Math Document File 1
Math Document File 1
Math Document File 1
1. This programme is open to all Representatives and Sales Leaders.
4. Any orders placed on or after the quarter end date/ invoice cut-off date will not
be included in your sales goal amount. The exact date of the quarter end will be
communicated in 2023.
7. Levels status achieved in each quarter will carry the associated benefits into the
next quarter.
8. The awards will be earned on the basis of the personal award sales in each
quarter as set out in the brochure.
9. Achievers have a quarter to move up a level within the programme and will
receive the benefits and rewards in the following quarter.
10. The benefits of the programme is not transferrable or negotiable nor may it be
exchanged. The Company however reserves the right to substitute the
programme/programme benefits, for an article of comparable quality and
13. Representative/Sales Leaders are required to uphold the Company values at all
times, including in relation to this programme.
14. In the event that the Representative/Sales Leaders becomes a Sales Leader
during the year, they will not be excluded from qualifying to be in the
programme based on their personal award sales.
15. When a Representative/Sales Leaders qualifies for the first time in a level, the
Representative/Sales Leaders will be eligible for first-time achiever gifts:
a. Bronze, Gold and Silver first time achievement benefits will be allocated
once-off and delivered with the first order in the following quarter.
b. Platinum or Platinum Elite members will be allocated monthly gifts for the
quarter provided that they continue to stay in the Platinum or Platinum
Elite level.
c. Should a Representative/Sales Leaders move from one level to another
within the quarter, they will only be eligible for the first-time achievers’ gift
for the highest level achieved; eg. If a Representative/Sales Leader is in a
bronze status at the beginning of the quarter, moves to a silver status
during the quarter and ends on a gold status at the end of the quarter,
the Representative/Sales Leader will received the first time achievement
benefit for the gold status.
d. All first – time achievers will be invited to the Master Classes tailored for the
level achieved.
16. In addition, Representative/Sales Leaders will also be eligible for benefits laid out
in the Avon Rewards booklet for the level.
17. Representative/Sales Leaders’ can move between levels based on the below
18. Level Movements:
a. Existing Representative/Sales Leaders (LOA 4+) achieve a level after each
calendar quarter (M03, M06, M09, M12) Depending on quarterly award
b. New Representative/Sales Leaders (LOA 1-4) will automatically qualify for
Avon Rewards on completion of Representative onboarding period, will
achieve a level upon achieving LOA 5 and based on cumulative award
sales of first 3 months e.g., if the Representative/Sales Leaders achieves
LOA5 in August promotion happens then and they maintain their levels
until end of September when this is recalculated.
c. Representative/Sales Leaders who have not achieved a level will move to
the lower level based on their personal award sales after each calendar
quarter (after M03, M06, M09, M12) pending on cumulative quarterly
award sales.
Rewards Plus
21. Eligibility:
Avon may refuse to record and/or honour, it may cancel and/ or reverse any
Rewards Plus earned if:
a. the Rewards Plus were allocated in error and/or as
b. a result of fraud or pursuant to any illegal, ineligible or unauthorised
c. Avon is of the reasonable opinion that there is abuse of the Rewards Plus/
Rewards Plus Platform.
d. The account holder has been removed from Avon after being inactive for
12 consecutive months.
e. The account holder has not used/redeemed Rewards Plus earned within a
6-month period from date of allocation; and/or
f. The account holder has redeemed Rewards Plus allocated in error; the
Rewards Plus will go into a negative balance until the account holder
earns Rewards Plus increasing the balance into a positive balance.
a. The account holder can redeem Rewards Plus on the following platforms:
i. Online, via the Avon website (
b. The account holder will bear all risk and liability for any reward received in
terms of the Rewards Plus Platform and to the extent that there is any
dispute regarding any reward, such dispute must be settled between the
relevant partner and the account holder directly.
c. All non-SA account holders (Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi,
Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia & Zimbabwe) will only be able to
redeem towards Avon Credit and Avon Products.
d. Avon Credit: Once successfully redeemed, credit in the account will
reflect within 2 business days (excluding weekends).
e. Avon Products: Once successfully redeemed, product will be added to
the account within 2 business days (excluding weekends). Once loaded
onto the account – the next invoiced order will include the Rewards Plus
Avon Product in the delivery.
f. External vouchers: Once successfully redeemed the SMS with the voucher
code will be received within 5 business days (excluding weekends).
g. Rewards are subject to availability and in accordance with such
restrictions, limitations, rules, procedures, charges or exclusions as may be
applicable from time to time. The account holder will be obliged to
comply with the partner’s own terms and conditions (as may be
applicable) with effect from the redemption date.
h. The account holder must ensure that he/ she is familiar with the Rewards
Plus terms and conditions of all partners and is responsible for any cost,
charge or expense incurred pursuant to the redemption. Partners’ terms
and conditions regarding redeeming rewards may vary. Each partner’s
terms and conditions are available on their website.
i. The number of Rewards Plus required for a reward may be varied from
time to time by Avon in its sole discretion by reasonable prior notice.
j. The account holder accepts that Avon will not be obliged to redeem any
Rewards Plus that have been earned in respect of any qualifying sale or
qualifying level, if the redemption request is made after inactivity, removal
or closure of the account.