Jurisprudence 2001
Jurisprudence 2001
Jurisprudence 2001
the cases embraced in the special law." the corporate secretary to record his
alleged ownership of such shares on the
basis merely of the contract of pledge.
oOo Similarly, the SEC does not acquire
jurisdiction over a dispute when a party's
Even assuming for the sake of argument claim to being a shareholder is, on the
that Section 4 should be deemed face of the complaint, invalid or
superseded, we have held that where a inadequate or is otherwise negated by
contract is entered into by the parties on the very allegations of such complaint.
the basis of the law then obtaining, the Mandamus will not issue to establish a
repeal or amendment of said law will not right, but only to enforce one that is
affect the terms of the contract, nor already established." 24
impair the right of the parties
thereunder. This rule applies even if oOo
one of the contracting parties is the
government. 22 The stipulations in In addition, even if Ting Ping Lay were
Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 5 being not a stockholder, he is nonetheless a
integral parts of the original contract member of the public whose investment
between Arboleda and the Land Tenure in the corporation the law seeks to
Administration, the five-year redemption protect and encourage, as his purchase
period in Section 4, R.A. 1597 becomes of the shares of stock has been
all the more pertinent and decisive of the established. 25 After all, the principal
controversy in the present case. function of the SEC is the supervision
and control of corporations, partnerships
In the light of Section 4 of R.A. 1597, we and associations with the end in view
hold that the respondent court that investments in these entities may
committed no reversible error when it be encouraged and protected, and their
affirmed the trial court’s judgment. activities pursued for the protection of
Petitioners’ repurchase of the subject lot economic development. 26 In other
within the five-year redemption period of words, the jurisdiction of the SEC should
Section 4 of R.A. No. 1597 is within the be construed in relation to its power of
purview of a redemption by a co-owner control and supervision over all
which inures to the benefit of all other corporations to encourage active public
co-owners of the property. participation in the affairs of private
corporations by way of investments. 27
Petitioners are also barred from
The determination of whether or not a questioning the jurisdiction of the SEC.
shareholder is entitled to exercise the While it is a rule that a jurisdictional
rights of a stockholder is within the question may be raised at any time, this,
jurisdiction of the SEC. 23 As held by the however, admits of an exception where,
Court, thru Justice A. Panganiban in Lim as in this case, estoppel has supervened.
Tay: This Court has time and again frowned
upon the undesirable practice of a party
"The duty of a corporate secretary to submitting his case for decision and then
record transfers of stocks is ministerial. accepting the judgment, only if
However, he cannot be compelled to do favorable, and attacking it for lack of
so when the transferee's title to said jurisdiction when adverse. 29 Instead of
shares has no prima facie validity or is opposing the exercise of jurisdiction by
uncertain. More specifically, a pledgor, 24
Id. at 639
prior to foreclosure and sale, does not 25
Tolentino vs. Court of Appeals, 280 SCRA 226, 234
acquire ownership rights over the (1997)
pledged shares and thus cannot compel
Lozano vs. De los Santos, 274 SCRA 452, 458 (1997)
Rivilla vs. IAC, 175 SCRA 773, 778 (1989)
Laguna Lake Development Authority vs. Court of 28
Suarez vs. Court of Appeals, 186 SCRA 339, 342
Appeals, 251 SCRA 42, 56 (1995) (1990)
Insular Government vs. Frank, 13 Phil. 236, 239 29
Korean Airlines, Co., Ltd. vs. Court of Appeals, 247
(1909); Aisporna vs. Court of Appeals, 108 SCRA 481, SCRA 599, 603 (1995); Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals,
494-495 (1981) 240 SCRA 606, 612 (1995); Bañaga vs. Commission on
Insular Government vs. Frank, 13 Phil. 236, 239 (1909) the Settlement of Land Problems, 181 SCRA 599, 608
293 SCRA 634, 648 (1998) (1990); Tijam vs. Sibonghanoy, 23 SCRA 29, 36 (1968)
finding that the crime was committed Further, appellants faulted the trial court
with evident premeditation as the in holding that the attempted murder of
prosecution failed to prove the following Edgar Loveres was committed with the
requisites: (1) the time when the aggravating circumstance of superior
offender determined to commit the strength and evident premeditation.
crime; (2) an act manifestly indicating They asserted that Edgar was stabbed
that the culprit has clung to his by Inggo only once, and hit by Edwin
determination; and (3) a sufficient lapse Trabuncon with a piece of wood only
of time between the determination and once before he ran away. There was no
execution, to allow him to reflect upon evidence that the accused were
the consequences of his act. 54 physically stronger and abused such
We agree. When Edgar Loveres tried to
In the aggravating circumstance of lift his mother after she was shot, Inggo
superiority in strength, superiority in Pablo stabbed him, and Edwin Trabuncon
number does not necessarily mean hit him with a piece of wood on his left
superiority in strength; it is necessary to forearm, so Edgar Loveres ran inside
show that the aggressors cooperated in their house. It appears that the attack
such a way as to secure advantage from was made on him alternately and not
their superiority in strength. 55 There simultaneously. Use of superior strength
must be proof of the relative physical should not be considered when the
strength of the aggressors and the attack was made on the victim
assaulted party or proof that the accused alternately, one after the other. 60 It was
simultaneously assaulted the deceased. not shown that Inggo Pablo and Edwin
Trabuncon cooperated in such a way as
to secure advantage from their combined
The rule is that under normal conditions, or superior strength in attacking Edgar
when the conspiracy is directly Loveres. 61
established with proof of the attendant
deliberation and selection of the method, oOo
time and means of executing the crimes,
the existence of evident premeditation Rule 122, §1 of the Revised Rules on
may be taken for granted. 57 In case of Criminal Procedure provides that "(a)ny
implied conspiracy, however, there must party may appeal from a judgment or
be proof as to how and when the plan final order, unless the accused will be
was hatched and the time that elapsed placed in double jeopardy." It has been
before it was carried out, so it can be held that the word "party" in the
determined if the accused had sufficient provision in question includes not only
time between its inception and its the government and the accused but
fulfillment to dispassionately consider other persons as well, such as the
the commission of the crime and its complainant who may be affected by the
consequences. 58 judgment rendered in the criminal
proceedings. The complainant has an
Hence, the trial court correctly convicted interest in the civil liability arising from
appellants of the crime of murder of the crime, unless of course he has
Domingo and Robert Loveres, qualified reserved to bring a separate civil action
by treachery, which absorbed the to recover the civil liability.62 Hence, in
aggravating circumstance of abuse of the prosecution of the offense, the
superior strength. 59 complainant's role is that of a witness for
the prosecution.63 Ordinarily, the appeal
of criminal cases involves as parties only
Id. the accused, as appellants, and the
People v. Casey, see note 63, supra at 34 [1981]
citing People v. Elizaga, 86 Phil. 365 People vs. Narciso, 23 SCRA 844, 865-866, (1968)
Id., citing People v. Bustos, et al., 51 Phil. 385; People 61
People v. Casey, 103 SCRA 21, 34 [1981] citing
vs. Rubia, et al., 52 Phil. 172, 176 [1928] People v. Trumata and Baligasa, 49 Phil 192
People vs. Rojas, 147 SCRA 169, 179 [1987] citing 62
Mosquera v. Panganiban, 258 SCRA 473 (1996);
People vs. Cornejo, 28 Phil. 457 People v. Guido, 57 Phil. 52 (1932)
Id., citing People vs. Custodia, 97 Phil. 698 63
Soriano v. Angeles, G.R. No. 109920, Aug. 31, 2000;
People vs. Lopez, G. R. No. 132168, October 10, 2000 People v. Santiago, 174 SCRA 143 (1989)
State, represented by the Office of the receipts, showing the expenses incurred
Solicitor General, as the appellee. The during the wake and burial of the
participation of the private offended deceased. 67
party would be a mere surplusage, if the
State were simply to seek the On the other hand, in line with our
affirmation of a judgment of conviction. rulings in several cases, 68 the heirs of
However, where the Office of the the victim should be paid the amount of
Solicitor General takes a contrary P50,000.00 as civil indemnity. Unlike the
position and recommends, as in this award of actual damages, the award of
case, the acquittal of the accused, the civil indemnity need no proof other than
complainant's right to be heard on the the death of the victim. In addition,
question of award of indemnity and while the heirs of the victim are entitled
damages arises. In the interest of justice to moral damages, the award must not
and equity and to provide perspective for exceed P50,000.00 as fixed by our
this appeal, therefore, the Court hereby recent rulings. 69 The purpose of making
allows in this case the memorandum such award is not to enrich the heirs of
filed by complainant which is hereby the victim but to compensate them for
admitted as part of the records of this injuries to their feelings. 70
The essence of treachery is the sudden
and unexpected attack without the It is a fundamental rule that, in the
slightest provocation on the part of the determination of the nature of an action
person attacked. 64 or proceeding, the averments 71 and the
character of the relief sought 72 in the
The inconsistencies, improbabilities, and complaint, or petition, as in the case at
uncertainties in Mercy's testimony are bar, shall be controlling.
many, and they relate to material points.
The suspicion cannot be helped that she The fact of death of the decedent and of
was a rehearsed witness.65 It cannot be his residence within the country are
too often repeated that for evidence to foundation facts upon which all the
be believed, it must not only proceed subsequent proceedings in the
from the mouth of a credible witness but administration of the estate rest.[17]
must itself be credible. The evidence
must be what the common experience It is our view that herein petitioners may
and observation of mankind would not be allowed to defeat the purpose of
approve of as probable under the the essentially valid petition for the
circumstances. settlement of the estate of the late
Troadio Manalo by raising matters that
oOo are irrelevant and immaterial to the said
petition. It must be emphasized that the
The rule is settled that where there is trial court, sitting, as a probate court,
nothing to indicate that a witness was has limited and special jurisdiction 73 and
actuated by improper motive his positive
and categorical declarations on the People v. Vital, G.R. No. 130785, September 29, 2000;
People v. Gallo, 318 SCRA 157 (1999); People v.
stand, made under solemn oath, should Lachica, 316 SCRA 443 (1999); People v. Apelado, 316
be given full faith and credence. 66 SCRA 422 (1999)
E.g., People v. Samolde, G.R. No. 128551, July 31,
The award of damages should be 2000; People v. Suplito, supra; People v. Bautista, 312
SCRA 475 (1999); People v. Panida, 310 SCRA 66
modified. The award of P20,000.00 as (1999)
actual damages and expenses must be 69
People v. Ladit, G.R. No. 127571, May 11, 2000;
deleted for lack of evidence presented to People v. Orillo, G.R. No. 125896, May 11, 2000; People
support it. Under Art. 2199 of the Civil v. Suplito, supra; People v. Espanola, 271 SCRA 689
Code, for such an award to be made, 70
People v. Verde, 302 SCRA 690 (1999)
there must be competent proof, such as 71
De Tavera vs. Philippine Tuberculosis Society, Inc. 112
SCRA 243, 248 (1982)
People v. Domingo, 312 SCRA 487 (1999) 72
Movers-Baseco Integrated Port Services, Inc. vs.
People v. Milan, 311 SCRA 461 (1999) Cyborg Leasing Corporation, 317 SCRA 327, 335 (1999)
66 73
People v. Suplito, 314 SCRA 493 (1999); People v. Guzman vs. Anog, 37 Phil. 61, 62 (1917); Borja vs.
Payot, 308 SCRA 43 (1999) Borja, et al., 101 Phil 911, 925 (1957) cited in the
erred when it did not give credence to victim’s part is indispensable.102 If there
his claim of incomplete self-defense, is no unlawful aggression, there is
since he was clubbed by the deceased, nothing to prevent or repel.103
whom he had to stab with a knife he
picked up from the ground, so as to The records show that petitioner sought
protect himself. Petitioner points out that to prove the element of unlawful
the victim was a drug addict and an ex- aggression on the victim’s part by
convict, notorious in the neighborhood pointing to the injuries which said victim
for violent behavior. had allegedly inflicted upon him. To
support this claim, petitioner presented a
The Solicitor General notes that medico-legal report prepared by the
petitioner’s stance is not supported by Assistant City Health Officer of
the records. The prosecution clearly Dumaguete City, who examined him on
proved that petitioner stabbed the victim August 2, 1989, as well as the testimony
while the latter was running towards his of said examining physician to the effect
house. Thus, unlawful aggression was that:
absent on the part of the victim, and this
negated petitioner’s theory of incomplete "(Petitioner was) found to be suffering
self-defense and/or defense of a relative. from (1) superficial laceration located
just above the left elbow at the back side
In invoking the justifying circumstance with a U-shape(d) opening facing
of self-defense, complete or incomplete, upward (2) contusion at the same area
the onus probandi is shifted to accused (3) superficial laceration on the left
to prove by clear and convincing forearm (4) contusion located at the
evidence all the elements of self- right side above the head a little above
defense, namely: (a) unlawful the earline. All the injuries were
aggression on the part of the victim; (b) classified as slight physical injuries, and
the reasonable necessity of the means it (sic) may have been caused by the
employed to prevent or repel it; and (c) skin (being) hit with a hard object on
lack of sufficient provocation on the part (sic) several blows" 104
of the person defending himself.99 The
accused must rely on the strength of his The fact that petitioner sustained these
own evidence and not on the weakness injuries does not signify that he was a
of the prosecution’s evidence since he victim of unlawful aggression. Unlawful
admits the commission of the alleged aggression is "an assault or attack, or a
criminal act.100 threat thereof in an imminent and
immediate manner, which places the
For defense of a relative to be defendant’s life in actual peril."[21] In
appreciated, the following requisites this case, the superficiality of the injuries
must concur: (1) unlawful aggression by allegedly sustained by petitioner at the
the victim; (2) reasonable necessity of hands of the victim is no indication that
the means employed to prevent or repel his life and limb were in actual peril at
it; and (3) in case the provocation was the time of the killing. Note that the
given by the person attacked, that the examining physician characterized the
person making the defense took no part injuries suffered by petitioner as "slight
therein.101 physical injuries." This clearly shows that
petitioner’s life could not have been in
Note that for self-defense or defense of a danger at the time of the killing.
relative, whether complete or Moreover, petitioner failed to present
incomplete, to be appreciated, the any other witness to corroborate his
requisite of unlawful aggression on the
De Luna v. Court of Appeals, 244 SCRA 758, 763
(1995) citing People v. Agapinay, 186 SCRA 812 (1990),
People v. Gadin, Jr., G.R. No. 130658, May 4, 2000, p. People v. Delgado, 182 SCRA 343 (1990), People v.
6, citing People v. De la Cruz, 313 SCRA 189 (1999), Cañete, 175 SCRA 111 (1989), and US v. Carrero, 9
People v. Bitoon, 309 SCRA 209 (1999), and People v. Phil. 544 (1908)
Villamor, 292 SCRA 384 (1998) People v. Ignacio, 270 SCRA 445, 451 (1997)
People v. Caverte and Caverte, G.R. No. 123112, 104
March 30, 2000, p. 19, citing People v. Obzunar, 265 Ed. 1988) p. 980. See also Jayme v. People, 314 SCRA
SCRA 547 (1996) 117, 121 (1999), citing People v. Galapin, 293 SCRA 474
People v. Bausing, 199 SCRA 355, 361 (1991) (1998)
claim that Oliver Diaz was the unlawful For the mitigating circumstance of
aggressor. On the contrary, the positive voluntary surrender to be appreciated,
testimony of eyewitness Miraflor Salvero the accused must satisfactorily comply
points to petitioner as the one who with three requisites: (1) he has not
stabbed the deceased unexpectedly and been actually arrested; (2) he
without provocation. surrendered himself to a person in
authority or the latter’s agent; and (3)
With respect to petitioner’s claim of the surrender is voluntary.105 There must
defense of a relative, we quote with be a showing of spontaneity and an
approval, the following findings of the intent to surrender unconditionally to the
trial court: authorities, either because the accused
acknowledges his guilt or he wishes to
"[B]oth prosecution and defense are spare them the trouble and expense
jointly in accord that both the victim concomitant to his capture. 106
Oliver and accused Lucibar Roca were
not part of the initial neighborhood In this case, the Court of Appeals
quarrel, but came from separate affirmed the trial court’s findings that
directions after the start of the said petitioner fled to Bais City and only
quarrel. decided to have the police fetch him,
four days after the incident, for fear that
The foregoing findings show that the the victim’s relatives might avenge his
victim was not one of the assailants of death. Hence, we agree that there was
petitioner’s brother during the affray, no voluntary surrender on his part. We
which immediately preceded the find no reversible error committed by the
stabbing incident. The mere fact that the appellate court in refusing to credit
deceased was a drug addict and ex- petitioner’s claim of voluntary surrender.
convict given to violent behavior does The records show that he had several
not justify killing him. The victim may opportunities to surrender to the
have been a character in their authorities or to their agents. He could
community, but he was not one of those have given himself up right after the
responsible for attacking petitioner’s incident by not fleeing the scene of the
brother with a deadly weapon. In view of crime. He could have surrendered to
the absence of unlawful aggression on P/Cpl. Ralph Rabina, a member of the
the part of Oliver Diaz against Intelligence Unit of the Dumaguete City
petitioner’s brother, petitioner could not police force, who was a relative of his
claim defense of a relative when he wife and who made the request for his
mortally wounded Oliver. Petitioner’s medico-legal examination by the City
attempt to exonerate himself from the Health Officer. Petitioner could have
consequences of his act must fail in the given himself up to the authorities right
absence of the first element of defense after his medico-legal examination
of a relative, namely unlawful aggression considering that the office of the City
on Oliver’s part. Health Officer was close to the City Hall
where authorities or their agents were
On the third issue, petitioner charges the likely to be present. We find that
appellate court with reversible error for spontaneity and an intent to surrender
failing to consider the mitigating are absent where, as in this case,
circumstance of voluntary surrender in petitioner only decided to give up for
his favor. He contends that he gave fear of a possible vendetta.
himself up to the police before a warrant
for his arrest could be issued and his act The fourth issue involves the correctness
should therefore be considered as a of the penalty imposed upon petitioner.
voluntary surrender. Petitioner insists that the penalty should
be lowered so as to entitle him to
The Solicitor General argues that probation. The issue is premised on the
respondent court was correct in refusing
to credit petitioner with voluntary 105
People v. Ignacio, G.R. No. 134568, February 10,
surrender since he did not in fact do so, 2000, p. 12, citing People v. Deopante, 263 SCRA 691
but instead he fled to Bais City, where (1996)
People v. Salas, G.R. No. 115192, March 7, 2000, p.
he waited for the police to fetch him. 10.