Midterm CHN Reviewer 2023
Midterm CHN Reviewer 2023
Midterm CHN Reviewer 2023
B. Rubeola (Measles)
Description: it is an acute contagious
and exanthematous disease that usually
affects children who are susceptible to
upper respiratory tract infection
Etiologic Agent: Filterable virus of
measles (Paramyxoviridae)
Source of Infection: Secretion of nose
and throat of infected persons
Mode of transmission:
o Droplet spread / direct contact with
infected persons
o Indirect contact (articles with secretions)
o Airborne
Incubation period: 8 to 13 days,
usually about 10 days
Period of Communicability: starts
before the prodrome and lasts until 4
days after the rash appear
Clinical manifestations
o Koplik’s spots- pathognomonic
o Pre-eruptive stage
Stimson’s line
(red line in the
lower conjunctiva
Nursing Management o Eruptive Stage
o Isolation and medical asepsis should Macula-papular
be carried out rash
o Full, nutritious diet High grade fever
o Give analgesics, sedatives and Anorexia and
antipyretic as needed irritability
o Provide emotional support during Throat is red and
treatment extremely sore
o Provide skin care and assist with o Convalescence Stage
treatment and rehabilitation of Rashes fade away
affected extremities Fever subsides
o For eye dryness, patient may use Desquamation
tear substitute daily and protect their begins
eyes Symptoms
PHN Responsibilities subside and
o Health education of patients, families appetite is
and community on the nature of the restored
Diagnostic Procedures