Swordoframi 5 e
Swordoframi 5 e
Swordoframi 5 e
By Jason Vey
Front Cover: ZOE DEVOS
Interior Art: PETER BRADLEY; Cartography: PETER BRADLEY
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• If nothing else, failing to return the sword could lead to the As they traveled through the Fushdam Bottoms, hoping to stay
characters being marked as enemies of the small kingdom, off the radar of the surrounding kingdoms who would love to
who does have agents in the region to put word out to ad- get their hands on the sword, they were ambushed by lizard men
joining kingdoms, who will not look favorably upon heroes who seemed to follow the lead of a female twilight elf. Caught
who have failed so miserably. completely off-guard, they were quickly overwhelmed.
The key is to provide a reason to go after the sword, whether it’s Now, the sword is gone and the fate of the kingdom resides in
a sense of responsibility, vengeance for embarrassment, reward, their hands.
or fear of consequences.
ACT ONE: THINGS NEVER GO RIGHT Because of the way this scenario begins, all PCs should begin
Read or paraphrase the following: play with Inspiration. If using the Inspiration Points system in
the Fifth Edition Player’s Guide to Aihrde, all PCs should
Consciousness comes on slowly through the pounding gain an extra Inspiration Point for their troubles.
in your heads, the aching in your joints, the burning
sensation from dozens of cuts. Your resources are low, THE FUSHDAM BOTTOMS
your senses dizzy. It takes a moment to register what
happened. The ambush was complete and total. You Situated just north of the Twilight Wood, the Fushdam Bottoms
were transporting a magical artifact~the Sword of are a wet, murky country filled with tall heath, cypress trees with
Rami~to the small kingdom of Inallu where the new countless rooted knees rising from the water, and thick willows.
The elves are proficient in Insight, and if the heroes are honest in
ACT TWO: VALLEY OF THE LIZARDFOLK their dealings, the elves can be convinced of what has happened.
The PCs, armed with either the knowledge of where the In such a case, the elves will turn back in an effort to warn their
lizardfolk hideout is, or having been able to track the lizardmen people of the impending danger, and will charge the heroes to
through the Fushdam Bottoms, head towards their lair. As they continue their quest and, if possible, return the princess for
journey through the Fushdam Bottoms, there is a chance they judgment, impressing the importance of the local political balance
could encounter all manner of creatures. For each hour of travel, upon the heroes. They then fade back into the shadows.
roll once (1d10) on the following table for a random encounter.
A DC 15 Wisdom (insight) check by any of the player characters
See the appropriate monster book for your game to find statistics will reveal that at least a few of the elves, upon hearing about
for these creatures. the sword being in the crown princess’ hands, are tempted by
the prospect of the sword being possessed by the elves, and what
TABLE 1: FUSHDAM BOTTOMS ENCOUNTERS it could mean for their own kingdom.
D10 Encounter
If characters seem intent on fighting the elves, it will become
01-02 None quickly evident that they are outmatched in this encounter;
03 Giant rats (2d6) there are more elves present than can be seen (a number are
04 Kobolds (2d8) still cloaked in shadows) and it is left to the CK to determine
how many elves there are, and how the battle goes.
05 Giant frogs (2d6)
06 Giant poisonous snake TWILIGHT ELVES: (Neutral medium fey (elves)) HP 26 (HD
5d8), AC 15 (chain), Spd 30ft. Str 12 Dex 17 Con 10 Int
Even still, it’s unlikely that the heroes will catch up with the • You feel a tickling sensation as though a hundred spiders
princess before she reaches the Twilight Wood. were crawling all over you.
• Someone’s watching you; you’re certain of it!
Read or paraphrase the following:
• An androgynous voice stage-whispers something sinister
Two days later, you find yourselves leaving the swamps into your ears.
and facing a great wall of twisted and dark trees, the • One of your companions may be plotting against you~they
willows and cypress giving way to giant oak and elm trees keep looking at you.
with bark the color and texture of decaying flesh, and
mottled leaves with an appearance to match. A heavy ENCOUNTERS IN THE TWILIGHT WOOD
pall of dark magic hangs about the place, and even in the
As the characters chase down their quarry, they have the
daylight, you get the impression that entering this wood
potential to encounter native dangers of the region. Roll 3d6 on
will leave you in the gloom of midnight.
the following table every six hours of travel. It should be noted
Still, your quarry has entered this dark region with that some of these encounters may be out of the heroes’ league,
equally dark intent, and it’s up to you to recover the and fleeing an encounter is always an acceptable result. It’s a
artifact she possesses. Certainly you can’t trust the big bad world, and not everything is going to be in the heroes’
Twilight Elves to return the blade should they stop wheelhouse.
the conspiracy themselves. So it is that you enter the
See the appropriate monster book for your game to find statistics
cursed woods.
for these creatures.
The Twilight Wood is not a welcoming place, and most believe 17 Zombies (1d8)
that the elves remain out of a sense of penance or shame from 18 Ghouls (1d6)
the way they were corrupted over the ages of battle against
the forces of darkness. When describing the journey through *If this encounter has already been rolled, treat as “none” or
the wood, do your best to impart a strange and dreamlike (or “lizardman patrol.”
nightmarish) sensation to the area. Some examples include:
• Trees seem to move of their own volition
It is left to the CK exactly where the final battle with the Princess
• Pathways suddenly appear where you’re sure there were takes place, though it’s likely that the heroes will catch up with
none before. her before she reaches the Twilight Elf kingdom. Certainly her
• There is a sudden sense of vertigo and dizziness, which forces would seem to outmatch the heroes, but fortunately, if
passes just as quickly. they played their cards right earlier in the adventure, they have
erstwhile allies in the form of Twilight Elf forces who have been
• A beam of moonlight pierces through the trees, though
watching for her return.
you’re sure it’s still the middle of the day.
Shadow Teleport: Once per day, you may envelop yourself in A few of the special abilities that familiars can possess (those
shadow and teleport up to 30 feet, after which you may still that Nersess has) are detailed below. See Mystical Companions
move and attack as normal. for more information.
Blur: The familiar can use the blur spell as a spell-like ability
APPENDIX 2: MYSTICAL COMPANIONS for a number of minutes equal to the master’s level, each day.
The Sword of Rami and Nersess, the black dragon wyrmling, Cloak Of Dark Chaos: The familiar can as a bonus action
are both familiars built from the Fifth Edition Mystical erect a cloak of smoky, undulating darkness about them, which
Companions work. These familiars grow in power with their inflicts 2d8 damage to any who attempt to touch or melee attack
master and are far advanced from those available to normal the familiar unless they succeed at an Intelligence saving throw
wizards in the Fifth Edition rules. (DC 8 + master’s Intelligence bonus + master’s proficiency
bonus). The effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to the
Mystical Companions features rules for companions of all
master’s level, and once used, the familiar must complete a long
varieties for every character class, allowing even a barbarian
rest before using it again.
or cleric to possess a familiar. Each familiar, and the means by
which it is gotten, is tailored specifically to the character class. Defensive Roll: Whenever the familiar suffers damage from a
The Sword of Rami, for example, is a legacy blade which serves melee or ranged weapon attack, it is entitled to a dexterity save
as a fighter’s familiar. These blades are a form of artifact weapon (DC 8 + damage dealt) on a success, the damage is halved.
and may well be the origin of many of the mystical artifacts in
your campaign world. Deliver Touch Spells: The familiar can deliver touch spells on
behalf of the master.
THE SWORD OF RAMI Empathic Link: The master has an empathic link to their familiar
The sword was once the familiar of a human prince and the with a range of 1 mile, each sensing the other’s emotional state.
founder of the kingdom the PCs are serving. It is a +3 magical
sword that is intelligent but communicates empathically, Guided Strike: The familiar can, as a bonus action, grant
rather than telepathically, with its wielder, impressing feelings its master advantage on their next attack roll so long as the
of approval, disapproval, fear, excitement, etc. It is unaligned familiar, master, and master’s opponent are all within line of
and can be wielded by anyone. It possesses a range of special sight of one another.
abilities. Once per day, it can use any of the following abilities: Share Spells: The master can choose to have any spell they
Defending: Transfer the sword’s enhancement bonus to the cast on themselves also affect their familiar. In addition, they
wielder’s AC for 2 minutes (approx. 12 rounds). can cast any spell with a target of “you” or “self” on their
familiar instead, as a touch spell. Familiars must be within 5 feet
Mighty Cleaving: If the wielder fells an opponent, he may to benefit from this ability.
attack a second opponent within reach as a bonus action. This
bonus action is in addition to any other bonus actions the Speak With Master: The familiar and master share a special
wielder may normally have. language that no others can speak or comprehend.
Vicious: The weapon imparts advantage on all attacks for 2 Spell Resistance: The familiar has advantage on saving throws
minutes (approx. 12 rounds), and deals an additional 2d6 against all spells.
necrotic damage on a successful hit. However, the wielder suffers
1d6 points of damage from backlash, and no save, immunity or APPENDIX 3: THE PLAYER'S GUIDE TO
resistance can resist this damage.
In addition, the sword allows the wielder to use the following The Fifth Edition Player’s Guide to Aihrde is forthcoming
abilities at will: detect evil, detect good, and detect magic, as per the from Troll Lord Games, and includes new player character
• Grin in the Face of Death: Spend any number of Cleric Level Spells
inspiration points to roll that number of hit dice and heal the 1 st
ensnaring strike, floating disk
result in hit points exactly as you would during a short rest. 3 rd
cloud of daggers, misty step
• Inspired Defense: Spend one Inspiration Point to add your 5 th
conjure animals, conjure barrage
proficiency bonus to AC as a reaction
Bonus Proficiencies: When you choose this domain at 1st
• Righteous Rage: Spend 3 Inspiration Points to gain level, you gain proficiency in any two sets of Artisan’s Tools of
advantage on all attacks for a scene. You must have a good your choice.
dramatic reason.
Minor Creation: Also at 1st level, you gain a bonus cantrip
• Push Through: Spend one Inspiration Point to gain an of your choice. This cantrip must be chosen from among the
extra bonus action or reaction, or to use an ability you have following: druidcraft, minor illusion, prestidigitation, thaumaturgy.
in an unusual or unintended way.
Channel Divinity: Divine Crafting: At 2nd level, you can use
• Stroke of Luck: Spend one Inspiration Point to gain a your Channel Divinity to create something from nothing. To
minor plot break, with the CK’s approval. do so, you present your holy symbol and the core tool from a
toolkit which you possess and with which you are proficient.
You conjure a mundane item which could normally be created
GAINING INSPIRATION POINTS or repaired with that toolkit and which fits within a 3-foot cube.
The CK will award Inspiration Points through outstanding role This creation appears within ten feet, is non-magical in nature,
playing, entertaining (in character) banter and insights, acts of must be of simple design, with no moving parts, and is crude, yet
heroic self-sacrifice, or by having unfortunate events befall the functional, in design. It lasts for one hour per point of Wisdom
PCs. bonus you possess. At tenth level, you may create an object
that fits within a 5-foot cube, and at 17th level, objects you
If using Inspiration Points, PCs should begin play with 4 points. create with this effect are permanent.
After this, any further points gained are granted solely by the
CK for the actions described above. The Fifth Edition Player’s Conjuration Prodigy: Starting at 6th level, choose any
Guide to Aihrde contains a much more detailed discussion of Conjuration spell which is not on the cleric spell list and is of
Inspiration Points and how they work. a level which you can cast. This spell is a cleric spell for you.
In addition, you gain one additional prepared spell per day,
which must be a conjuration spell. At levels 10 and 17, you may
NEW PLAYER ARCHETYPES AND PATHS choose one additional Conjuration spell that becomes a cleric
The Fifth Edition Player’s Guide to Aihrde will also include spell for you.
new paths, oaths, colleges, circles, archetypes and the like for
This fighter archetype represents the fighting style of the As with all spellcasters, cantrips may be cast at will without
iron born dwarves, and as such is normally available only to expending spell slots. Whenever you cast a spell of first level or
characters of this subrace. Other characters wishing to take the higher, you expend an appropriate spell slot to cast it. This spell
heisen fodt archetype must have a solid character-based reason slot must be equal to or higher than the spell’s actual level; thus,
for doing so. a first level spell must be cast using a first level or higher slot,
while a third level spell must be cast using a third level or higher
Natural Armor Class: At 3rd level, the iron born has already slot. You regain all used spell slots after you complete a long rest.
developed the thick skin and corded muscles that give his Some spells are more powerful when cast using a higher level
particular species its name. You gain +1 to your armor class as a spell slot. This is detailed in the description of the individual
natural armor bonus, which stacks with all armor, shield, ability spell, if possible.
score and magic bonuses. This bonus increases by an additional
+1 to AC at levels 10 and 18. In all other ways, your spellcasting conforms to all standard rules
for spellcasters found in the “Fifth Edition Player’s Handbook.”
Constitution Bonus: Also at 3rd level when you choose this
archetype, your constitution score increases by +1. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your wizard spells,
since you learn your spells through study and keen observation
Stand Fast: At 7th level the iron born is able to put off the of all things. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to
debilitating nature of most damage. You are able to shrug your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your intelligence
off physical blows from weapons, and natural attacks, such modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a wizard spell
as constriction and slam attacks. You gain resistance to you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical
weapons. In addition, you gain a number of temporary hit points Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your intelligence
equal to your constitution bonus plus your level. This ability modifier
lasts for one minute per point of constitution bonus you possess.
After using this ability you must complete a long rest before Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
using it again. intelligence modifier
For the Iron Born abilities at 10th, 15th and 18th level, see the Studious Fighter: Also at 3rd level when you choose this
forthcoming Fifth Edition Player’s Guide to Aihrde. archetype, you increase your Intelligence modifier by +1. In
addition, you may when taking the attack action, add both your
ORAALAU (HIGH ELF BLADE MAGE) Intelligence modifier and your Strength or Dexterity modifier
(if a finesse or ranged weapon) to your attack and damage roll.
In high towers of well-worked stone they stand, watching the After doing so, you must complete a long rest before you may
world unfold. Theirs is a heritage steeped in the sorceries of add your intelligence bonus to an attack again. At tenth level,
an alien world. It impregnates all that they do and are. It flows you need only complete a short rest before using this ability
from them as natural as water from a fountain. They serve their again, instead of a long rest.
own purposes, seeking eldritch treasure and might that others
shun for fear of dread. These are the sorcerers of their people, Searing Smite: At 7th level, you gain the ability to use searing
the magi of Shindolay and Fontenouq, these are the high elves. smite as a spell-like ability. This ability works in all ways as the
first-level Paladin spell. You may use this ability a number of
The Oraalau is born of a proud lineage and for this they prefer times equal to your intelligence bonus (minimum one). You
weapons of steel, long swords and pole axes. They prefer silver regain all expended uses of this ability after completing a long
in all that they do, and decorate their blades with glyphs and rest.
If you choose fire, you may now prepare fire spells in your book,
WIZARD ARCANE TRADITION converting them to ice versions which deal cold damage, and
whose visual effects, if any, are blue or white, but which in all
PATHS OF UMBRA (ELEMENTAL ICE) other ways work exactly the same (freezing hands, iceball, etc.).
The members of this order are called umbrians, also known as
Ice Wizards, for their relation to the Winter Dark. The “Paths” If you choose acid or thunder as your damage type, you may
reflect a dual meaning. On the one hand they are a series of choose when casting the spell whether to convert it or not.
spells and magical incantations which Nulak-Kiz-Din mastered
When you convert such a spell that would normally inflict a
and used to summon the Horned God to the world of Aihrde.
condition, it instead inflicts the hypothermia condition (see
Later, they became indicative of the wizard-priests of Unklar
variant rules). This condition lasts for the same duration as the
and Nulak, for it was said that a wizard-priest who served either
normal condition would.
of the two must first follow the Path of Umbra to know his dark
If you are proficient in one or more tool kits, you gain these tool kits as equipment. You may gain one or two other pieces of
equipment, if it is appropriate to the background in question.
Next assign your character two personality traits, and one each of ideals (what they believe in), bonds (what ties them to the world),
and flaws (character foibles), and try to tie all of these to a theme, which then becomes your background.
Finally, work out a minor special ability with your CK that suits the background. A character who grew up in a monastery, for example,
may always be welcome at temples of their deity, entitled to food and shelter. A character who grew up in the wild may be able to
automatically scavenge for food without the need for a survival check (or may be able to double the food they find with a survival
check). A character who grew up on the streets may double their proficiency bonus in making checks to find a service or business
(legal or otherwise) in a city or town.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Favored Enemy (lizardfolk, hobgoblins, dragons). You have advantage on checks to track or recall information about your enemy.
You also speak their language.
Natural Explorer (Favored terrain: forest and marsh). Difficult terrain doesn’t slow you. You can’t become lost by nonmagical
means. You are always alert to danger. You can move stealthily at your normal pace when alone. You find twice as much food as
normal when foraging. You can discern minute details about creatures you track (types, numbers, sizes, length of time passed, etc).
Druidic Casting. You learn the druidcraft cantrip. In addition, all druid spells are ranger spells for you.
• Cantrip: Druidcraft
Fighting Style (Two-Weapon Fighting). When you fight with a weapon in each hand, you may use a bonus action to make an extra
attack with your off-hand weapon. You may add your ability bonus to damage with the second weapon (you fight with two hand
Primeval Awareness. You may expend one spell slot to sense whether aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends or
undead are within 1 mile of you. This feature doesn’t reveal their exact number or location.
Extra Attack. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you may attack twice instead of once.
Hand Axe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6/+5 to hit, reach 5ft./range 20/60, one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3)/5 (1d6+2) slashing.
Qualities: light, thrown
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 150/600, one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) piercing. Qualities: Ammunition, heavy,
Gear: Leather armor, bracers of defense, four hand axes, explorer’s pack, longbow (20 arrows), 10 gp
Trance. Elves don’t sleep. Instead, they meditate for 4 hours per day
Shadow Stealth. You can use the stealth skill while being directly observed so long as a shadow at least as large as you is nearby.
Shadow Illusion. You know the minor illusion cantrip. You may cast darkness and misty step once per day. When casting misty step,
you are surrounded by shadow instead of mist.
Second Wind: You may use a bonus action to regain 1d10+6 hit points. After using this feature, you must complete a short or long
rest before using it again.
• Cantrips: Acid splash, blade ward, prestidigitation, ray of frost, true strike
Action Surge. You can take an additional action on your turn in addition to your regular action and any bonus actions. After using
this feature you must complete a short or long rest before using it again.
Extra Attack. Whenever you take the attack action, you can attack twice instead of once.
Two-Weapon Fighting. When fighting with two weapons, you can use a bonus action to make a strike with your off-hand weapon.
You may add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack. (You fight with two khopesh swords).
Studious Fighter. You may choose to increase your intelligence modifier by +1 until the end of your turn. In addition, you may add
both your intelligence modifier and your dexterity or strength modifier to your attack and damage rolls until the end of your turn.
After using this feature, you must complete a long rest before you may use this feature again.
Khopesh. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 150/600, one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage.
Gear: Chain shirt, two khopesh swords, longbow (20 arrows), explorer’s pack, 50 gp
Spellcasting (Int, Save DC 15, Attack +7, Prepared spells: 10). You may cast a spell as a ritual if it has the ritual tag, and you can
use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus.
• 1st-level (4 slots): Chromatic orb, fog cloud, mage armor, magic missile
Ice Savant. When you encounter a spell related to cold or winter, the gold and time you must spend to copy this spell into your
spellbook is halved.
Ice Restriction. You may never prepare or cast a spell that deals fire damage (though you may copy it into your spellbook).
Arcane Recovery. Once per day when you complete a short rest, you can choose up to three levels’ worth of spell slots to recover.
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack. +2 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d8-1) bludgeoning. Qualities: Versatile (1d6/1d8).
Gear: Quarterstaff (doubles as Arcane Focus), component pouch, scholar’s pack, spellbook, wand of lightning bolts, 10 gp
Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Halfling Nimbleness. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
Naturally Stealthy. You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than
Expertise (Stealth, Thieves’ Tools). You add double your proficiency bonus to these proficiencies.
Sneak Attack. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 3d6 damage to an opponent you hit with an attack, if you have advantage on
the attack roll, or if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of the target, that enemy is not incapacitated, and you don’t have
Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the damage.
Second-Story Work. You may climb at your normal move rate. In addition, you can jump an extra 4 feet when you take a running
Cunning Action (Fast Hands). You may use a bonus action on each of your turns in combat. This bonus action can only be used to
take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action, or to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, use your thieves’ tools to disarm a trap
or open a lock, or Use an Object.
Short Sword. Melee Weapon Attack. +7 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing. Qualities: finesse, light
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft./range 20/60, one target. Hit: 6 (1d4+4) piercing. Qualities: Finesse,
light, thrown.
Short Bow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 80/320, 1 target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) piercing. Qualities: Ammunition, two-handed.
Gear: Short sword, short bow (20 arrows), burglar’s pack, leather armor, two daggers, thieves’ tools, 50 GP
Stonecunning. Whenever you make an Intelligence (history) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient
in the history skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting. When you roll a 1 or 2 on damage for an attack with a weapon that has the two-handed
or versatile property, and you are using two hands to wield the weapon, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if it
is 1 or 2.
Second wind. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain 1d10+fighter level hit points. After using this ability you must
complete a short or long rest before using it again.
Natural Armor Class: You gain +1 to AC, which stacks with all other AC bonuses.
Action Surge. You can take one additional action on top of your regular action and a bonus action. After using this ability you must
finish a short or long rest before using it again.
Extra Attack. When you take the attack action on your turn, you may attack twice instead of once.
Battle Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10+4) slashing damage (or 1d8+4 if used one-
handed). Properties: versatile
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 100/400, one target. Hit: 6 (1d10+1) piercing damage. Properties:
heavy, loading, two-handed
Hand Axes. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7/+4 to hit, reach 5ft/range2 20/60, one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) slashing/4 (1d6+1)
slashing. Properties: Light, thrown.
Gear. Chain mail, battle axe, heavy crossbow (20 bolts), two hand axes, explorer’s pack, 30 gp
Granted Ability of Wenafar. You may wild shape as a druid of the same level (1/long rest; 3 hours maximum; Max CR 1/2; no
flying speed).
Spellcasting (Wisdom; Save DC 14, Spell attack +6). Cantrips (choose 4); 1st (4 slots); 2nd (3 slots); 3rd (3 slots). You may cast
spells as ritual if they have the ritual tag. You may use your holy symbol as a casting focus.
Creation Domain.
Domain Spells (1st - ensnaring strike, floating disk; 3rd-cloud of daggers, misty step; 5th-conjure animals, conjure barrage)
Channel Divinity: Divine Crafting. You may expend a use of Channel Divinity to create something from nothing, using a toolkit
you possess and with which you are proficient. You conjure a mundane item which could normally be created or prepared with that
toolkit and which fits in a 3-foot cube. The creation appears within ten feet, is non-magical, and is crude, yet functional. It has no
moving parts and lasts for one hour per point of Wisdom bonus.
Conjuration Prodigy. Choose any conjuration spell which is not on the cleric spell list and of a level you can cast. This spell is a
conjuration spell for you. You also gain one extra prepared spell per day, which must be a conjuration spell of any level you can cast.
Destroy Undead. When an undead of CR 1/2 or lower fails its saving throw against your Turn Undead feature, it is instantly
Channel Divinity: Turn Undead. As an action, present your holy symbol and speak a censuring prayer. All undead must succeed
at a Wisdom saving throw or move away as far as possible using the Dash action or otherwise trying to escape, for 1 minute or until
it takes damage.
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) bludgeoning damage. Qualities: versatile.
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, range 80/320, one target. Hit: 4 (1d8) piercing damage. Qualities: Ammunition,
loading, two-handed
Gear: Quarterstaff, leather armor, light crossbow (20 bolts), priest’s pack, holy symbol, leatherworker’s toolkit, tinker’s toolkit,
cloak of protection +3, 10 gp