Usp NF 2023
Usp NF 2023
Usp NF 2023
November 1, 2022
In accordance with USP’s Rules and Procedures of the Council of Experts (“Rules”), and
except as provided in Section 9.02 Accelerated Revision Processes, USP publishes proposed
revisions to the United States Pharmacopeia and the National Formulary (USP–NF) for public
review and comment in the Pharmacopeial Forum (PF), USP’s free bimonthly journal for public
notice and comment. After comments are considered and incorporated as the Expert
Committee (EC) deems appropriate, the proposal may advance to official status or be re-
published in PF for further notice and comment, in accordance with the Rules. In cases when
proposals advance to official status, a summary of comments received and the appropriate
Expert Committee's responses, as well as Expert Committee-initiated changes, are published
in the Proposal Status/Commentary section of at the time the official revision is
The Commentary is not part of the official text and is not intended to be enforceable by
regulatory authorities. Rather, it explains the basis of Expert Committees’ responses to public
comments on proposed revisions. If there is a difference or conflict between the contents of the
Commentary and the official text, the official text prevails.
General Chapters
<432> Determination of Zeta Potential by Electrophoretic Light Scattering
<1042> Cell Banking Practices for Recombinant Biologics
Acetyltriethyl Citrate
Albuterol Tablets
Alginic Acid
Amphetamine Sulfate Tablets
Atomoxetine Hydrochloride
Calcium Propionate
Carboplatin Injection
Carteolol Hydrochloride
Chlorthalidone Tablets
Curcuminoids Capsules
Curcuminoids Tablets
Cyclophosphamide Capsules
Dextrose and Sodium Chloride Injection
Dutasteride and Tamsulosin Hydrochloride Capsules
Fosamprenair Calcium Tablets
Hydrogenated Polydextrose
Linezolid Tablets
Pamidronate Disodium for Injection
Polyvinyl Alcohol
Potassium Alginate
Quinapril and Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets
Risedronate Sodium Delayed-Release Tablets
Rivaroxaban Tablets
Sodium Alginate
Tinidazole Tablets
Trazodone Hydrochloride Tablets
Triethyl Citrate
Valacyclovir Hydrochloride
Valganciclovir Hydrochloride
Valsartan Tablets
General Chapters
Bael Tree Fruit
Bael Tree Fruit Dry Extract
Bael Tree Fruit Powder
Bifidobacterium Animalis Subsp. Lactis
Cetyl Palmitate
Conjugated Linoleic Acids-Free Fatty Acids
Lindane Lotion
Manganese Sulfate Injection
Polypropylene Glycol 11 Stearyl Ether
Sugar Spheres
General Chapters
Comment Summary #1: The commenter, referring to the use of term “micelle” in the
“Determination of the Concentration Range” and “Method Validation” sub-sections suggested
replacing that term with the term “particles.”
Response: Comment partially incorporated. The expert committee decided to replace the term
“micelles” with the term “colloidal particles,” stating that the term “colloidal particles” more
closely represents the physical reality of the subject probed by the scattering of light in the zeta
potential measurement test.
General Comments
Comment Summary #13: The commenter suggested changing the text, “manufacturing drug
substances for clinical and commercial applications” to “drug substances for commercial
applications” in the sentence: “Each GMP cell bank should be tested and characterized to
satisfy quality standards for identity, purity, and genetic stability and ensured to be free from
adventitious contaminants for use in manufacturing drug substances for clinical and commercial
Response: Comment incorporated. The text was changed to “drug substances for commercial
applications” as the commenter suggested in the above sentence.
Comment Summary #14: The commenter suggested deleting “patient bank” from the following
sentence: “During the development phases, the bank can be released before it is fully tested to
start drug substance manufacturing; however, the bank has to be fully tested for safety (identity,
purity, free from adventitious contaminants) prior to a drug substance's release for patient bank
clinical applications.”
Response: Comment incorporated. The term “patient bank” was deleted.
Comment Summary #15: The commenter suggested requirements for genetic stability should
be considered, as appropriate, prior to commercial application.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Describing when genetic characterization, including
genetic stability should not be specifically outlined in the chapter, as this testing may need a
flexible approach.
Comment Summary #16: For clarification, the commenter suggested to add the words
“conditionally and at risk to the following sentence: “The bank can be conditionally released, at
risk, before it is fully tested to start drug substance manufacturing.”
Response: Comment incorporated. The words “conditionally” and “at risk” were added to the
sentence: “The bank can be conditionally released, at risk, before it is fully tested to start drug
substance manufacturing.”
Comment Summary #17: The commenter suggested to add the term “patient bank” to the
Response: Comment not incorporated. The term “patient bank” was removed from the
sentence: “The bank can be released before it is fully tested to start drug substance
manufacturing; however, the bank has to be fully tested, especially for safety prior to a drug
substance's release for patient bank clinical applications.”
Comment Summary #55: The commenter suggested to replace the word “purity” with “strain
ID” in the sentence: “Cell line purity can be assessed with PCR or using short tandem repeat
(STR) profiling or DNA fingerprinting or another appropriate technology to verify the identity of
the host cells.”
Comment Summary #79: The commenter suggested to change “new pre-and post-launch cell
lines” to “clinical” and “commercial” cell lines, respectively.
Response: Comment partially incorporated. The phase “pre- and post-launch” will be removed,
so it will read: “The new cell lines may be from a new species (e.g., a change from NS0 to CHO)
or from the same species with additional genetic modifications to improve the cell culture
performance and/or the quality/productivity of the therapeutic proteins.”
Comment Summary #80: The commenter recommended changing the title of the section to
"Mammalian Cell Line Clonality”. And to add the following statement: "This section discusses
clonality of production cell lines-derived from mammalian cells."
Response: Comment incorporated. The section title was changed, and the statement was
Comment Summary #81: The commenter suggested changing “limited dilution” to “limiting
dilution” in the sentence: “These practices include limiting dilution, fluorescence-activated cell
Response: Comment incorporated. “Limited dilution” was changed to “limiting dilution.”
Comment Summary #82: The commenter suggested adding the following phrase, “acquiring
images of the single cell at Day 0 and on subsequent days to follow the outgrowth of the clones”
to the sentence: “The supplemental evidence for the single-cell derivation of the cell line can be
based on the use of a qualified imaging system, acquiring images of the single cell at Day 0 and
on subsequent days to follow the outgrowth of the clones”.
Response: Comment incorporated. The phrase that the commenter suggested was added to
the sentence.
Comment Summary #83: The commenter indicated that it is general when images are used as
supportive information in the following statement from the General Chapter, “Images are
evaluated for quality—based on criteria including image focus and clarity, cell shape, lack of
debris or artifacts in the well—as well as for conformation that the entire well was captured in
the image”
Response: Comment not incorporated. The commenter’s position was considered; no
requested change was specifically identified.
Comment Summary #84: The commenter requested to omit the section “Other Automated
Clone Selection Technology” because the section is very focused on high-speed laser
manipulation methods.
Response: Comment partially incorporated. A sentence has been added to clarify the text
contains one example, other methods can be used.
Comment Summary #91: The commenter suggested to remove the text, “When probability
calculations are included, they should be done so prospectively.” as this is not the practice used
by the commenter.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The commenter’s position was considered, and the
existing language reflects only that these are commonly used practices when probability
calculations are included.
Comment Summary #92: The commenter suggested to remove "consistent process and PQ"
as it does not seem to fit in this section.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The commenter’s position was considered, and the
existing language reflects that these are common practices for assurance of clonality.
Comment Summary #93: The commenter suggested to remove reference to Southern blotting
as the Southern blot does not provide much information on clonality.
Response: Comment incorporated. The reference to Southern blotting was removed.
Comment Summary #94: The commenter suggested to revise the introductory paragraph of
this section to remove statements such as “inherently variable”.
Response: Comment incorporated. The text was edited to remove “inherently variable”.
Comment Summary #96: The commenter suggested switching Section 5.1 and section 5.3 in
the chapter to improve the flow of the chapter.
Response: Comment incorporated. Sections 5.1 and 5.3 were switched to improve the flow of
the chapter.
Comment Summary #97: The commenter suggested combining sections 5.2 and 5.3 or better
define the purpose of each section.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Sections 5.1 and 5.3 will be switched which will improve
the flow of the chapter and redundancies will not be an issue.
Comment Summary #98: The commenter requested to delete restriction analysis map and
plasmid stability are not listed as specification analyses in Table 3.
Response: Comment incorporated. Text from the box has been deleted.
Comment Summary #99: Commenter suggested adding information about monitoring genetic
stability of cell banks under long term storage to sub-section 5.1.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The testing of LIVCA genetic stability is sufficient to
cover stability of banks under long term storage.
Comment Summary #100: The commenter suggested to exclude NGS from section 5.1 or if
NGS is kept, to provide guidance on the NGS data that is submitted or what comparisons are
Response: Comment partially incorporated. The statement has been revised to clarify that NGS
is not one of the most common methodologies. The following edits has been made: “The most
common methodologies for the assessment of gross structure of the expression construct are
restriction endonuclease (RE) mapping analysis. DNA sequencing (NGS) is beginning to be
used for genetic characterization.”
Comment Summary #101: The commenter suggested including a reference to PDA Technical
Report 71 Emerging Methods for Virus Detection.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The expert committee did not agree with the
commenter that the PDA reference was appropriate for discussion of genetic characterization.
Comment Summary #102: Commenter suggested to include that NGS should occur on cells at
a representative cell age from a representative commercial process.
Response: Comment not incorporated. NGS is not being used for this purpose.
Comment Summary #103: Commenter recommended to reference to PDA Technical Report
71 Emerging Methods for Virus Detection.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The expert committee did not agree with the
commenter that the PDA report was appropriate for genetic characterization.
Comment Summary #104: Commenter suggested to clarify what qualifies End of Production
(EOP) cells to be analyzed and provide a worse-case scenario.
Response: Comment not incorporated. EOP can be cultured as long it needs to be for each
user of the general chapter’s process.
Comment Summary #105: The commenter suggested to correct the improper use of an
acronym: Next generation sequencing (NGS) of DNA.
Response: Comment incorporated. The improper use of the acronym was corrected to Next
Generation Sequencing (NGS).
Comment Summary #114: The commenter suggested to remove “the same copy number”
from the following sentence: “For an engineered cell line, the inserted GOI should remain intact
and at the same copy number”. The commenter suggested replacing “same” with “at a like”.
Response: Comment partially incorporated. The following edits are made, "For an engineered
cell line, the inserted GOI should remain intact and at a consistent copy number should be
determined to support consistent production.
Comment Summary #115: The commenter requested clarification on whether or not the
Master cell bank should comply with the test for hemadsorbing extraneous agents. The
commenter also suggested including references for this test.
Comment Summary #125: Commenter suggested specifying that purity testing be required for
MCB and WCB in Table 3. The commenter also requested to clarify the difference between
Specification Analysis and Additional Tests in Table 3.
Response: Comment partially incorporated. A footnote will be added to Microbial Purity under
“Additional Tests” to specify that the purity test needs to be performed on EOP if not done in
MCB and WCB. Specification tests are release tests; additional tests are characterization tests.
A change was made to change “Additional Tests” to “Characterization Tests” for clarity.
Comment Summary #126: The commenter recommended that the following text be added to
the last sentence of the first paragraph: “Use of each test should be agreed upon with the
applicable health authority and aligned with the latest version of the ICH Q5A guidance.”
Response: Comment not incorporated. ICH Q5A is referenced several other places in the
chapter. The use of each test needs agreement from applicable regulatory authority.
Comment Summary #127: The commenter suggested not to mention specific methods in
Table 3 and that specific methods should not be specified as there are multiple appropriate
methods. The commenter also requested clarification of the use of strain ID and nucleic acid
Response: Comment not incorporated. Table 3 is aligned with the current R1 version of ICHQ5.
Strain ID is sequencing. Nucleic acid profiling is phenotype.
Comment Summary #128: The commenter suggested to remove DNA sequence or DNA
sequencing from either list of specification tests or additional tests.
Response: Comment not incorporated. There is a difference between early (MCB and WCB)
and late (EOP) stage and the testing performed. Characterization is more extensive in earlier
stages. EOP is end of process and DNA sequencing can only be an additional test due to the
stage of the cells.
Comment Summary #129: The commenter suggested to omit strain ID for the “Working Cell
Bank” from Table 3.
Response: Comment incorporated. Strain ID for the “Working Cell Bank” was removed from
Table 3.
Comment Summary #130: The commenter suggested to delete Table 3 and Table 4 and refer
to guidance per current ICH Q5A.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Table 3 and Table 4 will be retained as these tables
add value to the general chapter.
Comment Summary #131: The commenter suggested to edit Table 4 because it specifies the
repetition of antibody production tests at EOP, which would exceed the existing guidance in
Response: Comment incorporated. The antibody tests in Table 4 have been updated to align
with ICH Q5A. The Master cell bank (MCB) is only bank tested with the antibody production test.
Comment Summary #132: The commenter recommended to define similar terms in the
Glossary at the end of the chapter.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The commenter’s position was considered and based
on the scope and anticipated user of the general chapter, it was identified that additional
definition was not necessary.
Comment Summary #133: The commenter suggested to remove the footnote a of Table 3 that
specifies “only for bacterial cell banks” since the title of the table specifies bacterial cell banks.
Comment Summary #172: The commenter suggested the following edited text: “There is an
option to use scale-down cell culture evaluation criteria including cell culture process key
performance indicators (KPIs).
Response: Comment not incorporated. It is expected to do at least one full scale evaluation.
Small scale data can be supportive in nature.
Comment Summary #173: The commenter requested to add considerations for vial tracking
such as the need for tracking the number of vials made, the number of vials used and the
number of vials remaining.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Tracking vial # is a business practice but is not needed
to assess the quality of the cell bank.
Comment Summary #186: The commenter suggested to add definitions for End of production
(EOP) cells and LIVCA.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Definitions for EOP and LIVCA already exist in the
Comment Summary #187: The commenter requested to correct the authors for the citation.
The authors should be Berting, Farcet, and Kreil.
Response: Comment incorporated. The author names were corrected.
EC-initiated Change #1: Preparation of standard solutions was changed from one standard
solution containing three reference standards (USP Triethyl Aconitate RS, USP Triethyl
Aconitate RS, and USP Acetyltriethyl Citrate RS) to three separate standard solutions each
containing only one reference standard, due to the presence of a Z-isomer of triethyl aconitate
in USP Triethyl Aconitate RS that coelutes with triethyl citrate and also due to potential
presence of triethyl aconitate and triethyl citrate in acetyltriethyl citrate used as a reference
standard. The System suitability and Analysis sections of the test were updated to reflect the
use of separate standard solutions.
EC-initiated Change#2: In Table 2, triethyl aconitate with relative retention time of 0.93 was
specified as triethyl (E)-prop-1-ene-1,2,3-tricarboxylate.
Comment Summary #1: The commenter suggested modifying the statement under Standard
stock solution in the test for Limt of Lead and Arsenic. The statement was proposed to modify
from” ...and 500 µL of lead” to” ...and 500 µL of a standard solution containing 1000 mg/L of
Response: Comment incorporated. As per the suggestion, the statement was modified
Th“...and 500 µL of lead” to “...and 500 µL of a standard solution containing 1000 mg/L of lead
to provide additional clarity.
Comment Summary #2: Under Emission wavelengths, the commenter suggested to correct
the wavelength of yttrium internal standard emission line from “371.030 nm” to “224.306 nm”
since this is much closer to the elements being analyzed.
Response: Comment incorporated. As per the suggestion, the yttrium internal standard
emission line was corrected from “371.030 nm” to “224.306 nm”, since this is much closer to the
elements being analyzed.
Comment Summary #3: Under Analysis, the commenter suggested removing the statement
related to in-line addition of internal standard since it was already added manually.
Response: Comment incorporated. As per the suggestion, the statement related to the in-line
addition of internal standard was removed since it was already added manually.
Comment Summary #4: The commenter requested the removal of the testing for lead and
arsenic in alginates. The commenter quoted a USP 2016 stimuli article which states,” Unless
there is a known quality or safety related reason to maintain the specific elemental impurity
limit(s) currently in place for selected components (drug substance and excipients),
implementation of <232> renders the specific element chapters and limit tests in monographs as
unnecessary”. The commenter also confirmed that they are not aware of any specific risk of
lead and arsenic in alginates that require any specific controls.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Comments related to the applicability of elemental
impurity testing to alginate monographs were discussed by the Complex Excipients Expert
Committee. The expert committee considered the fact that alginates are naturally derived
materials. The committee confirmed that additional data will be required from different alginate
manufacturers to decide on the outright removal of the elemental testing from alginate
monographs. Any such decision, based on limited data, may risk the overall safety of the
Comment Summary #1: The commenter requested to add a dissolution test which
accommodates their approved drug product.
Response: Comment partially incorporated. The Expert Committee determined that the
dissolution parameters and tolerance from the commenter are consistent or tighter than that
published for Dissolution Test 2 except for the Medium which requires deaeration. The Medium
in Dissolution Test 2 is updated from “Medium: water; 500 mL” to “Medium: water; 500mL,
deaerated if necessary”.
Comment summary #1: The commenter recommended removing the reporting threshold as it
will vary based on product-specific factors.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Based on comments received on a proposed policy for
reporting thresholds, USP determined that the issue of the removal of reporting thresholds from
monographs needs further stakeholder engagement. USP intends to conduct further
stakeholder engagement.
Comment Summary #1: The commenter recommended removing the reporting threshold in the
test for Organic Impurities as it will vary based on product-specific factors.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Based on comments received on a proposed policy for
reporting thresholds, USP determined that the issue of the removal of reporting thresholds from
monographs needs further stakeholder engagement. USP intends to conduct further
stakeholder engagement.
EC-initiated Change#1: A note of “The peak eluting at RRT 0.3 is the calcium ion peak. This
peak and the peaks eluting before it is excluded from integration. These peaks are not from
organic impurities of Calcium Propionate” was added in the Analysis section of the Organic
Impurities test to offer clarity.
EC-initiated Change#2: “Plot the calibration curve versus potential, in mV, on two-cycle
semilogarithmic paper with µg of fluoride per 100 mL of solution on the logarithmic scale” was
changed to “Construct a calibration curve by plotting potential, in mV, versus logarithm of µg of
fluoride per 100 mL of solution” in the Limit of Fluoride test to offer users more flexibility in
constructing the calibration curve, and the footnote 1 was deleted in this test because this
footnote, which contains a broken link to a semilogarithmic paper supplier, is not needed
anymore with the change made for constructing the calibration curve.
EC-initiated Change #1: Change from “Any individual unspecified degradation product” to “Any
unspecified degradation product” in Table 1, to be consistent with ICH terminology.
Comment Summary #1: The commenters recommended revising the acceptance criteria for
“Cyclobutane dicarboxylic acid” and “Total degradation products” to be consistent with what
have been approved by the agency.
Response: Comment incorporated. The acceptance criteria for “Cyclobutane dicarboxylic acid”
is revised from “NMT 0.4%” to “NMT 1.0%,” and the limit for the “Total degradation products” is
revised from “NMT 0.5%” to “NMT 2.5%.” In addition, a footnote is added to “Total degradation
products” in Table 1 to indicate that the amount of “Cyclobutane dicarboxylic acid” is included in
the limit for “Total degradation products.”
Comment summary #1: The commenter recommended removing the reporting threshold as it
will vary based on product-specific factors.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Based on comments received on a proposed policy for
reporting thresholds, USP determined that the issue of the removal of reporting thresholds from
monographs needs further stakeholder engagement. USP intends to conduct further
stakeholder engagement.
Comment Summary #1: The commenter recommended removing the reporting threshold from
the Organic Impurities test as it will vary based on product-specific factors.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Based on comments received on a proposed policy for
reporting thresholds, USP determined that the issue of the removal of reporting thresholds from
monographs needs further stakeholder engagement. USP intends to conduct further
stakeholder engagement.
Comment Summary #2: The commenter recommended harmonizing the Assay and Organic
Impurities methods with the current EP monograph with regard to the injection volume and
gradient program for both methods and the concentration of the Standard solution in the
Organic Impurities method.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The Assay and Organic Impurities methods are based
on the validated procedures and are suitable for the intended use. As appropriate, the Expert
Committee will consider future revisions to this monograph upon receipt of supporting
Comment Summary #1: The commenter recommended removing the reporting threshold from
the Organic Impurities test as it will vary based on product-specific factors.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Based on comments received on a proposed policy for
reporting thresholds, USP determined that the issue of the removal of reporting thresholds from
monographs needs further stakeholder engagement. USP intends to conduct further
stakeholder engagement.
Comment Summary #2: The commenter indicated that they utilize the EP Chlorthalidone
System Suitability CRS in the preparation of the System Suitability Solution for peak
identification in their organic impurities test.
EC-initiated Change #1: The Expert Committee changed the description of the HPTLC data for
Identification A to be corrected to reflect HPTLC data for curcuminoids rather than turmeric
rhizome (Curcuma longa).
EC-initiated Change #2: The Expert Committee added an explanation to the statement
“making any necessary modification” in the Analysis under Disintegration and Dissolution for
further clarity.
EC-initiated Change#1: In the Definition and the Assay, retain the upper limit of NMT 99.0%. A
product with a DE greater than 99.0% would be "dextrates" rather than just simply "dextrose”.
EC-initiated Change#2: The EC changed title of “USP Hydrated Dextrates RS” to “Dextrates
Monohydrate RS” to be consistent with naming of USP RS. The incorporated title change is also
consistent with the supporting data, which describes the material as monohydrate (hydrate
containing single molecule of water of crystallization per molecule) and is therefore more
EC-initiated Change#3: In the Identification B test, the upper limit of Melting range or
temperature was relaxed from 144° to 146°. The melting point for dextrose is 146° which is in
alignment with assay data (the dextrose equivalence (assay) for bulk lot is 99%) and melting
point data was received, so an upper limit of 144° may not be inclusive of a highly hydrolyzed
EC-initiated Change#4: In the Definition and Assay, the phrase ‘on dried basis’ was removed
to address a problem with calculation. The Assay calculation originally is based on %TDA.
Comment Summary #1: Commenter suggested to change column and detector temperatures,
as their HPLC column and detector temperatures are not calibrated to ±1 °C as proposed.
Comment Summary #1: The commenter recommended removing the new Sample solution for
products that are terminally sterilized because they stated that it is not suitable for products
containing higher strengths of dextrose.
Response: Comment incorporated. The new Sample solution for products that are terminally
sterilized in the Assay was removed and a Note was added to the original Sample solution
stating that “ammonium hydroxide may be omitted for finished products containing up to 10%
dextrose that have been terminally heat sterilized”.
Comment summary #1: The commenter recommended removing the reporting threshold as it
will vary based on product-specific factors.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Based on comments received on a proposed policy for
reporting thresholds, USP determined that the issue of the removal of reporting thresholds from
monographs needs further stakeholder engagement. USP intends to conduct further
stakeholder engagement.
Comment summary #2: Commenter recommended revising the acceptance criteria for “any
unspecified degradation product” associated with dutasteride and tamsulosin hydrochloride to
align with what has been approved by the agency, and to be consistent with the identification
threshold as per ICH-Q3B.
Response: Comment incorporated. Based on specifications obtained from a manufacturer with
an FDA approved drug product application, the acceptance criteria for “any unspecified
degradation product” for Dutasteride and Tamsulosin hydrochloride are each revised to NMT
Comment summary #3: The commenter requested to revise the acceptance criteria for the
“total degradation products” of tamsulosin hydrochloride to be consistent with what has been
approved by the agency.
Response: Comment incorporated. Based on specifications obtained from a manufacturer with
an FDA approved drug product application, the acceptance criteria for “total degradation
products” associated with tamsulosin hydrochloride is increased to NMT 1.0%.
Comment summary #4: The commenter recommended removing chlorodutasteride from the
list of specified impurities as it may be sufficiently controlled in the drug substance.
Response: Comment incorporated. Removed chlorodutasteride as a specified impurity
controlling it under any unspecified degradation product acceptance criteria.
Comment summary #5: The commenter recommended removing the list of process impurities
in the acceptance criteria Table 3 and Table 5 because the agency is unable to confirm whether
these impurities are process-only for all approved products.
Response: Comment incorporated. The process impurities listed in Tables 3 and 5 did not have
any associated acceptance criteria and the relative retention times were provided for
information. No other identified impurities with associated acceptance criteria remain.
EC-Initiated Change #1: The EC changed “Any individual unspecified impurity” to “Any
unspecified impurity” in Table 2 of the Organic Impurities section to be consistent with ICH
EC-Initiated Change #2: The EC updated the descriptions for the USP Emtricitabine System
Suitability Mixture A RS and USP Emtricitabine System Suitability Mixture B in the USP
Reference Standards <11> section to be consistent with the current USP practice.
Comment Summary #1: The commenter indicated that the following impurities have different
limits from those in agency-approved products: Emtricitabine acid; Emtricitabine S-sulfoxide;
Emtricitabine R-sulfoxide; Lamivudine; Emtricitabine 5-fluorouracil analog; Emtricitabine
enantiomer; Emtricitabine 5-epimer; and Emtricitabine 2-epimer.
Response: Comment partially incorporated. The Acceptance criteria were widened from
“0.15%” to “0.50%” for Emtricitabine acid and from “0.15%” to “0.20%” for Lamivudine,
consistent with data provided The Expert Committee will consider future revisions to this
monograph upon receipt of supporting information.
Comment Summary #2: The commenter requested to widen the limits for the Emtricitabine S-
sulfoxide impurity.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The Expert Committee will consider future revisions to
this monograph upon receipt of supporting information.
Comment Summary #3: The commenter requested to include 197A for Identification A.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The Expert Committee will consider future revisions to
this monograph upon receipt of supporting information.
Comment Summary #4: The commenter requested relaxing the System suitability requirement
for Relative standard deviation for the Assay test to “NMT 2.0%” from the proposed “NMT
Response: Comment not incorporated. A relative standard deviation of “NMT 0.73%” is current
USP practice and in line with General Chapter <621>.
Comment Summary #5: The commenter requested relaxing the limit for Residue on Ignition
from the proposed “NMT 0.10%” to “NMT 0.1%” based on their FDA-approved limit.
Response: Comment incorporated. The limit for ROI has been revised from NMT 0.10% to
NMT 0.1%.
Comment Summary #7: The commenter requested to add additional impurities (FTC-
Dioxolane and FTC-Disulfide) with limits to the monograph.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The Expert Committee will consider future revisions to
this monograph upon receipt of supporting information.
EC-initiated Change #1: The EC changed “Any individual unspecified impurity” to “Any
unspecified impurity” in Table 1 of the Organic Impurities: Early-Eluting Impurities section and in
Table 3 of the Organic Impurities: Late-Eluting Impurities section to be consistent with ICH
EC-initiated Change #2: The EC removed the Relative response factor (F) for all impurities in
Table 1 of the Organic Impurities: Early-Eluting Impurities section and in Table 3 of the Organic
Impurities: Late-Eluting Impurities section. In addition, as the Relative response factor is not
needed, the “(1/F)” from the equations and corresponding definitions are removed.
EC-initiated Change #3: The EC update the description for the USP Fosamprenavir Calcium
System Suitability Mixture RS to be consistent with what is listed in the API monograph.
EC-initiated Change #4: The EC changed the nominal concentration for Sample solutions
prepared throughout the proposed monograph based on the labeled amount of fosamprenavir
as opposed to the fosamprenavir calcium.
Comment Summary #1: The commenter indicated that the concentration of the Standard
solution in the Dissolution test is incorrect as it should be “0.78 mg/mL of fosamprenvir” as
opposed to “0.78 mg/mL of fosamprenavir calcium.”
Response: Comment incorporated. The Standard solution preparation is changed to “0.83
mg/mL” of USP Fosamprenavir Calcium RS, which is equivalent to 0.78 mg/mL of
fosamprenavir. In addition, as there is no dilution of the Sample solution, the “D” from the
Dissolution equation and corresponding definition is removed.
Comment Summary #2: The commenter indicated that the Dissolution acceptance criteria are
different from those in agency-approved products.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The acceptance criteria are based on known approved
specifications. The Expert Committee will consider future revisions to this monograph upon
receipt of supporting information.
Comment Summary #3: The commenter recommended removing the reporting threshold as it
will vary based on product-specific factors.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Based on comments received on a proposed policy for
reporting thresholds, USP determined that the issue of the removal of reporting thresholds from
monographs needs further stakeholder engagement. USP intends to conduct further
stakeholder engagement.
Comment Summary #4: The commenter requested UV cuvette length information be added to
the Dissolution test as, when using the default 1 cm path length cell, the instrument is saturated
at the 0.78 mg/mL concentration of the Standard solution.
Response: Comment incorporated. The path length of a 0.02 cm cell is consistent with the
sponsor’s method and avoids the instrument being saturated. Therefore, the path length of a
0.02 cm cell is added to the proposed monograph.
Comment Summary #1: The commenter requested removing the reporting threshold as it will
vary based on product-specific factors. The commenter also commented that the proposed
reporting threshold at 0.005% is much lower than the ICH reporting threshold.
Response: Comment partially incorporated. Based on comments received on a proposed policy
for reporting thresholds, USP determined that the issue of the removal of reporting thresholds
from monographs needs further stakeholder engagement. USP intends to conduct further
stakeholder engagement. The reporting threshold was widened from 0.005% to 0.05% to be in
line with ICH guidelines and the sensitivity solution concentration was increased from 0.05
ug/mL to 0.5 ug/mL to be in line with the Reporting threshold level.
Comment Summary #2: The commenter indicated that acceptance criterion for any individual
unspecified impurity should be consistent with ICH Q3B guidelines and the acceptance criterion
for Linezolid related compound C is different from what has been approved by the FDA.
Monograph/Section(s): Maltodextrin/Identification
Expert Committee: Complex Excipients
No. of Commenters: 2
Comment Summary #1: The commenter recommended tightening the Acceptance criteria for
the Assay from “97.0%-103.0%” to “98.0%–102.0%”.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The Acceptance criteria of 97.0%–103.0%, which
remain unchanged in the proposed proposal, are consistent with what have been approved by
the FDA. The Expert Committee will consider future revisions to the monograph upon receipt of
supporting data, as appropriate.
Comment Summary #2: The commenter requested removing the reporting threshold from the
Organic Impurities test as it will vary based on product-specific factors.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Based on comments received on a proposed policy for
reporting thresholds, USP determined that the issue of the removal of reporting thresholds from
monographs needs further stakeholder engagement. USP intends to conduct further
stakeholder engagement
Comment summary #1: The commenter recommended including a temperature control for the
refractive index detector at the same temperature as the column and adding a note that the
system should be equilibrated until stable base line is obtained.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The comment is outside the scope of the proposed
revisions. The EC will consider future revisions to the monograph upon receipt of the necessary
supporting data.
Comment Summary #1: The commenter suggested modifying the statement under Standard
stock solution. The statement was proposed to modify from” ...and 500 µL of lead” to “...and 500
µL of a standard solution containing 1000 mg/L of lead”.
Response: Comment incorporated. As per the suggestion, the statement was modified from
“...and 500 µL of lead” to “...and 500 µL of a standard solution containing 1000 mg/L of lead” for
Comment Summary #2: Under Emission wavelengths, the commenter suggested to correct
wavelength of yttrium internal standard emission line from “371.030 nm” to “224.306 nm”
because this is much closer to the elements being analyzed.
Response: Comment incorporated. As per the suggestion, the yttrium internal standard
emission line was corrected from “371.030 nm” to “224.306 nm”, since this is much closer to the
elements being analyzed.
Comment Summary #3: Under the Analysis, the commenter suggested removing the
statement related to the in-line addition of the Internal standard solution since it was already
added manually.
Response: Comment incorporated. As per the suggestion, the statement related to the in-line
addition of the Internal standard solution was removed since it was already added manually.
Comment Summary #4: The commenter quoted a USP 2016 Stimuli article which states,”
Unless there is a known quality or safety related reason to maintain the specific elemental
impurity limit(s) currently in place for selected components (drug substance and excipients),
implementation of <232> renders the specific element chapters and limit tests in monographs as
unnecessary”. The commenter also confirmed that they are not aware of any specific risk of
lead and arsenic in alginates that require any specific controls.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Comments related to the applicability of elemental
impurity testing of alginate monographs were discussed by the Complex Excipients Expert
Committee. The Expert Committee considered the fact that alginates are naturally derived
materials. The committee confirmed that additional data will be required from different alginate
manufacturers to decide on the outright removal of the elemental testing from alginate
monographs. Any such decision, based on the limited data, may risk the overall safety of the
material. The committee determined that it could compromise the ability of a public standard to
control such materials in terms of quality and safety.
Comment Summary #5: The commenter recommended not to reduce the limit of lead from 10
ppm to 5 ppm. It stated that process and/or analytical capability should not be the basis for
lowering elemental impurity limits in existing monographs. Using process capability to tighten
existing monograph limits for elemental impurities directly conflicts with ICH Q3D, which states
that limits should be based on patient safety.
Response: Comment incorporated. Comments related to the lowering of the elemental impurity
limits were considered and discussed with the Complex Excipient Expert Committee. As per the
committee’s recommendations, the limit for lead was kept unchanged at 10 ppm.
Comments related to the applicability of elemental impurity testing of alginate monographs were
discussed by the Complex Excipients Expert Committee. The Expert Committee considered the
fact that alginates are naturally derived materials. The committee confirmed that additional data
will be required from different alginate manufacturers to decide on the outright removal of the
elemental testing from alginate monographs. Any such decision, based on the limited data, may
risk the overall safety of the material. The committee determined that it could compromise the
ability of a public standard to control such materials in terms of quality and safety
EC-initiated Change #1: The phrase "of the labeled amount" was added to the calculation
descriptions within the Assay and the test for Dissolution for clarity and consistency with current
USP style.
Comment Summary #1: The commenter requested removing the reporting threshold from the
Organic Impurities test as it will vary based on product-specific factors.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Based on comments received on a proposed policy for
reporting thresholds, USP determined that the issue of the removal of reporting thresholds from
monographs needs further stakeholder engagement. USP intends to conduct further
stakeholder engagement.
Comment Summary #2: The commenter requested removing process impurities without
acceptance criteria from the Table 5 in the Organic impurities test. Those include
Chlorothiazide, 5-Chlorohydrochlorothiazide, Hydrochlorothiazide dimer, Quinapril methyl ester,
Quinapril isopropyl ester, Hexahydroquinapril, and Quinapril benzyl ester.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Removing process impurity is outside the scope of this
revision. The Expert Committee may consider future revisions to the monograph upon the
receipt of supporting data.
Comment summary #1: The commenter recommended removing the reporting threshold from
the test for Organic Impurities as it will vary based on product-specific factors.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Based on comments received on a proposed policy for
reporting thresholds, USP determined that the issue of the removal of reporting thresholds from
monographs needs further stakeholder engagement. USP intends to conduct further
stakeholder engagement.
Comment Summary #1: The commenter recommended removing the reporting threshold from
the test for Organic Impurities as it will vary based on product-specific factors.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Based on comments received on a proposed policy for
reporting thresholds, USP determined that the issue of the removal of reporting thresholds from
monographs needs further stakeholder engagement. USP intends to conduct further
stakeholder engagement.
Comment Summary #2: The commenter requested modifying the preparation of the Standard
stock solution within the test for Dissolution as they observed that rivaroxaban was not soluble.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The expert committee has determined that the solution
preparation as written is suitable for inclusion in the public standard.
Comment Summary #1: The commenter suggested modifying the statement under Standard
stock solution. The statement was proposed to modify from ”...and 500 µL of lead” to ”...and 500
µL of a standard solution containing 1000 mg/L of lead”.
Response: Comment incorporated to modify “...and 500 µL of lead” to “...and 500 µL of a
standard solution containing 1000 mg/L of lead” for clarity.
Comment Summary #2: Under Emission wavelengths, the commenter suggested to correct
the wavelength of yttrium internal standard emission line from “371.030 nm” to “224.306” nm
since this is much closer to the elements being analyzed.
Response: Comment incorporated to correct the internal standard emission line from “371.030
nm” to “224.306 nm.” This wavelength is much closer to the elements being analyzed.
Comment Summary #3: Under the Analysis, the commenter suggested removing the
statement related to in-line addition of internal standard since it was already added manually.
Response: Comment incorporated to remove the statement related to the in-line addition of
internal standard. The internal standard is already being added manually.
Comment Summary #4: In the Assay section of the Sodium Alginate monograph, the
commenter highlighted a typographical error which needed to be corrected from ”Transfer the
filter crucible to a beaker” to ”Transfer the contents of the filter crucible to a beaker”.
Response: Comment incorporated to correct a typographical error from “Transfer the filter
crucible to a beaker” to “Transfer the contents of the filter crucible to a beaker”.
Comments related to the applicability of elemental impurity testing to alginate monographs were
discussed by the Complex Excipients Expert Committee. The expert committee considered the
fact that alginates are naturally derived materials. The committee confirmed that additional data
will be required from different alginate manufacturers to decide on the outright removal of the
elemental testing from alginate monographs. Any such decision, based on limited data, may risk
the overall safety of the material. The committee determined that it could compromise the ability
of a public standard to control such materials in terms of quality and safety.
Comment summary #1: The commenter recommended revising the impurity profile based on
complete characterization of degradation products. Furthermore, to remove all process
impurities from the impurity table.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The comment is outside the scope of the revision. The
Expert Committee will consider future revisions to the monograph upon receipt of supporting
Comment summary #2: The commenter recommended tightening the acceptance criterion for
“Any unspecified degradation product” to be consistent with the identification threshold per ICH
Response: Comment not incorporated. The comment is outside the scope of the revision. The
Expert Committee will consider future revisions to the monograph upon receipt of supporting
Comment summary #3: The commenter recommended removing the reporting threshold in the
test for Organic Impurities as it will vary based on product-specific factors.
Response: Comment not incorporated. Based on comments received on a proposed policy for
reporting thresholds, USP determined that the issue of the removal of reporting thresholds from
monographs needs further stakeholder engagement. USP intends to conduct further
stakeholder engagement.
Comment summary #4: The commenter recommended deleting the currently official Organic
Impurities test until USP is able to include degradation impurities.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The comment is outside the scope of the revision. The
Expert Committee will consider future revisions to the monograph upon receipt of supporting
EC-initiated Change #1: Preparation of standard solutions was changed from one standard
solution containing two reference standards (USP Triethyl Aconitate RS and USP Triethyl
Aconitate RS) to two separate standard solutions each containing only one reference standard
due to the presence of a Z-isomer of triethyl aconitate in USP Triethyl Aconitate RS that
coelutes with triethyl citrate. The System suitability and Analysis sections of the test were
updated to reflect the use of separate standard solutions.
EC-initiated Change #2: In Table 2, triethyl aconitate with relative retention time of 0.98 was
specified as triethyl (E)-prop-1-ene-1,2,3-tricarboxylate.
Comment Summary #1: The commenter commented that the run time in the Assay is too long
and suggested to shorten the run time until the valganciclovir diastereomer peak 2 eluted
Response: Comment not incorporated. The expert committee determined that the run time is
consistent with the validation data and suitable for its intended use.
Comment Summary #2: The commenter noted typographical error in the test for organic
impurities calculation that the Relative response factor (Fi) is in denominator in the current
official monograph but in PF proposal, the Fi is in the numerator.
Response: Comment incorporated. The typo has been corrected.
Comment summary #3: The commenter recommended deleting the Tailing factor requirement
in the test for Organic impurities as the Ganciclovir mono-N-methyl valinate peak appears at the
tail of valganciclovir peaks and will interfere with the Tailing factor of valganciclovir diastereomer
peak 2.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The expert committee determined that the proposed
Tailing factor requirement is consistent with the validation data and suitable for its intended use.
Comment Summary #4: The commenter suggested adding the Ganciclovir mono-N-
methylvalinate into Standard solution or System suitability solution and set a resolution
requirement between the Ganciclovir mono-N-methyl valinate peak and valganciclovir
diastereomer peak 2 in the Limit of Ganciclovir Mono-N-methyl Valinate test.
Response: Comment not incorporated. The expert committee determined that the method is
suitable for its intended use. Adding Ganciclovir mono-N-methyl valinate to Standard solution or
System suitability solution can be considered in the future revision if supporting data becomes
Comment Summary #5: The commenter suggested widening the acceptance criterion of
resolution between valganciclovir diastereomer peak 1 and valganciclovir diastereomer peak 2
in the Limit of Ganciclovir Mono-N-methyl Valinate test.
response: Comment not incorporated. The comment is outside the scope of the proposed
revisions. The expert committee will consider future revisions to the monograph upon receipt of
the necessary supporting data.
Comment Summary #6: The commenter noted a typographical error in the calculation under
the Diastereomer Ratio test and recommended to use the Organic Impurities method instead of
the test for Limit of Ganciclovir Mono-N-methyl Valinate to be consistent with the currently
official monograph.
response: Comment incorporated. The typo has been corrected.
Comment Summary #7: The commenter recommended setting the limit of ”Any individual
unspecified impurity” to two decimal places to be consistent with ICH Q3A in the test for Organic
Result = [(ri / Fi)/(Σri[rS +▲Σ(ri▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) / Fi)] × 100 to be consistent with sponsor validation
EC-initiated Changes #2: The calculation in the Limit of Ganciclovir Mono-N-Methyl Valinate
test is updated from:
Where ▲ rT = sum of all the peak responses from the Sample solution
EC-initiated Change #1: The EC added another chemical name based on the reference
standard label and the statement “also known as” for USP Valsartan Related Compound B RS.