Construction Occupational Safety and Health
Construction Occupational Safety and Health
Construction Occupational Safety and Health
Unsafe Condition - The physical or chemical property of procedures for all hazardous tasks, and training all
a material, machine or the environment which could result personnel.
in injury to a person, damage or destruction to property
or other forms of losses. Circumstances or deviations
from standard condition which could permit the
occurrence of an accident or incident.
Accredited Organization – It means any organization Conduct Risk Assessment - a process includes
duly accredited by the department of Labor and calculation of likelihood of occurrence and severity of the
Employment (DOLE) delegated or authorized to perform hazard.
functions related to improvement of occupational safety
and health in the form of training, testing certification, Sheathing - vertical member of shoring and timbering
safety and health auditing or any other similar activity. which directly resists pressure from side of an
Substitution – this control is demonstrated by the use
of power shears, in place of grinding or oxy-acetylene Sheeting - the members of a shoring system that retain
cutting, where there is a risk of fire. the earth in position and in turn are supported by other
members of the shoring system.
Engineering Control - Installation of scaffolds,
platforms, guardrails, shoring and bracing to support Shoring – It means a structure such as a metal hydraulic,
loads are examples of this type of risk control. mechanical or timber shoring system that supports the
sides of an excavation and which is designed to prevent
Administrative Control - This type of risk control cave-ins.
includes limiting the amount of time a person is exposed
to a particular hazard, implementing safe working
Sloping - It means a method of protecting employees Standard/Upright - It is the vertical member of scaffold
from cave-ins by excavating to form sides of an transmitting the load to the ground or to a base plate.
excavation that are inclined away from the excavation so
as to prevent cave-ins. The angle of incline required to Ledger/Stringer - A scaffold bracing, which extends
prevent a cave-in varies with differences in such factors horizontally from standard to standard forming right
as the soil type, environmental conditions of exposure, angles with the putlogs and forms a tie between the
and application of surcharge loads. standards.
Shield - It means a structure that is able to withstand Putlogs/Bearer - A scaffold member spanning between a
the forces imposed on it by a cave-in and thereby protect ledger and a building wall or between two ledgers upon
employees within the structure which the platform rests.
Brace - A scaffold member that holds standards or
Support System – It means a structure as underpinning, uprights in a fixed position to prevent any lateral
bracing, or shoring, which provides support to an adjacent movement.
structure, underground installation, or the sides of an
excavation. DOLE Secretary - This entity shall set and enforce
mandatory occupational safety and health standards to
Benching – It means a method of protecting workers eliminate or reduce occupational safety and health
from cave-ins by excavating the sides of an excavation hazards in all workplaces.An entity may collect reasonable
to form one or a series of horizontal levels or steps, fees for the inspection of steam boilers, pressure vessels
usually with vertical or near-vertical surfaces between and pipings and electrical installations, the test and
levels. approval for safe use of materials, equipment and other
safety devices and the approval of plans for such
Wale - It is the longitudinal member of shoring and materials, equipment, and devices.
timbering which directly resists pressure from sheathing.
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) - This
Strut - It is the transverse member of shoring and entity is responsible for the conduct of continuing studies
timbering which directly resists pressure from sheathing and research to develop innovative methods, techniques,
or wales. and approaches for dealing with occupational safety and
health problems. An entity shall be solely responsible for
Scaffold - A general term used to describe a temporary the administration and enforcement of OSH laws,
structure of timber or metal work with a platform used regulations and standards in all establishments and
in the construction, alteration, or demolition of a building, workplaces.
or other maintenance work used to support workers or to
allow the hoisting and lowering of workers, their tools, DOLE Department Order no. 198, s. 2018 - This policy
and materials. issuance defines and enumerates the implementing rules
and regulations of the act strengthening compliance with
Suspended Scaffold - a scaffold hanging by means of OSH standards.
ropes or chains capable of being lowered or raised by
winch, pulley, block, or such other means. Presidential Decree no. 422 - Otherwise known as the
Labor Code of the Philippines. This policy issuance
Single Scaffold - A platform supported by a single row institutes consolidates labor and social laws to afford
of uprights or standards tied along the wall, connected protection to labor, promote employment and human
horizontally by a ledger, and supporting putlogs which resources development and insure industrial peace based
rests on ledger on one side and in holes left in walls on on social justice.
the other.
Republic Act no. 11058 - An act strengthening
Double Scaffold - A platform supported on two rows of compliance with occupational safety and health (OSH)
uprights or standards parallel to the wall of a building standards and providing penalties for violations thereof.
connected by horizontal ledgers and is independent from
the building wall. OSH Consultant - A qualified Safety Officer 4 or its
equivalent, duly certified by DOLE to perform and/or
Unguarded Surface - It refers to any working surface render consultative services on Occupational Safety and
above water or ground, temporary or permanent floor health in at least two (2) fields of specialization ask
platform, scaffold construction or wherever workers are determined by DOLE.
exposed to the possibility of falls hazardous to life or
limb. First-Aider - Any person trained and duly certified to
administer first aid by the Philippine Red Cross or any
organization authorized by DOLE Secretary.
OSH Personnel - A qualified first-aider, nurse, dentist, Covered workplace - Establishments, projects sites, and
or physician engaged by the employer to provide all other places where work is being undertaken wherein
occupational health services in the establishment, the number of employees, nature of operations, and the
project, site, or workplace. risks or hazards involved in the business required
compliance with the provisions of RA 11058.
OSH Practitioner - A qualified Safety Officer 3 or its
equivalent, duly certified by DOLE to render High-risk establishment - A workplace, like construction
Occupational Safety and health services in a defined and sites, wherein the presence of hazard or potential hazard
specific scope or core competency. within the company may affect the safety and/or health
of workers not only within but also persons outside the
Emergency health provider – It means any person or premises of the workplace. There is a high level of
organization who is certified or recognized by the exposure to safety and health hazards, and probability of
Department of Health and who can provide the same or a major accident resulting to disability or death, or major
equivalent emergency health services as an emergency illness is likely to occur if no preventive or control
hospital, including emergency treatment of workers on measures are in place.
site, emergency transport and care during transport of
injured workers to the nearest hospital, with adequate Medium-risk establishment - A workplace where there
personnel, supplies and facilities for the complete is moderate exposure to safety and health hazards. and
immediate treatment of injuries or illnesses. with probability of an accident, injury, or illness, if no
preventive or control measures are in place.
General Constructor – It means a constructor who has a
general supervision over other constructors in the Personal protective equipment - Specialized clothing or
execution of the project and who directly receives equipment designed to protect workers against safety
instructions from the owner or construction project and health hazards that may cause serious workplace
manager( if one is appointed by the owner). injuries and illness, i.e., protection for the body, eyes,
head, face, hands, feet, ears, etc.
Project Manager - It means the overall general
contractor and/or the subcontractor in charge of the Skills Standards – It refers to the written
actual execution of a construction project. specifications of the minimum stock knowledge and skills
a worker should possess to perform the functions
Safety and health audit - A regular and critical identified in the job description of his occupation.
examination of project sites, safety programs, records,
and management performance on program standards on Technical safety inspection – It refers to the inspection
safety and health conducted by the safety officer. for the purpose of safety determination of boilers,
pressure vessels, internal combustion engines, electrical
OSH standards - A set of rules issued by DOLE which installations, elevators, hoisting equipment and other
mandates the adoption and use of appropriate practices, mechanical equipment.
means, methods operations or processes, and working
conditions reasonably necessary to ensure safe and Trade test – It refers to an instrument used to measure
healthful employment. worker’s skills and knowledge based on the requirements
of the skills.
Safety and health program - A set of detailed rules to
govern company policies, processes, and practices in all Treatment room – It refers to any enclosed area or room
economic activities to conform with OSH standards, equipped with the necessary medical facilities and
including the personnel responsible, and penalties for any supplies, and located within the premises of the
violation thereof. establishment where workers maybe brought for
examination and treatment of their injuries or illnesses
Safety and health committee - A body created within in cases of emergency.
the workplace tasked with the authority to plan, develop
and implement OSH policies and programs, monitor, and White – the color that should be used to direct traffic
evaluate the OSH program, and inspect and investigate all in the workplace.
aspects of the work pertaining to the safety and health
of workers. Red - the color that should be used for safety signs
relating to fire protection and combustion warning.
Low-risk establishment - A workplace where there is low
level of danger or exposure to safety and health hazards Orange – the color that should be used for alert to
and not likely or with low probability to result in accident, designate dangerous parts of machines or energized
harm or injury, or illness. equipment which may cause injury/hazard.