Quantitative Technique
Quantitative Technique
Quantitative Technique
Rationality: Game theory assumes that all players are rational, meaning they make
decisions that maximize their own utility or payoff based on their preferences and
available information. Rationality doesn't necessarily imply perfect decision-making
but assumes that players act in a way that's consistent with their preferences.
Complete information or common knowledge: In some game models, it's assumed
that all players have complete information about the game, including the rules,
payoffs, strategies available to other players, and past actions. Additionally, there's a
presumption of "common knowledge," where each player knows the game structure
and knows that every other player knows it too, and so on.
Static vs. dynamic games: Game theory often distinguishes between static (or
simultaneous-move) and dynamic (or sequential-move) games. Static games assume
that all players make decisions simultaneously without knowing the actions of
others. Dynamic games involve sequential moves, where players take turns making
decisions, potentially observing previous players' choices.
Zero-sum vs. non-zero-sum games: Zero-sum games are situations where the total
payoff is constant, meaning any gain by one player is exactly balanced by losses of
others. Non-zero-sum games allow for situations where outcomes aren't strictly
opposing (i.e., cooperative or competitive), and gains or losses can be unevenly
distributed among players.
Perfect information and perfect foresight: Some models assume that players have
perfect information about the game, including the outcomes of all possible actions.
Similarly, perfect foresight assumes that players can accurately predict future actions
and their consequences.
No externalities: Game theory often assumes that decisions made by one player do
not affect other players outside the framework of the game. Externalities, such as
side effects or impacts on other individuals or systems not involved in the game
directly, are typically excluded.
Sources (e.g., factories, warehouses): Locations where goods are available for
Destinations (e.g., retailers, customers): Locations where goods need to be
Supply: The amount of goods available at each source.
Demand: The amount of goods required at each destination.
Costs: The cost associated with shipping goods from each source to each destination.
The goal is to determine the optimal shipment quantities from sources to destinations in a
way that minimizes total transportation costs while satisfying supply and demand
Mathematically, the transportation problem can be formulated as follows:
Decision Variables: Let xij represent the quantity of goods shipped from source i to
destination j.
si: Supply available at source i.
dj: Demand required at destination j.
cij: Cost of shipping one unit of goods from source i to destination �j.
Objective Function: Minimize the total transportation cost.
Minimize ∑∑cij⋅xij
Supply Constraints: Ensure that the total amount shipped from each source does not exceed
the available supply.
Demand Constraints: Ensure that the total amount received at each destination meets the
Non-Negativity Constraints: Ensure that shipment quantities are non-negative.
A payoff matrix is a tool used in game theory to represent the possible outcomes of a
strategic interaction between two or more decision-making entities, often referred to as
players or agents. It outlines the payoffs or outcomes associated with various combinations
of choices made by the players involved in the game.
In a payoff matrix:
Each row typically represents the possible strategies or actions available to one
player, while each column represents the possible strategies or actions available to
another player.
The cells within the matrix display the respective payoffs or outcomes to each player
resulting from the combination of strategies chosen by both players.
Payoff matrices are commonly used in various game theory models, such as the
prisoner's dilemma, the Battle of the Sexes, the stag hunt, and other strategic
interaction scenarios. The entries in the matrix could represent different outcomes,
such as monetary rewards, utility, points, or any other measure of benefit or loss
relevant to the specific context of the game.
Capacity Constraints
Precedence Constraints
Exclusivity Constraints
Availability Constraints
Skill or Qualification Constraints
Geographical Constraints
Budget Constraints
Mutual Exclusivity Constraints
Total Float measures the flexibility in the entire project schedule without delaying
the project completion.
Free Float assesses the flexibility within an activity without delaying its succeeding
Independent Float considers the maximum delay an activity can have without
affecting immediate succeeding activities that share a common predecessor.
Slack or Float denotes the available time an activity can be delayed without
impacting the project's overall schedule.
Activities are the individual tasks or work elements within a project, each with its
own duration, dependencies, and impact on the project's schedule.
13. Define network analysis and explain three functions of network scheduling.
Network analysis, also known as network scheduling or project network analysis, is a
technique used in project management to visualize and analyse the flow of activities, their
interdependencies, and the critical path within a project. It involves representing project
tasks or activities as nodes connected by arrows (representing dependencies) to form a
network diagram.
Three functions of network scheduling in project management are:
Incomplete Information
Risk and Uncertainty
Probability and Subjective Assessment
Decision-Making Models
Risk Management and Mitigation Strategies
Flexibility and Adaptability
Decision-Making Heuristics
Scenario Planning and Sensitivity Analysis
Players: Individuals, entities, or agents involved in the game, each making choices
that affect the outcomes.
Strategies: Courses of action available to each player, representing their decisions or
Payoffs or Outcomes: The consequences or rewards associated with different
combinations of strategies chosen by the players.
Information: Whether players have completed or incomplete information about the
game, their opponents' strategies, and the possible outcomes.
Types of game theory:
Dominance Rule:
In the context of decision-making, the dominance rule is a principle used to compare and
evaluate alternatives by eliminating inferior or dominated options. An alternative is said to
be dominated when there exists another alternative that is at least as good in all respects
and strictly better in at least one aspect. According to the dominance rule, dominated
alternatives can be eliminated from consideration as they offer no advantage over other
available options. By applying this rule, decision-makers can simplify complex decision
problems by focusing on superior alternatives and reducing the number of choices to
Fulkerson's Rule:
Fulkerson's Rule is a method used in network flow problems to find a feasible flow solution
in a network with integer capacities. Specifically, it is applied in the context of the Ford-
Fulkerson algorithm for solving maximum flow problems. Fulkerson's Rule suggests that if all
capacities in a network are integers, there exists an integral maximum flow solution. It
implies that when the capacities in a network are integers, the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm can
be used to find the maximum flow, and the resulting flow values on each edge will also be
If the matrix is not a square matrix (number of rows ≠ number of columns), add
dummy rows or columns to make it square.
Convert the matrix of costs to a matrix of equivalent opportunity costs by finding the
largest value in the matrix and subtracting it from every element.
Step 2: Initial Assignment:
Start with an initial assignment by marking the rows and columns to create a
minimum number of lines (zeroes) that cover all zeroes in the matrix. These lines can
be horizontal or vertical.
Step 3: Covering Zeroes:
Cover as many zeroes as possible with the minimum number of lines while ensuring
that each row and column has at least one zero covered. This step aims to identify
potential assignments and reduce the matrix size.
Step 4: Finding Minimum Number of Lines:
If the number of lines drawn is equal to the matrix's size (n lines for an n x n matrix),
an optimal assignment is achieved, and the algorithm proceeds to Step 6.
If the number of lines is less than n, proceed to Step 5.
Step 5: Modify the Matrix:
Determine the smallest element not covered by any line (let it be m).
Subtract m from every uncovered element and add m to every element that is
covered by two lines. Return to Step 3.
Step 6: Obtain the Assignment:
Interpret the resulting matrix to obtain the assignment of tasks to agents that
minimizes the total cost or maximizes the total profit. Identify the assignments where
each task is assigned to exactly one agent and vice versa.
Step 7: Iterative Improvement (Optional):