Discipline With Dignity F2F11
Discipline With Dignity F2F11
Discipline With Dignity F2F11
Course Outline
Course Description
Discipline With Dignity is a flexible program for effective school and classroom management
that teaches responsible thinking, cooperation, mutual respect and shared decision-making. This
approach was developed by Dr. Richard Curwin and Dr. Allen Mendler, internationally
acclaimed authors of the book Discipline With Dignity.
Discipline With Dignity equips educators with classroom skills, techniques and structure that
enables them to spend less time dealing with behavioral problems and more time on positive
interactions with students and on instruction. It presents educators with the framework, tools and
skills for being effective within their own style of classroom management, and furnishes
administrators, teachers, parents and management teams with information and a basis for setting
school-wide policy. This approach helps children develop their self-esteem, while giving them
the tools and encouragement necessary for making responsible decisions in their lives, both
within and outside the classroom. The underlying belief of this discipline approach is that all
students' dignity must be enhanced and preserved, regardless of their behavior.
Discipline with Dignity provides the tools, structure, skills and understanding required by
educators so that they are best prepared to deal effectively with a variety of disciplinary
situations they will encounter. The approach is predicated on the fact that students can learn to be
responsible for their own behavior and for their own learning, but these skills must be taught.
The skills and methods of Discipline with Dignity show educators how they can prevent many
discipline problems from occurring. It also teaches how to successfully handle challenging,
"button-pressing" behaviors presented by individuals or groups in school/classroom situations
while maintaining personal and professional dignity. Finally, rational methods are provided in
helping educators deal effectively with chronic problem children who frequently misbehave.
Discipline with Dignity is therefore a "three-dimensional" approach to behavior management:
prevention, action and resolution. Course participants become knowledgeable and skilled in the
use of strategies connected to these three dimensions.
• Assess in-school causes of misbehavior
• Create school-based methods that will address in-school causes of misbehavior
• Develop methods of welcoming students
• Explain how to teach students methods of self-control
• Determine how to establish substitute outlets within the school or classroom so that students
express their feelings and frustrations in acceptable ways
• Design instructional methods associated with student engagement
• Develop a framework of values and principles
• Develop effective rules
• Create options for student involvement
• Explain the difference between consequences and punishments
• Explain the concept of fair and not equal
• Develop basic diagnostic methods
• Assess strategies for defusing power struggles
• Use P.E.P., the Action Dimension
• Participants will understand how the hostility cycle works
• Describe the mediation process
• Determine non-aggressive methods of effectively dealing with difficult student behavior
• Analyze the five basic psychological needs that are at the core of a child's decision to either
behave or misbehave
• Assess the need behind the misbehavior
• Analyze how the basic need for belonging affects behavior in the classroom
• Identify several strategies you can use in the school/classroom to enhance a sense or feeling
of belonging among students
• Analyze the relationship between classroom behavior and academic performance
• Identify specific motivational classroom practices for building hope in discouraged learners
• Analyze the relationship between motivation and discipline
• Explain the ten conditions for motivated students
• Explain how the needs for power and independence influence behavior
• Generate ideas about how to enhance the need for virtue/generosity in an educational setting
• Identify specific methods of fun that can be integrated within the curriculum
• Identify specific school principles that guide decision-making
• Identify community resources that can assist in working with students
• Complete the final integration project
Course Materials
The required textbook for this course is Discipline With Dignity, by Curwin, Mendler and Mendler.
and Respect in Ypur Classroom.
Session Outline
The quality of the participant's work products as well as attendance and participation will be
evaluated by the course instructor in determining a grade. In addition to the above, course
instructors have discretion to either add or substitute expectations. For example, they may ask for
a paper which requires participants to compare and contrast Discipline With Dignity with other
programs of behavior management. They may opt for a final examination that tests both
conceptual understanding and application skills.
Student Requirements
1. Attend all class sessions for the requisite number of hours (45) and actively participate in
all class activities.
2. Complete all reading assignments.
3. Develop a personal discipline plan that includes key elements of Discipline With Dignity.
Each participant will present a detailed plan to the course instructor.
4. Successfully complete all case-study materials that demonstrate an integrated
understanding of relevant course concepts.
5. Maintain a learning journal that specifies an actual or anticipated discipline situation that
is classroom or school-based. The participant will record a weekly summary of course
material that is being applied to the identified situation along with a personal evaluation
of how things are going. Each participant is expected to provide a final summary of
his/her weekly experiences to the course instructor.