Tipos de Manutenção Prescritiva
Tipos de Manutenção Prescritiva
Tipos de Manutenção Prescritiva
Yuxin Wen1, Md. Fashiar Rahman2, Honglun Xu3 and Tzu-Liang (Bill) Tseng2∗
In the Engineering discipline, prognostics play an essential role in improving system safety,
reliability and enabling predictive maintenance decision-making. Due to the adoption of emerging
sensing techniques and big data analytics tools, data-driven prognostic approaches are gaining
popularity. This paper aims to deliver an extensive review of recent advances and trends of data-
driven machine prognostics, with a focus on their applications in practice. The primary purpose of
this review is to categorize existing literature and report the latest research progress and directions
to support researchers and practitioners in acquiring a clear comprehension of the subject area.
This paper first summarizes fundamental methodologies on data-driven approaches for predictive
maintenance. Then, the article further conducts a comprehensive investigation on the different
fields of applications of machine prognostics. Finally, a discussion on the challenges,
opportunities, and future trends of predictive maintenance is presented to conclude this paper.
Keywords: Machine prognostics, predictive maintenance, condition-based maintenance, machine
learning, prognostics and health management, remaining useful life
1. Introduction
In the past decades, the science of prognostics and health management (PHM) of complex
engineering systems attracts the research community and industrial practitioners [1]. The primary
motivation of PHM is to improve system safety, increase machine reliability and availability, and
reduce maintenance costs. Rapid development in digital technologies, such as 3D printing, robots,
artificial intelligence (AI), digital automation, cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and
Corresponding author, Email: btseng@utep.edu
Dale E. and Sarah Ann Fowler School of Engineering, Chapman University, CA 92866, USA.
Department of Industrial, Manufacturing and Systems Engineering, The University of Texas at El Paso, TX 79968,
Computational Science Program, The University of Texas at El Paso, TX 79968, USA
© 2021 published by Elsevier. This manuscript is made available under the Elsevier user license
more, has accelerated the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is often known as Industry 4.0 [2].
In the context of Industry 4.0, to satisfy the escalating demand for functionality and quality,
systems have become much more interconnected and complex than any other time before.
Therefore, diligent monitoring of the system operations and then proposing appropriate
maintenance strategies have become indispensable since an unexpected failure can result in
catastrophic consequences. A proper maintenance strategy is critical to minimize unplanned
downtime and ensure that facilities operate at the highest efficiency.
Corrective and preventive maintenances are the two widely used maintenance strategies since
the early 90s [3]. Corrective maintenance, also called failure-driven maintenance, is carried out
only after the occurrence of a malfunction or breakdown of equipment. However, it frequently
results in unpredictable performance in the industry, i.e., high production cost, extensive repair
time, not to mention the cost and penalties associated with machine breakdown. Preventive
maintenance is carried out regularly. Most maintenance decisions are made by experts based on
their experience with equipment fabricants, historic breakdowns or failure data. However, it is
difficult to make a proper maintenance schedule in advance. Due to the increasing requirement of
reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety of systems, preventive maintenance is
becoming less effective and obsolete. Recently, predictive maintenance, also known as condition-
based maintenance [4], which uses predictive tools to determine when maintenance actions are
necessary, has become prevalent in the industry due to the capability of reducing maintenance cost,
unexpected downtime, and while extending the life span of equipment [5]. Predictive maintenance
employs non-intrusive testing techniques, such as thermodynamics, acoustics, vibration analysis,
infrared analysis, etc., to monitor and evaluate equipment performance trends. The core procedures
for implementing predictive maintenance include data collection, fault detection and diagnostics,
and prognostics, which are later used to guide maintenance decisions such as maintenance
scheduling or resource optimization. A comprehensive review of each component can be found in
[6-8]. Of these procedures, diagnostics and prognostics are two critical aspects of predictive
maintenance. Diagnostics refer to identifying the presence of operational faults and determining
the root cause and effect to the functional equipment. In contrast, prognostics deal with predicting
the future state or remaining useful life (RUL) based on the current and historical conditions.
Accurately predicting “life-span” is the key to the success of predictive maintenance. It involves
analytical computations of historical or real-time data streamed from applications, sensors,
devices, etc. In general, prognostics measures the extent of deviation and degradation of any
machine or system from the normal operating behavior to predicts the RUL and future
performance. However, the task of prognostics is not trivial as predicting future performance
depends on the analysis of failure modes, early signals of wear and aging, and the nature of faults.
It also requires sound knowledge of the failure mechanisms which have a certain amount of
physical randomness. Moreover, prognostics identifies the potential system parameters that are
likely to cause the degradations, leading to eventual failures, which involves considerable
uncertainty and complicates the prediction. Therefore, prognostics is much more challenging than
diagnostics and requires effective and efficient predictive models to monitor the machine health
In general, prognostic models can be classified into two groups, physical-based and data-driven
models [9]. The physical-based models capture the failure mechanisms or physical phenomena to
build a mathematical representation of the degradation process. It always requires a thorough
understanding of the sophisticated degradation mechanisms, making it infeasible or ineffective in
practical applications due to the system complexity or unclear degrading mechanism [10, 11]. On
the other hand, data-driven prognostics usually deploy data mining techniques to identify the
pattern and anomalies within the raw signals/data to detect any changes in system states. Due to
the promising applications and data availability, data-driven models are becoming attractive in
recent years. Data-driven models can be further classified into three subcategories, statistical-based
models, conventional machine learning based models, and deep learning based models. In the first
subcategory, the general path and stochastic process models are usually designed to track the
trajectory of the degradation in a probabilistic manner. Conventional machine learning approaches,
including random forest (RF), artificial neural network (ANN), support vector machine (SVM),
etc., are commonly designed to extract features for machine RUL prediction. As data increases in
dimensionality and volume, deep learning with automatic feature learning demonstrates
outstanding performance in reliability estimation using degradation data.
Several efforts have been performed to review the topic of degradation modeling and machine
prognostics in the recent decade. Si et al. provided a systematic review on data-driven models for
RUL prediction. They classified the data-driven models into two broad types of models according
to the criterion that if the models rely on directly observed state information or not [12]. Ye and
Xie [13] classified existing degradation models into general path models, stochastic process
models, and others with a focus on stochastic models. Zhang et al. [14] provided a review on
degradation model-based RUL estimation approaches with an emphasis on the heterogeneity in
the systems. All of the above works only focused on statistical-based models. It has been observed
a proliferation of data-driven algorithms to help with prognostics in the latest few years. For
example, Wang et al. [15] provided an in-depth review on health indicator construction for
vibration-based bearing and gear. Khan and Yairi [16] presented a systematic review of artificial
intelligence based system health management and recent trends of deep learning in the reliability
field. Recently, [17] [18] surveyed contemporary advancements of deep learning and its
applications to machine health monitoring. All of them only survey AI techniques for system
health management. In another recent work, Kordestani et al. [19] and Guo et al. [20] reviewed
and summarized the emerging prognostic modeling methods, which can be classified into data-
driven, physics-based/model-based, and hybrid approaches. Baur et al. [21] presented a review on
diagnostics and prognostics approaches from knowledge-based, model-based, statistical-based,
and data-driven concepts. This work only focuses on applying machine tools considering the feed
axis, spindle speed, and hydraulic system. Table I highlights the contribution of some review
works in the last decade.
Unlike the above-mentioned review works, this paper aims to provide an extensive and broad
overview of the most recent advances and trends of data-driven machine prognostics for predictive
maintenance, focusing on their applications in different industrial fields. This article provides a
detailed discussion and recent advances in each of the categories of data-driven approaches for
recent five years. The primary motivation of this survey is to categorize the existing literature and
summarize the latest research progress and directions to assist researchers and practitioners in
acquiring a clear comprehension of the subject area. The paper also discusses applied research
issues when applying current technology and suggests some potentially promising directions for
predictive maintenance.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a discussion on typical
data-driven predictive models and analysis methods. The applications for each category of data-
driven approaches are summarized in Section 3. Section 4 presents the current challenges and
opportunities of machine prognostics for predictive maintenance. Section 5 concludes this work.
Table I Recent contribution of the review works in the field of PHM
Reference Year Description
[12] 2013 The review only focused on statistical data-driven approaches
[13] 2014 Reviewed based on three categories: statistical process models (SPMs),
general path models (GPMs), and other models beyond SPMs and GPMs
[22] 2014 Summarized the PHM systems for rotating machinery and provides a
systematic design methodology
[14] 2015 Focused on the degradation modeling and RUL estimation for
heterogeneity in the systems
[15] 2017 Reviewed on the health indicators construction for vibration-based bearing
and gears using mechanical signals
[16] 2018 Provided an overview of architectures and theories of artificial
intelligence-based prognostics approaches with plausible advantages and
[17, 18] 2019 Surveyed the deep learning based prognostics approaches and their
[19, 20] 2019 Reviewed the recent advancement in the field of prognostics and
summarized them into three categories, i.e., the data-driven, physics-
based, and hybrid prognostics.
[21] 2020 Provides a review on diagnostics and prognostics approaches focusing on
the application of machine tools considering the feed axis, spindle speed,
and hydraulic system.
based models, and deep learning based models. In this section, we report a systematic overview of
these three categories. The structure of this section is summarized in Figure 1.
η , ,
degradation data. For any given time , the degradation path of unit is defined as
~ 0,
where is a vector of fixed (population) effects for all units, is a vector of random (individual)
effects for the unit, and is the normally distributed measurement errors. This
appropriate failure models and mapped to a function of η ∙ . Secondly, the historical data should
model relies on three basic assumptions. Firstly, the degradation data should be captured using any
component. Finally, there exists some defined critical level of degradation, termed as a soft failure,
which indicates component failure. Due to its simplicity and ease of implementation, GPM has
Equation (1) [12, 24, 25]. First, the functional form for the η ∙ could be linear, quadratic,
been well-studied, and various extensions have been developed based on the basic form in
exponential, etc [26]. If the degradation signals are complex and show nonlinear shapes, two or
Second, a variety of distributions for the parameters in the η ∙ can be considered, such as Weibull,
multiple phases, more generally, nonparametric regression forms can be assumed [27, 28].
normal, lognormal, etc. Third, error items that capture the produce and environment noises can be
assumed independently and identically distributed or correlated among different time points. To
predict the RUL for working units at an individual level, the parameters in the model need to be
estimated at the offline stage and updated at the online stage when new observations are available.
For the offline parameter estimation, the empirical two-stage method [29], maximum likelihood
estimation (MLE) and expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm provide reliable estimates. For
the online parameters updating, Bayesian framework is the most natural way, where posterior
distributions of the model parameters are generated based on newly collected data.
2.1.2 Stochastic Process Model
There are four SPMs in the literature which are commonly used for RUL prediction, namely,
Wiener process, Gamma process, Gaussian process and inverse Gaussian process models. A brief
description of these four models is illustrated in the following paragraphs.
In the stochastic process based model, for any time , and ∆ > 0 , the increments ∆
A. Wiener process
∆ −
Wiener process, ∆
of degradation signal in disjoint time intervals are independent. For a
is normally distributed. If we use a wiener process to describe a
degradation trend, The basic form can be written as
Where is a drift parameter reflecting the degradation rate, is a diffusion coefficient,
~ − , −
represents a standard Brownian motion. So then is a normal distribution with
based on the property of the Wiener
process. As a degradation model, the Wiener process has some unique advantages. A dominant
advantage is that the distribution of the failure time can be formulated analytically by the first
passage time (FPT), in which its probability density function (PDF) follows an inverse Gaussian
distribution, namely
& & −%
!"# ; %, & ' + -./ 0− 1, >0
2) * 2% (3)
Where & is the mean and % is the shape parameter. Due to its mathematical properties and physical
interpretations, the Wiener process can be easily extended to satisfy different demands. One
alternative is to add an error term into the basic process to capture measurement errors in
degradation signals [30]; the second way is to incorporate random-effects model in dealing with
unobserved heterogeneities, specifically, assume that or or both follow some certain
parametric distributions, see examples [31-33] among others. The third approach is to incorporate
nonlinear structure into this model to make the model more general. In particular, the more
; 2 ;3
generalized model is defined as
The Gaussian process is another emerging approach in the field of prognostics. A Gaussian is
! . 45 6 . , 7 ., .′
defined mathematically as
where 6 . and 7 ., .′ are the mean and covariance functions respectively, denoted by
6 . 9:! . ;
2) 2% .
Let C inf{ H I} denotes the failure time. The Failure time distribution is obtained by
5 C< 5 H >I Φ 0M Λ −I 1−e PQ R
Φ 0M− Λ I 1
Where S is the standard normal cumulative distribution function (CDF). Ye et al. [46] first
justified its physical meaning by exploring the inherent relations between the IG process and the
compound Poisson process.
To summarize, SPMs are more favorable than GPMs to account for the randomness in degradation
processes caused by both inherent and environmental factors when a significant fluctuation exists
in the data. However, compared to GPMs, SPMs are often complex and require a more in-depth
statistical and computational ability for the model parameter estimation.
Define a set of states T {U, , U , … , UW }, the Markov process is a process that starts in one of
2.1.3 Markovian-based Model
these states and moves successively from one state to another. Although the Markov process still
belongs to stochastic processes, this model is distinguished from the above stochastic models.
Markov process assumes a finite state of the degradation and the task is to find the transition
probability among those states. The main property of the Markov process is being memoryless,
which states that the future degradation state only relies on the current degradation state. RUL
estimation using Markovian-based models can be captured by computing the amount of time that
the process will take to transit from the current state to the absorbing state for the first time [12].
In real-world applications, however, the transition probabilities may also be related to other
variables, e.g., the level of degradation, the time when the product reached the current state, etc.
Semi-Markovian models extend the application of Markovian-based models by incorporating the
effects of these factors. In practice, the actual degradation level is not accessible due to the
complexity of degradation process or the random nature of the equipment. Hidden Markov Models
(HMM) and Hidden Semi-Markov models (HSMM) [47] can be used to solve this issue. In HMM,
the state of the hidden process can be inferred by the observation sequences, each state is described
by probability density distribution, and each observation vector is generated by the state of the
corresponding probability density distribution. HSMM, as a generalization of HMM, can reflect
gradual changes because of the semi-markovian assumption. Markovian-based models, which are
known for exact and approximate learning and inference, have a strong statistical foundation and
have been well studied. Due to their Markovian nature, they do not take into account the sequence
of states leading into any given state.
2.1.4 Filtering-based Model
degradation models. In the Kalman filtering model, the unobserved degradation . and the
The Kalman filtering model and Particle filters (PFs) are the most popular filtering-based
Markovian-based models that only depend on the last degradation signal, the Kalman filtering
model takes advantage of all historical data. However, the Kalman filtering model is constrained
by linear assumption and Gaussian noise assumption. To overcome the drawback, PFs are
a PF can be expressed by the state transition function ! and the measurement function ℎ:
particularly useful for linear/nonlinear Gaussian/non-Gaussian state-space models. The process of
.[ ! .[?, , [ , \[
][ ℎ .[ , ^[
where 7 is the time step, .[ is unobserved degradation, is a vector of model parameters, ][ is
observed degradation signal, \[ and ^[ are process and measurement noise, respectively. The
posterior / .[ |],:a can be updated recursively using Bayesian inference based on up-to-date
observations. Once the degradation model is updated, the future degradation magnitudes and RUL
can be predicted based on the updated model. Comparing with the Kalman filter, PF is more elastic
as it does not assume linearity and Gaussian nature of noise in data. Both filters start with a state-
space representation of the stochastic processes of interest. They are robust and scale well in many
applications but at the price of high computational cost.
2.1.5 Covariate based Model
The risk factors that cause the degradation process are called covariates. One of the most
popular covariate-based models is Cox Proportional Hazard (PH) model, which was proposed by
Cox in 1972 [48]. The Cox PH model allows to describe the survival time/RUL as a function of
ℎ ;b ℎc -./ db
multiple prognostic factors. The basic format of the Cox PH model is defined as,
where ℎc
covariates/ prognostic factors. The covariate b is associated with the system. d is the unknown
parameter of the model, which is called regression coefficient, defining the effects of the covariates.
With the hazard function in Equation (10), the pdf of the failure time can be defined as
! ℎ e
S h e
-./ hi −ℎ j kj l (11)
where T -./ mnc −ℎ j kj o is the survival function. p denotes an indicator function taking
value 1 if the system is failed at , or taking value 0 if it is censored. Note that censored means that
the equipment doesn’t have a failure event. The Cox PH model is frequently used in medical
we can see that if b is extended to b q , the degradation signals can be easily incorporated into the
statistics and has been extended to the manufacturing field in recent years. From the Equation (10)
different degradation level. The functional form for b q can be general path model [49], Wiener
analysis for hard failure systems, where each equipment runs to fail, so that different unit has
process [50, 51], multivariate Gaussian convolution process [52]. The Cox PH model, a semi-
parametric approach, is more robust than other parametric approaches as it is not vulnerable to
misspecification of the baseline hazard. But the proportional hazard assumption may limit its
application to accounting for complex relationships among covariates. Recently, deep learning
based Cox models have been implemented to relax the proportional hazard assumption [53, 54].
cases where the number of dimensions is greater than the number of samples. More importantly,
SVM is relatively memory efficient, which is a great advantage for online modeling. However,
when the noise level is high, the performance may decrease significantly.
2.2.2 Decision Tree
The Decision Tree (DT) is a non-parametric supervised technique based on a tree-like model
for regression and classification. The key purpose of DT is to predict the value of an objective
variable by establishing a hierarchical structure composed of nodes extracted from a training
dataset. A DT generally consists of one root, several branches, and many interval nodes. Every
path is from the root node to a leaf node through the internal nodes. This path denotes a
classification with the different conditions of the components or systems. Every leaf node
represents a response for regression or a class label for classification. To extend the power of DT,
some variants have been developed, such as gradient boosting decision tree (GBDT), random
forest (RF). The RF is a term for a collaborative approach of DT, which consists of numerous trees.
Unlike classical methods that build a single tree on a whole dataset, RF randomly chooses the
features and instances to build multiple trees. Each DT then votes for a particular target class and
a class having the bulk votes is the model’s prediction with a certain probability. In contrast to a
traditional DT, RF demonstrates good predictive performance with considerable noise made by
random selection of instances and features. Furthermore, it can deal with large datasets having
numerous features with diverse data types, e.g., continuous or categorical values. Kundu et al. [62]
presented an RF regression methodology for RUL prediction for spur gears depending on pitting
failure mode. GBDT is an iteratively accumulative decision tree method. The algorithm
accumulates the results of multiple decision trees as the final prediction output by creating a group
of weak learners. Wang et al. [63] developed a GBDT model to estimate the RUL by choosing
fault features and measuring fault severity subjected to relative entropy distance in fault prediction
of electronic circuits. DT requires less effort for data preparation during pre-processing, and it is
very intuitive and easy to explain. But we need to be careful that a slight change in the data can
cause a significant change in the structure of the decision tree, which makes the model instable.
The calculation of the tree can go far more complex compared to other algorithms.
2.2.3 Back Propagation Neural Network
Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) is a supervised-learning method implemented by
iterative optimization to solve the classification or regression problem. Usually, it takes a vector
as the input, and outputs is a label representing the information of corresponding classes or function
value. It firstly calculates the model results through the forward propagation step and then tunes
the network's weights through the back propagation step. The two steps above can be executed
iteratively until the errors between the model results and the label reduce to a desired threshold.
The ultimate target of the BPNN is to get the network parameters representing the relation between
the input and output by minimizing a corresponding loss function. BPNN usually used the squared
error sum (SES) for the network as an objective function and applied the gradient descent
technique to get the objective function’s minimum value. The BPNN, just like other NNs, is
flexible and powerful to find the nonlinear mapping between inputs and outputs, and it doesn’t
require prior knowledge about the network. But back propagation is notorious for the easily getting
stuck in “local minima”.
Figure 2 Architecture of CNN
The input data could be either two-dimensional or one-dimensional such as time-frequency
spectrum or time series data, respectively. The convolution layer uses a set of weights and
of the convolution, u denotes the number of convolution filters, tr is the weight matrix, &r is the
filter kernel bias. Following the convolution, the model parameters are reduced by subsampling,
named as pooling process. After the pooling layer, multiple fully connected layers are used to
convert the matrix to a row or a column. Finally, a classification or regression layer is added to get
the predictions or results. To predict the RUL, CNN can be used to extract useful and robust
features from data. The number of processing units or the CNN structure greatly depends on the
nature of problems and datasets. To expand the power of CNN, several variants of CNN-based
models have been introduced in the literature as reported in Table II. The key benefit of using
CNNs is to extract complex, non-linear, non-handcrafted features because of the superior feature
extraction and object recognition performances of CNN. Based on our observations, only a few
research works focus on pure CNNs for RUL prediction as listed in Table II. The reason is that,
CNNs may not sufficiently model the temporal characteristics of time series data. Moreover, CNN
is significantly slower due to a convolutional operation and requires a lot of data to train
effectively. Also, the tuning to find the proper learning rate for the CNN methods on real-world
applications is difficult [71].
Table II Variants of CNNs and their use for RUL prediction
Variants Distinctions References
• Babu et al. [72] combined a regressor
with a deep CNN architecture to estimate
• It consists of different processing units at multiple
the RUL from multivariate time series
layers (usually have 5 to 10 layers, even more)
Deep CNN data.
• Effective in capturing the salient patterns in the
• Ren et al. [73] fused a smoothing method
with a CNN built a CNN for predicting
the bearing RUL.
• Multiple CNN architectures are stacked together
• Yang et al. [74] proposed a double-CNN
• The output of the previous CNN becomes input of
model architecture to predict RUL using
other CNNs
Deep Multi CNN original vibration signals without
• Effective in dealing with raw signals, instead of
resorting to any feature extractor.
depending on the feature extractor
• Kiranyaz et al. [75] utilized the MSCNN
• MSCNN framework has three sequential stages:
for fault detection and identification for a
transformation, local convolution, and full
circuit monitoring system
• The transformation stage applies transformations • Zhu et al. [76] used the wavelet transform
to propose Time Frequency
on the input time series.
Representation (TFR), then applied this
Deep Multi-scale • In the local convolution stage, extract the features
TFR to MSCNN to perform RUL
CNN (MSCNN) for each branch.
• The full convolution stage concatenates all
• Li et al. [77] used MSCNN for RUL
extracted features and applies several more
prediction, the model has three multi-
convolutional layers to generate the final output.
scale blocks, where three different sizes
• Effective to keep the multiple levels of abstraction
of convolution operations are put on each
for the prediction
block in parallel.
• This CNN architecture is mainly the combination
of above-mentioned CNN along with additional
• Wen et. al [85] proposed a new residual
supporting layers.
Hybrid CNN CNN (ResCNN) by adding a skip
• Incorporates the advantages of different
(HCNN) connection between convolution blocks
methodologies by their integration to improve the
prediction performance.
information for long periods (long-term dependencies) and are explicitly designed to avoid the
problem of standard RNN. Similar to standard RNNs, LSTMs also possess chain-like structures,
but they differ in the structure of the memory cell. Instead of having a single neural network layer,
LSTMs have four interacting networks connected in a very tricky way to remove or add
information to the cell state by regulating the structure of different gates. Gates indicate a special
setup to control the information passing to the cell state and output at each repeating module. Gated
Recurrent Unit (GRU) is another modified LSTM cell, which was introduced by Cho et al. [79].
Recently, this architecture showed its promising application in the field of RUL prediction [80-
82]. GRU combines the input gate and the forget gate into the update gate. It also merges with
cellular sate and hidden state. A comparison of the memory cell in standard RNN, LSTM and GRU
LSTM is shown in Figure 4.
Table III Variants of RNNs and their use for RUL prediction
Variants Distinctions References
• Heimes [83] utilized the RNN incorporating with
• Can utilize the sequential Kalman filtering training and evolutionary algorithm
information for prognostics problem.
• Able to retain the short-term • Liu et al. [84] proposed an adaptive RNN for dynamic
Neural Network
information state forecasting to leverage the RUL prediction for
• Able to capture the temporal Lithium-ion-batteries.
correlations in sequence data • Liang et al. [85] proposed a RNN based health
indicator for RUL prediction of bearings.
• Zhang et al. [86] employed LSTM RNN to learn the
• Solve the vanishing gradient or
long-term dependencies among the degraded
exploding problem
capacities and construct a RUL predictor.
Long Short- • Able to retain both Long and
• Zhao et al. [87] developed an RUL predictor using the
Term Memory short term information
LSTM, which can evaluate the trend features.
(LSTM) • It is easy to detect and capture
• Xiang et. al. [88] introduced a new type of LSTM with
important features over a long
weight amplification for accurate prediction of gear
remaining life.
• Can deal with long term
• Song et al. [80] proposed a battery RUL prediction
relationship in RNN
Gated approach based on the RNN with gated recurrent unit.
• Able to capture dependencies
Recurrent Unit • Chen et al. [81] incorporated kernel principal
at different time scales
(GRU) component analysis and GRU RNN to predict RUL.
• Able to capture the inherent
RNN/LSTM • Wang et al. [82] presented a hybrid RUL prediction
relation for long-term
model by adapting a deep heterogeneous GRU model.
• Utilize the information in both • Zhang et al. [89] proposed a transfer learning based
forward and backward BLSTM network for turbofan engine RUL prediction.
Long Short-
direction • Wang et al. [90] proposed a data-driven approach with
Term Memory
• Suitable for intermediate BLSTM network for RUL prediction, which can make
prediction full use of sensor data sequence in bidirectional.
Bi-directional • Can utilize two sets of LSTM
• Elsheikh et al. [91] proposed the BHLSTM to predict
Handshaking cells in reverse order
the RUL of a system, which is capable to process
Long Short- • Allow forward and backward
maximum information for any given subset of
Term Memory unit collaboration in the
(BHLSTM) learning process
The horizontal line on the top of the repeating module indicates the cell state, which passes
through the entire network chain with some minor liner interactions. They are comprised of a
sigmoid neural net layer and a pointwise multiplication and addition operation. The sigmoid layer
maps numbers between zero and one, where zero means no information will pass through and the
value of one allows all information. Recently many researchers have introduced several variations
based on the original RNN and LSTM. Among them, some major variants are Gated Recurrent
Unit (GRU) RNN, Bi-Directional LSTM (BiLSTM), and Bi-Directional Handshaking LSTM
(BHLSTM). Table III summarizes the major distinction for these variants and includes some
representative publications for each variant as references. Several studies have proven that RNNs
and LSTMs are outstanding and perform better than many conventional machine learning
approaches and even better than CNNs for the RUL prediction tasks [92]. However, as some
researchers pointed out that the LSTM network may not be robust when processing raw time series
data directly since the sensor data usually contains noise [93].
2.3.3 Autoencoder
An autoencoder is an unsupervised neural network. The main idea of autoencoder is to train the
model to reconstruct the original input at the output layer [94]. The autoencoder network consists
of three layers: an input layer, a hidden layer for encoding, and an output layer for decoding as
the network is forced to learn a compressed representation of the input. Define the input as v, an
shown in Figure 5. The size of the hidden neurons is usually smaller than the input. In this way,
Figure 5 Architecture of an autoencoder
2.3.4 Bayesian Deep Learning
Bayesian Deep learning method is an extension of deep learning in a probabilistic manner. The
fundamental idea is to adopt Bayesian inference as the learning tool for quantifying uncertainty of
the model by treating the deep learning architectures as probabilistic models. Typically, a Bayesian
Deep learning places prior distributions over the network's weights and then learn the
corresponding posterior distributions over the weights. Then each forward pass will have different
weights and therefore providing potentially different outputs. As exact Bayesian inference is
computationally intractable for most of the NN structures, some sampling strategies are used to
learn the parameters of Bayesian deep learning models, which is often computationally expensive.
From the literature review, we observed that some popular approximations have been proven
effective to alleviate the computational burden, such as variational inference, expectation
propagation, Laplace approximation, Hamiltonian methods, bootstrapping, Monte Carlo dropout,
etc. Among these, Monte Carlo dropout, which combines approximate Bayesian inference with
dropout, has drawn considerable attention in many research fields due to its simplicity, scalability,
and computational efficiency. It is well known that data-driven models inevitably face two types
of uncertainties: aleatoric uncertainty, reflecting the noise pollution in data collection and
transmission, and epistemic uncertainty, reflecting the ignorance of model property. To address
these issues, a variety of researchers have been exploring Bayesian Deep learning to account for
the uncertainties to improve model accuracy. References [100, 101] use Bayesian deep learning
based methods to quantify the uncertainty of point prediction for bearings and Gas turbine engine.
Li et al. [102] proposed a Bayesian deep learning based methods, in which a sequential Bayesian
boosting algorithm was executed to improve the prediction accuracy. A Bayesian deep learning
model can be treated as an ensemble of multiple models, which may naturally reduce the risks of
over-fitting issues. Another benefit of Bayesian deep learning models is that they allow to quantify
the uncertainty, which is very important for RUL prediction considering the limited data
availability and the stochastic nature of degradation processes in the manufacturing field. But the
computational cost is heavier for online inference comparing with other deep learning models as
the model needs to run multiple times to get the distribution of outputs.
2.3.5 Transfer Learning
Deep learning models excel at learning from a large number of labeled examples, learn a very
accurate mapping from the inputs to outputs. But it lacks capability to generalize to different
application scenarios. The reason is that many machine learning algorithms assume that the
training and test data are in the same feature space and have the same distribution. This assumption
may not hold in many real-world applications. Transfer learning is developed to tackle this issue
through storing knowledge learned from one domain (called the source domain) and transferring
label space, ! ⋅ is a predictive function. Given a source domain I• and learning task C• , a target
distribution where is a
domain I and learning task C , where I• ≠ I or C• ≠ C . Transfer learning aims to help improve
the learning of the target predictive distribution based on I• and C• . Based on what to transfer,
transfer learning can be conducted at several levels: instance-transfer, feature-representation-
transfer, parameter-transfer, and rational-knowledge-transfer [103]. Instance-transfer tries to
reweight some the samples from the source domain in an attempt to correct for the distribution
difference, then apply them in the target domain for training. Feature-representation-transfer tries
to get good feature representations that can reduce the difference between the source domain and
the target domain. Parameter-transfer discovers shared parameters or prior knowledge between the
source domain and the target domain. Parameter-transfer models believe that a well-trained model
on the source domain has learned a well-defined structure, and if two tasks are related, this
structure can be transferred to the target model. Relational-knowledge-transfer works by mapping
some similar patterns from the inputs to the outputs between both domains. Examples for RUL
prediction based on transfer learning can be found from [89, 98, 104-106]. Transfer learning is
especially useful in the situation where source data and target data are in different feature spaces
or have different distributions in which training data for the target problem are limited but data for
a related problem are abundant. Transfer learning provides an effective way for RUL prediction
with limited historical failure data. However, transfer learning only performs better under the
condition that the domain and target problems of both models are similar enough. Otherwise, it
will end up with a negative transfer. Currently, it is still challenging to find solutions to negative
transform [107], wavelet transform [108], empirical mode decomposition [109]. Recently, a
number of machine learning based approaches have been utilized to learn the learn the features
and mapping the raw signals to the associated RUL. Several such machine learning algorithms are
described in Subsection 2.2. These machine learning algorithms are that they are capable to extract
the useful features and information within the data with a very limited human intervention.
Subsection 2.3 demonstrates several deep learning architectures, which are emerging and highly
effective techniques for patterns and trends recognition. Their deep networks are capable of
obtaining high-level abstractions of data to improve the performance in intelligent prognostics.
The best part of these deep learning architectures is that they are capable of feature extraction
without human intervention. The extracted features are then used as inputs of developed RUL
prediction model. Once the predicted RUL is obtained, the last step is to decide the optimal time
to send out an alert of failure to help maintenance decision making. If the predicted time is shorter
than the actual time, maintenance will be implemented earlier, the benefits of more extended usage
are lost. If the prediction is too late, the equipment may fail and result in a more significant loss.
To determine the optimal maintenance policy, the inventory management associated with the spare
parts cost also needs to be considered in practice. Timely acquisition of the inventory number and
status of spare parts is challenging. Some researchers have investigated this issue by joint
optimization of maintenance and inventory management [110-112]. Another exigent issue in the
decision making process is that spare parts inevitably deteriorate over time due to the inner
mechanism and imperfect storage conditions, which will shorten the storage lifetime and
eventually affect inventory management. How to estimate the storage lifetime with arbitrary
number of spare parts based on the operating and storage degradation processes is attracting
researchers’ attention [113, 114]. Interested readers are referred to the recent articles for more
details [113, 114]. In this paper, we mainly focus on the RUL prediction in predictive maintenance.
Over the last decade, researchers showed intensive interest in RUL prediction for predictive
maintenance and published excellent research papers in this area. However, we only focus on the
recent advancement and applications within the time frame of the year 2015 to 2020. We reviewed
253 published papers under a broad point of view of data-driven approaches such as statistical
approaches, deep learning, conventional artificial intelligence and hybrid approaches (combination
of statistical and AI-based methods). The papers were collected from Google scholar using a
thorough key word search of “remaining useful life (RUL)”, “predictive maintenance (PM)”,
“prognostic and health management (PHM)”, “health index (HI)” and “machine health”. It is
observed that the concept of predictive maintenance and RUL prediction are widely applied for
aircraft engines, bearings, gears, motors, machine tools, wind turbines, batteries, computer hard
disks, and many more. Based on our observations, we categorized all of these applications into
four broad categories as “aircrafts”, “rotating machinery”, “power systems” and “electronic
systems”. We also break down the proportion of published papers in these four categories as shown
in Figure 7. Surprisingly, most of the researchers showed their interest in the field of rotating
machineries (48%) and aircraft system (23%) applications. One potential reason for this is the
availability of standard datasets in these two fields. We found that the NASA C-MAPSS,
PRONOSTIA, and Center of Intelligence at the University of Cincinnati dataset are widely used
in this area. However, some researchers are also trying to generate the dataset from their own lab
and focusing on the field of the power and electronic system components and products.
The main disadvantage of deep learning is the operating and training processes are “black boxes”
and a majority of proposed approaches are only focused on prediction on a population level, it is
hard to catch the uncertainty and individual heterogeneity. It would be interesting to combine the
advantages of each approach in the future. In the following subsection, we will provide details
review of research of RUL prediction for those applications (i.e., aircraft, rotating machinery,
electronic systems, power systems) of predictive maintenance. For each field, we first describe the
popular and open access dataset, then summarize the contemporary research work in the recent
five years in the corresponding field. It is worth noting that the number of papers on data-driven
prognostics is enormous. Consequently, some papers would be omitted inevitably.
Figure 8 Recent research trends (2015-2020) on different application fields & methods
important substance for rotating machinery. It helps to operate machines in safe and healthy
conditions. The deterioration trends can be described by observing the characteristics of lubricants
and the operation conditions of the machine. Over time and usage, lubricants degrade and produce
acidic substances, moisture, and insoluble deposits, such as carbon deposits, sludges [116], which
lead to machine failure. Hence, it is necessary to understand the deterioration trend in advance to
reduce wear and friction from the mobile components and avoid machine failure. Recently,
condition monitoring of lubricating oil has attracted considerable attention in research. The
lubricant data could be obtained from either a physical experiment or simulation procedure by
mimicking the real environment under a certain assumption. One of the procedures of collecting
lubricant data is the four-ball test found in [117]. To obtain real-time data of lubricating oil, a wear
debris sensor and an oil property sensor were employed in the oil cycling line. Besides, a
temperature control system was set to offer a fixed temperature for the oil property sensor. By
doing this, wear conditions and dynamic viscosity and permittivity of lubricating oil can be
monitored simultaneously. To accelerate oil degradation, a test composed of various loads and
speeds was carried out. The test was stopped and restarted when working conditions were changed.
Another lubricant data was found in [118]. The lubricating oil used for large machines was
collected from the engine of a loader. In the following paragraphs, we articulate different research
methodologies and approaches win this application field along with the description of the
commonly used datasets in this area.
Lei et al. proposed a two-stage method based on a particle filtering algorithm to predict the
bearing RUL [119]. They fused multiple features to construct new health indications and then used
the maximum-likelihood estimation to initialize the model parameters. Gaussian Process
Regression (GPR) is another effective method that was used in [120] with the integration of
composite kernels. RMS, Kurtosis and Crest factor are used for feature fusion by self-organizing
map. It is experimentally demonstrated that integration of composite kernels improves the
prediction accuracy than particle filter method. Liu et al. [121] divided the entire bearing life and
built an individual local regression model to get the multiple health states to leverage the RUL
prediction. This constituted a semi-supervised approach that can be utilized without having any
prior knowledge. Wang et al. [122] proposed a Wiener process model with stage correlation and a
Bayesian approach to utilize the prior distribution information into the model parameter. Ahmad
et al. [123] proposed a dynamic regression model to capture the trend of bearing health indicator,
which is later used to project the future health indicator value and estimate the bearing useful life.
The adaptive regression model can determine an appropriate time to start prediction which yields
excellent prognostics performance. Kundu et al. [124] used a clustering and change point detection
algorithm to identify the failure behaviors and predict the RUL. Sometimes bearing could be
operated under multiple conditions. Integrating these multiple conditions would provide better
prognosis result.
Literature also states several artificial intelligence based approaches to construct the health
indicators for bearing and gear remaining life prediction. Zhao et al. [125] employed the principal
component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis for dimensionality reduction. Then
they used a multiple linear regression model to estimate the RUL. In some applications, it is hard
to obtain the failure or suspension histories which make the RUL prediction tasks more
challenging. To address this issue, Xiao et al. [126] developed an inference method using recorded
condition monitoring data. An adaptive time windows was employed to divide the extracted
features and to train an ANN for intelligent prognosis. Bastami et al. [127] used the wavelet packet
transform to extract signal features and later trained an ANN to estimate the RUL of rolling
bearings. The nonlinear nonparametric approach is also considered as a very appealing technique
in predicting the RUL of bearings. The ensemble technique is another effective machine learning
paradigm that could be used in RUL prediction. Such an ensemble approach, decision tree-based
random forest, was proposed in [62] by Kundu et. al. for monitoring and detecting the pitting
progression in spur gears to predict the RUL of gear.
In recent years, deep learning becomes very effective in machine health monitoring and
prognostics due to its capability of learning representation from raw data. With the development
of deep learning methods, Guo et al. [85] proposed a deep neural network structure named
recurrent neural network based health indicator (RNN-HI), where several classical time-frequency
features are combined with the original feature set to get the most sensitive features as the input of
RNN-HI model to leverage the RUL prediction of bearings. Deep learning methods can effectively
extract the discriminative features for monitoring bearing fault. However, temporal information
also plays a critical role in the fault degradation process, which was not considered in many cases.
Mao et al. [128] first considered this temporal information in bearing RUL prediction and proposed
the LSTM. In another research, Tang et al. [129] proposed an LSTM approach combining the
bottleneck features to develop a novel prediction method of bearing performance degradation. In
LSTM approaches, first, the feature parameters are extracted from the different domains such as
time domain, frequency domain, time-frequency domain. Then the important features are extracted
from the original feature set that could better represent the degradation process of bearings. Finally,
the selected features are used to train the LSTM network to predict the bearing RUL. Traditionally
the feature extraction is derived from prior knowledge and is separated from the RUL models. Ren
et al. [130] proposed a Multi-scale Dense Gated Recurrent Unit Network (MDGRU) to combine
the feature extraction into the RUL model by pre-trained Restricted Boltzmann Machine network,
multi-scale layers, skip gate recurrent unit layers, dense layers. In [131], Li et al. used a CNN to
explore the time-frequency domain information and to extract multi-scale features. Deep learning
approaches showed the limitation on predicting less stability for the single sensory information.
To address this issue, Wu and Zhang [132] proposed a new cascade fusion convolutional long-
short term memory to fuse the information streams in the form of an ensemble model. Lo et al.
[133] proposed a one-dimensional CNN for the prognosis of bearing and gear. The network was
trained in a hybrid fashion where both the classification loss and clustering loss were combined to
estimate the status of prognosis. Xiang et al. [88] proposed an attention based LSTM named
LSTM-A. This special type of network utilizes an attention mechanism to amplify the input and
hidden layer weights at different degrees to accurately predict the gear remaining life.
The RUL prediction of lubricant is accomplished based on the parameters obtained from oil and
degradation trends. Tanwar et al. [134] proposed a degradation model based on continuous time
stochastic process, i.e., the Wiener process for lubricating oil degradation tracking and RUL
prediction under regular oil top-up effects. In this research, the Oil Replenished Effect was
neglected in the prediction of lubricant remaining life. Tanwar and Raghavan addressed this issue
in [135] and proposed the use of the GPR model as a non-parametric Bayesian method. Recently,
the machine learning approach is also being incorporated for condition monitoring from lubricant
oil. In [136], the researcher used the machine learning approach to classify the engine lubricant
into three conditions as normal, degraded, and unsuitable. They used a cohort of military land
vehicles to collect the data from laboratory test results of lubricants and monitoring system of
vehicle health. The proposed machine learning procedure used feature selection methods to
identify the best feature set for representing the lubricant oil condition.
3.2 Application in Aircrafts
An aircraft engine is the power component of an aircraft propulsion system. Most aircraft
engines are either piston engines or gas turbines. An aircraft engine produces thrust to propel an
aircraft. Aircraft engine failures may result in significant economic losses and even accidents in
extreme cases. Except for the aircraft engine, another two of the most important systems in the
aircraft are aircraft auxiliary power unit (APU) and actuators [114]. APU is a small turbine engine
installed under the tail of an aircraft. Instead of providing propulsion, its main function is to supply
power at a certain flight altitude and provide bleed air for the cabin air condition system on the
ground. For some aircrafts, APU can also provide compressed air and backup electric power to
compensate for the effect of dead engines. Thus, monitoring of the health state to ensure safety
and operation efficiency is essential. Actuators (e.g., Electro-Mechanical Actuators (EMA) and
Electro-Hydraulic Actuators (EHA)) play an active role in control systems in aircrafts. They are
used to convert electrical signals to mechanical movement or other physical variables, such as
pressure or temperature. In this research field, a majority of publications use the Commercial
Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation (C-MAPSS), which is collected from National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) [137]. The C-MAPSS dataset includes four sub-
datasets. All engines work in normal condition first and then degrade continuously until a failure
criterion is reached. Every record of the engine state is generated by a set of 24 variables, three of
which are operational settings and the other 21 are for engine performance measurements.
Currently, there is no public dataset available. Most researchers investigate the performance based
on data collected from commercial aircraft fleets. The research in this filed has been summarized
in the following paragraphs.
Chehade et al. [138] predicted RUL through individual failure threshold distribution estimation.
They developed a convex quadratic formulation that combines the historical population
information and the condition monitoring data of an operating unit to online estimate its failure
threshold. Some efforts have focused on developing data fusion methodologies for prognostics
[139-141]. The main idea is to construct a health index via selecting and fusing multiple
degradation signals to track the trajectories of the degradation process. After that, the constructed
health index was treated as another sensor signal and then was used for degradation modeling and
prognostics. Song and Liu [140] solved the HI construction by the quantile regression technique.
Kim et al. [139] proposed a latent linear model for HI construction and a systematic sensor
selection procedure for RUL prediction. Chehade et al. [141] extended the data-level fusion
techniques to multiple failure mode scenarios. Using constructed HI, Li et al. [142] developed an
age- and state-dependent Wiener-process model for RUL prediction with the consideration of the
unit-to-unit variability. Son et al. [143] proposed a non-homogeneous gamma process based RUL
prediction method. The model considered noisy degradation data and by using the Gibbs sampling
technique, the hidden degradation states were approximated by using the Gibbs sampling
technique. All of the above mentioned methods were developed based on statistical approaches.
Researchers also investigated the machine learning approaches to develop more sophisticated
methods. For example, Ordóñez Celestino et al. [144] proposed a hybrid ARIMA (auto-regressive
integrated moving average)-SVM model for estimating the RUL. ARIMA model is utilized to
estimate the values of the predictor variables in advance. Then, the result of ARIMA is applied as
the input of a support vector regression model. Al-Dulaimi et al. [145] proposed a hybrid of LSTM
and CNN framework. In their model, LSTM and CNN are constructed in parallel followed by a
fully connected multilayer fusion neural network. Zheng et al. [146] proposed an LSTM approach
for RUL estimation, which fully utilizes the sensor sequence information and uncovers hidden
patterns. Badu et al. [72] developed a deep CNN-based regression method to predict the RUL. The
convolution and pooling filters were used along the temporal dimension over the multi-channel
sensor data to integrate automated feature learning from raw sensor signals. Wen et al. [147]
proposed a residual convolutional neural network (ResCNN), it can help overcome vanishing or
exploding gradient problem of deep learning algorithms. Song et al. [96] developed a autoencoder-
BLSTM hybrid model. racy of RUL. Autoencoder was used as a feature extractor to reduce the
dimension of data. BLSTM was designed to capture the bidirectional long-range dependencies. It
showed that the hybrid model had better prediction performance comparing with most existing
methods including CNN and LSTM.
To predict the RUL of APU, Chen et al. [148] developed a Gaussian process regression model
combined with ensemble empirical mode decomposition. Liu et al.[149] utilized an Extreme
learning machine (ELM) to predict the degradation of an APU. They employed a restricted
Boltzmann machine (RBM) to optimize the ELM. Wang et al. [150] derived a health index to
characterize the APU degradation and then used a Bayesian framework for the RUL prediction.
Zhang et al. [151] utilized a Weibull-based generalized renewal process to implement failure rate
prediction of APU. Researchers also put their effort for actuators prognostics. Zhang et al. [152]
proposed a weighted bagging GPR algorithm. With the idea of ensemble learning, the weighted
bagging GPR algorithm uses a series of subsets to train the GPR model. They found that the
proposed method can take the randomness of data into consideration. Then Zhang et al. [153]
proposed a feature-aided Kalman Filter method for motor voltage estimation, which is an essential
parameter for performance degradation assessment of EMA. The dataset they collected through
Flyable Electromechanical Actuator, which was made by NASA Ames Research Center. Guo et
al. [154] presented an optimized incremental learning and on-line training algorithm based on the
relevance vector machine for EHA RUL prediction. In their research, sample entropy was
introduced as an effective signature of the EHA’s health.
turbine health status using the temperature characteristics of operational SCADA data. Nielsen and
Sørensen [160] proposed a Markov deterioration model to predict the deterioration and RUL of
wind turbine blades. In their model, a dynamic Bayesian network was used to obtain probabilities
of inspection outcomes and the maximum likelihood method was applied to estimate the transition
probabilities for a hidden Markov model. Saidi et al. [161] proposed a vibration-based prognostic
and health monitoring methodology for wind turbine high-speed shaft bearing using a spectral
kurtosis and SVR. Reviews about wind turbine condition monitoring can be found from [155, 162,
Electric valves, power transformers, reactor coolant pumps, etc. are also widely used
components in many power systems. Though the RUL prediction of these individual components
is not trivial, in recent years, researchers showed their interest in prognosis of these components.
For example, Wang et al. [164] applied a convolution kernel combined with LSTM for feature
extraction. Then, LSTM is utilized for predicting RUL of electric valves. Later, Wang et al. [165]
improved the RUL prediction method by combining LSTM and convolutional auto-encoder
(CAE). They combined deeper features extracted by CAE and the original features to enrich the
dimension of features, and the case study showed an improved predictive capability. Aizpurua et
al. [166] focused on lifetime predictions of power transformers in NPPs. They proposed a Bayesian
Particle Filtering framework by integrating model-based experimental models, forecasting models
and uncertainty modelling concepts together for condition assessment of transformers. Nguyen et
al. [167] combined ensemble empirical mode decomposition and LSTM for the prognostics of
reactor coolant pumps of NPPs. They observed that multi-step-ahead predictions obtained by an
ensemble of separate prediction models are more accurate and less noisy than the predictions
obtained by a single model.
they provided comprehensive reviews on data-driven methods for battery health diagnostics and
prognostics estimation. We found two public datasets available: NASA Ames Prognostic enter of
Excellence [169] and Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE) of University of
Maryland [170]. NASA Ames Prognostic enter of Excellence dataset contains 4 batteries’ aging
processes which were tested under certain conditions. The batteries were run through different
charge, discharge, and impedance operational profiles at room temperature. The CALCE provides
multiple batteries dataset. For the RUL prediction, the battery capacity was tested as an indicator
of battery status. To measure the capacity, all batteries were fully charged under the constant-
current/constant-voltage mode. In the discharge period, the cells were applied to a specific load to
maintain at a constant current until the voltage was reduced to 2.7V. Then the discharge capacity
was recorded after each full charge-discharge process. The details of the experiments to generate
data can be found in [171].
A number of researches has been reported for RUL prediction based on these two public datasets.
Zhai and Ye [172] studied a Wiener process model with an adaptive drift for RUL prediction of
batteries. They concluded that the proposed model fixed the deficiency of conventional Wiener
process models that ignoring the variability of drifts. Shen et al. [173] proposed a Wiener-based
model with measurement errors, which were assumed to be a logistic distribution with zero means.
They adopted the Monte Carlo expectation-maximization method together with the Gibbs
sampling for parameter estimation. Wang et al. [174] proposed a mixed-effects model based on
the Wiener process to capture the two-phase degradation pattern. This model accommodated two
significant aspects: phase correlation and unit heterogeneity. Zhang et al. [175] presented a
stochastic modeling method and took the recovery phenomenon into consideration, which is a
common phenomenon for batteries that the system performance degrades with usage and recovers
in storage. Si [176] proposed a generic nonlinear stochastic modeling framework, they utilized a
time-dependent drift coefficient to characterize the nonlinearity and dynamics of the degradation
signals. Chen et al. [177] employed a hybrid method based on SVR and error compensation
methods for RUL prediction. They used genetic algorithm to optimize the hyper-parameters of
SVR to achieve better accuracy. Xue et al. [178] proposed an integrated algorithm that combines
unscented Kalman filter and SVR. Similar to Chen et al. [177], they used a genetic algorithm to
optimize parameters of SVR. Khumprom and Yodo [179] proposed a Deep Neural Network (DNN)
and compared with other machine learning algorithms, including SVM, k-NN, ANN, and Linear
Regression. The results showed that the DNN algorithm could be comparable and outweigh
conventional machine learning algorithms. Ren et al. [180] integrated autoencoder with DNN, in
which autoencoder was used for multi-dimensional feature extraction and DNN is trained for RUL
prediction. Jiao et al. [181] tried to combine both statistical method and deep learning model, they
proposed a Particle Filtering framework based on conditional variational autoencoder and a
reweighting strategy to predict the RUL. Since battery powered electric vehicles are starting to
play a significant role in today's automotive industry. The reliability and safety of batteries are
critical. Robust RUL prediction methods for batteries are desirable and the number of publications
are expected to increase rapidly.
Through the literature search, it is also observed that the prognosis methodologies are widely
being applied for another electronic component namely hard disk drive (HDD). The Hard disk
drive (HDD) is a complex system integrating mechanical, electricity and magnetism, which is the
most important and robust data storage device for major data storage services. Self-monitoring,
analysis and reporting technology (SMART) is a commercial health monitoring system, which can
detect and report various indicators of HDD reliability to facilitate the HDD prognosis. However,
the conventional SMART can only provide a basic evaluation, and the failure detection rate (FDR)
is 3-10% [182]. To improve the accuracy of proactive failure prediction, in recent years, statistical
and machine learning methods have been adopted to build prediction models based on the SMART
attributes. There are two public datasets used in literature: Baidu Inc. [183] and Backblaze Inc
(available at: https://www.backblaze.com/b2/hard-drive-test-data.html). The dataset of Baidu Inc.
was collected from a total of 23,395 drives, which had the same initial mode. The attributes of
those drives were sampled at every hour using the SMART and labeled as good or failed, with
only 433 drives in the failed class and the rest of 22,962 drives in the good class. The Backblaze
company also collect the dataset in the similar fashion. They gathered the SMART attributes on
daily basis. In 2013, the company made the dataset available for the research community and
provides update quarterly [184]. Using Baidu dataset, Xu et al. [185] introduced a RNN based
approach to assessing the health status of hard drives based on the gradually changing sequential
SMART attributes. Li et al. [186] proposed two hard drive failure prediction models based on
Decision Trees (DTs) and Gradient Boosted Regression Trees. Both prediction models showed
steady prediction performance, with high failure detection rates (80% to 96%) and low false alarm
rates (0.006% to 0.31%). Using Backblaze dataset, Lima et al. [187] evaluated the performance of
both LSTM and CNN architecture to predict the hard drive failure. The results of this study showed
that deep learning models could be the effective alternative for failure prediction.
ƒ„9 †| ‡ − | (12)
ŠƒT9 ‹ † ‡ − (13)
1 |‡ − |
ƒ„59 † (14)
ˆ •‡‘ ?•‘
•† '- ? ,* − 1+ , ! ‡ − <0
TŒ ‰,
Ž † '- •‡‘,c
ˆ ?•‘
− 1+ , ! ‡ − ≥ 0
• ‰,
In the above equations, and ‡ represent true RUL and predicted RUL, respectively. is the
total number of units or systems. All of these metrics are negatively oriented scores, which means
prediction error to the model. The value of these two metrics could range between 0 and ∞. MAPE
a lower value indicates a better model. Both the MAE and RMSE report the average RUL
is a variant of MAE which is the absolute error normalized over the data. This metric is useful
when the errors need to be compared across data with different scales. The SF, as shown in
Equation (15), is asymmetric around the true time of failure. It is defined in a way that late
predictions are more heavily penalized than early predictions [137]. We only list a subset of metrics
in evaluating the performance of methodologies for different applications or datasets. For example,
C-MAPSS dataset, researchers who developed deep learning approaches for the dataset commonly
used the scoring and RMSE metrics to quantitively evaluate the proposed methodologies in this
field. This provides us an opportunity to compare different deep learning approaches directly. It is
worth mentioning that, the literature states a wide variety of performance criteria to evaluate
different methods. This is usual and expected, as the datasets used in this research field are
characterized by different parameters, scales, variations and operating conditions. Sometimes, a
dataset has multiples of sub-datasets and different experimental setups. Considering this limitation,
in the comparison table, we only report the common evaluation metrics for any particular dataset
having the same parameters, scales, and operating conditions. IEEE PHM2012 challenge dataset,
provided by the FEMTO-ST institution in France, is a popular dataset used for experimenting and
predicting the bearing remaining useful life. For this dataset, MAE and RMSE are often used to
evaluate the proposed methodologies. A comparison table for C-MAPSS and IEEE PHM 2012
challenge dataset is reported in Table IV and Table V, respectively. From Table IV, we can observe
that deep learning approaches applied to the C-MAPSS dataset are only started in 2016. Since
then, the number of publications has grown exponentially, which has been demonstrated in Figure
8. The best three performances in each column of Table IV are labeled in bold. Due to the
calculation biases from different authors, the RMSE and Scoring are not consistent. Generally, we
can conclude that capsule NN [188] and MSCNN [77] show superior performance and a good
generalization capability for all sub-datasets. Bayesian Deep learning [101] also demonstrates
satisfying results. It is worth mentioning that unlike other deep learning approaches only focusing
on point estimation of RUL, Bayesian Deep learning enhanced the model interpretability by
providing non only point estimation, but also uncertainty quantification, which is highly desirable
in practice. For IEEE PHM2012 challenge dataset, the performance metrics, dataset and data
prediction points vary, we only provide a rough comparison based on the work from [224]. As we
can see, DNN performs the best comparing other traditional machine learning approaches.
Table IV Performance comparison for C-MAPSS dataset
F001 F002 F003 F004
Method year
Scoring RMSE Scoring RMSE Scoring RMSE Scoring RMSE
CNN [72] 2016 1287 18.45 13570 30.29 1596 19.82 7886 29.16
Multi-objective Deep
2017 640 17.96 10851 28.06 683 19.41 7210 29.45
belief NN[189]
Deep LSTM [129] 2017 338 16.14 4450 24.49 852 16.18 5550 27.17
BiLSTM [22] 2018 295 13.65 4130 23.18 317 13.74 5430 24.86
LSTM-FNN [190] 2018 481 14.89 7982 26.86 493 15.11 5200 27.11
Deep CNN [191] 2018 274 12.61 10400 22.36 284 12.64 12500 23.31
hybrid LSTM [87] 2019 262 14.72 6953 29.00 452 17.72 15069 33.43
Ensemble ResCNN [147] 2019 212 12.16 2087 20.85 180 12.01 3400 24.97
capsule NN [188] 2020 276 12.58 1229 16.30 283 11.71 2625 18.96
MSCNN [77] 2020 196 11.44 3747 19.35 241 11.67 4844 22.22
CNN+LSTM [192] 2020 231 12.56 3366 22.73 251 12.10 2840 22.66
Generative Adversarial
2020 174 10.71 2982 19.49 273 11.48 3874 19.71
Networks [193]
Bayesian Deep learning
2020 267 12.19 2007 18.49 409 12.07 2415 19.41
field [196, 197]. However, the task of RUL is still challenging due to the complex, uncertain,
nonlinear features and operational conditions. The main challenges can be summarized in several
aspects: (1) Data insufficiency and imbalanced classes: most data-driven models, especially
machine learning approaches, predict the RUL based on the extracted features learned from the
data. The predictive performance largely relies on the volume and quality of the datasets. However,
with the enhanced quality of engineering systems, the probabilities of failure are extremely low.
Data collection in the engineering field is time-consuming and costly. Moreover, the collected data
usually face the class imbalance issue. As stated in Section 3, most datasets are generated in a
simulated environment for case studies. The developed approaches may show poor performance
when adapting to real-world scenarios. (2) Poor generalization ability of developed models: many
developed models show poor performance when applying to different types or even the same type
of equipment under different operational environments. Although transfer learning has been
attempted to solve this problem, in practice remains a challenging issue to achieve satisfactory
performance in many scenarios. Moreover, the degradation mechanism may be affected by various
environmental factors (e.g., speed, loading) in the real world. How to accurately model these
variables are still challenging and critical since they will impact the degradation trend which in
turn will impact the prediction performance. (3) Late prediction caused by poor predictive
capability: if the predicted failure is later than the actual fault occurrence, it may not allow adequate
time for remedies, thus causing damage or losses. However, current research pay little attention to
time complexity analysis. (4) Noise associated with real-time/online prognostics for in-situ
components: the operating components may be affected by random disturbance from the
environment. The extensive research on how to incorporate data heterogeneity and uncertainty for
real-time prognostics are expected in the future. Moreover, online monitoring and prognostics
require fast and efficient algorithms, only a limited research report the computational time. (5)
Manual assignment of hyper-parameters estimation and tuning: many algorithms require to assign
and tune hyper-parameters, especially for deep learning models, the accuracy of the model is
largely dependent on the choice of hyper-parameters. However, the majority of the research only
assigns parameters manually. (6) Discrepancy of cross-domain prognosis: it is generally assumed
that the training and testing data are from the same distribution. In real world, distribution
discrepancy exists between training and testing data due to variation of machine working
condition, interference of environmental noise, etc. This may lead to significant prediction
performance deterioration.
Opportunities always come along with challenges. These opportunities include, but are not
limited to, (1) Dataset enrichment: currently, most of the data-driven algorithms only utilize
numeric data to predict the remaining life. It is well known that deep learning algorithms are
efficient at extracting features and learn from images. Thus, integration of images and numerical
data could bring an effective way to dig into the task of RUL prediction. In addition, the rise and
recent development of transfer learning and data augmentation techniques (e.g., Generative
adversarial networks) can also alleviate the demand for large datasets and boost the prognostic
accuracy. However, currently only a very limited number of research have been conducted for
RUL prediction. (2) Uncertainty quantification: a majority of machine learning based approaches
are only focused on predicting the mean values of RUL. Combining statistical approaches and then
quantifying uncertainty for more informed decision-making will be an interesting direction to
investigate. (3) Development of robust yet effective prediction algorithms for online monitoring:
with the emerging of machine learning techniques in predictive maintenance field, the proposed
models are becoming more and more complex, researchers may focus on how to control the
computation time through designing efficient models. (4) Model generalization: most prognostics
approaches are typically designed for a specific system or domain. It would be interesting to
develop general prognostic methods, which can be implemented in any systems, and to promote
in practical applications. (5) Real-time maintenance strategies development: basically, real-time
schemes for decision making based on RUL prediction that can deal with more complex and
dynamic scenarios are anticipated in society for maintenance and reliability. By utilizing advanced
cloud computing, AI and machine learning algorithms, we believe that more automated, intelligent
tools will be developed and deployed to improve performance in the industry soon. (6) Integration
of attention mechanism into the predictive model: attention mechanism is able to model the
dependencies between the target output and the input sequences and has now become an important
element in deep learning area, we’ll expect to see more and more publications that attention
mechanism to RUL prediction in the near future.
been their own pros and cons. We would like to provide our perception on how to select and
construct an appropriate data-driven model for a specific application scenario. If the data size is
small and degradation data show similar degradation forms, GPMs perhaps are the most suitable
and simplest models to use. However, their inability to capture the temporal variability and the
uncertainty inherent in the progression of deterioration over time, which is common in practice,
limits their engineering applications. In other words, GPMs are applicable only when the
unexplained randomness is sufficiently small. To deal with the randomness caused by inherent
variability and environmental factors, SPMs are a natural choice. If degradation processes are
monotonic and evolving only in one direction, Gamma process and inverse Gaussian process are
appropriate to model this type of degradation data. Wiener process is suitable in modeling
deterioration which is not monotone. To relax the assumption of parametric forms, Gaussian
process models can be well adapted to model the complex data, where do not involve parameters.
Both GPMs and SPMs have well-established statistical properties, where a closed form of PDF of
RUL is usually available. If not in some cases, filtered based methods or some sampling methods
have to be used for finding an approximated RUL. One limitation of both GPMs and SPMs is that
they require a pre-defined failure threshold. However, this may not be available or accurate since
it requires knowledge from domain experts. Moreover, a fixed failure threshold may not be
sufficient to characterize the health status of all products due to their heterogeneous features. In
this case, covariate based models are efficient without needing failure threshold assumption. The
rapid development of sensing and computing technologies has enriched degradation data
significantly. This data-rich environment for degradation modeling and prognostics that could
potentially lead to an accurate inference about RUL of products. However, RUL prediction with
multi-sensor signals is a more challenging issue than the cases of a single degradation signal. One
way to deal with this issue is to combine multi-sensor signals into a composite health index or
mapping the correlation between signals and RUL values, then widely-used GPMs and stochastic
process models are still applicable. Another option is to use machine learning, which has gradually
become a mainstream for RUL prediction. The goal of conventional machine learning and deep
learning for RUL prediction is to learn the non-linear mapping between the sensor data and RUL
using different network architecture. Among those machine learning models, LSTMs have
attracted great attention and presented an outstanding ability in the application of RUL prediction,
as they have the capability to learn dependencies of sequential data. While machine models can
provide better performance for RUL prediction, they do not have a probabilistic orientation,
namely, uncertainty quantification, and therefore, no PDF of the RUL is available. Bayesian neural
networks have been used to cover the shortage. If there is a need for cross-domain prognosis,
transfer learning is a preferable way to provide a better performance. Attention mechanism can
also assist the learning model in yielding potential improvements in the learning tasks.
5. Conclusion
In the context of Industry 4.0, predictive maintenance is transforming the way of thinking
maintenance: from cost to business opportunity in the industry. Based on this rationale, predictive
maintenance is attracting considerable investment from industries and increasing attention from
research societies. Many predictive maintenance techniques have been developed up to now to
respond to the demand of high reliability of facilities and equipment but more studies are still
required to improve their predictive accuracies and efficiencies. This review provides a
comprehensive overview of the most recent data-driven prognostic techniques, which is the
indispensable process for predictive maintenance. Specifically, this paper reviews the
methodologies, best practices, current challenges, and future trends of machine prognostics. To
make accurate prognostics, choosing a proper modeling technique is essential. We provide a
detailed summary of statistical based models and machine learning based models. Then, their
applications based on these models are demonstrated in detail, which provide a good reference for
selecting an appropriate model for a specific application scenario. Moreover, we investigate and
pinpoint some challenges and promising directions and opportunities of prognostics for future
studies. Lastly, we provide some constructive resolutions to mitigate the predictive maintenance
challenges (e.g., data insufficiency and imbalanced classes; poor generalization ability of
developed models; late prediction caused by poor predictive capability; noise associated with real-
time/online prognostics for in-situ components; manual assignment of hyper-parameters
estimation and tuning; and discrepancy of cross-domain prognosis) and guidance for the user to
choose appropriate models to support predictive maintenance implementation. This research effort
would lead to develop machine learning based predictive maintenance system that enables to
sustain effective and accurate preventive maintenance. In summary, this review provides an
indication of how to study predictive maintenance problems from data-driven machine prognostics
perspective and pave a path for effective further investigation. It can be foreseen that more and
more advanced predictive models will be developed in the near future, which will boost predictive
maintenance, improve reliability, enhance productivity and achieve intelligent decision-making in
the industry.
This work was partially supported by the National Science Foundation (ECR-PEER-1935454),
(ERC-ASPIRE-1941524) and Department of Education (Award # P120A180101). The authors
wish to express sincere gratitude for their financial support.
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