6 Social SEM-2 Textbook
6 Social SEM-2 Textbook
6 Social SEM-2 Textbook
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1. sC²«+>·eTTqÅ£ <T&Æ Õî eÚ+&T³, < <sô\qT, d+d\ qT, C²rjáT |Ô¿£eTTqT,C²rjáT ^ÔáeTTqT >sÁ$+#áT³Ñ
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Class - 6
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Textbook Development Committee
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© Government of Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati
Printed in India
at the A.P. Govt. Textbook Press
Andhra Pradesh
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T. V. S. Ramesh Co-ordinator
Dept. of C&T, SCERT, AP.
Sri. M. Vara Prasad Drawing Teacher
MNSMO High School, Repalle, Guntur Dist.
Sri. P. Ramachandra Rao MPPS, Jakeru, Vizianagaram Dist.
Sri K. Srinivasa Rao Drawing Teacher
ZPHS, Bondapalli (V & M), Vizianagaram Dist.
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The Government ofhttps://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
Andhra Pradesh has unleashed a new era in school education by
introducing extensive curricular reforms from the academic year 2020-21. The Government has
taken up curricular reforms intending to enhance the learning outcomes of the children with focus
on building solid foundational learning and to build up an environment conducive for an effective
teaching-learning process. To achieve this objective, special care has been taken in designing the
textbooks to achieve global standards.
As a part of the curricular reform, in order to support the designing of textbooks with
better pedagogical strategies, handbooks are given to teachers with elaborated lesson plans. Parental
handbooks are prepared to impart awareness regarding the teaching-learning process to the parent
community. QR codes are incorporated in the beginning of each lesson to enable learning outside
the classroom.
Semester system is going to be implemented from this academic year for 1 to 6 classes.
Social studies textbook has been developed in bilingual approach. There are twelve lessons in the
textbook. These lessons are developed based on six themes i.e., Diversity on the earth, Production
exchange and livelihood, Political systems and governance, social organisations and inequalities,
religion and society, culture and communications. This book will help the students to study different
aspects of our social life about diversity of land and people, how people get their livelihood, how
people acquire for their common needs and manage them, why all people in our society are not
equal, how people try to bring about equality, how people worship different Gods in different
ways, and finally how they communicate with each other and build a culture which is shared by
We are grateful to Honourable Chief Minister Sri.Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy for being our
source of inspiration to carry out this extensive reform in the education department. We extend our
gratitude to Sri Botcha Satyanarayana, Honourable Minister of Education for striving towards
qualitative education. Our special thanks to Sri. Budithi Rajsekhar, IAS, Special Chief Secretary,
School Education, Sri. S. Suresh Kumar, IAS, Commissioner, School Education and State Project
Director, Samagra Shiksha, Smt. Vetriselvi.K, IAS, Special Officer, English Medium Project for
their constant motivation and guidance.
We convey our thanks to the textbook writers who studied curriculum from Chicago to
Singapore and recommended best practices across the globe to reach global standards. Our
heartfelt thanks to NCERT, SCERT of Kerala, Tamilnadu and Karnataka in designing the textbooks.
We also thank our textbook writers, editors, artists and layout designers for their contribution in
the development of this textbook. We invite constructive feedback from the teachers and parents
in further refinement of the textbook.
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óTÔáÇ+ 2020`21 $<« d+eÔáàsÁ+ qT+& bÍsÄÁXæ\ $<« ç|D²[¿£ýË $dïÔá
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Our National
For All Classes Anthem
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Open Below
Pledge | ç|ÜÈã
India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give my parents, teachers and all elders respect,
and treat everyone with courtesy. I shall be kind to animals.
To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion.
In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness.
- Pydimarri Venkata Subba Rao
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- |Õ&eTç] yî+¿£³ dTu²ÒseÚ
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kÍ+|¾T¿£ Xædï+
Class (ÔásÁ>·Ü)
Semester (d$Td¼sY) - 2
Lesson No. Lesson Name Month Pages
bÍsÄÁ+.d+. bÍsÄÁ+ |sÁT Hî\ |J\T
7. Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics October 2-27
kÍçeÖC²«\T, >·DÔá+çÔ\T $sÒÛe+ n¿Ã¼sÁT
8. Kingdoms and Empires November 28-51
sC²«\T eT]jáTT kÍçeÖC²«\T qe+sÁT
9. Government December 52-73
ç|uTó ÔáÇ+ &d+sÁT
10. Local Self Government December 74-95
kÍ¿£ dÇ|]bÍ\q &d+sÁT
11. Indian Culture, Languages and Religions January 96-123
uó²sÁrjáT d+dØÜ, uó²w\T eT]jáTT eTÔ\T Èqe]
12. Towards Equality February 124-147
deÖqÔáÇ+ yî|Õ Ú |ç¾ e]
For All Classes NFor AllCHAPTER Emergence of
Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
7 Kingdoms and
Learning Outcomes
Jainism Buddhism Others
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7 >·DÔá+çÔ\ $sÒÛe+
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#ûdT Å£+{²sÁT.
Electing leaders or rulers by voting has become common in the present day. You
heard about kings and emperors who ruled large kingdoms in India. How did they
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become rulers in the past? Let us find out how they came into being in early times.
Let us discuss how Janapadas emerged into kingdoms in India.
Let’s Do
Look at the physical map of India and identify the plains through which the
rivers Ganga and Yamuna flow.
Identify the modern cities of India like Delhi, Allahabad, Varanasi, Lucknow and Patna.
Do you think this area will be similar to your villages? Give your reasons.
The rivers Ganga and Yamuna flow between the Himalayas and the hills of
the Deccan plateau . It is called the Gangetic valley. As this plain receives very high
The Ganges Valley 2700 years ago - from Janapadas to Mahajanapadas:
rainfall, it is very fertile. These rivers bring silt from the Himalayas and flow
throughout the year. Initially, the people of different tribes settled down to practice
agriculture in convenient parts of the valley. Sakyas, Lichhavis, Mallas, Videhas
etc., are of such tribes. These tribes were called ‘jana’ in Sanskrit and the place
where they settled was called ‘Janapada’.
People began to settle down along these rivers in large numbers some 2700
years ago. They cleared the forests with the help of iron tools and tilled the land to
grow paddy and other crops. Large villages and towns developed in these parts and
they were inhabited by many people – probably belonging to many different tribes.
The widespread use of iron in Gangetic plain created conditions for the
formation of larger territorial units. Large groups of such villages and towns were
called ‘Mahajanapadas’ or ‘big Janapadas’. Most of the Mahajanapadas had a
capital city and many of those were fortified.
Find out the names of a few janas (tribes) who initially settled down in the
Indo-Gangetic plain.
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The Ganges Valley 2700 years ago - from Janapadas to Mahajanapadas:
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Map 7.1
Look at the map of India given above. It shows you the broad area of
some Mahajanapadas. It also gives the name of the major cities
associated with a Mahajanapada. You can also find out the name of the
river which flows through that Mahajanapada.
Make a list of the Mahajanapadas and the cities which were situated on
the Ganges valley.
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Let’s Do
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The important Janapadas of those times are shown on the map.
A famous religious epic tells us about many of these Janapadas. Find it out.
Upanishads were part of the Vedic books. Upanishads means ‘coming and
sitting near’, and the books have dialogues between teachers and students.
These books tried to answer questions like “Where have we come from?” or
“Where will we go after death?”
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|Õ |³+ýË H{ì eTTK«yîhttps://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
T®q Èq|<\T #áÖ|&¦sTT. |{² #áÖd¾ ¿ì+~ U²°\qT |P]+#á+&.
1. jáTeTTHq~¿ì sÁTyî|Õ Ú ý² $d]ï +ºq Èq|<+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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ç|jáTÔá+ #ûXæsTT.
We learn from the books of those times that agriculture was managed by landowners
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called Grihapatis or Gahapatis, who usually worked along with their family members
on the fields.
But they also employed ‘dasas’ or slaves (who were probably captured in
wars and sold to farmers) and workers ‘bhartukas’ or who worked on their fields
and homes in return for wages. Some wealthy grihaptis had more land and slaves
to work for them.
Two major changes happened in agriculture. Use of iron ploughshare and
plantation of paddy saplings improved agricultural productivity. Promotion of
irrigation facilities also increased production.
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Fig. 7.2 : Painted Grey Ware. Plates and bowls
are the most common vessels made out of
Painted Grey Ware. These are extremely fine
to touch. These were found before the time
of Mahajanpadas.
Probably the Grihapatis gave them grains in return for their products. Those
products were necessary for agriculture, but the grihapatis may not have had the
time or skill to make them. Agrarian surplus and increase in craft products resulted
in the emergence of trading and exchange centres.
Cities of Mahajanapadas
Look at the cities in the map 7.1. What kind of people do you think lived in those
cities? Cities of those times, like today, were mainly inhabited by poor workers.
Some of them were slaves and servants while most of them were craftspersons
who made goods for sale. What did they make? They made beautiful and fine pots
which were in great demand in all the great towns. They have woven fine clothes
which were bought by rich people of other mahajanapadas also. They made gold
and silver jewellery. They made vessels and tools of bronze, copper and iron.
They made wooden carts and furniture. There were also innumerable other
kinds of professionals like soldiers, accountants, masons, horse trainers, sweepers,
water carriers, wood and ivory carvers. Of all the things made by craftsmen, only a
few articles (like pots, bricks, iron and copper objects) have been excavated. We
also know about them from books written in those times.
There were great traders who purchased the produce of the crafts person
and grihapatis and sold them in distant lands at a huge profit. They also bought the
special articles of those lands and sold them in their own Mahajanapadas. They
took their merchandise in caravans with a large number of animals like oxen, donkeys
and camels. They travelled day and night for weeks and months across rivers, plains,
hills and deserts. They made so much profit that they could live in palaces with
dozens of servants and slaves serving under them.
|³+ 7.2 : |sTT+fÉ& ç¹>yûsY : |sTT+fÉ& ç¹>yûsYýË
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ysÁT #î¿£ØÔà ÞøßqT, >·¬|¿£sÁD²\qT ÔájáÖsÁT #ûdysÁT. dÕÅ£\T, >·DÅ£\T, Ô|Ó |ysÁT, >·Tçs\
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Think & Respond
The people of the towns would have needed grain, milk, meat etc. How do
you think they got them if most town people were not doing any farming?
• Have you ever seen a fort on TV or have you ever been there? Why were
there big walls around the fort?
• What were they made of? How do you think the kings managed to get the
wealth needed for all this?
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q>·s\ýË ç|È\Å£ <óq«+, bÍ\T, eÖ+d+ yîTT<ýqÕÉ $ neds+Á . q>·s+Á ýË e«ekÍjáT+ ýñÅ£ +&
n+ÔáeT+~ ç|È\T y{ì mý² bõ+<>·*¹>ysÁT ?
#ý² eTVäÈq|<\qT sE\T |]bÍ*+#ûysÁT. sE\T ÔáeT Èã\<Çs jáTT<Æ\ýË dHÕ «\qT q&|ysÁT.
ysÁT ç|È\ d+¹¿eT+ |³¢ e«¿ìï>·Ôá çXø<Æ rdTÅ£HsÁT. ¿±\+ýË jáTC²ã\T, È+ÔáT \T\T #ý² çbÍ<óq«Ôá
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The kings collected taxes from the people. They had officers who would collect
taxes from the grihapatis, the craftsmen and traders. If anyone refused to pay
For All be
taxes, they could Classes NFor All
punished byClasses New Textof
the soldiers Books Open Below
the king. Link and army were
employees of the king. Therefore, they were bound to follow his orders and the king
could ensure that his commands were obeyed by the common people. Many kings
wanted to be more powerful and wealthy. They could do this in two ways: by
increasing the taxes imposed on the people and by conquering neighbouring
kingdoms. The kings began to collect regular taxes from the grihapatis who cultivated
the land. The grihapatis had to divide their crops into six equal parts and give one
part to the king. That was called bhaga.
Craftsmen also had to pay taxes, often by working free of charge for the king
for one day every month. Herders of cattle and sheep too had to give the animal
produce to the king in the form of tax. Traders were also made to pay taxes on the
goods they sold and hunters and gatherers also had to give to the Raja what they
got from the forest. In this way, the kings had a variety of goods with them which
they obtained as taxes. During that period, the use of coins had just begun. Some of
the taxes were probably in the form of coins.
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sC²«\qT ÈsTT+#á&+. e«ekÍjáT+ #ûd >·V²|ÔáT\ qT+º sE\T |qT\T edÖ\T #ûdysÁT. ysÁT ÔáeT
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yû{²&ûysÁT d¿£sÁD #ûdysÁT sEÅ£ @ sÁÖ|+ýË |qT\T #î*¢+#ûysÁT ?
eȨ eT>·<ó ¿±+uËÈ n+>·
bÍ+#\ eTÔáà«
#ó~û Å£sÁT|sÇdt
Historians feel that those kings would have persuaded the farmers to grow
more crops and adopt better methods of cultivation and irrigation so that production
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
would increase and they would get more taxes. Similarly, they may have encouraged
the traders of their kingdoms to trade more in distant places.
The kings were also constantly waging wars against each other so that they
could bring more territories under their rule. Those wars were probably fought by
armies but they also harmed ordinary people by destroying crops and burning villages
or looting them. Often, people of the defeated kingdoms were enslaved and sold off
to grihapatis, traders and officials.
Why were the kings of Mahajanapadas keen to increase craft production and trade?
How did the headmen of the villages benefit from the imposition of taxes by
the kings?
The term ‘gana’ means ‘people of equal status’. ‘Sangha’ means ‘assembly’. The
gana - sanghas covered a small geographical area ruled by an elite group.
A ‘kingdom’ means a territory ruled by a king or queen. In a kingdom (monarchy),
a family, which rules for a long period becomes a dynasty. Usually these kingdoms
adhered to orthodox Vedic traditions.
ÂsÕÔáT\T yîTsÁTÂ>Õq kÍ>·Tú{ì edÔáT\qT, yîTsÁTÂ>Õq e«ekÍjáT $<óH\qT nqTd]+º n~ó¿£ ÔáÎÜï
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¿£³T¼& +{²sTT.
Magadha - A powerful kingdom
Have you observed Magadha in the map 7.1. You may have noted that it spread on
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both sides of the River Ganga. The river made the land very fertile and the grihapatis
could irrigate their lands easily. The river was also used for transporting goods and
armies. Parts of the Magadha were forested. Elephants were captured from there
and trained for fighting in the wars. Wood from the forests was used for building,
palaces and chariots. In the southern parts of Magadha, there were iron ore deposits
which could be used for making weapons etc. All this enabled Magadha to emerge as
a very powerful kingdom. Bimbisara and his son Ajatasatru were early kings who
built Magadha.
Mahapadma Nanda was another powerful ruler of
Magadha. All these kings used their armies to conquer other
kingdoms. During the time of Mahapadma Nanda, the
kingdom extended from the northwestern part of India to
Odisha. We should remember that not all Mahajanapadas
were ruled by kings as in Magadha. In some areas, the kings
relied upon the people and performed rituals and festivals
for the welfare of the entire kingdom. Fig 7.6 A king riding out
of a town fort
Vajji – a Gana
The Vajji Mahajanapada was to the North of Magadha and
it had a Gana form of government. Gana was ruled by a
group of rulers instead of a single ruler. Sometimes even a
number of men ruled together and each of them was called
a ‘raja’. They performed rituals, met and took decisions on
issues of common interest in assemblies through discussion
and debate. However, women, slaves and wage earners
could not participate in those assemblies. Buddha and
Mahavira belonged to ganas and became famous teachers
respected in all Mahajanapadas. Even though the kings tried
to conquer the ganas, they remained active for more than
1500 years. At last the Ganas were conquered by the Gupta
Kings, about whom you will read in the next lesson. Fig 7.7 A gana assembly
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nd+;¢ÔÃ bþ\Ì+&.
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Alexander, the ruler of Macedonia Greece,
wanted to become a world conqueror. Of
course, he didn’t conquer the world, but did
conquer parts of Egypt and West Asia, and
came to the Indian subcontinent, reaching up
to the banks of the Beas. When he wanted to
march further eastwards, his soldiers refused.
They were scared, as they had heard that the
rulers of India had vast armies of foot soldiers,
chariots and elephants.
Fig 7.8 Alexander
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ ?
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Archaeology : the study of human activity through
the recovery and analysis of
material cultures
Gana : a group that has many members
Sangha : organization or association
Dighanikaya : a Buddhist scripture, the first of the
five Nikaya in the Sutta Pitika
Majjhimanikaya : a Buddhist scripture, the second of
the five Nikayas, in the Sutta Pitika
1. What do you mean by Gana? How were they different from the kingdoms
ruled by kings?
2. Why did the Rajas of Mahajanapadas build forts?
3. Can you point out the difference between the way villages are managed
today and in the time of Mahajanapadas?
4. Find out how the crafts persons are taxed by the government today. Was it
the same in the times of Mahajanapads?
5. Through what sources do you know about Mahajanapadas?
6. Write the agricultural practices that led to increase in agricultural
production in the time of Mahajanapadas?
7. “The Mahajanapadas developed on the river banks.” Do you agree or not?
Justify your answer.
8. How do you appreciate the works of craftsmen in the times of the
9. What were the taxes collected by the rulers of the Mahajanapadas?
10. How are present-day elections different from the ways in which rulers were
chosen in Janapadas?
11. What is similar in the way crops were grown in the Mahajanapadas and how
they are grown today?
12. How can you appreciate the role of natural resources in emergence of
Magadha as powerful kingdom?
13. Locate the 16 Mahajanapadas and their capitals in the following India outline
|<¿ ÃXø+
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|ÚsedTï Xæçd+ï : |ÚsedTï Xæçdï+ n+fñ |P]ÇÅ£\ Jeq $<óH\qT >·T]+º XæçdÓïjáT+>± $Xâ¢w¾+#û ÿ¿£
n<ó« jáTq Xæçd+ï .
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d+|T + : ÿ¿£ d+d ýñ< d+|T +.
~>±¿±jáT : u <Æ yvjáT+ýË dTÔáï |Ó]Ä¿£ýË >·\ nsTT<T ¿±jáT\ýË yîTT<{ì~.
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14. Solve the puzzle with new terms you have learnt in this lesson. Take the
support of your teacher.
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1. The
located on the
extreme eastern
2. This is the
capital city of
3. Farmers used
this metal to
4. The
located on the
banks of river
5. The slaves
employed at
6. Kusinara is the
capital of this
CROSS kingdom
1. The powerful kingdom of Mahajanapadas 7. The capital city
2. Other name for Varanasi of Surasena
3. Kaushambi is the capital of this mahajanapada
4. Mahabharata tells us about the battle among the kings of this mahajanapada
5. 1/6th of farm produce collected as tax from farmers
6. These condemned caste system and the use of yagnas
7. Vajji has this type of government.
Project Work
Collect the information about 16 Mahajanapadas, and the state, in which they
were located. Prepare a table as given below. Refer India Political map given.
14. bÍsÄ«+Xø+ýË HûsÁTÌÅ£q ¿=Ôáï |<\Ôà ¿ì+~ |<+<ó ç|V²[¿£qT |P]+#á+&. MT bÍ<ó«
dVäjáT+ For
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n&¦+ : \TeÚ :
1. eTVäÈq|<\ýË Xø¿ìï e+ÔáyîT®q sÈ«+.
2. ysÁD²d¾¿ì eTs=¿£ |sÁT. 1. ÔáÖsÁTÎ~Å£Øq º³¼ºe] eTVäÈq|<+
3. ¿Xæ+_ eTVäÈq |<¿ì sÈ<ó. 2. ne+Ü sÈ<óú q>·sÁ+
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sE\ eT<ó« È]Ðq jáT T<Æ+ >·T ]+º |jîÖÐ+ºq ýËV²+.
Ôî\T|ÚÔáT+~. 4. >Ã<e¯ qB rsÁ+ýË ¿£\ eTVäÈq|<+
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K+&dT ïHsTT. 7. dÖsÁdq ¿ì sÈ<ó
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bçbç ÍCÉ
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Kingdoms and
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Learning Outcomes
We have learnt about sixteen great kingdoms in the previous chapter. They
fought for supremacy. Magadha became powerful among sixteen great kingdoms.
A territory ruled by king was called Kingdom. Larger Kingdoms were called
empires. In this chapter, we will learn some great empires and kingdoms in our
country in the ancient period.
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Mauryan dynasty
For Chandragupta became
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Magadha with the
Open Below Linkhelp of Koutilya.
They dethroned Mahapadmananda of Nanda dynasty and established the Mauryan
empire. The Mauryans had a strong and powerful army. They conquered larger part
of North India. They ruled from Pataliputra.
Megasthenes was a Greek ambassador. He was in the court of Chandragupta
Maurya. He wrote a book named ‘Indica’ which is a source to know about the
Mauryan administration.
Kautilya (Vishnugupta) was also known as Chanakya. He was the Prime Minister
of Chandragupta Maurya. ‘Arthasasthra’ was his famous book.
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Map 8.1
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
Let’s Do
Identify the kingdom of Kalinga in the present map of India with the
help of your teacher.
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|³+ 8.1
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Ashoka’s inscription on Kalinga war
For Allinscriptions onClasses
Classes NFor All Kalinga war
New Textwas found
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Below rock edict no.13.
Observe the given information in the inscription. The meaning of the inscription is
given for understanding.
Whenever an independent land is
conquered, lakhs of people die, and many are taken
prisoners. That is why I am sad. I believe that
winning people through damma is much better
than conquering them through force. I am
inscribing this message for the future, so that my
son and grandson should not think about war.
Instead, they should try to think about the ways
Fig. 8.1 Ashoka’s inscription to spread damma.” (Damma is the Prakrit word
in Prakrit script
for dharma).
Ashoka got many other inscriptions carved at different places of his empire.
The main aim of his inscriptions is to convey his message of Damma. He appointed
special officers to read his inscriptons to the illiterates.
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The Government of India honoured the emperor Ashoka even after many
hundreds of years. The lion Capital of Ashoka’s pillar at Sarnath has been chosen as
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
our National Emblem. https://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
DidYou Know
You Know
The National Emblem is a symbol of authority of a Nation.
This was officially adopted as our National Emblem on 26th
January, 1950. In the Emblem, three lions are visible. The
fourth lion is hidden from view. The four lions represent
four qualities of power, courage, confidence and pride.
The wheel appears in relief in the centre of an
abacus with the following. An elephant on the east, a bull
on the west, a horse on the south and a lion on the north.
The elephant represents strength, the bull represents hard
work, the horse represents loyalty speed and energy and Fig. 8.3 Lion capital
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Gupta’s Empire
For small kingdoms
All Classes NFor Allfought
Classes with
Textanother after
Books Open theLink
Below fall of the Mauryan
Empire in North India. India had no strong ruler for 500 years until the Gupta dynasty
took control of north India. The earlier famous ruler of Gupta dynasty was
Chandragupta-I. He ruled from Pataliputra which was also the capital of the previous
Mauryan Empire.
Let’s Do
Write any four important cities of the Gupta empire as shown in the map.
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After Chandragupta-I, his son Samudragupta became the ruler. The Gupta
empire in North India was expanded in his regime. He was a great conqueror and
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
remained undefeated. Thehttps://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
next important ruler was Chandragupta II. He defeated
the Saka kings of the western India.
DidYou Know
You Know
Nine important kingdoms of the North India were defeated by him and they were
made part of his kingdom. He defeated 12 rulers of the south. They were allowed to
rule after they surrendered. It is stated that he conquered upto Kanchi in Tamilnadu.
Do you think Samudra Gupta was a great conqueror? Support your answer.
The Gupta period was famous for great books and development in literature,
mathematics, medicine and astronomy. They are widely used in the modern world
too. There were nine great scholars in the court of Chandragupta-II. They were
called ‘Navaratnas’. The famous poet ‘Kalidasa’ was stated as one among them.
NAVARATNAS (Nine Jewels)
Amar Simha - lexicographer Vittalabhatta - magician
Dhanvanthari - physician Kahapanaka - astrologer
Harisena - sanskrit poet Shanku - architect
Kalidasa - a poet and play Varahamihira - astronomer
wright in sanskrit Vararuchi - mathematician and linguist
The Gupta period was famous for marvellous rock cut caves. Some of the paintings
and sculptures of Ajantha and Ellora caves are the finest examples of that period.
Inventions in mathematics
Aryabhatta was a well known astronomer and mathematician. He
was known to have used algebra. Indian mathematicians
developed the idea of zero and the symbol to represent it. They
created the symbols for the numbers 1- 9. They also invented
algorithms. Computer programmers today often use algorithms.
Brahmagupta was another mathematician and astronomer. He
calculated solar year.
Fig 8.4 Aryabhatta
Do YouKnow
The first Indian satellite was named after
Aryabhatta. It was launched in the year 1975. It
was designed and developed indigenously.
Fig 8.5 Aryabhatta (satellite)
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Charaka andFor Sushrata were
All Classes NForgreat persons
All Classes who
New Text Books Open Below Link
have good medical knowledge during Gupta
period. Sushruta was the first Indian doctor who
carried out plastic surgery to the damaged noses.
Doctors of the Gupta period could set broken
bones and perform operations. Indian doctors
used herbs in treating illnesses. They believed that
it was important to remove the root cause of the
disease rather than disease itself. Charaka
composed ‘Charaka Samhitha’. This was the basic
text for Ayurvedic medicine. He was a renowned
physician of that period. Fig 8.6 Charaka
Discoveries in Astronomy
The Indian scientists of the Gupta period made important contributions in
astronomy and science. They noticed the movements of the planets and the stars.
They understood that the Earth was round and it revolved round the Sun. They
said that eclipses occur when the moon comes between the Sun and the Earth.
They also seemed to have understood gravity.
The Indian scientists discovered all the above things without any lab
experiments in ancient period.These discoveries are proven to be right by the
modern scientist after many experiments.
The scientists of Gupta period were
experts of metallurgy. They made steel and iron
tools and weapons. They minted sophisticated
gold coins.
India witnessed great inventions and
discoveries in science, astronomy,
mathematics and literature during this period.
So, the Gupta period is called ‘Golden Age’ in
Indian history. The great period of the Gupta’s
empire came to an end with the invasions of
the Hunas.
Fig 8.7 Gold coin of Gupta period
Let’s Do
Collect the pictures of the coins of the Mauryas and the Satavahana empires.
Paste them in your scrapbook.
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Sat avaha nas
after the fallNFor
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the Mauryan
Classes empire,
New Text Booksmany headmen
Open Below Link of clans in the
Deccan area emerged ashttps://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
small kings. The Satavahanas were one among them. They
managed to build a large kingdom extending from the river Narmada to the Krishna-
Godavari belt. They ruled from Dhanyakataka, near Amaravathi, in Guntur district.
It is located on the banks of the river Krishna.
DidYou Know
You Know
The important Satavahana kings were Gauthamiputra Satakarni,
Vasishthiputra Pulumavi and Yagnasri Satakarni. They ruled for 300 years.
After the end of the
Satavahanas, Ikshavakus established
their kingdom with capital at
Vijayapuri. It was located near
Nagarjunakonda on the banks of the
river Krishna.
Fig 8.9 Vijayapuri
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People of many clans lived in those days.The Ikshvakus tried to strengthen their
kingdom by marriages with the people of other clans. They also claimed to be
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descendants of Lord Rama of the Ramayana. The women of Ikshvaku made large
donations to Nagarjunakonda.
Pallava Dynasty
They ruled their kingdom between 300 C.E and 900 C.E. from Kanchipuram of
Tamilnadu. They started their rule from the Krishna river valley. They further spread
to Southern Andhra Pradesh and North Tamilnadu.
The Pallavas made a rich contribution to the architecture in south India. It
shows a shift from rock cut temples to stone built temples. Mahendravarman-I
was an early famous ruler of the Pallava dynasty. He was a great patron of art and
architecture. He introduced a new style of Dravidian architecture which was known
as Mahendra style.
The influence of cave style was seen in this architecture. Narasimhavarman-
I was the next important king of the Pallavas. He was the son of Mahendravarman-
I and was known as ‘Mamalla’. He had converted the port of Mahabalipuram as a
beautiful city of art and architecture. The style of architecture developed by him
was known as ‘Mamalla’ style of architecture. The five rathas were built in
Mahabalipuram. They are popularly known as ‘Pancha Pandava Rathas’. Each ratha
has been carved out of a single rock. So, they are called monolithic.
Fig 8.10 Mahendra style Fig 8.11 Rock cut temple Fig 8.12 Stone built temple
of architecture monolithic architecture Rajasimha style of architecture
(Pancha Pandava Rathas)
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Narsimhavarman -II was another Pallava king who concentrated on temple building activities.
He was also known as Rajasimha. A new style of architecture was developed during his
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period.Temples were built https://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
by using soft sand rocks. It was known as Rajasimha style. The
famous Kailasnath temple at Kanchipuram is the best example for Rajasimha style.
Let’s Do
Collect the pictures of local temple and write a note on it’s architecture
Chalukya Dynasty
They ruled large parts of southern and central India between 600 CE and 1200 CE.
Pulakesi I, one of the first Kings of Chalukya, ruled from Badami in Karnataka. Another
well known King was Pulakesi-II. He defeated the emperor Harshavardhana in a battle
near the river Narmada. This defeat of Harshavardhana by Pulakesi - II was mentioned
in Aihole inscription located in Bagalkot District of Karnataka. The Aihole inscription
was composed by Ravi Keerthi who was the court poet of Pulakesi - II.
They made a rich contribution to art and architecture. A new style of
architecture developed by Chalukyas was known as Vesara and it is a combination
of South Indian (Dravida) and North Indian (Nagara) building styles.
Pulakesin II also defeated the Pallava king Mahendravarman - I and crossed
the Cauvery river. He made friendship with the Cholas, the Cheras and the Pandyas.
We will learn more about them in the next classes.
Project Work
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Indigenous : native made
Clan : a group of one race people
Dynasty : series of rulers from the same family
Empire : large kingdom
Inscriptions : messages carved on rock surfaces
Astronomy : study of space
1. After the war of Kalinga, the king Ashoka decided not to fight anymore wars. Do
you think this type of decision promotes world peace. How?
2. Explain the relevance of Ashoka Damma today? Appreciate the greatness of
3. Compare and contrast the public works undertaken during Ashoka’s period with
those of today?
4. Ashoka used his army to serve the people instead of war. What relief operations
do the present Indian army participate other than war today?
5. What is the contribution of the Guptas in the fields of literature, art and architecture?
6. Why do we call the Gupta period as golden age in the Indian History?
7. How did Guptas contribute in the fields of medicine and metal technology?
8. What was the contribution of the Pallavas to architecture?
9. Locate the following places on the outline map of India.
i) Pataliputra ii) Ujjaini iii) The river Narmada
iv) Kanchi v) Mahabalipuram vi) Dhanyakataka .
10. Who am I ?
a. I am in lion capital of Ashoka. I am at the centre of our national flag.
Who am I ?
b. I belong to Gupta Dynasty. I defeated all the kings in India.Who am I ?
c. I am the Capital of Satavahana Empire. I am located on the banks of the
river Krishna. Who am I ?
d. I completed the rock cut temples of Mahabalipuram. I am the son of
Mahendravarman-I. Who am I ?
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9 Government
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Learning Outcomes
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What is Government?
The group of people that controls and makes decisions for a country or a state is
called “government”. The Government normally consists of three organs.
They are:
1. Legislature 2. Executive 3. Judiciary
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Let’s Do
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Look at the newspaper headlines below and list the different activities of
the government.
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Let’s Do
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With the help ofhttps://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
your teacher, try to know the above logos and
pictures of government schemes. Fill the following mind map.
Types of government
Many types of government like monarchy, democracy etc., have worked from
ancient time to the present.
Monarchy: In the previous chapter, you have learnt about the emperors and kings
like Ashoka, Chandragupta etc. Such type of ruling by a king or queen is called
“Monarchy.” A monarch comes to power by inheritance. For example, the king Ashoka
came to power after his father, Bindusara.
Some monarchs held all powers with them. But some others shared the
powers with other branches of the government. So, citizens can have rights and
facilities depending on the monarch. For example, people enjoyed more liberty and
facilities during Ashoka’s rule than during any other ruler.
With the help of your teacher, try to know if any monarchies are there
in the world at present.
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HjûTyîÖ Ôî\TdT¿Ãe&¿ì ç|jTá Ü+#á+&.
Democracy Do
DidYou Know
You Know
It is a
Forform of government
All Classes NFor All ClassesrunNewby Text Books Open Below Link
the people. Here every citizen is allowed to
Let’s Do
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ ?
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T|ÚÔáTq NFor
ç|uóTÔáAllÇ sÁClasses
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Think & Respond
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
What are the differences between monarchy and democracy?
Democratic Governments
Democratic governments have been formed in most of the countries in the present
world. India is also a democratic country. In democracy there are two types. They are:
Direct Democracy
People directly participate in decision making. For example, Switzerland. The
citizens gather at a place and take decisions or make laws in this country. This is
possible here as there is less population.
Indirect Democracy (Representative Democracy)
In this form of democracy, People participate in decision making indirectly hrough
their representatives. Due to high population, most of the countries in the world
including India are following indirect democracy.
Is it possible to
implement Direct
democracy in
India? Give
Fig 9.5 Direct Democracy (Switzerland)
How is Direct
In a Direct democracy, only the citizens can make laws. democracy
All changes have to be approved by the citizen. The different from
politicians only rule over parliamentary procedure. Indirect
Switzerland has a long history of a successful Direct democracy?
Do You Know
The process of choosing a
representative is called “Election.” The
success of Indirect democracy depends on
elections. They play a key role here. So,
elections must be free and fair.
Fig 9.6 Voting in Rural Area
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s#á]¿£+ eT]jáTT ç|https://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
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kÍ<ó« yûTH? ¿±sÁD²\T
Conduct a model election with the How do you understand the rule
help of your teacher. Observe the of majority in the above context?
process of the election. Give another example.
yîTC²]{¡ bÍ\q
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
çbÍÜ<ó« dÖçÔá+Ôà bͳT, ç|C²kÍÇeT«+ýË
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Organisation (ISRO)
ç|È\T ç|È\T deT]Ædï n~ neT\T #ûjáT&TÔáT+~.
launches satellites in space
|³+ 9.7 ç|C²kÍÇeT«+ sÁ¿±\T (bþ¢#sÁT¼) <V²sÁDfrom : ÿ¿£ ç>±eT |+#sTTrýË
its launching station at 20
eT+~ ysÁT¦ duTó «\T +fñ 11 eT+~ It ÿ¿£
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ ? as ‘‘Satish Dhawan Space
deT]dï n~ yîÖ<+ bõ+<TÔáT+~. $T>·Ô 9 eT+~
Centre (SDSC) Sriharikota
uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË kÍÇÔá+çÔ«¿ì eTT+<T eTV¾²Þø\Å£ n_óç bÍjáÖ\Å£ Range $\Te (SHAR)’’
+&<T. ný² <óT¿£
in memory
eT]jáTT ¿= esZ\ ç|È\Å£ z³T V²Å£Ø ýñ<T . of Satish Dhawan,
uó²sÁÔá sC²«+>·+ýË ]¼¿£ýÙ 326 ç|¿±sÁ+, ÿ¿£ ç|C²kÍÇeT« ç|uTóChairman ÔÇ\T yîTC²]{¡ sÁj Öá ¿ìformer
of the ISRO. It is
]Ýw¼ ejáTdTà (ç|dT Ôï +á 18 d+eÔáàs\T) bõ+~q |#ûdT Hï sTT. located near Sullurpet in
n+<]¿¡ z³T V²Å£Ø +~ ($XøÇÈúq ejîÖÈq SPSR Nellore Dt. Visit the
z³TV²Å£Ø). place and know more.
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Forms of Indirect (Representative) Democracy
Based on
Forthe relationNFor
All Classes between Legislature
All Classes andBooks
New Text Executive, Indirect
Open Below Link
(Representative) democracy is of two types:
Legislature Legislature
Executive Executive
Observe the world map given below and list out the countries that are following
the Parliamentary system and the Presidential system separately. (With the help
of your teacher). Refer to the world map given at the end of the book.
|sÿ£ (çbÍÜ<ó«) ç|C²kÍÇeT«+ sÁÖbÍ\T :
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|{² #áÖ&+&.
With the help of your teacher try to know who are the part in the
central government and state government.
Gover nment : a group of people with an authority to
govern a country
Democracy : the government formed by the people
Monarchy : a form of government with a monarch
at the head
Elections : a process of choosing a representative
Decision making : the process of making decisions
Representatives : persons chosen or appointed to act or
speak on behalf of another
Constitution : the document which contains the basic
principles and laws of a nation
State Government : the government works for an entire
Central Government : the government works for an entire
country or nation
$$<ó kÍsTT\ýË ç|uóTÔÇ\T
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nÔáClasses NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
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Improve Your Learning
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
1. Write the differences between parliamentary and presidential democracy?
2. What is a government? What are the different types of governments?
3. Write any four activities organised by the government in our times?
4. Is it possible to include the opinions of all the participants in taking a decision?
Discuss with some more examples.
5. How would your school function if it was run by all the students and teachers
together? Would you want everyone to participate in taking decisions? or
would you like to elect representatives? Give reasons.
6. Do you think the decision making in your school is democratic? Does everyone
has a say in it?
7. Satwik’s father consulted all the members of his family on setting up a shop but
everyone had a different opinion. Finally, he decided to set up the shop. Do
you think he was democratic?
8. Padma’s mother asked all children where they would like to go on sunday. Two
children wanted to go and watch a film and three wanted to go to the park. If
you were in Padma’s place what decision would you take? Give reasons.
9. The place of origin of democracy is ____
a) China b) India c) Greece d) Rome
10. Who has the right to make decisions in a direct democracy?
a) Men b) Women c) Representative d) All eligible voters
11. In India, all the people above ___ years of age enjoy Universal Adult
a) 18 years b) 21 years c) 20 years d) 19 years
12. Every state and union territory in India has a Capital city. This is the
headquarters of the state government. Point out the following state capitals
which are the headquarters of the state governments concerned in the next
page given India Map.
MT nuó« dH yîTsÁT>·T|s#
Á Tá ¿Ã+&.
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1. bÍsÁ¢yîT+³¯ eT]jáTT n<ó«https://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
¿£ ç|C²kÍÇeÖ«\ eT<ó« e«Ô«kÍ\qT sjáT+&?
2. ç|uTó ÔáÇ+ n+fñ @$T{ì? $$<ó sÁ¿±\ ç|uTó ÔÇ\T @$?
3. Hû&T ç|uóTÔáÇ+ sÁÇV¾²dTïq @yîÕH H\T>·T ¿±sÁ«¿£ý²bÍ\qT sjáT+&?
4. sÁj
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Ôî*jáTCñdTïHs ?
7. kÍÜÇ¿ù Ôá+ç& ÿ¿£ <T¿±D+ çbÍsÁ+_ó+#á&¿ì Å£³T+ duóT«\ n_óçbÍjáÖ\qT n&>±&T. ç|Ü ÿ¿£ØsÁT
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nÔáqT ç|C²kÍÇeT«<Æ+>± e«eV²]+#& MTsÁT nqTÅ£+³THs?
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m) #îÕH _) uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ d¾) ç^dt &) sÃyT
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m) |ÚsÁTw§\T _) eTV¾²Þø\T d¾) ç|Ü<óT \T &) nsÁ½Ôá ¿£*Ðq z³sÁT¢
11. uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË ___ d+eÔáàs\T +&q ysÁT kÍsÁÇçÜ¿£ ejîÖÈq z³T V²Å£ØÅ£ nsÁT½\T.
m) 18 d+öö _) 21 d+öö d¾) 20 d+öö &) 19 d+öö
12. uó²sÁÔá<ûXø+ýË ç|Ü sçw¼ eT]jáTT ¹¿+ç< bÍ*Ôá çbÍ+Ô¿ì sÈ<ó q>·sÁ+ +³T+~. ~ sçw¼ ç|uóTÔáÇ
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uó²sÁÔá<ûXø |³+ýË >·T]ï+#á+&.
Point out the Capitals of the following states in India Map.
1. Maharashtra
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
2. Tamilnadu
3. Andhra Pradesh
4. Karnataka
5. West Bengal
6. Telangana
7. Ladakh
8. Punjab
9. Kerala
12. Jharkhand
13. Chattisgarh
14. Uttarakhand
15. Gujarat
16. Odisha
Project Work
ç¿ì+< eÇ&q sçcͼ\ jîTT¿£Ø sÈ<óqT\qT uó²sÁÔ<á Xû ø |³eTTýË >·T]ï+#á+&.
1. eTVäsçw¼ For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
2. Ôá$TÞøH&T
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12. C²sÁ+ &
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2. uó²sÁÔá sçw¼|Ü, ç|<ó qeT+çÜ, >·esÁsY, eTTK«eT+çÜ, MT kÍ¿£ bÍsÁ¢yîT+{Ù duóT«\T (ýË¿ùduó) eT]jáTT
kÍ¿£ Xædq duóT«\ ºçÔ\qT d¿£]+º, çkÍØ|t |Úd￱ ÔájáÖsÁT #ûjáT+&.
10 Self-Government
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
Learning Outcomes
The students will be able to
understand the functions of self-governments.
know the role of local self-government in our lives.
differentiate the Rural and Urban Local self-governments.
10 kÍ¿£ dÇ|]bÍ\q
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
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Providing public amenities
In a village, one hand
For All Classes pump
NFor All needs
Classes New repair. InOpen
Text Books another
Link of the village,
drainage water is spillinghttps://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
over, and the road is muddy. Who solves these problems?
Whether it is roads, hand pumps or street lights, they belong to people in the village
as they are public amenities. Who provides these amenities? Who takes care of
their maintenance? For this purpose, we have panchayats in the rural areas and
municipalities in urban areas.
Let’s Do
Think & Respond
Do You Know
Did You Know
Rajasthan is the first state that implemented local self government in 1959. It
adopted the Panchayat Raj system first in India followed by Andhra Pradesh in
the same year.
båsÁ kå¿£s«\T ¿£*Î+#á&+
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M~ó BbÍýÉÕH, sÃ&¢sTTH eú ç|È\+<]¿¡ d++~ó+ºq$. M³+{ìú »ç|C² kå¿£s«\Tµ n+{²sÁT.
kå¿£s«\qT mesÁT ¿£*ÎkÍïsTÁ ? mesÁT M{ì sÁÇV¾²kÍïsTÁ ? M{ì sÁÇV²D ¿ÃdyTû ç>±MTD çbÍ+ÔýË¢ |+#sTTr\T,
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sjáT+&. bþds¼ qY T ÔájÖá sÁT#ûjTá +&.
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Local self-government
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
at village level
It consists of
It consists of all
Sarpanch and ward
voters in a
in panchayat
Let’s Do
If you live in a village, visit your grama sabha and make a report.
ç>±eT kÍsTTýË kÍ¿£ dÇ|]bÍ\q
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
Formation of Grama Panchayat
Voter’s ListFor All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
All residents of ahttps://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
village who are 18 years old or above have to enroll their
names in the voters list. Usually a Booth Level Officer (B.L.O.) visits every house to
check whether there are any changes in the list.They also invite suggestions for any
additions or deletions to the list.
War ds
A village is usually divided into‘wards’ (streets or colonies) in such a
way that all the wards have almost equal number of voters. Each ward
elects one member to the village panchayat, called ‘ward member’. This
ensures that people from all localities of the village are represented. A
panchayat will have at least five ward members and may have as many as
twenty one ward members. Any person who is twenty one years age or
above can contest the election.
Normally elections to gram panchayats take place once in every five years.
During these elections, every voter casts two votes - one to elect the Ward member
and another to elect the Sarpanch. The person who gets the maximum votes is
declared to be elected.
ç>±eT |+#sTTr sD+
z³sÁ¢ C²_Ô For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
18 d+eÔáàs\T ejáTdTà +&q ç|Ü e«¿ìï ç>±eT+ýË z³sÁ¢ C²_ÔýË Ôáq |sÁT qyîÖ<T #ûdTÅ£+fñ
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The Sarpanch is theNFor
For All Classes headAllofClasses
the gramNew panchayat and Below
Text Books Open has the
Linkresponsibility of
implementing all the decisions of the panchayat and looking after day to day
functions of the panchayat. The Sarpanch is also responsible for the income and
expenditure of the panchayat. As such, the Sarpanch has a lot of responsibility. In
many villages, we see some active Sarpanches who have changed the fate of villages.
Sarpanch and ward members elect one of the ward members as the deputy
or upa-Sarpanch through indirect election. The Upa-Sarpanch acts in the absence
of the Sarpanch.
Grama Sachivalayam (Village Secretariat)
The system of grama sachivalayam was started on October 2nd, 2019 in our
state. One grama sachivalayam is established per 2000 people. There are eleven
Village Secretariat Functionaries (employees) in every Grama Sachivalayam. The
main aim of grama sachivalayam is to provide government services to the public
effectively, transparently and with accountability. The service delivery is done
through grama volunteers appointed for a fixed number of households each.
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|+#sTTr¿ì |<NFor All Classes
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båsÁT&Text Books
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e«jáÖ\Å£ Å£L& dsÁÎ+#û u²<ó« Ôá eV¾²kÍï&T . $<ó+ >± dsÎÁ +#Y ç>±eT |+#sTTrýË #ý² u²<ó« Ôá\T ¿£*Ð
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ýñq|ð&T | dsÁÎ+#Y u²<ó«Ôá\T sÁÇV¾²kÍï&T.
Let’s Do
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
With the help of your teacher / parents, try to know the services provided
by the grama volunteers.
$ #û<Ý+
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MT bÍ<ó«jáTT\T / Ôá*<¢ + ç&T\ dVä jáT+ÔÃ, ç>±eT y\+{¡sTÁ ¢ n+~+#û kå¿£s«\qT Ôî\TdT¿Ãe&¿ì
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duóT«\T mesÁT ?
MT ý²¢ýË m eT+&ý²\T ¿£\eÚ ?
Think & Respond
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
List out the public amenities provided by the local body, in your
https://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books area.
Nagar Panchayat
Each Nagar Panchayat has a committee consisting of a chairman with ward
councillors. Membership consists of a minimum of ten elected ward members and
three nominated members. The NAC (Notified Area Council) members of the Nagar
Panchayat are elected from the several wards of the Nagar Panchayat on the basis
of adult franchise for a term of five years. There are seats reserved for Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes and women. The Councillors or Ward
members are chosen by direct election from electoral wards in the Nagar Panchayat.
Municipal Council
Each Municipality has a Municipal council with elected members who are known
as “councillors” and nominated members. To constitute municipal council, area of
municipality is divided into wards. The ward councillors are elected directly for
every five years. These councillors and the other members of the council together
choose the Municipal Chairman indirectly.
Municipal Corporation
Each Municipal Corporation consists of elected members known as
“Corporators” and nominated members. To constitute the Municipal Corporation,
the area of Municipal
Corporation is divided
into divisions. The ward
Corporators are elected
directly for every five
years. These Corporators
and the other members of
the Corporation together
choose the Mayor of
Municipal Corporation
indirectly. Fig: 10.4 Bhimili Municipal Office
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
MT çbÍ+Ôá+ýË kÍ¿£ d+d\T ¿£*Î+#û ç|C² d<TbÍjáÖ\ C²_ÔqT sjáT+&.
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DidYou Know
You Know
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
Do you know https://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
the oldest municipality in Andhra Pradesh? It is
Bheemunipatnam (also know as Bhimili) Visakhapatnam District, which was
established in 1861. It celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2011. It is one of the
oldest municipalities in India.
In order to carry out different type of works the municipality has a number
of committees and the councillors are assigned to these committees. The work
of these committees is to review the functioning of the municipality department,
and plan new works to be undertaken. They prepare proposals, which are discussed
in the municipality meetings and place it for approval. These decisions are
implemented by the officers and employees of the municipality. The ward
councillors or corporators ensure that the needs of their wards are placed before
the council when decisions are taken. Also, they keep in touch with the people of
the ward who may take their problems to them.
Let’s Do
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ ?
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
+ç<óç |<Xû ÙýË yîTT<{ì |ÚsÁbÍ\¿£ d+|T + >·T]+º MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ? n~ ;óeTT |³+ |ÚsÁbÍ\¿£
d+|T+. BHû »»;ó$T*µµ n Å£L& |¾\TkÍïsÁT. ~ $XæK|³+ ý²¢ýË +~. B 1861 ýË kÍ|¾+#sÁT.
~ 2011 ýË 150e y]ü¿ÃÔáày ÈsÁT|ÚÅ£+~. ~ uó²sÁÔá<Xû ø+ýË |ÚsÔáq eTTd¾bÍ*{¡\ýË ÿ¿£{ì.
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Funds for the Urban Local Bodies
Municipalities levy a number of taxes – like tax on houses, water and street
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
light taxes, taxes on shops, film tickets, etc. However, the income from these taxes
is not enough for the work of the municipalities and they depend upon grants from
the government. The government allots funds for different projects (like road
construction) and also for regular work of the municipalities.
Let’s Do
Let’s Do
Fill the following table with the help of your teacher.
Ward Member
Municipal Chairman
|ÚsÁbÍ\¿£ d+|T + ` <óT \T
For d+|Classes
All T+ mHÃ NFor
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Books |qT,Below
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qT, M~ó BbÍ\|Õ |qT,
<T¿±D²\|Õ |qT, d¾eÖ {ì¿Â ³¢ https://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
MT< |qT yîTT<ýqÕÉ $. |qT\ MT< e#ûÌ <jáT+ |ÚsÁbÍ\¿£ d+d\ |qT\Å£
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For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
Local Self-Government : governmental jurisdictions below the level of
the state.
Grama Sabha : general body in a grama panchayat
Grama/Ward Sachivalayam : the system, to provide all government services to
the people in their locality.
Village functionaries : the employees in the grama sachivalayam.
1. What are the differences between Grama Sabha and Grama Panchayat?
2. Suppose you are a representative in your local government body, what issues
would you raise?
3. Do you think common people are able to participate in the process of decision
making in your panchayat or municipality? Give some examples to illustrate your
4. Do you think panchayats should raise more tax from the village to carry out
development works or depend upon government funds?
5. What challenges do the Sarpanch face in carrying out their work?
6. What are the public amenities provided by a municipality but not by a panchayat?
7. Geethika says that her street tap gives water only for half an hour and several
people queue up to fill their buckets. What would you advise her to do to solve
this problem?
8. Frame a few questions to ask the local corporator / councillor to know the details
of work done by the Municipality.
|<¿ ÃXø+
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
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ç>±eT ¿±sÁ«sÇV²Å£\T : ç>±eT dºy\jáT+ýË <ë>·T\T.
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¿à\sY : |ÚsÁbÍ\¿£ d+|T +ýË ysÁT¦ ç|Ü~ó.
¿±s=ιs³sY : eTTà|ýÙ ¿±s=ιswHý Ë ysÁT¦ ç|Ü~ó.
9. Locate the following municipalities and municipal corporations in Andhrapradesh
i. Visakhapatnam ii .Vijayawada iii. Bheemunipatnam
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
iv. Kadapa v. Anantapuram vi. Tirupati
Project Work
9. ~>·Te eÇ&q |ÚsÁbÍ\¿£ d+|Ö \qT, eTTà|ýÙ ¿±s=ιswH\ qT +ç<óç |<Xû Ù |³+ýË >·T]ï+#á+&.
For All Classes
i. $XæK|³+ NFor
ii. $Èjá Ty&All Classes New
iii. ;óText Books
eTT|³+ Open Below Link
iv. ¿£&|
v. nq+Ôá|Ú s+Á vi. ÜsÁT|Ü
bçbç ÍCÉ
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+³sÁÖÇ« #ûd¾ ÿ¿£ yû~¿£qT ÔájáÖsÁT#ûjáT+&.
2. kÍ¿£ d+d\T ¿£*Î+#û $$<ó ç|C² kå¿£s«\|Õ bþd¼sYqT sÁÖbõ+~+#á+&.
Indian Culture,
11 Languages and
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
Learning Outcomes
know the concept of culture.
discuss the basic idea and central values of the religions.
understand how did the language evolve.
participate in discussions on the concept of unity in diversity.
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11 uó²w\T eT]jáTT eTÔ\T
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
nuó«dq |*Ô\T
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eTÔ\ eTÖ\ dÖçÔ\T eT]jáTT $\Te\ >·T]+º #á]ÌkÍïsTÁ .
uó²w mý² $sÁÒÛ$+º+<Ã nsÁ+ #ûdT¿Ã>·\T>·TÔsÁT.
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d+ç|<jáÖ\T eTÔá+, kÍ¢+ eTÔá+, d¾Å£Ø eTÔá+.
India is a vast country. It includes the people of many religions, castes,
tribes, languages, dance, music, architecture, food, dress, customs and beliefs.
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
India has the greatest heritage and culture. It is unique. It has a special identity in
the world. Traditions differ from one place to another in India. It is a combination
of several customs and traditions. In this chapter we are going to discuss the
different cultures, languages and religions in India.
Indian Culture
Unity in diversity is one major feature of
Indian culture which makes it unique. Indian culture
is composite and dynamic. The causes for this diversity
are :
1. Vastness of the country
2. Intermingling among various ethnic groups.
3. Variations in physical and climatic features.
Though there are so many diversities in
India, people feel that they are all Indians. This is
the feeling of oneness and this is called “Unity in Fig 11.1 Culture
Diversity”. The culture of India is very ancient. It
began about 5,000 years ago. However, the Indians made significant advances in
yoga, architecture, mathematics, astronomy and medicine.
The Harappan people worshipped Mother goddess and Pashupati (Lord Siva).
With the advent of the Aryans, a new culture emerged. The Aryans worshipped
Gods like Indra, Surya, Varuna, Yama. The symbol of Swastik was also worshipped.
They worship Gods through the rituals like 'yagnas', 'yagas' and 'meditation'.
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|PÈ\T sÁÇV¾²+#ûysÁT.
The Vedas were carried from
one generationForto
Allthe otherNFor
Classes through
All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
oral tradition. As centuries passed,
the people migrated to the southern
parts of India from the Sindhu
region. Later a new culture
Let’s Do
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The Script helps us to read and write. People wrote on clothes, leaves, barks, etc. in
the olden days. They used pins to write on the dried leaves. Initially they drew pictures and
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
symbols. Gradually the scripthttps://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
developed. Ashoka used the “Brahmi script” in all his inscriptions.
Know How the script developed?
The popular epics Valmiki Ramayana and Vyasa Mahabharatha were written
in Sanskrit. Due to the emergence of language, the famous writings came into
existence. Aryabhatta wrote a book called ‘Aryabhattiyam’. ‘Charaka Samhita’ and
‘Sushruta Samhita’ are the books that laid the foundation for Ayurveda. Sushruta
Samhita focuses on surgery.
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All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
çbÍsÁ+uó+ýË ysÁT u¤eT\T eT]já TT >·TsÁTï\qT ^dysÁT. ç¿£eTç¿£eT+>± *|¾ n_óe~Æ #î+~+~. nXËÅ£&T
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MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ ? *|¾ mý² n_óe~Æ #î+~+~?
DidYou Know
You Know
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
The official languageshttps://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
of India are
Hindi and English. Dear Students
observe how the word "India" can
be written in many Indian
DidYou Know
You Know
There are 26 letters in English and
56 in Telugu. How many letters are
there in Tamil, Kannada,
Malayalam and Odiya?
Hindi Assame
Bengali Mizo
Marathi Odiya
Fig 11.12 Different
languages in India
DidYou Know
You Know
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ ?
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
uó²sÁÔá n~ó¿±sÁ uó²w\T V¾²+B eT]jáTT +^¢w.t
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n¿£s\T ¿£\eÚ?
|+C²_ V¾²+~
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The Indian Constitution recognised 22 languages (8th Schedule)
1. For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
Assamese 9. Konkani 16. Punjabi
2. Bengali 10. Maithili 17. Sanskrit
3. Bodo 11. Malayalam 18. Santali
4. Dogri 12. Meitei 19. Sindhi
5. Gujarati (Manipuri) 20. Tamil
6. Hindi 13. Marathi 21. Telugu
7. Kannada 14. Nepali 22. Urdu
8. Kashmiri 15. Odia
Inspite of having many religions in India, Indians live together. Where the
people live, there some form of customs and traditions begin. These customs and
traditions depend on the resources, environment, climatic conditions and so on. The
religious beliefs of today are also based on such ritualistic traditions. But there are
some common beliefs in all the societies throughout the world such as rites and rituals.
Religion is a spiritual belief. It teaches a set of practices to live an enriched life.
Let’s Do
Meet the heads of different religions. Collect the theme and practices of
the particular religion. Discuss in the classroom.
uó²sÁÔá sC²«+>·+ 22 uó²w\qT >·T]ï+º+~ (8 e w&Ö«ýÙ)
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below 16.
1. nkÍàMT Link|+C²;
9. ¿=+¿£Dì
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3. uË&Ã 11. eT\jáÖÞø+ 18. d+Ô*
4. &ÃçÐ 12. yîT®fñsTT 19. d¾+~ó
5. >·TÈsr (eTDì|Ú ]) 20. Ôá$TÞø+
6. V¾²+B 21. Ôî\T>·T
13. eTs¯Ä
7. ¿£q& 22. sÁTÝ
14. HûbÍ©
8. ¿±o¯ 15. ÿ&jáÖ
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For All Classes NFor All Classes is the
Newworld’s oldest
Text Books Openreligion. It is a way of life
Below Link
and also called ‘Sanatana dharma’. The term ‘Hindu’
derives from the word ‘Sindhu’. It is based on the
principles of universal truth. Hinduism has many forms
of worship. God can be realised through many paths. It
also says God exists in all living and non living things.
Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita, Ramayana,
Mahabharata are some of the sacred books of the
Fig 11.10 Symbol of Hinduism
Hindus. Vishnu, Siva, Sakthi, Rama, Krishna etc., are
the Gods worshipped by the Hindus. Pongal / Sankranthi, Dusserah, Diwali etc., are
some festivals celebrated by the Hindus. Hindus visit many temples in India like
Amarnath, Badrinath, Varanasi, Puri, Simhachalam, Srisailam, Badhrachalam,
Tirumala, Kanchi, Madurai, Sabarimala, Rameswaram etc.
Do YouKnow
Lord Venkateswara Temple at
Tirumala in Chittoor district is one of
the most visited holy places in the world.
It is located in Seshachalam hills. It is
considered as one of the prominent
temples by the Hindus. According to
Hindus, Sri Venkateswara is an
incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He often
referred to as Srinivasa, Govinda and
Balaji. Srivari Brahmotsavam is very
famous in Tirumala. Fig 11.11 Lord Venkateswara
Temple, Tirumala
V¾²+<Ö eTÔá+
ç||+ #á+ýË eTÔ\ýË V¾²+<Ö eTÔá+ #ý² |ÚsÔáqyîTq® ~. ~
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
ÿ¿£ Jeq $<óq+ eT]jáTT B »dHÔáq <ósÁ+µ n Å£L& |¾\TkÍïsÁT.
»V¾²+<Öµ nHû |<+ »d¾+<óT µ nHû |<+ qT+& eºÌ+~. $XøÇeÖqe eTÖ\
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yû<\T, |wÔáTï\T, uó>·eBZÔá, seÖjáTD+ eT]jáTT eTVäuó²sÁÔá+
|³+ 11.10 V¾²+<Ö eTÔá ºV²+ V¾²+<TeÚ\ |$çÔá ç>·+<¸\T. $w§e Ú, ¥eÚ&T, ~Xø¿,ïì seTT&T eT]jáTT ¿£w§& T
V¾²+<TeÚ\T s~ó+#û <ûeÔá\T. d+翱+Ü, <ds, BbÍe[ yîTT<ýÉÕq$
V¾²+<TeÚ\T ÈsÁT|ÚÅ£Hû ¿= |+&T>·\T. uó²sÁÔ<á Xû +ø ýË neTsYH<¸, çBH<¸,
ysÁD²d¾, |P], d¾+Vä#á\+, çoXèÕ\+, uóç<#á\+, ÜsÁTeT\, ¿£+º, eT<TÂsÕ,
Xø]eTýÉÕ, syûTXøÇsÁ+ e+{ì nHû¿£ <ûy\jáÖ\qT V¾²+<TeÚ\T d+<]ôkÍïsÁT.
V¾²+<Ö eTÔá ç|<óq \¿£D²\T
1. eÖqedyû eÖ<óe de.
2. $XøÇeÖqe Å£³T++. (edT<îÕ¿£ Å£³T++)
3. @¿±ç>·Ôá <Çs yîÖ¿± bõ+<&+. (Ôá|dTà)
4. #áÔáT]Ç<ó |ÚsÁTcÍs\qT nuó«d¾+#á&+ (<ósÁ+, nsÁ+, ¿±eT+, yîÖ¿£+ e+{ì H\T>·T sÁ¿±\ nuó²«kÍ\T)
5. H\T>·T çXøeÖ\qT #á]+#á&+. y{ì |sÁT¢ çV²#ásÁ«+, >·V²kÍçXøeT+, yqç|d+, dH«d+.
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B V¾²+<TeÚ\T |$çÔá <ûy\jáT+>± uó²$kÍïsÁT.
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ço yî+¿£fñXøÇsÁ kÍÇ$T. ¿£Ø& <ûeÚDì çoyd, >Ã$+<
eT]jáTT u²ý²J n |¾\TkÍïsTÁ . ÜsÁTeT\ýË çoy]
ç¬Ôáày\T ç|d~¾ Æ #î+~q$. |³+ 11.11 yî+¿£fñXøÇsÁ kÍÇ$T
\jáT+, ÜsÁTeT\
Ja inism
ancient Indian
NFor religion.
All Classes NewPeople whoOpen
Text Books follow thisLink
Below religion are known
as ‘Jains’. Twenty four 'Tirthankaras' enriched this religion. The word Jain is derived
from the Sanskrit word ‘Jina’.The most famous Tirthankara is Mahavira. He was a
prince. He gave up everything to find out more about spirituality. He practised
rigorous penance and meditation for 12 years in search of truth.
Name : Vardhamana
Birth : 599 BCE
Birth Place : Vaishali
Parents : Siddhartha, Trishala
Spouse : Yashoda
Titles : Mahavira, Jina
Fig 11.12 Vardhamana Death : 527 BCE Fig 11.13 Symbol of
Mahavira Jainism
The main goal of Jainism is to attain ‘Moksha’. When the soul achieves
Kaivalya or Jina, it is liberated from the karmas. That state of happiness is known
as ‘Nirvana’. Tirthankaras are the spiritual gurus for the Jains. Mahavira was the
last Tirthankara. Mahavira’s preachings were compiled into many texts by his
+ ÿ¿£ çbÍNq uó²sÁrjáT eTÔá+. eTÔ nqTd]+#û y] »»CÉÕqT\Tµµ n+{²sÁT. sÁyîÕ
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
H\T>·T eT+~ »rsÁ+¿£sÁT\Tµ eTÔ u²>± çbÍ#áTsÁ«+ýË¿ì Ôî#ÌsÁT. CÉÕq nHû |<+ »qµ nHû d+dØÔá |<+
qT+& eºÌ+~. eTVäMsÁT&T $T¿ìØ* ç|d~¾ Æ#î+~q rsÁ+¿£sÁT&T. nÔáqT ÿ¿£ jáTTesE. nÔáqT <ó«Ü¿£ $wjáÖ\
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<ó«q+ #ûXæ&T.
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ ?
|sÁT : esÁeÆ ÖqT&T
Èqq+ : ç¿¡.|P 599
Èqd\ + : yîXÕ æ*
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J$Ôá uó²>·kÍÇ$T : jáTXË<
_sÁT<T\T : eTVäMsÁ, q
eTsÁD+ : ç¿¡.|P. 527
|³+ 11.12 esÁe Öq eTVäMsÁT&T |³+ 11.13 CÉÕqeTÔá ºV²+
CÉÕq eTÔá+ jîTT¿£Ø ç|<óq \¿£«+ »yîÖ¿£+µ kÍ~ó+#á&+. ¿Õe\«+ ýñ< q qT kÍ~ó+ºq|ÚÎ&T, Ôá ¿£sÁ\
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eTVäMsÁT&T ºe] rsÁ+ ¿£sTÁ &T. eTV²äeMsÁT& uË<óq \qT jáTq nqT#ásTÁ \T nHû¿£ ç>·+<¸\ sÁÖ|+ýË d+¿£\q+
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ ?
CÉÕq eTÔá d¾<Æ+Ô\T : (|+#á çeÔ\T)
1. nV¾²+d - HH`yîýÕ HÉ à
2. dÔá«+ - ç³ÖÔY|Ú ýÙHdî t
3. ndj ï Tá + - HH`dÓ*¼ +>´
4. n|]ç>·V² + - HH`bõdd¾yH dî t
5. çV²#ásÁ«+ - d+³sYH ¦ dî t
C²_ÔýË çV²#ásÁ«eTTqT eTVäMsÁT&T
#ûsÌ&T . |Õ ×<T d¾<Æ+Ô\qT nqTd]+#á&¿ì,
eTVäMsÁT&T eTÖ&T eÖsZ\qT dÖº+#&T. y{ì |³+ 11.13 >ÃeT¹sÄXøÇsÁ \jáT+
»»çÜsÁÔ\Tµµ n+{²sÁT.
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1. deT«¿ù <sôÁ q+ - ds qÕ $XæÇd+ ç||+ #á+ýËHû nÜ|<Ý @¿£¥ý² $ç>·Vä \ýË ÿ¿£{.ì B
2. deT«¿ù C²ãq+ - ds qÕ C²ãq+ mÔáTï 57 n&T>·T\T. B »»u²VQ*µµ n+{²sÁT.
3. deT«¿ù #á]çÔá - dÂsÕq ç|esÁïq
Buddh ism
Gautama Buddha was the founder of Buddhism. He was born in Lumbini (Nepal).
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
His first name was Siddhartha. He became Buddha after enlightenment. He was born
to the ruler of Kapilavastu, Suddhodana, and his queen Maya Devi. He married
Yashodhara and had a son named “Rahul.”
Siddhartha saw a sick person, an old man, a monk and a dead body during his
travel. Then he realised the true nature of life. So, he left his kingdom and his
family and went in search of truth and peace. After 6 years, he got enlightenment.
The tree under which he became enlightened is named as 'Bodhi Vriksha'. He achieved
his Nirvana in Khushinagar, Uttar Pradesh.
Do You Know
N ame : Siddhartha
Birth : 563 BCE
Birth Place : Lumbini
Parents : Suddhodana,
Maya Devi
Spouse : Yasodhara
Son : Rahul
Titles : Gautama, Buddha
Fig 11.15 Gauthama Fig 11.16 Symbol of
Death : 483 BCE Buddhism
According to Buddha, the final goal is attainment of Nirvana. It could be
achieved neither by sacrifice nor by prayer. Attainment of Nirvana could be achieved
by following the Middle Path (Eight fold Path). The principles of non-violence are
the basis of Buddhism. The “Tripitikas” are the holy books of Buddhism. They are
the collection of Buddha’s life, teachings, and philosophical discourses. The teachings
of Gautama Buddha are called four noble truths (Arya Sathyas).
Arya Sathyas
1. The world is full of suffering.
2. Suffering is caused by human desires.
3. The renunciation of desires is the path of salvation.
4. Salvation can be attained easily by following the Eightfold Path.
DidYou Know
You Know
The Great Stupa at Sanchi is one of the most
important Buddhist monuments. It reflects
Buddhist art and architecture. This Stupa is the
oldest stone structure in India. It was built in the
third century BCE by the emperor Asoka. It is
counted among the best conserved ancient
Stupas of central India. 11. 17 Sanchi Stupa (Madhya Pradesh)
u <ÆeTÔá+
u <eÆ TÔá kÍ|Å £ &T >ÔáeT T<T&Æ T . nÔáqT \T+_ eq+ (HûbÍýÙ) ýË È+#&T. nÔá yîTT<{ì |sÁT
d¾<ÆsÁTÆ&T. C²ãHÃ<For
jáTAll Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
+ nsTTq Ôáhttps://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
sÁTyÔá T<TÆ&jáÖ«&T. d¾<ÆsÁT&T ¿£|¾\edTï bÍ\Å£&îÕq, Xø<ÃÝ<óqT&T eT]jáTT
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»uË~ó e¿£+ µ n |sÁT |{²¼sTÁ . Ôásï çÁ |<Xû ÙýË Å£¥q>·sýY Ë d¾<ÆsTÁ & T dÇsÁdZ T & HÕî &T.
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ ?
|sÁT : d¾<ÆsÁT&T
Èqq+ : ç¿¡.|P 563
Èqd\ + : \T+_
Ôá*¢<+ ç&T\T : dT<Ã<óq T&T, eÖjáÖ<û$
J$Ôá uó²>·kÍÇ$T : jáTXË<ósÁ
Å£eÖsÁT&T : sVQýÙ
_sÁT<T\T : >ÔáeTT&T, T<TÆ&T
|³+ 11.15 >ÔáeT T<T&Æ T eTsÁD+ : ç¿¡.|P. 483 |³+ 11.16 u <eÆ TÔá ºV²+
T<TÆ ç|¿±sÁ+, yîÖ¿£+ kÍ~ó+#á&yûT J$Ôá |sÁeÖsÁ+. yîÖ¿± \T\ <Çs ýñ< çbÍsÁq\ <Çs
kÍ~ó+#áýñeTT. eT<ó«û eÖsÁ+Z (ncͼ+>· eÖsÁZ+) qT nqTd]+#á&+ <Çs yîÖ¿£+ kÍ~ó+#áe#áÌ Ôî*bÍ&T. nV¾²+kÍ
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eT]jáTT ÔÜÇ¿£ |H«kÍ\ deÖVäsÁ+. >ÔáeT T<TÆ uË<ó\ qT sÁ« dÔ«\T n+{²sÁT.
sÁ« dÔ«\T
1. ç||+#á+ <T'KeTjáT+.
2. <T'K+ ¿Ã]¿£\ e\¢ ¿£\T>·TÔáT+~.
3. ¿Ã]¿£\qT Ôá«+#á&+ <Çs yîÖ¿£+ bõ+<e#áTÌ.
4. ncͼ+>· eÖsZ bÍ{ì+#á&+ <Çs yîÖ¿± dT\uó+ >± bõ+<e#áTÌ.
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ ?
kÍ+º e<Ý q dÖ|+ >=|Î u <Æ kÍsÁ¿£ ¿£³¼&\ýË
ÿ¿£{ì. ~ u <Æ ¿£Þø eT]jáTT sD XèÕ* Ôî*jáT#ûdTï+~. ~
uó²sÁÔ<á ûXø+ýË >·\ |ÚsÔáq sÜ sD²\ýË ÿ¿£{.ì B
ç¿¡dTï|PsÁÇ+ eTÖ&Ã XøÔÝ+ýË nXË¿£ #áç¿£e]ï ]+#&T. ~
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|]>·D+ì #á&TÔáTq~. |³+ 11.17 kÍ+º dÖ|+ (eT<ó«ç|<ûXÙ)
The Eightfold Path (Ashtanga Marga)
1. Right view - know
For All Classes NFor the truth
All Classes - Samyak
New Text Books Open Below Link drishti
2. Right intentions https://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
- free your mind of evil - Samyak samkalpa
3. Right speech - say nothing that hurts others - Samyak vaakku
4. Right action - work for the good of others - Samyak karma
5. Right livelihood - respect life - Samyak jeevana
6. Right effort - resist evil - Samyak saadhana
7. Right concentration - practice meditation - Samyak samadhi
8. Right mindfulness - control your thoughts - Samyak smruti
Philosophy of christianity
1. We are the children of God.
2. Lead a pure life without committing sins.
Fig 11.18 Symbol of 3. Love your neighbour as yourself.
4. When slapped on one cheek, show the other.
5. Service to mankind is service to God.
The Roman Catholic Church is the famous church in the world. The Pope is
the head of the Roman Catholic Church. Vatican city is the smallest country in
the world.
ncͼ+>· eÖsZ\T :
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¼ All Classes
- dNFor
+ Text Books Open - dBelow
eT«¿ù <Link
2. dÂsÕq <ûÝXø+ - eTqdTqT #î&T qT+& $&|¾+#á&+ - deT«¿ù d+¿£\Î
3. dÂsÕq ç|d+>·+ - ÔásTÁ \qT u²<ó |fñý¼ ² eÖ{²¢&¿ £ bþe&+ - deT«¿ù yÅ£Ø
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6. dÂsÕq ¿£w¾ - #î&TqT m~]+#á&+ - deT«¿ù kÍ<óq
7. ds qÕ @¿±ç>·Ôá - <ó«q+ kÍ<óq #ûjTá &+ - deT«¿ù deÖ~ó
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¿Õdïe eTÔá d¾<Æ+Ôá+ :
1. eÖqeÚ\+<sÖÁ <ûeÚ |¾\\¢ T.
2. bÍbÍ\T #ûjáTÅ£+& |$çÔáyîT®q J$Ô >·&|+&.
3. qT úeÚ ç|$T+#áTÅ£q³T¢ ú bõsÁT>·Ty] Å£L& ç|$T+#áT.
4. ÿ¿£ #î+||Õ ¿={ìq¼ |ÚÎ&T, eTs=¿£ #î+| #áÖ|¾+#áT.
|³+ 11.18 ç¿Â dÕ eï eTÔá+ jîTT¿£Ø ºV²+ 5. eÖqe dyû eÖ<óe de.
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Mohammad is considered
Text Books Open Below Linkas a Prophet or
messenger of Allah. The teachings of Allah are
written in a book called “Quran”. It is the holy
book of Islam. Prophet Mohammad taught that
all men are brothers. He emphasised on the
importance of love for the whole of humanity.
Prophet taught that there is only one God.
Do You Know
The Kaaba is a building at the center of the Great Mosque of Mecca (Saudi
Arabia). Mecca is the holiest city for Muslims. Muslim devotees attempt a hajj
(pilgrimage) to Mecca atleast once in their lifetime if they can afford to do so.
kÍ¢+ eTÔá+
eTV²eT<qT ç|e¿£ï ýñ< ný²¢ jîTT¿£Ø <ÖÔá>± uó²$kÍïsÁT.
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
ný²¢ jîTT¿£Ø uË<óq\T »»KTsHµµ nHû |Údï¿£+ýË sjáT&¦sTT. ~
eTTd¾+¢ \ |$çÔá ç>·<+¸ . eTV²eT< ç|e¿£ï eÖqeÚ\+<sÖÁ kþ<sTÁ \
uË~ó+#&T. deTdï eÖqy[¿ì ç|eT jîTT¿£Ø çbÍeTTK«ÔáqT Ôî*jáT
#îbÍÎ&T. eTV²eT< ç|e¿£ï <ûeÚ&T ÿ¿£Ø&û n uË~ó+#&T.
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ ?
ç|d¾<Æ eT¿±Ø eTdÓ<T (kåB n¹s_jáÖ) eT<ó« ýË q uóeqyûT ¿±u². eTTd¾+¢ \Å£ |$çÔáyTî ®q q>·s+Á eT¿±Ø. eTTd¾+¢
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eTÔá kÍeTsÁd«+|Õ ÿ¿£ H³¿± d¾<Æ+ #ûd¾ MT bÍsÄÁXæ\ Ôáày\ýË ç|<]ô+#á+&.
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Gur u Nanak
Below Link was the
founder of Sikhism. Sikhism is a
faith and its followers are called
“Sikhs.” The word Sikh means
“student” or “disciple.” Guru
Nanak was the first of the “Ten
Gurus.” The Sikh temple is called
‘Gurudwara’. Their holy book is
Fig 11.22 Guru Nanak Fig 11.23 Symbol of Sikhism ‘Guru Granth Sahib’.
Do YouKnow
Besides the above religions, there are a number of other religious followers
in India like the Parsis. Although there are many customs and traditions in India, all
the Indians have a sense of brotherhood. They actively involve themselves in other
religious celebrations, for example Holi, Raksha Bandhan and Rottela Panduga which
shows their respect for other religion. It is the co-existence of various religions
under the same roof, while celebrating the presence of other religions without losing
one’s own identity.
Unity in diversity
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
d¾Å£ Ø eTÔá+ kÍ|Å £ &T >·TsÁT Hq¿ù. d¾Å£ Ø
nHû~ ÿ¿£ $XæÇd+ eT]jáTT < nqT#ásTÁ \qT
»»d¾Å£ Ø\Tµµ n+{²sÁT. d¾Å£ Ø nHû |<¿ì »»$<«]µµ
ýñ< ¥w§«&T n nsÁ+. d¾Å £ Ø\ »»|~eT+~
>·TsÁTeÚ\ý˵µ yîTT<{ìy&T >·TsÁT Hq¿ù. d¾Å£Ø\
\jáÖ »>·TsÁT<Çsµ n+{²sÁT. d¾Å£ Ø\ |$çÔá
ç>·+<¸+ »>·TsÁT ç>·+<¸ kÍV¾²uÙµ.
|³+ 11.22 >·TsÁTHq¿ù |³+ 11.23 d¾Å£Ø eTÔá
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ ?
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<ûy\jáT+ +~. ~ |$çÔáyTî q® >·TsÁT<Çs
eT]jáTT d¾Å£ Ø\Å£ nÔá«+Ôá eTTK«yîT®q
|³+ 11.24 dÇsÁ <ûy\jáT+ (neTÔY dsY)
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@¿£+ #ûjTá &¿ì ç|jTá Ü+#sÁT.
Indians respect the great saints
and philosophers who were born in all
parts of theForcountry like
All Classes Mahavira,
NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
Buddha, Nanak, Kabir, Nizamuddhin
Auliya, Shaik Salim Chisti, Ravindranath
Tagore, Dr. Radha Krishnan etc.,
People celebrate their festivals
like Holi, Diwali, Eid, Christmas, Good
Fr iday, Mahavir Jayanti, Buddha
Jayanti etc., very peacefully without
disturbing other religious people. India
represents the complexity of multiple
cultures and ethnic groups (castes).
The concept which implies unity among
people with diverse culture and religion
is known as “Unity in Diversity”. It is
the dominant cultural trait of India. Fig 11.25 Religious Unity in India
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eTVäMsÁT&T, >ÔáForeT All
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sÁT Hq¿ù , ¿£;sY, New Text Books Open Below Link
All Classes
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ºd¾ï, sÁM+ç<H<¸
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ç|e¿£ï : <ûeÚ d+<ûXæ uË~ó+#ûy&T.
Improve Your Learning
Project Work
1. Celebrate Sankranthi, Ramzan and Christmas in your school.
2. Read the holy books of all religions, know about the biography, teachings and
theme of the religious gurus.
Field visit :
Visit a nearby place of worship, and observe the activities and discuss with your class.
MT nuó« dH yîTsÁT>·T|s#
Á Tá ¿Ã+&.
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1. eTTd¾¢+\ |$çÔá ç>·+<¸+ |https://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
2. ncͼ+>· eÖsÁZ+ nq>±Hû$T?
3. eTÔá kÍeTsÁkÍ« çbþÔáàV¾²+#á&¿ì Âs+&T H<\T sjáT+&.
4. jûTdTç¿¡dT ï ç|<ó q uË<óq \T @$?
5. kÍ¢+ eTÔá ç|<ó q uË<óq \T @$?
6. sÁ« dÔ«\T @$?
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9. uó²sÁÔá<ûXø |³+ýË ç¿ì+< eÇ&q çbÍ+Ô\qT >·T]ï+#á+&.
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Towards Equality
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Learning Outcomes
Towards Equality
Prejudice Stereotype
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12 deÖqÔáÇ+ yîÕ|Ú
nuó«dq |*Ô\T
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deÖqÔáÇ+ yî|Õ Ú
Have you observed the people around you, their height, weight, colour,
language, food they eat, games they play, the events they celebrate? Are they all
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
alike? Why? The differences we observe are called diversity. All these diversities
are influenced both by the geography and history of the place where we live.
India is a country of many diversities. We speak different languages, have
various types of food, celebrate different festivals, practise different religions.
Several hundred years ago people travelled from one part of the world to another in
search of new lands or new places to settle in or for people to trade with.
Most often, they began to settle in their new places which resulted in the
mix of old and new and out of this intermixing of cultures, regions became diverse.
Similarly diversity also comes about when people adapt their lives to the geographical
area in which they live. For example, living near the sea is different from living near
a desert. Likewise, the kind of work also differs from place to place.
India is a diverse country but
not all the diversities are celebrated.
We feel safe and secure with people
who look, talk, dress and think like us.
We may find people who are
different, unfamiliar and strange
without understanding them, we
form certain attitudes and opinions.
Discrimination happens when people
Fig. 12.1 Discriminations in the society
act on their prejudices.
When our opinions about certain people are always negative - seeing them
as lazy, cunning, stingy, money minded etc., then these become prejudices that we
carry about them. Prejudices means to judge other people negatively or see them as
inferior. We can be prejudiced about many things: peoples religious beliefs, the
colour of their skin, the region they come from, the clothes they wear etc.
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e+{ì #ý² $wjÖá \ýË |¿b£ ÍÔá+>± e«eV²]kÍï+.
Often, our prejudices about others are so strong that we don’t want to form
friendship with them and we may even act in ways that hurt them.
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When we fix people or a community into one image we create a stereotype.
Stereotype stop us from looking at each person as a unique individual with his or her
own special qualities and skills that are different from others. Stereotypes affect all
of us, as they prevent us from doing certain things.
Discrimination is of different types:
Religious discrimination
There are eight major religions in the world and all of them are practised
in India. However, this diversity can also be a source of discrimination. Group of
people who follow a particular religion may be discriminated by treating them as
inferior or by criticising their customs or practices.
Caste discrimination
People are engaged in different kinds of work like teaching, carpentry, pottery,
weaving, fishing, farming etc., to earn livelihood. However certain kinds of work are
valued more than others. Activities like cleaning, washing, cutting hair, picking garbage
etc., are seen as task that are of less value and people who do this work are seen as
dirty or impure. This belief is an important aspect of the caste system.
In the caste system, communities / groups of people were placed either above
or below the other. Those who placed themselves at the top called themselves upper
caste and considered themselves as superior. Those who were placed at the bottom
were seen as unworthy and called “untouchables.” Caste rules were set which did not
allow the so-called “untouchable” to take on work other than what they were meant
to do. The upper caste acted in ways which did not give the so-called “untouchables”
the same right as they enjoyed which is called caste discrimination.
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Many people in India have fought against such caste oppression. The most
prominent among them was Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. He was born into the Mahar Caste
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which was considered untouchable. He was the first person from his caste who
Gender discrimination
Pratap went to his friend Deva’s house. There he
observed Deva’s son Adhi cleaning the room and Adhiti
reading the book. Pratap was surprised to see Deva’s son
doing household work and not Adhiti. He asked his friend
why Adhi being a boy is doing household work. Deva said Fig. 12.2 Gender
equality symbol
he treats both his children same.
The above situation happens very often. Cooking and other household works
are considered as women work. The familiar statements like ‘Men don’t cry,’ ‘women
are soft and gentle,’ are some of the statements we hear constantly which is called
Gender discrimination.
Women represent half of the world’s population but equal opportunities are
not given to them in fields like education, job opportunities, family decision etc. All
human beings are born free and equal so both men and women have equal social,
political and economic rights.
Several social reformers fought for the rights of the
women across the world and the country. One such famous social
reformer who fought for the rights of the women in India was
Savitribai Phule. Savitribai Phule was an Indian social reformer,
educationalist and poet from Maharashtra. She is regarded as
the first female teacher in India.
Fig. 12.3 Savitribai
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kÍ+|¾T¿£, sÈ¿¡jáT, ]¿£ V²Å£Ø\T +{²sTT.
Along with her husband, Jyotirao Phule, she played an important role in
fighting for the
For rights of women
All Classes NFor All in IndiaNew
Classes during
Text the British
Books rule. Link
Open Below She is regarded as
the “Mother of Indian feminism.” Phule and her husband founded the first school
for girls in India in Pune, at Bhide Wada. She worked against the discrimination
and unfair treatment of people based on caste and gender.
Similarly Kandukuri Veerasalingam Panthulu, Duggirala Gopalakrishnaiah,
Ponaka Kanakamma, Duvvuri Subbamma etc., fought for the education rights of
women in Andhra Pradesh.
Racial discrimination
It is a discrimination against individuals on the basis of their skin colour or racial or
ethnic origin. While travelling by train to Pretoria in South Africa, Gandhiji experienced
his first taste of racial discrimination. Inspite of carrying first class ticket, he was
indiscriminately thrown out of the train by the authorities on the instigation of a white
man. Likewise Nelson Mandela fought against Apartheid system in South Africa
which means seggregation of people on grounds of race.
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çbÍÜ|~¿£q ç|È\qT yûsÁT#ûjáT&+.
Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
Regional discrimination
It is a discrimination against individuals on the basis of
the region they live or born. For example, you will find
this discrimination - village to urban, small town to big
cities, tribal areas to plain areas. It arises either because
of prejudice or stereotype.
Fig 12.5 Regional
Disability discrimination
People who cannot walk, see, hear or talk are
known as person with disabilities as per the PWD ACT-
2016. Some of them are born so, or some may lose
their body parts in accidents. Some people disrespect
or illtreat them. Fig 12.6 Types of Disability
Have you ever faced any kind of discrimination? How did it make you feel?
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
d+|T ³q|Õ MT n_óçbÍjáÖ sjáT+&.
~ @ sÁ¿y£ Tî q® $e¿£? Ôás>Á Ü· >·~ýË #á]Ì+#á+&.
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MTÂs|ÚÎ&îHÕ @sÁ¿y£ Tî H® $e¿£Ô Há HÕî m<Ts=ØHs? n|ÚÎ&T MT¿ý² n|¾+º+~?
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
Let’s Do
What have you observed here? Discuss with the help of your teacher.
W ha t is t he r oo t ca u se fo r th ese
inequalities or discriminations?
Poverty, illiteracy, social customs and
traditions, religion, faith, occupation, lack of
Causes for
education, lack of employment opportunities,
lack of awareness are the root cause for
inequality and discrimination in the society.
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
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Steps towards equality
theAllearly 19NFor
Classes th
century, weNew
All Classes findText
debates and discussions
Books Open Below Link about social
customs and practices that prevailed in the society by men and women. Those
discussions reached out to a wider public and they became part of the social change.
Debates were initiated by reformers of India and reform groups. They
include Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwara Chandra Vidyasagar, Swami Dayananda
Saraswathi, Kandukuri Veeresalingam Panthulu, Pandita Ramabai.
Fig 12.9 Raja Ram Mohan Roy Fig12.10 Kandukuri Veeresalingam Fig12.11 Dayananda Saraswathi
In the second half of the 19th century, many movements began against caste
discrimination and demanded social equality and justice. Sri Narayana Guru,
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, C.V. Ramaswamy Naiker, Jyotibai Phule and Savitri bai Phule
fought against caste discrimination.
People who fought against the British rule also fought against discrimination
to unite people. Dalits, women, tribal and peasants fought against inequality. The
pressure from reformers made the Britishers to make the laws against inequalities
and discriminations. For example, the practice of sati was banned in 1829.
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1829e d+eÔáàsÁ+ýË w~ó+#á&+~.
DidYou Know
You Know
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
Dr . An an di ba i Dr . N el so n Mand el a :
Joshi: First Indian After 27 years in prison,
female doctor. Her former Sou th African
baby son died 10 President Nelson Mandela
days later due to a was freed in 1990. He was
lack of medical care. successful in achieving the
This tragedy end of the apartheid. He
motivated her to Fig12.15 Dr.
brought peace to a racially
Fig12.16 Dr.
study medicine. Anandibai Joshi divided country. He led the
Nelson Mandela
She acquired Doctor of Medicine in fight for human rights
1886. While returning to India, she around the world. He received Bharata
contracted tuberculosis. She died in Ratna in 1990. He is known as the ‘Gandhi
Pune in1887. of South Africa’.
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ ?
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
&öö q+Bu²sTT CËwÓ : https://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
&öö Hî\àH eT+&ûý² : <¿ìD²ç|¾¿±
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1947e d+eÔáàsÁ+ýË uó²sÁÔá<ûXæ¿ì kÍÇÔá+çÔá«+ eºÌq|ÚÎ&T eTq HjáTÅ£\T deÖÈ+ýË q $$<ó
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The government tries to achieve equality in two ways. One is through the
law and another one is through the welfare programmes.
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
Let’s Do
We have preamble in our textbook. Find where it is? Read it carefully. What
you observed and understood about equality, discuss in your class room.
ç|uTó ÔáÇ+ deÖqÔÇ kÍ~ó+#á&¿ì s +&T eÖsZ\qT nqTd]dT+ï ~. ÿ¿£{ì #á{²¼\ <Çs, eTs=¿£{ì
d+¿¹ e T ¿±sÁ«ç¿£eÖ\ For <Çs.
All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
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Will discriminations and inequalities stop people from achieving their goals?
No, many prominent personalities proved this. Let us discuss about the famous
For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
persons. https://bit.ly/all-classes-new-text-books
Mariyappan Thangavelu
MariyappanThangavelu is an Indian Paralympic high
jumper. He injured his leg at the age of nine. However he
practised very hard and won the gold medal in the men’s high
jump in 2016 at the Rio de Jeneiro Paralympics, Brazil.
ndeÖqÔá\Ö $e¿£Ôá\Ö \¿£«kÍ<óqqT n&T¦Å£+{²jáÖ?
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For All Classes NFor All Classes New Text Books Open Below Link
Gender Equality equal treatment for men and women
Untouchability : a practice in which some lower caste people
are kept at a distance
Apartheid : discrimination on grounds of race
Sustainable development : development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet
their own needs
Discrimination : the unjust treatment on the grounds of race,
religion, caste, sex or other characteristics
1. Observe the given sentences and write True/False in the given brackets.
i. One of the more common forms of inequality in India is the caste system ( )
ii. Every person should not be treated with dignity. ( )
iii. Establishing equality in a democratic society is a continuous struggle. ( )
2. How will you use these numbers, when you are in trouble?
3. Why does caste system remain such a controversial
issue today?
4. What were the different reasons people had for
not sending girls to school before freedom?
5. What are the common forms of inequality
that exist in India?
6. Write a short note on equality in Indian democracy.
7. Give suggestions to remove inequality and discrimination
in Indian society.
8. Differentiate between inequality and discrimination.
Project Work
1. Split the class into small groups, discuss with your peer group on discrimination
and write a report on it.
2. Collect information about any two famous personalities who faced prejudice
and discrimination.
3. How can you fight against inequality and discrimination in your village?
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3. MT ç>±eT+ýË ndeÖqÔá\T, $e¿£Ôá\Å£ e«Ü¹s¿£+>± MTÂsý² bþs&>·\sÁT?
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