CRCC Compressed
CRCC Compressed
CRCC Compressed
Investment Thesis
After having performed our valuations, our recommendation is a
“BUY”, indeed we believe that CRCC’s shares are currently
underpriced by the market. We performed a DDM analysis, due to
constantly increasing dividends compared to very unstable cash
Company Description flows.
China Railway Construction Corp. Ltd is a The target price obtained from the model is 12.23¥.
construction corporation under the administration To check for our results, we also performed a market multiples
of the State-owned Assets Supervision and analysis, using both asset-side and equity-side multiples. The average
Administration Commission of the State Council of price suggested by the different multiples was 13.38¥, which is
China. It operates in project contracting, survey slightly higher than the DDM target price due to a slight bias given by
and design consulting, equipment manufacturing, extreme values. To control for this, we computed the average price
material and logistic. using multiples calculated on median values. In this case the price
target is 12.11¥, which is coherent with DDM results. The target price
Key Financials range is then 12.11¥-12.23¥.
Market Cap CNY 101.7B The valuation suggests that stocks are underpriced, and it hints for a
Basic Shares O/S 13579.54M “STRONG BUY” (+50%). However, given the many investment risks
52-Wk High CNY 10.25 that we pointed out and the high uncertainty deriving from investing
52-Wk Low CNY 7.24 in emerging markets, and in particular in China, we recommend a
Fiscal Year End 31-Dec-2020 more cautious “BUY”.
Company Overview
Figure 1. Annual Revenue China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (CRCC) is one of the
world’s largest construction corporation. It is headquartered in
Beijing and it is under the administration of the State-owned Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of
China (SASAC). Since 2008 CRCC is listed in Shanghai and Hong Kong
stock exchanges, with a registered capital RMB 13.58 billion. The
company provides its services in nearly 100 countries all over the
world, particularly in Asia and Africa. In the last decade CRCC has
signed several contracts with ECOWAS (Economic Community of
West African States) countries as the construction of Abuja – Itakpe –
Lokoja railway line in Nigeria and a project contract for 50,000 houses
at Port Bouët in Côte d'Ivoire.
China Railway Construction Corporation Limited main business areas
are project contracting, survey and design consulting, equipment
manufacturing, material and logistics.
Project contracting is the core business of the company and it covers
different infrastructures as railways, highways, bridges, tunnels,
Source: Minerva Investment Management water conservancy, hydropower, and urban track.
Society Through the Survey and Design section, China Railway Construction
Corporation Limited promotes the evolution of traditional design
enterprises in more comprehensive engineering companies. CRCC has
two subsidiaries, CRCC High-Tech Equipment Corporation Limited
Figure 2. Annual Net Profit/Loss and China Railway Construction Heavy Industry Corporation Limited,
that operate in the railway maintenance and equipment field.
Another subsidiary of the company is China Railway material Group
Co, which is a supplier of railway materials and an engineering
logistics system service provider. CRCC is also present in the real
estate business by adhering to the regional layout strategy and
focusing on the most developed city in the Chinese mainland.
Industry Outlook
The global construction industry value is forecasted to reach 1110
USD billion by 2024, registering a CAGR of 9.2% during the forecast
period (2021-2024), as reported by GlobeNewswire.
Key Highlights
• Numerous developed countries are predicted to experience an
Source: Minerva Investment Management infrastructure boom as many of their infrastructure is in need of
Society upgrades and repairs.
• While it is not the largest market yet, the Asia-Pacific region is set
to overtake the USA in terms of market size by the forecast date,
and it is the fastest growing region today.
• Rail transportation is increasingly seen as a better and cleaner
alternative to road transportation or even naval in some cases,
Figure 3. Value of new contracts by
due to its increases in efficiency and a global shift towards
CRCC in China
sustainable alternatives.
One setback of this industry is that it is very capital intensive, and any
project requires a considerable amount of funding, pre-planning and
Source: Statista engineering. Hence, it can take a long time for projects to get approved
and for funding to be collected; it is not uncommon for projects to be
Figure 7. CAGR of the global rolling stock market cancelled due to lack of funding. Infrastructure assets are long-term
investments characterized by high expenditure and most
governments are subject to budget constraints, legislature and
SWOT Analysis
Strengths: Positive trend for construction industry: Construction industry has
Diversified business portfolio: The company is active in registered an increasing trend in volumes (+0.6% in 2020, +27.5%
many businesses. The core one is project contracting, projected for 2025). The areas with the higher projected growth are
but it is also active in equipment manufacturing. the ones where CRCC is operating Asia, Middle East and Africa. These
CRCC has factories all over China, which allow it to areas are quickly developing in terms of GDP and quality of life: the
vertically integrate and to supply to third parties. It middle-class is in big expansion and they will need to create new
also operates in the service sector, providing financial infrastructure to keep up with increasing demand for transportation.
services (especially in the form of leasing) and Survey
and Design consultation, on top of supply chain Belt and Road initiative: CRCC is expected to benefit from the Belt and
services. Road Initiative in China. The initiative regards the creation of
infrastructure all over the world to support trade through shipping
Diversified projects portfolio: Also, the core business is lanes and especially railroads, which represent the company’s core
by itself diversified: by looking at the past and ongoing business.
projects, it is possible to notice that there is a
differentiation both in geographic terms and in terms Increasing global population: population is expected to increase to 9
of kind of facility. In fact, CRCC is active especially in billion before 2050. This growth will be driven especially by Africa and
China (about 80% of its business), but also in Africa Asia, where the company is very well positioned. The increase in
and Middle East. Furthermore, it is building railways, population will automatically drive up the need for more investments
but also highways, tunnels, bridges, residential in infrastructures.
houses, business facilities and solar panel fields.
Market position and R&D: CRCC is present in 32 Slowing growth in China: China’s GDP is still growing rapidly, faster the
Chinese provinces, in Hong Kong and Macau. The developed countries. However, over the recent years the growth rate
company is dominant in railway construction: it has has slightly decreased. The economy is in good shape, but there is still
constructed more then 50% of the Chinese railway risk of slow growth that has to be considered.
system. Furthermore, even though it is not the core
business, the firm also covers 80% of domestic Investments in politically unstable countries: A lot of investments of
demand for large rail track maintenance machinery infrastructure are in politically unstable countries (such as Pakistan,
and 50% of domestic demand for excavating Angola and Afghanistan), where governments are less trustworthy, the
machines. law system is precarious, and the risk of war is not negligible.
CRCC maintain its dominant position through the huge
focus put on research and development. Covid-19: Many projects have already been disrupted by the pandemic
and many other have been postponed, meaning that the company is
Backed by Chinese government: Given the influence of behind schedule, but recovering. This could be a problem considering
the Chinese Government and the fact that it represents the high debt the company has.
the major shareholder, there are not many
uncertainties about the company’s future
development. Indeed, since the Communist Party’s
focus right now is on infrastructure, there will be
several incentives to develop that sector through its
own company.
Chinese government influence: As just cited,
communist party influence is extremely
preponderant. This can also represent an element to
consider since Chinese companies have to face more
stringent regulations and they are continuously
monitored by authorities, elements that could be a
constrain to their growth.
Moreover, the dividend growth rate for the terminal value has been
estimated with a fundamentals’ analysis as the product of the marginal
return on equity and the retention rate.
Figure 14. Comparables’ Multiples Market Multiples Approach
China Railway Group 7.16 9.67 0.31 5.47
China Communication Construction
Company 12.03 17.01 0.83 8.03
China State Construction Engineering 7.69 7.19 0.49 5.80
Power Construction Corporation of China 13.16 19.29 1.17 9.22
Shanghai Construction Group 6.18 5.98 0.2 7.95
China State Construction International
Holding 6.50 6.52 0.87 4.02
China Gezhouba Group 8.95 11.51 0.97 9.06
China Railway Construction Company 5.51 8.46 0.30 5.27
As can be seen from the football field chart and the data,
the EV/Revenues ratio is an outlier and gives unrealistic
values for share price. This could be due to capital
intensive nature of CRCC’s business, where a relatively
large amount of assets and leverage is needed in order to
produce revenues. All the other ranges are above the
current share price, indicated by the blue line, and are
fairly consistent with each other.
Income statement
Income Statement
Millions of CNY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 2022E 2023E 2024E 2025E
Operating revenue 629327.09 680981.13 730123.05 830452.16 910324.76 983150.7408 1061802.8 1146747.024 1238486.786 1337565.729
Operating cost of sale 571377.53 618059.39 658711.27 750365.07 825987.27 890464.8464 961702.0341 1038638.197 1121729.253 1211467.593
Gross profit 57949.56 62921.74 71411.78 80087.09 84337.5 92685.89437 100100.7659 108108.8272 116757.5334 126098.136
Operating costs 27530.61 34446.27 37057.09 43651.32 46103.29 48821.72874 52727.46704 56945.6644 61501.31755 66421.42296
EBITDA 30418.95 28475.47 34354.69 36435.77 38234.21 43864.16563 47373.29888 51163.16279 55256.21582 59676.71308
Depreciation, amortisation, impairments and write-downs 1013.73 940.93 727.39 679.01 781 1113.786692 1202.889627 1299.120798 1403.050461 1515.294498
EBIT 21538.06 27534.55 33627.29 35756.76 38233.43 42750.37894 46170.40925 49864.04199 53853.16535 58161.41858
Net finance cost -2160 -2645.08 -3532.87 -2710.83 -7850 -3505.11247 -3898.91538 -4314.84231 -4754.16053 -5218.21096
Gross Income From Continuing Operations 19378.06 24889.47 30094.42 33045.93 30383.43 39245.26647 42271.49387 45549.19969 49099.00482 52943.20763
Net Extraordinary items -408.49 -3633.71 -4989.16 -5019.28 1107.12 -5818.14128 -6170.19867 -6559.80087 -6990.4541 -7465.97284
EBT 18969.58 21255.76 25105.26 28026.65 31490.55 33427.12519 36101.2952 38989.39882 42108.55072 45477.23478
Taxation on profit/(loss) 4118.74 4336.57 5266.85 5402.96 5781.88 6734.354959 7273.103356 7854.951624 8483.347754 9162.015574
Net Income 14850.83 16919.19 19838.41 22623.69 25708.67 26692.77023 28828.19185 31134.44719 33625.20297 36315.21921
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