about the positive and negative effects of supplements, the ability to compare these
Similarly, Nissen et al. (2019) conducted a study in Saudi Arabia to assess the
use, coupled with a low level of awareness about associated risks among participants.
Despite limited studies in Saudi Arabia, the study achieved a high response rate,
Furthermore, Eichhorn, Greten, and Efferth (2011) emphasized the critical role of
action, side effects, toxicities, and herb-drug interactions. Establishing guidelines for the
professionals, including physicians and pharmacists, need to counsel patients and the
general public on the benefits and risks associated with herbal drugs. Additionally,
information centers for consumers and practitioners are necessary, along with robust
evidence demonstrating the safety and efficacy of herbal products through placebo-
Hein de Vries, Emília M Pajor, Kenny C J Curfs, Sander M Eggers, Anke Oenema, How
international Delphi study, Health Education Research, Volume 34, Issue 4, August
Nissen, N., Ernst, E., Farrington, R., Alshammari, T. M., MacLennan, A. H., Wang, C.
C., Eisenberg, D. M., Calapai, G., Who, Tyler, V. E., Swerdlow, J., Aljofan, M., Jang, S.,
… Chong, Y. K. (2019, November 25). Prevalence of use and reported side effects of
Eichhorn, T., Greten, H. J., & Efferth, T. (2011). Self-medication with nutritional
bioprospecting, 1, 62-70.