God’s Own
Copyrighted material
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James
Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights
Verses marked nasb are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, © 1960, 1962,
1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by
permission. (
Verses marked niv are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights
reserved worldwide.
Verses marked nlt are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©
1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House
Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Verses marked kjv are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
Italics in scriptures indicate author’s emphasis.
Cover by Aesthetic Soup, Nashville, Tennessee
A WOMAN AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART is a registered trademark of The Hawkins
Children’s LLC. Harvest House Publishers, Inc., is the exclusive licensee of the federally
registered trademark A WOMAN AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART.
Copyrighted material
A Note from Elizabeth
Imagine living in such a way that people think of
you as a woman after God’s heart. Better yet, imag-
ine placing God foremost in your heart each morning
and striking out on His path for your day, deliberately
living for Him. As you commit yourself to God each
day, He will work in your heart!
I pray these devotions for busy women like you
will help inspire you to draw nearer to God and live
out His plans for you. How is this done? The answer:
via small steps with big results—living God’s way…
one day at a time, practicing God’s order of priorities
for you…one day at a time, committing the many
different areas of your life to God…one day at a time.
Treat yourself to jewels of wisdom based on God’s
Word each day. Enjoy the scriptures and messages in
this devotional created just for you, a woman who
loves the Lord with all her heart. Be inspired to grow.
Be willing to change. Be encouraged to take bold steps
in handling your problems or facing difficulties. Most
of all, become more knowledgeable of God's charac-
ter and His great love for you.
May your journey to greater faith and trust in God
be filled with joy and delight!
Copyrighted material
Copyrighted material
I Give Myself to You
We all make choices in what we do with our day.
A favorite verse of mine ends with the words, “Charm
is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears
the Lord, she shall be praised” (Proverbs 31:30 nasb).
I don’t want to be robbed of even one of God’s riches
by not taking time to let Him invade my life. The
bottom line? I want to be a woman after God’s own
Make a daily commitment to God. It can be as
simple as praying, “Lord, today I give myself anew
to You!” Your heart for God should be like a boiling
pot—intense and passionate. There’s no way to ignore
that kind of fire! Be excited to meet God.
Lord, I commit my life to You. Help me be a witness
to Your gracious power and love. Amen.
Copyrighted material
Stop Complaining
I want to say this as nicely as possible: It’s time to
stop complaining. In Philippians 4:11-13 the apostle
Paul writes, “I have learned to be content whatever
the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need,
and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned
the secret of being content in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty
or in want. I can do all this through him who gives
me strength” (niv).
Never once do we see Paul quitting, having a fit,
or complaining. Regardless of his predicament, he
was content. Why? Because he looked to his Savior
for strength. The Bible says to be steadfast, always
abounding in the work of the Lord. And when you
do, you’re on the way to becoming the best possible
woman you can be—a woman who serves the Lord.
Lord, help me look to You for my purpose and my
strength. Lead me every day so I can do Your will
and serve You to the best of my ability. Amen.
Copyrighted material
Less and Less Time
Another birthday has come…and gone. I’m pain-
fully aware that there’s less and less time for becom-
ing the kind of woman I want to be. But it’s also
comforting to know that God knows the desires of my
heart. In fact, Psalm 37:4 says He’s put them there. He
knows the daydreaming—and praying—I do about
serving Him. And He knows your heart too. Whether
you’re pushing a stroller, a grocery cart, or an alumi-
num walker—your life counts. It counts mightily as
you face life’s challenges with a heart full of devotion
to God. Keep choosing to love God, and follow after
Him with a whole heart each day.
Lord, in You is my hope, in You is my desire, in You
is my strength. I love You. Make my life count in
someone’s life today. Help me reach out with Your
love. Amen.
Copyrighted material
He Will Direct Your Path
Proverbs 3:6 says, “In all your ways acknowledge
Him, and He shall direct your paths.” But what does
that look like in your daily life? The phone rings and
it’s bad news or a decision needs to be made. This is
where you stop and pray, “God, what do You want
me to do here?” Or you’re going merrily through your
day—and someone says something that really hurts.
Before you blurt out a smart retort, sit mentally in
God’s presence. Ask, “Okay, God, what do You want
me to say?” When you do your part, God takes over
and does His part: He directs your path…and your
mouth! Isn’t that great?
Heavenly Father, thank You for meeting me where I
am. You care about the big things in my life and You
care about the little things. You are amazing! Amen.
Copyrighted material
Accepting Christ
I pray you’ve given your heart to the Lord. That
you’ve entered into an eternal relationship with God
through His Son, Jesus Christ. My dear sister, if you’re
unsure about where you stand with God, invite Jesus
to be your Savior. When you do, you’re welcoming
Christ into your life. You become a “new creature”
(2 Corinthians 5:17 nasb). All it takes is acknowl-
edging your sin before God. Your prayer might be:
“God I want to be Your child, a true woman after
Your heart. I acknowledge my sin and receive Your
Son, Jesus Christ, into my needy heart, giving thanks
that He died on the cross for my sins.”
Lord, thank You for hearing my prayer. Thank You
for coming to earth so I can be in communion with
You. I love You. Amen.
Copyrighted material
Roots Run Deep
When my mother-in-law was seriously ill, my
husband—her only son—was out of the country and
unreachable. As I cared for her by the hour, I have to
tell you—I was reaching deep into my reservoir! There
just wasn’t time for my usual quiet times with God.
What I found was strength in the many scriptures I’d
memorized over the years. I gained energy from the
psalms I’d read and from past times I spent alone with
God. Those were roots deep into God’s truth. And I
needed every one of them.
If you’re going to be a woman after God’s own
heart, the support you get from a healthy root system
is vital for standing strong in the Lord. Meet with God
regularly. Talk to Him through prayer and commune
with Him through meditation. Read His wisdom
found in His Word.
Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me and
caring about me daily. I love that I can come to
You in times of stress and weakness, and You will
give me strength. Amen.
Copyrighted material
Something Is Better Than
If someone asked you to describe your quiet time
with God today, what would you say? We know how to
pull off parties, weddings, and retreats. And our quiet
times should be no different—especially considering
the value. What’s ideal for you? What would make
them quality times? What energizes and refreshes you?
Keep in mind that something is always better than
nothing. Pick a time that matches your lifestyle—even
if it’s the middle of the night…or at a lunch break…
or in the car. Take out your calendar and make an
appointment each day.
Meeting with God is such a vital part of becom-
ing all He created you to be!
Father, it’s so hard sometimes to set aside time to
meet with You. Life is so demanding—family,
friends, work, meetings all pull at me. Time seems
so short. Please help me keep my priorities in order
so I meet with You every day. Thank You. Amen.
Copyrighted material
Dream Big
Hmm…1 year…12 months…365 days. That’s
8,760 hours! You’ve got time. So dream big. Dream
of being a woman who serves and honors God. Will
you do this?
First, describe the woman you want to be—spiri-
tually, that is—in one year. In one year you can attack
a weak area in your Christian life and gain victory. You
can read through the Bible. You can be mentored by
an older woman…or be a mentor to a younger woman
in the faith. You can complete training in evangelism
or finish a one-year Bible study. You can memorize
Scripture. Dawson Trotman was a great Christian
statesman. He memorized one verse a day for the
first three years of his Christian life—that’s a thou-
sand verses! Dream on—and do it!
Lord, I hesitate to dream because I’m afraid of
commitment and failure. What if I start out and
then get tired or forget? But, Lord, I want to grow
in You. I want to become the person You want me to
be. Give me a dream…and the strength and passion
to carry it out. Amen.
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