Jurnal Bop 4
Jurnal Bop 4
Jurnal Bop 4
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2018.v15.n1.a8
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 15, Número 1, 2018, pp. 78-95
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2018.v15.n1.a8
As Sattler mentioned (2013, p. 1), “BOP equipment and BOP reliability studies have been developed since 1980
systems have been understood as one of the most safety and many reports have been published over the years,
critical of all rig equipment. Although it is not the primary especially by Per Holand et Rausand (1983; 1986; 1987;
resource used by the driller for well control, they are cor- 1989; 1997; 1999; 2001) in order to collect data and im-
rectly understood as one of the last line of defense”. There- prove knowledge regarding reliability concepts. This study
fore, BOP is an important safety barrier during drilling oper- is important to establish a BOP reliability level in order to
ations and, when it is missing, is degraded, or has failed, it improve maintenance and risk analysis on decision making.
allows the initiating event to grow to a major accident with Many challenges were encountered in implementing the
catastrophic consequences (Qing Feng et al., 2011; Nelson, BOP reliability approach, mainly to the lack of high quali-
2016). Rausand et al. (1983), in his blowout study in 1980, ty failure data and standard taxonomic structure to obtain
highlighted that one of 125 exploration wells experienced a the components’ life traceability. Sandtorv (1996, p. 166) in
blowout event and 65% of blowouts occurred through the OREDA project emphasized that data quality and availability
BOP, drill string or annulus and could have been avoid by varies significantly between companies and highlighted that,
using the BOP functions. in order to have a clear definition process and specification,
and data type and format, it is paramount to obtaining high
The primal example of a catastrophic blowout accident quality data.
magnitude was the Macondo event, on April 20th 2010. One
of the largest offshore oil spills ever in the US history was con- The implementation of reliability concepts is also import-
sidered the biggest environmental catastrophe since then. It ant to develop the BOP condition monitoring. For establish-
was approximately 4.9 million barrels of crude oil straight ing a prognostic health management, parameters can be de-
into the ocean. The blowout also killed 11 crew people, termined based on the relationship between failure modes
drillers of the Transocean rig, Deepwater Horizon (Klakegg, and mechanism and effect analysis (FMMEA). In addition,
2012; Saetre, 2015). Many investigations were conducted to it provides guidelines for defining the major operational
understand the root cause of the accident. The US Chemical stresses and environmental and operational parameters
Safety Board (2010, p. 8) described that “the management (Cheng et al., 2010b).
system, intended to ensure the required functionality, avail-
ability, and reliability of these safety critical barriers, were Real-time monitoring technology is becoming more in-
inadequate”. It means that BOP, responsible to prevent and creasingly used on offshore drilling, as more capabilities
control a blowout, failed when it was triggered. Members for transmitting and storing a high volume and range data
of the Center for Catastrophic Risk Management - CCRM in order to enhance both safety and operational efficiency
(2011, p. 5) concluded that the accident was the “result of a through more informed operational decision making. Nev-
cascade of deeply flawed failure regarding decision-making, ertheless, the application of technology to bring intelligence
communication, and organizational-managerial processes”. for exploring this data is less mature, especially in predictive
analytical areas, which could provide guidance for drilling
Besides being a safety problem, BOP failures and mal- teams to help on operation decision making (Harder et al.,
functions are costly. When a failure in the BOP or its control 2015; Israel et al., 2015).
system is detected, drilling operations must usually cease in
order to repair the failure (Rausand et al., 1983), requiring According to Shin (2015, p. 120), “recently lots of manufac-
pulling the risers and the BOP to the surface and for per- turing companies are trying to adopt new technologies and
forming a corrective maintenance. Additionally, a lot of func- get more accurate real-time information regarding product
tional and pressure tests have to be done to guarantee the status during its usage period. As diverse information be-
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 15, Número 1, 2018, pp. 78-95
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2018.v15.n1.a8
comes available, the CBM approach to use them for prevent- 10 years. Finally, to evaluate the theses the University was
ing a critical failure or degradation has been highlighted”. analyzed, in which Norwegian University of Science and
Technology reached 62%, since it has an extensive research
Having a constant knowledge of the equipment’s condi- group in BOP Safety and BOP reliability area.
tion, in complex and aggressive operation environment con-
ditions, allows early proactive maintenance planning, hence
reducing downtime and maximizing intervention efficiency
(Hwang, 2015; Chze et al., 2016). Nonetheless, this is still far
from the reality of BOP maintenance.
All publications were reviewed and the ones not con- The BOP is the second barrier of well control. The primary
sidered relevant, outdated, with poor quality or unknown barrier is the hydrostatic pressure provided for the weight-
source were excluded, through the selection criterion ad- ing of the drilling mud to counterbalance pressure from the
opted. Because of the literature search, papers published reservoir (Alme et Huse, 2013). According to Sattler (2013,
in the following journals, standards, books, reports, man- p. 1) “although not the primary resource used by the driller
uals, conferences papers and thesis were shortly listed for for well control, they are correctly understood as one of the
this review and shown in Table 2. A total of 197 publica- last line of defenses”. Figure 3 present an example of BOP.
tions were selected. Most of these journals and publica-
tions appeared in Reliability Engineering and System Safety When the reservoir pressure exceeds, for many reasons,
and Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, with the drilling-fluid pressure, there is an uncontrolled influx of
5.6 and 4.6 percent, respectively. These publications will formation of fluids into wellbore. The main function of the
be used in section 3. BOP is to close the wellbore and circulate drilling fluid with
higher density in order to regain the hydrostatic control of
the well (ISO 14224, 2016).
BOP has long been understood as one of the most safety
critical devices of all rig equipment, because they are de-
3.1 Blowout Preventer System veloped to handle with extreme erratic pressures and un-
controlled flow (kick) coming from a well reservoir during
Regarding Martins (2015, p. 1), Blowout Preventer “con- drilling operations (Alme et Huse, 2013; Sattler, 2013). In ad-
sists of an embedded set of valves that are remotely con- dition, ISO 14224 (2016) subdivided the BOP equipment in:
trolled from the rig, acting as a main block out barrier in the preventers, valves and lines; hydraulic connectors; flexible
well control”. joint; primary control; and backup control.
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 15, Número 1, 2018, pp. 78-95
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2018.v15.n1.a8
water Horizon Study Group, 2011). According Saetre (2015, p. 3.1.3 Primary Control System
10), “there are pipe rams in different sizes, depending on the
diameter of the tubular being run. There are also variable pipe According to API SPEC 16D (2013, p. 25), the “control sys-
rams that can handle multiple tubular diameters”. tem shall afford control of all the subsea BOP stack functions,
including remotely adjustable pressure regulator settings”. It
API SPEC 16C (2016, p. 4) defines choke and kill lines as “a is the brain of the subsea BOP system (Saetre, 2015). The BOP
high-pressure line that allows fluids to be pumped into or re- control system consists of two basic elements: electrical and
moved from the well with the BOPs closed”. The main func- hydraulic components (Shanks et al., 2003, p. 2). A multiplex
tion of the choke and kill lines and valves is to circulate out control system (MUX) is an electro-hydraulic system applied
a kick (Klakegg, 2012). The choke and kill line systems are to control the functions of BOP (Saetre, 2015). The main func-
basically divided in three main parts: flexible jumper hoses tion of the MUX control system is to control and monitor the
in the moon pool; integral riser lines and BOP attached lines hydraulically operated subsea BOP’s stack equipment through
from the connection to the integral riser lines to the outer the subsea line control pod, designated Blue and Yellow (NOV
choke and kill valve outlets (Holand et Rausand, 1999). 10645935-MAN, no date). Regarding API SPEC 16D (2013, p.
31), the MUX control system “employs multi-conductor ar-
mored subsea umbilical cables deployed from storage reels
3.1.2 Hydraulic Connectors aboard the vessel. The cables transmit coded commands that
activate solenoid operated pilot valves in the subsea pods”.
All BOPs are equipped with two hydraulic connectors
(Holand and Rausand, 1999). They are hydraulically actu-
ated drill-through equipment that locks and seals on end 3.1.4 Backup System
connections (API SPEC 16A, 2017). According to Holand and
Rausand (1999), these connectors are, in principle, identical; In the event in which the power fluid supply or pilot signals
however, the wellhead connector is usually rated to a high- is lost, a backup control system may be employed to oper-
er pressure and has the same rate pressure as rams’ pre- ate selected functions. A backup system has an independent
venter. The Lower Marine Riser Package (LMRP) connector control system that may be used to operate critical functions
is a hydraulically operated connection connector that joins such as well control, disconnection and/or recovery (API SPEC
the LMRP to the top of the lower BOP’s stack and enables, 16D, 2013). The BOP backup system includes acoustic control
for safety reasons or for repairs/maintenance, LMRP to be systems, ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) operated control
separated and removed from the BOP’s stack (API SPEC 16D, systems, dead man and/or auto shear system, and the main
2013; Drægebø, 2014). hydraulic supply of the control system may be powered by a
shared accumulator. (API SPEC 16D, 2013). Other papers’ pub-
lications and standards can be found in Table 3.
In order to understand the approach to reliability con- Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) was one of the
cepts for the implementation of CBM and PHM a brief ex- first techniques for failure analysis. It was developed by
planation of failure data, Reliability Centered Maintenance reliability engineers on the aerospace industry, at Grum-
(RCM) and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and man Aircraft Corporation in the 1950 and 1960s. It is a
their variations with mechanism and criticality will be ad- formal design methodology to study problems, which
dressed in this section. might arise from the malfunctions of military systems
(Bowles et Perez, 1995; Rausand et Hoyland, 2004; Shar-
ma et Sharma, 2010).
3.2.1 Failure data and analysis
FMEA is a very powerful and efficient analytical tech-
Failure mode is a way failure occurs (ISO 14224, 2016) nique, which is broadly used in engineering projects to
or generally describes the way the failure occurs and its im- identify the failure modes of each of the functional blocks
pact on equipment operation (MIL-STD-1629, 1980). Failure of system and decrease or even eliminate potential failure
mechanism is “the physical, chemical, electrical, thermal during the design process (Rausand et Hoyland, 2004; Xiao
or other process which results in a failure (MIL-STD-721 C, et al., 2011). In addition, FMEA provides quantitative and
1981). Failure cause is the circumstance occurred during de- qualitative necessary measures to guide the product de-
sign, manufacture or use that has led to a failure (ISO 14224, sign implementation and for reliability analyses and main-
2016). Failure effect is “the consequence(s) a failure mode tenance program as well (Rausand et Hoyland, 2004; Chen
has on the operation, function or status of an item (MIL- et LeeJih, 2007).
STD-721 C, 1981), or what happens when a failure mode oc-
curs (ADS-79D-HDBK, 2013). Failure mode, effect and critical analysis (FMECA) an-
alyzes and ranks the risk associated with products and
process, prioritizes them for remedial action, aiming to
3.2.2 Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) reduce their risks and to provide information for mak-
ing risk management decisions (Puente et al., 2002;
The RCM concept was introduced by the aviation indus- Narayanagounder et Gurusami, 2009; Barends et al.,
try and has shaped the basis structure for planning airplane 2012; Liu et al., 2013).
maintenance. Its approach improved the cost-effectiveness
and maintenance control in military branches and industries, According to Vachtsevanos (2006, p. 20) “advanced FME-
thus increasing the systems’ reliability and safety (Rausand, CA studies may recommend algorithms to extract optimal
1998; Rausand et Hoyland, 2004). fault features or condition indicators, detect and isolate
incipient failures, and predict the remaining useful life of
Military Standards 2173 (1981, p. 11) treat it as “a dis- critical components. Such studies generate the template for
ciplined logic or methodology used to identify preventive diagnostic algorithms”.
maintenance tasks to realize the inherent reliability of
equipment, with the least expenditure of resources”. Re- Cheng et al. (2010b, p. 5778) shows that Failure mode,
garding US Department of Defense (2011, p. 25), RCM is “a mechanism effect analysis (FMMEA) “is a methodology used
logical, structured process used to determine the optimal to identify the critical failure mechanisms and models for
failure management strategies for any system, based on all potential failure modes of a product under expected op-
system reliability characteristics and the intended operat- erational and environmental conditions. The output of the
ing context”. Furthermore, it “should be applied to ensure FMMEA process is a list of critical failure modes and mecha-
the system achieves the desired levels of safety, reliability, nisms that enable us to identify the parameters to monitor,
environmental soundness, and operational readiness in the and the relevant physics-of-failure models to predict the re-
most cost-effective manner”. maining life of the component”. Introducing a failure mech-
anism to analysis is important in order to provide guidelines
The inherent equipment’s reliability is a function of the for determining the major operational stresses and environ-
design and the built quality. Reliability Centered Mainte- mental and operational parameters by prioritizing the fail-
nance is a technique that considers the functional conse- ure mechanisms based on their event and severity (Cheng et
quences of failures and also uses operating experience in- al., 2010b). A summary with keywords, standards and others
formation resources, which helps to develop a preventive reference publications can be found in Table 4 for further
maintenance program (Lannoy et Procaccia, 1996; Rausand, studies on failure analysis and reliability.
1998; Rausand et Hoyland, 2004).
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 15, Número 1, 2018, pp. 78-95
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2018.v15.n1.a8
3.3 Condition Monitoring, CBM and PHM Jardine (2006, p. 1484) emphasized that “no matter how
good the product design is, products deteriorate over time
since they are operating under certain stress or load in the
3.3.1 Condition Monitoring / Detection real environment, often involving randomness”. He also
highlighted that diagnostics and prognostics are important
ISO 13372 (2004, page 1) defined condition monitoring aspects to determine the influence of this parameter in a
as a “detection and collection of information and data that CBM program. Hence, maintenance has been introduced as
indicate the state of a machine”. Condition monitoring can an efficient way to assure a satisfactory level of reliability
also be called as “Detection” or State Detection (SD), and during the useful life of a physical asset.
allows distinguishing anomalous behaviors, comparing gath-
ered data against baseline parameters, enabling detection The Condition-Based Maintenance can identify stress,
and reporting abnormal events on the machine or system physical changes on equipment conditions, performance
(ISO 13374-1, 2003; ISO 13379, 2012). operation and environment to contribute to asset’s failure
reduction, including root-cause detection in a short time
In fact, Niu (2010, p. 7) states that “condition monitor- and helping to select subsequent actions on decision mak-
ing is the process of monitoring a condition parameter of ing (Bengtsson, 2004; Kothamasu et al., 2006; Guillén et al.,
machinery, such that a significant change is indicative of a 2016). In addition, CBM is useful for the safety system that
developing failure” and it could be related to a specific vari- can increase safety by detecting problems in advance before
able and, when this parameter is outside of defined range, serious problems occur. It means, get a high-quality assur-
the system triggers a warning or alarm (López-Campos et al., ance (Shin et Jun 2015).
2013). A trend on the system’s critical component deterio-
ration can also be identified through a condition monitoring According to Guillén (2016, page 173), CBM Programs
data (Yam et al., 2001). have complexity causes and implementation challenges. “A
crucial aspect of this process is to identify equipment pat-
terns triggering warning or alarm messages. The objective
3.3.2 Condition-based Maintenance (CBM) is to detect or estimate equipment degradation from nor-
mal conditions; consequently, to determine the degradation
ISO 13772 (2004, p. 1) defined CBM as “Maintenance per- nature and behavior could be difficult”. Figure 4 shows the
formed as governed by condition monitoring programs” and process to implement a CBM according ISO 13374.
EN 13306 (2010) as “Preventive maintenance that includes a
combination of condition monitoring and/or inspection and/
or testing, analysis and subsequent maintenance actions”.
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 15, Número 1, 2018, pp. 78-95
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2018.v15.n1.a8
3.3.3 Prognostic Health Management (PHM) efits such as predicting failure; reducing unscheduled
corrective maintenance and downtime, improving equip-
Recent approach for CBM evolved to Prognosis and ment performance and reducing the maintenance cost of
Health Management (PHM), which provides powerful ca- equipment due to decreasing inspection and inventory
pabilities through dynamic pattern recognition for physical cost (Kothamasu et al., 2006; Cheng et al., 2010b; Lee et
understanding of the useful life of an equipment and system al., 2011).
(Vachtsevanos et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2011; Guillén et al.,
2016). The U.S. Department of Defense policy document (2004)
described the importance of PHM as “program managers
Regarding Cheng (2010, p. 5774) “Prognostics and health that shall optimize operational readiness through affordable,
management (PHM) is an enabling discipline consisting of integrated, embedded diagnostics and prognostics, embed-
technologies and methods to assess the reliability of a prod- ded training and testing, serialized item management, au-
uct in its actual life cycle conditions to determine the advent tomatic identification technology, and iterative technology
of failure and mitigate system risk”. refreshment”.
mately the parameters that need to be monitored. More- 3.3.6 Diagnostic / Diagnosis
over, the characteristics of these parameters, such as the
possible range and frequency, should be understood. The ISO 13372 (2004, page 7) defined diagnostic as an “ex-
characteristics can be obtained through the history or amination of symptoms and syndromes to determine the
product specification data (Cheng et al., 2010b; Guillén et nature of faults or failures” and diagnosis as a “result of the
al., 2016). ISO 17359 (2002) gives an example of parame- diagnostics process”. For Vichare et Pecht (2006, p. 222) “Di-
ters by machine type, such as temperature, pressure, flu- agnostics pertain to the detection and isolation of faults or
id flow, noise, vibration, oil characteristic and speed for failures”.
Diagnostic deals with fault detection, isolation, and iden-
tification when is recognized as a deviation from the expect-
ed level (Jardine, 2006; Yam 2001). It means that it is a task
to indicate whether something is going wrong in the system.
It is required when fault prediction of prognostic fails and a
failure occurs and also can be useful to provide more accu-
rate event data and, hence, better structure the CBM and
PHM model (Jardine et al., 2006).
Nevertheless, prognostics cannot completely replace diag- 3.4 Reliability approach for CBM and PHM
nostics because there are some faults and failures that are
not predictable (Jardine, Lin and Banjevic, 2006). The relationship between CBM and RCM (Reliability Cen-
tered Maintenance) by using RCM steps (operational con-
Table 5 presents a summary with keywords, standards text definition, FMEA/FMECA, RCM logic, etc.) is essential on
and others reference publications for deeper understanding design process phases in their CBM proposals (López-Cam-
of the CBM and PHM concepts. pos et al., 2013; Guillén et al., 2016).
Key words Standards Publications
Advisory generation, condition based main- IEEE 1451 (1999) IEEE 1232 Milne (1987), Pecht (1995; 2008), Tsang
tenance, data acquisition, data driven, data (2010) ISO 13372 (2004) ISO (1995) Butler (1996), Yam (2001), J.Lee
manipulation, data processing, descriptor, 13373-1 (2002) (2004), Baruah (2005), Dong (2006), Jardine
detection, diagnosis, diagnostic, fault diag- ISO 13373-2 (2016) (2006), Kothamasu (2006), Vachtsevanos
nosis, health assessment, health condition, ISO 13374-1 (2003) (2006), Vichare (2006), Gu (2007), Schwa-
health indicators, information sources, in- ISO 13374-2 (2007) bacher (2007), Tuchband (2007), Cheng
terpretation rules, machine fault, measure- ISO 13379-1 (2012) (2010; 2010), Niu (2010), Peng (2010), Sax-
ment technique, mechanism, monitoring ISO 13379-2 (2015) ena (2010), Lee (2011), Tian (2011), Chen
variable, monitoring, parameters, pattern ISO 13380 (2002) (2012), Mckay (2012), Prajapati (2012), Price
recognition, physics of failure, prognosis, ISO 13381-1 (2004) (2012), Tobon-Mejia (2012), ADS-79D-HDBK
prognostic health management, prognostic, ISO 17359 (2002) (2013), Campos (2013), Juuso (2013) Han
RUL, sensors, state of detection, statistical ISO 18435-1 (2009) (2015), Kan (2015), Shin (2015), Guillén
methods, symptom, system variable ISO 55000 (2014) (2016), Laayouj (2017)
OSA CBM (2001)
Source: The authors’ own (2017)
Vachtsevanos (2006, p. 18) highlighted that “understand- According to Moczydlower (2017), VP Technology De-
ing the physics of failure mechanisms constitutes the corner- velopment at Embraer, prognostics and diagnostics is the
stone of good CBM/PHM system design”. In another view, future on reliability of digital age to offer immediate gains
Cheng et al. (2010b, p. 5780) shows that “FMMEA prioritizes on assets availability through increased failure predictability
the failure mechanisms based on their occurrence and se- and support decision-making in operation and maintenance
verity in order to provide guidelines for determining the ma- management.
jor operational stresses and environmental and operational
parameters”. According to Campos (2013, p. 535) “a RCM Currently, there is a tendency to provide a Real-time
analysis identifies the critical failure modes and monitoring Monitoring technology and to achieve higher levels of BOP
parameters (MPs) relevant to diagnosis/prognosis”. reliability and operational safety. However, a raw real-time
monitoring data is not enough and it must be coupled with
Indeed, the management of CBM program is extremely good analytical tools that are themselves capable of analyz-
complex because it requires handling massive information ing those data stream and providing concise results for op-
and its interfaces with systems, operations, and environ- eration decision making (Oliveira et al., 2017) and increasing
ment. Guillén (2016) proposes a series of steps that should maintenance strategy. Certainly, understanding how opera-
be performed earlier to develop a CBM framework, even tional and environmental parameters influence component
though they are not directly associated with CBM / PHM. failure and their straight relationship with equipment avail-
These steps were divided in blocks and are represented in ability is essential to reach high levels of reliability through
Figure 8 with an overview of elements, objectives, and ref- prognostics and diagnostics; however, it is still far away from
erences and methods to develop each block. reality. This fact is closely related to the industry culture,
such as: the impartiality in legislation on the manufacture’s
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 15, Número 1, 2018, pp. 78-95
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2018.v15.n1.a8
responsibility to provide failure root cause analysis and to in- Al-hammad, A. et al. (2016),” A SWOT analysis of reliability
crease BOP reliability; and the relationship between manu- centered maintenance framework”, Escolha - Journal of Qua-
facturer, operators and drilling contractors to share relevant lity in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 29–39. doi:
information of operation and failure. 10.1108/13552510810877674.
Alme, I.; Huse, J. (2013), “BOP Reliability Monitored Real
In addition, there is lack of knowledge of an entire hierar- Time”, European HSE Conference and Exhibition, pp. 16–18.
chical chain on operators and contractors about the impor- doi: 10.2118/164987-MS.
tance of performing reliability engineering and the absence
American Bureau of Shipping - ABS (2016), Guide for Surveys
of structure that allows collecting high quality failure data,
Based on Machinery Reliability and Maintenance Techniques,
as presented by Colombo et Leibsohn (2017). This reflects
ABS, New York.
straightly the scarcity of publications related to the applica-
tion of condition monitoring, CBM and PHM for BOP. API RP 59 (2012), “Recommended Practice for Well Control
Operations”, American Petroleum Institute.
This paper has called the reader’s attention toward CBM
API RP 64 (2012), “Recommended practices for diverter sys-
and PHM concepts applied on high reliability industries as a
tems equipment and operations”, American Petroleum Institu-
great research source for future works on the BOP system.
Literature review shows how actively researchers are en-
gaged in real-time condition monitoring, CBM capabilities API RP 75 (2013), “Recommended Practice for Development
and provides literature using reliability approach during the of a Safety and Environmental Management Program for Off-
process to obtain them. shore Operations and Facilities”, American Petroleum Institute.
API RP 7L (2012), “Procedures for Inspection, Maintenance,
Finally, the paper carries the importance to develop re-
Repair, and Remanufacture of Drilling Equipment”, American
liability studies and to reach a BOP Prognostic Health Man-
Petroleum Institute, pp. 1–14.
agement in order to increase maintenance strategy and de-
cision making on operations, looking forward to operational API SPEC 16A (2017), “Specification for Drill-through Equip-
safety and avoiding disasters and also downtimes. ment”, American Petroleum Institute.
API SPEC 16C (2016), “Choke and Kill Equipment”, American
Petroleum Institute.
API SPEC 16D (2013), “Specification for Control Systems for
ADS-79D-HDBK (2013), “Handbook for Condition Based Drilling Well Control Equipment and Control Systems for Diver-
Maintenance Systems for Us Army Aircraft Systems”, Aeronau- ter Equipment”, American Petroleum Institute.
tical Design Standard.
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 15, Número 1, 2018, pp. 78-95
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2018.v15.n1.a8
API SPEC 16F (2014), “Specification for Marine Drilling Riser Chapman, F. M. et al. (2009), “OTC 20059 Deepwater BOP
Equipment”, American Petroleum Institute. Control Monitoring — Improving BOP Preventive Maintenance
with Control Function Monitoring”, Vol.1, pp. 1–8.
API STD 53 (2016), “Blowout Prevention Equipment Systems
for Drilling Wells”, American Petroleum Institute. Chen, J. K.; LeeJih, Y. C. (2007), “Utility priority number eva-
luation for FMEA”, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention.
Asten, P. V. (2013), “Pull or No-pull: Risk-based Deci-
doi: 10.1007/s11668-007-9072-y.
sion Support for Subsea Blowout Preventers (BOPs)”, So-
ciety of Petroleum Engineers, available from: https://doi. Chen, Z. S. et al. (2012), “A technical framework and road-
org/10.2118/166581-MS (Access: 20 Feb. 2018). map of embedded diagnostics/prognostics for complex mecha-
nical systems in PHM systems”, IEEE Transactions on Reliability,
Awad, M.; As’ad, R. A. (2016), “Reliability centered main-
Vol. 61, No. 2, pp. 314-22. doi: 10.1109/PHM.2011.5939468.
tenance actions prioritization using fuzzy inference systems”,
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 4, Cheng, S. et al. (2010a), “A Wireless Sensor System for Prog-
pp. 433–52. doi: 10.1108/JQME-07-2015-0029. nostics and Health Management”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.10,
pp. 10–2.
Barends, D. M. et al. (2012), “Risk analysis of analytical vali-
dations by probabilistic modification of FMEA”, Journal of Phar- Cheng, S. et al. (2010b), “Sensor systems for prognostics and
maceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Vol. 64–65, pp. 82–86. doi: health management”, Sensors, Vol.10, No. 6, pp. 5774–97. doi:
10.1016/j.jpba.2012.02.009. 10.3390/s100605774.
Baruah, P.; Chinnam, R. B. (2005), “HMMs for diagnostics Chze, L. P. et al. (2016), “Optimising Data Processing for Sub-
and prognostics in machining processes”, International Jour- sea System Surveillance Through Subsea Condition Monito-
nal of Production Research, Vol. 43, No.6, pp. 1275–93. doi: ring”, Offshore Technology Conference, available from: https://
10.1080/00207540412331327727. doi.org/10.4043/26842-MS (Access 20 Feb 2018).
Bengtsson, M. (2004), “Condition Based Maintenance Sys- Colombo, D.; Leibsohn, A. (2017), “Transferindo conheci-
tems an Investigation of Technical Constituents and Organiza- mentos de confiabilidade aeronáutica para a construção de po-
tional Aspects”, PhD Thesis, Department of Innovation, Design, ços de petróleo”, artigo apresentado no 15° Simpósio Interna-
and Product Development, Mälardalen University. cional de Confiabilidade, Belo Horizonte, MG, 07-08 ago. 2017.
Bowles, J. B.; Perez, C. E. (1995), “Fuzzy logic prioritization of Cooke, R. M. (1996), “The design of reliability data ba-
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