Regla Brochure
Regla Brochure
Regla Brochure
REGLA® Overview
Regla® is a flagship automation compliance product
of NTT that provides banks and financial institutions
with a platform to meet the challenges of the changing
landscape, for their regulatory compliance needs.
Regla’s journey started in June 2008. Since the
enactment of new regulations by the Financial
Services Authority for banking, NTT has begun to
evolve following the requirements set for a small
reporting system. Gradually, Regla® developed into a
platform, consists of many different products which
has proven to help the banking and financial services
industry to comply with IFRS methodology. Regla® has
expanded to include solutions for measuring banking
performance through fund transfer pricing, cost
allocation, profitability and performance management.
Regla® RCS (Regulatory & Compliance Solution) • Risk (Apolo) module was created by NTT for banks/financial
Regla RCS features more detailed functions, including some Institutions to provide RWA (Risk Weighted Assets) reports.
that are not present in Regla IFRS and Regla RPM. In the These reports are used to determine the minimum amount
financial services industry and other highly regulated of capital that must be held by banks and other financial
sectors, legal and compliance teams are responsible for institutions in order to reduce the risk of insolvency.
communications monitoring to meet a growing number of • LLL (Legal Lending Limit) module was created by NTT
discovery requests, and to quickly identify non-compliant for banks/financial institutions to provide an LLL report.
occurrences within the organization’s activities. With increasing This report provides the maximum limit for the provision
regulatory and expenses related to compliance, financial of funds (credit facilities, securities, interbank placements,
services organizations are looking for more flexible and cost- investments, and off-balance sheet transactions) that a
effective regulatory compliance analytics tools and solutions. bank is allowed to make to a certain borrower or group
• Antasena module (a set of daily/monthly/quarterly/yearly of borrowers.
comprehensive financial and static data reports) was created • Forex and Trading module was created by the NTT for banks/
by NTT for banks/financial institutions to provide Antasena financial institutions to provide an information system of Foreign
reports, managed by Central Bank of Indonesia. This report Exchange Activities, managed by the Central Bank of Indonesia.
was created to compile the information submitted by users to The activities consist of financial assets transfer and liabilities
Bank Indonesia in an integrated manner with a uniform format between residents and non-residents population, including
according to the metadata set by the authorities. transfers of outside financial assets and liabilities between
• SLIK module (Debtor Information Report) was created by inhabitants which aims to ensure price financial stability.
NTT for banks/financial institutions to provide Debtor • Office Activity module was created by NTT for Banks/
Information System managed by the Service Authority Finance Financial Institutions to provide an information system
of Indonesia (OJK), The information system called Information of office activities reports managed by the Central Bank
Services Debtor consist of information about debtors, facilities of Indonesia. This module is able to support the required
provision of funds received by the debtor, and other related report creation process. The report is to be submitted by the
information presented based on the Debtor Report. head office to its branch offices, which conduct operational
• Basel III LCR (Liquidity Coverage Ratio) & NSFR (Net Stable activities both in and outside Indonesia.
Funding Ratio) module are reporting systems created by NTT • Basel III – IRRBB1 (Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book)
for banks/financial institutions to give LCR and NSFR value. module was created by NTT for banks/financial institutions
Both ratios pursue two different complementary goals: the to provide the reporting systems with information on the
objective of the LCR is to promote the short-term resilience bank/financials’ changes in economic value of equity and net
of the liquidity risk profile of banks/financial institutions; interest income under each of the prescribed interest rate
while the goal of the NSFR is to reduce the funding risk over a shock scenarios.
broader time horizon.
Below details how each stakeholder would benefit from the inclusion of REGLA products in their business processes:
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