Source 12
Source 12
Source 12
26 5,457
4 authors, including:
Vladimír Bulej
University of Žilina
All content following this page was uploaded by Vladimír Bulej on 20 July 2018.
ISSN 1330-3651
UDC/UDK 681.51:004.896
Keywords: Delta robot, parallel kinematic structure, parallel robot, training workplace
Pregledni članak
Ovaj je rad usmjeren definiranju paralelnih kinematičkih robota, opisu njihove specifične primjene, usporedbi robota raznih proizvođača i određivanju
parametara brzine i ubrzanja, kinematičkoj analizi – inverznoj i unaprijednoj kinematici. Obaviještava o razvoju Delta robota na Akademiji, uključujući i
Sveučilište u Žilini, te o Delta robotima na tržištu. Dva su modela Delta robota, M-1iA i M-3iA razvijena u FANUC Robotics zadnjih nekoliko godina. Ti su
roboti idealni za automatiziranje poslova koji su bili previše brzi i složeni za standardne robote. Uz to, ova nova serija robota nudi fleksibilnost pokreta ljudskog
zgloba, brzo vrijeme ciklusa, krajnje kompaktnu ruku i visoku preciznost. Također je moguća podrška inteligentnim funkcijama korištenjem Computer Vision
sustava. U radu se opisuje razvoj mjesta za obuku s Fanuc Delta robotima FANUC M-1iA0.5A, uz primjere o primjeni robota.
Ključne riječi: Delta robota, paralelna kinematička struktura, paralelni robota, trenažno radno mjesto
We note that parallel robots may present excellent
characteristics as to acceleration. The high-speed Delta
robot, for example, presents a maximal acceleration at about
500 m/s .
General methods exist to obtain accelerations for
closed-loop mechanisms although for parallel robots it is
1 - Base element 9 - Working element
2 - Shaft 10 - End-effector joint generally easy to obtain these relations directly. Indeed,
3 - Fixed parts 11 - Fixed motor from equation (1) we obtain by differentiation:
4 - Arm 12 - Control system
5a, 5b - Linking bars 13 - Actuator
6a, 6b - Revolute joints 14 - Telescopic arm (optional) q " = J -1 × W '+ J -1' × W . (3)
7a, 7b - Revolute joints 15 - First extremity
8 - Movable element 16 - Second extremity For the various categories of parallel manipulators, the
Figure 1 Delta robot parts (extract from US Patent 4,976,582)[6] determination of the acceleration equations thus amounts to
Slika 1. Dijelovi Delta robota (izvadak iz US Patent 4,976,582)[6] the determination of the derivate of the inverse kinematic
Jacobian matrix; the problem is more complex for
However, there are some applications that cannot redundant robots [1].
manage these high speeds and accelerations due to the
weakness of the parts involved in the process. Some 2.2
products could be damaged if accelerated at 15g or more. Kinematic analysis
For the gripping of the products, vacuum cups are the Kinematička analiza
preferred ones because of their light weight and fast
actuation. If we want to build our own Delta robot, we need to solve
It is possible to find a Delta robot in many different two problems. First, if we know the desired position of the
kinds of industries. Some of them are: end effector (for example, we want to catch some object in
- Manufacturers of solar panels use Delta robots to place the point with coordinates X, Y, Z), we need to determine the
photovoltaic silicon wafers onto glass substrates. corresponding angles of each of the three arms (joint angles)
- Manufacturers of energy-efficient lighting use Delta to set motors (and, thereby, the end effector) in proper
robots to place lenses into LED arrays. position for picking. The process of such determining is
- They are also used to snap together several plastic parts known as inverse kinematics.
and place the finished assembly into a box. And, in the second case, if we know joint angles (for
example, we have read the values of motor encoders), we
Although Delta robots excel at pick-and-place need to determine the position of the end effector (e.g. to
applications, they can perform other operations like make some corrections of its current position). This is a
dispensing a thermal adhesive onto heat sinks for solar forward kinematics problem [7].
collectors, assembling small gears with feedback from force To be more formal, we can look at the kinematic scheme
sensors and a Delta robot is being used as a microscope of a delta robot. The platforms are two equilateral triangles:
stand at the Necker hospital in Paris [11]. the fixed one with motors is green, and the moving one with
the end effector is pink. Joint angles are theta1, theta2 and
2.1 theta3, and point E0 is the end effector position with
Determination of the jointed velocities and the twist coordinates (x0, y0, z0). To solve inverse kinematics problem
Određivanje brzina rotacije spojnih zglobova we have to create the function with E0 coordinates (x0, y0, z0)
as parameters which returns (theta1, theta2, theta3). Forward
It is usually possible to determine analytically the kinematics functions gets (theta1, theta2, theta3) and returns
inverse kinematic Jacobian matrix J– that linearly relates (x0, y0, z0).
the jointed velocities θ ' to the twist W of the end-effector, for
Inverse kinematics
q ' = J -1 × W . (1)
Inverzna kinematika
But it is generally difficult, for 6 DOF robots, to invert First, let's determine some key parameters of the robot's
J–1 in order to obtain an analytical formula for the kinematic geometry. Let's designate the side of the fixed triangle as f,
Jacobian matrix: a numerical procedure will therefore the side of the end effector triangle as e, the length of the
upper joint as rf, and the length of the parallelogram joint as 2.2.2
re. These are physical parameters which are determined by Forward kinematics
the design of Delta robot. The reference frame will be Unaprijedna kinematika
chosen with the origin at the centre of symmetry of the fixed
triangle, as shown below, so z-coordinate of the end effector In this case the three joint angles theta1, theta2 and theta3
will always be negative. are given, and we need to find the coordinates (x0, y0, z0) of
Because of the robot's design the joint F1J1 (Fig. 2) can
end effector point E0. As we know angles theta, we can
only rotate in YZ plane, forming a circle with the centre in
easily find coordinates of points J1, J2 and J3 (Fig. 3). Joints
point F1 and radius rf. As opposed to F1, J1 and E1 are so-
J1E1, J2E2 and J3E3 can freely rotate around points J1, J2 and J3
called universal joints, which means that E1J1 can rotate
respectively, forming three spheres with radius re.
freely relatively to E1, forming a sphere with the centre in
Now let's do the following: move the centres of the
point E1 and radius re.
spheres from points J1, J2 and J3 to the points J'1, J'2 and J'3
using transition vectors E1E0, E2E0 and E3E0 respectively.
After this transition all three spheres will intersect in one
point E0. So, to find coordinates (x0, y0, z0) of point E0, we
2 2
need to solve the set of three equations like (x – xj) + (y – yj)
2 2
+ (z – zj) = re , where coordinates of sphere centres (xj, yj, zj)
and radius re are known.
The development of Delta Robots in Academia
Razvoj Delta robota u Akademiji
The design of a training delta robot at the University
of Žilina
Projekt delta robota za vježbanje na Univerzitetu Žilina
In the first case we can use for example the gearbox with
output shaft and the last bearing strong enough to carry the
whole arm. In the second case we can apply the structure
composed of drive unit, gearbox, coupling and specialized
bearing unit. The bearing unit is needed to restrain the forces
from the rotary arm.
We decided for the second alternative. Then the main
shaft, which carries the mass and the forces applied on the
arm, is separated from the output shaft of the gearbox or
drive unit. This main shaft is connected to the base frame by
two special bearing units. The mechanical coupling is
inserted between the system of the drive unit (contained the
bearing too) and the main shaft of the rotary arm. For the
Figure 5 Design of delta robot Caertec rk 2010 at the University of Žilina rotary arm fixing in the static position the electromagnetic
Slika 5. Projekt delta robota Caertec rk 2010 na Univerzitetu Žilina brake is linked to the main shaft.
4 ABB FlexibleAutomation
Delta Robots in the Market ABB Flexible Automation launched its Delta robot in
Delta roboti na tržištu 1999 under the name IRB 340 FlexPicker (Fig. 10). Three
industry sectors were aimed at the food, pharmaceutical,
The history of the Delta robot marketing is long, and electronics industries. The FlexPicker is equipped with
complicated, and intriguing. It all started in 1983 when the an integrated vacuum system capable of rapid pick and
two Swiss brothers Marc-Olivier and Pascal Demaurex release of objects weighing up to 1 kg. The robot is guided
created the company Demaurex based in Romanel-sur- with a machine vision system by Cognex and an ABB S4C
Lausanne, Switzerland. controller. Optionally, the robot may be equipped with a
motion controller and vision system byAdept Technology.
Demaurex Delta robots After nearly ten years research and experience in the
After purchasing a license for the Delta robot in 1987, field of packaging technology came FlexPicker IBR 360
their major objective became to commercialize the parallel with the second generation of Delta ABB robots. This
robot for the packaging industry (Fig. 8). After several second generation is even more efficient with higher speed
years, Demaurex succeeded in occupying a major place in and carrying capacity and smaller footprint.
this new difficult market. The company product went
through a number of modifications and finally, they sold
500 Delta robots worldwide.
Figure 8 Demaurex's Line-Placer installation for ABB has installed around 1800 Delta robots all over the
the packaging in an industrial bakery [9] world and it is the leader in the field of advanced packaging
Slika 8. Demaurexova Line-Placer instalacija za pakiranje u
jednoj industrijskoj pekari [9] technologies.
SIG Group
The patent on the Delta robot was bought by the Demaurex, in order to ensure its long term stability,
brothers Demaurex from EPFL in 1996 and some years later changed its line of production from naked Delta robots to
ABB acquired a license to manufacture Delta robots. Many complete robot cells. However, in order to gain a world
other brands such as Renault Automation Comau, GROB- market, the small Demaurex started looking for a partner.
Werke, Krause & Mauser Group, have acquired the license And it is thus that Demaurex became acquired by the Swiss
as well. Group SIG at the end of 1999.
The SIG Group consists of three branches, of which the
Hitachi Seiki SIG Pack branch, only, employs some 2000 workers, a
Demaurex sold licenses to the Japanese company company big enough to offer Demaurex the so much needed
Hitachi Seiki for the production of smaller Delta robots for access to the world market. Presently, three different Delta
drilling operations (Fig. 9). In fact, Hitachi Seiki Company robot models are offered by the SIG Pack Systems. Whereas
The development of training workplace with Fanuc
Delta robot
Razvoj mjesta za obuku s Delta robotom Fanuc
- End-effector: Vacuum end-effector.
- iRVision: No.
- Objects: 4 equal-sized balls.
- Initial object position: Known.
- Objective: Replace the balls as fast as possible in order
to prove the agility of the robot.
- Degrees of freedom: 3.
- End-effector: Gripper
- iRVision: No
- Objects: 8 small cubes
- Initial object position: Known
- Objective: Stack 8 cubes placed in a magazine in order
to show the dimensions of the workspace and the
Figure 21 Design of workplace with FANUC Delta robot M-1iA [4] dexterity of the robot.
Slika 21. Projekt radnog mjesta s FANUC Delta robotom M-1iA [4] - Degrees of freedom: 4
- End-effector: Vacuum end-effector.
- iRVision: Yes.
- Objects: 3 square-shaped and 3 round-shaped pieces
made of metal sheet.
Figure 22 Description of Task No 1 [4] - Initial object position: Unknown (pieces stacked in a
Slika 22. Opis zadatka br. 1 [4] magazine).
- Objective: Stack the square-shaped pieces in magazine
[1] Merlet, J.-P. Parallel Robots. Dordrecht: Springer Academic
Publisher, 2006, ISBN-10 1-4020-4133-0
[2] Kolíbal, Z. The theory of basic kinematic chain structures and
its effect on their application in the design of industrial robot
positioning mechanisms. CERM, Brno, 2001.
[3] Zhang, D. Parallel Robotic Machine Tools. Oshawa: Springer
Science and Business Media, LLC 2010, ISBN 978-1-4419-
1116-2, e-ISBN 978-1-4419-1117-9
[4] Alba and Romeo, X. Design of the workplace for a Delta
Robot. Diploma work, University of Žilina and UPC
Barcelona, 2011.
[5] FANUC M-1IA0.5AOperation manual B-83084EN/02
[6] Bonev, I. Delta Parallel Robot – the Story of Success, 2003.
[7] Zavatsky, M. Delta robot kinematics, 2009.
[9] Adept 2011.Adept Qattro Parallel Robots.
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