Sheet1 Stud
Sheet1 Stud
Sheet1 Stud
1 Which of the following are Labels, Push Text components, Labels, Strings, Push buttons,
various AWT controls? buttons, Check Threads, Strings, JSP, Netbeans, Servelts, Notepad,
boxes, Choice Servelts, Vectors Sockets JSP
2 What is the Difference Between In Gridlayout In Gridlayout grid The size of each All of the above
Grid And Gridbaglayout? size of grid is size is constant & component in
varied & in GridbagLayout both layout is
GridbagLayout grid size can be same
grid size is same varied
3 What Is A Layout Manager? A layoutmanager It is a container It is a component All of the above
is object that is object. object.
used to organize
components in