Foroni 2018
Foroni 2018
Foroni 2018
Assessing the predictive ability of sovereign default risk on exchange rate re-
PII: S0261-5606(17)30239-5
Reference: JIMF 1867
Please cite this article as: C. Foroni, F. Ravazzolo, B. Sadaba, Assessing the predictive ability of sovereign default
risk on exchange rate returns, Journal of International Money and Finance (2017), doi:
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Assessing the predictive ability of sovereign default risk on
exchange rate returns∗
Deutsche Bundesbank
Free University of Bozen/Bolzano and BI Norwegian Business School
Bank of Canada
The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors. No responsibility for them should be attributed
to the Bank of Canada or the Deutsche Bundesbank. We thank for their useful comments on a previous version
the Editor, two Referees, Michiel de Pooter, Barbara Rossi, Marcin Jaskowski, Gerdie Everaert, Job Swank,
Louis Morel and conference and seminar participants at Bank of Canada, the Center for Operations Research and
Econometrics (CORE) at Universite’ catholique de Louvain, Norges Bank, the 23rd Symposium of the Society
for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, the 3rd Annual Conference of International Association for Applied
Econometrics, the 21st International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance and the 69th European
Meeting of the Econometric Society, for very useful comments.
Assessing the predictive ability of sovereign default risk on
exchange rate returns
Increased sovereign credit risk is often associated with sharp currency movements. There-
fore, expectations of the probability of a sovereign default event can convey important in-
formation regarding future movements of exchange rates. In this paper, we investigate the
possible pass-through of risk in the sovereign debt markets to currency markets by proposing
a new risk premium factor for predicting exchange rate returns based on sovereign default
risk. We compute it from the term structure at different maturities of sovereign credit de-
fault swaps and conduct an out-of-sample forecasting exercise to test whether we can improve
upon the benchmark random walk model. Our results show that the inclusion of the default
risk factor improves the forecasting accuracy upon the random walk model and alternative
models provide less accurate predictions.
JEL Classification: C22, C52, C53, F31.
Keywords: Exchange Rates, Forecasting, Sovereign Risk, CDS, Term Structure Models
1 Introduction
Since the seminal work of Meese and Rogoff (1983a,b, 1988), exchange rates have been known
to be nearly impossible to predict. Later attempts to beat the random walk (RW) benchmark
using economic variables derived from theoretical exchange rate models find a general failure of
these models, demonstrating that the so-called “Meese and Rogoff” puzzle is not easily solved
(see Rossi (2013) for a review of the literature). However, in the same studies, Meese and Rogoff
(1983a,b) provide a potential explanation for their results: time-varying risk premia could be an
important determinant of their findings. This view receives further support in subsequent works.
Hodrick (1989) argues that risk premia should be included in rational expectations models that
study exchange rates as an asset market equilibrium. More recently, Alvarez et al. (2009) build
on the well-known observation by Cochrane (2001) that most returns and price variations come
from variations in risk premia, and develop a model of exchange rates that shows compelling
evidence that variation in risk premia is a prime mover behind variation in asset prices. All
this evidence directs our attention to the critical role played by risk premia in exchange rate
In this paper, we investigate the role of risk premia from a new angle. We focus on the
predictive relationship between exchange rates and expected sovereign default risk, and we
the probability of rare but extreme economic disasters, such as a default event. These extreme
events correspond to bad economic times and therefore they can matter disproportionately for
the determination of asset prices despite their low probability of occurrence. This is formalized
in the Rietz-Barro hypothesis (Rietz, 1988; Barro, 2006), which states that the possibility of rare
disasters such as an economic depression is a major source of risk premia in asset prices.1 In a
recent paper, Farhi and Gabaix (2016) develop a theoretical model of exchange rates in which
they allow for extreme negative economic downturns to occur at any point in time. They show
that countries differ in terms of their riskiness and this translates into the extent to which their
It is important to note that this literature differs from the so-called peso problem literature (Lewis, 2008),
which assumes no risk premia.
exchange rates would depreciate should a default occur. In particular, they claim that because
the exchange rate is an asset price whose risk affects its value, relatively riskier countries have
more depreciated exchange rates. Building on this hypothesis, we contribute to the existing
literature by investigating whether the inclusion of expected sovereign default risk as a new
In our empirical assessment, we evaluate whether the inclusion of expected sovereign default
risk for 10 economies—7 advanced and 3 emerging economies—in relation to that of the U.S.
helps improve the out-of-sample (OOS) forecast of exchange rate returns. We obtain our measure
of expected sovereign default risk from the term structure of a cross-section of sovereign credit
default swap (SCDS) spreads at four different maturities over the period from 2012 to 2015.
SCDS contracts act as a form of insurance to hedge against investors’ risk-neutral probabilities
of extreme credit events impinging on sovereign issuers. Therefore, by exploiting the term struc-
ture of SCDS spreads at different maturities, one can infer credit market default expectations
embedded in market data (Pan and Singleton, 2008). Moreover, we stress that what matters
is the perception of the risk in one country relative to the other benchmark countries (i.e., the
U.S.), and in our empirical approach we compute the default risk factor using a one-factor term
structure model of SCDS spreads market data for each country in real time and derive a relative
measure by taking the difference across countries. Our empirical approach assumes that one
factor is enough to account for the time-series dynamics of the term structure of SCDS spreads.
This modeling choice is motivated by the fact that the series of SCDS contracts at different ma-
turities present a high level of co-movement across the series, which is confirmed by a principal
components analysis.
Our findings suggest that relative sovereign default risk perceptions are important for pre-
dicting exchange rate movements, especially at shorter horizons. To be precise, we find strong
evidence of predictability of exchange rates by the default risk model at the horizon of one day
ahead. In 9 out of 10 cases considered in our analysis, our model based on the default risk factor
obtains a better forecasting performance with respect to the RW benchmark. In 7 cases, the
improvement is statistically significant. For weekly and monthly forecast horizons, results are
more mixed, with the default risk factor model still economically improving upon the benchmark
for most currencies, but with statistical significance in only 4 cases. Finally, when we account
for the forecasting performance of our models over time, we find that for the default risk model,
for several countries most of the gains take place at the beginning of our OOS period—fourth
quarter of 2013 and first quarter of 2014—and at the end of it—fourth quarter of 2014 and first
quarter of 2015. At the time of the first period, the U.S. economy showed the first signs of
recovery, which changed the relative risk perception of other countries, and this helps to predict
the beginning of the appreciation of the dollar. The second period coincides with the beginning
Our empirical approach is further supported by another strand of literature that explores the
implications of a sovereign default for exchange rate determination. In an early work, Krugman
(1979) shows how large, unsustainable budget deficits can lead to currency attacks. Reinhart
(2002) presents a comprehensive study on the relationship between actual sovereign defaults
and currency crisis. She finds a strong association between the two events, and that sovereign
default events often lead to currency crises. Recently, Lukkezen and Bonam (2014) developed
an extended New Keynesian model to allow for sovereign default risk and found that a rise in
Additionally, our work contributes to extending the literature that explores the role of risk
factors as non-traditional drivers of exchange rate movements. This literature has, so far, focused
mainly on the in-sample analysis. An example of this is Lustig et al. (2011), who are the first to
show that large co-movements among exchange rates of different currencies support a risk-based
view of exchange rate determination. Furthermore, Verdelhan (2015) finds that two risk factors
account for a substantial share of individual exchange rate time-series dynamics in developed
countries. He also presents some economic interpretation for these factors by naming them the
dollar and the carry factor. The dollar factor captures the average change in the exchange rate
of all other currencies relative to the U.S. dollar, while the carry factor refers to the change
between portfolios of high and low interest rate currencies. Our work also adds to the existing
literature in a similar fashion by identifying a specific class of risk in the risk premia of exchange
rates. Finally, another study closely related to our present work, Della Corte et al. (2015)
conducts an in-sample analysis on the explanatory power of SCDS spreads in deviations from
the corresponding U.S. spreads on exchange rate returns. They find a strong link between
exchange rate changes and SCDS spreads changes and, in particular, that global credit risk is
Our results also contribute to the analysis of the importance of sovereign default risk for
developed countries’ currencies. Historically, the analysis of the relationship between a country’s
creditworthiness and currency crashes was centered on developing countries. However, in recent
years, markets have started paying attention to measures of default risk perceptions also for
developed countries that are a long way from a default event and for which the economic outlook
has remained stable. Our results present evidence to support the notion that expectations
The outline of the paper is as follows. Section 2 describes the SCDS spreads term structure
model. Section 3 presents the data and the sample specification. The empirical specification of
our forecasting model is discussed in Section 4 and results are presented in Section 5. Section 6
In this section, we briefly outline a standard reduced-form pricing model of credit default swap
(CDS) spreads that we use to obtain the implied default risk factor following the work of Pan
and Singleton (2008). The full details on the model, including its full state-space representation,
We extract the risk factor by way of the term structure of a cross-section of CDS spreads at
four different maturities. The underlying assumption is that CDS spreads at different maturities
are driven by one latent factor that is specific to the sovereign default risk of each country. The
term structure of CDS spreads. In Table 1, we show that it is indeed the first principal component
that presents the highest share explained of the total variance in the data for all regions included
in our sample.
The price of a CDS contract of maturity τ at time t is defined by the ratio of the so-called
default leg and the fixed leg, such that
cdsτ t = (1)
Lfτ tixed
where τ refers to the maturity of the contract and t is the time period.
The default leg is equal to the expected payment that the buyer of the CDS contract will
receive from the issuer in case of a default event. The fixed leg, in contrast, is the sum of
discounted CDS premium payments, taking into account the probability that default never
occurs, plus a one-time accrued premium payment made at the time of default. In line with Pan
and Singleton (2008), who argue that a constant recovery rate assumption is not unreasonable
for the sovereign debt market, we keep it constant and fixed at 40%.
Following the steps outlined in Appendix A, it is possible to write the model in a state-space
form. In particular, the CDS spreads yτ t for maturity τ (where τ = 1, 3, 5, 10) in period t can
yτ t = cds(λt , Θ) + ετ t (2)
where cds(λt , Θ) is the price of the CDS. The price is therefore a nonlinear function of a latent
factor λt . The vector of hyper parameters is given by Θ and ετ t is the measurement error term
specified as white noise Gaussian processes ετ t ∼ W N (0, σε2τ ). The latent factor λt follows an
AR(1) process,
where φ0t and φ1t are defined as φ0t = θ(1 − e−κ∆t ) and φ1t = e−κ∆t , with ∆t being the time step
between observations. The error term ut is a white noise Gaussian process ut ∼ W N (0, ση2 ). We
estimate the Gaussian nonlinear model given by eqs.(2) and (3) and obtain the factors using the
extended Kalman filter. In Table 2, we present the estimated maximum likelihood parameters
of the model.
In this section we describe the data, present some summary statistics and discuss the sample
We use data for seven developed economies: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Japan, United
Kingdom, the euro area and Australia; and three emerging economies: South Africa, Mexico
and Indonesia. We take the U.S. as benchmark country. These ten economies constitute an
interesting sample for at least two reasons. First, the seven developed economies constitute the
main economic regions of the developed world and they are open economies that are perfectly
financially and economically integrated in the global economy. The emerging economies are
less integrated in global financial markets, but they represent Africa, Latin America and Asia,
respectively. Second, all ten countries have largely independent currencies that are among the
most traded in the foreign exchange market. All data are obtained from Thomson Reuters via
We use daily data over the period from 2 January 2012 to 11 March 2015. This gives a total
of 833 daily observations. Our sample period is determined by the timing of regulatory reforms
affecting the functioning of the SCDS market and the start of monetary stimulus policy programs
In an attempt to reduce the destabilizing effect of excessive speculative use of SCDS in-
SCDS. In other words, holding SCDS contracts with no offsetting position in the underlying
debt was no longer allowed. The timeline for the policy goes as follows: on 15 November 2011,
the European Parliament formally adopted the proposed regulation, the final version of which
was passed and announced on 14 March 2012 and finally went into effect on 1 November 2012.
Changes in the trend of net notional amounts outstanding in the SCDS market since the end of
2011 show that investors started incorporating the effects of such a ban long before it officially
went into effect the following year (IMF, 2013). This presents evidence that the new regulatory
setting forced much of the speculative trading in SCDS out of the market, so that the prices
allow for a cleaner identification of the fundamentals. A stable regulatory timeline is key to our
present analysis, and thus we restrict our sample to the period after markets started pricing in
the new regulatory framework and no further legal reforms were introduced.
Although the new regulation applies to trading in the European Economic Area sovereign
debt obligations, new regulatory changes were indeed a more global trend. For instance, over the
course of 2012, Japan introduced new regulations and amendments to existing legislation related
to the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives trade to which SCDS belong. Furthermore, most of
the economies included in our sample are heavily linked to the European financial markets.
The end of 2014 and the first quarter of 2015 was the time when most of the countries in our
sample started, extended or sustained their monetary stimulus policy programs. In the E.U.,
QE started by March 2015 while Denmark introduced negative rates (a sort of undercover QE)
in January 2015 and Sweden in February 2015. Furthermore, in October 2014, the Bank of
Japan (BoJ) decided to increase the amount of asset purchases to U80 trillion per year. During
this time, the Bank of England (BoE) decided to keep its benchmark rates at record lows and,
by the end of March, to put on hold any move to increase the rates. All these events took place
while the U.S. was moving in the opposite direction by ending its QE program and therefore
reinforcing disparities with the rest of the largest developed economies around the world.2
We use SCDS spreads to obtain our measure of the default risk factor. SCDS contracts are used
to hedge against the default risk in the underlying sovereign bonds and therefore convey reliable
information on the market-implied expectations of sovereign default; see, for example, Pan and
Singleton (2008); Duffie et al. (2003); Christensen (2007); Jaskowski and McAleer (2013). Over
time, this market has become highly liquid and thus provides a better measure of sovereign
default risk than the corresponding bonds market, which also prices other risks such as inflation
risk, or credit agencies rankings, which are often slow to react to economic changes and are
We use daily SCDS spreads at four different maturities: 1-year, 3-year, 5-year and 10-year,
We also tried to run our analysis on a completely different sample, going from 2008 to 2011, which corresponds
to the period of the financial and the initial part of the European debt crisis (compatible with data availability).
The results show that the CDS alone are not able to improve predictability, most likely because of too many
confounding factors driving the exchange rates, and the economy in general, in those years, especially for the
European countries. However, some predictability is found for Japan, Australia and South Africa, especially at
one day forecast horizon. Results are available in Appendix B.
for all 10 economies included in our sample. The choice of the maturities is tailored to capture
the entire range of the yield curve while ensuring the inclusion of the most liquid maturities.
Contrary to the corporate case, where most of the trading is concentrated in the 5-year segment
only, for sovereign reference entities, trading is more spread out across different maturities.
Augustin (2014) documents that shorter maturity contracts (1-year or less) and those in the
more than 1- to 5-year segment account for roughly 87% of total volumes.
Our spreads correspond to SCDS contracts with full restructure clause, senior unsecured and
denominated in U.S. dollars. Similar to Pu and Zhang (2012) and Hui and Chung (2011), for
the case of the Euro area, we construct two separate representative Euro aggregate measures,
one for the core countries3 —namely, France, Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium—and a
second one for the peripheral countries—Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland.4
Summary statistics are presented in Table 3. Figure 1 shows the evolution of the SCDS
throughout time at the different maturities. In general, the particularly turbulent period af-
fecting sovereigns between 2012 and 2013 is clearly noticeable in the higher rates. It is also
noticeable in the graphs the increase in the US SCDS during the taper tantrum that took place
around two main events: Ben Bernanke’s—then president of the Fed—press conferences on the
22 May and 19 June 2013. In those occasions, Bernanke talked about the possibility of the
Fed cutting back on their asset purchasing program, which caused a market turmoil with funds
flowing rapidly into the US. This caused depreciations in all currencies in our sample with the
larger effect seen in the non-European countries—Australia, South Africa, Mexico and Indone-
sia. Finally, one thing to note is that the jump did not cause an homogeneous increase across
the whole term structure but rather it concentrated in certain maturities. This is an example of
the importance of our term structure approach to estimating the default risk factor which does
Our idea on splitting the Euro area in Core vs Periphery is based on the consideration that the movements
in the Euro can be driven by the risk perception regarding certain countries, given that the European Debt crisis
hit hard especially the Periphery countries. However, we replicated the results also for the whole Euro area, and
the results are in line with those of the Periphery, hinting to the fact that these countries had a strong influence
on the movements of the Euro currency. Results are available upon request.
As customary in the sovereign debt market literature, Greece is not part of our peripheral countries sample.
The explosive behavior of the Greek CDS spreads may affect our estimations. Furthermore, it underwent an
actual default event in 2013.
not rely on one maturity in particular but rather exploit the full information content embedded
The exchange rate data are daily nominal spot exchange rates expressed as the price in units
of the domestic currency relative to the U.S. dollar (meaning that an increase in the exchange
rate is a depreciation of the domestic currency). Summary statistics are presented in Table 4.
The 10 economies included in our data and their corresponding currency names and codes are
krone (DKK); Japan—Japanese yen (JPY); United Kingdom—British pound (GBP); Euro
show the sample correlations among all the different currencies in our sample. Figure 2 shows
In our empirical analysis, we calculate log exchange rate changes at the daily frequency for
the different forecasting horizons. We provide more details on the choice of forecasting horizons
in Section 4.
For the objective of our paper, we exploit the factors described in Sections 2 and 3, to see
whether they help improve the predictability of exchange rates. We employ a linear regression
framework where we regress the exchange rates on the default risk factor differentials. In this
way, we explore the role of the default risk factor as a non-traditional driver of exchange rate
We employ a recursive forecasting scheme, generating forecasts 1, 5 and 20 days ahead.5 Our
sample spans from 2 January 2012 to 11 March 2015. Our first estimation sample stops on
Five days correspond to one week and 20 days to one month.
6 November 2013, and we recursively expand it to produce OOS forecasts over the period 7
November 2013 to 10 March 2015. The starting date for our OOS is set one week after the
bilateral liquidity swap arrangement (central bank currency swap (CBCS)) between the main
six central banks was made standing. In financial markets, the CBCS involves two currencies
and allows for the possibility of making the currency issued by one central bank available in
the constituency of the other central bank(s) involved in the swap arrangement. Therefore, the
CBCS alleviates monetary and financial instability by reducing foreign currency liquidity risk.
This regulatory change is key to our analysis for at least two reasons: first, the new permanent
status of CBCS is central to protecting the free movement of capital between countries and
investments in different currencies; second, as for the choice of the end of our total sample
We compute our h steps-ahead forecast using the factors in deviations from those corre-
sponding to our benchmark country, the U.S. In particular, forecasts based on our default risk
∆st+h = γ + β ∆xDR
− ∆x DRU S
t + εt+h (4)
where ∆st+h is the log difference of the h periods ahead (where h = 1, 5, 20), exchange rate
returns are defined as ln(St+h ) − ln(St ), ∆xt is the first difference of the default risk factor
for country j, where j = d, U S with d being the domestic country, γ is the drift parameter and
εt+h ∼ W N (0, σ 2 ).
To evaluate the accuracy of the forecasts produced by our models, we look at the mean squared
evaluate whether the differences in the MSPEs between our models and the RW benchmark are
significant we use the Clark and West (CW) test (see Clark and West (2007) for details on the
test). The CW test is a test of OOS population-level predictability, in which under the null
hypothesis, the extra parameters in the extended model are jointly equal to 0.
While the CW test allows us to evaluate the global OOS performance of our models, we
are also interested in examining the local relative performance over the OOS period. Following
Welch and Goyal (2008), we investigate whether and how the squared prediction varies over
time by a graphical inspection of the cumulative squared prediction error difference (CSPED):
CSP EDk,t+h = fbk,s+h ,
where fbk,t+h = e2RW,t+h − e2k,t+h , with e2RW,t+h the squared error of the RW model to predict yt+h
and e2k,t+h the squared error of one of the k alternative models (where k = 1, 2, 3). Increases in
CSP EDk,t+h indicate that the model alternative to the RW benchmark predicts better at the
OOS observation t + h.
5 Results
This section presents the empirical results of the forecasting performance of our models based
on default risks using the framework described in Section 4. We start by testing the evidence of
the in-sample (IS) predictability in Section 5.1, then we move to the core of our results, that is
to the evaluation of the out-of-sample forecasting performance of our model in Section 5.2. In
Section 5.3 we finally look at the forecasting performance of our model over time.
Before moving to our core results on out-of-sample forecasting performance, we start with an
in-sample predictability analysis for our relative default risk measure to exchange rate returns.
In Figure 3 we present evidence using a sequence of recursive estimation windows starting at the
2 January 2012 to 6 November 2013 sample, same as in the forecasting exercise for the case of
h = 1. For all countries in our sample but Japan and for all estimation window considered, the
estimated β is positive. A positive estimated coefficient goes in line with our a priori expectations
that countries with higher relative expected default risk will have a more depreciated currency.
Also, all countries but Norway, Sweden and the UK estimated coefficients are significant at the
90% confidence interval for all time samples.
Furthermore, we tested for causality between exchange rate returns and our default risk
measure. In particular, we tested the null hypothesis that exchange rate returns do not granger
cause the changes in our relative sovereign default risk measure for any of the economies in our
sample. Our results in Table 6 show that for all but three countries in our sample—Denmark,
In Table 7, we present the MSPEs of our proposed default risk model with SCDS factors relative
to the RW benchmark for different currencies and different horizons: h = 1, 5 and 20 days ahead
(which correspond to forecasting the exchange rate one day, one week and one month ahead).
A ratio smaller than 1 implies that the model under consideration beats the RW benchmark at
that specific horizon. Moreover, we report the p-value for the CW test to detect whether the
differences in the MSPEs are statistically significant (for further details on the test, see Clark
As a general remark, we find strong evidence of predictability of the exchange rates. Our
default risk model economically outperforms the RW for all the currencies, except for the British
ity is statistically significant at 10% level. Even for h = 5 and h = 20, our results are comforting:
in most cases we beat the RW, although for the longer forecast horizon the improvement is sta-
tistically significant for fewer currencies than for h = 1. One possible explanation for the lack
of predictability of the British pound could be the similar behaviour of the US and the UK
in terms of fundamentals over our sample. The two countries were the first hit by the global
financial crisis, but they also reacted more promptly than others: for example, both the Federal
Reserve Bank and the Bank of England implemented the quantitative easing policy already in
late 2008, early 2009. Given that our default risk measure is relative to the U.S., this similarity
between the countries results in no significant effect of the relative default risk measure.
The larger statistical gains with p-values lower than 5% are for the Scandinavian countries.
For these countries, the risk of default is small and stable over the sample; however, we stress
that what matters is the perception of the risk in one country relative to the other benchmark
countries (i.e., the U.S.). Compared with the U.S., for example, the Scandinavian countries were
considered much safer in 2012 than at the period starting from the second half of 2013 and during
the following year, when the U.S. economy showed the first signs of resilience. The perception
of risk in an economy can therefore have changed over time even if economic fundamentals
of the country have remained stable. Our model exploits exactly the changes in the relative
risk perceptions to provide more accurate forecasts. Similar reasoning can also be applied for
A different story applies for the Euro peripheral countries: the most acute period of the
Euro debt crisis was in the second semester of 2011 and in 2012, before a series of actions by
the ECB from the second part of 2012 to 2014 and the quantitative easing plan from the end
of 2014 stabilized and improved the sustainability of the Euro peripheral countries, providing
Mexico and Indonesia experienced a period of relative political calm during our sample,
allowing risk perception to be related to economic performance and reforms more than political
Finally, Japan and South Africa were respectively dominated by two major events: Abe-
nomics for Japan and gold dynamics for South Africa as the largest exporter in the world. The
short-term effects of these two phenomena on the domestic economies are not clear and our
Our sample period is characterized by several shocks, and especially by the European debt crisis
and all the subsequent actions that followed. Such shocks might have changed the predictability
of our model over time. In Figure 4, we present the CSPED to shed light on possible changes
in the predictability over the OOS period. Increases in CSPED indicate that our default risk
Looking at the default factor performance, we see that most of the gains for several countries
take place at the beginning of our OOS period—fourth quarter of 2013 and first quarter of
2014—and at the end of it—fourth quarter of 2014 and first quarter of 2015. For the middle
part of our OOS period, the relative perception of the other countries with respect to the U.S.
weakened and predictability is lost for all but Mexico and Indonesia. During the later period,
default conditions relative to the U.S. did not change because of a convergence of policies of
each country with those of the U.S., and therefore our model cannot exploit enough information
For the Scandinavian region, Norway and Sweden present the largest and only gains toward
the end of the OOS period. For both, the breaking point was the end of the asset purchase
program of the Federal Reserve (the Fed) in the U.S. by the end of October 2014 (point o);
at this point, the CSPED changes direction and, shortly afterward, we obtain very large gains
from our SCDS model. This could be related to a change in perceptions as the ECB was moving
toward more stimulus and the U.S. was coming out of it. Furthermore, the persistent low oil
prices were a heavy drag on Norway. In the case of Denmark, there is predictability at the
beginning of the OOS period when the U.S. started to show signs of resilience, and problems
in Euro zone countries began to influence the Danish outlook. However, gains are lost after the
Danish National Bank (DNB) raised deposit rates by the end of April 2014 (point g). Given
the low inflation rates at the time, this could have been taken as a positive signal that reflected
good underlying fundamentals. By mid-January 2015, when the ECB announced its quantitative
easing program (point s), predictability returns as a result of fears that Denmark wouldn’t be
able to support its currency peg with the Euro. In early February 2015, the DNB decreased
its benchmark rates into negative territory (point t) and fears decreased, only to increase again
In the case of Japan, the picture is very similar, although the reasons behind it are quite
different. At the start of the OOS period, Japan was taken as a safe haven in relation to the
U.S.; however, this was lost after the value added tax (VAT) rate hike in April 2014 (point f),
which resulted in a large contraction in consumption and output. At that point, all gains in
our SCDS model are lost. By the third quarter of 2014, while the U.S. was showing signs of
resilience, Japan fell back into recession (point r) and the perception of relative default risk went
up, allowing our model to exploit some of this information. This was reinforced after the Fed
ended its assets-buying program (point o) and the BoJ extended its bond-buying program in
For the U.K., all predictability is found at the beginning of the OOS period and reaches
its peak by early July 2014 when gross domestic product (GDP) growth reached its highest
level since the crisis (point k). After this point, the CSPED changes direction and begins its
downward trend. Shortly afterwards, all gains are lost because there was no variation in the
In the case of the Euro, both core and periphery factors loose the initial predictability gains
after the ECB cut rates into negative territory (point j). The relative perception of default risk
started to matter again after the Fed stopped its asset purchases (point o) and it continued to
increase after the ECB announcement and implementation of its quantitative easing program
Australia presents a similar pattern to the rest of the countries, with a clear increase in
predictability after the change in policy by the Fed. As the Australian dollar serves as an
investing currency in carry trade strategies, most of the observed changes can likely be explained
South Africa shows gains at the start of the sample, which start to fade out after the South
African Reserve Bank increased the repo rates by the end January 2014 (point d), only to be
regained after the Fed exited its quantitative easing program (point o).
Finally, for both Mexico and Indonesia, predictability is present through the entire sample
period. Some of the relative risk perceptions for Mexico seem to decrease after energy reforms
were made law, supporting the incumbent president’s reputation (point m). As expected, after
the Fed ended QE, Mexico’s perceived relative vulnerability increased as capital flew back to
the U.S., and our model’s performance improves. For Indonesia, predictability gains are overall
quite high and volatile, with one large reduction in predictability in early July 2014, when a
new president was elected and political uncertainty was reduced (point l).
6 Robustness
In this section, we verify the robustness of our results in different ways. First, we look at
a different measure of our default risk factor. Second, we consider a measure of global risk
factor. Finally, we compare our results with those obtained with a battery of other models used
for predicting exchange rates with data at daily frequency: a standard uncovered interest rate
parity (UIP) model with short-term interest rates, a model with the oil price as predictor, a
model with the VIX as a predictor, and a model with the TED spread, defined as the difference
between the LIBOR interbank market interest rate and the risk-free Tbill rate. While the VIX
represents a measure of uncertainty, the TED can be considered a proxy for funding liquidity.
These models cover a broad sprectrum of alternative benchmarks in the exchange rate literature.
In the present paper, we chose to model the default factor based on a term structure model.
This approach offers multiple advantages such as a more complete mapping of the cross-maturity
relationship over time. However, it is also possible to obtain a quicker and simpler approach
using the raw data of SCDS spreads. Tables 8 and 9 present the forecasting results of the default
factor model versus the RW model using the 5-year SCDS rates and the across maturities simple
average, respectively. The results show that even considering a less sophisticated measure of
the default factor, the improvement over the RW model still persists. For a visual idea on the
default risk factors for credit spread and the underlying SCDS raw data see Figure 5.
Della Corte et al. (2015) note that the association between currency returns and sovereign
credit risk of individual countries can be driven also by global sovereign risk. As a robustness
check of our default risk measure, we redo our OOS forecasting estimations using an alternative
measure based on a global SCDS factor computed as an equally weighted average of our default
risk measure across all countries except the country being forecasted in each regression. For
instance, for the forecasting regression of the Norwegian krone (NOK), the global SCDS measure
is constructed with Norway excluded. This is done to allow for global influences only and rule
out potential country-specific effects. Overall, the OOS predictability results shown in Table 10
for the global measure are good but significance is rather weak, especially at the weekly and
monthly horizons. These results are in line with the evidence presented by Augustin (2014),
who argues that during times of stress and for those countries undergoing financial turmoil,
country-specific factors tend to be more relevant, while global risk factors have been found to
be important for samples of more stable countries and during non-crisis periods.
As a further robustness, we consider four competing models to predict exchange rates: a standard
uncovered interest rate parity (UIP) model with short-term interest rates, a model with the oil
price as predictor, a model with the VIX as a predictor, and a model with the TED spread.
Results about their forecasting performance relative to the RW benchmark are provided in Table
Further, we also compare our model to the alternative specifications using the Model Con-
fidence Set (MCS) in Hansen et al. (2011). The MCS is a set of models constructed in such a
way that it will contain the best model with a given level of confidence.
In the rest of the subsection, we briefly present the different models and their performance.
The UIP model represents the most examined model to explain exchange rates with macroe-
stand the predictive ability of our default risk factor model. To estimate our interest rate factor
model, we use data on 3-month interest rates, for which summary statistics are presented in
Table 3.
Forecasts based on the interest rates are computed according to the following equation:
∆st+h = γ + α ∆xIR
− ∆x IRU S
t + εt+h (6)
where ∆xt is the interest rate for the j country, where j = d, U S, with d being the domestic
The results in Table 11 show that the interest rate model provides comparable results to
our default risk model only for some currencies, in particular the Norwegian krone, the Swedish
krone and the Euro. In general, the results are less satisfactory, in line with previous results in
Ferraro et al. (2015) underline the importance of oil prices as predictors of exchange rates. Al-
though the importance of oil prices for currencies of oil exporting countries—Norway, South
Africa and Mexico—is straightforward, the relevance of this predictor for the other coun-
tries in our sample may need further explanation. For commodities exporters—Australia and
Indonesia—, oil price fluctuations can largely affect the prices of their exports due to the
large correlation between other commodity prices and oil prices. Finally, for commodities
importers—Sweden, Denmark, Japan, UK and EU—the relevance of oil prices is very high.
Therefore, oil prices provides a good benchmark for comparison with our default risk factor
model. We use data on WTI or Brent oil prices, for non-European and European economies
respectively. In Table 11 we present the forecasting results of the oil prices model versus the RW
model, which show that the oil prices model is comparable to our default risk model only for the
three Scandinavian currencies and the Euro for h = 1. But evidence of predictability vanishes
for the Japanese yen, Australian dollar, South African rand and Mexican pesos. Moreover, the
forecasts with the oil price models are never statistically better than the RW at longer horizons.
Brunnermeier et al. (2008), in their attempt to provide evidence of a strong link between currency
carry and currency crash risk, document that currency crashes are positively correlated with
increases of stock market volatility VIX. In other words, the VIX can be seen as a risk factor
affecting exchange rates. Measures of global uncertainty similar to the VIX are used as carry
trade predictors also in Bakshi and Panayotov (2013). As a robustness check, we therefore try
to predict the our exchange rates with changes in the daily VIX. Results are shown in Table 11.
While at short horizon the model obtains a predictability comparable to our model with a SCDS
factor (although for fewer countries), for longer horizon the VIX does not show much predictive
content. This is consistent with the results presented by Brunnermeier et al. (2008), which in the
context of carry trade analysis show that changes in the VIX have mainly a contemporaneous
correlation with carry trade portfolio, but not too much effect in the following week.
6.3.4 Comparison with a model with the TED spread as explanatory variable
In the same paper, Brunnermeier et al. (2008) show that another common risk factor affecting
exchange rates is the TED spread, the difference between the LIBOR interbank market interest
rate and the risk-free Tbill rate. This measure can be considered a proxy for funding liquidity,
see also Asness et al. (2013)6 . In the paper by Brunnermeier et al. (2008), this is considered as
alternative measure to the stock market volatility represented by the VIX. The results in Table
11 show generally no predictive ability of the TED spread at short horizons. Some predictability
We finally compare our model to the alternative exchange rate models using the Model Con-
fidence Set in Hansen et al. (2011). We use the MCS R package developed by Bernardi and
Catania (2014). In particular, we compute the T R, M statistic proposed in Hansen et al. (2011)
(see also equation (8) in Bernardi and Catania (2014)).7 We include in the test our model and
the other four alternative specifications described in Sections 6.3.1 to 6.3.4. We choose a con-
fidence level α = 10% and 5000 bootstrap replications. We find that for all currencies and
all horizons, our default risk model cannot be statistically excluded from the set of the best
models. Therefore we do not report stars for our model. When looking to other specifications
in Table 11, the evidence is different: all models are rejected for some currencies. However, the
number of rejections is relative low, indicating that all risk premium variables provide evidence
of predictability.
Bakshi and Panayotov (2013) construct a measure of global funding liquidity similar to the TED spread.
Given the data limitations encountered already by the authors, we limit ourself to the TED spread measure as
defined in Brunnermeier et al. (2008).
Results are qualitative similar when using the other T max, M statistic proposed in Hansen et al. (2011).
7 Conclusions
In this paper, we study the predictive ability of sovereign default risk to forecast exchange
rate returns. By doing this, we shed new light on the importance of risk factors as drivers of
international asset prices. Furthermore, we identify one specific type of risk present in currency
markets: expected probabilities of rare but extreme economic disasters such as a sovereign
default event. The idea is that the possibility of rare disasters such as an economic depression
is a major source of risk premia in asset prices. Building on this hypothesis, we contribute to
the existing literature by investigating whether the inclusion of expected sovereign default risk
as a new source of risk premium can explain future movements of exchange rates.
We compute our sovereign default risk factor using a term structure model of sovereign credit
default swaps assuming a fixed market-implied recovery rate in case of default. For almost all
countries in our sample, our results show, first, that the inclusion of the default risk factor
improves the forecasting accuracy over the RW model. We find strong evidence of predictability
of the exchange rates by the default risk model at the one day ahead horizon. Second, when
looking at the forecasting performance of our models over time, we find that for our default
risk model the largest gains coincide with domestic and global events that affect the relative
perception of a country’s outlook. We conclude, then, that default risk expectations do provide
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Table 1: Principal components analysis
Notes: Principal components computed on SCDS contracts at four maturities: 1, 3, 5 and 10 year. Daily data
over the period from January 2012 to March 2015.
Table 2: Maximum likelihood parameters of the default risk term structure model
E.U. South
Australia Mexico Indonesia U.S.
Periphery Africa
Table 3: Summary statistics on SCDS premia and interest rates
mean max min std. dev. mean max min std. dev.
Norway 1-year 4.3 19.7 1.1 2.9 3-month 1.71 2.89 1.00 0.40
Sweden 1-year 5.2 45.5 1.5 6.1 3-month 0.46 1.59 -0.69 0.64
Denmark 1-year 10.6 92.4 2.1 17.2 3-month 0.25 1.01 -0.44 0.32
Japan 1-year 14.2 70.0 3.7 8.9 3-month -0.01 0.11 -0.40 0.12
United Kingdom 1-year 7.9 45.5 2.1 6.4 3-month 0.67 1.09 0.46 0.17
Euro Core 1-year 15.2 139.1 3.5 22.5 3-month -0.07 0.17 -0.50 0.16
Euro Periphery 1-year 146.4 849.8 23.3 197.3 3-month 0.69 3.72 -0.25 0.86
Australia 1-year 22.9 88.0 2.8 16.5 3-month 3.03 4.91 2.31 0.65
South Africa 1-year 78.9 240.8 15.7 41.1 3-month 6.02 7.97 5.02 0.68
Mexico 1-year 40.9 92.8 15.1 14.9 3-month 3.61 4.50 2.85 0.55
Indonesia 1-year 49.8 130.9 10.8 22.9 3-month 6.58 8.84 4.19 1.46
United States 1-year 10.8 60.7 2.0 7.0 3-month 0.07 0.34 -0.01 0.07
Notes: Premia on sovereign credit default swaps for 1, 3, 5 and 10 year maturities (left panel) and 3-month
interest rates (right panel) at daily frequency from January 2012 to March 2015.
Table 4: Summary statistics on foreign exchange rates
Notes: Daily nominal spot exchange rate data from January 2012 to March 2015 from Datastream. All currencies
are expressed in levels and in local currencies.
NOK 1.00
SEK 0.91 1.00
DKK 0.71 0.87 1.00
JPY 0.74 0.48 0.20 1.00
GBP 0.21 0.32 0.61 -0.04 1.00
EUR 0.71 0.87 0.99 0.19 0.62 1.00
AUD 0.87 0.66 0.38 0.89 -0.01 0.37 1.00
ZAR 0.71 0.43 0.13 0.94 -0.21 0.12 0.91 1.00
MXN 0.86 0.88 0.73 0.43 0.18 0.73 0.70 0.47 1.00
IDR 0.73 0.45 0.12 0.90 -0.34 0.11 0.89 0.95 0.51 1.00
Table 6: Granger causality test
F-stat 0.15 1.50 4.93 1.07 6.00 2.16 1.33 1.02 0.25 1.75 3.94
p-value (0.860) (0.223) (0.007) (0.342) (0.003) (0.116) (0.266) (0.361) (0.780) (0.174) (0.020)
Notes: We use a two lag specification to perform the test so that the final number of observations is 831.
Table 7: Out-of-sample predictability for daily exchange rates returns: default risk model relative to
RW benchmark
Notes: The table reports the ratio of the MSPE of the default risk model relative to a RW benchmark, and the
p-values for the CW test (see Clark and West (2007)) for h = 1, h = 5 and h = 20 days ahead. The models are
estimated using recursive windows of data; the first in-sample window is 2 January 2012 to 6 November 2013.
The OOS evaluation period is 7 November 2013 to 11 March 2015. Ratios less than 1 are displayed in bold and
indicate that the default risk model outperforms the benchmark model. P-values for the CW test of less than
10% are also displayed in bold and indicate that the difference is statistically significant.
Table 8: Out-of-Sample Predictability for Daily Exchange Rates returns: 5-year CDS relative to RW
Notes: the table reports the ratio of the MSPE of the 5-year CDS spreads model relative to a RW benchmark, and
the p-values for the CW test (see Clark and West (2007)) for h = 1, h = 5 and h = 20 days ahead. The models
are estimated using recursive windows of data; the first in-sample window is 2 January 2012 to 6 November 2013.
The OOS evaluation period is 7 November 2013 to 11 March 2015. Ratios below 1 are displayed in bold and
indicate that the default risk model outperforms the benchmark model. P-values for the CW test below 10% are
also displayed in bold and indicate that the difference is statically significant.
Table 9: Out-of-Sample Predictability for Daily Exchange Rates returns: average CDS relative to RW
Notes: the table reports the ratio of the MSPE of the average model (across maturities simple average) relative
to a RW benchmark, and the p-values for the CW test (see Clark and West (2007)) for h = 1, h = 5 and h = 20
days ahead. The models are estimated using recursive windows of data; the first in-sample window is 2 January
2012 to 6 November 2013. The OOS evaluation period is 7 November 2013 to 11 March 2015. Ratios below 1 are
displayed in bold and indicate that the default risk model outperforms the benchmark model. P-values for the
CW test below 10% are also displayed in bold and indicate that the difference is statically significant.
Table 10: Out-of-sample predictability for daily exchange rates returns: alternative default risk models
relative to RW benchmark
Global SCDS
h=1 p-value h=5 p-value h = 20 p-value
Norway 0.992 (0.036) 0.993 (0.035) 0.992 (0.025)
Sweden 0.992 (0.011) 0.997 (0.131) 0.997 (0.091)
Denmark 0.994 (0.021) 0.997 (0.114) 0.996 (0.036)
Japan 0.988 (0.154) 0.989 (0.157) 0.996 (0.353)
U.K. 0.999 (0.395) 0.999 (0.346) 1.004 (0.952)
Euro Core 0.994 (0.027) 0.997 (0.134) 0.996 (0.045)
Euro Periphery 0.994 (0.029) 0.997 (0.094) 0.995 (0.028)
Australia 0.994 (0.089) 0.994 (0.096) 0.996 (0.159)
South Africa 0.994 (0.144) 0.994 (0.162) 0.996 (0.245)
Mexico 0.998 (0.116) 0.999 (0.394) 0.998 (0.172)
Indonesia 0.993 (0.281) 0.996 (0.365) 1.001 (0.529)
Notes: The alternative measure of default risk is a measure of global SCDS data. The table reports the ratio of
the MSPE relative to a RW benchmark, and the p-values for the CW test (see Clark and West (2007)) for h = 1,
h = 5 and h = 20 days ahead. The models are estimated using recursive windows of data; the first in-sample
window is 2 January 2012 to 6 November 2013. The OOS evaluation period is 7 November 2013 to 11 March
2015. Ratios less than 1 are displayed in bold and indicate that the default risk model outperforms the benchmark
model. P-values for the CW test of less than 10% are also displayed in bold and indicate that the difference is
statistically significant.
Table 11: Out-of-Sample Predictability for Daily Exchange Rates returns: alternative models relative to RW benchmark.
h=1 h=5 h = 20
UIP Oil price VIX TED Spread UIP Oil price VIX TED Spread UIP Oil price VIX TED Spread
Norway 0.985 0.992 0.992 0.996 0.986 0.989 1.002 0.996 0.986 0.995∗∗∗ 0.990 0.992
(0.059) (0.031) (0.051) (0.119) (0.069) (0.084) (0.657) (0.203) (0.054) (0.155) (0.009) (0.016)
Sweden 0.985 0.993 0.995 0.994 0.975 1.001 1.001∗∗ 1.004 0.977 0.999∗∗∗ 0.997∗∗∗ 0.993∗∗∗
(0.075) (0.044) (0.083) (0.177) (0.017) (0.542) (0.596) (0.757) (0.020) (0.305) (0.117) (0.031)
Denmark 0.999 0.994 0.993 0.992 1.000 0.995 0.997 1.014 1.008 0.997 1.000 0.993
(0.371) (0.087) (0.017) (0.174) (0.489) (0.213) (0.273) (0.934) (0.969) (0.198) (0.494) (0.030)
Japan 0.997 0.990 0.991 1.003 1.002 0.990 0.998 1.009 1.018 1.005 0.993 0.995
(0.434) (0.176) (0.262) (0.593) (0.527) (0.175) (0.451) (0.676) (0.855) (0.642) (0.272) (0.358)
U.K. 1.002 1.012 1.007 1.003 1.002 1.002 1.003 1.014 1.002 1.003 1.002 1.001
(0.846) (0.967) (0.777) (0.842) (0.879) (0.679) (0.706) (0.959) (0.785) (0.914) (0.779) (0.618)
Euro Core 0.984 0.994 0.994 0.993 0.989 0.996 0.997 1.019 1.004 0.998 1.003 0.995
(0.039) (0.086) (0.022) (0.175) (0.040) (0.319) (0.202) (0.964) (0.922) (0.227) (0.737) (0.046)
Euro Periphery 0.986 0.994 0.994 0.993 0.986 0.996 0.997 1.019 0.986 0.998∗ 1.003 0.995∗
(0.020) (0.086) (0.022) (0.175) (0.013) (0.319) (0.202) (0.964) (0.010) (0.227) (0.737) (0.046)
Australia 0.994 1.054 0.995 1.048 0.994 0.995 0.996 0.993 0.995 0.995 0.995 0.994
(0.160) (0.979) (0.123) (0.964) (0.141) (0.222) (0.298) (0.166) (0.179) (0.191) (0.157) (0.294)
South Africa 1.006 1.032 1.000∗∗∗ 1.108∗∗∗ 1.010 1.000 0.999 1.000 1.002 0.997 1.006 0.995
(0.819) (0.997) (0.514) (1.000) (0.881) (0.499) (0.462) (0.505) (0.645) (0.328) (0.727) (0.284)
Mexico 0.996 1.015∗∗∗ 1.005∗∗∗ 1.098 0.992 0.999 0.999 1.002 0.991 0.998 1.008 0.998∗∗∗
(0.366) (0.998) (0.825) (1.000) (0.247) (0.410) (0.312) (0.868) (0.183) (0.231) (0.983) (0.334)
Indonesia 1.006 0.993∗∗∗ 0.993 0.984 1.012 0.992 0.997 0.996 1.040∗∗∗ 1.001 1.001 1.003
(0.615) (0.276) (0.264) (0.137) (0.717) (0.227) (0.388) (0.348) (0.970) (0.540) (0.542) (0.592)
Notes: the table reports the ratio of the MSPE of different models relative to a RW benchmark, and the p-values for the CW test (see Clark and West (2007)) for h = 1, h = 5
and h = 20 days ahead (reported in parentheses). Stars refer to the Model Confidence Set in Hansen et al. (2011). One star (∗ ), two stars (∗∗ ), three stars (∗∗∗ ) indicate that
the null hypothesis that the model is included in the set of best models is rejected, respectively, at 10%, 5%, 1% confidence levels. We repeat that the null for our model is
never rejected. The models are estimated using recursive windows of data; the first in-sample window is 2 January 2012 to 6 November 2013. The OOS evaluation period is
7 November 2013 to 11 March 2015. Ratios below 1 are displayed in bold and indicate that the default risk model outperforms the benchmark model. P-values for the CW
test below 10% are also displayed in bold and indicate that the difference is statically significant. For the oil price model, we used Brent prices for european countries and the
WTI for the rest of the countries in our sample.
Figure 1: Sovereign credit default swap premia per country
60 100
CDS premium (in bps)
20 50
0 0 0
11−2015 11−2015 11−2015
10 10 10
02−2014 02−2014 02−2014
5 5 5
01−2013 01−2013 01−2013
3 3 Maturity (in years) 3
Date Date
Maturity (in years) Date 02−2012 1
02−2012 1 02−2012 1 Maturity (in years)
CDS premium (in bps)
CDS premium (in bps)
40 100
20 50
0 0
11−2015 11−2015
10 10 10
02−2014 02−2014 02−2014
5 5 5
01−2013 Date 01−2013 01−2013
Date 3 3 3
Date Maturity (in years)
Maturity (in years)
02−2012 Maturity (in years) 02−2012 1 02−2012 1
250 300
CDS premium (in bps)
CDS premium (in bps)
CDS premium (in bps)
200 250
600 200
400 100
200 50
0 0 0
11−2015 11−2015 11−2015
10 10 10
02−2014 02−2014 02−2014
5 5 5
01−2013 01−2013 01−2013
Date 3 Date 3 Date 3
Maturity (in years) Maturity (in years)
02−2012 1 02−2012 Maturity (in years)
1 02−2012 1
250 400
CDS premium (in bps)
200 60
CDS premium (in bps)
CDS premium (in bps)
0 0
11−2015 11−2015
10 10 10
02−2014 02−2014 02−2014
5 5 5
01−2013 01−2013 01−2013
3 3 Date 3
Date Maturity (in years) Date Maturity (in years)
02−2012 1 02−2012 Maturity (in years) 02−2012 1
Figure 2: Nominal Exchange Rates per country
8.5 9
8 7
8 6.5
6.5 6
5.5 6.5
5 6 5
2 2 12 13 3 4 4 15 2 2 2 13 3 14 4 15 2 2 12 3 13 4 4 5
01 01 20 20 01 01 01 20 01 01 01 0 01 20 01 20 01 01 0 01 0 01 01 01
.2 .2 . . .2 .2 .2 . .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 . .2 . .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2
01 06 12 05 11 04 09 03 01 06 12 05 11 04 09 03 01 06 12 05 11 04 09 03
130 0.68
120 0.66
90 0.8
80 0.75
70 0.7
12 01
2 12 13 13 14 14 15 12 01
2 12 13 13 14 14 15 12 12 01
. 20 .2 .20 . 20 .20 . 20 .20 .20 . 20 .2 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 .2
.20 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2
01 06 12 05 11 04 09 03 01 06 12 05 11 04 09 03 01 06 12 05 11 04 09 03
1.2 11
9 13
0.9 7
12 01
2 12 13 01
2 13 01
4 15
.20 .2 . 20 . 20 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2
.2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .20
01 06 12 05 11 04 09 03 01 06 12 05 11 04 09 03 01 06 12 05 11 04 09 03
2 12 2 3 3 4 4 5
01 20 01 01 01 01 01 01
.2 . .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2
01 06 12 05 11 04 09 03
(j) IDR
Figure 3: In-sample regression coefficients β
40 100
40 60
0 40
20 180
40 140
−20 120
−60 −20 60
−80 −40
13 4 4 4 4 4 15 3 4 4 14 4 4 15 13 4 4 14 4 4 15
20 01 01 01 01 01 20 01 01 01 20 01 01 20 20 01 01 0 01 01 0
. .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 . .2 .2 .2 . .2 .2 . . .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2
11 01 04 07 09 12 03 11 01 04 07 09 12 03 11 01 04 07 09 12 03
700 250
600 260
500 240
300 180
100 160
3 4 4 14 4 4 5 3 4 14 14 4 4 5 3 14 14 4 4 4 5
01 01 01 20 01 01 01 01 01 20 20 01 01 01 01 20 20 01 01 01 01
.2 .2 .2 . .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 . . .2 .2 .2 .2 . . .2 .2 .2 .2
11 01 04 07 09 12 03 11 01 04 07 09 12 03 11 01 04 07 09 12 03
3 4 4 4 4 4 15 3 14 4 14 4 14 15
01 01 01 01 01 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 0
.2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2
11 01 04 07 09 12 03 11 01 04 07 09 12 03
Notes: The line represents the estimated β in the progressively expanding estimation sample. The shaded area
represents the 90% confidence interval.
Figure 4: Cumulative squared prediction error difference for h = 1
1 n o s tuv g o s uv 0.4 g n o s tv
0.8 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.2 0
0 −0.1
−5 · 10−2
3 4 14 4 4 4 15 3 14 14 4 14 14 5 13 14 14 14 14 14 15
01 01 0 01 01 01 0 01 0 0 01 0 0 01 20 20 20 0 0 20 20
.2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 . . . .2 .2 . .
11 01 04 07 09 12 03 11 01 04 07 09 12 03 11 01 04 07 09 12 03
where fbk,t+1 = e2RW,t+1 − e2k,t+1 with e2RW,t+1 the squared error of the RW model to predict yt+1 and e2k,t+1 the
squared error of one of the k alternative models. Increases in CSP EDk,t+1 indicate that the alternative model
predicts better at the OOS observation t + 1. The alternative model is the linear regression with the predictor
based on CDS data. Timeline legends: (a) 18/12/13, Fed announcement of tapering by steps; (b) 01/01/14, tax
reform is implemented in Mexico; (c) 23/01/14, Spain exits bailout; (d) 29/01/14, South African Reserve Bank
raises repo rate; (e) 02/14, budget speech in South Africa with good economic forecast; (f) 01/04/14, Japan VAT
rate hike; (g) 25/04/14, Danish Central Bank (DCB) raises deposit rates to 0.05; (h) 18/05/14, Portugal exits
bailout mechanism; (i) 23/06/14, sharp drop in oil prices; (j) 11/06/14, ECB cuts rates to negative; (k) 01/07/14,
U.K. GDP growth reaches its peak since the crisis; (l) 09/07/14, presidential elections in Indonesia; (m) 07/08/14,
Mexico’s energy reforms become law; (n) 05/09/14, DCB cuts rates to negative; (o) 28/10/14, end of Fed asset
purchases and Sveriges Riksbank (SR) hits the ZLB; (p) 30/10/14, BoJ extends QE program; (q) 18/11/14, Bank
of Indonesia raises benchmark rate; (r) 2014Q3, Japan falls back into recession; (s) 22/01/15, ECB announcement
of start of QE; (t) 06/02/15, DCB undercover QE by cutting rates deeper into negative territory; (u) 12/02/15,
Figure 4 (cont.): Cumulative squared prediction error difference for h = 1
a c hj op s v 0.8 op s v 0.8 a d e o
0.2 0.4
0.4 0.2
0.1 0
0 0
−0.2 −0.6
3 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 4 14 4 4 4 5 3 4 14 14 14 14 15
01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 20 01 01 01 01 01 01 0 20 0 0 0
.2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 . .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 . .2 .2 .2
11 01 04 07 09 12 03 11 01 04 07 09 12 03 11 01 04 07 09 12 03
0.5 a b i m o a l o q
0.3 1
13 14 14 14
4 14 01
5 13 14 01
4 15
. 20 . 20 .20 . 20 .2 20 .2 20 .2
.2 .2 .2 .2 .2
11 01 04 07 09 12. 03 11
01 04 07 09 12 03
Figure 5: SCDS series and estimated default risk factors
30 0.5 85 1.2
40 0.7
20 0.4 60 0.9
20 0.4
10 0.3 30 0.5
120 1.4
200 2.3
150 1.9
100 1.2
150 1.8
80 1
100 1.5
60 0.9
100 1.4
40 0.7
50 1
50 1
20 0.5
750 6 270 3
300 0.7
600 5 210 3
3 60 2.7
200 2
50 2.4
250 2.7
150 1.8
40 2.1
190 2.4
30 1.8
100 1.6
130 2
20 1.5
50 1.3
60 1.9
10 1.2
A The model
The price of a CDS contract of maturity τ at time t is defined by the ratio of the so-called
default leg and the fixed leg, such that
cdsτ t = (A.1)
Lfτ tixed
The default leg is equal to the expected payment that the buyer of the CDS contract will
receive from the issuer in case of a default event. The fixed leg, in contrast, is the sum of
discounted CDS premium payments, taking into account the probability that default never
occurs, plus a one-time accrued premium payment made at the time of default. This yields
Z τ h Rv i
= (1 − π) EtQ e− t λs ds λv dv
4τ R 1j Z τ (A.2)
1X − t4 λs ds
h Rv i
Lfτ tixed = EtQ e + EtQ −
e t λs ds
λv (v − τI(t) )dv
4 t
so that
Rτ h Rv i
(1 − π) t EtQ e− t λs ds λv dv
cdsτ t = 4τ Z τ (A.3)
X Q R 14 j h Rv i
1 − t λs ds Q − t λs ds
4 Et e + Et e λ v (v − τI(t) )dv
j=1 t
where λt is the default risk factor and π the recovery rate upon default. τI(v) represents the
date at which the last premium payment was paid before the default occurred. It is possible
that default takes place between two payment dates; for instance, between times τj and τj+1
where j = I(v). In that case, v − τI(v) is the period over which the protection buyer has to pay
an accrued premium, given that default happened at v. In line with Pan and Singleton (2008),
who argue that a constant recovery rate assumption is not unreasonable for the sovereign debt
market, we keep it constant and fixed at 40%. To solve eq.(A.3), expectations under the risk-
neutral probability measure Q have to be computed. Using the moment-generating functions
given in Duffie and Garleanu (2001), the expectations can be expressed as
h Rv i
EtQ e− t λs ds λv = eΦ(v−t,0)+Ψ(v−t,0)λt [Φu (v−t,0)+Ψu (v−t,0)λt ]
h Rv i (A.4)
EtQ e− t λs ds = eΦ(v−t,0)+Ψ(v−t,0)λt
where the functions Φ(v − t, u), Ψ(v − t, u) are the solutions of a set of Riccati equations and
Φu (v − t, u) and Ψu (v − t, u) are the corresponding derivatives, which we describe in detail in
Section A.1. Finally, the default risk factor λt follows a Vasicek (1977) model with a constant
volatility structure. The diffusion process for the factor is as follows:
where Wt is an independent standard Brownian motion under the empirical probability measure
P. To price a derivative, we need to obtain the stochastic process for the factor under the
risk-neutral probability measure Q (to ensure the non-arbitrage condition). To this end, we
transform the diffusion process such that it is equal to
where Λ∗ = Λ and Λ∗ θ∗ = Λθ + σ.
To implement the model, we cast it in state-space form. The CDS spreads yτ t for maturity
τ (where τ = 1, 3, 5, 10) in period t can be expressed by the following latent factor model
yτ t = cds(λt , Θ) + ετ t (A.7)
where cds(λt , Θ) is the price of the CDS defined in eq.(A.3) and it is a nonlinear function of the
latent factor λt . The vector of hyper parameters is given by Θ and ετ t is the measurement error
term specified as white noise Gaussian processes ετ t ∼ W N (0, σε2τ ). The latent factor λt follows
an AR(1) process,
λt = φ0t + φ1t λt−1 + ut (A.8)
where φ0t and φ1t are defined as φ0t = θ(1 − e−κ∆t ) and φ1t = e−κ∆t , with ∆t being the time step
between observations. The error term ut is a white noise Gaussian process ut ∼ W N (0, ση2 ).
We estimate the Gaussian nonlinear model given by eqs.(A.7) and (A.8) and obtain the factors
using the extended Kalman filter. In Table 2, we present the estimated maximum likelihood
parameters of the model. The state-space representation of the model is shown in Section A.2.
In this section, we describe the solutions to the functions Φ(t, u), Ψ(t, u), Φu (t, u) and Ψu (t, u)
in (A.4) that solve the expectations in the CDS pricing equation, eq.(A.3), given by Duffie and
Garleanu (2001):
E[e 0 qλ(s)∂s
λt euλt ] = eΦ(t,u)+Ψ(t,u)λt [Φu (t, u) + Ψu (t, u)λt ] (A.9)
m(a1 c1 − d1 ) c1 + d1 eb1 t m
Φ(t, u) = log + t (A.10)
b1 c1 d1 c1 + d1 c1
1 + a1 e b 1 t
Ψ(t, u) = (A.11)
c1 + d1 eb1 t
∂Φ(t, u)
Φu (t, u) = (A.12)
∂Ψ(t, u)
Ψu (t, u) = (A.13)
−n + n2 − 2pq
c1 =
n + pu + (n + pu)2 − p(pu2 + 2nu + 2q)
d1 = (1 − c1 u)
2nu + pu2 + 2q
a1 = (d1 + c1 )u − 1
d1 (n + 2qc1 ) + a1 (nc1 + p)
b1 =
a1 c1 − d1
The solutions of the derivative functions Φu (t, u) and Ψu (t, u) are obtained from the Symbolic
Toolbox from MATLAB.
For the term structure model of the CDS spreads, we estimate a single latent factor model
with a nonlinear observation equation which requires the use of the extended Kalman filter for
linearization before estimation. Here we outline the state-space representation of our discrete-
time reduce form model given by eqs.(A.7) and (A.8).
The state-space system with state vector Ft is given by
Yτ1 t ε τ1 t
Yτ3 t ετ3 t
yt =
, F t = λt , ε t =
, η t = ηt
Yτ5 t ετ5 t
Yτ10 t ετ10 t
σ2 0 0 0
ετ1 t
0 σε2τ t 0 0
Q = V ar[Ft |F̂t−1 ], H = 3
0 0 σε2τ 0
0 0 0 σε2τ
10 t
The state vector is initialized with the unconditional moments given in Section A.3.
For the implementation of the extended Kalman filter, the observation equation, eq.(A.7),
is linearized using a first-order Taylor expansion around the predicted state λt|t−1 , as follows:
yt = cds(λt , Θ) + εt (A.16)
yt = cds(λt|t−1 , Θ) + ∂λ + εt (A.17)
f (λ)
cds(λ, Θ) = (1 − π) (A.18)
g(λ) + h(λ)
∂f (λ)
∂cds(λ) ∂λ [g(λ) + h(λ)] + f (λ)[ ∂g(λ)
∂λ +
∂λ ]
= (1 − π) 2
∂λ [g(λ) + h(λ)]
Z τ
∂f (λ) ∂ Rv
= (1 − π) { EtQ [e− t λs ∂s λv ]}∂v
∂λ t ∂λ
∂ Q − v λs ∂s
R ∂ Φλ (v−t,0)+Ψλ (v−t,0)λt λ
Et [e t λv ] = {e [Φu (v − t, 0) + Ψλu (v − t, 0)λt ]}
∂λ ∂λ
Rv λ (v−t,0)+Ψλ (v−t,0)λ
= Ψλ (v − t, 0)EtQ [e− t λs ∂s
λv ] + Ψλu (v − t, 0)eΦ t
λ (v−t,0)+Ψλ (v−t,0)λ
= Ψλ (v − t, 0)eΦ t
[Φλu (v − t, 0) + Ψλu (v − t, 0)λt ]
λ (v−t,0)+Ψλ (v−t,0)λ
+ Ψλu (v − t, 0)eΦ t
∂g(λ) 1 X ∂ Q − Rt14 j λs ∂s
= E [e ]
∂λ 4 ∂λ t
∂ Q − R 4 λs ∂s ∂ Φλ (v−t,0)+Ψλ (v−t,0)λt
E [e t ]= {e }
∂λ t ∂λ
= Ψλ (v − t, 0)EtQ [e− t λs ∂s
λ (v−t,0)+Ψλ (v−t,0)λ
= Ψλ (v − t, 0)[eΦ t
Z τ Rv
f (λ) = (1 − π) {EtQ [e− t λs ∂s
λv ]}∂v
Rv λ (v−t,0)+Ψλ (v−t,0)λ
EtQ [e− t λs ∂s
λv ] = eΦ t
[Φλu (v − t, 0) + Ψλu (v − t, 0)λt ]
1 X Q − Rt14 j λs ∂s
g(λ) = Et [e ]
Rv λ (v−t,0)+Ψλ (v−t,0)λ
EtQ [e− t λs ∂s
] = eΦ t
Z τ 1j
h(λ) = {EtQ [e− t λs ∂s
λv ](v − TI(v) )}∂v
Rv λ (v−t,0)+Ψλ (v−t,0)λ
EtQ [e− t λs ∂s
λv ] = eΦ t
[Φλu (v − t, 0) + Ψλu (v − t, 0)λt ]
∂h(λ) ∂ Q − R v λs ∂s
= { E [e t λv ](v − TI(v) )}∂v
∂λ t ∂λ t
∂ Q − R v λs ∂s λ λ
Et [e t λv ] = Ψλ (v − t, 0)eΦ (v−t,0)+Ψ (v−t,0)λt [Φλu (v − t, 0) + Ψλu (v − t, 0)λt ]
λ (v−t,0)+Ψλ (v−t,0)λ
+ Ψλu (v − t, 0)eΦ t
Here we show the conditional and unconditional mean and variance used in the CDS spreads
term structure model. The conditional moments of the factors are used in the construction of the
quasi-likelihood function that is maximized in the Kalman filter estimation. The unconditional
moments serve to initialize the process.
The conditional mean and variance are as follows:
1−e−(2κ)h (A.21)
V ar(Ft+h |Ft ) = 2κ a
E(Ft+s ) = θ (A.22)
a (A.23)
V ar(Ft ) = 2κ
B Analysis on the sample 2008-2011
The choice of the sample under investigation (2012-2015) is driven by a major change in CDS
regulation. We try here to conduct our analysis also on the sample corresponding to the Financial
and the initial years of the European Crisis. For problems relating to the availability and
reliability of data, we considered the sample 2008-2011 (data on 2007 are not available for most
of the countries in our sample). The results show that the SCDS alone are not able to improve
predictability, most likely because of too many confounding factors driving the exchange rates,
and the economy in general, in those years, especially for the European countries. Moreover,
regulatory issues as we discussed in Section 4.1 could have played an important role. However,
some predictability is found for Japan, Australia and South Africa, especially at one day forecast
horizon. Results are reported in Table B.1, here below.
Table B.1: Out-of-Sample Predictability for Daily Exchange Rates returns: default risk model relative
to RW benchmark 2008-2011 sample.
Notes: The table reports the ratio of the MSPE of the default risk model relative to a RW benchmark for the
crisis aftermath period, and the p-values for the CW test (see Clark and West (2007)) for h = 1, h = 5 and
h = 20 days ahead. The models are estimated using recursive windows of data; the first in-sample window is 2
January 2008 to 29 May 2009. The OOS evaluation period is 1 June 2009 to 31 December 2011. Ratios below
1 are displayed in bold and indicate that the default risk model outperforms the benchmark model. P-values for
the CW test below 10% are also displayed in bold and indicate that the difference is statically significant.
1. Identify new source of currency markets risk premia: expected sovereign default risk
2. Expected sovereign default risk can explain future exchange rate movements
3. For most economies the default risk model improves the RW model forecasting accuracy
5. Our model forecasting gains over time coincide with important domestic/global events