Countries Regulations Database EGCS 2023.03.16
Countries Regulations Database EGCS 2023.03.16
Countries Regulations Database EGCS 2023.03.16
Algeria No
Angola No
Antigua & Barbuda Yes
Argentina Yes Allowed Federal Level Federal Level Federal Level
Prefectura Naval, Dirección de Protección Ambiental División Mercancías y Residuos Peligrosos This resolution took effect from 03/10/2020 and there is the risk that this
Resolution DISFC‐2020‐22‐APN‐DPAM#PNA dated Dirección de Protección Ambiental suspension is provisional as the restrictions have not been permanently
24/09/2020 Prefectura Naval Argentina overturned (Resolution 15/2020 suspended).
E‐mail dated 28/09/2022
Federal Leval (additional consultation)
At present, the application of the Provision that limits water discharges from
Open Loop Scrubbers in national, maritime and fluvial jurisdictions is suspended,
confirming the information that was given in October 2020.
Australia Yes Allowed ‐ Port of Hastings Federal Level Port of Hastings Federal Level
Marine Notice 12/2022 (October 2022) Per Harbor Master's current interpretation of EGCS The use of an EGCS is permitted in Australian waters as an option to comply with
Requirements for the use of exhaust gas cleaning washwater in the context of the Harbor Master the low sulphur fuel requirements of MARPOL Annex VI, as set out in the
systems in Australian waters Directions. Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act 1983, section
26FEGA, provided it is approved by the vessel’s flag State Administration, or a
Sydney Harbour Cruise Ship Emissions recognised organisation appointed by the flag State. The EGCS must also be
Published on AMSA website operated in accordance with International Maritime Organization (IMO)
requirements, including the 2021 Guidelines for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems
(resolution MEPC.340(77)).
Port of Sydney
Cruise ships capable of accommodating more than 100 passengers in Sydney
Harbour are required to use either low sulphur (maximum 0.10% m/m) fuel or an
alternative measure that achieves an equivalent outcome i.e. EGCS.
Port of Hastings
Discharges from EGCS into Westernport waters are not permitted. This is a more
precautionary restriction on EGCS use based on an overly conservative
interpretation of the port regulations by the harbor master.
Azerbaijan Yes
Bahamas Yes
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
Barbados Yes
Belgium Yes Restricted Federal Level Federal Level
Law of 26 March 1971 on the protection of surface The discharge of scrubber wash water is permitted in coastal and open seas from
waters against pollution (transposition of the Water the baseline (where the baseline is defined as the mean low‐low watermark),
Framework Directive in Flanders provided that the discharges comply with IMO Guidelines. The discharge of scrubber wash water is not permitted in Belgian ports or inland waters and this
anguage=fr&la=F&cn=1971032632&table_name=loi ban on discharge has nothing to EGCS systems but is an old law that apply to all
Belize Yes Restricted Federal Level Federal Level
Belize Port Authority Discharge of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Wash Water prohibited in territorial waters
Marine Circular 01/2018 ‐ BPA/MS/23‐1/2018(98) and port areas.
dated 12/12/2018
Benin Yes
Bermuda Restricted Federal Level Federal Level
Environmental Policy for Ships Article 3: The maximum allowed sulphur content in fuel for combustion purposes
on a ship is 0.5%. Ships equipped with exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) shall
seek the prior approval of the Environmental Authority before its use in
Bermuda’s territorial waters. Washwater and residue from the EGCS shall be not
disposed of in Bermuda or discharged into Bermuda’s waters but shall be stored
on board the ship until outside of Bermuda’s waters.
Vale Ports
Vale recommends that vessels should be changed over to compliant fuel before
entering contiguous zone or coastal waters (24 nautical miles from coastline).
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
Brunei Darussalam No
Bulgaria Yes
Cabo Verde No
Cambodia No
Cameroon No
Canada Yes Allowed Port of St. John Port of Vancouver Port of St. John Port of Vancouver
Port of Vancouver Port Information Guide Updated E‐mail from Melissa Williams dated 13/07/2020 The discharge of wash water from exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) from all
Consideration Report Manager, Marine Operations & Harbour Master fuel combustion running machinery (excluding main engines) into the
environment is not permitted while a vessel is at anchorage or at berth within
the Port of Vancouver. This applies to the wash water from open‐loop, closed‐
loop and hybrid EGCS. It does not apply to inert‐gas scrubbers required by
tankers for cargo operations and safety reasons.
Port of S. John
Only closed loop authorized.
Chile Yes Allowed Federal Level Federal Level
DIRECTEMAR ‐ Armarda de Chile According to the item 2 of the referred document, there are no restriction to the
D.S Y O.M. Ordinario No. 12.600/666 dated 06/09/2018 use of the open loop scrubbers by the vessels by the Maritime Authority as long
Ref: Consultation OIRS No. 12.529 from 23/08/2018 as they follow the Resolution MEPC. 184(59) from 2009.
China Yes Restricted Port of Hong Kong (conditional) Emission Control Areas (ECAs) Emission Control Areas (ECAs)
Notice on Regulating the Supervision and It is prohibited to discharge into Inland River ECAs, waters of ports in Coastal
Administration of ECAs ECAs and Bohai sea waters the washing water generated from open exhaust gas
HWF [2018] No.555 dated 29/12/2018 cleaning system.
Additional document: Circular PNI 1901 dated
15/01/2019 Hong Kong
Vessels must issue an application to the Hong Kong authorities requesting for an
Hong Kong exemption from using compliant fuel. The exemption application must be made
Air Pollution Control (Fuel for Vessels) Regulation at least 14 days prior to a ship’s first visit to Hong Kong after 1 January 2019.
L.N. 135 of 2018 (B4159)
Comoros No
Congo Yes
Cook Islands Yes
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
Djibouti No
Dominica No
Dominican Republic No
DPR Korea No
DR Congo No
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
El Salvador No
Equatorial Guinea No
Eritrea No
Estonia Yes Allowed Federal Level Federal Level Federal Level
Maritime Administration E‐mail from Estonian Transport Administration dated Using open‐loop exhaust gas cleaning systems in Estonian ports are not
Circular No. 4 (No. 5‐1‐7/4) dated 21/10/2019 16/02/2021 prohibited, but their washwater must comply with the requirements of the IMO
resolution MEPC.184(59).
Fiji No
Finland Yes Allowed Port of Porvoo Federal level Federal Level
(EGCS not allowed in harbour area) Ministry of Transport and Communication Under Finnish legislation, the discharge of wash waters from open‐loop
E‐mail from Laura Sarlin dated 05/03/2021 scrubbers is allowed in Finnish ports and territorial waters. However, some ports
(at least one) have restricted the discharge in the port area under their own
France Yes Allowed Not allowed: Federal Level Reunion Federal Level
‐ Cannes Code of Transport Decree No. 84‐810 modified Communication from Harbor Master (no official Restriction to the open loop scrubbers implemented on 01/01/2022 with 4,000
‐ Marseille Change of Division 213 during 07/07/2021 session document yet) Euros fine for the non‐compliant ships.
‐ Le Havre
‐ Cherbourg Cannes Dunkirk Cannes
‐ Reunion Cannes Bay Sustainability Charter Notification received by DFDS on 04/05/2021 Restriction applied to the cruise ships only.
‐ Dunkirk
Marseille, Le Havre, Cherbourg Marseille, Le Havre, Cherbourg
French Code of Transports (Code de Transports), article
Gabon Yes
Gambia No
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
This case is similar to Mexico as the washwater from the open loop scrubbers
does not fall into the category of pollutant and it is not correct to apply fines
based on a recommendation where the legislation is not 100% clear.
Germany Yes Conditional ‐ Inland waterways (restricted) Federal Level Port of Kiel Federal Level
‐ Canals (restricted) Discharge conditions for washing water from exhaust E‐mail from the Harbour Master dated 02/07/2021 Restrictions apply to all inland waterways intended for general traffic except for
‐ Port of Kiel (restricted) gas cleaning systems (scrubbers) in German waters the German part of Lake Constance and the stretch of the Rhine upstream of
‐ Port of Hamburg (restricted) (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency) dated Rheinfelden.
‐ Port of Rostock (restricted) 24/07/2018
CDNI signed in Strasbourg on 09/09/1996 (effective The operator of the scrubber must present evidence that the washwater is in line
from 01/11/2009) with the IMO Guidelines for exhaust gas cleaning systems (MEPC Res 184/59),
and in case caustic soda is used that the PH value is not over 0,8, a scrubber can
Ports of Hamburg and Rostock be used in the EEZ.
Infosheet Hamburg Port Authority dated 20/08/2019
Port of Kiel
Use of open loop scrubber in the port of Kiel is allowed while ship is in motion
and forbidden while ship is alongside berth. While moving (maneuvering):
allowed / Safely moored: forbidden.
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
Grenada No
Guatemala Yes
Guinea No
Guinea‐Bisssau No
Guyana Yes
Haiti No
Honduras Yes Allowed Federal Level Federal Level
Dirección General de la Marina Mercante The discharge of washwaters produced by this system is not prohibited, as long
E‐mail dated 24/03/2021 as the ship complies with the Resolution MEPC.259(68), adopted by the
correspondent IMO Committee.
Iran Yes
Iraq Yes
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
Israel No Allowed Israeli Ports Ports Limits Federal Level Federal Level
State of Israel Ministry of Transport and Road Safety Open loop scrubbers are allowed in territorial waters and ports limits.
Administration of Shippings and Ports Administration of Shipping & Ports
MP 27 dated 11/01/2023 E‐mail dated 30/03/2021 Ports Limits
The new regulations prohibits the use of fuel oil with a Sulphur content of more
than 0.1 0 per cent when mooring alongside port or in anchorage ports limit area
—unless an EGCS is fitted. Carrying non‐compliant fuel on board as from 23 of
February 2023 on ships which are not fitted with EGCS, will be subject to port
State control actions.
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
Kiribati Yes
Kuwait Yes
Latvia Yes Allowed Federal Level Federal Level
Maritime Administration of Latvia According to national legislation there are no restrictions on discharge of wash
E‐mail dated 17/02/2021 water from open loop scrubber systems in Latvia (within the territorial sea of
Port of Riga
Harbour Master Port of Riga Port of Riga
E‐mail dated 16/02/2021 There are no special rules regulating operation of class approved exhaust gas
cleaning system operation in port of Riga, therefore discharge of washwater
generated by the open loop EGCS is allowed in the port.
Lebanon No
Liberia Yes
Libya No
Lithuania Yes Allowed Port of Klaipeda Port of Klaipeda
Deputy Harbour Master of Klaipeda Port Lithuanian legislation allows to use the EGCS open loop wash water discharges in
E‐mail dated 18/02/2021 with reference to the Lithuanian EEZ as well, at the port of Klaipeda, those using the sodium hydroxide
Lithuanian legislation (caustic soda) as a main reagent. The pH according to Order of Lithuanian III
ministers 2014 ‐06‐ 25 No. 1‐170/D1‐562/3‐257‐(E) and EU directives
https://e‐ (MEPC.184(59)) strictly has to be less then pH 8.0 in the discharged wash water. The discharge of the wash water of the EGCS using the all other alternative
chemical reagents is strictly prohibited at LTU areas, meaning that in the case of
Deputy Harbour Master of Klaipeda Port the EGCS mounted with the wash water system using the active reagents
E‐mail dated 19/02/2021 confirming the authorization alternative to sodium hydroxide has to use CLOSED LOOP at the LTU areas.
The Lithuanian legislation allows to use the open loop scrubbers wash water
discharges in Lithuanian EEZ as well, at the port of Klaipeda, only if those using
the sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) as a main reagent and pH has to be strictly
less than 8.0 in the discharged wash water. All other chemical reagents
alternative to sodium hydroxide is strictly prohibited at LTU areas and has to use
Madagascar Yes
Malaysia Yes Restricted Ships transiting the Malacca Strait are Federal Level Federal Level
permitted to use EGCS unless en route to Marine Department Malaysia Prohibits the use of open loop scrubbers within 12 nautical miles from land.
a Malaysian port. Malaysia Shipping Notices (MSN 07/2019 and 08/2019) ‐ Vessels calling at Malaysian ports must operate in closed loop mode or change
12/11/2019 and 05/12/2019 over to compliant fuel before arrival. MSN 08/2019 brought clarifications to the
previous one and the expection to the ships transiting the Malacca Strait.
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
Mauritania No
Mauritius No Restricted Federal Level Federal Level
Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, 3.9 However, (except in the case of innocent passage), ships proceeding to
Fisheries and Shipping Mauritius or other islands forming part of the territory of Mauritius that use
Merchant Shipping Notice 2 of 2019 high sulphurfuel oil (HSFO) in combination with open‐loop scrubber shall
Implementation of IMO 2020 0.50% Global Sulphur Cap, changeover from HSFO to compliant fuel oil whenever they enter the territorial
01/10/2019 waters of Mauritius i.e. within 12 nms from the shore. Environmental legislation
presently inforce in Mauritius prohibits the discharge of wash water from open‐
loop scrubber.
Mexico No Allowed Federal Level Federal Level Federal Level
Ley de Navegación Y Comercio Marítimos Secretaría de Marina It is prohibited the unloading, spilling, dumping or any equivalent act, ballast,
Nueva Ley publicada en el Diario Oficial de la Electronic Mail No. 1028/2021 dated 25/05/2021 debris, garbage, sewage, as well as any element in any state of matter or energy
Federación el 1 de junio de 2006 (última reforma that causes or may cause harm to life, ecosystems and marine resources, to
publicada DOF 07‐12‐2020) Federal Level human health or the legitimate use of the navigable waterways and the high seas
Secretaria de Marina that surround the Mexican marine areas. As there were no clear reference to
Ofício 2112/2021 dated 03/09/2022 scrubbers, CSA considered Mexico as allowed.
(it does not refer to the federal legislation)
Federal Level (no clear reference)
According to the Ofício 2112/2021 issued by the Mexican Marine Secretariat and
due to the fact that Mexico is not a signatory of the MARPOL Annex VI, the use of
the open loop scrubbers is not authorized in the territorial waters despite some
of the ports are still accepting the discharge of the washwater without any major
issues. In case it is not possible to switch to closed loop, the authority
recommends that the any discharge water must be kept on board. Any and all
discharge water from the scrubbers would then need to be unloaded to shore via
a certified contractor, and as per guidance from the General Laws for Prevention
and Integral Management of Residue and also the Laws on Sea Discharge. It is
this contractor who would be tasked to manage the discharge of the scrubbers
on shore.
Micronesia No
Monaco Yes Restricted Federal Level Federal Level
Bulletin Officiel de la Principauté Prevention of pollution of the atmosphere by ships and supplementing certain
Sovereign Ordinance No.7004 of 20/07/2018 provisions of the Code of the Sea
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
Nacala Port
The discharge of the washwater is not allowed in the Nacala Port according to
the Decree 45/2006.
Myanmar No Allowed
Namibia No
Nauru No
Netherlands Yes Allowed
New Zealand No Conditional Auckland Federal Level Auckland Federal Level
Canterbury Region Ministry of the Environment, guidance on the use of Harbor Master interpretation that the discharge of All ships carrying scrubbers and operating in New Zealand’s territorial waters
Marlborough Region exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers) for ports, EGCS washwater is considered a violation of Clauses 15, engage with the relevant port and regional authorities, and as a precautionary
regional authorities and ships revised on 19/05/2020 15A, 15B and 15C of the Resource Management Act. measure that where possible they avoid discharging scrubber effluent close to
(no official legislation) shore by utilizing alternate options such as:
Marlborough Region a) preparing for entry into New Zealand waters by carrying compliant low sulphur
Canterbury Region Harbour Master (Luke Grogan) fuel in order to use this when operating in sensitive environments, as identified
Guidance to Ship Operators, Industry and Port E‐mail dated 22/01/2020 by the relevant regional authorities.
Companies b) operating closed loop scrubber functionality in zero discharge mode and
Environment Cantebury ‐ Regional Council retaining any effluent on board until able to dispose of at the next available port
c) discharging any open loop scrubber washwater outside territorial waters.
Nicaragua No
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
Russian Federation Yes Allowed Administration of the Baltic Sea Ports Administration of the Baltic Sea Ports
E‐mail f 17/03/2021 The current legislation does not provide for a ban on the operation of vessels
with an open‐type exhaust gas cleaning system, with the discharge of flushing
St. Petersburg Port liquid.
Harbour Master, Aleksandr Volkov
E‐mail dated 23/03/2021 St. Petersburg Port
The discharge of washing water from open type scrubbers in the seaport of
Bolshoy Port of St. Petersburg is not prohibited. The scrubber must be of an
approved type.
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
Scotland Yes Allowed Port of Firth of Forth & Tay Port of Forth & Tay Port of Forth & Tay
Notice to Marines No 45 of 2019 As a precaution the use of open look scrubbers on the Forth and Tay is
Dated 02/12/2019 prohibited until further notice.
Senegal No
Seychelles Yes
Sierra Leone Yes Allowed Federal Level Harbour Master Federal Level
Sierra Leone Ports Authority E‐mail dated 30/07/2021 With the implementation at July 15, the ships have to follow the new local rules
Letter SLPA/GM/06/07/2021/1 dated 06/07/2021 which are:
‐ Usage of fuel oils with a sulfur content of 0.5 percent m/m or lower
‐ Usage of an approved equivalent means of compliance such as EGCS but closed
loop system only
‐ Usage of non‐fuel oil alternatives such as Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Water Act
Article 66 (navigational practices related to water pollution)
(4) Waste water generated on vessels shall be prohibited from being discharged
into waters directly from vessels, except for unpolluted cooling water.
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
ECA Ports:
Beginning Jan 01 2022, use of 0.1% sulphur fuel, or alternate means of
compliance, is mandatory in the Korea ECA.
‐ Inchon area
‐ Pyeongtaek & Dangjin area
‐ Yeosu & Gwangyang area
‐ Busan area
‐ Ulsan & Onsan area
Sri Lanka No
St. Vincent & Grenadines Yes
Sudan No
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
Port of Gothenburg
Item 8.10: It is not permitted to discharge contaminated water within the port
area. Scrubbers used for exhaust gas cleaning are only peritted if operated in
close loop mode.
Port Oxelösund
Open loop generated washwater is not allowed within the port bassin.
Tunisia Yes
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
Tuvalu Yes
Ukraine Yes
United Arab Emirates Allowed ‐ Port of Fujairah Port of Fujairah Port of Fujairah
‐ Port of Dubai Notice to Mariners No. 252 dated 22/01/2019 EGCS is prohibited. Ships will have to use compliant fuel once the IMO 2020
sulphur cap comes into force.
Port of Dubai
Guidelines for Vessels Calling to Dubai Territorial Port of Dubai
Waters The use of EGCS is prohibited within Dubai territorial waters.
United Kingdom Yes Allowed ‐ Royal Portbury Dock (conditional) Bristol Port Company General Guidelines General Guidelines
‐ Port of Felixstowe (restricted) Notice to Mariners 2 of 2020 dated 01/01/2020 E‐mail from MCA dated 27/03/2019 Local ports and harbours have the right to impose stricter water quality
‐ Bristol Port Company (restricted) requirements to any transport or industrial sector, including ship operations, in
‐ Cromary Firth Port (restricted) Cromarty Firth Port Royal Portbury Dock order for their region to meet water quality requirements under the Water
Notice to Mariners No. 11‐2022 dated 15/03/2022 E‐mail from the Marine Admin of The Bristol Port Framework Directive.
Company dated 26/03/2021
Royal Portbury Dock
Port of Felixstowe Open loop scrubbers are allowed with permission of harbour authority on case
E‐mail from the Harbour Master dated 28/05/2021 by case basis.
Port of Felixstowe
"The use of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS or ‘scrubbers’) is permitted
within HHA’s area of jurisdiction provided that they are fully functioning and
certified as meeting IMO standards. Where hybrid‐type scrubbers are fitted they
should be used in closed‐mode whilst in port."
Open Loop EGCS
Countries and Ports
Updated on 16 March 2023
Vanuatu Yes
Venezuela No
Vietnam Yes
Yemen No