10 1108 - Ejmbe 01 2021 0018
10 1108 - Ejmbe 01 2021 0018
10 1108 - Ejmbe 01 2021 0018
Purpose – This paper analyses the way that the industry’s competitive environment and the company’s
strategy influence the implementation of the supply chain’s (SC’s) triple-A capabilities (agility, adaptability and
alignment). Two competitive environment variables are analysed: competitive intensity of the industry and
complexity of the SC. Two opposing competitive strategies are also considered: cost and differentiation.
Design/methodology/approach – The hypotheses have been tested using data gathered via a questionnaire
given to 277 Spanish manufacturing companies, and structural equation modelling has been used for the analysis.
Findings – The results show that competitive intensity is the most influential factor followed by business
strategy. SC complexity does not seem to affect agility. Moreover, although the competitive environment
variables affect the business strategy, the latter has no mediating effects between the competitive environment
and SC agility, adaptability and alignment capabilities.
Originality/value – This study presents new insights into the environmental and strategic drivers linked to
the implementation of SC agility, adaptability and alignment capabilities and offers guidelines to managers
involved in SC management.
Keywords Competitive environment, Business strategy, Triple-A supply chain, Supply chain agility, Supply
chain adaptability, Supply chain alignment
Paper type Research paper
The recently revitalised (Lee, 2021) triple-A supply chain (SC) conceptual framework developed
by Lee (2004) emphasises the importance of orchestrating the agility, adaptability and alignment
Population, questionnaire and data gathering
The hypotheses were tested using data gathered via a questionnaire with items drawn from
the literature and measured on Likert scales. A draft version of the questionnaire was tested
by a panel of five internationally recognised experts, and a pilot study was then conducted
with five heads of SCM to ensure that the item definitions were meaningful and
comprehensive. This minimised response bias and ensured the quality and validity of the
survey instrument.
A population of 2,650 Spanish manufacturing companies with at least 50 employees (to
guarantee concern for SCM in the company (Sacristan-Dıaz et al., 2018)) was established as
the object of the study. The population framework was obtained from the SABI (Iberian
Balance Sheet Analysis System) website. Companies were classified into sectors according to
the CNAE catalogue (Spanish Standard Industrial Classification).
The data gathering method consisted of a telephone survey using a computerised system
(computer-aided telephone interviewing, CATI) to contact all the companies in the sample. In
addition, a web questionnaire was designed by the mid-point of the expected fieldwork period
to make it easier for any remaining interviewees to respond. The fieldwork was carried out in
2018 during the January–July period. The final sample comprised 277 valid questionnaires
(10.5% response rate), with a sample error of 5.6%, for a confidence level of 95% for
p 5 q 5 0.5. This is an adequate sample for detecting small effect sizes (f2 5 0.02) with the
usual significance (α 5 0.05) and statistical power (1 β 5 80%) levels in business studies for
a model with 3 predictor variables (G*Power
Figure 1.
Research model
EJMBE Table 1 shows the firm distribution in both the population and the sample according to the
32,2 CNAE sector classification and a similar distribution of companies across the various sectors.
No evidence of response bias was found in a comparison of respondents with non-
respondents. No specific characteristics were observed in firms that decided not to
participate and no pattern in the reasons that they gave to justify their refusal to take part.
The first 40 responses and the last 40 responses were also compared, and no late response
bias was found. Finally, the telephone survey responses and the web questionnaire
140 responses were compared, and no significant differences were found for any of the study
variables. With respect to common method variance, a full collinearity test (Kock, 2015) was
conducted using WarpPLS 7.0 (Kock, 2020), and the obtained variance inflation factors
(VIFs) ranged from 1.018 to 1.488, well under the level of 3.3 that would indicate problems.
In sum, the data and analysis prove that the sample used in the study was randomly
obtained and that it statistically represented the population.
The measures used in this study are all based on previous studies of similar topics to ensure
their content validity. All the variables were targeted at one of three different respondents: SC
or logistics manager, operations manager and CEO.
Competitive intensity. Competitive intensity was captured using the items adapted from
Hallgren and Olhager (2009). Respondents were asked to indicate their opinions on a set of
statements on a five-point Likert scale ranging from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”.
SC structural complexity. Based on other studies (Roh et al., 2014; Bozarth et al., 2009), static
or structural external complexity was measured by the number of suppliers and customers.
As usual, these variables have been transformed with logarithms.
Competitive strategy. Following the Hallgren and Olhager (2009) study, cost leadership
and differentiation (flexibility-based) have been measured using two items for each
competitive strategy. Respondents were asked to indicate the relative importance of the four
items (market and manufacturing goals) as an order-winning factor on a five-point Likert
scale ranging from “absolutely crucial” to “least important”. The two cost items were reversed
to build this scale, so a low value indicates a cost strategy and a high value indicates a
differentiation strategy.
Population Sample
Sector Number % Number % Response rate%
Measurement model
Evaluation of the goodness of the measurement model usually includes three criteria (Hair
et al., 2017): internal consistency or reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity.
Some items in the original questionnaire were removed in this evaluation process following
the Hair et al. (2017, pp. 112–115) criteria. Internal consistency has been evaluated by
composite reliability, which ranges between 0.75 and 0.90 and always exceeds the minimum
of 0.70 (see Table 2). Convergent validity at the construct level is measured by average
variance extracted (AVE), which is above 0.50 in all the constructs except for business
strategy, which is very close to this value (see Table 2).
Discriminant validity of the constructs has been verified with the Fornell-Larcker
criterion, according to which the square root of each construct’s AVE must be higher than its
correlation with the other constructs. Table 3 shows that this criterion has been met.
Additionally, discriminant validity is proven through the heterotrait-monotrait (HTMT)
ratios (shown in the upper part of Table 3), and these are well below the most conservative
threshold of 0.85 (Hair et al., 2019).
In view of the above, the measurement model can be stated to be acceptable.
Structural model
Once the measurement model has been validated, the structural model is evaluated and the
research hypotheses are tested. The first measure used to validate the model as a whole is
standardized root mean squared residual (SRMR). In this case, the value is 0.095, which is
below 0.1 and can be considered acceptable in the context of PLS (Kock, 2020).
As for the relationships in the structural model (the hypotheses), it can be observed in
Table 4 that competitive intensity has a positive and significant impact (p < 0.001) on all the
triple-A SC capabilities (H1a, H1b and H1c). SC structural complexity, however, positively
affects SC adaptability and alignment – H2b and H2c (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01) – but not SC
agility – H2a – even though the sign of the coefficient is negative, as hypothesised. Regarding
business strategy, all three relationships are positive and significant, especially the
relationships with SC agility and alignment (p < 0.001), and also with adaptability (p < 0.01).
However, neither of the mediation relationships are significant (H4 and H5), despite the
strategy being significantly influenced by the two environmental variables.
Next, we evaluate the coefficients of determination of the endogenous constructs. The
capabilities that are best explained by the model are SC alignment (R2 5 0.18) and SC
EJMBE Latent variable Item Loadings VIF Composite reliability AVE
Competitive intensity A11a 0.784 1.562 0.812 0.525
A11b 0.854 1.795
A11c 0.589 1.157
A11d 0.640 1.219
SC complexity A2 0.777 1.046 0.753 0.604
142 A7 0.777 1.046
Business strategy A12ar 0.781 1.374 0.790 0.487
A12br 0.673 1.200
A12c 0.640 1.184
A12d 0.689 1.230
SC agility C2a 0.714 2.052 0.873 0.533
C2b 0.731 1.913
C2c 0.709 1.512
C2d 0.708 1.805
C2e 0.745 1.915
C2f 0.773 1.771
SC adaptability C3c 0.704 1.543 0.846 0.580
C3d 0.714 1.549
C3e 0.819 2.351
C3f 0.803 2.301
SC alignment C4c 0.779 1.847 0.897 0.594
C4d 0.789 2.080
C4e 0.833 2.420
Table 2. C4f 0.716 1.617
Reliability and C4g 0.712 1.586
convergent validity of C4j 0.787 1.899
latent variables Note(s): All factor loadings are significant at p < 0.001
Table 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6
AVE square root
(diagonally), 1. Competitive intensity 0.725 0.281 0.214 0.272 0.461 0.451
correlations between 2. SC complexity 0.139 0.777 0.254 0.133 0.243 0.131
constructs (lower 3. Business strategy 0.079 0.044 0.698 0.133 0.099 0.125
triangular part) and 4. SC agility 0.195 0.026 0.072 0.730 0.389 0.514
HTMT (upper 5. SC adaptability 0.319 0.122 0.009 0.300 0.762 0.552
triangular part) 6. SC alignment 0.346 0.071 0.016 0.435 0.440 0.771
adaptability (R2 5 0.15). The value for SC agility (R2 5 0.08) is practically half that of the other
two capabilities.
The f2 has been used to analyse the size of the effects (Table 4, last column). This is related
to the practical significance of the coefficients rather than their statistical significance As can
be seen, the size of the effect of competitive intensity on SC adaptability (0.10) and SC
alignment (0.11) is small, and even smaller on SC agility (0.05). The effect of business strategy
is quite small on all three As (0.04, 0.02 and 0.4 on agility, adaptability and alignment,
respectively). The effect of SC structural complexity on SC adaptability and alignment is also
close to the minimum (0.02 and 0.3, respectively).
Finally, the Stone-Geisser Q2 values, which measure out-of-sample predictive power, are
above zero for all the endogenous constructs, which provides support for the predictive
relevance of the model (Table 4).
Direct effects Coeff Std. Dev p-value LCI 95% UCI 95% f2
Role of
H1a: Competitive intensity → SC agility 0.208 0.058 <0.001 0.094 0.322 0.045 and strategy on
H1b: Competitive intensity → SC adaptability 0.309 0.057 <0.001 0.197 0.421 0.104
H1c: Competitive intensity → SC alignment 0.323 0.057 <0.001 0.212 0.435 0.113 SCM
H2a: SC complexity → SC agility 0.055 0.060 0.180 0.171 0.062 0.005
H2b: SC complexity → SC adaptability 0.121 0.059 0.021 0.005 0.236 0.021
H2c: SC complexity → SC alignment 0.159 0.059 0.003 0.045 0.274 0.033 143
H3a: Business strategy → SC agility 0.193 0.058 <0.001 0.079 0.307 0.038
H3b: Business strategy → SC adaptability 0.162 0.059 0.003 0.047 0.277 0.024
H3c: Business strategy → SC alignment 0.189 0.058 <0.001 0.075 0.303 0.036
Competitive intensity → business strategy 0.116 0.059 0.025 0.232 -0.001 0.012
SC complexity → business strategy 0.131 0.059 0.013 0.016 0.246 0.016
Indirect effects Coeff Std. Dev p-value LCI 95% UCI 95% f2
This research shows that the contextual variable with the strongest influence on the triple-A
SC capabilities is competitive intensity (H1), which affects all three capabilities and has effects
on SC adaptability and SC alignment that are approaching medium size. Thus, companies
respond to higher competitive intensity with higher levels of SC agility, adaptability and
alignment to add greater value for customers. A high level of competitive intensity
encourages what Ketchen et al. (2008) call “best value SC”.
As for the other analysed competitive environment variable – SC structural complexity
(H2) – it can be seen that the higher the numbers of suppliers and customers in the SC, the
more the companies seek to increase their SC adaptability and alignment capabilities, but SC
agility is not affected. These results are in line with some previous studies. For example,
Gimenez et al. (2012) found that SC integration (related to alignment) is only effective in
buyer–supplier relationships characterised by high supply complexity. As for agility,
Roscoe et al. (2020) found that SC complexity seems to have a limited impact on the
effectiveness of internal process connectivity to enable SC agility. However, our results
partially contradict Blome et al. (2014) as supply complexity negatively affects SC flexibility,
which is related to SC agility. Some theoretical models (Serdarasan, 2013; Manuj and Sahin,
2011) show that other strategic and tactical variables can be used to manage complexity,
and, perhaps because of this, the relationship between SC complexity and the triple-A SC
capabilities is weaker.
EJMBE The obtained results also support our hypothesis (H3) regarding the expected influence of
32,2 the company’s business competitive strategy on the levels of the triple-A SC capabilities; the
more differentiation-oriented the business strategy, the higher the implementation of the
triple-A SC capabilities. These results build on those of other authors (Sebastiao and Golicic,
2008; Christopher et al., 2006) by highlighting the fact that cost strategy is much more rigid
than differentiation strategy. Regarding the relationship between differentiation strategy
and the triple-A SC capabilities, these results are also in line with the findings of other
144 research (Qi et al., 2011, 2017; Hallgren and Olhager, 2009). However, these works focus on a
single dimension (agility), while our work takes a more holistic approach and considers the
effect of strategy on all three As.
Companies that seek competitiveness through triple-A SC capabilities need to be aware
that the competitive environment and a differentiation-oriented strategy are drivers of these
One interesting finding of our study is that company strategy does not seem to play any
mediation role between the environmental variables and the triple-A capabilities (H4 and H5
are rejected). This means that the competitive environment directly affects the triple-A,
irrespective of the company strategy adopted and even though the environment influences
the strategy in a differentiated way. Greater competitive intensity seems to be associated with
a more cost-oriented strategy. However, greater SC structural complexity is positively related
to a more differentiation-oriented strategy.
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Appendix is avaialble at https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/EJMBE-01-2021-0018/
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Pedro Garrido-Vega can be contacted at: pgarrido@us.es
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