BS 6387 1994

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British Standard

Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

A single copy of this British Standard is licensed to

Rupert Heygate-Browne
10 February 2004

This is an uncontrolled copy. Ensure use of the most

current version of this document by searching British
Standards Online at

Specification for

requirements for cables
required to maintain
circuit integrity under
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

fire conditions

UDC 621.315.2.001.4:614.841.411:536.468
BS 6387:1994

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Cables and
Insulation Standards Policy Committee (CIL/-) to Technical Committee
CIL/20 upon which the following bodies were represented:

Aluminium Federation
Association of Consulting Engineers
Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Electrical Appliances
British Approvals Service for Cables
British Cable Makers Confederation (BCMC)
British Plastics Federation
British Steel Industry
Department of the Environment (Property Services Agency)
Department of Trade and Industry (Consumer Safety Unit, CA Division)
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Electricity Association
Engineering Equipment and Materials Users’ Association
Institution of Electrical Engineers
London Regional Transport

The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard,
through subcommittees and panels:

British Railways Board

British Rubber Manufacturers’ Association Ltd.
British Telecommunications plc
ERA Technology Ltd.
Institution of Incorporated Executive Engineers
London Underground Ltd.
Queen Mary and Westfield College
Telecommunication Cables Group of BCMC
Warrington Fire Research Centre

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Cables and
Insulation Standards Policy
Committee, was published under
the authority of the Standards
Board and comes into effect on
15 January 1994

© BSI 01-1999 Amendments issued since publication

First published September 1983 Amd. No. Date Comments
Second edition January 1994

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference CIL/20
Draft for comment 92/33195 DC

ISBN 0 580 22597 6

BS 6387:1994


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword 2
1 Scope 3
2 References 3
3 Definitions 3
4 Voltage designation 3
5 Tests 3
6 Categories of cable 4
7 Electrical requirements for completed cable 5
8 Bending characteristics 5
9 Resistance of cable to impact 5
10 Test requirements for electric cable under fire conditions 5
11 Fire resistance characteristics 5
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Annex A Voltage tests on completed cable 6

Annex B Tests for bending characteristics 6
Annex C Test for resistance to impact at ambient temperature 8
Annex D Tests for fire resistance characteristics 8
Figure 1 — Apparatus for test for resistance to impact 7
Figure 2 — Cable supporting arrangement for test for fire
resistance alone 10
Figure 3 — Method of supporting cable for test for resistance to fire
with water 12
Figure 4 — Supporting frame for test for resistance to fire
with water 13
Figure 5 — End elevation of supporting frame for test for resistance to
fire with water 14
Figure 6 — Typical sprinkler head for test for resistance to fire
with water 15
Figure 7 — Rig for test for resistance to fire with mechanical shock 16
Figure 8 — Typical rubber bush for fastening wall for test for
resistance to fire with mechanical shock 17
Figure 9 — Cable mounting for test for resistance to fire with
mechanical shock 18
Figure 10 — Alternative circuit arrangements 20
Table 1 — List of applicable tests 4
Table 2 — Test voltages for completed cable 6
List of references Inside back cover

© BSI 01-1998 i
BS 6387:1994


This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Cables and
Insulation Standards Policy Committee to specify performance requirements and
provide test methods to enable designers of installations to make an assessment
of the fire performance characteristics of various types of cable, particularly with
regard to maintaining circuit integrity for a period after commencement of a fire.
A number of alternative time and temperature parameters are given to allow the
designer to select those considered to be the most appropriate for the intended
use. No attempt is made to specify any additional mechanical protection which
may be desirable for such cables under particular installation conditions, nor to
deal with cable terminations or connected equipment which require separate but
parallel consideration in relation to the duty to be performed.
It is emphasized that the fire tests do not assess a fire hazard, nor can the results
of the fire tests alone guarantee safety. They only provide information to assist in
the assessment of the suitability of a cable for a given application.
It has been assumed in the drafting of this British Standard that the execution of
its provisions is entrusted to appropriately qualified staff and experienced people,
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

for whose guidance it has been prepared.

At the time of publication of this British Standard there is no corresponding
international standard. In preparing the standard, however, use has been made
of IEC Publication 331 of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
Fire-resisting characteristics of electric cables.
This edition incorporates Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 and introduces technical
changes to bring the standard up-to-date but it does not reflect a full review or
revision of the standard, which will be undertaken in due course. Changes to
the 1983 edition are indicated by a line in the margin. BS 6387:1994 supersedes
BS 6387:1983 which is withdrawn.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 20, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.

ii © BSI 01-1998
BS 6387:1994

1 Scope 3.4
sample test
This British Standard specifies performance
requirements and gives test methods for mechanical a test made by the manufacturer on samples of
and fire tests applicable to cables rated at voltages completed cable, or components taken from a
not exceeding 450/750 V and for mineral-insulated completed cable, at a frequency to verify that the
cables conforming to BS 6207. finished product meets the design specification
NOTE The test methods for fire tests may be extended up to 3.5
and including 600/1 000 V cables, in which case guidance should type test
be sought from the manufacturer.
The cables are intended to be used for wiring and a test required to be made before supplying, on a
interconnection where it is required to maintain general commercial basis, a type of cable covered by
circuit integrity under fire conditions for longer this standard in order to demonstrate satisfactory
periods than can be achieved with cables of performance characteristics to meet the intended
conventional construction. application, and that is of such a nature that after it
has been made it need not be repeated unless
This standard specifies those requirements of the changes are made in the cable materials or design
cables related to characteristics required to enable
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

which might change the performance

circuit integrity to be maintained under fire characteristics
4 Voltage designation
2 References
4.1 The cable shall be designated by the rated
2.1 Normative references voltages Uo and U expressed in the form Uo/U
This British Standard incorporates, by dated or unless otherwise specified in the appropriate cable
undated reference, provisions from other standard.
publications. These normative references are cited 4.2 The rated voltages recognized for the purposes
at the appropriate places in the text and the of this standard are 300/500 V and 450/750 V and
publications are listed on the inside back cover. For those applicable to mineral-insulated cables as
dated references, subsequent amendments to or specified in BS 6207.
revisions of any of these publications apply to this
NOTE In an a.c. system, the rated voltage of a cable should be
British Standard only when incorporated in it by at least equal to the nominal voltage of the system for which it is
amendment or revision. For undated references, the intended. This condition applies both to the value Uo and the
latest edition of the publications referred to applies. value U.
In a d.c. system, the rated voltage of a cable should be not less
2.2 Informative reference than two-thirds of the nominal voltage of the system for which it
This British Standard refers to another publication is intended.
It should be noted in regard to both the above, that it is possible
that provides information or guidance. The edition for the operating voltage of a system to exceed permanently the
of this publication current at the time of issue of this nominal voltage of the system by 10 %.
standard is listed on the inside back cover, but
reference should be made to the latest edition. 5 Tests
CAUTION. The tests given in this standard involve the use of
3 Definitions dangerous voltages and temperatures. Suitable precautions
should be taken against shock, burning, fire and explosion risks
For the purposes of this British Standard, the
that may be involved and against any noxious fumes that may be
definitions given in BS 4727-2:Group 08 apply, produced.
together with the following. Cables shall meet the requirement of the tests as
3.1 shown by the letter “x” in Table 1. When specified
rated voltage Uo in the appropriate cable standard or by the
purchaser at the time of enquiry or order, cables
the power-frequency voltage to earth for which the
shall also meet the requirements shown by the
cable is designed
letter “o” (optional).
The tests shall be applied to cables having two or
rated voltage U
more insulated conductors, whether or not the
the power-frequency voltage between conductors for cables incorporate other metallic elements such as
which the cable is designed armour, screen or circuit protective conductor. The
3.3 tests shall also be applied to cables having one
routine test insulated conductor provided that the cable
incorporates at least one other metallic element.
a test to be conducted on all manufactured lengths

© BSI 01-1998 3
BS 6387:1994

The tests shall not be applied to cables having one The first letter symbol (or symbols) shall be as
insulated conductor but no other metallic element. follows.
Resistance to fire alone (see D.2)
6 Categories of cable
Cables shall be categorized by a letter symbol or Symbol
series of symbols according to the requirements for 650 °C for 3 h A
fire resistance characteristics which they meet, the 750 °C for 3 h B
test temperatures selected (see D.2 and D.4) and
950 °C for 3 h C
the duration of the test for resistance to fire alone
(see D.2). 950 °C for 20 min (short duration) S

Where an optional test is applied to further

categorize the cable, this letter shall be followed by
one or more of the following letter symbols.
Table 1 — List of applicable tests
Clause reference Test description Category Mineral- Other Other
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

of test insulated cables cables cables

conforming to with with
requirements of overall overall
BS 6207 diameter diameter
< 20 mm $20 mm
7.1 Conductor resistance test Sample x (as BS 6207) x x
Voltage tests on completed cable
7.2.1, A.1 and A.2 Full length test Routine x (as BS 6207) x x
7.2.2, A.1 and A.3 Test in water Sample x (as BS 6207) x x
Tests for bending characteristics
8, B.1 and B.3 Bend test at ambient temperature Type x (as BS 6207) x —
8, B.2 and B.3 Bend test at 0 °C Type — x —
Tests for resistance of cable to impact
9.1 and annex C Test for resistance to impact at Type — x x
ambient temperature
9.2 Test for resistance of sheath to cold Type — x x
10 Test for electric cables under fire Type x (as BS 6207) x x
Tests for fire resistance characteristics
11.1, D.1 and D.2 Resistance to fire alone Type x x x
11.2, D.1 and D.3 Resistance to fire with water Type oa o oa
11.3, D.1 and D.4 Resistance to fire with mechanical Type oa o oa
“x” means the test is applied.
“–” means the test is not applied.
“o” means the test is optional.
a Notall sizes or types of cable with overall diameters greater than 20 mm can be presently accommodated within the standard
and guidance on testing these cables should be sought from the manufacturer.

4 © BSI 01-1998
BS 6387:1994

Resistance to fire with water (see D.3) W 9 Resistance of cable to impact

Resistance to fire with mechanical shock 9.1 Resistance to impact at ambient
(see D.4) temperature
There shall be no breakdown of the insulation of any
650 °C X of the samples when they are tested as described in
750 °C Y annex C.
950 °C Z 9.2 Resistance of sheath to cold impact
When samples of cable are tested for impact at a
Thus, a cable meeting the performance
temperature of – 15 ± 2 °C in accordance with 8.5 of
requirements of 11.1 at 950 °C for 3 h and 11.3
BS 6469-1.4:1992 the requirement given in 8.5.6
at 750 °C, but not 11.2, would be category CY, or a
of BS 6469-1.4:1992 shall be met.
cable meeting the requirements of 11.1 at 650 °C
for 3 h and 950 °C for 20 min and also 11.2, 10 Test requirements for electric cable
and 11.3 at 650 °C would be category ASWX. The
listing of the test methods indicated above does not
under fire conditions
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

imply that cables exist to meet all the permutations A sample of cable shall be tested in accordance with
of categories possible. BS 4066-1 and shall meet the requirements of that
7 Electrical requirements for
completed cable 11 Fire resistance characteristics
7.1 Conductor resistance test 11.1 Resistance to fire alone
The d.c. resistance of each conductor measured on a When a cable sample is tested as described
sample of cable at least 1 m in length, after in D.1 and D.2, no fuse shall be ruptured nor any
correction for ambient temperature, shall be not lamp extinguished during the period of the test. If
more than the value specified in the appropriate the sample fails to conform to this requirement, two
table of BS 6360 for the type and size of conductor further samples shall be prepared and tested and
used. both shall conform to this requirement.
7.2 Voltage tests on completed cable 11.2 Resistance to fire with water
7.2.1 Full length test When a cable sample is tested as described
in D.1 and D.3, no fuse shall be ruptured nor any
When a manufactured length of completed cable is
lamp extinguished during the period of the test. If
tested as described in A.1 and A.2, no breakdown of
the sample fails to conform to this requirement, two
the insulation shall occur during the test.
further samples shall be prepared and tested and
7.2.2 Test in water both shall conform to this requirement.
When a sample of completed cable is tested as 11.3 Resistance to fire with mechanical shock
described in A.1 and A.3.1, no breakdown of the
When a cable sample is tested as described
insulation shall occur during the test.
in D.1 and D.4, no fuse shall be ruptured nor any
When a sample of completed cable, having a lamp extinguished during the period of the test. If
metallic layer or a non-insulated circuit protective the sample falls to conform to this requirement, two
conductor, is tested as described in A.1 and A.3.2, further samples shall be prepared and tested and
no breakdown of the sheath shall occur during the both shall conform to this requirement.

8 Bending characteristics
When a sample of cable is tested either at ambient
temperature (see B.1 and B.3) or at 0 °C
(see B.2 and B.3) as described in annex B, the
sheath of the sample of cable shall be free from
splits and no breakdown of the insulation shall
occur during the test.

© BSI 01-1998 5
BS 6387:1994

Annex A Voltage tests on completed Annex B Tests for bending

cable characteristics
A.1 Test conditions and voltage B.1 Bending test at ambient temperature
Carry out the tests described in A.2 and A.3 at a Take a sample of cable and subject it to the bending
temperature of 20 ± 5 °C using an alternating test in accordance with the test method given in B.3
voltage approximately of sinewave form, having a at a temperature of 20 ± 5 °C.
frequency in the range 49 Hz to 61 Hz, the ratio
peak value/r.m.s. value being equal to √ 2 with a B.2 Bending test at 0 °C
tolerance of ± 7 %. Take a sample of cable and, together with the test
mandrel, cool it for 2 h at 0 ± 2 °C. Then
A.2 Full length test immediately subject it to the bending test in
Test each manufactured length of twin and accordance with the test method given in B.3.
multicore cable without immersion in water. Apply
the test voltage, increasing this gradually and B.3 Test method
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

maintaining it at the full r.m.s. value given in B.3.1 Apparatus

Table 2 for 5 min between each conductor in turn
and all the others connected together and also A test mandrel having a diameter 12D ± 5 % where
connected to the circuit protective conductor, drain D is the external diameter of the completed cable.
wire and metallic layer, if any. B.3.2 Procedure
Take a cable sample having a length at least five
A.3 Test in water
times the mandrel diameter and not less
A.3.1 Immerse a sample of cable, 20 m in length, in than 1 500 mm if the test for resistance to fire with
water for at least 24 h, the ends of the cores water is later to be carried out (see D.3.2). Mount
protruding sufficiently above the water level to the test mandrel on a horizontal or vertical axis
prevent damage due to leakage current along the about which it is free to rotate. Lay out the cable
surface of the cable when the required voltage is sample straight on a level surface and secure one
applied between the conductor and the water. Apply cable end to the test mandrel through a swivel
the test voltage, increasing the voltage gradually connection. Draw a reference line along the top of
and maintaining it at the full r.m.s. value given the cable parallel to its longitudinal axis.
in Table 2 for 15 min, between each conductor in Rotate the mandrel steadily so that all the cable is
turn and all the others connected together and also wound on in a closely wrapped coil, preventing the
connected to the circuit protective conductor, drain cable from twisting during the operation. Then
wire and metallic layer, if any, and to the water; also rotate the mandrel in the opposite direction so that
apply the test voltage between all the conductors the cable is unwound and again laid straight on the
connected together and the water. level surface. Rotate the cable through 180° around
A.3.2 If the cable has a metallic layer or a its longitudinal axis and repeat the winding and
non-insulated circuit protective conductor, carry out unwinding processes.
the following additional test while the sample is still Apply the test voltage, increasing the voltage
immersed. Disconnect the circuit protective gradually and maintaining it at the full r.m.s. value
conductor, drain wire and the metallic layer from given in Table 2 for 1 min, between each conductor
the water and connect them together. Apply a in turn and all the other conductors connected
voltage of 1 kV for 5 min between these and the together and also connected to the circuit protective
water. conductor, drain wire and metallic layer, if any.
Table 2 — Test voltages for completed cable
Rated voltage of cable V Test voltage (r.m.s.) V

300/500 2 000
450/750 2 500

6 © BSI 01-1998
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© BSI 01-1998
Figure 1 — Apparatus for test for resistance to impact

BS 6387:1994
BS 6387:1994

Annex C Test for resistance to impact D.2.1.2 Cable supporting system

at ambient temperature The cable is held horizontally by means of suitable
clamps at each end of the sheathed or protected
Cables shall be tested for resistance to impact at a
portion. The middle portion of the cable is supported
temperature of 20 ± 5 °C using the apparatus
by two metal rings placed approximately 300 mm
illustrated in Figure 1, both with a chisel-edged
apart and these as well as any other metal parts of
intermediate piece placed with its longitudinal axis
the supporting apparatus are earthed. The cable
at right angles to that of the cable and also a
supporting arrangement is shown in Figure 2. For
radiused intermediate piece.
unarmoured cables less than 10 mm in diameter, or
Stand the impact test apparatus on a firm base. for other cables where significant movement of the
Take six samples of cable, each cable occurs during the test, three additional metal
approximately 500 mm long, and remove 100 mm of supporting rings, each placed
each sheath from each end to allow the cores to be approximately 150 mm from the two previously
separated. Place the six samples successively in specified rings, shall be used to support the cable.
position on the impact test apparatus and allow
the 500 g hammer to fall from a height of 250 mm, D.2.1.3 Continuity checking arrangement
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

three samples being tested with the chisel-edged During the test a current is passed through all cores
intermediate piece and three with the radiused of the cable and this is provided by a three-phase
intermediate piece. A reference line shall be drawn star-connected transformer or three single-phase
along the top of the cable parallel to its longitudinal transformers (or one single-phase transformer if
axis prior to cutting the six samples. For each set of testing a single-core cable) of sufficient capacity to
three samples, the impact position on each maintain the test voltage up to the maximum
successive sample shall be approximately 120° from leakage current allowable, i.e. to 3 A. At the
the previous position. opposite end of the cable a lamp (with ballast
Then apply the test voltage, increasing the voltage resistor if necessary) is connected to each core with
gradually and maintaining it at the full r.m.s. value a power rating such that each core carries a current
given in Table 2 for 1 min, to each of the samples, of approximately 0.25 A at the rated voltage of the
between each conductor in turn and all the others cable.
connected together and also connected to the circuit D.2.1.4 Source of heat
protective conductor, drain wire and metallic layer, The recommended source of heat is a 610 mm long
if any. tube-type gas burner which produces a line of
Annex D Tests for fire resistance closely spaced flames using propane or other gas
characteristics with a forced air supply, but other equipment may
be used for the tests provided that the temperature
D.1 Test conditions and time test conditions are achieved.
NOTE Experience has shown that gases other than propane
Carry out the tests in a suitable chamber provided may be required for 650 °C.
with the means of disposing of noxious gases A thermocouple not more than 2 mm in diameter
resulting from the burning and with draught shields suitable for the temperature (e.g. platinum-iridium)
fitted near the burner assembly, if found necessary.
is inserted in the flame at the end close to the gas
inlet with the thermocouple parallel to the burner
D.2 Resistance to fire alone
and situated 75 mm above it.
D.2.1 Apparatus
D.2.2 Flame temperature and duration of test
D.2.1.1 General
The flame temperature used and the duration of the
The test rig for verifying resistance to fire alone test shall be selected from the following categories:
consists of the following: category A 650 ± 40 °C for 3 h
a) a cable supporting system, as described category B 750 ± 40 °C for 3 h
in D.2.1.2;
category C 950 ± 40 °C for 3 h
b) a continuity checking arrangement, as
described in D.2.1.3; category S 950 ± 40 °C for 20 min.
c) a source of heat, as described in D.2.1.4.

8 © BSI 01-1998
BS 6387:1994

D.2.3 Sample Remove the thermocouple and lower the cable into
The sample to be tested shall be a piece of the position, so that it is parallel with the burner and
completed cable not less than 1 200 mm long, the lower surface of the cable is 75 mm above the
with 100 mm of sheath and outer coverings removed burner. Continue the test for the duration for the
from each end. At the ends of the cable the appropriate category in accordance with D.2.2.
conductors shall be suitably prepared for electrical The burner surface shall be periodically cleaned,
connections in accordance with the manufacturer’s throughout the test, to ensure the removal of fallen
recommendations. debris. If, for safety reasons, the test supply voltage
needs to be switched off during the cleaning, extend
D.2.4 Procedure
the test time accordingly.
Mount the sample of cable in the clamps and adjust
the metal supporting rings as described in D.2.1.2. D.3 Resistance to fire with water
Connect the transformer or transformers to the D.3.1 Apparatus
conductors at one end of the cable, excluding any
conductor that is specifically identified as intended D.3.1.1 General
for use as a neutral or protective conductor. For The test rig for verifying resistance to fire with
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

single, twin or three conductor cables, connect each water consists of the following items:
conductor to be connected to a separate phase of the a) a cable supporting system as described
transformer output with a 3 A fuse or circuit in D.3.1.2;
breaker in each phase. For cables with more than
b) a continuity checking arrangement as
three conductors to be connected divide the
described in D.3.1.3;
conductors into three groups, ensuring that
adjacent conductors are in different groups, as far as c) a source of heat as described in D.3.1.4;
possible. Connect the conductors in each group in d) a water spray as described in D.3.1.5.
parallel and connect each group to a separate phase D.3.1.2 Cable supporting system
of the transformer output, with a 3 A fuse or circuit
breaker in each phase. Alternatively, place a 3 A The cable is attached to a metal support consisting
fuse or circuit breaker in series with each conductor; of two strips of steel 25 mm wide by means of metal
in the case of dispute this alternative shall be the clips as shown in Figure 3, the spacing of the clips
reference method. An example of the alternative being approximately 200 mm. This assembly with
circuit arrangements for a four conductor cable is the cable attached is supported in the test frame as
shown in Figure 10, where Figure 10(b) shows the shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5 and this frame is
reference method. At the transformer end of the earthed.
sample, earth the neutral conductor, the protective D.3.1.3 Continuity checking arrangement
conductor and any drain wire and metallic layer. At During the test a current is passed through all cores
the other end of the cable, connect one terminal of a of the cable and this is provided by a three-phase
lamp as described in D.2.1.3 to each phase star-connected transformer or three single-phase
conductor and the other terminal to the neutral transformers (or one single-phase transformer if
conductor if there is one, or otherwise to the testing a single-core cable) of sufficient capacity to
protective conductor if there is one, or otherwise to maintain the test voltage up to the maximum
any metallic layer. leakage current allowable, i.e. to 3 A. At the
Adjust the apparatus so that the cable may later be opposite end of the cable a lamp (with ballast
lowered into position with the minimum of resistor if necessary) is connected to each core with
readjustment. a power rating such that each core carries a current
Switch on the electricity supply and adjust the of approximately 0.25 A at the rated voltage of the
voltage between phases to the rated voltage U (or in cable.
the case of a single-core cable to the rated voltage to
earth Uo).
NOTE For cables with rated voltages other than specified
in 4.2, the test voltage should be the rated voltage (see scope).
With the thermocouple in position, light the burners
and adjust the gas and air supplies until the test
temperature for the appropriate category in
accordance with D.2.2 is steadily registered.

© BSI 01-1998 9
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© BSI 01-1998 10

Figure 2 — Cable supporting arrangement for test for fire resistance alone

BS 6387:1994
BS 6387:1994

D.3.1.4 Source of heat D.3.3 Procedure

The source of heat shall be a burner assembly Connect the transformer or transformers to the
consisting of either a) or b). conductors at one end of the cable, excluding any
a) Five separate propane or natural gas burners, conductor that is specifically identified as intended
each having an orifice 36 mm long and 5 mm for use as a neutral or protective conductor. For
wide (± 5 %), mounted horizontally at 100 mm single, twin or three conductor cables, connect each
centres. conductor to be connected to a separate phase of the
NOTE For information on a suitable type of burner write to
transformer output with a 3 A fuse or circuit
Customer Services, Information, BSI, Linford Wood, breaker in each phase. For cables with more than
MK14 6LE. three conductors to be connected divide the
b) A ribbon propane or natural gas burner at conductors into three groups, ensuring that
least 400 mm in length. adjacent conductors are in different groups, as far as
The burner assembly shall be arranged so as to burn possible. Connect the conductors in each group in
approximately 400 mm of the cable sample. The parallel and connect each group to a separate phase
burner assembly shall be adjusted to give a of the transformer output, with a 3 A fuse or circuit
luminous flame having a temperature of 650 ± 40 °C breaker in each phase. Alternatively, place a 3 A
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

when measured using a thermocouple, not more fuse or circuit breaker in series with each connector;
than 2 mm in diameter, placed at the position that in the case of dispute this alternative shall be the
the lower surface of the cable sample will occupy reference method. An example of the alternative
during the test. circuit arrangements for a four conductor cable is
shown in Figure 10 where Figure 10(b) shows the
In the case of five separate burners, all shall be reference method. At the transformer end of the
adjusted to give similar flame conditions. sample, earth the neutral conductor, the protective
D.3.1.5 Water spray conductor and any drain wire and metallic layer. At
A sprinkler head as shown in Figure 61) is fixed to the other end of the cable connect one terminal of a
the test frame as shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5, lamp as described in D.3.1.3 to each phase
positioned centrally with respect to the burner conductor and the other terminal to the neutral
assembly. It uses water at a supply pressure conductor if there is one, or otherwise to the
between 250 kPa and 350 kPa with a rate of water protective conductor if there is one, or otherwise to
application in the vicinity of the cable sample any metallic layer.
between 0.25 l per square metre per second Open the gas supply fully and ignite the burner(s).
and 0.30 l per square metre per second. The rate Adjust the flame temperature to 650 ± 40 °C by
shall be measured using a collection tray, of means of regulator valves in the supply.
sufficient depth, placed centrally about the position Extinguish the flames by turning off the gas supply
to be occupied by the cable with its long axis placed to the burner assembly, leaving the position of the
along the cable axis. The tray shall be regulator valves in the supply unchanged.
approximately 100 mm wide and 400 mm long.
Attach the cable sample to the steel support as
D.3.2 Sample and sample treatment described in D.3.1.2 and place the assembly in
The sample to be tested shall be a piece of completed position on the test frame (see Figure 4).
cable at least 1 500 mm long, which has been Switch on the electrical supply and adjust the
subjected to the bending test at ambient voltage between phases to the rated voltage U
temperature, with 100 mm of the sheath or outer (or in the case of a single-core cable to the rated
covering removed from each end. At the ends of the voltage to earth Uo).
cable the conductors shall be suitably prepared for NOTE For cables with rated voltages other than specified
electrical connections in accordance with the in 4.2, the test voltage should be the rated voltage (see scope).
manufacturer’s recommendations. Turn on the gas supply and re-ignite the burner(s).
After 15 min of burning, turn on the water supply to
the sprinkler head to give a spray of water over the
burned area of the cable sample.
Continue the flame and water spray for a
further 15 min.

1) There is at present no British Standard for this sprinkler jet. An ISO standard has been published and it is expected that this
will eventually lead to a British Standard to which cross-reference can be made. If this ISO standard is published as a British
Standard, BS 6387 will be reviewed for possible amendment.

© BSI 01-1998 11
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 01-1998 12

Figure 3 — Method of supporting cable for test for resistance to fire with water

BS 6387:1994
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
13 © BSI 01-1998

Figure 4 — Supporting frame for test resistance to fire with water

BS 6387:1994
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 01-1998 14

Figure 5 — End elevation of supporting frame for test for resistance to fire with water

BS 6387:1994
BS 6387:1994

A general arrangement of the test rig is shown

in Figure 7. A slotted angle framework is a suitable
means of supporting the components in their
relative positions.
D.4.1.2 The wall and its mounting
The wall consists of a board of heat-resisting
non-combustible material fastened rigidly to two
horizontal steel runners, one at the top of the board
and the other at the bottom. The board is
approximately 900 mm long, 300 mm deep
and 9 mm thick and the total mass of the wall
(i.e. board plus supporting frame) shall be 10 ± 2 kg.
Each runner is made from 25 mm square steel tube
approximately 1 m in length. Ballast, if required,
shall be placed inside the steel runners. It is
important that the top runner is fastened to the
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

board so that its upper face is flush with the upper

edge of the board. Each runner has a horizontal hole
drilled into it at each end outside the board, the
exact position of each hole and its diameter being
determined for the particular supporting bush used
and the requirements of the supporting framework.
The wall is fastened to the framework by four
bonded rubber bushes approximately 32 mm in
diameter and 20 mm thick as shown in Figure 8.
NOTE For information on suitable board material and rubber
bushes write to Customer Services, Information, BSI, Linford
Wood, MK14 6LE.
D.4.1.3 Continuity checking arrangement
During the test a current is passed through all cores
of the cable and this is provided by a three-phase
star-connected transformer or three single-phase
Figure 6 — Typical sprinkler head for test transformers (or one single-phase transformer if
for resistance to fire with water testing a single-core cable) of sufficient capacity to
maintain the test voltage up to the maximum
D.4 Resistance to fire with mechanical shock leakage current allowable, i.e. to 3 A. At the
D.4.1 Apparatus opposite end of the cable a lamp (with ballast
resistor if necessary) is connected to each core with
D.4.1.1 General a power rating such that each core carries a current
The test rig for verifying resistance of cables to fire of approximately 0.25 A at the rated voltage of the
with mechanical shock consists of the following cable.
items: D.4.1.4 Shock producing device
a) a vertical wall on to which the cable is The shock producing device consists of a mild steel
mounted, comprising a board of heat-resisting round bar 25 mm ± 5 % in diameter
incombustible material fastened to steel runners, and 600 mm ± 5 % long. The rod is freely pivoted
as described in D.4.1.2; about an axis parallel to the wall, which is in the
b) a transformer or transformers with fuses and same horizontal plane as, and 200 mm away from,
electric lamps for indicating that continuity is the upper edge of the wall. The axis divides the rod
maintained, as described in D.4.1.3; into two unequal sections of length 200 mm
c) a shock producing device, as described and 400 mm respectively, the longer section
in D.4.1.4; impacting the wall. Once every 30 ± 2 s the rod
drops under its own weight from an angle of 60° to
d) a source of heat, as described in D.4.1.5.
the horizontal to strike the top of the wall at its
midpoint (see Figure 7).

© BSI 01-1998 15
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 01-1998 16

Figure 7 — Rig for test for resistance to fire with mechanical shock

BS 6387:1994
BS 6387:1994
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Figure 8 — Typical rubber bush for fastening wall for test for resistance to fire
with mechanical shock
D.4.1.5 Source of heat D.4.2 Flame temperature for test
The source of heat shall be a burner assembly The flame temperature used for the test shall be
similar to that described in D.3.1.4, but adjustable selected from the following categories:
so that a nominal flame temperature over the category X 650 ± 40 °C
range 650 °C to 950 °C can be obtained at the
category Y 750 ± 40 °C
specified thermocouple position, as shown in
Figure 9. The burner assembly is positioned so that category Z 950 ± 40 °C
its centre is in line with the vertical section of the D.4.3 Sample
cable sample.
The sample to be tested shall be a piece of the
A thermocouple not more than 2 mm in diameter completed cable not less than 1 200 mm long
suitable for the temperature (e.g. platinum-iridium) with 100 mm of sheath and outer coverings removed
is mounted on the wall in the position shown from each end. At the ends of the cable the
in Figure 9, to measure the flame temperature. The conductors shall be suitably prepared for electrical
thermocouple shall protrude through the wall such connections in accordance with the manufacturer’s
that the tip of the thermocouple is between 8 mm recommendations.
and 10 mm from the wall.
The cable shall be bent to form two approximately
The heat flow rate is measured by the following equal horizontal lengths with a double bend in the
procedure. Fit a thermocouple at one end of a mild middle. The internal radius of each bend shall be
steel rod 3 mm ± 5 % in diameter and more approximately 6D where D is the overall diameter of
than 300 mm long, so that the temperature at the the cable. Each bend turns the cable through 90° so
end of the rod can be measured. Hold the end with that the cable describes a Z shape, the centre of each
the thermocouple attached in the flame so that the bend being in the same horizontal plane and
end of the rod is between 40 mm and 50 mm from separated by 13D as shown in Figure 9.
the burner. The heat flow rate shall be such that
The cable shall be mounted on the wall using copper
when the flame temperature is 950 °C, the
P clips, as recommended by the manufacturer for
temperature of the steel rod reaches 400 °C in not
wall-mounting the particular cable under test. The
less than 10 s and not more than 20 s, and when the
clips shall support the cable between the two bends
flame temperature is 650 °C, the temperature of the
where the cable is vertical, at the points where the
steel rod reaches 400 °C in not less than 20 s and not
cable becomes horizontal adjacent to each bend and
more than 40 s.
at equal distances along the horizontal sections, the
space between adjacent clips being between 150 mm
and 200 mm.

© BSI 01-1998 17
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 01-1998 18

Figure 9 — Cable mounting for test for resistance to fire with mechanical shock

BS 6387:1994
BS 6387:1994

D.4.4 Switch on the electricity supply and adjust the

Procedure voltage between phases to the rated voltage U (or in
Check that the wall and shock producing device are the case of a single-core cable, to the rated voltage to
mounted as described in D.4.1.2 and D.4.1.4 and earth Uo).
that the cable sample and thermocouple are Start the shock producing device and ignite the
mounted on to the wall in accordance with Figure 8 burners. Continue the test for 15 min.
and Figure 9. NOTE For cables with rated voltages other than specified
in 4.2, the test voltage should be the rated voltage (see scope).
Connect the transformer or transformers to the
conductors at one end of the cable, excluding any
conductor that is specifically identified as intended
for use as a neutral or protective conductor. For
single, twin or three conductor cables, connect each
conductor to be connected to a separate phase of the
transformer output with a 3 A fuse or circuit
breaker in each phase. For cables with more than
three conductors to be connected, divide the
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

conductors into three groups, ensuring that

adjacent conductors are in different groups, as far as
possible. Connect the conductors in each group in
parallel and connect each group to a separate phase
of the transformer output, with a 3 A fuse or circuit
breaker in each phase. Alternatively, place a 3 A
fuse or circuit breaker in series with each conductor;
in the case of dispute this alternative shall be the
reference method. An example of the alternative
circuit arrangements for a four conductor cable is
shown in Figure 10, where Figure 10(b) shows the
reference method. At the transformer output and if
there is only one conductor to be connected, use a
single-phase transformer. At the transformer end of
the sample, earth the neutral conductor, the
protective conductor, and any drain wire and
metallic layer. At the other end of the cable connect
one terminal of a lamp as described in D.4.1.3 to
each phase conductor and the other terminal to the
neutral conductor if there is one, or otherwise to the
protective conductor if there is one, or otherwise to
any metallic layer.

© BSI 01-1998 19
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS 6387:1994

Figure 10 — Alternative circuit arrangements

© BSI 01-1998
BS 6387:1994

List of references (see clause 2)

Normative references

BSI standards publications


BS 4066, Tests on electric cables under fire conditions.

BS 4066-1:1980, Method of test on a single vertical insulated wire or cable.
BS 4727, Glossary of electrotechnical, power, telecommunication, electronics, lighting and colour terms.
BS 4727-2, Terms particular to power engineering.
BS 4727:Group 08:1986, Electric cable terminology.
BS 6207:1991, Specification for mineral-insulated copper-sheathed cables with copper conductors.
BS 6360:1991, Specification for conductors in insulated cables and cords.
BS 6469, Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables.
Licensed Copy: Rupert Heygate-Browne, Agip KOC, 10 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS 6469-1, Methods of test for general application.

BS 6469-1.4:1992, Tests at low temperature.

Informative references

IEC standards publication

INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION (IEC), Geneva. (All publications are available from BSI Sales.)

IEC 331:1970, Fire-resisting characteristics of electric cables2).

2) Referred to in the foreword only.

© BSI 01-1998
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