V005t15a026 98 GT 347
V005t15a026 98 GT 347
V005t15a026 98 GT 347
Allan J. Volponi
Senior Principal Engineer
Hamilton Standard, a Division of United Technologies Corp.
A Area 1,2,3,... Engine station number
cp Specific heat @ constant pressure (BTU/lbm °R) s Static quantity
cv Specific heat @ constant volume (BTU/lbm °R) t Total quantity
D Diameter
Fn Net thrust (lbs) Superscripts
g Acceleration constant ( 32 ft/sec 2 ) * Corrected quantity
H Heat transfer coefficient (BTU/hr ft 2 °R)
h Enthalpy The use of corrected parameters to describe the performance of a gas
I Moment of inertia turbine appears to be as old as the machine itself [Warner (1945),
J Mechanical equivalent of heat (778 ft-lbs/BTU) Sanders (1946), Shepherd (1949)]. Earlier works [e.g. Capon, (1930)]
k Ratio of specific heats ( cp Icy) reference many of the same parameters as applied to more general
Presented at the International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition
Stockholm, Sweden — June 2-June 5, 1998
This paper has been accepted for publication in the Transactions of the ASME
Discussion of it will be accepted at ASME Headquarters until September 30,1998
aero-thermodynamic machines such as air compressors. These and dependent variable
typically take the form of so-called dimensionless quantities derivable
from dimensional analysis, which has been the primary technique for Fn Thrust ML/t2
establishing what I will refer to as the classical parameter corrections.
Since this technique is somewhat old and is not necessarily known to where t=Time, T=temperature (degrees), M=Mass, and L=Length.
all, the analytic derivations that are provided in this paper will use a The total number of fundamental dimensions in this case is 4.
more general method which relies only on a knowledge of basic
calculus and a handful of thermodynamic principles. Since Thus if we assume that we have a relationship of the form Fn = f(N,
dimensional analysis has played such an important historical role in T2, F2, v, D, R), which implies an implicit form f(Fn , N, T2, P2
establishing these corrections, we will describe (briefly) its principle v, D, R) = 0, involving 7 quantities. By virtue of the it-theorem, we
spool speed (rpm) l/t
Dimension F
[ __ Mn
^ L r
sF =f3 N, Mn)J
Tl ambient temperature T
P1 ambient pressure M/(Lt2) which would imply that the appropriate corrections for net thrust and
v aircraft velocity L/t
D compressor diameter L spool speed are F/ Sand N/^ respectively.
R gas constant L2/(t2T)
INTRODUCTION such as fuel flow (Wf), for example, are also corrected for humidity
In the sequel, we will assume a two shaft, mixed flow, turbofan and fuel heating value. The impact of changes in viscosity with
engine with station numbers as depicted in Figure 1 below. This altitude (Reynolds effects) or changes in the gas composition and
reference is made for convenience only, and all corrections that are their impact on gas path parameters will not be considered in this
given in this paper can be applied equally to all gas turbine engines. paper. A discussion of these types of corrections are beyond the
scope of this presentation and thus, we will assume the above form
(Eq. 3) for all corrected parameters p*.
The values for a and b will, in general, vary with engine type and
cycle, however, there are some values which might be considered
d^ za TZ+b dPZ+ dP
In the sequel, we shall attempt to supply some rationale for these
If we now define, the dimensionless parameters 0 = T2/518.67 and 6 = corrections. Most will be motivated from simple thermodynamic
P2114.696, then we arrive at relationships and simplifying assumptions and do not require an
extensive knowledge of either thermodynamics or gas turbine
operation. Where applicable we will attempt to supply the required
Ae--a--b— ;a*^ (3) definitions.
P e 6 0a8b
Thus, a corrected parameter maintains the same units and is calculated The most extensively used and perhaps the simplest correction of all
by means of theta and delta exponent corrections. We might mention is the correction for temperatures, and is the first one which we shall
at this juncture, that Equation (3) is not only approximate for the consider.
reasons already alluded to, but in addition, some gas path parameters
Corrected Temperature: T / 6
0= d.I S= J (dh
– R j'—=c (dT –R rdP
J P pJ T J P
As a general rule, it seems reasonable that engine inlet temperature 2 2 2 2 2
(T2 ) should have a direct effect on downstream temperatures in the
engine's gas path. It seems natural, for example, that at a given P31
=cp in► T3 I–Rln(p2
operating condition, increasing T2 would in turn increase T3, which in l T2 ) JJ)
turn would increase T4, etc. To motivate this concept, we need to
consider the T-S diagram. To be definite, let us consider the R/cp
compression induced by the Fan and LPC from station 2 to station 3 T3
of our sample engine in Figure 1. Without loss of generality, an T2 (P2 )
T * R/cp
P T2 * \P2)
– T
2* T2
Figure 2: Compression T-S Diagram T3*= T3
(T2 /T2 *) 0
At this point we will note two properties of the T-S diagram which we
will state without proof. (The reader can derive these for him/herself, as required.
armed only with the elementary laws of thermodynamics.) The
relationships are Corrected Pressure: P / S
1. The curves of constant pressure are monotonically The pressure changes experienced at various stations throughout the
increasing with S engine's gas-path are the effect of either compressions or expansions
2. The constant pressure curves diverge from one another resulting from the action of the engine's turbomachinery. For
with increasing S purposes of motivating the correction for pressure, we can consider
without loss of generality, a compression process; the argument for
These properties suggest that the * quantities are larger in magnitude expansion pressures would be similar.
than their non-starred counterparts and that ( T3 – T2 )< ( T3* – T2*
). What we will now show, however, is that the ratio of T3 over T2 is Let us consider, for example, the pressure P3 at the exit of the LPC.
approximately equal to T3* over T2* ! This pressure is related to temperature and pressure by virtue of the
following relationship
To accomplish this we need one more relationship from basic
thermodynamics (which follows from the definition of entropy and k-1
T2 =
the perfect gas law).
where ri = polytropic efficiency
k = c p / ç, = ratio of specific heats
where S, h, T, P, R denote entropy, enthalpy, temperature, pressure and Thus, since T3/9 = constant implies T3/T2 = constant, we have that
the gas constant, respectively. Integrating this relationship between P3/P2 = constant, which in turn implies that P3/6 = constant, which
states 2 and 3 and assuming constant specific heat, yields, establishes the correction at station 3. Implicit in this argument is that
the ratio of specific heats k and efficiency rl do not change. Moving
downstream to station 4 we have that
kn krn for Mn const., thus providing a corrected quantity.t
1 3 ) k1
P3(T (T3 16) k1 — coast.
Corrected Fuel Flow: WF / SJ
Consider the (simplified) energy equation bounding the combustor
a 1'3 = const
S P3 6
BTU/ 1 /{,
= 'Ib9WF = (Wa+WFJ Lh= (Wa+WF)(h5 — h4)
Thus, we proceed downstream and establish in general that P16 =
constant = P.
For an ideal gas, we also know that P s = pRT, from which it follows
_ Wa dWa
(_W l dW F F
and from the definition of mach number Mn and a little algebraic manipulation gives
S =coast Wa +1/2 T
d a - 4 =0
We know, however, that for an isentropic process Wa T4 P4
l e
a =
and esconst a =T
d 2 = s
k-1 T4 T2T5
T =1+ kI
2kMn 2 and p =(1+ k-1 Mn 2 I
—= const = a = 2
4 P2
Substituting, we obtain Thus,
l k+1
dWF = dP2 2 + Wa + WF cps T dT2 Wa + WF Cp4 T dT2
I1+ k2 1 M2I
2(1-k) -1 / 2 dT
= RM \
°APrTn n/
WF P2T Wa ^h) T2 - ( Wa^h , T2
and multiplying both sides by ( A/Tt )1/2 / (6/Pt ) to get the proper
units (pps) yields
+ I 1+ yFa
/ lp
c^h 5
- ^a
J -1/2 J(5)
T d 2
dP2 dT
k+1 _ +x
Wa . A gk(T /9) ( k-1 212(1-k) P2T2
Mn 11 2 Mn J =Constant
S P/r S R WF = const
t T/B and P18 are corrected parameters and hence constant by virtue of the
previous derivations.
Taking logs of both sides and differentiating, produces
Furthermore, if we make the assumption that specific heats are
constant, i.e. cp 4 = cp5 then the exponent x reduces to 1/2 + Fuel- dF„ = (W$ / g) 2gJ_, dW$ 1 d6,h
Air Ratio = (approximately) 1/2 and we obtain the classical
F. F. [W$ + 2 AhI
+ "9l P9 — P') 49
`A9 + I P9 P9 P9 – ( 7_
– Pz I ^9 _ ^z
Fn yz Pz
(Ws / g) 2gJOh dW$l k / dhs l r..2&2)l h^
Expressions for the net thrust produced by a gas turbine engine will
depend upon the configuration of the engine, i.e., whether it is a
turbojet or a turbofan, mixed flow or non-mixed flow, as well as an +
A 9 (P9 – Ps9)
+ 1_p9l dP9
P9–P2/ P9
.P9 –P2 ) P2
l ^z
expression for ram drag as a function of mach number. To keep the (fixed geometry)
derivation as simple as possible, we will assume a static thrust
expression, i.e., mach = 0, no ram drag and, we will once again refer
to our sample engine configuration which is that of a mixed flow __ (W8 / g) 2gJAh dW$ cp,Ts dT$ cp9Ts9 dT 1 l
turbofan. It should be noted that derivation that follows can be
repeated (in spirit) with more complicated expressions for net thrust
F. LW$ + 2ih T$ ( 2Nz J Ts9^ J
for other engine types and flight conditions to arrive at similar + `^I (P9 — Ps9 P9 dP9 (TP2 ^2
representations for corrected thrust. F. ) (P9 –P2 J P9 –Pz ) P2 ,
The thrust produced by this engine depends on the momentum of the
air ejected from the exhaust nozzle as well as the net force (due to Now, at a given engine operating point (steady state), the following
conditions hold
pressure) acting across the total area of the nozzle. In symbols
W e$ dW$ 1 dT dP$
g v 9 +A 9 (P9 –PA ) constant + - -0
F. — -- -
S$ W 27; F
T$ = constant dT –z
— =0
A2 T T
W9 = W$ = .Total airflow at nozzle
A 9 = .Nozzle Area 9
T = constant = T
d – dT
2 =0
02 T
P9 = .Nozzle exit total pressure
P59 = P2 = .Nozzle exit static pressure (ambient) Ps =constant ---=0
$ 2
62 P8 P2
v 9 = 2gJ(h9 – hs9 ) = . Velocity at exhaust nozzle
h9 = .Total (stagnation) enthalpy at exit P9 = constant dP9
--- =0
S2 P9 P2
hs9 = .Static enthalpy at exit
J = .Mechanical equivalent of heat Substituting, we obtain
.(778 ft-lbs/BTU)
The expression for the exit velocity follows directly from the dF„ – (W8 / g) 2gJih dP$ cp$T1 cp9 T g _ dTz
definition of stagnation (total) enthalpy. Similarly, there is an F. F„ P8 + ( 2Ah 20h 2)7;
expression for the velocity at station 8 (mixer) involving total and
static enthalpies at station 8. The flow from station 8 to 9 (through a
nozzle) we will assume to be adiabatic, i.e., no work done, no heat + .i(P9 – P:9) dPz
added. By conservation of energy, the total entaiphies are equal (h8 = F„ P2
h9). If we denote the change in enthalpy (hg - hsg) = (h8 - hs9) = Ah ,
then we may rewrite the above expression for thrust as = (W$ l ^
g) r^a +x 'zl + ``^i(P9 – P.,^) ^z
F„LP$ T2J F; P2
rt Y2
F„ = w
$ 2gJ^ h + A 9 (P9 – PP )
1 dP2d7;
dT dP2 dT + =1
_ (y1 + y2) -+ ylx - _ +y,x- — since Mach = constant
N M„ P2T P2 T 2T 2T
=> F" = constant
dN I d9 = 0
S B YIX 22 N - 28
7 = constant
Since the specific heats at station 8 and 9 are approximately equal
(since T8 -- T9s ), we may assume a common specific heat cp . In this
case, the theta exponent x reduces to 0 (since Ah = c p Al). Thus, we
HP = -.-W
W. c Ah L W c AT where J = 778.17 ft lb / BTU _HPQ
550 p 550 '
A corrected horsepower will not vary with inlet temperature and
pressure and thus can be written as above with corrected flow and Corrected Acceleration Ndot: N / S
temperature, i.e.
From Newton's Law, Torque (force) = Moment of Inertia (I) x
HP*= J W *c Ah*^ _ W *c AT*
550 W. ° 550 ° p Q=IN
_ J W. JO cA
_ T
p -- Q*=1N* s =1 N*
550 S 8
-1 IV
p AT
-_ 550 W° c
S^ N-N/6
Corrected Metal Temperature Rate Tm dot: m
e .74 5 .8
Corrected Rotational Speeds: N /
Tangential velocity is related to rotational speed (rpm) by the radius The (time) rate of change of a metal temperature is typically modeled
of the object (compressor or turbine blade) in question. It is also as a 1st order lag heat transfer between the gas path temperature T and
related to acoustic velocity by Mach number and the square root of the metal temperature Tm . In symbols,
Mathematically, we have
Tm =T(T-T,n )
v=rN=M„ 9- T me (3)
where time constant ti = p
where v is the velocity in ftls, r is the radius (ft), N is the rotational
speed (rpm), g, k, and R are constants (gravity, ratio of specific heats The McAdams correlation for turbulent flow over a flat plate
and the gas constant respectively), and Mn is Mach number. Taking (Shepherd, p254) is given by
logs and differentiating, we obtain
Nu = 0.023(Re) o.s (R,) 0.4
where Nu, Re, and Pr are the Nusselt's, Reynold's and Prandtl's Tm * H * C p T* -Tm *
numbers respectively which are defined as follows:
7m H J c P * T Tm
Nu = Re = v
p D , Pr = -----
0.4-0.2„ s -o.s
K ^.t K
-0.6-0.2n 8-0.8
Substituting and re-arranging terms we can obtain the following form:
K 06 C 4 p 0.8 v 0.8
= 0.023 D oz µ0.4 The value of n appearing in the theta exponent can be determined
experimentally by correlating viscosity with temperature from which
cPµo.2po.8vo:8 it is observed that n varies from 0.8 at low temperature to 0.6 at high
_ 0.023 K0.6
C 0.6 4 0.6 D02 temperature. These values provide a theta exponent ranging from 0.76
P to 0.72, respectively. The average value of 0.74 is recommended, thus
023 ) c µo.2po.8vo.8
= ( ^O.
providing the requisite correction.
P D0.2
cPµ 0.2 p 0.8 v 0.8 T.
m a0.74 80.8
where the final approximation is obtained by noting that Prandtl's
The methods for obtaining appropriate corrections for gas path
number is approximately constant in the range of interest (Shepherd, p
254). At this juncture we may recall that mass flow Wa = p A v was parameters depends in part on the application at hand as well as the
amount and type of information (data) available. These methods can
corrected by square root of theta over delta. Combining these
observations, we have be split into essentially two groups: 1) analytical and 2) empirical. In
practice it is more than likely that a combination of both types of
techniques will be utilized. We will briefly illustrate both of these
WQ - WQ*6 -pv approaches.
Analytical Methods
Therefore, As a practical application of how to utilize some of the above
= (WQ *) o.8 6 0.8 0 -0.4 information to determine a theta correction for Wf in a turbo-fan
engine from engine simulation information, consider the information
contained in Table 2. This data was obtained from a non-linear aero-
Using the approximation at the end of equations (4) to define the thermodynamic representation of a small turbofan engine. In order to
reference condition H* and noting that D=D*, we can write the ratio avoid introducing new station numbers, we will use the
corresponding station numbers of our sample engine in Figure 1. The
H / c* ^ ( 4µ*) 0.2/_ v *\ o.s thermodynamic deck provides the following information at station 4
(HPC exit) and station 5 (HPT inlet) at one engine operating point.
__C C c*J en) 0.2 (_ro s0.8 Applying these values to the Wf Equation (5) yields a value of 0.707
for the theta exponent `x". The actual value used for this engine is
0.69. Presumably, the above calculation would yield slightly different
results at differing engine operating points, the average of which is
= CP e0.4-0.2n 5-0.8
probably around 0.69.
Table 2: Non-linear Engine Simulation Data 0.5. All of these theta exponents derivable from a differential model
will provide a correction that is closer to the truth than the classical
Parameter Station 4 Station 5 Units (providing the model is reasonably correct) and can be used as a good
first guess for the correction to be used. The fidelity of these
k 1.39801 1.30214 ft-lb/deg R
corrections will of course depend on the fidelity of the underlying
h 300.297 657.18 BTU differential model. For general analysis, classical corrections often
T 1235.18 2436.52 deg R suffice. Several parameters may require a finer correction. Wf is
typically one of those parameters and it is not uncommon to see theta
Wa 23.2613 23.7252 pps exponents ranging from 0.5 to 0.7 for this parameter. Such a
Wf 0.4639 pps refinement is required for work demanding greater accuracies, such as
note that the above can be applied just as well to pressure corrections
, AGi (i.e. the 6 exponent) where the relationships would be identical except
8a 8x PNOM 100 I )
for replacing 0 with 8).
There are, of course, other empirical paths which one can take in
where OGi represents the % of point delta from nominal (for all i).
pursuit of the proper correction. For instance, one could determine
Now if we plot these deltas against 0, then if a were the true
the exponent which minimizes the standard deviation (aAG) of the
correction exponent, we would expect to see a scatter plot that would
parameter deltas {AGi}, or to minimize the covariance
have zero correlation, i.e. a linear regression line fit horizontal with
(GAG,9)between the deltas {AGi} and {81}, or the correlation
the theta axis. An upward or downward trend, however, would
coefficient (r,G 8). Monte Carlo simulations indicate, however, that
indicate the extent to which the exponent a was deficient. If we let m
the results are approximately the same for all of these techniques. The
and b, denote the regression slope and intercept respectively, then we
differences obtained for theta exponents using these four methods are
have a defined linear relationship as follows:
well within the limits of measurement noise and are not statistically
significant. The three minimization methods which we have just
AG=m9+b where b=tG—m8 alluded to, do carry a substantial computational overhead in that each
of these methods are iterative in nature and require that a complete
!AG. _m[ ti]
statistical analysis be performed at each newly chosen exponent,
where the exponent is modulated in small increments over some
range. After that is completed, the minimum statistic is isolated and
and m=r SAG the corresponding exponent is selected as the winner. In this regard,
the simple formula(s) given in Eqs. (6) and (7) above are superior in
that they return essentially the same exponent but require only one
where r is the correlation coefficient and s4G and s8 are the sample statistical analysis.
standard deviations for AG and 8, respectively. Thus for arbitrary 0,
we have As an illustration, Table 4 below presents the results of a Monte Carlo
simulation comparison of the slope formula method and the minimum
standard deviation method. This table contains 50 randomly chosen
true exponents between 0.7 and 1.0. For each exponent a set of 200
deltas {AGi} were randomly generated. These deltas were selected
P P 8" ° 1+ 1+- (9=1) from a normal population where the variance for each of the 50 {AGi}
— ---
0.7 0.75 0.8 0.0 0.9 0%