Batac Junior College, Inc
Batac Junior College, Inc
Batac Junior College, Inc
This chapter of the paper presents the review of related literature, and the conceptual
What is Inflation?
Inflation is a continual rise in the general price level of products and services in the
Inflation has been on the rise since the pandemic. The global inflation rate has risen
from 3.74% in March 2021 to 9.2% in March 2022, an increase of almost 150%. Small
business owners identify inflation as the biggest risk to their business survival, and 22% of
them are of the opinion that inflation has reached its peak (Alibaba, 2022).
What is Electricity?
Electricity is one of the most powerful forces in our lives. As a matter of fact, it can
even kill you. The most vital part of electricity is called electric energy. This is what we
commonly think of when we hear the word electricity. “Electricity” reminds us of anything
that we plug into the electrical outlet in order to make it work, such as lights, refrigerators,
video games, microwaves, and computers. Scientists discovered ways to produce electric
energy in large amounts in order to make heat, light, and motion. These discoveries have
improved our lives greatly and for many of us it would be difficult to picture what life would
City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
Electricity is one of the most important blessings that science has given to mankind. It
has also become a part of modern life and one cannot think of a world without it. Electricity
has many uses in our day to day life. It is used for lighting rooms, working fans, and domestic
appliances like using electric stoves, A/C and more. All these provide comfort to people. In
factories, large machines are worked with the help of electricity. Essential items like food,
cloth, paper, and many other things are the product of electricity (Lekshmi, 2010).
The Philippines is abundant in natural resources and has a diverse mix of energy
sources. The Philippines derives most of its electricity generation from coal. In 2021, the
fossil fuel accounted for 47.6 percent of total electricity generation in the country. Natural gas
made up another 10.7 percent (Alves, 2022). Some of Luzon’s resources include a 1,200 MW
natural-gas fired Ilijan power plant, a 1,000 MW Sual coal-fired power plant, a 345 MW San
Roque hydropower plant, a 603 MW hydroelectric power plant in Ambuklao and a 52.5 MW
Bacon-Manito geothermal power plant (Global Energy Institute, 2014). Visayas and
Mindanao are largely powered by geothermal and hydroelectric power plants and have a huge
untapped potential for renewable energy (Ibid). Despite the country’s abundance in natural
resources, energy consumption well exceeds energy production by 20 Mtoe (Million Tons of
City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
Philippines’ power system relied on imported coal and diesel. In 2020, coal accounted
for 57% of total power generation in the country, with coal overtaking oil as the biggest
energy source. With the Philippines relying on imported coal and diesel to power up over half
of the country, power rates are made vulnerable to importation costs and rising world market
Secondly, rotating power outages were still experienced in parts of the country in
2021, and even over the past few years, despite and overcapacity of baseload coal-fired
power plants, leading to significantly high electricity costs. These coal plants have not even
met the newly –mandated allowable outages set by the Energy Regulatory Commission.
People in Luzon, Visayas. And Mindanao have grappled with varying degrees of
power outages. Rising temperatures and the increase of people sheltering at home contributed
to the increase in demand and shortage of supply. Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary
Alfonso Cusi also attributed this to the simultaneous breakdown of four big coal-fired power
plants. Supply was heavily affected by maintenance work and unscheduled outages at key
power plants in Luzon and low gas pressure from the Malampaya gas field (ABS-CBN News,
The electricity bill of costumers of the Ilocos Norte electric Cooperative (INEC) has
increased in May due to a hike in the cost of electricity generation, rising prices of coal and
gasoline, and the diminishing value of the peso against the dollar.
City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
According to INEC, the residential power rate in the province jumped to Php16.77 per
kWh from only Php14.31 per kWh in June. The increase exclude the value added tax and
Though Ilocos Norte is host to a number of renewable energy firms such as the wind
farms in Burgos, Bangui and Pagudpud, as well as the solar farm in Currimao town, the
INEC said that as a distribution utility, they could not get their supply directly from them
(Adriano, 2022).
As of the moment, the INEC has a contract of 20 years and is buying its supply from
Masinloc Power Partner Co. Ltd., Wholesale Electricity Spot Market, and its mino-
hydropower plant in Pagudpud town. However, it could only supply less than 2 percent of the
(1) Cost of fuels. Fuels and electricity go hand in hand in terms of demand and supply.
For electricity, it has to be generated and delivered and in order to process it is to be supplies
by fuels. Whenever the fuel prices vary, it affects the cost of electricity in return.
(2) Power plant costs. The use of power plants has to be built and maintained. With
the impact of electricity, it needs to operate to supply the needs in our household. These will
(3) Transmission and distribution system costs. Just like power plants, distribution
and delivery systems also need to be built and maintained. This added consumption to the use
(4) Weather. Electricity costs when inclement weather happens. Rain can provide
cheaper hydropower generation while wind keeps turbines spinning. Worst case scenario will
City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
approach when extreme weather happens. This means the demand for electricity increases
(5) Regulations. Regulations vary per location. Some service or utility commissions
controlling costs and others implementing both unregulated and regulated prices.
(6) Seasons. Seasons affect us greatly during the summer where the demand of
electricity is high. When more people need more power, the need to efficiently generate and
(7) Location. Factors like power plant availability, local fuel costs, and regulations all
(8) Type of consumer. Consumers who live in industrial type of home usually pay less
per kilowatt houe (kWh) than those who live in commercial and residential. This is because
they can be supplied a larger amount of electricity at one time, making delivery and
generation quicker and cheaper. However, getting power to consumers who use smaller
One off the real issues with the energy crisis is its effect upon businesses, particularly
small and medium-sized businesses. The problem is that whereas households are getting
some assistance, as yet nothing has been proposed for businesses, and many of them are
City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
According to the labor department report, the 2008 July inflation rate hit the highest
of 5.6% since 1991 (Maura, 2008), which was fueled by high energy prices. The high cost of
energy was attributed to the increasing world oil and gas prices.
We use gasoline and electricity to run machines in our industry. Hence as the cost of
energy rises, the effect is great and in most cases, the burden resulting from the high cost of
energy is felt by the consumer. Producers will always ensure themselves against losses due to
One of the leading factors in increasing costs is rising energy bills. A survey found
that over a third (36%) of small businesses owners saw their energy bills increase in 2021.
During the year, one in five owners saw an increase of over 15%, and one in then reported a
hike of 20%.
Almost a third (30%) of small businesses owners say they will have to reduce their
energy usage to save on running costs. Yet nearly one in five (17%) said that doing so would
According to the new survey data of small business owners from Goldman Sachs,
“10,000 Small Businesses Voices,” 91% of small business owners say broader economic
trends, such as inflation, supply chain issues, and workforce challenges, are having a negative
impact on their business. Further, nearly three quarters (73%) of small business owners
across all sectors said increasing energy costs are having negative impacts on their bottom
City of Batac, Ilocos Norte
Inflation has contributed to workforce challenges, as the high costs of attracting and
retaining employees is affecting small business’ financial health has been negatively
impacted by inflation over the past six months. Of those, 67% have increased wages to retain
employees. To offset these increased costs, 60% have passed them through to the consumer