Creation of A Model of Development of Sports Marketing in Modernization of Sports Management System in Uzbekistan

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Article in Journal of Physical Education and Sport · January 2022

DOI: 10.7863/sport.2021.s33104


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Мухаметов Мухаметович Мухаметов

Tashkent Financial Institute


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Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES),Vol 22 Issue 1, Art 004 pp 19-25, January 2022 online
ISSN: 2247 - 806X; p-ISSN: 2247 – 8051; ISSN - L = 2247 - 8051 © JPES



Associate Professor, Uzbek state physical education, and sports university

V.Sh.Raximov, Q.O.Arzibaev
Associate Professor, National University of Uzbekistan

Associate Professor v.b., Tashkent Financial Institute
This article describes In the article it is extremely important to form a competitive environment
in the field of sports services, to study the demand for sports services in the future, to create a model
for the development of sports marketing with the modernization of innovative activities in sports
organizations and effective management of the services market. The development of sports marketing
is aimed at the modernization of services, products, companies, events and brand. It will serve to
perform tasks such as organizing sports production and organizing events, including managing digital
electronic services, necessary financial resources, providing information services, organizing sports
performances, providing basic and additional types of services, coordinating the activities of athletes,
coaches with service personnel, organizing the flow of athletes and coaches.
Keywords: marketing, digital marketing, benchmarking, marketing research, sports marketers,
coaches, technologists, management strategy.
Relevance of the topic. In the context of modernization and diversification of the economy, the priority
of the development and promotion of sports in our country is growing. At the same time, it is important
to improve the system of sports marketing. Sports marketing helps organizations to make management
decisions, further strengthen the brand in the market, seek independent sources of income, increase the
effectiveness of advertising, take a special approach to customers, produce competitive sports
products, export them not only to domestic but also foreign markets. . When talking about the
economic efficiency of organizations providing physical culture and sports services in the economy of
the republic, it is expedient to assess their role in improving the living standards and health of the
population. It is important to scientifically substantiate the technology of developing a marketing
strategy in the organizations of physical culture and sports services and talk about its optimality. It
should be noted that it is no secret that the field of physical culture and sports in our country has risen
to the level of state policy. That is why the unpredictability of results in sports increases its
Emphasizing that the field of physical culture and sports will be in the constant focus of the country's
leadership, the significant changes in the last three years in all spheres of human activity have taken
into account international experience instead of outdated and outdated management and marketing
Published online: January 20, 2022
(Accepted for publication December 18, 2021)
Journal of Physical Education and Sport

methods. requires the application of advanced methods and templates of the sports management
mechanism in the leading sports countries.
Looking at the results of sports activities in Uzbekistan, we can see the following trend: first, the
low level of coverage of world sports arenas due to inadequate coordination of sports activities, lack
of independent sources of income and imperfect strategic concept of marketing in the management of
sports organizations.
The analysis shows that this situation in the Uzbek sports market, first of all, the lack of an effective
competitive environment in the market of sports services, the lack of the necessary basis for public-
private partnership sports marketing strategy, the activities of coaches, players, referees and other
sports organizations. the economic basis for the development of the coordination and regulatory system
has not been developed.
Today, in economically developed countries, physical culture and sports have become not only
a means of strengthening the health of the nation and promoting the country to the world, but also a
significant profitable sector of the economy, as well as the sports industry. The sports industry, with
its status as a global system of economic, political, social and technological relations capable of
influencing changes in our lives in the 21st century, attracts the material, financial, information and
human resources needed to create a unique passionate environment for people and a healthy lifestyle.
Billions of dollars spent on the Olympics and the World Cup, giant sums of transfer deals and
sponsorship deals are "neighborhoods" with mass participation in running, football, fitness, swimming
and other sports and helping sports veterans. and has become an event that embodies social values,
patriotism, success and glory. It has also emerged as a significant sector of the economy that is
developing at a high rate from year to year. In order to operate successfully in the sports industry,
which is recognized today as a giant system, it is very important to have a clear idea of all its elements
and their interrelationships. There are a number of perspectives on the economic aspects of
relationships in sports. Of these, the following is noteworthy - the economic aspect of the relationship
in sports consists of two independent and interconnected systems – sports network and sports industry.
The sports network includes the competent authorities of the executive branch, physical culture and
sports organizations, educational institutions, scientific organizations, athletes, sports teams and
others. The subjects of the sports network are usually not engaged in profit-oriented entrepreneurship
and commercial activities.
The sports industry is an intersectoral sector of the economy (both international and national), in which
the main product of the sports industry is a stable economic relationship between the main actors
engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the production, promotion and consumption processes
associated with the sporting event. The structure of the sports industry includes the sports network,
professional leagues, sports agencies, specialized mass media, sports and fitness clubs, as well as
sports-related business systems.
In some sources “Sports business industry” (business business industry). Its main segments are: sports
system; sports goods and equipment; recreational sports; amateur and professional sports, school and
student sports; outdoor sports; sports sponsorship and sports governing bodies.

Journal of Physical Education and Sport

However, this popular concept is the "Sports Industry". There are two views on its content. In the
narrow sense, the sports industry is understood only as a market for sports goods, but recently the
sports industry has become more widely considered and includes a number of components: school
sports, student sports, sports management, international sports, professional sports, sports marketing,
media relations, event management, facility management, education, sports commissions, legal
aspects, fitness, recreation, sporting goods and communications.
Currently, research work related to the goals and objectives set out in the project to study this
problem and its solutions is being studied, relevant (data) information is being collected and analyzed.
One of the main directions of scientific research conducted worldwide is the development of
mass sports, the promotion and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of a healthy
competitive environment in the market of sports services.
In developed countries, for example, professional sports finance, that is, revenue from radio
broadcasts, particularly advertising and television, has changed. Currently, 4 major sports (NLB
(baseball), NBA (basketball), NFL (American football), NHL (hockey)) operate on the basis of
revenue streams generated through local and national broadcasting rights. This is shown in Table 1
below. (1)
September 13, 2017 Sport (/ News / Categore / Sport) announced that the amount of money spent by
national championships during the summer transfers is known. This is stated in the official report of
FIFA. According to the Transfer Matching System (TMS),
Income from professional sports broadcasting rights agreements in developed countries
Sports Years The name of the TV Amount ($ To each team
percentage of the
annual average

(million $)

NLB (Baseball) 2006-2013 ESPN; 4.87 23.8

Fox; TBS

NBA (Basketball) 2009-2016 ABC/ESPN; TNT 7.44 31.0

NFL (American 2006-2013 ESPN; CBS; Fox; 46.2 184.4

football) NBC; DirecTV

NHL (hockey) 2011-2021 NBC; Comcast; 2.2 7.8


Source: Michael A. Leeds, Peter von Allmen “The Economics of Sports” - 73 бет
the first place was taken by the teams of the English Premier League. District Albion officials spent a
total of $ 1.4 billion (€ 1.1 billion) on summer transfers. At the same time, 17 clubs have spent more
Journal of Physical Education and Sport

than $ 20 million. In terms of the amount of money spent by national championships during the summer
transfers, the Spanish championship is in the 2nd place after England, the French championship is in
the 3rd place, Germany and Italy are in the 4th-5th place, Russia is in the 6th place and Turkey is in
the 7th place. In total, from June 1 to September 1, 2017, 7590 international transfer sales were
observed in all leagues. The money spent totaled $ 4.71 billion (€ 3.9 billion).
The above data show that the role and improvement of physical culture and sports marketing is
important for the industrialization of sports in our country.
The large-scale socio-economic reforms being carried out in our country are creating opportunities for
the development of physical culture and sports. However, there are systemic problems in the field of
physical culture and sports, such as low interest of fans in the development of sports in our country,
lack of high-level players for national teams, lack of economic model and understanding in the
development of professional sports, lack of revenues from competition law. on registration and
accounting of the national integrated information system of education and sports, including "Skm-
sportsmen", "Skm-trainer" on maintenance of a database of trainers and certification of physical
culture and sports facilities of the republic - Skm-sportinshoot requires the establishment of systems
for monitoring sports results and evaluation of achievements through information systems, as well as
the formation of a sports marketing system in various areas of physical culture and sports.
In particular, sports marketing is an integral part of the field of marketing and has its own
characteristics and aspects. The scope of sports marketing includes specific objects and relationships
such as fans, sponsors, sales and purchases of athletes, mass sports, sports business, healthy lifestyle.
One of the main tasks of sports marketing is to form a positive image of sports organizations. The
image of organizations includes their name, brand, slogan, graphic representation of trademarks,
advertising products, company websites, corporate clothing and transport symbols. Advertising
activities of sports organizations are aimed at increasing the brand's image and improving its image.
Physical education and sports are specific areas of human activity. Therefore, in the scientific
substantiation of the technology of sports marketing strategy, it is necessary to study the "human
capital", ie employees working in the field of physical culture and sports (manager, marketer, coach,
etc.). This economic category also applies to other areas of human activity. However, in the field of
physical culture and sports, this indicator, ie the level of training of coaches and athletes, physical
fitness, mental, social and other indicators of the athlete, their experience in major competitions, etc.
play a key role.
In order to positively address these issues in the development of sports organizations of the
country, it is desirable to create an electronic platform of the textbook "Physical Education and Sports
Marketing", which includes marketing research on the formation of an innovative mechanism for the
full formation and development of the market of services in physical culture and sports. This e-learning
guide is aimed at finding solutions to the following pressing issues: management decisions through the
organization of marketing activities in sports organizations, the creation of an innovative new model
aimed at ensuring the financial independence of sports organizations and creating appropriate
conditions; to define marketing strategies, to develop innovative methods of determining the demand
for young talented athletes, to create an economic model of meeting the demand for sports services

Journal of Physical Education and Sport

and to develop a targeted strategic concept of sports marketing to develop physical culture and sports
to ensure competitiveness in world markets; to take an individual approach to customers, to increase
the efficiency of sponsorship and advertising activities Association of Coaches, Athletes, Referees and
Other Sports Organizations to form the economic basis for the development of a system of coordination
and regulation of activities in the field of mass sports, sports business, healthy lifestyles and sports,
the sale and purchase of fans, sponsors, athletes.
At the same time, this electronic platform provides practical assistance to those seeking change
and development in the creation of "successful" sports products (services) that meet the needs of
customers based on emotions and desires, perfection, communication and social status. Although there
are no ready-made guidelines for creating a marketing system and establishing partnerships in sports
organizations and enterprises, the decision-making models proposed on the electronic platform of the
textbook "Physical Education and Sports Marketing" can be easily adapted to a particular situation.
It should be noted that this reflects the most important aspects of modern sports marketing and some
issues of the activities of sports organizations and enterprises within the system of market relations
(for example, work with fans, licensing, marketing of sports facilities).
The above approaches structure the sports industry on an organized basis in accordance with the
established institutions - school, student, professional, amateur, recreational sports and others. This
approach helps to look at the social character of the relationship between sports entities and the sports
industry as a single complex, as well as the effective use of marketing strategies and tools. This
ultimately leads to a more serious and broader understanding of sports marketing.
The results of the study will be discussed and implemented at joint meetings of the Ministry of
Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the National Olympic Committee, sports
federations, the Women's Committee of Uzbekistan, the Youth Union of Uzbekistan.
The modern sports industry is a "living" and multifaceted organism, creating a wide range of
opportunities for the implementation of various large-scale plans, including business. The fierce
competition available for customer time and resources requires competent marketing thinking from
sports marketers, which allows for an objective assessment of a complex multi-factor market and social
environment, setting strategic goals, choosing strategies and developing effective tools to implement
The modern world is experiencing the rapid and globalization of economic processes and social
relations. As a result, previous perceptions of marketing are changing dramatically, its possibilities are
expanding - new needs and products, communications and product sales channels are emerging.
Despite the fact that most of the management processes are carried out on computers, the development
of business ideology, the choice of directions, goals and strategies is still in the hands of man.
The above data show that the role of sports marketing and its improvement is important for the
development of sports in our country as well. This will be the basis for a comprehensive solution to
the existing problems, created below: "Creating a model for the development of sports marketing in
the modernization of sports management in Uzbekistan." Creating a model for the development of
sports marketing is expedient to form in Figure 1 below.

Journal of Physical Education and Sport

Also, a "Model of functional analysis of the sports market" will be developed to analyze the
market of sports services and products. It helps to shape its position taking into account the specifics
of a particular enterprise sports marketing. According to it, the market-related functions of sports
enterprises are divided into four groups: suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers. It should
be noted that this model forms the basis of the concept of sports marketing, as its practical significance
is the development of marketing research programs.
In conclusion, this model also reflects the model of the structure of sources of income of sports
enterprises. It covers five clusters (investors, borrowing, support, commercial activities, sports
activities). It is recommended to use it in strategic "vision" and selection of marketing priorities.


Figure 1. Model of sports marketing development in the modernization of sports management in


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