HM 170 Open Wind Tunnel Gunt 769 PDF - 1 - en GB
HM 170 Open Wind Tunnel Gunt 769 PDF - 1 - en GB
HM 170 Open Wind Tunnel Gunt 769 PDF - 1 - en GB
HM 170
Open wind tunnel
x 2E
• open wind tunnel for a variety of The built-in axial fan with outlet guide • experiments with accessories
aerodynamic experiments vane system and a variable-speed drive · determine drag and lift coefficients
• homogeneous flow through the is characterised by an energy-efficient for different models
flow straightener and special operation at high efficiency. Air velocities · pressure distribution on bodies im-
nozzle contour of up to 28m/s can be reached in this mersed in a flow
• transparent measuring section open wind tunnel. The trainer is · boundary layer analysis
equipped with an electronic two-com- · investigation of flutter
A wind tunnel is the classic experiment ponent force sensor. Lift and drag are · wake measurement
system for aerodynamic flow experi- detected and displayed digitally. The air • in conjunction with the fog generator
ments. The model being studied remains velocity in the measuring section is dis- HM 170.52
at rest while the flow medium is set in played on the inclined tube manometer. · visualisation of streamlines
motion, and thus the desired flow The tube manometers HM 170.50 or
around the model is generated. the electronic pressure measurement
HM 170.55 are recommended for
HM 170 is an “Eiffel” type open wind measuring the pressure distribution on
tunnel used to demonstrate and meas- bodies.
ure the aerodynamic properties of vari-
ous models. For this purpose, air is By using the system for data acquisition
drawn in from the environment and ac- HM 170.60, the measured values for
celerated. The air flows around a model, velocity, forces, moment, displace-
such as an aerofoil, in a measuring sec- ment/angle, and differential pressure
tion. The air is then decelerated in a dif- can be transferred to a PC where they
fuser and pumped back into the open by can be analysed with the software.
a fan.
Extensive accessories allow a variety of
The carefully designed nozzle contour experiments, for example lift measure-
and a flow straightener ensure a uni- ments, pressure distributions, boundary
form velocity distribution with little turbu- layer analysis or visualisation of stream-
lence in the closed measuring section. lines.
The flow cross-section of the measuring
section is square.
G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Hanskampring 15-17, D-22885 Barsbüttel, Telefon (040) 67 08 54-0, Fax (040) 67 08 54-42, Email, Web
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HM 170
Open wind tunnel
Technical data
Measuring section
• flow cross-section WxH: 292x292mm
• length: 420mm
• wind velocity: 3,1…28m/s
Axial fan
• power consumption: 2,2kW
Measuring ranges
• force:
· lift: ±4N
Simple exchange of models: step 1 open lock and slide back measuring section, step 2 re- · drag: ±4N
move model (HM 170.08) • velocity: 3,1…28m/s
• angle: ±180°
Scope of delivery
1 trainer
1 set of instructional material
Together with HM 170.40 Three-component force sensor: measurement of lift and drag
on an aerofoil (HM 170.09) as a function of angle of attack
blue: lift force FA, red: drag FW, α angle of attack
G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Hanskampring 15-17, D-22885 Barsbüttel, Telefon (040) 67 08 54-0, Fax (040) 67 08 54-42, Email, Web
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HM 170
Open wind tunnel
Optional accessories
Drag body
070.17001 HM 170.01 Drag body sphere
070.17002 HM 170.02 Drag body hemisphere
070.17003 HM 170.03 Drag body circular disc
070.17004 HM 170.04 Drag body circular ring
070.17005 HM 170.05 Drag body square plate
070.17007 HM 170.07 Drag body cylinder
070.17008 HM 170.08 Drag body streamline body
070.17010 HM 170.10 Drag body paraboloid
070.17011 HM 170.11 Drag body concave shape
Lift body
070.17006 HM 170.06 Lift body flag
070.17009 HM 170.09 Lift body aerofoil NACA 0015
070.17012 HM 170.12 Lift body square plate
070.17013 HM 170.13 Lift body aerofoil NACA 54118
070.17014 HM 170.14 Lift body aerofoil NACA 4415
070.17021 HM 170.21 Aerofoil with slat and slot flap
070.17052 HM 170.52 Fog generator
Pressure distribution
070.17022 HM 170.22 Pressure distribution on an aerofoil NACA 0015
070.17026 HM 170.26 Pressure distribution on an aerofoil NACA 54118
070.17027 HM 170.27 Pressure distribution on an aerofoil NACA 4415
070.17023 HM 170.23 Pressure distribution on a cylinder
Other experiments
070.17020 HM 170.20 Aerofoil, spring-mounted
070.17024 HM 170.24 Boundary layer analysis with Pitot tube
070.17025 HM 170.25 Model "Bernoulli"
070.17028 HM 170.28 Wake measurement
070.17070 HM 170.70 Wind power plant with rotor blade adjustment
Measuring instruments
070.17031 HM 170.31 Pitot tube
070.17032 HM 170.32 Pitot tube, small
070.17033 HM 170.33 Pitotstatic tube
070.17040 HM 170.40 Three-component force sensor
070.17050 HM 170.50 16 tube manometers, 600mm
070.17055 HM 170.55 Electronic pressure measurement for HM 170
070.17053 HM 170.53 Differential pressure manometer
070.17060 HM 170.60 System for data acquisition
070.17061 HM 170.61 Electronic displacement measurement
G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Hanskampring 15-17, D-22885 Barsbüttel, Telefon (040) 67 08 54-0, Fax (040) 67 08 54-42, Email, Web
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