Questionnaire For Academicians
Questionnaire For Academicians
Questionnaire For Academicians
information on the housing market of Dhaka city to be used for completing a PhD research that is being carried out at the department of Urban Planning and Design in The University of Hong Kong. The findings will be used only for academic purpose. The identity of the respondents will not be disclosed in any manner. Name of the respondent Institution Position of the respondent 1. Do you think there are problems regarding housing affordability for the middle and lower-middle income groups in Dhaka? Yes No 2. Do you think the housing market in Dhaka is responsive to the demand of middle and lower-middle income groups? (Please consider both rental and ownership housing. The income range of different income groups has been provided below for your reference). Yes No Income Group Low income Lower-middle income Middle-middle income Upper-middle income High Income If Yes, then how? Income Range (BDT) 5000-13199 13200-24999 25000-49999 50000-99999 100000+
3. Considering the internationally accepted standards to rate housing affordability as follows, what should be the house price to income ratio in the context of Dhaka in defining affordable housing? Rating Severely Unaffordable Seriously Unaffordable Moderately Unaffordable Affordable House price-to-income ratio 5.1 & over 4.1 to 5 3.1 to 4 3.0 or less
4. Do you think the housing and land market in Dhaka are functioning efficiently? If Yes, then how?
5. What is your remark on urban planning system and growth control mechanisms of Dhaka city? Do you think these phenomenons are helping to cope with the continuous increase in demand of housing for different income groups?
7. To ensure efficient housing and land market in Dhaka do you think the existing regulations are enough or there is lack of regulations or excessive regulations?
8. Do you think that the height restriction through the introduction of FAR is a good option considering the issue of housing affordability in Dhaka city? Please justify your opinion?
9. Do you think that the government-owned lands are being managed efficiently?
10. Please rate the performance of the government agencies responsible for housing and land management in Dhaka in the following table (1= highly unsatisfactory; 5= Highly satisfactory) Organization Ministry of housing and pubic works Concerns Governance Formulation Rating 1 2 3 4 5 of 1 2 3 4 5
related plan and policies Timely review of the regulation to avoid 1 2 3 4 5 unnecessary cost and delay Human resource Governance Coordination with other agencies Operational efficiency 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 of 1 2 3 4 5
related plan and policies Respond to demand 1 2 3 4 5 Timely review of the regulation to avoid 1 2 3 4 5 unnecessary cost and delay Practices in land management Human resource Respond to demand Practices in housing supply
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
11. What is your observation on the institutional arrangement of government agencies for urban planning, housing and land management? Do you think that the initiatives taken so far from government agencies to cope with the ever increasing housing demand are enough to ensure adequate and affordable housing to all income groups?