified individuals with Some students from through education. ery, buoyed by the support
Contrary to what you may have been made to believe, India tists to join him in serving they are not evincing keen the necessary qualifications these schools gained ad- Through 18 years of extended by the scientists.
doesn’t feature in the global preferred tourist destinations’ the villages, contributing a interest in strengthening the in the same area, properly mission to professional continuous work in public This support includes not
list. As per the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Travel & portion of their salary to sup- schools. assessed them, and ap- courses, inspiring others to schools, they have demon- only moral support but also
Tourism Development Index comprising 117 countries, the port service activities, partic- Even the Local Body lead- pointed them with moder- focus more on their stud- strated that Dalits and the care for their children, with
top five nations are Japan, the United States, Spain, France, ularly focusing on school-go- ers have not been allowed ate salaries, not equivalent ies. Coaching classes were poor are not inferior in ca- teachers envisioning their
and Germany. We were at the 54th position, 8 spots lower ing children from poor and to participate meaningfully to those given by the govern- arranged, with some scien- pacity and skill; given edu- offspring as future scien-
than we were in 2019. Dalit families. From their in the management com- ment to regular staff. tists also acting as teachers. cational opportunities, they tists.
The Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO), compris- perspective, working with mittee. In such a way pub- Their efforts did not stop To stimulate student curiosi- are equally competent to This model should be em-
ing 1,700 in-bound travel operators, wrote to the central school-going children will be lic schools are being run in with teacher recruitment; ty, a cash incentive scheme face life’s challenges. ulated by higher learning
government in December highlighting the drop in foreign more effective and efficient Tamil Nadu. Against this they also oriented and called “Smart Test” was in- Many former students institutions in India to effect
tourist arrivals. in bringing about transfor- backdrop they have decided groomed them for their troduced. now working in companies fundamental societal trans-
The association stated that the numbers (85.9 lakh in mational change, not only to work in the public schools new roles as professionals. Both teachers and stu- have participated in the pro- formation. Currently, higher
2022) were “way below” pre-pandemic levels (3.14 crore in among the children but also to improve the school per- Through their continuous dents participated in a se- gramme, acknowledging education institutions in In-
2019). IATO proposed ways to boost foreign tourists includ- in the families. Hence, they formance. First, the scien- participation in school ac- ries of tests. The school pro- the assistance provided by dia struggle to implement
ing a 5 per cent incentive on net foreign exchange earnings have decided to work with tists’ group has decided to tivities, both the teachers gramme not only engaged scientist Sridharan. Employ- the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
for in-bound tour operators and a budget devoted to aggres- public schools. address the demands of appointed with the scien- students and teachers but ees of the Institute also re- scheme, despite having var-
sive overseas promotion. In Tamil Nadu, public the community. When they tists’ resources and those also involved the communi- member the late Mr. Sridha- ious support structures and
Infrastructure development for tourism, competitive schools are intended for the interacted with the com- appointed by the govern- ty in a continuous manner. ran, who generously opened limited resources.
package deals for foreign tourists, sops for operators, poor and marginalised. Con- munity, the villagers, most- ment have improved their Since 2005, the scientists’ his house to students for The scientists, by using
heightened safety protocols, and enhanced people-to-peo- sequently, teachers working ly parents, demanded that capacity and commitment consistent work in public study. Now led by his wife, their resources to fulfil their
ple interactions would strengthen India’s tourism fortunes. in public schools enrol their schools should have ade- to delivering services to stu- schools has dramatically im- the team continues his lega- social responsibility, present
Travel and tourism contributes just 5.9 per cent (as of 2022) children in private schools quate teachers to educate dents at the highest level of proved school performance, cy with the same dedication a model that should be ad-
to India’s gross domestic product (GDP) — a sector whose rather than in the schools their children. efficiency. garnering serious attention and capacity for leadership. opted by all higher learning
potential still remains largely untapped. where they teach. They fail Parents informed them The regular staff ap- from the community and The scientists have dis- institutions.
Secretary calls for BCCI ‘PM is scared, may even shed tears
vative features and design, & offers a comprehensive and
superior smartphone experience to the users. The realme
C Series has set benchmarks in the industry with its ad-
recognition of 35 districts
on stage’: Rahul’s fresh salvo at Modi
vanced fast charging, camera technology, and design
aesthetics. Each new generation of the C Series smart-
phones distinguishes itself by leading the segment with OUR CORRESPONDENT different districts and states.
remarkable and exciting upgrades across four critical ar- Sharma emphasized the
eas: charging, camera, storage, and design. Commenting LUCKNOW: In a bid to pro- detrimental impact this OUR CORRESPONDENT in the present scheme of
on the launch, a realme Spokesperson said, “At realme, mote cricket across all disjointed system has on things, there is “no scope”
we believe in empowering every individual with the pow- corners of Uttar Pradesh, the development of crick- VIJAYAPURA/BALLARI: Con- for Dalits, OBCs, tribals, mi-
er of technology and today marks a defining moment in Secretary of the Uttar et in Uttar Pradesh. He gress leader Rahul Gandhi norities and poor general
our journey of innovation as we proudly unveil the realme Pradesh Cricket Associ- asserted that the current on Friday took potshots at category people. “I will just
C65 5G, a groundbreaking addition to our popular realme ation, Shri. G.D. Sharma, setup leads to a wastage Prime Minister Narendra tell you a clear thing in a
C Series. As the world's first smartphone featuring the has penned a compelling of both time and resources Modi over his attack on the simple one line. The wealth
MediaTek Dimensity 6300 5G Chipset, the realme C65 letter to top officials of the for aspiring cricketers from grand old party, saying he is Modi has given to those bil-
5G is set to redefine user experience with its superior per- Board of Control for Cricket the overlooked districts. By scared and may even shed lionaires, the same money
formance and advanced features. Our realme C Series in India (BCCI). Sharma's obtaining recognition from tears on the stage. He called we are going to give to the
has always been about bringing innovative technology to missive urges the BCCI to the main body, these dis- the BJP ‘Bharatiya Chombu poor people of the country,”
more people, and with such advanced features available recognize and affiliate his tricts and their cricketing Party’. he said.
at an accessible price point, this series has indeed made organization, citing the ex- talent stand to benefit sig- Chombu in Kannada Gandhi also promised
its mark in the industry.” clusion of 35 districts from nificantly. means round water pot, lsutra”, “redistribution of and price rise, and claimed the youth that his party will
INDRAPRASTHA APOLLO HOSPITALS ACHIEVES the state's cricketing fold. Highlighting the preva- which is sometimes used wealth” and “inheritance that only Congress can erad- scrap the ‘Agniveer’ scheme
SUCCESS IN COMPLEX CARDIAC SURGERY For over eight decades, lence of similar structures in to convey emptiness and tax” charges. icate unemployment, con- if it is voted to power. He
LUCKNOW: In a recent medical breakthrough, doctors at these 35 districts have oper- other states across the na- deception. “You have heard The former Congress chief tain price rise and give peo- dubbed the scheme in the
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals successfully performed a ated independently from the tion, Sharma's plea extends the prime minister’s speech- accused Modi of ‘diverting ple their due share. armed forces offering three
complex cardiac surgery on a 54-year-old male patient state's main cricketing body, beyond Uttar Pradesh's bor- es. He is scared. It’s possi- public attention’ through “Modi has only snatched years services to the youth
with a rare condition. The patient was diagnosed with an resulting in a disconnection ders. He has taken proactive ble that he may shed tears various means. “Some- money from poor people. from 18 years to 21 years
ascending aorta aneurysm and dilated arch, along with from crucial resources and measures by reaching out on stage,” Gandhi said, ad- times he talks about China He has made some billion- as an insult to the Army
proximal descending thoracic aorta dilation. The surgery, opportunities. The lack of af- to key figures, including the dressing public meetings and Pakistan, and some- aires. There are 22 people and soldiers. “Narendra
known as "replacement of ascending aorta and arch with filiation has forced talented Chief Justice of the Supreme in the district headquarters times he will make you beat who have wealth equivalent Modi snatched the Army
frozen elephant trunk," was carried out utilizing a special- players from these districts Court of India and other dig- towns of Vijayapura and plates and ask you to switch to the 70 crore people of the jobs from the youth of India.
ized hybrid device under the expert care of Dr. Mukesh to seek opportunities else- nitaries, to garner support for Ballari in the party-governed on the torch light of your mo- country. Just one per cent He brought the Agniveer
Goel, Senior Consultant, Cardiothoracic Surgeon , Heart where, often representing his cause. state. Modi has targeted the bile phones.” He pointed out people are controlling 40 scheme, which is an insult
MoE asks CBSE to work out logistics for board exams twice a year
OUR CORRESPONDENT system will not be imple- iar with the matter stated, from the 2024-25 session, “The CBSE is currently pared the flexibility to the
mented. “The ministry has tasked but plans have since been brainstorming the schedule engineering entrance exam
NEW DELHI: In a significant Sources reveal that the the CBSE with determining deferred by a year. The new to maximise student bene- JEE, where students can opt
shift from traditional prac- ministry, in collaboration with the logistics for twice-year- national curriculum frame- fits and achieve the objective for the best score out of mul-
tices, the Ministry of Educa- the CBSE, is set to engage ly board exams. The board work (NCF), aligned with the of stress-free board exams. tiple attempts. This initiative
tion has directed the Central in discussions with school is currently ironing out the National Education Policy However, the logistical is not the first attempt to re-
Board of Secondary Educa- principals in the upcoming details, and a meeting with (NEP) 2020 and spearhead- challenges are significant, as form the board examination
tion (CBSE) to devise a strat- month to finalise the logis- school principals is sched- ed by former ISRO chairman conducting exams is an ex- system. The Continuous and
egy for conducting board tics of this new examination uled for next month.” Explor- K Kasturirangan, had sug- haustive process, necessitat- Comprehensive Evaluation
examinations biannually schedule. ing the possibility of two sep- gested a semester-based ing a flawless plan,” added (CCE) model was introduced
starting from the academic The primary challenge lies arate board exam sessions approach for 11th and 12th- the source. for Class 10 in 2009 but was
year 2025-26. in integrating an additional at the year’s end from the grade students. Released in Union Education Minister discontinued in 2017, revert-
This directive comes as set of board exams into the 2025- 26 session is under- August of the previous year, Dharmendra Pradhan, in an ing to the traditional end-
part of a broader effort to existing academic calen- way, although the specifics the framework also recom- interview last October, clari- of-year exams. Additionally, measure during the Covid aim to provide students with
overhaul the examination dar without disrupting the are yet to be determined. mended offering students fied that students would not the board exams for classes pandemic, but the conven- greater flexibility and reduce
system, although the previ- timeline for undergraduate The initial proposal aimed the choice to sit for board ex- be obligated to take board 10 and 12 were divided into tional format resumed this the high-stakes nature of
ously considered semester admissions. A source famil- to introduce biannual exams ams twice annually. exams twice a year. He com- two terms as a temporary year. The proposed changes board examinations.
Spiderman takes Spiderwoman
Nearly 61% turnout recorded in phase 2 on a bike ride, both arrested
OUR CORRESPONDENT for a high voter turnout early hattisgarh, a member of the OUR CORRESPONDENT
in the day, emphasising its Madhya Pradesh Special
NEW DELHI: The second importance for democracy. Armed Force on election NEW DELHI: The Delhi Po-
phase of Lok Sabha elec- Congress president Mallikar- duty allegedly took his own lice have arrested a couple
tions, spanning 88 constitu- jun Kharge and party leader life. who featured in a viral video
encies across 13 states, wit- Rahul Gandhi also made Additionally, a polling booth on social media, perform-
nessed a preliminary voter heartfelt appeals for people in Balod district was adorned ing stunts on a motorcycle
turnout of nearly 61 per cent. to vote in the second phase like a wedding ‘mandap’, dressed as Spiderman and
Amidst minor issues with of the Lok Sabha election. complete with traditional Spiderwoman in a bid for
electronic voting machines Post-polling, Modi ex- wedding rituals, where sever- fame, thereby violating sev-
(EVMs) and isolated incidents pressed his gratitude to the al newlyweds cast their votes eral traffic regulations.
of alleged bogus voting, the voters and noted the strong in their wedding attire. The accused has been
electoral process was large- 60.96 per cent at 7 pm, with 53.84 per cent, respectively. support for the NDA, sug- The EC reported that for identified as Aditya (20), son
ly peaceful. In certain villag- expectations that this fig- The elections included all gesting that it would lead to the first time in a Lok Sabha of Rohit Verma, a resident
es within Uttar Pradesh’s ure would increase once all 20 seats in Kerala, 14 of disappointment for the op- election, residents from 46 of Maksudabad colony, Na-
Mathura, Rajasthan’s Ban- polling station reports were the 28 seats in Karnataka, position. He highlighted the villages in Bastar and Kanker jafgarh, New Delhi, and An-
swara, and Maharashtra’s tallied. The EC also noted 13 seats in Rajasthan, 8 role of youth and women were able to vote in polling jali (19), daughter of Nand
Parbhani, local issues initial- that voters present at polling seats each in Maharashtra voters in bolstering the NDA’s booths set up in their own vil- Kishore, a resident of Gopal for riding without a mirror, pliance, prompting author-
ly led to a boycott of the polls, stations at the close of the and Uttar Pradesh, 6 seats support. In Kerala, the voter lages. Madhya Pradesh saw Nagar, Najafgarh, New Delhi. 3/181 for riding without a li- ities to reiterate their warn-
but authorities were able to polling hour were permitted in Madhya Pradesh, 5 seats turnout was 65.23 percent. a turnout of 55.77 per cent, According to the Police, the cense, 177 and 125(2) under ings against such reckless
convince the residents to ex- to vote. The National Dem- each in Assam and Bihar, 3 The election process, con- while Assam had 70.68 per rider was seen in the video CMVR/177 for general rule behavior.
ercise their voting rights. ocratic Alliance (NDA), led seats each in Chhattisgarh ducted under stringent secu- cent of its 77,26,668 voters performing dangerous stunts violations, 184 MV Act for “Engaging in such acts not
The EC said polling is now by Prime Minister Modi, is and West Bengal, and 1 seat rity measures, was mostly participate in this phase. on a bike with his friend, both dangerous driving, and Sec- only endangers the life of
complete in 14 states and vying for a stronger majori- each in Manipur, Tripura, and incident-free, barring a few In Manipur, under height- without helmets. tions 50, 51 CMVR/39/192 the rider but also the pub-
Union Territories. The second ty in what would be a third Jammu and Kashmir. instances of bogus voting ened security, the turnout Moreover, the motorcycle MV Act for not displaying a lic. Such violations of traffic
stage of the seven-phase consecutive term, while the Notable candidates in this and EVM malfunctions that was a notable 77.18 per used for the stunts in the number plate, among others. laws are dealt with strict-
election began at 7 am and Opposition INDIA bloc is aim- phase were Congress lead- caused delays in some cent. There were reports of video lacked a number plate Anjali’s involvement is ly,” a Delhi Traffic Police
wrapped up at 6 pm, with ing to recover from previous ers Rahul Gandhi and Shashi booths. However, three in- intimidation by suspected and mirror, drawing signifi- currently under investiga- spokesperson commented.
some states experiencing in- electoral defeats in 2014 Tharoor, Union minister Ra- dividuals in Kerala passed militants and altercations be- cant attention. Delhi Traffic tion, with details yet to be The case serves as a stark
tense heat. and 2019. jeev Chandrasekhar, and ac- away after casting their tween political party support- Police have booked Verma disclosed regarding her reminder of the importance
This follows the first phase, Election Commission data torturned-politician Arun Go- votes, and a polling agent ers, leading to the damage of under several sections of the charges. of adhering to road safety
which was held on April 19, indicated that Tripura had vil. BJP’s Hema Malini, Om died at a booth in Kozhikode. an EVM at a polling station. Motor Vehicles Act, includ- This incident highlights norms and the potential
covering 102 seats in 21 the highest voter turnout at Birla, and Gajendra Singh The Tripura East Lok Sabha Karnataka’s overall voting ing Sections 5/180 for rid- ongoing issues with road consequences of neglecting
states and Union Territories. 78.63 per cent, followed by Shekhawat are contesting constituency saw a turnout percentage was 64.85 per ing without a helmet, 194D safety and traffic law com- them.