Phil 109
Phil 109
Phil 109
PHIL 109
Spring 2021
The Art of Reasoning, 5th Edition, David Kelley
Course Description
The aim of this course is to equip students with the tools needed to identify, construct, and
evaluate arguments. This course is about the language of arguments, the difference between
arguments intended to guarantee their conclusions and arguments intended to show that their
conclusions are probable given the premises, reconstructing arguments from ordinary language,
and evaluating arguments. By the end of this course, students should be able to not only evaluate
arguments that are presented to them, but also be able to effectively construct their own
Online Assignments (40% of Grade)
Assignments are due 11:59pm at the end of the week
3 Exams (30% of grade)
Exams are timed, open book, open note, and due at the end of the week
2 Essays + 1 Discussion Assignment (30% of grade)
Late essays carry a 5-point penalty for each day late
Course Schedule
Week 1: Introducing Arguments
Feb 1-Feb 5
Week 2: Language and Reasoning
Feb 8-Feb 12
Week 3: Language and Reasoning
Feb 15-Feb 19
Week 4: Language and Reasoning
Feb 22-Feb 26
Week 5: Practice Week
Mar 1-Mar 5
Mar 1: Wellness and Reading Day
Week 6: Review and Exam
Mar 8-Mar 12
Mar 9: Wellness and Reading Day
Mar 12 11:59pm – Exam 1 Due
Mar 12 11:59pm – Essay 1 Due
Week 7: Deductive Arguments
Mar 15-Mar 19
Week 8: Deductive Arguments
Mar 22-Mar 26
Mar 24: Wellness and Reading Day
Week 9: Deductive Arguments
Mar 29-Apr 2
Apr 1: Wellness and Reading Day
Week 10: Practice Week
Apr 5-Apr 9
Apr 9: Wellness and Reading Day
Week 11: Review
Apr 12-Apr 16
Apr 16 11:59pm – Exam 2 Due
Apr 16 11:59pm – Essay 2 Due
Week 12: Inductive Arguments
Apr 19-Apr 23
Week 13: Inductive Arguments
Apr 26-Apr 30
Week 14: Practice Week
May 3-May 7
Week 15: Review
May 10- May 14
May 14 11:59pm – Exam 3 Due
May 14 11:59pm – Discussion Assignment Due
Grading Scale
90+ A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
0-59 F
Policy on Incompletes:
6. Other Relevant Sanctions. In addition to the penalties described above, other sanctions
may be imposed, such as, but not limited to, restitution, campus or community service,
special projects, and special educational requirements.
The academic appeals process shall apply to any dispute concerning a student’s academic
standing at the University including, but not limited to, disputes over grades as well as
allegations of academic dishonesty.
The academic appeal process requires that
(1) Students be given adequate notice of any offense of academic dishonesty with which
they are charged; and
(2) That students be given an opportunity to be heard by the Dean (or the Dean’s
designee) of the college or school in which the offense is alleged to have occurred.
The Deans have the authority to set dispute resolution and appeal procedures for their
respective academic divisions provided that any penalty imposed by (or approved by) the
Dean shall be based on evidence collected and recorded by the faculty, the Chairperson,
and/or the Dean. Students who feel that they have been treated unfairly in the award of a
grade or in the imposition of a penalty for committing an act of academic dishonesty have a
right to use the academic appeal process at the University. A student shall first address the
matter of the academic dishonesty, the grade, and/or any other academic penalty or issue
with the faculty member who accused the student and/or assigned the grade and/or
imposed or initiated the penalty. Second, if the dispute is not resolved in conversations)
with the faculty member, the student shall next address the matter with the Chairperson of
the department in which the course is taught. The Chairperson shall investigate the matter
thoroughly; make a record of the relevant evidence; and make a determination about the
appropriateness of the accusation, the grade, or the penalty imposed on the student. The
Dean of the school or college in which the student’s major is located shall be notified of the
academic dishonesty and of the proposed penalty by the Dean of the school or college in
which the academic dishonesty occurred. Finally, if the matter is still in dispute following
the investigation and determination by the Chairperson, the student has a right to appeal to
the Dean (or the Dean’s designee) of the school or college in which the dispute arose. In
matters where the student is suspended, expelled, or where the student’s degree or
certification is revoked, students may request a right to a final appeal by writing to
the Vice President for Academic Affairs.