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Clinical Review & Education

JAMA Cardiology | Review

Fundamental Pathobiology of Coronary Atherosclerosis and Clinical

Implications for Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease Management—
The Plaque Hypothesis
A Narrative Review
Peter H. Stone, MD; Peter Libby, MD; William E. Boden, MD

Supplemental content
IMPORTANCE Recent clinical and imaging studies underscore that major adverse cardiac
events (MACE) outcomes are associated not solely with severe coronary obstructions
(ischemia hypothesis or stenosis hypothesis), but with the plaque burden along the entire
coronary tree. New research clarifies the pathobiologic mechanisms responsible for plaque
development/progression/destabilization leading to MACE (plaque hypothesis), but the
translation of these insights to clinical management strategies has lagged. This narrative
review elaborates the plaque hypothesis and explicates the current understanding of
underlying pathobiologic mechanisms, the provocative destabilizing influences, the
diagnostic and therapeutic implications, and their actionable clinical management
approaches to optimize the management of patients with chronic coronary disease.
OBSERVATIONS Clinical trials of management strategies for patients with chronic coronary
artery disease demonstrate that while MACE rate increases progressively with the anatomic
extent of coronary disease, revascularization of the ischemia-producing obstruction does not
forestall MACE. Most severely obstructive coronary lesions often remain quiescent and
seldom destabilize to cause a MACE. Coronary lesions that later provoke acute myocardial
infarction often do not narrow the lumen critically. Invasive and noninvasive imaging can
identify the plaque anatomic characteristics (plaque burden, plaque topography, lipid
content) and local hemodynamic/biomechanical characteristics (endothelial shear stress,
plaque structural stress, axial plaque stress) that can indicate the propensity of individual
plaques to provoke a MACE.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE The pathobiologic construct concerning the culprit region of a
plaque most likely to cause a MACE (plaque hypothesis), which incorporates multiple
convergent plaque features, informs the evolution of a new management strategy capable of
identifying the high-risk portion of plaque wherever it is located along the course of the
coronary artery. Ongoing investigations of high-risk plaque features, coupled with technical
advances to enable prognostic characterization in real time and at the point of care, will soon
enable evaluation of the entire length of the atheromatous coronary artery and broaden the
target(s) of our therapeutic intervention to include all regions of the plaque (both flow
limiting and nonflow limiting).

Author Affiliations: Division of

Cardiovascular Medicine, Brigham &
Women’s Hospital, Heart and
Vascular Center, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, Massachusetts
(Stone, Libby); VA Boston Healthcare
System, Massachusetts Veterans
Epidemiology, Research, and
Informatics Center, and Boston
University School of Medicine,
Boston, Massachusetts (Boden).
Corresponding Author: Peter H.
Stone, MD, Division of Cardiovascular
Medicine, Brigham & Women's
JAMA Cardiol. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2022.3926 Hospital, 75 Francis St, Boston, MA
Published online December 14, 2022. 02115 (

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© 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Clinical Review & Education Review Pathobiology of Coronary Atherosclerosis and Clinical Implications for Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease

ccumulating evidence reinforces the concept that many tors, icosapent ethyl, late-generation antiplatelet agents, and now
major adverse cardiac events (MACE) in patients with even agents developed to reduce glycemia such as sodium-
chronic ischemic heart disease are related less to the glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors and glucagonlike peptide-1 re-
flow-limiting coronary artery luminal lesions, but rather to the ceptor agonists) or the inflammatory milieu (eg, interleukin 1β in-
overall atherosclerotic burden, be it obstructive or nonobstruc- hibitors, colchicine). These newer therapies appear to reduce MACE
tive (what we term the plaque hypothesis).1-5 Recent work has not so much by luminal expansion, but by biological modification of
shed important new light into the basic pathobiologic mecha- atherosclerotic involvement along the full-length of coronary arter-
nisms that operate along the length of individual nonobstructive ies, not just the obstructive lesions.5
portions of plaque responsible for these MACE outcomes. Yet, The results of the Clinical Outcomes Utilizing Revasculariza-
the translation of these pathobiologic insights into clinical diag- tion and Aggressive Drug Evaluation (COURAGE) trial19 and later
nostic and management strategies has lagged. This review Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation 2 Diabetes
explores new data from vascular biology, atherosclerosis imaging, (BARI2D) trial20 most clearly challenged the ischemia hypothesis
natural history outcome studies, and large-scale clinical trials that by using a management strategy of intensive medical therapy
support the plaque hypothesis. It provides an update on patho- plus percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and/or coronary
biologic mechanisms, the provocative destabilizing triggers, and artery bypass grafting (CABG) (BARI2D trial20) vs intensive medi-
the diagnostic and therapeutic implications that inform action- cal therapy alone. These studies demonstrated equivalent cumu-
able clinical management approaches to optimize the manage- lative incidence of events by the disease-modifying medical
ment of patients with chronic ischemic heart disease. therapies or by invasive revascularization. PCI did not reduce
death or MI compared with medical therapy alone over the period
of observation, even in patients with extensive 3-vessel CAD, or
proximal left anterior descending artery stenosis of 90% or more.
The Ischemia Hypothesis or Stenosis Hypothesis
Limitations to these studies included the very low rate of drug-
of the Natural History and Management eluting stent use, the absence of a predefined threshold for the
of Coronary Artery Disease extent and severity of baseline ischemia at entry, and the deter-
Classic pathogenetic concepts of coronary artery disease (CAD) com- mination of eligibility only after coronary angiography.
plications emerged from observations that inducible myocardial is- A study that guided revascularization based on fractional
chemia from a severe coronary luminal obstruction caused angina. flow reserve (FFR) (Fractional Flow Reserve Versus Angiography
A reasonable extrapolation from these findings posited that ob- for Multivessel Evaluation 2 [FAME 2] trial8) reinforced for many
structive lesions also provoked MACE (what we term the ischemia the concept that a flow-limiting obstruction caused the compos-
hypothesis or stenosis hypothesis). Accordingly, risk stratification ite primary end point of death, MI, or urgent revascularization.
aimed to identify those patients with the most ischemic myocar- Yet, the sole driver of the favorable composite outcome with
dium at risk since they were considered most likely to benefit from FFR-guided PCI was the unblinded component of urgent revascu-
revascularization strategies to reduce ischemia and thereby pre- larization, while the objective outcomes of death or MI did not
vent MACE. improve.
However,recentnaturalhistoryfollow-upstudiesofindividualcoro- The more recent International Study of Comparative Health Ef-
nary plaques using intravascular ultrasonography (IVUS) or optical co- fectiveness with Medical and Invasive Approaches (ISCHEMIA) trial21
herencetomography(OCT)invasiveimagingconsistentlydemonstrated aimed to avoid the limitations of the prior large-scale investiga-
that the majority of severely obstructive coronary lesions, even those tions of the ischemia hypothesis. As in most other trials, the rate of
withputativehigh-riskpathobiologicanatomicfeaturesandcausingse- the primary outcome (composite of cardiovascular death, MI or hos-
vere ischemia, often remain quiescent and do not destabilize to cause pitalization for unstable angina, heart failure, or resuscitated car-
a MACE, even over several years of follow-up.6-11 Large-scale noninva- diac arrest) progressively and significantly increased as the ana-
sive imaging investigations, using coronary computed tomography an- tomic extent and severity of angiographically defined atherosclerotic
giography(CCTA),whichcanevaluatethefulllengthofthecoronaryar- coronary obstructions increased from single- (8.2%) to double-
teryandcoronaryplaques,alsounderscorethatcoronaryarteriallesions (11.9%) and to triple-vessel (23.9%) disease over a median 3.2-year
that later provoke acute myocardial infarction (MI) often do not narrow follow-up. In contrast, adverse outcomes were not associated with
thelumencritically.12-14 Mostimportantly,suchstudiesindicatethatthe the extent and severity of myocardial ischemia.21,22 Moreover, and
risk of CAD events is associated more with the extent of the plaque bur- consistent with the evolving understanding of the culprit lesion(s)
den throughout the coronary tree than the severity of individual lumi- responsible for MACE, mechanical revascularization of the flow-
nalobstructions.2,3,5 Thesemorerecentstudiesaffirmedtheinferences limiting obstruction(s) with either PCI or CABG did not reduce those
from earlier studies that used angiography, a modality that images the MACE outcomes.21 In a subgroup analysis, the patients who under-
lumen rather than the lesions themselves.15-18 went invasive treatment in the ISCHEMIA trial manifested fewer
Pharmacologic management of obstructive CAD now includes spontaneous MIs than the patients who underwent conservative
more biologically directed therapeutic interventions and disease- treatment,23 but the relationship between the revascularization pro-
modifying noninvasive therapies than in the past. In addition to phar- cedure and the MI reduction is unclear since the reduction in spon-
macologic measures directed mainly at improving the balance be- taneous MIs was observed even if the patient had no PCI per-
tween oxygen supply and demand distal to flow-limiting stenoses, formed or had no obstructive CAD. Invasively managed patients also
we currently possess agents that alter plaques themselves or the risk may have had fewer spontaneous MIs due to the ongoing use of dual
factors or thrombotic milieu (eg, statins, ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibi- antiplatelet therapy or to ascertainment bias.23

E2 JAMA Cardiology Published online December 14, 2022 (Reprinted)

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Pathobiology of Coronary Atherosclerosis and Clinical Implications for Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease Review Clinical Review & Education

Figure 1. Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque as a Complex, Lengthy, and Heterogeneous Pathobiologic Lesion

Upstream Downstream

lumen area
Maximum ESS
Thick cap
Axial plaque stress ESS Thin cap Axial plaque
(upslope) Thick cap stress
cells Low ESS Thin cap
Lipid pool Low ESS
Lipid pool

remodeling Microcalcifications
External elastic Outward Maximum
membrane remodeling Outward LCBI
Fibrous tissue Maximum remodeling Many different constituents,
(collagen) plaque morphologies, and resultant
pathobiologic and biomechanical
Approximately 25-35 mm environments localize spatially
distant from the minimal lumen area.
Extent of plaque burden for this entire plaque ESS indicates endothelial shear
stress; LCBI, lipid core burden index.

The recent prospective, double-blind COMBINE OCT-FFR11 natu- cations of atherosclerosis, ie, nonfatal MI and cardiac death, often
ral history study of FFR-guided PCI and identification of FFR- originate from plaques or portions of plaque that do not produce the
negative thin cap fibroatheroma (TCFA) character lesions in 550 pa- most severe obstructions.
tients with diabetes with either chronic CAD or an acute coronary These observations provide further support for the view that
syndrome (ACS) demonstrated convincingly that many culprit obstructive plaques serve principally as a marker for atheroscle-
plaques responsible for future MACE had TCFA characteristics but rotic burden, including complex and heterogeneous plaques that
unimpaired FFR. The patients who had evidence of such TCFA (25% may be nonobstructive or obstructive or that may contain regions
of the cohort) had a 5-fold higher rate of MACE over an 18-month of both flow-limiting obstruction and nonflow-limiting disease
follow-up (>80% of future MACE) compared with patients without (Figure 1). Despite this accumulating evidence, our prevailing diag-
a TCFA character lesion, despite the absence of ischemia. These nostic and therapeutic management strategies and guidelines have
MACE outcomes were mainly spontaneous MIs and also target le- lagged and still largely reflect the ischemia hypothesis that posits
sion revascularization related to worsening angina due to plaque pro- that alleviation of stenosis as the key to effective treatment. Ac-
gression and minimal lumen area (MLA) reduction. The Fractional cordingly, we need to broaden our management approach for chronic
Flow Reserve Versus Angiography for Multivessel Evaluation (FAME) CAD to focus on identifying and altering pathobiological aspects of
3 trial,24 which randomized patients with 3-vessel CAD to revascu- plaques along the course of atheromatous arteries, not merely those
larization with FFR-guided PCI or to CABG, also demonstrated that lesion segments that provoke ischemia.
FFR-guided PCI was not noninferior to CABG at 1-year follow-up. Since
all lesions with abnormal FFR in the FFR-guided PCI group under-
went PCI, the results suggested that the lesions responsible for MACE
Vascular Pathobiology of Coronary Atherosclerosis
in that group during follow-up were lesions that were not flow lim-
iting at baseline, and, per protocol, did not undergo PCI. In con-
and the Role of Biomechanics
trast, CABG bypassed both the flow-limiting and many nonflow- in Plaque Destabilization
limiting lesions, and these patients experienced a significantly lower Our evolving understanding of the natural history of CAD derives
incidence of the composite primary end point. from early observations of the vascular biology and clinical mani-
festations of atherosclerosis. More than 30 years ago, Glagov et al,26
Clarkson et al,27 and others emphasized the expansive outward re-
The Plaque Hypothesis: Fundamental Concepts modeling that accommodates an enlarging plaque during much of
a lesion’s progression. Such compensatory enlargement of arteries
Linking the Pathobiology of Coronary
can prevent luminal encroachment by even very large lesions and
Atherosclerosis to MACE
preserve myocardial blood flow distal to that plaque. Such culprit
The ensemble of recent large-scale clinical trial results and earlier an- lesions are not necessarily small but do not cause critical stenosis
giographic findings affirm that severely obstructive focal plaque re- due to expansive remodeling that accommodates plaque growth ab-
gions traditionally targeted for revascularization do not necessarily luminally, preserving the luminal caliber. Indeed, positive remodel-
cause the abrupt plaque complications that generally provoke MACE. ing determined by CCTA characterizes plaques with elevated risk of
Hence, epicardial coronary artery stenosis relief by PCI or CABG did provoking an ACS.28 Plaque disruption in patients with acute MI and
not improve prognosis. These more recent studies reinforce the con- nonobstructive CAD, defined as coronary luminal obstruction less
cept that while PCI may ameliorate regional ischemia, and there- than 50%,29 also supports the concept that culprit plaques caus-
fore reduce symptoms of angina,25 the most consequential compli- ing ACS need not obstruct the lumen. Recent invasive and nonin- (Reprinted) JAMA Cardiology Published online December 14, 2022 E3

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Clinical Review & Education Review Pathobiology of Coronary Atherosclerosis and Clinical Implications for Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease

Figure 2. Pathobiologic Mechanisms of Plaque Progression and Disruption

A Plaque initiation and evolution B Plaque disruption and healing C Plaque complication/destabilization

(1) Effect of low ESS on nonflow-limiting

obstruction with large plaque burden
Low/disturbed blood flow Plaque disruption
(low ESS) (rupture or erosion) High ESS

(2) Effect of low ESS and high ESS on

flow-limiting plaque

Thrombus incorporation with (3) Effect of high axial plaque stress and
episodic enlargement high ESS gradient
and lumen encroachment
Steep downslope (high ESS gradient;
high axial plaque stress)

Large plaque burden

Large lipid core (4) Effect of high plaque structural stress
TCFA morphology (juxtaposition of heterogeneous
material properties)
• Large necrotic core
• Thin fibrous cap
Repeated disruption • Spotty calcification (micro)
and healing

(5) Effect of intraplaque hemorrhage

Free blood

Shown are the coronary plaque and arterial features that may lead to plaque portions upstream or downstream from a luminal obstruction. (2) Portions of
progression and destabilization culminating in major adverse cardiac events in a the plaque that encroach into the lumen create local high ESS at the throat of
variety of plaque scenarios involving a constellation of pathobiologic and the obstruction that may cause endothelial cell elaboration of matrix-degrading
biomechanical mechanisms, which may operate alone or in concert with other metalloproteinases, endothelial death or desquamation, and platelet activation,
pathologic mechanisms. A, Plaque initiation and development begin in zones of rendering plaques more prone to provoke thrombosis. Plaque regions
low and disturbed blood flow (ie, low endothelial shear stress [ESS]), regions immediately adjacent to the high ESS typically also exhibit sites of low and
that typically occur on the inner aspect of an artery curve, outer waists of a oscillatory ESS, with its attendant pro-atherogenic and proinflammatory
bifurcation, and upstream and downstream from a luminal obstruction. Local consequences31 as described in scenario 1. (3) High ESS gradients, which
low ESS leads endothelial cells to switch from expressing a palette of represent abrupt large differences in the magnitude of ESS in immediately
atheroprotective properties to adopt proinflammatory, pro-atherogenic, and adjacent endothelial cells, or steep plaque upslope/downslope, with or without
prothrombotic functions. Ongoing exposure to low ESS leads to progressive associated high ESS, will increase axial plaque stress and promote plaque
plaque burden, lipid accumulation, and thin cap fibroatheroma (TCFA) disruption. This adverse biomechanical stress operates independently of
formation. B, Plaques can progress in a stepwise manner to destabilization stenosis severity, drop in perfusion pressure, or local ESS. (4) The composition
(rupture, superficial erosion, or calcium nodule eruption, events that can and spatial proximity of internal plaque constituents of different material
provoke thrombosis), followed by plaque healing.30 Repeated destabilization properties can create inhomogeneities that affect cellular function and modify
and the healing response to disruption including thrombus resorption can lead the structural integrity of the plaque and foster disruption (plaque structural
to progressive plaque fibrosis, constrictive remodeling, and encroachment into stress or tensile stress).32 Computation of plaque structural stress requires
the lumen. C, Prominent pathobiologic mechanisms contribute to plaque accurate depiction of both atherosclerotic plaque composition and architecture.
destabilization and complications. (1) Regions along the course of a plaque may (5) Intraplaque hemorrhage may develop either as a result of microruptures of
encounter ongoing pro-atherogenic low ESS (Figure 1) and continue to develop the plaque cap or leaking from immature and leaky vasa vasorum within an
local progressive inflammation, lipid accumulation, and elaboration of enlarging plaque, leading to an abrupt conformational change due to the
matrix-degrading metalloproteinases that promote fragility and instability of atherogenic properties of lipids from degraded red blood cell membranes and
the fibrous cap and internal plaque structures, thereby fostering plaque released free hemoglobin and heme.33-35 Iron derived from heme can drive
rupture. These events may occur in a nonobstructive plaque or in plaque local oxidative stress, further promoting lesion complication.35

vasive studies investigating the size, shape, constituents, and he- ognition spurred the investigation of the biomechanical stresses that
modynamic environment surrounding coronary plaque provide may influence whether an individual plaque will progress, destabi-
essential new pathobiologic understanding concerning the de- lize, or remain quiescent.32 Earlier studies demonstrated that low
tailed plaque regions that are prone to destabilize and likely give rise endothelial shear stress (ESS), the frictional force of blood acting on
to future adverse clinical events (Figure 2).31 the endothelial cells of the arterial wall, disrupted the homeostatic
The first efforts to identify high-risk plaques at risk to trigger an atheroprotective properties of the normal endothelium. Low ESS
ACS (so-called vulnerable plaques) emerged from morphological elicits proinflammatory, pro-atherogenic, and prothrombotic prop-
characterization alone (large plaque burden, TCFA morphology, nar- erties of the intimal lining and impairs basal vasodilatory and other
row MLA, and lipid accumulation).6,10,36-38 While these anatomic atheroprotective endothelial functions.31,39,40 Serial invasive stud-
plaque characteristics were associated with increased MACE out- ies confirmed that low local ESS tracked with plaque initiation and
comes, the positive predictive value was less than 20%. This rec- progression9,41-43 and that local low- or high-ESS environments

E4 JAMA Cardiology Published online December 14, 2022 (Reprinted)

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Pathobiology of Coronary Atherosclerosis and Clinical Implications for Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease Review Clinical Review & Education

Figure 3. A 2-State Concept of Atherothrombosis

Fibrinogen Circulating tissue
Fluid phase
factor microparticles

Thrombus uPA
Intima NETs
Media tPA
PAI-1 Solid state


The classic high-risk atheroma has a thin fibrous cap overlying a large lipid core coronary artery occlusion (that can be clinically silent or causes an episode of
that contains tissue factor–bearing macrophages. When the fibrous cap unstable angina) or a persistent and occlusive thrombus that can precipitate an
fractures, coagulation proteins in the fluid phase of blood gain access to tissue acute myocardial infraction. Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) can localize at
factor–associated macrophages and tissue factor–bearing microparticles the interface of the solid state of the intima with the fluid phase of blood. Their
derived from apoptotic cells in the solid state of the plaque, these events trigger externalized strands of extruded nuclear DNA are decorated with mediators
thrombus formation on the ruptured plaque. The clinical consequences depend including tissue factor and can propagate and amplify local inflammation and
on the amount of tissue factor and apoptosis in the plaque’s core and on the thrombosis around this critical interface. SMC indicates smooth muscle cells;
levels of fibrinogen and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) in the fluid tPA, tissue plasminogen activator; TM, thrombomodulin; uPA, urokinase-type
phase of blood. The interaction of the fluid phase with the solid state plasminogen activator.
determines whether a given plaque disruption provokes a partial or transient

predicted future MACE when added to plaque anatomic The location of plaque constituents and their material proper-
assessment.9,44,45 ties often vary markedly along the course of an individual plaque,
These and other current data obtained with intravascular or leading to very heterogeneous patterns of plaque structural stress,
CCTA imaging indicate a much more heterogenous and dynamic na- which can influence subsequent plaque destabilization and the oc-
ture of plaque morphology and behavior than traditionally con- currence of MACE.56 Invasive or noninvasive imaging can identify
ceived, and the appreciation that plaque destabilization and MACE these constituents, which may include necrotic core, fibrofatty tis-
may require a perfect storm of a constellation of a number of high- sue, fibrous tissue, and calcium. Plaques that heal following disrup-
risk plaque features (the solid state), as well as an unfavorable throm- tion may manifest plates of calcification, which provide mechanical
botic/fibrinolytic balance in blood (the fluid phase) (Figure 2 and stability to the plaque,30 while spotty calcification, which may rep-
Figure 3).46-49 resent an earlier form of calcification development, is associated with
For example, local areas of proinflammatory low ESS may lead to plaque instability.57
destabilization of a portion of the plaque in the absence of flow limi- Intraplaque hemorrhage may result from leaky vasa vasorum,
tation due to local elaboration of interstitial collagenases and elasto- or from microruptures of a thin plaque cap, regardless of plaque
lyticproteasesthatdegradeinternalplaquestructures.42,44,50,51 Plaque size or lumen encroachment. The presence of free blood within
topography, especially the upslope and downslope that surround a lu- the plaque may lead to a structural change due to the atherogenic
minal obstruction (axial plaque stress), may substantially impact the properties of lipids from degraded red blood cell membranes and
proclivity, location, and nature of focal plaque disruption, which may released free hemoglobin and heme.33-35 Marked worsening of
also explain why even nonobstructive plaques may destabilize if their angina, a frequent component of MACE,6,9,11 may also result from
topographical slope is adverse.52,53 Recent OCT studies similarly dem- this plaque change in shape without a thrombotic component.
onstrate that focal areas of high ESS and, in particular, high ESS gradi- Ferrous iron derived from heme may drive local oxidative stress
ent (the difference in ESS values of immediately adjacent endothelial regionally within plaques as well via the Fenton reaction.35,58
areas),whichalsocorrelateswithplaqueslope,contributetotheplaque These various pathobiologic features may occur in a variety
destabilization process of erosion or rupture.53-55 of locations along the course of the plaque, regardless of the mag- (Reprinted) JAMA Cardiology Published online December 14, 2022 E5

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Clinical Review & Education Review Pathobiology of Coronary Atherosclerosis and Clinical Implications for Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease

Figure 4. Heterogeneity of Local Arterial Remodeling and Endothelial Shear Stress (ESS) Within Plaques and Resultant Changes in Plaque Burden

A Heterogeneity of remodeling patterns per plaque length B Heterogeneity of ESS patterns per plaque length 1 ESS pattern
100 100 2 ESS patterns
1 Remodeling pattern
3 ESS patterns
Segments in each plaque length, %

Segments in each plaque length, %

P < .001 2 Remodeling patterns P < .001
3 Remodeling patterns
80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
Plaque length, mm Plaque length, mm

C Plaque burden changes in plaque features: regression ≤5%, quiescence, and 1 Feature 2 Features 3 Features
progression >5% P < .001
100 100

Quiescence, P = .02
Regression, P < .001
80 80
Plaques, %

Plaques, %
60 60

40 40
Progression, P < .001
No change
20 Progression 20

0 0
9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45
Plaque length, mm Plaque length, mm
No. of plaques 108 49 68 46 46 39 58 35 44 41 28 16 23 No. of plaques 108 49 68 46 46 39 58 35 44 41 28 16 23

Local patterns of arterial remodeling and ESS in 3-mm segments within individual plaque (C) over 6 to 10 months’ follow-up. Vascular and plaque
individual plaques are heterogeneous (A and B) and lead to heterogeneous heterogeneity becomes more complex as plaques become longer. Modified
natural history changes of local 3-mm plaque burden along the course of the from Antoniadis et al59 and Wentzel et al60 with permission.

nitude of plaque luminal encroachment, and thus a therapeutic matory and vascular remodeling characteristics evolve reflecting
mechanical intervention such as PCI targeted to the ischemia- changing local vascular conditions.61,62 In contrast to the limited ben-
producing stenotic segment alone would leave untreated efits of PCI to prevent MACE, CABG surgery bypasses more exten-
adjacent proinflammatory and prothrombotic plaque regions sive areas of both flow-limiting and nonflow-limiting arterial plaques
upstream or downstream from the site of greatest stenosis. than PCI and thus may more likely reduce the risk of subsequent
Indeed, a 2017 IVUS study observed that plaque rupture occurred spontaneous MI.20,24,63,64
at the site of the MLA in only 16% of culprit lesions, while the site
of plaque rupture localized either substantially upstream or
downstream from the MLA in more than 80% of cases.52
Focal vs Systemic Therapeutic Approaches
The PREDICTION study confirmed the highly heterogeneous na-
ture of evolution of focal plaque anatomic features. This prospec- to Treating Culprit Plaques
tive, invasive, serial imaging study of patients after having ACS in- These considerations argue for diagnostic and therapeutic strate-
vestigated the effect of baseline ESS patterns of individual plaques gies that focus on the entire length of an atheromatous coronary ar-
on subsequent characteristics of 3-mm plaque subsegments within tery to reduce cardiac events. Systemic vasculoprotective strate-
that plaque 6 to 10 months later. The baseline mean (SD) plaque gies of pharmacologic and lifestyle interventions can reduce
length in 661 plaques from 302 patients was 26 (14) mm, and plaques inflammation and lipid accumulation throughout the length of the
of greater length had significantly increased numbers of distinct re- coronary artery, but we must acknowledge that despite intense ad-
gions with different arterial remodeling and focal shear stress pat- herence to systemic vasculoprotective interventions, a substantial
terns within each plaque, which, in turn, led to highly varied focal number of adverse events nevertheless occur.11 For example, de-
3-mm areas of plaque progression, regression, and quiescence at fol- spite the dramatic lipid-lowering potential of PCSK9 inhibitors to re-
low-up (Figure 4).59,60 Serial invasive studies of plaque character- duce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol to even below 10 mg/dL
istics highlight that lesions typically change substantially over time (to convert to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.0259) and direct anti-
as plaques heal after an episode of destabilization30 or as inflam- inflammatory strategies with interleukin 1β inhibition or colchicine,

E6 JAMA Cardiology Published online December 14, 2022 (Reprinted)

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Pathobiology of Coronary Atherosclerosis and Clinical Implications for Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease Review Clinical Review & Education

Figure 5. Multimodality Variables to Predict Plaque Development, Progression, Destabilization, or Quiescence

Anatomic variables Biomechanical variables
Low ESS High ESS Low/oscillatory
Luminal diameter obstruction (%D) ESS:
ESS Anatomic and biomechanical
Minimal lumen area Frictional force of blood flowing
Plaque burden across endothelium/surrounding pathobiologic features can be
Plaque necrotic core plaque (powerful stimulus for local routinely characterized by invasive
Fibrous cap thickness inflammation, atherogenesis, or
coronary imaging (optical coherence
Microcalcifications quiescence)
Macrophage accumulations tomography, intravascular
Lipid Core Burden Index (LCBI4 mm) Plaque structural stress: ultrasonography, and near-infrared
Arterial remodeling Necrotic Outward perpendicular stress
related to material properties of
spectroscopy) and noninvasive
plaque composition/morphology; imaging (computed tomography
Upstream Downstream may promote mechanical fragility angiography). These variables report
Throat of obstruction Axial plaque stress:
on characteristics that foster plaque
Longitudinal axis of hemodynamic formation, progression or
stress acting on plaque based on quiescence. Modified from Stone47
slope of plaque contours; may lead with permission. ESS indicates
to physical disruption of plaque
endothelial shear stress; LCBI, lipid
core burden index.

which significantly reduced MACE by 15% to 25% compared with In patients with ACS, because the culprit plaque has already desta-
standard care,65-67 75% to 85% of MACE still occurred during the bilized, early mechanical revascularization of the culprits of
follow-up period in patients who underwent more intensive treat- ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and many non–ST-
ment. Addressing this residual risk despite systemic pharmaco- segment elevation acute coronary syndrome do confer clinical ben-
logic therapy remains a major clinical challenge today. efit in these acute settings.

Evolving Diagnostic Strategies and Methods to Compelling Need for a Systematic and
Improve Characterization of High-Risk Plaques Fundamental Shift in Our Management Approach
Understanding the propensity of distinct regions within individual for Chronic CAD
coronary plaques to cause MACE will require assessment and incor- Our current approach of identifying and treating mainly flow-
poration of multiple plaque features, including anatomic, biochemi- limiting epicardial coronary obstructions in chronic CAD fails to pre-
cal, and biomechanical characteristics that can contribute to throm- vent many MACE. Results from recent strategy clinical trials, such
botic complications (Figure 5).9,14,44,45,56 Characterization of as ISCHEMIA,21 FAME 3,24 and COMBINE OCT-FFR,11 underscore that
individual plaques has generally used invasive assessment with OCT strategies to identify the severity of an epicardial coronary obstruc-
or IVUS imaging, but the ability of noninvasive imaging, particularly tion or to quantify the magnitude and extent of ischemia provide
CCTA, to characterize plaques and their hemodynamic features, has little value. Patients who fit the entry criteria of the ISCHEMIA trial21
evolved very rapidly despite providing less spatial resolution than who have little or no angina and an acceptable quality of life, who
the invasive intravascular modalities.68-70 High-risk plaque fea- likely comprise a majority of patients with chronic CAD (approxi-
tures based on CCTA, such as low-attenuation plaque, positive re- mately 80% of patients in the ISCHEMIA trial21), are appropriately
modeling, spotty calcification, and napkin-ring sign, especially when managed with an intensive medical therapy approach rather than
combined with adverse biomechanical characteristics (ESS, FFR, axial an initial invasive diagnostic or revascularization approach.71 The in-
plaque stress), show great promise to predict which patients and vasive strategy offers evidence-based value for those patients with
plaques may produce future MACE.14 frequent or angina that limits quality of life despite intensive medi-
A major impediment to adoption of existing risk-stratification cal therapy.21,25,71
methods that interrogate the entire length of individual regions of Indeed, current data compel us to adopt a broader view (eB-
atheroma is the current requirement for offline analyses of plaque oxes 1 and 2 in the Supplement). The continued refinement of the
anatomic/hemodynamic/biomechanical characteristics that are time invasive and noninvasive imaging and computational methods
consuming and require substantial technical and computational re- will enable rapid examination of the full length of the coronary
sources. Nevertheless, intense efforts underway to enhance imaging artery wall and identify those plaque features that constitute the
and postprocessing systems and the application of artificial intelli- highest risk of destabilization and MACE. CCTA currently provides
gence and machine learning should eventually permit more rapid and an initial, noninvasive diagnostic assessment of the extent of
detailed assessment of these high-risk characteristics at the point plaque burden, and the nature and localization of certain high-risk
of care within a very few minutes of image acquisition. Such ad- plaque features, including the local coronary hemodynamic and
vances would enable real-time assessment and subsequent deploy- plaque biomechanical environment. Rapidly evolving methods of
ment and monitoring of highly selective appropriate therapeutic in- computational fluid dynamics will enable this risk assessment to
terventions, such as PCI or local intracoronary balloon drug delivery, be completed and reported in real time at the point of care. This
regardless of the location of a high-risk region along the course of noninvasive strategy would likely be appropriate for patients with
the atheromatous artery. Such pathobiologic diagnostic and man- known CAD and those at highest risk of CAD, which could include
agement considerations pertain largely to patients with chronic CAD. those with high risk but asymptomatic clinical features such as (Reprinted) JAMA Cardiology Published online December 14, 2022 E7

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Clinical Review & Education Review Pathobiology of Coronary Atherosclerosis and Clinical Implications for Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease

marked hyperlipidemia and elevation of other coronary risk fac- of pharmacologic agents, regardless of the magnitude of that
tors. This strategy could also be repeated periodically as the plaque’s encroachment into the coronary lumen. Such proactive
underlying plaque risk may change over time.61,62 CCTA also can strategies might modulate the adverse features of the high-risk
guide clinicians on the detailed localization of CAD, such as the portion of plaque in a controlled manner and reduce its ability to
presence of left main CAD, which may dictate CABG surgery. destabilize and provoke a new MACE. The full palette of biologi-
Invasive risk assessment of the full array of adverse plaque fea- cally directed and disease-modifying current medical treatments
tures will be appropriate for patients who undergo coronary angi- should serve as comparators in further trials of revascularization
ography for routine clinical indications, as well as those patients iden- vs medical therapy.
tified to be at high risk from noninvasive CCTA screening. Invasive
assessment with IVUS or OCT not only enables more detailed and
precise assessment of plaque risk, due to their higher resolution than
Future Directions and Conclusions
CCTA, but also could inform possible preemptive PCI since real-
time reporting of high-risk plaque features will soon be available while The ISCHEMIA,21 FAME 3,24 and COMBINE OCT-FFR11 trials results
the patient is in the catheterization laboratory. This strategy would emphasize that application of the ischemia hypothesis and the treat-
require rigorous validation of clinical efficacy when added to cur- ment of obstructive epicardial flow-limiting stenoses alone do not
rent and evolving highly effective noninterventional therapies. Fu- suffice to reduce MACE in high-risk patients with chronic CAD or ACS.
ture research will be necessary to determine if high-risk features iden- Thus, in addition to systemic therapies directed at reducing re-
tified by CCTA that persist despite such intensive medical therapy sidual dyslipidemic, thrombotic, metabolic, and inflammatory car-
are appropriate considerations for preemptive PCI, even in the ab- diovascular risk, we need to consider embracing a new manage-
sence of symptoms. ment strategy that directs our diagnostic and management focus to
Such advances could also permit early evaluation of novel evaluate the entire length of the atheromatous coronary artery (the
therapeutics and gauge the intensity of lifestyle and disease- plaque hypothesis) and broaden the target(s) of our therapeutic in-
modifying pharmacotherapy. In some cases, the high-risk portion tervention to include all regions of the plaque (both flow-limiting and
of a potential culprit plaque may be suitable for preemptive inva- nonflow-limiting), even those that are distant from the presumed
sive local intervention, whether by PCI or by local administration ischemia-producing obstruction.

ARTICLE INFORMATION develop novel therapeutics to treat age-related 2016;68(22):2467-2478. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2016.08.

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biotechnology company that is combining artificial 3. Mortensen MB, Dzaye O, Steffensen FH, et al.
Published Online: December 14, 2022. intelligence with molecular and cellular response
doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2022.3926 Impact of plaque burden versus stenosis on
detection for discovering and developing new ischemic events in patients with coronary
Author Contributions: Dr Stone had full access to drugs, currently focusing on cancer therapeutics. atherosclerosis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020;76(24):
all of the data in the study and takes responsibility Dr Libby’s interests were reviewed and are 2803-2813. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2020.10.021
for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the managed by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and
data analysis. Mass General Brigham in accordance with their 4. Villines TC, Rodriguez Lozano P. Transitioning
Concept and design: All authors. conflict of interest policies. No other disclosures from stenosis to plaque burden in the cardiac CT
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Stone, Libby. 2020;76(24):2814-2816. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2020.10.
Funding/Support: This work was supported in part 030
Drafting of the manuscript: Stone. by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Critical revision of the manuscript for important (grants R01 HL146144-01 and RO1 HL140498 to Dr 5. Ferraro R, Latina JM, Alfaddagh A, et al.
intellectual content: All authors. Stone and grants 1R01HL134892 and Evaluation and management of patients with stable
Administrative, technical, or material support: 1R01HL163099-01 to Dr Libby), the American Heart angina: beyond the ischemia paradigm: JACC
Stone, Libby. Association (grant 18CSA34080399 to Dr Libby), state-of-the-art review. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020;76
Supervision: Stone. the RRM Charitable Fund (Dr Libby), and the Simard (19):2252-2266. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2020.08.078
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