Unit 13
Unit 13
Unit 13
13.0 Introduction
13.1 Objectives
13.2 Planning and Development of Extension Programme: Essential Aspects
and Issues
'3.2.1 Some Important ConceptsiTerms Used
,3.2.2 Nature and Object~vesof Programme Plannlng
L3.2.3 Assumpt~onsin Programme Development
(3.2.4 Programme Development and Planned Change
13.2.5 Pr~nciplesof Extension Programme Plann~ngand Development
13.2.6 Steps in Programme Planning and Development Process
.- 13.3 Creating Extension Programmes with the People's Participation: A
r i Rationale
4 13.3.1 Five Essential Elements to Promote Participation of People in Extension
13.4 Let Us Sum Up
13.5 Answers to 'Check Your Progress' Questions
13.6 References
The continuing challenge of extension planners has been to be creative or
innovitive in their programme development efforts and responsive to the changing
needs of farmers and their communities in rural, tribal and other remote areas. In
today's world, people's involvement or participation is the cornerstone of change
process and its acceleration. People are to be continually involved in it, either as
passive or active elements/citizens, but more often as targets of project or as
recipients of its benefits. Development projects are delineated to help people
adjust to change, for example to new agricultural policies or market demands.
Also, at times, these projects are directed to help grass-roots groups and rural
communities in building change projects that are relevant to their own needs and
aspirations. Both the situations require planning and preparation of different types
of extension programmes. In this Unit, we attempt to deal with the concept,
scope, principles, process and elements of planning and developing extension
After going through this Unit, it is expected that you will be able to:
Identify the basic concepts and terms used in planning and development of
an extension programme;
Elxplain the concept, nature and scope of extension programme planning;
State the objectives of extension programme (planning); and
Extension and ,Describethe principles and process of planning and developing an extension
Development: Planning,
Management and
For planning and developing an extension programme, it is necessary to know
the essential aspects involved in extension programme development. These
aspects are briefly discussed below.
The term 'programme' thus indicates focus, priority and design. A well
developed programme to extension workers is like what a compass is to a
seaman. The function of extension programme is to provide a clear guide, a
.blueprint, or a plan useful to extension worker in conducting ongoing
extension programmes. Entire programme should be based up on the needs
of people and their involvement in it all through. .
The basic objective of extension system is to develop in village people, the ability
to make a better living and to live a more satisfying life as individuals, as family
members as well as citizens of their community, state and the nation. To attain
this objective, the first step in any systematic attempt to promote rural
development is to prepare a useful programme. As we know, the term programme
indicates focus, priority and design. Programme has to arise from the felt needs
of the people, if it is really to be meaningful to them. One of the important jobs
of the extension worker is to convert unfelt needs of the people into felt needs. It
should be recognized that those felt needs are the motivating forces for their
participation and involvement in extension programmes. It assumes the ability
among the planners to distinguish important needs from unimportant ones. Such
a programme must be based on people's needs to make it significant and on their
interests to make it effective. "If we could know where we are now and where
we ought to go, we could better judge what to do and how to do it". This statement
by Abraham Lincoln liesat the heart of the nature and scope of planning for rural
development. Effective programmes for rural improvement do not just happen:
they have to be built. (Adopted from Leagans, 1961). Hence, programme planning
is basically a process of making decisions that will carry into the future. Decisions
have to be made about what the present situation is, how it could and ought to be
changed and what means can be used to accomplish the new and more desirable
All these assumptions are for developing a programme for planned change.
In this section, we provide you an overview of the programme development
process with an emphasis on grass roots level extension work. First, it (we) will
look at basic concepts; discuss different ways of approaching the programme
development process, and review current ideas. It is important to emphasize
that, although in the text we usually use the word "planning," our discussion is
centered on programme development globally, which we see as a set of dynamic
cycles necessarily implying planning, implementation, and evaluation stages and
activities, interacting and often overlapping, evolving along the programme
process and according to the changing circumstances of the physical,
socioeconomic, and political-institutional environment. A good extension
programme meets the needs and interests of the majority of the people and
motivates them to make necessary changes. To be effective every programme
must start with people and the situations as they are, and then build towards the
ultimate goal of better family living.
Notes: a) Space given below the question is for writing your answer.
b) Check your answer with the one given at the end of this unit under
"Answers to 'Check Your Progress' Questions."
3) What are the objectives of an extension programme planning?
4) What are the assumptions in programme planning and development?
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13.2.5 Princlplt.a ul J L ~ L C I I ~ I UrI Ir ugr ~ I I I I I Irrarnrlrmg
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Mi-ni~ge~nent and Development
Principles of extension programme planning and development are discussed
7. Carrying out the plan
. 8. Checking and evaluating
- results.
9. Review of progress and
-9 projection of plans.
means Decision
Fig. 13.1: Programme Development Process
It is very important that persons such as the Village level Workers, Extension
Officers and Block Development Officers engaged in developing the
extension programme strengthen the local institutions like the panchayat,
the co-operative society, the school and the rural youth club by collecting
the factual data through them and using them for building the programme at
the family, village and Block levels. The workers should develop local
leadership in such a way that the villagers and the local institution are able
to recognize and select problems for action on a priority basis. Thus, it is
desirable that the essential factual data collected by these workers is passed
on to the village panchayat or Block panchayat samithi for review and action
in deciding which problems of the village or Block should be tackled first.
Facts and outlook (trends) at the national and state levels should also be
considered in this context, in addition to those pertaining to the local level.
An adequate training is required for the extension staff to acquire the necessary
skills in developing programmes at family, village and Block levels in co-
operation with people's institutions like the Panchayat Samithi, the village
pimchayat, the co-operative society and the village families. The training of
the members of village Panchayat, service co-operative societies, rural youth
clubs, and Panchayat ami it hi' will also form an essential element in the
process of programme planning.
Each family can keep a simple register for maintaining the annual plan of
work, while the Panchyats and co-operatives at the village level can maintain
the annual plan of work for village development activities. At the Block
level, the Panchayat Samithi can maintain the annual plan of work for the
Block. For successful implementation of any programme it is desirable that
planning is done well in advance.As the first step towards its implementation,
a calendar indicating the activities to be carried out during each month should
be prepared.
7) Carrying out the plan: The success of a programme depends on how well
~tis carried out. Immediate steps should be taken by the Village Development
Officer and local institutions at the village level the Extension Specialist,
the Block Development Officer and the Panchayat Samithi at the Block level,
to phase every activity in a proper perspective, and arrange all things in
time. Proper arrangements for the supply of fertilizers, equipment, credit,
audio-visual aids and literature should be made much in advance. A training
programme for specialized projects should be organized much ahead. Efforts
should be made to select the best type of local leaders who can shoulder the
responsibility and multiply the efforts of the extension agency. All steps in
carrying out a programme shkuld be discussed with the villagers and their
consent obtained at appropriate periods so that a partnership in the programme
is built-up and maintained. Steps for assistance and direction should be clearly
stated so that there may be no confusion anywhere in launching the extension
If co-operation and coordination ofthe village and the Block level institutions
with extension workers and the villagers are maintained in the process of,
Extension and programme planning, the programme so developed will be more realistic
Development: Planning,
Management and and easier to implement. For imparting proper type of training to local leaders,
Evaluation farm leaders and members of panchayats and the Panchayat Samithi seminars
should be arranged at village and Block levels.
8) Continuous checking and evaluation of results: An effective plan of work
requires the keeping of adequate records of each activity as a basis for future
evaluation. Evaluation of the activities should be undertaken jointly by the
extension staff, the village institutions and the Panchayat Samithi. Each future
programme should be based on the evaluation results of the previous one.
Successful evaluation gives a correct direction to a programme. It should be
remembered that evaluation is not mere recording of activities or
achievements but is a process of comparing these results with the original
9) Review of progress and projection of plans: At the end of each cycle of
the programme building process, the situation should be reconsidered in
view of the changes in the social and economic levels of the people so that
the whole process may begin again with new or modified objectives. Village
institutions like the Panchayat, the co-operative and the school and also the
Panchayat Samithi should periodically review the progress of plans in co-
operation with the staff members of the Block. Programmes which have
created an impact on the people and are being accepted by them should be
extended to the neighbouring areas where similar agro-climatic and socio-
economic conditions occur. Research should be conducted on the programmes
which are not being accepted by the people and the reasons for their failure
should be ascertained.
Programmes should never be considered as ends in themselves. They are
merely tools for doing more effective work. A proper adjustment of time
and energy spent in preparing a programme has always to be maintained
with the actual implementation of the programme in the field. It should be
noted that evaluation, decision, planning and action take place continuously
and in varying degrees throughout all steps of the programme-building
Check Your Progress
Notes: a) Space given below the question is for writing your answer.
b) Check your answer with the one given at the end of this unit under
"Answers to 'Check Your Progress' Questions."
5) What are the principles of extension programme planning?
Planning and Developing
6 ) What are the steps involved in programme development process? Extension Programme
What kinds of resources, information and technologies are required?
What projects and activities should be implemented?
When? How? Where? By whom?
How should evaluation be seen?
Who should do it and when?
How and by whom will'the programme be managed and controlled?
Democratic planning of extension work implies open discussion of these
questions, not necessarily in any exact order, but usually in some kind of iterative
way, going back and forth in successive approximations.
Participation of men and women farmers, rural leaders and networks (both formal
and informal), community groups, and other development institutions becomes
Extension and of farming and rural populations, often representing the largest share of production
Development: Planning,
Management and
and in words considered central to development, are not actively and
Evaluation systematically brought into the process. It is known that extensionwork overlooks
women and is mostly dedicated to a minority of progressive and large farmers
who tend to be relatively well-off. These farmers have more power to influence
the system, serve many times as privileged linking elements between the village
and government agencies, are actively involved in organizations, and are capable
of attracting a good share of project benefits. On the other side, it is also known
that often small and medium farmers lack the time, money and motivation to
participate. They feel powerless, and very often local history is not encouraging
and supports the view that their participation is politically risky.
This rationale is not only politically and ethically sound, because people should
be respected and participation is today seen as a basic need and a human right,
but it is also economicallyjustified, because experience shows that project success
and long-term sustainable results require people-centered approaches.