Matrix Charecter Table and Normal Modes
Matrix Charecter Table and Normal Modes
Matrix Charecter Table and Normal Modes
A Point Group describes all the symmetry operations that can be performed
on a molecule that result in a conformation indistinguishable from the original.
Point groups are used in Group Theory, the mathematical analysis of groups,
to determine properties such as a molecule's molecular orbitals.
A character table is a 2 dimensional chart associated with a point group that
contains the irreducible representations of each point group along with their
corresponding matrix characters. It also contains the Mulliken symbols used to
describe the dimensions of the irreducible representations, and the functions
for symmetry symbols for the Cartesian coordinates as well as rotations about
the Cartesian coordinates.
C2v H20
D6h Benzene
Normal modes and Normal co ordinates
Normal modes are used to describe the different vibrational motions in molecules.
Each mode can be characterized by a different type of motion and each mode has a
certain symmetry associated with it. Group theory is a useful tool in order to
determine what symmetries the normal modes contain and predict if these modes
are IR and/or Raman active. Consequently, IR and Raman spectroscopy is often
used for vibrational spectra.
There exists an important fact about normal coordinates. Each of these coordinates
belongs to an irreducible representation of the point the molecule under
investigation. Vibrational wavefunctions associated with vibrational energy levels
share this property as well. The normal coordinates and the vibration wavefunction
can be categorized further according to the point group they belong to. From the
character table predictions can be made for which symmetries can exist. The
irreducible representation offers insight into the IR and/or Raman activity of the
molecule in question.