Kimberly Mccarthy 2024 Instructional Tool Kit
Kimberly Mccarthy 2024 Instructional Tool Kit
Kimberly Mccarthy 2024 Instructional Tool Kit
Title and Link Purpose Method
Google Slides Creating notes, Program to create presentations or
presentations, slideshows, student-led seminars
PBS Kids Make a positive impact Used to allow learning to be fun and
through curriculum-based interactive while using technology
content with positive
Prodigy Math and ELA games Occasionally students are given the
option to play a game on prodigy as a
reward when they are finished with an
assignment. This website is used as an
extension since it is builds off instructional
Visual Schedule Tells a student where they should be Communicates the sequence
and when they should be there of upcoming activities or
events through the use of
objects, photographs, icons,
words, or a combination of
tangible supports
Okay third graders Attention grabber Students look when they hear
their appropriate grade called
Classroom Management Techniques
Encourage Initiatives Prize bin for earning PBIS This helps encourage good