Keseluruhan Laporan: B & B Laundry

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4/18/24, 3:57 PM B & B Laundry Input Dokumen Transaksi - Keseluruhan Laporan - Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai dengan

gan tanggal 2024-…

B & B Laundry

Keseluruhan Laporan
Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai dengan tanggal 2024-03-31

Tanggal Akun Buku Besar Debet Kredit

2024-03-01 Prepaid Insurance 2,500,000.00

2024-03-01 Prepaid Rent 1,200,000.00
2024-03-01 Income Summary 3,700,000.00
2024-03-01 Wages and Salaries Payable 340,000.00
2024-03-01 Expense Payable 460,000.00
2024-03-01 Bank BCA Loans 20,000,000.00
2024-03-01 Income Summary 20,800,000.00
2024-03-01 Bobby, Drawing 200,000.00
2024-03-01 Income Summary 200,000.00
2024-03-01 Sales Return 180,000.00
2024-03-01 Sales Discount 120,000.00
2024-03-01 Wages and Salaries Expanse 2,400,000.00
2024-03-01 Advertising Expense 177,000.00
2024-03-01 Supplies Expense 219,000.00
2024-03-01 Insurance Expanse 122,000.00
2024-03-01 Maintenance Expanse 127,000.00
2024-03-01 Rent Expanse 360,000.00
2024-03-01 Interest Expanse 87,500.00
2024-03-01 Bank Service Charge 65,000.00
2024-03-01 Income Summary 3,857,500.00
2024-03-01 Laundry Income 12,814,000.00
2024-03-01 Interest Income 121,500.00
2024-03-01 Income Summary 12,935,500.00
2024-03-01 Bobby, Capital 34,000,000.00
2024-03-01 Income Summary 34,000,000.00
2024-03-01 Accounts Receivable 2,345,000.00
2024-03-01 Sales Discount 46,900.00
2024-03-01 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 2,298,100.00
2024-03-02 PPN Outcome - sales 11,500.00
2024-03-02 Laundry Income 115,000.00
2024-03-02 PPN Outcome - sales 22,000.00
2024-03-02 Laundry Income 220,000.00
2024-03-02 Accounts Receivable 368,500.00… 1/6
4/18/24, 3:57 PM B & B Laundry Input Dokumen Transaksi - Keseluruhan Laporan - Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai dengan tanggal 2024-…

B & B Laundry

Keseluruhan Laporan
Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai dengan tanggal 2024-03-31

Tanggal Akun Buku Besar Debet Kredit

2024-03-03 Accounts Payable 1,125,500.00

2024-03-03 Purchase Discount 22,510.00
2024-03-03 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 1,102,990.00
2024-03-04 PPN Income - Purchase 33,000.00
2024-03-04 Equipment at Cost 330,000.00
2024-03-04 PPN Income - Purchase 24,000.00
2024-03-04 Equipment at Cost 240,000.00
2024-03-04 Accounts Payable 627,000.00
2024-03-05 Wages and Salaries Payable 340,000.00
2024-03-05 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 340,000.00
2024-03-06 PPN Outcome - sales 7,500.00
2024-03-06 Laundry Income 75,000.00
2024-03-06 PPN Outcome - sales 5,200.00
2024-03-06 Laundry Income 52,000.00
2024-03-06 PPN Outcome - sales 11,000.00
2024-03-06 Laundry Income 110,000.00
2024-03-06 PPN Outcome - sales 9,500.00
2024-03-06 Laundry Income 95,000.00
2024-03-06 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 365,200.00
2024-03-07 Advertising Expense 278,000.00
2024-03-07 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 278,000.00
2024-03-08 PPN Outcome - sales 10,000.00
2024-03-08 Laundry Income 100,000.00
2024-03-08 PPN Outcome - sales 33,000.00
2024-03-08 Laundry Income 330,000.00
2024-03-08 Accounts Receivable 473,000.00
2024-03-09 PPN Income - Purchase 5,000.00
2024-03-09 Supplies 50,000.00
2024-03-09 PPN Income - Purchase 2,500.00
2024-03-09 Supplies 25,000.00
2024-03-09 PPN Income - Purchase 18,750.00
2024-03-09 Supplies 187,500.00
2024-03-09 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 288,750.00
2024-03-10 PPN Income - Purchase 3,750.00… 2/6
4/18/24, 3:57 PM B & B Laundry Input Dokumen Transaksi - Keseluruhan Laporan - Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai dengan tanggal 2024-…

B & B Laundry

Keseluruhan Laporan
Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai dengan tanggal 2024-03-31

Tanggal Akun Buku Besar Debet Kredit

2024-03-10 Supplies 37,500.00

2024-03-10 Accounts Payable 41,250.00
2024-03-10 Accounts Payable 41,250.00
2024-03-10 Akun Sementara
2024-03-10 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 41,250.00
2024-03-11 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 2,000,000.00
2024-03-11 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 2,000,000.00
2024-03-12 PPN Outcome - sales 10,000.00
2024-03-12 Laundry Income 100,000.00
2024-03-12 PPN Outcome - sales 11,000.00
2024-03-12 Laundry Income 110,000.00
2024-03-12 Accounts Receivable 231,000.00
2024-03-13 Accounts Payable 2,500,500.00
2024-03-13 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 2,500,500.00
2024-03-14 PPN Outcome - sales 8,000.00
2024-03-14 Laundry Income 80,000.00
2024-03-14 PPN Outcome - sales 9,500.00
2024-03-14 Laundry Income 95,000.00
2024-03-14 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 192,500.00
2024-03-15 Bobby, Drawing 500,000.00
2024-03-15 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 500,000.00
2024-03-16 Accounts Receivable 1,250,000.00
2024-03-16 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 1,250,000.00
2024-03-17 PPN Income - Purchase 10,000.00
2024-03-17 Supplies 100,000.00
2024-03-17 PPN Income - Purchase 11,250.00
2024-03-17 Supplies 112,500.00
2024-03-17 PPN Income - Purchase 12,500.00
2024-03-17 Supplies 125,000.00
2024-03-17 PPN Income - Purchase 3,400.00
2024-03-17 Supplies 34,000.00
2024-03-17 Accounts Payable 408,650.00
2024-03-18 PPN Income - Purchase 2,500.00
2024-03-18 Supplies 25,000.00… 3/6
4/18/24, 3:57 PM B & B Laundry Input Dokumen Transaksi - Keseluruhan Laporan - Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai dengan tanggal 2024-…

B & B Laundry

Keseluruhan Laporan
Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai dengan tanggal 2024-03-31

Tanggal Akun Buku Besar Debet Kredit

2024-03-18 Accounts Payable 27,500.00

2024-03-19 PPN Outcome - sales 9,500.00
2024-03-19 Laundry Income 95,000.00
2024-03-19 PPN Outcome - sales 11,000.00
2024-03-19 Laundry Income 110,000.00
2024-03-19 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 225,500.00
2024-03-20 Accounts Receivable 1,675,000.00
2024-03-20 Late Fee Collected 16,750.00
2024-03-20 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 1,691,750.00
2024-03-21 Accounts Payable 1,255,000.00
2024-03-21 Late Fee Paid 12,550.00
2024-03-21 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 1,267,550.00
2024-03-22 Maintenance Expanse 750,000.00
2024-03-22 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 750,000.00
2024-03-23 Expense Payable 460,000.00
2024-03-23 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 460,000.00
2024-03-24 PPN Outcome - sales 9,000.00
2024-03-24 Laundry Income 90,000.00
2024-03-24 PPN Outcome - sales 22,000.00
2024-03-24 Laundry Income 220,000.00
2024-03-24 Accounts Receivable 341,000.00
2024-03-25 Wages and Salaries Expanse 3,000,000.00
2024-03-25 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 3,000,000.00
2024-03-26 PPN Outcome - sales 8,500.00
2024-03-26 Laundry Income 85,000.00
2024-03-26 PPN Outcome - sales 11,000.00
2024-03-26 Laundry Income 110,000.00
2024-03-26 Accounts Receivable 214,500.00
2024-03-27 Bank BCA Loans 2,500,000.00
2024-03-27 Interest Expanse 250,000.00
2024-03-27 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 2,750,000.00
2024-03-28 PPN Outcome - sales 8,000.00
2024-03-28 Laundry Income 80,000.00
2024-03-28 PPN Outcome - sales 55,000.00… 4/6
4/18/24, 3:57 PM B & B Laundry Input Dokumen Transaksi - Keseluruhan Laporan - Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai dengan tanggal 2024-…

B & B Laundry

Keseluruhan Laporan
Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai dengan tanggal 2024-03-31

Tanggal Akun Buku Besar Debet Kredit

2024-03-28 Laundry Income 550,000.00

2024-03-28 Accounts Receivable 693,000.00
2024-03-29 Accounts Receivable 231,000.00
2024-03-29 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 231,000.00
2024-03-30 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 6,254,050.00
2024-03-30 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 6,254,050.00
2024-03-31 Supplies Expense 26,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies 26,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies Expense 31,500.00
2024-03-31 Supplies 31,500.00
2024-03-31 Supplies Expense 20,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies 20,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies Expense 25,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies 25,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies Expense 36,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies 36,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies Expense 25,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies 25,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies Expense 125,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies 125,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies Expense 191,250.00
2024-03-31 Supplies 191,250.00
2024-03-31 Supplies Expense 50,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies 50,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies Expense 34,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies 34,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies Expense 15,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies 15,000.00
2024-03-31 Interest Income 400,660.20
2024-03-31 Bank Service Charge 32,052.82
2024-03-31 Cash & Cash Equivqlents 368,607.38
2024-03-31 Wages and Salaries Expanse 1,240,000.00
2024-03-31 Wages and Salaries Payable 1,240,000.00
2024-03-31 Depreciation Expanse 309,000.00… 5/6
4/18/24, 3:57 PM B & B Laundry Input Dokumen Transaksi - Keseluruhan Laporan - Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai dengan tanggal 2024-…

B & B Laundry

Keseluruhan Laporan
Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai dengan tanggal 2024-03-31

Tanggal Akun Buku Besar Debet Kredit

2024-03-31 Equipment Accum. Dep 309,000.00

2024-03-31 Rent Expanse 320,000.00
2024-03-31 Prepaid Rent 320,000.00
2024-03-31 Insurance Expanse 233,000.00
2024-03-31 Prepaid Insurance 233,000.00
2024-03-31 Supplies
2024-03-31 Supplies
2024-03-31 Supplies
2024-03-31 Supplies
2024-03-31 Supplies
2024-03-31 Supplies
2024-03-31 Supplies
2024-03-31 Supplies
2024-03-31 Supplies
2024-03-31 Supplies
2024-03-31 Supplies

109,856,360.20 109,856,360.20… 6/6
4/18/24, 4:01 PM B & B Laundry Input Dokumen Transaksi - Laporan Laba Rugi (Realisasi VS Anggaran) - Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai …

B & B Laundry

Laporan Laba Rugi (Realisasi VS Anggaran)

Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai dengan tanggal 2024-03-31
Realisasi Anggaran Persentase Tersisa

41000 Laundry Income 15,636,000.00 - - (15,636,000.00)
51000 Purchase Discount 22,510.00 - - (22,510.00)
81000 Interest Income 522,160.20 - - (522,160.20)
82000 Late Fee Collected 16,750.00 - - (16,750.00)
Penjualan Lainnya - - - -
Pendapatan Bunga - - - -
Penjualan Barang Dagang - - - -

Total — Pendapatan 16,197,420.20 0.00

Dikurangi: Biaya
42000 Sales Return 180,000.00 - - (180,000.00)
43000 Sales Discount 166,900.00 - - (166,900.00)
61000 Wages and Salaries Expanse 6,640,000.00 - - (6,640,000.00)
61100 Supplies Expense 797,750.00 - - (797,750.00)
61200 Advertising Expense 455,000.00 - - (455,000.00)
61300 Insurance Expanse 355,000.00 - - (355,000.00)
61400 Maintenance Expanse 877,000.00 - - (877,000.00)
61500 Rent Expanse 680,000.00 - - (680,000.00)
61600 Depreciation Expanse 309,000.00 - - (309,000.00)
Harga Pokok Persediaan - - - -
91000 Interest Expanse 337,500.00 - - (337,500.00)
92000 Bank Service Charge 97,052.82 - - (97,052.82)
93000 Late Fee Paid 12,550.00 - - (12,550.00)
Penyusutan Aset Tetap - - - -
Biaya Jamuan Tamu - - - -
Biaya Jasa Akuntansi - - - -
Biaya Jasa Notaris - - - -
Biaya Kendaraan Bermotor - - - -
Biaya Listrik - - - -
Biaya Perbaikan dan Pemeliharaan - - - -
Biaya Percetakan dan Alat Tulis Kantor - - - -
Biaya Sewa - - - -
Biaya Sumbangan - - - -
Peralatan Komputer - - - -… 1/2
4/18/24, 4:01 PM B & B Laundry Input Dokumen Transaksi - Laporan Laba Rugi (Realisasi VS Anggaran) - Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai …

B & B Laundry

Laporan Laba Rugi (Realisasi VS Anggaran)

Periode dari tanggal 2024-03-01 sampai dengan tanggal 2024-03-31
Realisasi Anggaran Persentase Tersisa

Telepon - - - -
Total — Biaya 10,907,752.82 0.00

Laba (Rugi) Bersih 5,289,667.38 0.00… 2/2
4/18/24, 3:58 PM B & B Laundry Input Dokumen Transaksi - "B&B Laundry" - per tanggal 2024-03-31 - Berbasis akrual

B & B Laundry

"B&B Laundry"
per tanggal 2024-03-31

Berbasis akrual

Aset Tetap, Akumulasi Penyusutan -
Aset Lancar
Cash & Cash Equivqlents 20,926,117.38
Accounts Receivable 2,090,000.00
PPN Income - Purchase 114,150.00
Supplies 1,630,250.00
Prepaid Insurance 2,267,000.00
Prepaid Rent 880,000.00
Total — Aset Lancar 27,907,517.38

Aset Tetap
Equipment at Cost 34,405,000.00
Equipment Accum. Dep (3,692,500.00)
Total — Aset Tetap 30,712,500.00
Total — Aset 58,620,017.38

Total Aset 58,620,017.38

Bobby, Capital 34,000,000.00
Bobby, Drawing (700,000.00)
Income Summary 5,289,667.38
Total — Ekuitas 38,589,667.38
Accounts Payable 1,008,150.00
PPN Outcome - sales 282,200.00
Wages and Salaries Payable 1,240,000.00
Expense Payable -
Bank BCA Loans 17,500,000.00
Total — Kewajiban 20,030,350.00

Total Kewajiban & Ekuitas 58,620,017.38… 1/1

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