Works Tender Decision SR DEN3
Works Tender Decision SR DEN3
Works Tender Decision SR DEN3
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टेंडर कमेटी की कार्यवाही का कार्यवृत्त दिनांक Minutes of Tender Committee Proceedings Dated
निविदा संख्या Tender No: 02-KIR-ENGG-02-2024 अंतिम तिथि/समय Closing Date/Time 08/02/2024 15:00
1. कार्य का नाम Name of Work Creation of Advance Inspection centers for Inspection and
maintenance activity of Electric locomotives of Indian
Railways at Diesel Loco Shed Siliguri/SGUJ.(Extension of
SGUJ Diesel Loco shed and Construction of model room etc.)
2. निविदा सूचना संख्या Tender Notice No. DRM/W/KIRs Notice No. KIR/Engg/02 of 2024 dt 10.1.24 [0]
3. निविदा की प्रकृ ति Nature of Tender Open / Single Packet
17. Correction slip Correction Slip No.1 (SN/28-33), Correction Slip No.2
(SN/34-36), Correction Slip No.3 (SN/37-38), Correction Slip
No.4 (SN/39-40) & Correction Slip No.5 (SN/41-42)
IREPS Ref Id /
Bidder Amount Rs Mode of Payment Placed at SN
Bank Trans Id / Date
PE896421307837 / 519
440600.0 Online-CC AgEAAGpPmdV41k7iimjQQHWwdWQ= /
05/02/2024 11:26
In terms of Railway board letter No. 2017/Trans/01/policy dated Financial tabulation statement in the format automatically generated by
08.02.2018, Vetting of briefing note and financial tabulations is not IREPS works tender Module is kept at SN/524. Briefing note in the format
required. automatically generated by IREPS works tender Module is kept SN/528-530.
S No. Description
1 Technical Eligibility Criteria as under (Document in support of Technical Eligibility Criteria should be
submitted/uploaded as per Anneuxre-V of tender document) :
1.1 (a)The tenderer must have successfully completed or substantially completed any of the following during last 07
(seven) years, ending last day of month previous to the one in which tender is invited: Three similar works each
costing not less than the amount equal to 30% of advertised value of the tender, or Two similar works each costing
not less than the amount equal to 40% of advertised value of the tender, or One similar work each costing not less
than the amount equal to 60% of advertised value of the tender.
1.2 (b)(i) In case of tenders for composite works (e.g. works involving more than one distinct component, such as Civil
Engineering works, S&T works, Electrical works, OHE works etc. and in the case of major bridges - substructure,
superstructure etc.), tenderer must have successfully completed or substantially completed any of the following
during last 07 (seven) years, ending last day of month previous to the one in which tender is invited: Three similar
works each costing not less than the amount equal to 30% of advertised value of each component of tender, or Two
similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of advertised value of each component of tender,
or One similar work each costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of advertised value of each component of
1.3 Note for para 1.2 above: Separate completed works of minimum required values shall also be considered for
fulfillment of technical eligibility criteria for different components.
1.4 (b) (ii) In such cases, what constitutes a component in a composite work shall be clearly predefined with estimated
tender cost of it, as part of the tender documents without any ambiguity.
1.5 Note for Standard Technical Criteria: Work experience certificate from private individual shall not be considered.
However, in addition to work experience certificates issued by any Govt. Organisation, work experience certificate
issued by Public listed company having average annual turnover of Rs 500 crore and above in last 3 financial years
excluding the current financial year, listed on National Stock Exchange or Bombay Stock Exchange,
incorporated/registered atleast 5 years prior to the date of closing of tender, shall also be considered provided the
work experience certificate has been issued by a person authorized by the Public listed company to issue such
certificates. In case tenderer submits work experience certificate issued by public listed company, the tenderer shall
also submit along with work experience certificate, the relevant copy of work order, bill of quantities, bill wise
details of payment received duly certified by Chartered Accountant, TDS certificates for all payments received and
copy of final/last bill paid by company in support of above work experience certificate.
1.6 (b)(iii) To evaluate the technical eligibility of tenderer, only components of work as stipulated in tender documents
for evaluation of technical eligibility, shall be considered. The scope of work covered in other remaining components
shall be either executed by tenderer himself if he has work experience as mentioned in clause 7 of the Standard
General Conditions of Contractor through subcontractor fulfilling the requirements as per clause 7 of the Standard
General Conditions of Contract or jointly i.e., partly himself and remaining through subcontractor, with prior
approval of Chief Engineer in writing. However, if required in tender documents by way of Special Conditions, a
formal agreement duly notarised, legally enforceable in the court of law, shall be executed by the main contractor
with the subcontractor for the component(s) of work proposed to be executed by the subcontractor(s), and shall be
submitted along with the offer for considering subletting of that scope of work towards fulfilment of technical
eligibility. Such subcontractor must fulfill technical eligibility criteria as follows: The subcontractor shall have
successfully completed at least one work similar to work proposed for subcontract, costing not less than 35% value
of work to be subletted, in last 5 years, ending last day of month previous to the one in which tender is invited
through a works contract. Note: for subletting of work costing up to Rs 50 lakh, no previous work experience of
subcontractor shall be asked for by the Railway. In case after award of contract or during execution of work it
becomes necessary for contractor to change subcontractor, the same shall be done with subcontractor(s) fulfilling
the requirements as per clause 7 of the Standard General Conditions of Contract, with prior approval of Chief
Engineer in writing
1.7 Definition Of Similar Work : - Any work involving construction/repairing of Workshop/Industrial Shed building. Or
Any steel structure fabrication and launching works.
Standard Financial Criteria
S No. Description
1 The tenderer must have minimum average annual contractual turnover of V/N or 'V' whichever is less; where V=
Advertised value of the tender in crores of Rupees N= Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which
bids have been invited. The average annual contractual turnover shall be calculated as an average of "total
contractual payments" in the previous three financial years, as per the audited balance sheet. However, in case
balance sheet of the previous year is yet to be prepared/ audited, the audited balance sheet of the fourth previous
year shall be considered for calculating average annual contractual turnover. The tenderers shall submit requisite
information as per Annexure-XIVA, of STD/June/22 along with copies of Audited Balance Sheets duly certified by
the Chartered Accountant/ Certificate from Chartered Accountant duly supported by Audited Balance Sheet
From the above, numerically lowest quoted offer has been received from SS RAIL WORKS PRIVATE LIMITED-HYDERABAD at the
total cost of Rs. 4,92,85,650.47/- which is (-)15.20% below as corresponding to the estimated cost of the work Rs.
Evaluation of offer of 1st lowest Tenderer SS RAIL WORKS PRIVATE LIMITED-HYDERABAD:
The 1st numerical lowest offer has been received from the tenderer SS RAIL WORKS PRIVATE LIMITED-HYDERABAD.
1. Name of the work – Supply, fabrication, transportation and launching of superstructure of steel girder/composite
girder/PSC slab of following major bridges viz. Br. No. 58(7×18.3, composite girder), Br. No. 59(2×45.7, steel
girder), Br. No. 76(3×6.1, PSC slab), Br. No. 92(2×30.5, steel girder), Bt. No. 93(6×45.7, steel girder), Br. No.
103(1×76.2, steel girder), Br. No. 124(1×76.2, steel girder) and Br. No. 126(1×45.7, steel girder on newly
constructed substructure of bridges and other ancillary work in connection with Digaru-Hojai Doubling Project of N.F
[C/A No.CON/D-H/2511 Dt. 09/01/2019] (SN/512 Backside)
Type of Firm: JV ; Name of Agency: TSR-SS RAIL (JV)
Work done value:- Rs.51,61,20,680.65/- kept at (SN/534)
Date of Completion: 31.03.2022
Issued by: -Dy. Chief Engineer/CON/II, N F Railway, Maligaon & XEN/Con/MLG.
The genuineness of credential has been verified vide Deputy Chief Engineer/CON/2, N F Railway/Maligaon office L/No.
W/60/CON/D-H/MB/2017/11 dated 11.03.2024 (SN/534).
In the above work credential, it is seen that the instant tenderer has participated as "JV" having share of 49% in the firm. Hence,
the work done value for SS RAIL WORKS PRIVATE LIMITED-HYDERABAD is taken as 49% of Rs.51,61,20,680.65 = i.e,
Rs. 25,28,99,133.52/- which is more than the desired amount of Rs. 3,48,71,783.36/- (60% of 5,81,19,638.93/-).
In view of above, SS RAIL WORKS PRIVATE LIMITED-HYDERABAD is Technically eligible for this instant work as per tender
Hence, SS RAIL WORKS PRIVATE LIMITED-HYDERABAD is eligible for this instant work as per tender conditions.
7.0 दरों का औचित्य REASONABLENESS OF RATES
7.1 The schedule of the tender comprises of Schedule-A: DSR items, Schedule-B: DSR items & Schedule-C: NS items are compared in following paragraphs.
Schedule A
1 1,21,98,539.92 20.07% 1,46,46,786.88 (-)28.00% 1,05,45,686.55 25.20%
(DSR 2021 items)
Schedule B
2 92,67,222.83 20.07% 1,11,27,154.45 (-)28.00% 80,11,551.20 19.15%
(DSR 2021 items)
Schedule C
3 3,23,45,697.60 At par 3,23,45,697.60 (-)5.00% 3,07,28,412.72 55.65%
(NS items)
7.2 Discussion on Reasonability of Rates Offered against DSR 2021 Items (Schedule-A & Schedule-B):
The estimated rate of Schedule-A & B is based on DSR-2021 Items. Financial implication of Schedule-A is 25.20% & Schedule-B is 19.15% of the total estimated
value. The rate quoted by the tenderer (L-1) SS RAIL WORKS PRIVATE LIMITED-HYDERABAD against Schedule-A is Rs.1,05,45,686.55/- & Schedule-B is Rs.
80,11,551.20/- which is (-)28% below corresponding to estimated cost of both Schedule-A & Schedule-B respectively.
Final Offer
Escalation Over Offered Rate On Offered Rate Compared to
DSR 2021 Basic/Original Cost Advertised Cost Rebate
Basic Cost Estimated Cost considering the Original/Basic Rate
Items (Rs.) (Rs.) (%)
(%) (%) rebate (Rs.) of DSR 2021 Items
Sch- A 1,21,98,539.92 20.07% 1,46,46,786.88 (-)28% Nil 1,05,45,686.55 (-)13.55%
Sch- B 92,67,222.83 20.07% 1,11,27,154.45 (-)28% Nil 80,11,551.20 (-)13.55%
From the above table it can be seen that schedule –A has been quoted (-)28% below than advertised cost with no rebate.
The schedule has been escalated at (+) 20.07%. LAR-3 has been escalated at (+) 20.07% and LAR-4 has been escalated at (+) 5.00%. The accepted rates (-)
2.53% below and (-) 2.87% below respectively.
The offer of instant tenderer is (-) 13.55% below the Basic cost of work and also below than LARs considered. Hence, the rates offered seems reasonable &
Comparison of estimated rates, Net offered rates and last accepted rates for DSR-2021 Items (Schedule B) as follows-
DSR Basic/Original Escalation Over Offered Rate Final Offer Compared to
Advertised Cost Rate On Rebate
2021 Cost Basic Cost considering the Original/Basic Rate of
(Rs.) Estimated (%)
Items (Rs.) (%) rebate (Rs.) DSR 2021 Items (%)
Cost (%)
Sch-B 92,67,222.83 20.07% 1,11,27,154.45 Nil 80,11,551.20 (-)13.55% Below
LAR-1 1,56,43,635.93 20.07% 1,87,83,313.66 Nil 1,54,02,317.20 (-)1.54% Below
LAR-2 93,69,314.20 20.07% 1,12,49,735.56 Nil 83,24,804.31 (-)11.15% Below
LAR-1: LOA No. 01155980095905 dtd 22.01.2024 (SN/535-539); Name of work: At BOE :- Replacement of old aged quarters TYPE-II (10 units).
LAR-2: LOA No. 01012010098338 dtd 23.02.2024 (SN/540-546); Name of work: (A) BANIMANDIR RHSS/SGUJ -Repair/reconstruction of Boundary
wall of the school, Development of playground & Prayer ground, Vehicle parking area, Entrance gate and other ancillary works. (B) BANIMANDIR
RHSS/SGUJ - Renovation and Upgradation of Banimandir Railway Secondary School at SGUJ.
From the above table, it can be seen that the estimate for Schedule- B of the instant tender was prepared based on DSR 2021 items with escalation of
(+)20.07%. The lowest eligible tenderer has quoted is (-)28% below the advertised value of Schedule- B and the final offered value is
(-)13.55% below the basic cost of the Schedule-B.
The LARs considered for comparison are recent works based on DSR 2021 items from KIR Division having most of the items similar to the schedule
items in this instant tender, the final offered rate of LAR is ranging (-)1.54% below to (-)11.15% below. The final offered rate quoted by the instant
tenderer for Schedule B (i.e., 13.5% below) lies below the LARs.
Since, the offered rates of both Schedule-A & B are below the LARs, advertised value and basic cost of the work for this tender. Hence, the TC is of
the opinion that the rate offered against this Schedule is acceptable.
The rate quoted by the eligible tenderer (L-1) SS RAIL WORKS PRIVATE LIMITED-HYDERABAD against this Schedule-C i.e, Rs. 3,07,28,412.72/- which is (-)5%
below as corresponding to estimated cost of NS items (Schedule-C). The financial implication of Schedule C (NS items) is 55.65% of the estimated tender value.
It may be noted that NS items rates are based on LARs. There are total 04 nos. NS items in this schedule of which 03 Nos. items are having individual FI>1% .
Moreover, LAR is available only for one NS item at SI no.2 and for other two nos. NS items there are no any LARs available.
Comparison of estimated rates, Net offered rates and last accepted rates for NS Items (Schedule C) as follows-
RATE - %
RATE RATE (+) or
5 6 3 (+) 5.00 with1% RATE OF
19.00 % lower
% above rebate LARs
Design, Supply and
Installation of PEB
systems manufactured
from: i) Frame:-
Primary (Built-
up) sections fabricated
1 Sqm 2160 12582.77 27178783 46.76 11953.63 - - - - - -
from hot rolled steel
plates conforming to
ASTM A 572M Grade
345 or STM A570 grade
50 or equivalent having
minimum yield strength
Laying heavy duty
stilonite industrial
flooring with
Sqm provision of MS flat
square of grating size
up to 30cmx30cm as
2 Sqm 2160 1140 2462400 4.24 1083 1036 1036 1036 1232.84 1087.80 1005.13 1108.59 -2.31 (-) below
contractor's own tools,
plants, labours,
including vibrating
during casting as well as
proper curing, Stilonite
as par requirement etc
Providing and applying
Nitoflor EU-5-A high
Sqm 500 strength self
smooth underlay
4 conforming to BS 6319 Sqm 1050 2304 2419200 4.16 2188.8 - - - - - -
P2 & P3 for a
compressive strength
not less than 84N/mm2
LAR -5: LOA No. 01226140074278 Dated 28.03.2023 (SN/547-552); Name of work: At TDH- Development of workshop at TDH. ( Civil Engg. Works, Repairs,
flooring & P way works in existing workshop).
Since the offered rate of Schedule-C (NS Items) is below the advertised value and basic cost of the work for this tender. Hence, the TC is of the opinion that the
rate offered against this Schedule is acceptable.
8.1 Based on discussions in foregoing para, the following is recommended:
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टेंडर कमेटी द्वारा अंडरटेकिं ग: टेंडर कमेटी के किसी भी सदस्य की निविदा प्रक्रिया में भाग लेने वाली किसी भी कं पनी / एजेंसी में कोई व्यक्तिगत रुचि नहीं है।
Undertaking by TC Members: None of the Tender Committee members have any personal interest in any companies/ agencies participating in
the tender process.
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