Viteee Admit Card
Viteee Admit Card
Viteee Admit Card
1. The e-Admit card is an important document and it must be preserved and produced at the time of
2. Candidate should report to the selected test centre with e-Admit card and any of the following for verification: Masked
Aadhar card; School or college Photo ID card; any other photo Identity card proof issued by government.
3. The time mentioned in the e-admit card indicates the Indian Standard Time (IST).
4. Candidates are not permitted to appear more than once either in the same subject or another subject by duplicate
applications. Any attempt more than once will result in the disqualification of candidacy.
5. Candidates will be tested on the subject chosen in the application form and mentioned in this e-admit card.
6. Candidate should be in the assigned exam centre at least 60 minutes prior to the starting time with the e-Admit Card.
7. Electronic Devices like calculators, tables, side ruler, pager and cellular phones are not allowed in the exam hall.
8. They should occupy only the allotted seat, candidates must sign the attendance sheet and e-Admit card in the
presence of the invigilator.
9. Biometrics like fingerprint / photo will be captured and will be verified again at the time of counselling/admission. Any
attempt for impersonation will attract legal action.
10. Candidates will not be allowed to leave the exam hall till the end of the examination.
11. For those who are unable to appear on the scheduled date of test for any reason, retest shall not be held by the VIT under
any circumstances.
12. Equi-percentile method is followed for ranking. Candidates are advised not to make assumptions and predications of their
course or rank based on their own estimates of raw scores.
13. VITEEE rank and the online counselling schedule will be published in on 03.05.2024 (tentative date) and will
also be intimated to the registered e-mail address.
1. Violation of any instruction and adoption of any unfair means in the exam will result in disqualification of the candidacy.
2. All admissions are subject to discipline and conduct of the candidate.
3. The admissions process is transparent based on VITEEE rank.
4. There is neither a MANAGEMENT QUOTA nor CAPITATION FEE at VIT.
5. VIT does not engage agents/counsellors/consultants for admission.
6. Application fee/ counselling fee/ academics and hostel fees should be remitted only through authorized online
portal which will be communicated to the registered e-mail by VIT. Cash/DD/Cheque or any physical
instruments of banking are not acceptable.
7. VIT will not be responsible for any such interactions initiated by applicants / parents.
8. VITEEE is a common entrance exam for VIT Vellore, VIT Chennai, VIT-AP and VIT Bhopal. Online counselling schedule will be
informed to the eligible candidates through e-mail/SMS.
9. Any dispute / legal action will be in the jurisdiction of Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. 1/2
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