Action Plan
Action Plan
Action Plan
K3C Arm assy Kick- Starter- Quality Issues & K0P Arm assy Kick- QIC crack
K0P Kick arm- Raw material supplier change from M/S TK steel to
7 Under discussion with management Kashyap/Jetesh/Vikas san TBC
M/S Arthi (JSW- Material) Supplier c Vishakha, jindal and aar
supplier 5S, material handling, set up and product
8 K0P Kick arm- Billet Tier2 supplier Process Improvement and process parameters data monitoring on daily Kulwant/Rajat san 20.09.23
100% billtet temperature to be checked with laser
9 K0P Kick arm- Billet 100% Temp check before forging gun, check sheet to be implemented and evidence Kulwant/Rajat san 20.09.23
to be shared
supplier called and trial will be done based upon
K0P Kick arm- Water Quenching to be change to Oil Quanching or
10 technical discussion with supplier for oil quenching Kashyap San TBC
Synthatic Polymer Quenching
or Synthetic polymer quenching Quenching media change
What ever action are taken in K3C & K0P has to done HD in other
11 Jitesh san TBC
applicable models. (must)
MPI: Part not magnetize properly due Holding in copper wire and in loose 1. Part testing directly with electrode contact
condition.Both end electrode clamping required. Also can not be check started
8 Parveen/Devinder/Jaswinder san
by single machine. FPR 100% MPI- More setups require Capacity need 2. Special fixture will be made for capacity
to revalidated. enhancement
Other Points
Shop floor 3'S of Forging shop and Machine shop was not Good at Tier 5S will be improved of shop floor with proper
MTL / Hariom 30.09.23
2- M/S Hariom Auto. material handling & identification system
PPE'S not availble in forging shop- Helmet, Safety Shoes and Gogles. PPE will be provided in one week time Hari Om 25.09.23