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3is Q4 Week 3 Module 8

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Quarter 4 – Module 8:

Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion – Grade 12

Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 8: Sharing your Research
First Edition, 2020

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Development Team of the Module:

Author: Cheryll M. Sabaldana

Emily A. Tabamo
Reviewers: Mark Jason Dungog
Cathrine B. Pielago
Illustrator: Jungie G. Palma

Management Team:

Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III

Regional Director
Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V
Asst. Regional Director
Mala Epra B. Magnaong
Members: Dr. Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr.
Regional ADM Coordinator
Dr.Nick C. Pañares
EPS, Science
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Inquiries, Investigations, and

Quarter 4 – Module 8:
Sharing your Research

This Instructional material is collaborati vely developed and reviewed

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We value your feedback and recommendations. developed

and reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and
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Welcome to 3i’s

Sharing Your Research

To the Student:

You are now in your final stage in your research.

Are you now ready to present your research output?

What is the next thing that comes to your mind? Did you
follow the standard procedures before submitting your final

You are now on the culmination part of you research

work. After gathering all the needed data and interpreting it,
now is the time to share you research.

This module will guide you to finalize your research

draft before reporting for oral defense. You will make revision
on your research report based on suggestions and
recommendations of panellists. After all the deliberation and
revision you are now ready to submit your final written
research report.
Congratulations and God bless in your final defense.

To the Teacher

Your task is to advise on the preparation of the oral

presentation. You are going to document the proceedings
of the oral presentation. After all the preliminaries you are
going to check the final written research report.

In this lesson, you will be able to share and defend your written research
report. You are going to revise your written research report based on
suggestions and recommendations of panelist and finally submit final written
research report.








After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Defend written research report

2. Revise written research report based on suggestions and
recommendations of panelists
3. Submit final written


What’s the best way to prepare for your Oral Defense?

1. Know the format of your research defense

Make sure that you have followed the standard guidelines in presenting your
written research. As a learner of this program, make sure that you can defend
your research in front of the panel of examiners personally. An online defense
may be applicable, but it is better to have it in person to avoid barriers of

2. Prepare and practice your presentation

A good presentation depends also on the time frame. A 15-minute presentation

with a maximum of 10 to 15 slides is already an ideal presentation. Practice,
and master the content of each slide to avoid excessive watching on your own
copy. Train yourself in public speaking, or practice your presentation inside an
empty room. However, the best way to practice is to have it with your peers or
family members, so that they can also give comments or feedback on your

3. Answer the questions properly and confidently

In every defense, there is always a question from a panel. Defend your

research, and confidently answer the questions. Do not be hesitant in front of
them, because they might think that you are not master with your research

Visit the following links to watc h examples of an oral defense.


Hello learners!
Before taking a finishing the last module of this subject, let us first take
a look to your prior learning and knowledge regarding research as a whole.
Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper. Good luck!

1. It designed to identify related research, to set the current research

project within a conceptual and theoretical context
A. Literature Review C. Methodology
B. Rationale D. Conclusion

2. It is part of the research where you should define or identify the general
topic, issue, or area of concern, thus providing an appropriate context for
reviewing the literature.
A. Literature Review C. Introduction
B. Rationale D. Summary

3. Which of the following is not a purpose of the research conclusion? A. It

stresses out the importance of the thesis statement
B. It gives the written work a sense of completeness C.
It does not leave a final impression to the readers
D. It demonstrates good organization.

4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of a Research Proposal

A. he proposal might not be consistent with the donor’s interests.
B. It must be made to someone who either accepts, rejects or modifies
C. It is being written for presentation to another party in order to gain its
D. It does require presentation with a sufficient degree of clarity and
persuasiveness to be convincing.

5. Which of the following does NOT describe a Research Problem A. It is

the main focus of the study.
B. It is the question (s) that the research will answer.
C. It must be composed of measurable concepts that cannot be
operationally defined.
D. It can be a result of observation (induction) or can be deduced from
existing theory.

6. These are statements of the specific intent or purpose of the research
A. Introduction C. Literature Review
B. Objectives of the Research D. Summary and Findings

7. In research, what writing style format is widely used?

A. APA 6th edition C. CMOS 17th Edition
B. MLA D. Turabian

8. We review the relevant literature to know:

A. What is already known about the topic
B. What concepts and theories have been applied to the topic
C. Who are the key contributors to the topic
D. All of the above.

9. Which of the following should be practiced before Oral defense

A. You may prepare hand-outs or brochure
B. Prepare for your presentation mentally and physically
C. You need to memorize everything but you should know the key
D. You may bring mode of verifications for easy reference of your

10. Which of the following statement is NOT true about revising your
research paper?
A. Be sure to proofread and edit as needed.
B. Read the paper from the last word to the first word.
C. Having someone else read it aloud to you is a waste of time.
D. After receiving some suggestions, create new outline by noting points
you want to hit.

11. How will answer your panelists if they will ask you “What is the
significance of the study?
A. Simply state how your research work will help other researchers,
educators, organization practitioners and policy makers.
B. In this area, mention how your study addressed the existing
issues/problems/concerns that made you choose your topics
C. To answer this question, simply tell your audience/panellist that the
findings from your study can be generalized to other relevant
settings, group or case study.
D. Show the descriptive results from the study in a convincing and clear
style. Make sure your findings refer to your research

12. This chapter talks about the result of your study. Here you are going to
present the data gathered using the questionnaire you used by
tabulating all the gathered data.
A. Method and Procedures
B. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
C. Introduction
D. Review of Related Literature

13. Which is not true about summary, conclusions and recommendations?

A. Your conclusion should be based on your findings.
B. This is where you summarizes your interpretation of data in Chapter
C. Recommendations should be directly based on the significance of the
D. It is the part of your research where you describe the instrument you
used for example the questionnaire

14. Which of the following statement is NOT true.

A. Title Page is consists of the research title, names of the researchers
and name of the English teacher
B. Table of Contents contains the accurate paging of each part of the
research paper
C. List of Tables/Figures contains the accurate paging of each part of
the research paper
D. Acknowledgement is a personal page where the researchers are
given the privilege to extend gratitude to all people who helped in
accomplishing the research

15. Which of the parts of the Research Paper is NOT correct?

A. Chapter 1. The Problem and It’s Background
B. Chapter 2. Review of Related Literature
C. Chapter 3. Method and Procedures
D. Chapter 4. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

Lesson Inquiries, Sharing
Investigations Your
1 Immersion Research

What are the Parts of the Research Paper?

Chapter 1. The Problem and It’s Background
Chapter 2. Review of Related Literature
Chapter 3. Method and Procedures
Chapter 4. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Chapter 5. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

Chapter 1 The Problem and It’s Background

• Scope and Limitations of the Study- shows the scope of the study and
all the limitations which the research does not cover.
• Definition of Terms- defines technical terms based on how they are use
in the study, specifically in the title. This will give the readers the terms
used in the research

Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature

• It is designed to locate the problem within a research tradition
• This provides an overview on how the researcher perceives the issues.
• In this part of the research you can skillfully paraphrase, summarize or
write indirect speeches.
 Step 1- Organize the idea on how you present in the chapter
 Step 2- Acknowledge the author of the source material where you
gather your literature.
 Step 3-Edit. Rewrite

Chapter 3 Method and Procedures

• This is the part where appropriate methods used is being presented
• This includes the subjects of the study or your respondents:
• It is the part of your research where you describe the instrument you
used for example the questionnaire

• In this part you narrate the process you perform in the study which leads
to the findings.
• If you used statistical treatment liken sampling method and formulas
include it in the writings.

Chapter 4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

• This chapter talks about the result of your study. Here you are going to
present the data gathered using the questionnaire you used by
tabulating all the gathered data.
• It is here where you present your interpretation of data as basis of your
Summary of Findings.

Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

• This is where you summarizes your interpretation of data in Chapter 4.
Your summary should answer your statement of the problem.
• Your conclusion should be based on your findings. This part provides
the answer in for the stated problem. This is where you will prove your
• Recommendations-should be directly based on the significance of the
study. This also includes the recommended actions that should be done
after the conduct of the study such as further the conduct of the study
such as further , etc. assessment of the subject, focus on other factors

Title Page- consists of the research title, names of the researchers and
name of the English teacher

Acknowledgement- a personal page where the researchers are given the

privilege to extend gratitude to all people who helped in accomplishing the

Table of Contents- contains the accurate paging of each part of the

research paper

List of Tables/Figures- contains the accurate paging of the tables/figures

used in the study

Bibliography/Reference-where you will use your sourced cards. Present

the sources using APA or MLA format

Appendix (e.g., survey questionnaire, interview questions)- attachments


Research Presentation Guidelines

Brief Presentation: This is the visual version of your paper. Your presentation
should include: a short introduction, your hypotheses, a brief description of the
methods, tables and/or graphs related to your findings, and an interpretation of
your data.

The presentations should not be more than 10 minutes long. It is not much
time though. Consider planning about 1 minute per slide. The trick to giving a
better presentations is simplifying your information down into bulleted,
diagrams, tables and graphs. Do not rush while presenting.

Title slide (1 slide). It will contain the title of your paper. If the research is in
group list the name of all the members, your class and section, school and the
date of presentation.

Introduction (typically 3-4 slides). Explain why your work is interesting. This
part tells the context of the study. Using pictures is a plus factor to attract
audience excitement and attention about the issue and questions you are
addressing. Clearly state your hypotheses.

Materials and Methods (typically 2-3 slides). This is a clear summary of

design. Show a picture of your respondents and justify why they are appropriate
for addressing the questions mentioned above. Show a picture of the venue/
laboratory set-up or some person doing some work or activity related to your
study. You can show a diorama of your experimental design (sample sizes,
sampling frequency). Mention what parameters you measured but do not go
into detail on exact procedures used. State what statistical tests you used to
analyse data.

Results (typically 2-4 slides). You may show a photograph which shows an
interesting qualitative results and state the results. Graphical presentation of
results reminds the audience of your hypothesis. A simple and clean graphs
with complete label is more reliable. Do not use light colors in your figures, they
do not show up well when projected.

Implications and Conclusions (typically 2-3 slides). Interpret your results

correctly. Address sources of errors and methodological difficulties
constructively. Results should be placed in context and draw implications from

Acknowledgement (1 slide). Thank everyone who provided advice or

assistance. Verbally thank your audience for their attention and tell them you
would be happy to answer any questions.

What is It

Use the following steps when preparing for the oral defense of your
Research Paper.
1. Your evaluation is based on your presentation.

2. Prepare for your presentation mentally and physically. If possible sleep

early the night before your presentation.

3. You don’t need to memorize everything but you should know the key

4. Familiarize your power point presentation and all the parts of your
research including all the details.

5. Make eye contact with more than one member of the panel of assessors
during the course of your presentation.

6. You may bring mode of verifications for easy reference of your research.

7. Keep the cool. Don’t speak too fast and don’t read your notes. Just
glance once in a while.

8. Use simple terminologies. It should be concise to be understood even if

the audience is not in the academe.

9. You may prepare hand-outs or brochure.

10. Space your presentation. Do not focused in one slide only.

11. When the panelist occasionally interact during your presentation, take
note of the suggestions.

12. Do not answer in a hurry. Pause and think to organize your thoughts. If
you are not clear about the question, you are entitled to clarify.

13. Put up a good defense without being defensive. Be confident.

14. After the oral defense, meet with your advisor for debriefing and seek
advice on how to revise your thesis.

15. Practice, practice, practice. Rehearse several times with the equipment
you will use for your presentation.


Common project defense questions and answers

1. Why did you choose this topic?

Commonly this is the first question and you need to prepare a good
response. Mention your driving motivations for the study. State your
research problem and why you wanted to address it in embarking on
your study.

2. Briefly, explain what your research project is all about? To

answer this question, understand completely you research work. If you
were asked to submit an abstract, basically repeat it.

3. What is the scope of the study?

Briefly state the specific aspects of your research topic that you choose
to cover.

4. What is the significance of the study?

Simply state how your research work will help other researchers,
educators, organization practitioners and policy makers. In short cite the
usability of your research.

5. Did you bridge any gap from your study?

In this area, mention how your study addressed the existing
issues/problems/concerns that made you choose your topics.

6. What are your research variables?

This question is asked in order to find out if you really know what your
research project is all about. Explain your independent and dependent
variable(s) to show them you really grasp the concept of your research
topic. Identify the variables in your project topic, define and explain

7. What research methodology did you use?

This is usually the chapter three of your project report. To respond to
this question, you should briefly state the research design procedure
you adopted for the research. Talk about the data collection methods
and sampling techniques employed in the research.

8. Why did you use that research methodology?

State the main reason for choosing your research methodology.
For instance, you used survey research method, state your reasons to

collect information from the sample without influencing the population of
the study.

9. Why do you think your research is reliable?

To answer this question, simply tell your audience/panellist that the
threats to research reliability (which are participants’ error, participant
bias, research error, and researcher bias) did not occur during the

10. Why do you think your research is valid?

To answer this question, simply tell your audience/panellist that the
findings from your study can be generalized to other relevant settings,
group or case study.

11. In what way(s) does your research project contributes to

You may refer to your significance of the study. You talk about your
research objectives in addressing the problem. Briefly state that your
project will advance understanding in your research field.

12. What are the limitations encountered

No research task is perfect. It is common for at the least one issue to
be identified. To answer this question, communicate about
the weaknesses that had been out of your control.

13. Which programming language did you use to write your program?
(for computer science students)
State the programming language and database used in the
development of your software/program. If you did not design the
program yourself or you were assisted by a friend or colleague, find out
from the person which programming language was used. You might
also ask the person to give you a crash course on the programming

14. Show us how your software works (for computer science

Make sure you are familiar with how the software program works. Also,
ensure that there aren't any errors in the software. Go beforehand and
show the panel of assessors how the software program functions. You
can also display them some records which you entered previously

15. What source of data was employed for the research?

a. Simply state the data collection methods that were used in the
study. You should state if primary sources such as
questionnaires, interview, observation OR secondary sources
such as textbooks, journals, articles, etc. were used. If you
combined primary and secondary sources, briefly talk about it.

16. What are your findings?
Show the descriptive results from the study in a convincing and clear
style. Make sure your findings refer to your research

17. Based on your findings what are you

This is where you talk about the importance and implications of your
findings from three levels namely:
a. Research (various ways other researchers can improve or refine
the study)
b. Theory (the new contributions that you are adding to the body of
knowledge) and
c. Practice (how the information gotten from your study can make
practice better, improve the operational procedures, solve
problems, and improve policy making etc.).

Note: Avoid the temptation to make recommendations that are not

supported by your findings. Do not recommend based on your beliefs.

18. What is the strongest point in your project?

The duration of the oral defense might just be 10 - 15 minutes, as such
the questioners will not have the time to ask you about every detail. They
will want to focus on the major thoughts and ask you the most essential
components of your research. Be equipped to answer.

19. If you could change something regarding your study, what would
it be?
a. You can get your answer from the limitations of your study.
Consider the constraints and the kind of data collection

20. Do you have any closing comments

Thank the panel of assessors and let them know that the
revisions/corrections that were given (such as rewriting the conclusion,
tables/graphs that are not in the right format, something you said during the
defense and they want you to include it in the report or some other issues
they noticed you did not capture) would be implemented and shown to your

Lesson Inquiries, Sharing
Investigations Your
2 Immersion Research


is a revision of a paper of text?

To improve your paper, revision is necessary to polish it through completely.

Several steps in writing is involved. Revision is the process to drive your paper
to better level. IN revising, you will rework and rewrite sentences. You may
revise the entire paragraphs to improve your argument.

10 Things You Can Do to a Better Revise Your Paper

1. It is good to have someone else read your paper. Your researcher
teacher may critic your work. You may ask you language teacher to read
your paper and ask for some suggestions.
2. Go over your paper by reading out loud. Figure it out if it may sounds
3. Thoroughly research the topic by reading the new credible sources.
4. After receiving some suggestions, create new outline by noting points
you want to hit.
5. Have someone else read it aloud to you, does it sound right?
6. Read the paper from the last word to the first word.
7. Consider your paper as a presentation. Think of it as if you were
presenting in an audience.
8. Provide a complete draft of new introduction and conclusion. Check if
the current paper aligned with the correct parts.
9. Be sure to proofread and edit as needed.
10. Set your paper aside for a day or longer and come back and read it
through fresh eyes.

What I have Learned

• Parts of the Research Paper

Chapter 1. The Problem and It’s Background

Chapter 2. Review of Related Literature
Chapter 3. Method and Procedures
Chapter 4. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Chapter 5. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

• Research Presentation Guidelines

• Common project defense questions and answers
• Revision Of a Written Research


Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of

paper. Good luck!

1. Which of the parts of the Research Paper is NOT correct?

A. Chapter 1. The Problem and It’s Background
B. Chapter 2. Review of Related Literature
C. Chapter 3. Method and Procedures
D. Chapter 4. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

2. Which of the following statement is NOT true.

A. Title Page is consists of the research title, names of the researchers
and name of the English teacher
B. Table of Contents contains the accurate paging of each part of the
research paper
C. List of Tables/Figures contains the accurate paging of each part of
the research paper
D. Acknowledgement is a personal page where the researchers are
given the privilege to extend gratitude to all people who helped in
accomplishing the research
3. Which is not true about summary, conclusions and recommendations?
A. Your conclusion should be based on your findings.
B. This is where you summarizes your interpretation of data in Chapter
C. Recommendations should be directly based on the significance of the
D. It is the part of your research where you describe the instrument you
used for example the questionnaire

4. This chapter talks about the result of your study. Here you are going to
present the data gathered using the questionnaire you used by
tabulating all the gathered data.
A. Method and Procedures
B. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
C. Introduction
D. Review of Related Literature

5. How will answer your panelists if they will ask you “What is the
significance of the study?
A. Simply state how your research work will help other researchers,
educators, organization practitioners and policy makers.
B. In this area, mention how your study addressed the existing
issues/problems/concerns that made you choose your topics
C. To answer this question, simply tell your audience/panellist that the
findings from your study can be generalized to other relevant settings,
group or case study.
D. Show the descriptive results from the study in a convincing and clear
style. Make sure your findings refer to your research

6. Which of the following statement is NOT true about revising your

research paper?
A. Be sure to proofread and edit as needed.
B. Read the paper from the last word to the first word.
C. Having someone else read it aloud to you is a waste of time.
D. After receiving some suggestions, create new outline by noting points
you want to hit.

7. Which of the following should be practiced before Oral defense

A. You may prepare hand-outs or brochure
B. Prepare for your presentation mentally and physically
C. You need to memorize everything but you should know the key
D. You may bring mode of verifications for easy reference of your

8. We review the relevant literature to know:

A. What is already known about the topic
B. What concepts and theories have been applied to the topic C. Who
are the key contributors to the topic
D. All of the above.

9. In research, what writing style format is widely used?

A. APA 6th edition C. CMOS 17th Edition
B. MLA D. Turabian

10. These are statements of the specific intent or purpose of the research
A. Introduction C. Literature Review
B. Objectives of the Research D. Summary and Findings

11. Which of the following does NOT describe a Research Problem A. It is
the main focus of the study.
B. It is the question (s) that the research will answer.
C. It must be composed of measurable concepts that cannot be
operationally defined.
D. It can be a result of observation (induction) or can be deduced from
existing theory.

12. Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of a Research Proposal

A. The proposal might not be consistent with the donor’s interests.
B. It must be made to someone who either accepts, rejects or modifies
C. It is being written for presentation to another party in order to gain its
D. It does require presentation with a sufficient degree of clarity and
persuasiveness to be convincing.

13. Which of the following is not a purpose of the research conclusion?

A. It stresses out the importance of the thesis statement
B. It gives the written work a sense of completeness C. It does not leave
a final impression to the readers
D. It demonstrates good organization.

14. It is part of the research where you should define or identify the general
topic, issue, or area of concern, thus providing an appropriate context
for reviewing the literature.
A. Literature Review C. Introduction
B. Rationale D. Summary

15. It designed to identify related research, to set the current research

project within a conceptual and theoretical context

A. Literature Review C. Methodology

B. Rationale D. Conclusion


A Research Guide for Students. Retrieved from


Excelsior Online Writing Lab. Retrieved from





Instruction: Follow this format in answering all the activities, and assessment. Write your answers in
ONE WHOLE SHEET of paper. Make sure to label the activity and assessment on your answer sheets.
Use another sheet if needed.

Subject Teacher: _________________________________________________

Name of Student: ____________________________________________
Grade level: 12 Section: _______________________________
Module Week: 3 Quarter: FOUR Semester: SECOND
Contact Number: _________________________________



 WHAT I KNOW (pages 4 – 6) (15 items – 1 point each)


 ASSESSMENT (pages 16 – 18) (15 items – 1 point each

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