Buddi 2021
Buddi 2021
Buddi 2021
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A connecting rod is an intermediate link between the Piston and the Crankshaft. The primary function of
Received 19 November 2020 the connecting rod is to transmit the motion from the piston pin to the crank pin, thus converting recip-
Accepted 14 December 2020 rocating motion of a piston into the rotary motion of crank. Connecting rod plays an important role while
Available online 8 February 2021
designing the Diesel or Petrol Engine. The changes in the material (Al7068 alloy and Si3N4) of the connect-
ing rod to increase its strength to weight ratio while maintaining or reducing the maximum stress, max-
Keywords: imum strain and the maximum deformation developed during loading. The performance of the
component can be analyze by using the ANSYS software and the properties of the material can be find
Aluminium matrix composite
out by performing different tests, after manufacturing the composite material by using an appropriate
Al7068 fabrication process, connecting rod has been modeled in CREO according to specific engine specifications
Si3N4 of TVS Apache 150 model. Stress, Strain and the deformation analysis of the connecting rod is carried on
Connecting rod the ANSYS WORKBENCH.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Materials, Processing & Characterization.
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Materials, Processing & Characterization.
T. Buddi and R.S. Rana Materials Today: Proceedings 44 (2021) 2471–2477
more than that of specific prepares [5]. This is the extraordinary Technology Corporation). The Parametric programming can adjust
combination joining yield quality of up to 700 MPa (which is up various boundaries (geometry, measurements) of the item [20].
to over 30% more noteworthy than that of the Al7075 amalgam) The relations and measurements used to make scarcely any high-
and the great malleability with the consumption opposition which lights are put away in a model. This empowers us to catch the
is like Al7075 and different highlights is superior part/gear origina- structure plan, and assists with making changes effectively to that
tors [6]. It is created in mid 19900 s, Al7068 composite is made as a model through those boundaries. The highlights are characterized
higher quality option in contrast to the Al7075 for the arms appli- to be in parametric shapes which are related with the characteris-
cations [7]. It is the profoundly appealing with a general mix of the tics, for example, an inherent geometric boundaries (profundity,
mechanical properties (which permits it to hold at the raised tem- width, length, and so forth), position and direction, material prop-
peratures better than Al7075) and the other significant qualities of erties and geometric resilience [21]. Similarly, highlights can be
Al7068 have likewise brought about an across the board determi- included, like, pockets, openings, cushions, ribs, filets, drafts and
nations of composite to notably lessening the weight/cross seg- chamfers. As these highlights are made, they can be applied legit-
ment and fundamentally increment in the quality of the basic imately to work piece. The CREO model is completely partner with
segments in the different market segments [8]. drawings and gatherings or parts that reference it [22]. The
Connecting rods, Bearing caps in high performance engines, Changes to the model is consequently reflected in a related draw-
Auto sport gearbox actuators, Automobile shock absorbers, Moun- ings and gatherings. In CREO component, this affiliated conduct is a
tain climbing equipment, Fuel pumps chain tensioners, Prosthetic bi-directional, implying that the adjustment in one mode will be
limbs, Auto sport wheel components, Ordnance, Load cells, naturally reflected in every single other mode.
25 mm Sabot, Hydraulic valve components, Tent, ski and High From the literature, the properties of the material have been
pressure solenoid, backpack rods Survival rifles, Snowmobile enhanced by adding ceramic into alloy at various compositions.
engine shaft, Flexible shaft coupling, Quick disconnects for the fluid The Aluminum Metal Matrix composites can be prepared by differ-
conveying devices for the racing engines, Motorcycle gears, Rocker ent ways like powder metallurgy, stir casting, etc. it not only
arms for racing engines, Racing motorcycle, etc [9]. Silicon nitride increases its external strength but also increases the molecular
is a favoured artistic for the high mechanical operational efficiency strength and surface texture. The mould is prepared from the con-
applications [10]. This clay can likewise be viewed as incredible necting rod pattern of TVS apache 150. Different weight percent-
possibility for the biomedical applications as a result of similar ages are considered and manufactured different connecting rods
properties which makes it so significant for the designing applica- and checked their properties and compared it with the forged steel
tion like high wear obstruction, compound strength, low grinding which is originally used nowadays. CREO is used for modeling and
coefficient and it is chiefly because of mechanical conduct under analysis is done by using ANSYS, and for optimizing the different
the enunciation which is commonly viewed as superior to that parameters, finite element method has been used.
for the alumina pottery [11]. Silicon nitride (Si3N4) is solid and
the warmth safe material which can fabricated in various struc-
2. Materials and methods
tures with explicit advantages of various kinds like careful inserts.
Silicon nitride is first produced in year 1955 for thermocouple
2.1. Materials
tubes and molten metal cruicibles and also used in rocket nozzles.
Such materials are formed by nitriding silicon powder compacts
Al7068 and Si3N4 are the materials used to manufacture the
[12–14]. Considerable changes in internal arrangement took place
composite. Al7068 alloy consists of mainly other elements as Zn,
to form silicon nitride crystal which grows with the preexisting
Mg, Cu, Fe, Si, Cr, Mn and Ni. The elemental composition of
pores of silicon powder compact as this is heated in nitrogen at
Al7068 alloy is shown in Table 1.
1200 °C. After that they observed its original dimensions of compo-
nent remain same by nitriding then they heated to provide
strength [15]. The final material contains 20–30% microporosity 2.2. Methods
that limits its strength (<200 MPa) for certain applications. So,
finally sintered to produce the dense and high strength material Al7068 is widely used for manufacturing various components
[16]. Connecting rod is undergoing different dynamics forces due because of its good properties as good corrosion resistant property,
to the gas pressure acting on the piston, inertia of the reciprocating good castability and machining and the welding characteristics.
parts (mass of the connecting rod, mass of piston, gudgeon-pin, Three different samples has been prepared by using different com-
etc) which can cause a failure of the connecting rod, also it will binations weight percentage (wt%) of the two materials as shown
be very difficult to analyze and monitoring connecting rod experi- in Table 2.
mentally under the actual conditions [17]. Different materials can Sample A consists of 100% of Al 7068 and 0% of Si3N4, Sample B
be used for the manufacturing of connecting rod to make it stiffer consists of 97% of Al7068 and 3% of Si3N4, 95% Al 7068 and 5% of
and more durable against the structural deformation [18]. Finite Si3N4 in Sample C, weight percentages of these materials has been
element method is used to analyze as well as to optimize the con- used in the preparation of all the three samples (A,B,C) using Stir
necting rod with a different topology for reducing the weight of the casting process.
connecting rod and to increase the natural frequency of connecting The stir cast constitute of pre-heater, electric-powered furnace,
rod. Some literatures are focused to optimize connecting rod for stirrer, etc. In this process, six heating elements are in use in series.
minimization of the stresses which are acting on the connecting The furnace temperature is maintained at 900 °C. Before melting
rods [19]. the metal, dies are placed inside heating furnace and pre-heated
CREO Elements/Pro 5.0, is an affiliated, include based, and the up to 2500 °C. It is to ensure for proper solidification to obtain a
parametric programming which was created by PTC (Parametric desirable grain growth.
Table 1
Elemental Composition of Al7068.
Element Al Zn Mg Cu Fe Mn Ti Si Cr Ni
Composition 85.51 8.30 3.03 2.42 0.192 0.034 0.05 0.142 0.05 0.0075
T. Buddi and R.S. Rana Materials Today: Proceedings 44 (2021) 2471–2477
Table 2 dimensions of the connecting rod are taken from the standard
Weight% of the composite material. engine of TVS Motor-Apache 150 which is having the specifications
Sample Al 7068 (Wt%) Si3N4 (Wt%) of engine as mentioned below:
A 100% 0%
B 97% 3% 4 stroke, air cooled engine
C 95% 5% Bore and Stroke = 57 57.8 mm
Power to Weight Ratio = 101.6 bhp/ton
Displacement volume, Vs = 147.5 cc
Aluminium bars are laid into clay crucible and then it is posi- Maximum Power, P = 9.95 kW @ 8500 rpm
tioned inside the melting furnace. As the furnace is retained at Maximum Torque, T = 12.3 kW @ 6000 rpm
900 °C, at a period of time, the metal starts converting into the liq- Compression Ratio, r = 9.5:1
uid molten form. The stir casting motor starts rotating which is
aligned with the crucible, by adjusting a slider rod, rotor is rotated The drawing of the connecting rod with the dimensions is
at 700 rpm. This setup of the stir casting is set in the Nano compos- shown the Fig. 2.
ites Lab at MANIT Bhopal as shown in Fig. 1.
At this stage, Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) micro powder particles are Thickness of flange, t = 3.075 mm
dispersed in the molten metal, this process continuous until the Width of section, B = 4 t = 12.33 mm
entire powder of Si3N4 mixes inside the molten metal. The forma- Depth or height of section, H = 5 t = 15.375 mm
tion of the slag has be removed which is observed to be formed Depth near big end, H1 = 18.066 mm
continuously on the surface of the molten metal. After 30 min of Depth near small end, H2 = 12.684 mm
continuous stirring process, melt which is at 8650C is poured
into the permanent moulds. After ensuring the proper mixing of The mesh in the model is generated with element size. The
Si3N4 particles, the molten metal is poured directly into pre- shank portion is given an element size of 1 mm and rest of model
heated die cavities with 116 116 14 mm dimension, at an opti- is given an element size of 2 mm. So, the total of 0.24 million ele-
mum speed. The required casts are acquired after enduring it ments have generated in the mesh of model. The relevance center
through solidification and cooled at room temperature. The casted has given medium in order to have a fine mesh at the small ele-
three different samples of Al MMC have been manufactured by ment size sections and the coarse mesh at the large element size
using stir casting process. sections. The generated mesh has tetrahedron in order to match
the connectivity between elements. Using the tetrahedron mesh
maximum aspect ratio of the elements is found to be 12:1 which
2.3. Design of connecting rod in CREO
usually consider to be good for the mesh with 0.26 million ele-
ments. The mesh is also checked for the independency. The average
The methodology of the design calculations for a connecting rod
orthogonality of the element is 0.8 and this shows that the mesh
is done by considering that connecting rod to be an equivalent to a
generated has matched the standards and there is no requirement
standard ‘I’ section and its thickness is assumed to be ‘t’, height ‘5t’
to refine the mesh further. The modelled connecting rod before and
and width ‘4t’. The design calculations for any connecting rod is
after meshing figure are shown in Fig. 3a and Fig. 3b.
done on basis of the engine under consideration as the length of
The geometry has been imported from PTC CREO to do the
the connecting rod depends on crank radius for the crank mecha-
modal and stress analysis. All the material properties of the Al
nism, which is equal to twice that of crank radius. The connecting
MMC have been given as shown in the Fig. 4. After the mesh is gen-
rod model is prepared in CREO software by using the respective
erated go to the geometry section in the ANSYS. All the required
geometrical dimensions which are calculated. In this work, the
boundary conditions in the Analysis settings like fixed the support
forces have applied.
Fig. 1. Ultra-sonic Stir Casting Machine. Fig. 2. Design of the Connecting Rod.
T. Buddi and R.S. Rana Materials Today: Proceedings 44 (2021) 2471–2477
minium alloy. From the plot it is seen that the expansion of Si3N4
content prompts increments rigidity of composite. In this elasticity
expanded from 98 MPa to 139 MPa from perfect Aluminium to
5 wt% of Al-Si3N4 composite. This shows with a bringing Si3N4 into
Aluminium network improves material properties as a result of the
great similarity and the interfacial bond among Si3N4 and the Alu-
minium grid. The mechanical properties of Al composite are
enhanced the Si3N4 digestion. It is seen that the both hardness of
AMCs are expanding straightly with the expansion in weight level
of the Si3N4 particles. It might be credited as a result of enhancing
Fig. 4. Material Properties of the Al MMC. in the event of hard Si3N4 particles in aluminium framework and
the high hardness of Si3N4 particles. Joining of the support particles
in aluminium lattice diminishes the grains size of aluminium grid.
3. Results and discussion
Further, event of the hard and the weak Si3N4 particles in delicate
and flexible Al compound network lessens the flexibility substance
3.1. Mechanical properties
of the manufactured AMCs because of the little pliable substance of
lattice metal in composite, which significantly upgrades hardness
To investigate the mechanical properties like tensile strength,
of the created AMCs.
yield strength, elastic modulus and hardness, tests has been con-
Expanded measure of the fortification in network prompts
ducted on these casted AL MMC samples.
expanded in disengagement thickness during cementing because
of the warm jumble of aluminium lattice and support. The criss-
3.1.1. Tensile test cross of the warm development between aluminium framework
Tensile test is performed by operating Universal Testing and the fortification, due to the temperature distinction, brings
Machine (UTM) TUE-C-400 of ASTM E-8 standard. The test is led about the huge inner pressure so aluminium lattice twists plasti-
in uprooting control mode and crosshead speed is kept up at cally to stop a littler volume extension of the support particles.
1 mm/min. All the samples have been tested with 400 KN load cell Enlargement in the disengagement thickness at molecule network
which is having a gauge length of 24 mm and breadth of 6.25 mm. interface results in the higher protection from the plastic mishap-
The samples A, B, C have been tested for analyzing Ultimate tensile pening, prompting the improved hardness. Connection between
strength and Yield strength. the elasticity of manufactured AMCs and the weight level of the
The comparison of Ultimate tensile strength and Yield strength Si3N4 particles. It tends to be presumed that the Si3N4 particles
are presented in the plots as shown in Figs. 5 and 6, it is observed are employable in improving elasticity of the manufactured AMCs
that the tensile strength of the stir casted component increases as from 98 MPa to 139 MPa. This ascent in the UTS might be because
the weight percentage of the Si3N4 increases from 0 to 5% in Alu- of the event of the hard Si3N4 particles in aluminium network.
T. Buddi and R.S. Rana Materials Today: Proceedings 44 (2021) 2471–2477
3.1.4. Density
It is also observed that the density of the sample increases as diminishes malleable network content, which brings about fall of
increase in the percentage of silicon nitride ceramics in the alu- rate lengthening of the composites. Indistinguishable outcomes
minium alloy 7068, as shown in Fig. 9. of the decline in rate extension with the expanding measure of for-
Connection between rate extension of the manufactured AMCs tification in aluminum network regardless of manufacture proce-
and the weight level of Si3N4 particles, the rate stretching dure of the composites are accomplished.
decreased with an expansion in rate Si3N4 expansion in aluminum
framework. The weak conduct of Si3N4 particles assumes notewor- 3.2. Finite element analysis
thy job in diminishing its flexibility; on the grounds that, Si3N4 as
support is a fragile and they expanded weakness in the created Stress analyzing in the different parts of the connecting rod.
composites, which in-turns decreased malleability substance of Two different conditions has been considered for analyzing stress
the composites. Further, expanding wt. % of the Si3N4 particles in in the connecting rod, (a) Pin end Compressive force, (b) Crank
composites repulses the stream capacity of aluminum lattice and end compressive force. The compressive force applied on the con-
necting rod has been analyzed. The force is applied on the bigger
end by fixing the smaller end and analysis has been done at differ-
ent points for minimum and maximum stress generated, also for
maximum and minimum strain, and total deformation by different
failure theories. Figures below display, the maximum stress, strain
and deformation transpired on the connecting rod. As shown in
Fig. 10, a compression load of 86.4kN is placed at the bigger end
of the connecting rod and it is fixed at another end. The direction
of the load represent whether it is compressive or tensile in nature.
From Fig. 11, it is observed that, the maximum stress of
359.54 MPa (red colour) is developed at the middle portion of
the connecting rod and the minimum stress (blue colour) is at
the ends of the connecting rod. In Fig. 12, it is observed that the
maximum strain of 1.7 (red colour) is developed and the minimum
strain (blue colour) developed during the compressive load applied
Fig. 7. Percentage elongation. at the bigger end of the connecting rod.
T. Buddi and R.S. Rana Materials Today: Proceedings 44 (2021) 2471–2477
Fig. 11. Maximum stress during compression (load at bigger end). Fig. 14. Maximum strain during compression (load at smaller end).
T. Buddi and R.S. Rana Materials Today: Proceedings 44 (2021) 2471–2477
Fig. 17. Equivalent Elastic Strain during compression (load at smaller end).
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