Manual Velan

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DATE 16 FEB 0 06/05/05
PROJECT C. Ulley C.Ulley
EXECUTION ----- ------
CHECKING M. Lavigne M.Lavigne
BALL VALVES, 6 – 30”

VEL– CBVM –2002


General Information Page

1.1 General Introduction ........................................................................................................................3
1.2 Essential Features of Velan Valves ..................................................................................................4


2.1 Receiving Inspection ........................................................................................................................5
2.2 Quality Control Documentation ......................................................................................................5
2.3 Storage.............. ................................................................................................................................5
2.4 Handling and Preparation ................................................................................................................5
2.5 Special Instructions for Coker Isolation Ball Valves ......................................................................5
2.6 Special Instructions for Coker Switch Ball Valves ..........................................................................5

III WARNING AND SAFETY ............................................................................................................................6

4.1 Trouble Shooting Chart ....................................................................................................................7
4.2 Operation............. ..............................................................................................................................7
4.2.1 General ....................................................................................................................................7
4.2.2 Smoothness of Operation......................................................................................................7
4.3 Recommended Lubrication ..............................................................................................................7
4.4 General Assembly Information........................................................................................................8
4.5 Body/Body cover Torquing Procedure ............................................................................................8
4.5.1 General ....................................................................................................................................8
4.5.2 Torque Procedure ..................................................................................................................8
4.5.3 Application of Torque ............................................................................................................9

5.1 Packing.......... .. ................................................................................................................................10
5.1.1 Number of Packing Rings Required ....................................................................................10
5.1.2 Packing ring removal ............................................................................................................10
5.1.3 Repacking With Graphite Packing Rings ............................................................................10
5.1.4 Packing Torques ....................................................................................................................11
5.2 Detailed Maintenance Servicing Velan Coker Ball Valves ..........................................................11
5.2.1 Packing Chamber Leakage ..................................................................................................12
5.2.2 Body/Body cover (Gasket) Leakage ....................................................................................12 General ....................................................................................................................12
5.2.3 Seat Leakage ........................................................................................................................13 General ....................................................................................................................13 Seat Repairs ............................................................................................................13
5.3 Torque Values - Actuator, Yoke/Body cover Bolting ....................................................................13

Isolation Valves Page

6.1 Isolation Valve Assembly Drawing ................................................................................................14
6.2 Steam Purges For Isolation Valves ................................................................................................15


6.3 Disassembly of Isolation Valves ....................................................................................................17

6.3.1 General ..................................................................................................................................17
6.3.2 Disassembly Steps ..............................................................................................................17
6.3.3 Cleaning and Pre-Assembly ................................................................................................18
6.4 Assembly of Isolation Valves ........................................................................................................18
6.4.1 Hydro Testing Procedure ....................................................................................................19
6.4.2 Testing of Piping with Isolation Valves Installed................................................................20
6.4.3 Seat Leakage Testing Procedure ........................................................................................20

Switch Valves Page


7.1 Switch Valve Assembly Drawings ................................................................................................21
7.2 Steam Purges For Switch Valves ..................................................................................................23
7.3 Disassembly of Switch Valves ......................................................................................................24
7.3.1 General ..................................................................................................................................24
7.3.2 Disassembly Steps .............................................................................................................. 24
7.3.3 Cleaning and Pre-Assembly of Switch Valves ..................................................................25
7.4 Assembly of Switch Valves ............................................................................................................25
7.4.1 Hydro Testing Procedure ....................................................................................................26
7.4.2 Testing of Piping with Switch Valves Installed ..................................................................27
7.4.3 Seat Leakage Testing Procedure ........................................................................................30

Ring Valves Page


8.1 Ring Valve Assembly Drawings ....................................................................................................31
8.2 Purpose of the Ring Valves ............................................................................................................33
8.3 Installation of the Ring Valves........................................................................................................33
8.4 Steam Purges for Coker Ring Valves ............................................................................................33
8.5 Disassembly of Ring Valves ..........................................................................................................34
8.5.1 General ..................................................................................................................................34
8.5.2 Disassembly Steps ..............................................................................................................34
8.6 Cleaning and Preassembly of Ring Valves....................................................................................34
8.7 Assembly of Ring Valves ................................................................................................................34
8.8 Testing of Ring Valves ....................................................................................................................35
8.9 Storing ..................................................................................................................................35

Appendix Page

9.1 Procedure for Removing Manual Gear Actuator..........................................................................36
9.2 Procedure for Removing Motor Actuators ..................................................................................36
9.3 Spare Parts ..................................................................................................................................36

Terms and Conditions of Sale ........................................................................................................................37



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and size of v rm o n th e following p
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Velan Valves e la n “ Figure Numb
n o f V



Delayed Coker Metal-Seated Ball Valves
The figure numbers shown on this key are designed to cover essential features of Velan valves.
Please use figure numbers to ensure prompt and accurate processing of your order.
A detailed description must accompany any special orders.

Gate, Globe and Check Valves

Type of Connection Size of Connection* Class Port Type Body Material Trim Material Seat/Seal Material Special Service or Design
— —
F 1 5 — 2 1 K 0 9 — C A 2 R
e.g.: Flanged, raised face, 8” (200mm) Class 600, full port, Type ”K” seats, C12 body, and CA 6NM – Chrome plated ball, CA 6NM stem,
Stellited seats W/Inconel bellows.

A - Special F - Flanged, raised face R - Flanged, ring joint T - Studded

Customers have the choice of specifying valve size as part of the valve figure (“B”) using the numbers below, or indicating valve size separately.
14 - 6" (150 mm) 16 - 10" (250 mm) 19 - 14" (350 mm) 21 - 18" (450 mm) 24 - 24" (600 mm)
15 - 8" (200 mm) 18 - 12" (300 mm) 20 - 16" (400 mm) 22 - 20" (500 mm)

0 - 150 1 - 300 2 - 600 7 - 900ASME

01 - Full port 02 - Special port


D - Split-body, trunnion ball with two bellows seat seals F - Four-way valve
E - Ring valve, no seat K - Split-body, with one fixed seat and one bellows seat seal

02 - A105, WCB 04 - Chr. moly, F5, C5 09 - Chr. moly, F9, C12

CA CA 6NM-Chr. plated CA 6NM
XX Special Special


2 - Stellited seats, Inconel, bellows or graphite seal 9 - Special


R - Coker

(1) Actual valve pressure/temperature ratings depend on choice of materials.



All valves must be examined for signs of damage
Coker isolation ball valves have a preferred shutoff
that may have occurred during transportation. direction, toward the non-bellows loaded seat,
Any damage should by analyzed and a report which is a direction of tight shutoff at all
should be issued. Serious damage should be differential pressures. Due to considerations of
reported to your local Velan representative or to the safety of personnel working on the inactive
the Customer Service Manager so that a suitable drum and steam purge pressures, this preferred
arrangement for repairs can be made shutoff direction is not always in the direction of
without delay. flow through the valve. Please check project
drawing and piping layout drawing to ensure
correct position and direction of flow.
2.2 QUALITY CONTROL DOCUMENTATION Coker isolation valves should be installed with
stem vertical.
For valves purchased with Quality Control (QC)
certification, check the package of documents to
see that the Quality Control certificates are 2.6 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR
complete as per the purchase order. COKER SWITCH VALVES
It is not recommended to perform a hydrostatic
2.3 STORAGE test of the piping with the switch valve installed.
If this must be done, special precautions must be
Valves should be stored in a suitably sheltered taken to ensure that the valve is equally pressu-
place to prevent contamination by weather, dirt or rized throughout. This is described in detail later
dampness. The valve is shipped with end protect- in this manual (Please see section 7.4.1).
ors on the inlet and outlet which should stay on
the valve until it is ready for installation.
NOTE: If actuators are involved, please refer
to the applicable manufacturer’s instructions
for storage.


Flush the pipeline clean before installing the valve.
Sand and parts of welding rods may damage the
valve if allowed to remain in the pipe. A hoist is
needed to assist installation. A sling should be
placed under the valve body so that the unit can be
lifted vertically to its final destination. Be sure to
protect the steam purge connections. Do not let the
weight of the valve be applied to any of the purges.
End protectors must be removed and connections
must be checked for cleanliness. Any visible
foreign matter must be removed. Ensure that the
area between the packing flange and stem is clear
and free of foreign debris. Be sure that piping
openings are well suited for the size and shape of
the valve. During installation, do not attempt to pull
the pipe to the valve by over tightening the valve
flange/piping bolting.



it is important to take these precautions

☛ Personnel making any adjustments on the valves should wear

safety equipment normally used to work with fluid in the line
where the valve is installed.

☛ Before removing a valve from a line, or repacking a valve, line pressure

must be relieved with no exception.



Table 4.1A Trouble shooting chart

Area General Problems Procedure for Repair

• Packing compression • Packing chamber leakage
• Gland bushing binding Section 5.2.1
Packing chamber
leakage • Packing worn • Repacking procedure
• Stem, packing chamber Section 5.1.3

• Gasket damaged • Replacement of gasket

• Body or body cover damaged Section 6, 7 or 8
Body-body cover
joint leakage • Tightness of bolting • Body-body cover stud torquing
Section 4.5

• Damaged seat faces • Seat repair

Seat leakage (optional information available
upon request)

Operational • Packing compression Packing torque

smoothness Section 5.1.4

4.2 OPERATION 4.2.2 Smoothness of operation

Increased torque to turn the valve can indicate the
4.2.1 General
All valves require examination before being put a) Process coking up inside the valve.
into operation. Additionally, valves should be b) Valve packing compression too tight
inspected regularly during operation and should (check torque table in Section 5.1).
receive prompt attention when trouble arises.
c) Faulty or damaged valve parts.
As a general rule, valves should be subjected
to scheduled maintenance. d) Foreign debris in packing area.


Table 4.3: Recommended lubrication

Part Lubrication Application Frequency

All threaded parts Anti-seize compound No. 425-A Thin coat on On valve
(Crane) or equivalent threads assembly only

NOTE: Recommended lubricant subject to change without notice.


4.4 GENERAL ASSEMBLY INFORMATION 4.5.2 Torque procedure

1. The most important fact to be considered is 1. Clean all studs and nuts. Visually inspect all
the cleanliness of all parts. All rust and dirt threads to ensure removal of all foreign
should be removed from all parts with a wire matter, rust, corrosion, burrs and
brush or emery cloth. Oil and grease should previous lubricants.
be removed with suitable solvents. 2. Liberally cover the stud threads and the
2. All threaded parts (cap screws, nuts, studs) surface under the nut head with Hi-Temp
must be well relubricated. Recommended Antiseize compound.
lubricants can be found in Section 4.3. 3. After tightening bolts by hand, follow the bolt
3. Repaired or replacement parts must be tightening sequence shown in Fig. 4.5. This
checked to see that all repair procedures have sequence depends on the quantity of bolts
been done and that all replacement parts used. The drawing illustrates the logical
(e.g., packing rings, gaskets, etc.) have been progression one should follow.
checked for size so that they will fit into the
valve being serviced.
4. All orientation marks assigned during
disassembly must be observed so that correct
orientation is maintained.



4.5.1 General
The following recommendations in this section are
for ideal conditions. However, because of the 7 1
many interacting tolerances, some latitude must be
given in the acceptance standards as follows.
1. The gasket may be fully compressed, i.e., zero
gap between interfaces of the joint at a torque 3 6
either less than or greater than the torque
given in Table 4.5. The following criteria
should be used.
The bolt torque is satisfactory if:
a) The gasket is fully compressed at 90% of the
recommended bolt torque, provided that
100% torque value is finally applied. 5 4
b) The gasket is fully compressed at
100% torque.
c) The gap between the interfaces of the joint
is no more than 0.003” after 125% torque 2 8
has been applied and the bolts have been
slackened individually and retorqued to
100% torque Figure 4.5 Bolt tightening sequence


4.5.3 Application of torque Table 4.5: Maximum body/body cover

bolting torque lbf ⋅ in (Nm).
When applying the torque to the bolts, each bolt
should be torqued in steps of approximately 20% BOLTING MATERIAL
of the final torque shown in Table 4.5. It will be STUD SIZE B7/B16
found that as the final torque is approached, the
required step will become much less than 20%.
⁄8 - 16UNC 20 (27)
⁄16 - 14UNC 25 (34)
⁄2 - 13UNC 50 (68)
⁄16 - 12UNC 70 (95)
⁄8 - 11UNC 100 (136)
1. If tightening sequence is not followed, it is
possible that the gasket will not be
⁄4 - 10UNC 170 (231)
compressed evenly, and may result ⁄8 - 9UNC
270 (366)
in gasket leakage.
1 - 8UNC 400 (542)
2. Over-torquing can over stress the bolts which
can lead to joint leakage. 11⁄8 - 8UNC 600 (814)

3. Do not use impacting devices to tighten up the 11⁄4 - 8UNC 850 (1153)
bolting on the body/body cover. Use suitable
13⁄8 - 8UNC 1200 (1627)
mechanical devices for tightening.
11⁄2 - 8UNC 1500 (2034)
4. Use hand torque wrenches. If torque
wrenches are not suitable, use standard 15⁄8 - 8UNC 2000 (2712)
wrenches and the following guidelines will
13⁄4 - 8UNC 2500 (3390)
3/8” Bolts 5” wrench 17⁄8 - 8UNC 3100 (4204)
1/2” Bolts 6” wrench 2 - 8 UNC 3800 (5153)
9/16” Bolts 9” wrench
5/8” Bolts 12” wrench 21⁄8 - 8UNC 4500 (6102)
3/4” Bolts 18” wrench 21⁄4 - 8UNC 5400 (7322)
7/8” Bolts 24” wrench
1” Bolts 30” wrench 21⁄2 - 8UNC 7500 (10170)
1 1/8” Bolts 36” wrench
NOTE: Torque tolerance ±10%.
On sizes of bolts larger than 1-1/8”, special
torque multipliers with ratios 1:7 or 1:6 should
be used for torquing.


Carefully check the position of the small

5.1 PACKING steam connection hole in the side of the gland
bore, to determine if the lantern ring is to be
5.1.1 Number of packing rings required installed next, or if there is to be a second
(see Figures 5.1A & B ) intermediate packing ring to be installed
below it. The steam hole must be in the same
All Velan coker valves require seven packing rings position as the lantern ring. Some valves
and one lantern ring. have just one intermediate packing ring below
it, and some have two. According to your
5.1.2 Packing rings removal check, install either the lantern ring or a
second intermediate packing ring, then the
Follow warning instructions in Section III before
lantern ring. Insert the next graphite ribbon
replacing packing rings.
packing and repeat the procedure in Steps 3
1. Remove the packing flange nut. and 4 until all intermediate graphite ribbon
2. Lift packing flange and gland bushing as high packings have been torqued.
as possible and secure. NOTE: The split lap joints of each consecutive
3. Remove old packings using special flexible ring must be staggered at 120° so that the fourth
removal tools. The removal tools have ring installed has its lap back at the starting
special hooks which screw into the packing point. Subsequent packing rings should be
ring. Removal of the packing rings is a repacked in the same manner until the special
difficult and time consuming operation. Care packing adapters are no longer required and the
must be taken not to scratch the stem or the standard gland bushing can be used.
walls of the packing chamber during the
removal of the packing rings.
4. To remove the lantern ring, insert two hooks
into the holes at the top of the lantern ring,
and lift up and out of the packing box.
5. After the lantern ring is lifted, the last packing
rings can be removed using the procedure
described in Step 3. Figure 5.1A Graphite ribbon packing

5.1.3 Repacking with graphite packing rings

1. Before repacking, check the shaft and the
packing chamber wall for damage. Shallow
scratches can be removed by polishing the
surfaces with a fine emery cloth. Check that Figure 5.1B Braided graphite packing ring
the shaft is in the center of the gland bore,
tapping it sideways into place.
2. Insert the first packing ring (braided graphite
type, end ring) manually and place as deep
into the packing chamber as possible
Split packing
followed by 1 graphite ribbon (intermediate
packing ring). Refer to Fig. 5.1C.
3. Use a split packing adapter to push the
packing rings to the bottom of the chamber.
4. Place the gland bushing and packing flange
into position and compress the bottom
packing by tightening the nuts to 130% of the
torque value shown in Table 5.1A, B, or C.
Figure 5.1C NOTE: Length of split packing
NOTE: Ensure gland bolts/nuts are well adaptor increased so that it protrudes out of
lubricated with anti-seize compound. packing box enough to be removed by hand
5. Remove the nuts and split packing adapters.

Table 5.1A: Packing flange stud/nut torques lbf ⋅ ft (Nm) for graphite packings

VALVE SIZE IN 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30

lbf • ft 50 130 140 215 170 105 105 100 205 340
(Nm) (68) (176) (190) (292) (230) (142) (142) (136) (278) 461

Table 5.1B: Packing flange stud/nut torques 5.2 DETAILED MAINTENANCE SERVICING
lbf ⋅ ft (Nm) for graphite packings VELAN COKER BALL VALVES
lbf • ft 50 170 215 215 The purpose of this instruction is to advise the
(Nm) (68) (230) (292) (292) owners of Velan coker ball valves what service
requirements can be anticipated at the time of a
Table 5.1C: Packing flange stud/nut torques
lbf ⋅ ft (Nm) for graphite packings turnaround, after the valves have been in use for
an extended period of time.
VALVE SIZE IN 14 16 18 20 24
The valve materials of construction are such that
lbf • ft 40 45 TBA 55 80 there is no anticipated wear of metal parts. The
RING most common cause of required service is the
(Nm) (54) (61) TBA (75) (108)
consequences of failed steam purging of the valve
6. Remove the nuts and split packing adapter and interior. There are two reasons that have been
insert the last end ring (braided graphite type) encountered for inadequate steam purging.
lower gland bushing and check for bushing
There are:
positive engagement with packing chamber.
NOTE: As a rule of thumb 1⁄8” min. 1. Small hand valves for shutting off the steam
engagement of the gland bushing inside the purge lines have inadvertently been shut off,
packing chamber is required. Lower the with resultant plugging of the bellows with
gland flange, relubricate the gland studs/nuts coke, and
using anti-seize compound and torque to 2. The steam purge piping did not include a
values shown in Table 5.1A, B, or C. check valve on each purge connection, which
7. Cycle valve three to five times. When cycling allowed resid to flow out one connection and
is completed, ensure that the packing flange back in another, plugging the connections.
nuts are to the required torque values (Table Steam flowed out one connection and into
5.1A, B, or C). another because a different steam supply
pressure was used for the blocking steam in
5.1.4 Packing torques the pipe spools compared to the steam supply
used for the steam purges. Since these two
Step 1:
steam systems come together inside the
Clean all studs and nuts. Visually inspect all valves, the higher pressure steam forced resid
threads to ensure removal of all foreign matter, out into the connections on the lower
rust, corrosion, burrs and previous lubricants. pressure steam, and they became plugged.
Step 2:
In a few cases, the actuators have suffered enough
Liberally cover the stud threads and female
wear in the gearing to prevent the valve from
threads of the nuts with an anti-seize compound
being turned.
shown in Table 4.3.
Step 3: When the bellows of these coker valves become
Tighten the packing flange nuts a little at a time on plugged with coke, the ball has difficulty
each side, then torque in accordance with valve expanding relative to the valve body, it gets held
type and size as shown in Table 5.1A, B, or C. by the seats, and it becomes hard to turn.


When inadequate steam purge is applied to the must be on hand, since the ones in the valve
Isolation valves’ ball/body cavity, resid drips down probably are not reusable. Gaskets are custom
into the cavity, and accumulates over time. The sizes, and packing sets may be also.
hardened resid here may finally build up to a level
that allows it to touch the flatted part of the ball 5.2.1 Packing chamber leakage
that is opposite the shaft. If that occurs, the ball
becomes pinched between the coke under the ball If moisture or dripping from the lantern ring barrier
and its thrust washer that is at the shaft side of the steam occurs around the stem of the ID packing
ball, so it is then hard to turn. (We have chamber, the following points must be investigated
recommended removing body cavity steam purge before removing the packing:
restricting orifices in all isolation valves (or at least 1. Check if the packing flange is torqued down to the
⁄8” dia. min. orifices), so that a full steam flow is correct torque as shown in Table 5.1A, B, & C.
available for the 20 – 30 seconds that the valve 2. Check if the gland bushing is binding against
takes to turn, able to carry the resid back into the the packing chamber wall or stem. If so,
pipe instead of letting it drip into the body as a relieve line pressure. Loosen the packing
severely restricted purge steam connection flange and realign the gland bushing. Tighten
might allow.) up the packing flange a little at a time on each
side, then torque down to the correct torque as
Thus far, therefore, the service required for the shown in Table 5.1A, B, & C.
Switch Valves is just to clean out the hard coke 3. After retightening, cycle the valve three to five
from the bellows, and to reassemble the valves. times and retighten nuts to original torque
value (Table 5.1A, B, & C). Slacken the nuts
The service required for the Isolation valves is just slightly if torque is too high. If Steps 1 through
to clean out the hard coke from under the ball, and 2 do not stop leakage, proceed with the re-
to reassemble the valves. If there are scratches on moval and replacement of the
packing rings.
the ball surface, it is advisable to lap the ball with
the seats to minimize the scratches. This is done
with a fine grit of 400 or finer, by hand, with as 5.2.2 Body/body cover (gasket) leakage
much load applied between seat and ball as can
be arranged. In hand lapping, this is done by General
placing a weight on top of the seat.
To maintain the tightness of a factory-tested bolted
body cover valve, it is essential to apply sufficient
SUMMARY bolt tension at all times by having the proper
torque on the nuts or cap screws. The original
In summary, metal parts are not usually required
torque might be lost due to vibration, relaxation of
to service the valves to new valve performance
material caused by frequent temperature and
standards. Just how well the valves are
pressure fluctuations, or by creep in high
performing should be considered when deciding
temperature applications. Joint bolt tension should
what parts should be on hand at the time of an
be checked at approximately one-year intervals
inspection. If the valves are performing well, and
and, if necessary, retighten bolts to the torque
are simply being inspected because it is deemed
valves shown in Table 4.5.
to be time to do so, then a lot of spare metal parts
probably cannot be justified. If the valves are hard
to turn but appear to be shutting off well, then
probably only a cleaning will be required. If it is
known that the valves are leaking when removed
from service, then spare balls, seats, and bellows
should be considered as prudent to have on hand.

Note that in all cases, when a valve is

disassembled, all seals, gaskets and packing sets


5.2.3 SEAT LEAKAGE Table 5.3: Torque values for

yoke/actuator/body cover bolting General
An indication of a valve leak is a pressure loss in THREAD SIZE B7, B16
the high pressure line side after a valve has been lb•ft Nm
properly closed. Leaks can develop from failure to 3
⁄8 – 16 UNC 30 41
fully close the valve, resulting in high-velocity flow
through a small opening. The hardfacing material ⁄16 – 14 UNC
45 61
(e.g., Stellite 6) is corrosion and erosion-resistant, 1
⁄2 – 13 UNC 75 102
but grooves, pit marks or other surface
⁄16 – 12 UNC
105 142
irregularities may still form on the mating
surfaces. Valves which leak should be repaired as 5
⁄8 – 11 UNC 145 197
quickly as possible to prevent greater damage 3
⁄4 – 10 UNC 255 346
caused by high velocity.
⁄8 – 9 UNC 405 549 Seat repairs 1 – 8 UNC 615 834

1 ⁄8 – 8 UN
900 1221
Automatic grinding and lapping of seat faces can
be done by specialized equipment. For further 11⁄4 – 8 UN 1270 1723
details on such operations, contact our Customer 1 ⁄8 – 8 UN
1725 2340
Service Department.
11⁄2 – 8 UN 2280 3092

1 ⁄8 – 8 UN
2935 3981
YOKE/BODY COVER BOLTING 13⁄4 – 8 UN 3715 5039

1 ⁄8 – 8 UN
4615 6259
The torque values shown in Table 5.3 are for all
bolting other than body cover/body retaining 2 – 8 UN 5650 7663
bolting or packing flange nuts. NOTE: Torque tolerance ± 10%.



NOTE: Due to the special construction of these valves, the project drawings issued for each job should be
used to determine the actual construction of each valve.

68D 59D 15B 16B

Item Quantity Description
01- 1 Body
04- 1 Stem/Ball
06- 1 Trust washer
09- 2 Seat
11- 1 Packing flange
12- 1 Gland bushing 68B 59B
13A- 2 Packing ring 15C 16C
13B- 5 Packing ring
14- 1 Lantern ring
15A- * Stud
68C 59C 59A 68A
15B- 2 Stud
15C- 4 Stud
15D- 8 Stud
15E- 4 Stud
16A- * Nut 32 97
16B- 2 Nut
16C- 4 Nut 26B 15D 16D
16D- 8 Nut
16E- 4 Nut 26A 78
19A- 1 Gasket
19B- 1 Gasket
11 66
26A- 1 Key
26B- 1 Key
13B 13A
32- 1 Electric actuator
50- 1 Body sleeve
14 15C 16C
59A- 1 Body cav purge
59B- 1 Lantern purge
59C- 1 Bellows purge 68B 59B 15E 16E
59D- 1 Bellows purge
66- 1 Nameplate 12
68A- 1 Purge flange
68B- 1 Purge flange 06
68C- 1 Purge flange
68D- 1 Purge flange 70
70- 1 Seat seal
78- 1 Bracket 50 04
80- 1 Body cover
89- 1 Bellows
01 19A
97- 1 Coupling
139- 8 Purge gusset
89 80

* Quantity varies with valve size

09 15A 16A

Direction of tight closing at all differential pressures

Figure 6.1 Isolation valve


6.2 STEAM PURGES FOR ISOLATION VALVES to have a small orifice in the body connection, so that
the steam can do the best possible job of clearing the
ISOLATION VALVES openings as the ball turns. A body purge orifice
should be minimum 3⁄8” diameter. A small orifice
There is an improved steam purging arrangement, (Approx. 3⁄16” diameter) in the bellows OD can still be
which is at the same time a simplification to the used to limit flow there, since the bellows OD purge
system, and also can increase the reliability of leads into a space with small volume.
effective use of steam to keep coke accumulations
The bellows ID is different. There are two situations:
from causing problems.
a) When the valve is open, the steam flows up
It is possible that resid can accumulate in the the bellows ID, and into the stream going
bottom of the isolation valve bodies over time, turn through the valve. An orifice to limit the steam
to coke, and develope a squeeze on the ball by flow, usually about 3⁄16”, is a good idea. The
pressing on the bottom and pushing it against the flow rate depends on the steam pressure and the
thrust washer that is located above the ball. orifice diameter, but more about that below.
Because of the thrust washer in our design, no b) When the valve is closed, the steam goes into
damage has been experienced, but the torque the pipe spool next to the valve. That pipe spool
creeps up, giving a warning. Ways to reduce this may have the same pressure of steam applied to
it as a barrier (See Caution, next page), or it may
possibility are presented here. Also, a caution is
be vented to Blowdown, whether it is the Inlet or
given concerning the design of the steam
the Overhead Vapor pipe spool.
purge system.
Therefore when Isolation valves are closed, there is
When the Velan isolation valves are open and
no purge steam flow in any of the connections, body,
process fluid is flowing through, the ball/body
bellows OD, or bellows ID. (The exception is the
cavity is a dead end chamber, because the two
Blowdown valve, where steam to the bellows ID
seats around the ball’s two openings seal against
will go into the pipe leading back to the drilling
the ball, making that body cavity an enclosed
deck, unless that connection’s steam purge is turned
space. There is no steam flow inwards to that
off during drum drilling. The quantity is usually
cavity, and the steam simply serves as a barrier, at
considered small enough that it can be ignored.)
higher pressure than the flowing fluid through the
ball, that prevents any resid from seeping past the
seats into the ball/body cavity. Note that the
bellows OD steam purge is just the same. It leads The pressure is set by the pressure reducing valve,
up the OD of the bellows, past the seat OD and into not the orifices. The orifices do not influence the
the ball/body chamber. It too therefore has no flow pressure. They are installed in the steam purges to
when the valve is wide open. limit the steam flow to acceptable volumes. Note
that the restriction produced by passages that are
Exactly the same is true when the valve is fully inside the valve through which the steam must go
closed. Again the ball/body cavity is a dead end through are much bigger than the tiny area of the
cavity, and there is no steam flow through either orifice, and therefore virtually all the pressure drop
the body purge or the bellows OD purge. is across the orifice. Therefore for any steam
Note therefore, that when Velan Isolation valves are supply pressure over about 110 psi, the steam flow
either closed or open, there is no steam flow through is critical, and calculation and prediction of the
either the body purge or the bellows OD purge. amount of steam is simple. Here is a table of some
numbers for different orifice sizes. Note that there
The only time that steam flows through the body and is a negligible difference in flow whether it is a 3⁄4”
the bellows OD connections is as the valve is bellows nipple or a 1” body nipple. Only the orifice
stroking, typically for 20–30 seconds stroke time. size matters.
At that time, we want enough steam to flow to be
able to carry resid or vapors back into the pipe, not to
drip down into the cavity. Therefore it is logical not


⁄8” 3
⁄16” 1
⁄4” 3
⁄8” Note that the use of ball valves has several
Flow #/hr. at gauge pressure, 50° superheat: advantages in this regard. As soon as the ball of
100 psi 60 145 255 575 our Inlet Isolation valve has rotated away from the
120 psi 75 170 300 680 open position by a few degrees, an opening is
140 psi 85 195 340 775 created at the seats and the accumulated steam
pressure in the ball/body cavity rushes into the
Most refineries start with a 3⁄16” or 1⁄4” orifice for the pipe spool, pushing resid back to the pipe. The
bellows purges. If the purge pressure is high, like body steam purge without orifice keeps a strong
175 psi or more, a smaller orifice can be used. flow of steam coming. As soon as the ball has
rotated a few degrees, the lens shaped opening
formed by the ball and seat circles has a raised
lower apex, above the pipe ID. Therefore a sort of
CAUTION: It is important to use the same dam is formed after a small part of the stroke has
steam supply for purging the valves as is used been completed, and resid lying in the bottom of
for the blocking steam for the pipe spools! the pipe is prevented from dribbling down into the
If separate steam supplies are used, they will be body by this damming effect. Compare this to a
at different pressures, and inevitably, the higher wedge plug valve. Those valve types have the
pressure steam will flow backwards into the plugs withdrawn out of the seating surface before
connections that are from the lower pressure, they turn, so resid can run into the bottom of the
dragging resid into the small piping and causing body from the time the plug is lifted until the time it
them to become plugged! Therefore it is best to is lowered again, unless sufficient steam is applied
use only one steam supply for both purposes! to keep the relatively large entire area clear.
Most refineries prefer to use about 120 psi steam
As stated previously, there should not be any
supply, which is ideal. We have valves in service
orifice in the body purge, or at least it should be
with steam purge system pressures from 90 psi
large, perhaps 3⁄8” min. That will allow a most
up to 200 psi, with no problems.
effective steam puff inwards to keep the resid out
of the body, just as the valve clears its seat in the
closing direction. For the bellows OD, an orifice
REQUIRED STEAM FLOW could be used, to limit the steam as the valve
strokes, since the volume of the bellows OD
The Isolation valves depend on resid and vapors
chamber is small. There is no orifice needed in
being excluded as much as can reasonably be
the lantern ring, since that is just barrier steam.
arranged from getting into the body cavity. As
explained, the only time there is a risk is as the We have witnessed good procedures for pre-
valves are stroking, since at all other times there is venting coke in the valves, and some procedures
a total barrier effect of the slightly higher steam that can be improved. For example, one refinery
pressure in the bodies from allowing weeping into was switching, then immediately closing the
the body cavity. Isolation valve without allowing any time for
clearing of the pipe spool of resid, then opening
There is not a precise quantity of steam flow
the steam to the pipe spool. As could be expect-
required in Velan ball valves. We suggest that 3⁄16”
ed, they had problems with resid in the Isolation
orifices be installed for the ID and OD bellows
valve. We were able to help eliminate the problem
purges up to 16” valve size, and 1⁄4” for over 16”
by advising them to purge the spool before
unless the steam pressure is very low or very high.
closing the Isolation valve. If Operations just has it
It is important to clear the inlet header piping as explained that it is important to allow a little time
much as is practical before closing the Inlet to clear the spool before closing the Isolation
Isolation valve. That is easily accomplished by valve, they can write good procedures that they
providing a few minutes of steam flow after are comfortable with. When such procedures are
switching has been done, and possibly by opening practiced, ball valves remain in continuous use for
a drain valve in the bottom of the header and many years at a time.
draining to blowdown drum for a short period.


6.3 DISASSEMBLY OF ISOLATION VALVES Open the ball half way, so that a hand can safely be
placed in the valve to hold the seat (9) firmly up
6.3.1 General against the cover, to avoid it from falling out of the
cover as it is raised off the body, possibly denting
Follow warning instructions in Section III before the ball if it were to fall on it. Lift the cover off the
beginning disassembly. As a general disassembly body. The seat will almost certainly be stuck in its
progresses, place matching marks on parts so that groove by hardened process fluids, but holding it
the same orientation of parts can be maintained at upwards as the cover is removed is a good
reassembly. Work in a clear area, with room for precaution to take. To free a stuck seat from the
collecting and protecting the valve parts as they are cover, simply drop the cover, squarely, onto a piece
removed. Be prepared to note the condition of all of plywood on a concrete floor, from about 12” up.
parts as they are taken apart, looking for evidence of A few drops may be required. The seat will drop
wear, leakage, interferences, and so forth. out onto the plywood.

If the seat is still stuck in the cover, a warming torch

6.3.2 Disassembly of isolation valves
may be used to break the seat away from the coke
Stand the valve on the body-pipe flange. Remove packed around the seat ID, and to crush the coke
the actuator (32) per instruction in appendix. packed around the seat OD. Use the warming torch
Remove bracket mounting nuts (16), bracket (78), on the seat only, moving around the seat with
and coupling (97). constant motion. Measure the time it takes for
water to start to fiss when dropped onto the seat
Remove the gland nuts (16) and the packing (i.e. the time it takes for the seat to heat up to
flange (11). If new packing (13) is to be used, pull 212˚F). Continue to use the warming torch on the
the packing with a puller. Take care not to score the seat for the same period of time, so that the seat
shaft (4) with the puller. Remove the lantern temperature rise will double (to a seat temperature
ring (14) by engaging two hooks into the two holes, of approx. 350˚F). The seat growth should be
and pull up and out of the pack box. If the packing enough to crush the coke packed around the OD,
does not need to be removed, clean the shaft (4) and to break the seat away from the coke packed
very carefully so that accumulated material will not around the ID. Then, once again, drop the cover,
damage the packing as it is drawn through the squarely, onto a piece of plywood from about 12”
packing rings. The shaft should be free of any score up. Repeat if necessary.
marks. Use fine emery cloth to clean off any
material that solvents will not remove, and to Place a sling through the ball (4), and raise the ball
smooth any marks. Remove the gland nuts (16) up off the seat it rests on, very carefully guiding it
and the gland bushing nuts (16) from the valve, and up while the shaft slips out of the gland bushing
its gasket (19) at the bottom of the hole. bore. Be very careful not to allow the ball to strike
the body during this procedure, so as to prevent
Remove the body connecting nuts (16). The ball damage. Lower the ball onto the clean surface
cover (80) may rise up from the mating surface on that has been readied. Block it to prevent
the body as the nuts are loosened or it may stay rolling over.
stuck to the body. It will try to rise, due to the
precompression of the metal bellows inside. If it Lift the seat (9) or the seat and sleeve (50) out of the
remains stuck to the body, tap the cover with a mallet body. Notches at the end of the liner have been
on opposite sides alternately, to loosen it. It may be provided to allow levering the liner loose, if needed.
necessary to pry it gently upwards if hardened
Lift out the bellows (89).
material is holding it firmly. Once loose, it may be
useful to measure the body separation that takes The valve is now disassembled.
place as an indication of the spring condition of the
metal bellows (see the reassembly instructions on
what gap between body and cover to expect).


6.3.3 Cleaning and pre-assembly of touching, as shown by the dull grey

isolation valves appearance after lapping, and the ball shows
a 360 degree touch by the seat around the
NOTE THESE CAUTIONS: faces of the ball where the seat will sit. Use
1. Clean all parts with appropriate and good pressure between seats and ball when
SAFE solvents. lapping, preferably 100 pounds or more
force. Afterwards, clean the compound from
The bellows cleaning must be done with care all lapped surfaces.
to prevent damage to the ends. They are
lapped surfaces. Be sure to put them on 4. Check that the keys slide freely in the
wood or cardboard only. If scraping is being keyways but have a snug fit that will be free
done to clean off hardened material, it MUST of lost motion.
NOT be done to the ends. The bodie´s inside 5. Spray the ball surface and the ends of the
surfaces can be scraped to clean them bellows and the surfaces that the bellows’
EXCEPT THE SURFACE that the bellows end ends will contact with a very light coating of
sits on. This also is a lapped surface and Molybdenum Disulfide lubricant.
must not be damaged. Light apply Never-Seize brand anti-galling
The Ball can be scraped with a soft metal high temperature thread lubricant to the
scraper such as brass or copper. DO NOT threads of the fasteners.
use a steel scrapper. Fine emery cloth can
be used to clean the surfaces.
The Seats can be scraped with a soft metal 6.4 ASSEMBLY OF ISOLATION VALVES
scraper, EXCEPT the surface on the rear that 1. Place the body (1) on a low assembly table
the bellows end contacts. This also is a
with the pipe flange down. Install the bellows
lapped surface. If the spherical surface is
(89). Center the bellows as well as can be
scraped to clean it, be sure to use a wide
scraper, not a pointed tip. Surfaces of the done. Slide the sleeve (50) in to the bellows.
body and cover can be scraped to clean, but Place the seat (9) on the bellows. Apply a thin
be careful of the Ring Joint grooves, and the coat of Molybdenum Disulfide lubricant on
flat surfaces that the spiral-wound gaskets top of the ball (4) where the thrust washer
contact, so that leak paths will not be created. sits. Put the thrust washer (6) over the stem,
2. Very light lapping can be done to the ends of chamfered side to the ball, and lower the ball
the bellows, if they have slight scratches. into the body. This must be done with care,
Similar treatment can be given to the surfaces moving slowly to avoid bumping the ball on
that the bellows ends contact. The force of the body as it goes in. The shaft is inserted
the contact between the two parts should not into the gland bushing hole, by tipping the
be larger than the weight of the bellows. Do ball so the shaft points downwards at about
not press them together any harder, since 45 degrees. The ball should be lowered using
galling and scratching could occur. Use 600 a hand operated chain hoist to assure
grit lapping compound of finer. smooth, slow operation without lurching as is
3. The ball and seats should be lapped with 600 common with stressed electric hoists.
grit compound if there are scratches on the Place the ball in the 1⁄2-open position. Put the
surfaces that could cause leaks. The ball body gasket (19) into its groove. Place the
stem in the packing region should be free of
cover-side seat gasket (19) in the seat groove
scratches. Use fine emery to clean it up if
and the fixed seat (21) on top of it. Turn the
needed. Buff the surface after using emery,
to prevent the roughness of an emeried cover (80) over, holding the seat firmly
surface from picking up Graphite of the against its gasket with one hand. Reach in
packing. A buffed surface will not have through the flow passage as the cover is
this tendency. turned fully over, to hold the seat against its
gasket. Place the hand that is holding up the
If seats and balls will be used, they should be
lapped and ready to use. If new seats or ball seat in the position of the ball opening so it
only are to be installed, lap the seats and the will not be pinched between the seat and the
ball together, so that the seats show at least ball as the cover is lowered onto the body
50% of the width of the spherical surface is with the bracket holes aligned. Check the
interference dimension caused by the bellows


length, which will hold the body halves apart 6.4.1 Hydro testing procedure
by the bellows precompression dimension.
(all isolation valves)
This separation should be approximately:

VALVE SIZE (in) SEPARATION (in) The test will be done on a fully assembled valve.

6 .06 1. Bolt two test flanges to the body connections

8 .08 with gaskets (be sure that the connections are
clean), or mount the valve in a test stand. In a
10 .08
test stand, the holding of the valve must not
12 .09 restrain the valve ends, to assure a complete
14 .10 body test.
16 .10 2. Open the valve 1⁄2 way, to assure pressurizing
18 .10 simultaneously all the valve interior.
20 .10 3. Open any purge valves that are included with
24 .12 the valve to their half-open position; loosely
fasten flanges to, or pipe plugs in, any purge
Use feeler gauges in three positions to connections, in such a manner that they will
measure the gap. leak enough to vent air out.
2. Install the gland bushing (12) very loosely, to 4. Fill the valve with water, being certain that all
approximately center the shaft in the bushing air is expelled from the body. Tilt the body if
bore. Install the body nuts (16). Tighten needed, and loosen body flanges if necessary,
uniformly, and gradually, about .04” per step. to allow air to escape completely from inside.
Check that the ball shaft remains 5. Tighten a steel pipe plug in the outer end of
approximately centered while tightening. Tap each purge valve, or tighten flanges to purge
the end of the shaft with a composite head
connection flanges, if any.
mallet to center it. Continue tightening until
the body gasket is fully compressed, and the 6. Apply the hydrostatic test pressure as per
body and cover are in firm contact. ASME B16.34 or consult factory for other
body materials.
3. Rotate the body so the stem is vertical, so that
the bushing gasket will be assured to be in its Maintain the pressure for at least three minutes.
small recess. To do this, remove the bushing, No body leakage is allowed. The gland is
install the gasket (19) into the bore, and check allowed to leak, but must stop if the pressure is
to see that it is properly centered, in its lower to 2⁄3 of the hydro test pressure as above,
groove, not over to one side of the bore. which is the maximum allowed working
Lower the bushing over the stem, and install pressure.
the bushing nuts (16), tightening in small 7. Proceed to the Seat Test which follows.
steps to compress the gasket completely.
4. Check that the shaft is in the center of the
gland bore, tapping it sideways into place.
Install the two packing gland studs (15),
double nutted to tighten firmly in the bottom
of the threaded holes Install packing rings
and lantern ring per section V. Install the
packing flange (11) and the gland nuts (16),
and tighten the gland.
5. Install bracket (78), bracket mounting nuts (16)
and coupling (87). Install actuator per
instructions in Appendix.
6. Proceed with the valve testing.


6.4.2 Testing of piping with isolation

valves installed
When pressure testing the piping of the coker
installation, we recommend against testing with
valves installed, instead using pipe spools or two
blinds where the valves were. If the testing must be
done with the valves installed, extreme care must
be taken to assure that hydrotesting pressure is not
applied against closed 2-way isolation valves.

In the case of the 2-way valves, simply position the

valves about half way open so that all parts of the
internals will be pressurized equally, and
pressurize. If the valve is a pressure class
boundary, a valve class blind needs to be installed
at the lower system pressure flange.

Care must still be taken to assure that the rate of

filling with water, and then rate of buildup of
pressure, is slow enough that large differential
pressures are not produced during the procedure.

6.4.3 Seat leakage testing procedure

The test will be done following a successful
Hydro Test.
1. Test with water. Either attach two test flanges
with gaskets to the valve, or place the valve in
a test stand.
2. These valves operate and shut off at low
pressures. Therefore, the test pressures
include low values to assure tightness at the
operating conditions, not the high pressures
listed in ASME B16.34 and API 598 which are
easier to pass.
Standard test pressures are as follows:
Leak test the valve at 30 psi, at 60 psi, and
at 120 psi, toward the fixed seat . (These
pressures are 1⁄2, at, and 2x the normal
operating pressure range).
Maximum allowed leakage at all tests must
be compared to that specified for that
particular order.
3. Remove the flanges and prepare the valve
for installation.



NOTE: Due to the special construction of these valves, the project drawings issued for each job should be
used to determine the actual construction of each valve.

Item Quantity* Description
01- 1 Body 77 See detail 1
04- 1 Ball stem
26B 1 ZS
06- 1 Thrust washer
97 1 ZS
09- 3 Seat
11- 1 Packing flange
13A- 2 Packing ring (end)
13B- 5 Packing ring (int)
14- 1 Lantern ring
15A- * Stud 56
15B- 2 Stud
15C- 4 Stud 26A 1 ZS
16A- * Nut
16B- 2 Nut 37B 55
16C- 4 Nut
17- * HSH Cap screw 78 37C
19A- 11 Gasket
19B- 3 Gasket 2 ZS 13B 13A 11
21- 3 Insert
26A- 1 Key 15C 16C
26B- 1 Key
32A- 1 Electricactuator 15A 16A
32B- 1 Junction box
32C- 5 Potting fitting 15B 16B
32D- Set Flex conduit
37A- 1 Oper mtg plate 68B 59B 19A 2 ZS
37B- 2 Stop post
50- 3 Sleeve 68A 59A
53- 1 Spacer
55- 2 Bushing 02
56- 8 Oper Mtg bolt
59A- 1 Body cav purge 06 09 3 ZS, 3 ZD
59B- 1 Lantern purge
59C- 3 Bellow OD purge
59D- 3 Bellow ID purge
66- 1 Name plate 89 3 ZS, 6 ZD
68A- 1 Purge flange
68B- 1 Purge flange 04 19B 6 ZS
68C- 3 Purge flange
68D- 3 Purge flange 1 ZS, 1 ZD 50 3 ZD
77- 4 Proxim. switch
78- 1 Bracket 21

80- 1 Body cover

01 17
89- 3 Bellows
97- 1 Coupling Inlet
59D 68D
139- 16 Purge gusset
*Quantity varies with valve size.
59C 68C

Figure 7.1A Switch valve


DETAIL 1 Plan view of proximity switches

Item Quantity* Description
32B- 1 Junction box
32B Operator
32C- 5 Potting fitting
32D- Set Flex conduit
59A- 1 Body cav purge
59B- 1 Lantern purge
Left drum 32C
59C- 3 Bellow OD purge
59D- 3 Bellow ID purge
68A- 1 Purge flange
68B- 1 Purge flange
68C- 3 Purge flange
68D- 3 Purge flange
77- 4 Proxim. switch
Bypass *Quantity varies with valve size.

Intermediate 77

0.02 - 0.03"
(0.05 - 0.07mm)
Right drum Switch Gap required
tripper at all switches
NOTE: All conduit connections are sealed 59D 68D
and wired to actuator

m 30° 59C 68C

ft dru

68B 59B Bypass

90° 270°

68C 59C

68D 59D
ht 30°
59D 68D

59A 68A
Top view 59C 68C

Figure 7.1B Switch valve


7.2 STEAM PURGES FOR COKER BALL that are inside the valve through which the steam
SWITCH VALVES must go through are much bigger than the tiny
area of the orifice, and therefore virtually all the
An effective steam purging system is required to pressure drop is across the orifice. Therefore for
prevent coke accumulation from causing valve any steam supply pressure over about 110 psi, the
operational problems. steam flow is critical, and calculation and
prediction of the amount of steam is simple. Here
The purges should all be connected to the same is a table of some numbers for different orifice
steam header so that they are at the same sizes. Note that there is a negligible difference in
pressure. This should be the same pressure as the flow whether it is a 3⁄4” bellows nipple or a 1” body
barrier steam applied to any adjacent pipe spools. nipple. Only the orifice size matters.
Check valves in each purge line should be placed
as close to the valve as practical to prevent reverse
flow which could plug the area to be purged. Table 7.2: Steam flow
It is obvious that the bellows ID and OD must be Orifice Size 1
⁄8” 3
⁄16” 1
⁄4” 3
kept clear to maintain the spring action of the
100 psi 60 145 255 575
three bellows which hold the seats onto the ball.
120 psi 75 170 300 680
The ball/body around the ball must be kept clear 140 psi 85 195 340 775
as well.
NOTE: Flow #/hr. at gauge pressure, 50˚ superheat:
The body cavity purge and the three bellows OD
purges all lead into the ball/body cavity, and hence
past the bottom of the ball and into the stream. Most refineries start with a 3⁄16” or 1⁄4”orifice for the
Therefore these four connections all flow steam ID and OD bellows purges. If the purge pressure is
inwards during drum filling. The ID of the bellows high, like 175 psi or more, a smaller orifice can
of the port at which the ball is positioned at that be used.
time also flows into the process. The other two
bellows ID connections lead into dead end pipe
spools that are connected to the valve, either the
CAUTION: It is important to use the same steam
spool of the other drum not being filled, or the
supply for purging the valves as is used for the
Bypass pipe. Thus a total of five purge connect-
blocking steam for the pipe spools !! If separate
ions flow steam inwards during flow. All of the
steam supplies are used, they will be at different
purge connections of the Switch valve need
pressures, and inevitably, the higher pressure
orifices in their connections, because all can be
steam will flow backwards into the connections
flowing into the process stream at some time in
that are from the lower pressure, dragging resid
the cycle.
into the small piping and causing them to become
Flow restriction orifices are recommended on all plugged !! Therefore it is best to use only one
switch valve purges to limit the steam flow 3⁄16” steam supply for both purposes! Most refineries
dia. is normally recommended for the bellows prefer to use about 120 psi steam supply, which
purges, and 3⁄8” dia. for the body purge. is ideal. We have valves in service with steam
See Steam flow chart shown in Table 7.2. purge system pressures from 90 psi up to 200 psi,
with no problems.

The pressure is set by the pressure reducing valve,

not the orifices. The orifices do not influence the
pressure. They are installed in the steam purges
to limit the steam flow to acceptable volumes.
Note that the restriction produced by passages


7.3 DISASSEMBLY OF SWITCH VALVES Take the weight of the ball (4) with a lifting means.
A threaded hole in the end of the shaft center can
7.3.1 General have an eye-bolt screwed in, for the lifting.

Follow warning instructions in Section III before Remove the keeper screws (17) from one of the
beginning disassembly. If valve is equipped with a inserts. Slide the insert out SLOWLY, about 2” .
gear or motor actuator, see Appendix for dis- As the insert comes out, have the fingers of one
assembly of actuators. As a general disassembly hand ready to hold the seat so it does not drop
progresses, place matching marks on parts so that down as it comes off the ball, by reaching in
the same orientation of parts can be maintained at through the insert. If the insert is stuck in place by
reassembly. Work in a clear area, with room for dried solids, it can be jacked out with 4 long jack
collecting and protecting the valve parts as they are bolts inserted into the threaded holes for that
removed. Be prepared to note the condition of all purpose in the flange of the insert. Jack the insert
parts as they are taken apart, looking for evidence uniformly by turning the screws the same amount.
of wear, leakage, interferences, and so forth. When the insert is about 2” back, a sling can be put
around the upper jack bolt, in the 2” gap, to take
the weight of the insert. This is also the balance
7.3.2 Disassembly instructions – Switch valves
point, so is a convenient way to hold the weight of
Stand the valve on its bottom, inlet connection. the insert.

Remove the actuator by removing the 8 mounting Repeat for the other inserts.
screws (17). Lift the actuator off the coupling stem.
If necessary for cleaning inside the purge
Remove the 4 stainless steel bracket mounting chambers, the sleeves (50) of the inserts can be
nuts (16), and the bracket (78) along the entire removed by sliding them out of their places. If
jammer assembly. stuck, they can be tapped out by placing a tip of a
punch into the notch provided, at the outer end of
Remove the coupling (97). the liners. Lift off the seats (9), and lift out the
Mark the orientation of the 3 Inserts (21) to the THE BELLOWS ON ANYTHING HARD that could
body (1). The Inserts are actually interchangeable, mar the surfaces. These are lapped surfaces.
but it is best to replace them as they were l
ocated originally. The valve is now disassembled.

Remove the packing gland nuts (16), and the

packing flange (11). If new packing (13) is to be
used, pull the packing with a puller. Take care not
to score the shaft with the puller. Remove the
lantern ring (14) by engaging two hooks into the
two holes, and pull up and out of the pack box. If
the packing does not need to be removed, clean
the shaft very carefully so that accumulated
material will not damage the packing as it is drawn
through the packing rings. The shaft should be
free of any score marks. Use fine emery cloth to
clean off any material that solvents will not
remove, and to smooth any marks.

Lift off the body cover (80), using eye-bolts into the
bracket holes.


7.3.3 Cleaning and pre-assembly of switch valves

NOTE THESE CAUTIONS: bellows very briefly, against the surfaces in
1. Clean all parts with appropriate and the body and cover that they will press
SAFE solvents. against, and against the backs of the seats.
Use a fine compound, because these parts
The bellows cleaning must be done with will lap very quickly, because they are so
care not to damage the ends. They are narrow. Use light pressure, preferably
lapped surfaces. about 20 pounds force, and assure that the
The Seats can be scraped with a soft metal ends are made to contact all around.
scraper, EXCEPT the surface on the rear that Afterwards, clean the compound from all
the bellows end contacts. This also is a lapped surfaces.
lapped surface. If the spherical surface is 4. Check that the keys slide freely in the
scraped to clean it, be sure to use a wide keyways but have a snug fit that will be free
scraper, not a pointed tip. All surfaces of of lost motion.
the body and cover can be scraped to clean,
but be careful of the Ring Joint grooves, 5. Spray the ball surface and the ends of the
and the flat surfaces that the spiral-wound bellows and the surfaces that the bellows’
gaskets contact, so that leak paths will not ends will contact with a very light coating of
be created. Molybdenum Sulfide lubricant.
2. Very light lapping can be done to the ends Light apply Never-Seize brand anti-galling
of the bellows, if they have slight scratches. high temperature thread lubricant to the
Similar treatment can be given the surfaces threads of the fasteners.
that the bellows’ end contact. The force of
the contact between the two parts should
not be larger than the weight of the bellows.
do not press them together any harder, 7.4 ASSEMBLY OF SWITCH VALVES
since galling and scratching could occur. 1. Set the body (1) on the Inlet connection.
Use 600 grit lapping compound or finer. Lower the lubricated ball (4) into the body,
3. The ball and seat should be lapped with 600 suspending it by the tapped hole in the stem
grit compound if there are scratches on the and an eye-bolt. Lower it until it is at the correct
surfaces that could cause leaks. The ball height, as shown by the hole in the ball being in
stem in the packing region should be free of the center of one of the exit holes, ± 1⁄16”.
scratches. Use fine emery to clean it up if
needed. Buff the surface after using emery, 2. Set an insert (21) on its flange. Place a
to prevent the roughness of an emeried bellows in it. Place a sleeve (50) inside the
surface from packing up Graphite of the bellows, and push it firmly down until its end
packing. A buffed surface will not have is fully into its counterbore.
this tendency.
3. Place a seat (9) onto the bellows (89).
New seats and balls will probably be lapped
and ready to use. If new seats or ball only 4. Lift the assembly into a position of horizontal
are to be installed, lap the seats and the ball bore of the insert, at the same time holding the
together, so that the seats show at least seat against the bellows with a hand inserted
50% of the width of the spherical surface is from the flange end. Lift the assembly with a
touching, as shown by the dull grey sling around a stud threaded into the jack screw
appearance after lapping, and the ball hole at the top, the same as was done during
shows a 360 degree touch by the seat Disassembly. The assembly will be well
around the faces of the ball where the seat balanced in this position, and be easy to slide
will sit. Use good pressure between seats into place.
and the ball when lapping, preferably 100
Place a spiral wound insert gasket (19) over
pounds or more force. Lap the chamfered
side of the thrust washer (6) to the top of the the barrel of the insert, and slide it up to the
ball, so that it shows at least 50% contact on inside of the flange surface.
the two surfaces. Lap the bearings to the 5. Turn the ball so the opening is where the hand
trunnions, so that they show good area that is holding the seat in place will be, to
contact, without ridges or valleys in the provide a place for that hand without
mating surfaces. Lap the ends of new pinching, until the seat is contacting the ball.


6. Slide the insert, bellows, liner and seat into the 14. Install the packing rings (13) per Section 5.1.3.
body until it stops. In this position, the inside 15. Install the coupling (97) with the original
face of the flange will be about .12” from the orientation. Be sure the keys slide freely in the
body face, held away this much by the keyways, do not force the coupling on.
uncompressed bellows. Loosely insert two
keeper screws (17), to hold the insert in place. 16. Install the bracket (78) with the original
Do not tighten these keeper screws. orientation. Bolt the bracket loosely to the
cover, using the stainless steel nuts (16).
7. Repeat with the other two inserts. All should Install the jammer assembly per individual
be about .12” from the body faces. Insert all project drawings.
the socket head keeper screws loosely.
17. Lower the actuator onto the coupling, with the
8. Gradually tighten all three inserts into place, original orientation. Install all the actuator
with the socket-head screws, by turning each mounting screws (17) and tighten
one only about 1⁄2 turn at each tightening step. very securely.
The uniformity of tightening can be checked by
watching the .12” gaps decrease uniformly, 18. Tighten the actuator bracket to the top cover.
down to about .04” final gap when the bellows 19. Adjust the proximity switches. Approach the
and spiral-wound gaskets are fully actuating bolt head from both directions, and
compressed. To insure that the bellows are position the switch brackets to split the detent
centered and in the correct position during this angle between both approach directions, to
tightening, reach into the insert liners and minimize the amount that the ball is not
jiggle the inner ends, at the seats, while the perfectly aligned. Position can be done to
tightening by small steps is taking place. about 1⁄4” accuracy for good operation.
NOTE: If the new insert gaskets are installed
at this step, the socket-head screws will not be
able to compress the gasket from its original
thickness of .125” to final thickness of .095” in
its groove. It will be necessary to use the pipe- 7.4.1 Hydro testing procedure
connecting studs and nuts. Place a blind
flange on the piping studs, to ensure that This test will be done on a fully assembled valve.
tightening of the nuts applies the force evenly.
1. Bolt four blind flanges with gaskets to the four
Once the flanges are all tightened, the socket
body connections, using the full number of
head screws will need to be tightened. Back
off the flanges, one at a time, and tighten the studs. Be sure that the connections are clean.
socket heads, to keep the gasket firmly Apply full pipe connection torques to the studs.
squeezed. The pipe flanges can be replaced, NOTE: That the valve must have the three
since they will be needed to do the leak testing. outlet flanges bolted securely in place at all
9. Remove the ball lifting system. times that the valve has pressure applied,
since the insert-retaining cap screws are not
10. Place a thrust washer (6) on top of the ball.
intended to hold pressure.
Note that one side is rough and one is smooth.
The rough side should be up and the smooth
side on the ball. The smooth side has a large
chamfer its ID in order to clear the radius
between the shaft and top plate of ball. 2. If the valve has purge valves welded to the
purge connections, open all purge valves to
11. Place a spiral wound top cover gasket (19) in
their half-open position, and insert plugs
its groove.
loosely in their outer ends. If the valve has
12. Lower the body cover (80) onto the valve, with flanged or screwed purge connections, install
the same orientation as when it was removed, blind flanges or plugs loosely at their outer
so the purge connections will be in the
ends. Install a high pressure jumper hose
right places.
between the two bellows purges of any one of
13. Install the body cover nuts (16), tightening uni- the inserts, loosely. This connection is
formly, to squeeze the gasket uniformly. When
tight, the body cover underside will be in hard
contact with the top of the valve, with no gap.


necessary, to equalize the pressure across this 7.4.2 Testing of piping with switch
valve seat at all times. valves installed
3. Tilt the valve body, with stem vertical, so that
the purge connection to the body is at the Introduction
highest point, for efficient air escape during
filling with water. Because the Switch Valve has already been
hydrotested and has satisfied the test, it is
4. Rotate the ball so the ball opening will
recommended that the valve be removed from the
straddle the two connections opposite the one
piping, and the hydrotesting of the piping be done
with the jumper. This ball position, together
with the jumper, will ensure that the pressure with blinds installed, or substitute piping be
inside the valve will be equalized everywhere. installed temporarily in place of the valve.
Failure to follow the foregoing instruction However, if the hydrotesting of the piping must be
carefully can cause damage to the bellows in done with the valve installed because the actual
the valves when high pressure is applied. piping connections to the valve must also be
Connect a water hose to any one of the tested, or to purposely repeat the hydrotesting of
bellows OD purge connections. Fill the body the valve that has already been done, then the
completely with water, venting the air out of retesting procedure used on the actual valve as it
all the purge valves or connections, by letting sits in the piping should obviously be in
it flow out the loosely attached plugs or accordance with the standard testing procedure in
flanges, making sure that water flows out all the caution; previous section.
of the connections. For the jumper
connection, tighten one end of the jumper
after water flows out at that point, and let
water fill the jumper hose. Then tighten all CAUTION: It is the responsibility of those who
plugs or flanges to seal off all connections, will do the testing to adhere to those
when all air has been purged out and water procedures, or to understand them sufficiently
flows out all connections and out at the to allow appropriate substitute measures,
highest point. considering that the valve is already installed in
NOTE: That all air must be vented from field piping and the factory testing procedure
the valve before the hydro test pressure needs to be edited. Where two different test
is applied. pressures, one for Class 600 and one for Class
300, are necessary for different parts of the one
5. Apply the hydrostatic test pressure per ASME
valve, the procedure obviously must be
B16-34 or consult factory. No body leakage is
allowed. The gland is allowed to leak, but carefully thought out ahead of time.
must stop when the pressure is lowered to
the highest class pressure at 100ºF.
6. Proceed to the Seat Leakage Test. Two-pressure valve, or all One-pressure
The Switch Valve piping connections at the Inlet
and also from the two Drum connections are
usually Class 600, and so are other upstream
valves and connections, but Class 300 piping and a
downstream valve from the Bypass connection.
This means that the test procedure must be care-
fully considered, where to apply the pressure, and
how to isolate the Class 300 valve and flanges at
the Bypass connection from the Class 600 test
pressure for the rest of the valve. In contrast,
sometimes all the connections are Class 300. In
those cases, a simple one-pressure test can be


done. Note that all connections on the valve itself These two pipes will be connected together
are Class 600 design, even though the Bypass has inside the valve itself, as well as to the Inlet
a Class 300 isolation valve downstream. connection of the valve, as will be seen.”
(The piping engineer may determine that
A. For those cases where the system is all to the best place to make this connection is
Class 300 design: into the Inlet piping, down by the heaters,
Referring to the previous section Switch or some other place. It is not possible in
valves, Hydro test procedure, we assist the the scope of this instruction to say where
reader in revising the text to turn this these connections are to be made.)
document from a valve hydrotest instruction 3. Substitute for tilting the valve body,
into a Piping Hydrotest Procedure. It must be effective venting of all air from the system
remembered that all areas of the internals of by allowing air to bleed out, at the highest
the valve must be pressurized simultaneously. point in the piping that is being filled.
Changes needed are as follows, by same
paragraph numbering: 4. Naturally, since the second pressurizing
connection is now connected to the Bypass
1. The pipe connections substitute for the
piping, the ball therefore must be
bolting of blind flanges to the valve.
positioned to straddle between Left Drum
2. It will be necessary to protect the purge and Right Drum connections. This assures
piping valves, check valves, or flexible that all parts of the valve internals will be
hose as may have been installed there pressurized simultaneously as the pressure
(different piping arrangements are used at is applied.
different installations). At some point,
5. Slowly apply the hydrostatic test pressure
blinds will be needed in the purge connect-
for Class 300, namely 1125 psi (or any lower
ions, at the limits where the piping en-
figure that the piping engineer may deem to
gineer has determined will be the limits of
be appropriate).
this hydrotesting. Consult the piping
engineer. Remember that isolation valves B. For those cases where the system has
must be in the half open positions. Check Class 600 Transfer Lines but Class 300 Bypass:
valve pressure limits in the check direction
Referring to the attached Switch valves,
must be reviewed with the manufacturer.
Hydro test procedure, we assist the reader
If flexible metal steam hose as is common-
in revising the text to turn this document
ly used here is to be tested, pressure limits
from a valve hydrotest instruction into a
must be checked and approved for this test
Piping Hydrotest Procedure. It must be
before applying any pressure. Considering
remembered that all areas of the internals of
the required volume of hydraulic fluid to
the valve must be pressurized simultaneously.
the large diameter and long piping that will
Changes needed are as follows, by same
be pressurized, note that the hose jumper
paragraph numbering:
called for, between two bellows purge
connections, must be substituted with a Since the hydro test is required to prove that
hose or pipe jumper or second connection the connections to the valve are free of leaks,
from the hydraulic pump, into the piping at it will be necessary to test three of the valve’s
one of the valve’s three outlet connections four connections, namely the two outlet
(because the small passages inside the piping connections for Left and Right Drums,
valve are not suitable for filling the piping and the Inlet connection, all at the Class 600
with the large volume required). We will test pressure, but the other outlet connection,
select the Bypass connection for this jumper for Bypass, at the Class 300 test pressure only.
connection. Therefore this sentence “Install Obviously therefore, the Class 300 Bypass line
a high pressure jumper of the inserts, must be isolated while testing all four of the
loosely.” is replaced with this: connections on the valve at Class 600 test
pressure. Therefore the valve must first have
“Install a pressurizing connection to the all four connections tested at Class 600
piping at either the Left Drum or the Right pressure, but with a Class 600 blind flange
Drum outlet piping exiting the Switch Valve. bolted onto the Bypass connection.


This would be followed by making up the connections. This assures that all parts of
Class 300 Bypass piping connection to the the valve internals will be pressurized
valve, followed by a Class 300 test pressure of simultaneously as the pressure is applied.
the entire valve and four connections, to 5. Slowly apply the hydrostatic test pressure
provide the appropriate test. A suitable for Class 600, namely 2250 psi (or any lower
procedure would be as follows: figure that the piping engineer may deem to
CLASS 600 PART OF CLASS 600/300 DUAL TEST be appropriate). Leakage criteria are de-
1. The pipe connections substitute for the termined by the piping engineer. Release
bolting of blind flanges to the valve. the pressure slowly.
However, for the first test, disconnect and 6. The next test, the Class 300 Part Of
lift the Bypass piping out of the way, and Class 600/300 Dual Test, will require a large
bolt a Class 600 blind flange to the valve at volume of hydraulic fluid, to fill the long
that connection. The full number of studs piping. The jumper that was installed
and nuts must be used to attach the blind between the two bellows connections on
flange. A Class 600 hydro test is now to be the Bypass port will not be suitable, so it
done on all four body connections, plus all should be removed at this time. It’s
the Inlet piping and the outlet Drum piping, function will be replaced as described in the
up to the limit points that the piping following paragraphs.
engineer has determined for this test.
2. It will be necessary to protect the purge
piping valves, check valves, or flexible hose 1. The pipe connections substitute for the
as may have been installed there (different bolting of blind flanges to the valve.
piping arrangements are used at different 2. Removal of the jumper as described in para.
installations, completely outside the control 6 immediately above is because of the
of the valve manufacturer). At some point, following. Considering the required volume
blinds will be needed in the purge connect- of hydraulic fluid to the large diameter and
ions, at the limits where the piping engineer long piping that will be pressurized, note
has determined will be the limits of this that the hose jumper called for, between
hydrotesting. Consult the piping engineer. two bellows purge connections, must be
Remember that isolation valves must be in substituted with a hose or pipe jumper or
the half open positions. Check valve second connection from the hydraulic
pressure limits in the check direction must be pump, into the piping at one of the valve’s
reviewed with the manufacturer. If to be three outlet connections (because the small
tested, flexible metal steam hose pressure passages inside the valve are not suitable
limits must be checked and approved for this for filling the piping with the large volume
test before applying any pressure. required). We will select the Bypass con-
Follow the instruction as written for mount- nection for this jumper connection. There-
ing a jumper between the two bellows con- fore this sentence “Install a high pressure
nections, but place it at the Bypass connect- jumper of the inserts, loosely.” is replaced
ion of the valve, which is the one with the with this:
blind flange mounted on it. This type of “Install a pressurizing connection to the
jumper is acceptable in this case because the piping at either the Left Drum or the Right
volume to be filled with hydraulic fluid is Drum outlet piping exiting the Switch Valve.
only the Bypass connection volume. These two pipes will be connected together
3. Substitute for tilting the valve body, effect- inside the valve itself, as well as to the Inlet
ive venting of all air from the system by connection of the valve, as will be seen.”
allowing air to bleed out, at the highest (The piping engineer may determine that
point in the piping that is being filled. the best place to make this connection is
into the Inlet piping, down by the heaters, or
4. Naturally, since the jumper is now some other place. It is not possible in the
connected to the Bypass connection, the scope of this instruction to say where these
ball therefore must be positioned to connections are to be made.)
straddle between Left Drum and Right Drum


3. Substitute for tilting the valve body, 3. With the stem vertical, position the ball open-
effective venting of all air from the system ing at any one of the outlet ports. In this
by allowing air to bleed out, at the highest position, the other two seats can be leak test-
point in the piping that is being filled. ed. Recommended testing pressures are 1⁄2
the operating pressure, at the operating
4. Naturally, since the jumper is now con-
pressure, and at 2 times the operating
nected to the Bypass connection, the ball
pressure. Apply the test pressure through the
therefore must be positioned to straddle
Body purge connection as follows:
between Left Drum and Right Drum
connections. This assures that all parts of Low Pressure Test - 30 psi
the valve internals will be pressurized Operating Pressure Test - 60 psi
simultaneously as the pressure is applied. High Pressure Test - 120 psi
5. Slowly apply the hydrostatic test pressure
Measure the leakage past one seat at a time,
for Class 300, namely 1125 psi (or any lower
at the three pressures. The leakage can be
figure that the piping engineer may deem to
collected in a graduated glass, by opening the
be appropriate). Leakage criteria are de-
purge valve for the bellows ID. (This is the
termined by the piping engineer. Release
purge valve located at the lowest position,
the pressure slowly.
furthest from the top of the valve.) When first
6. Remove the jumper piping or second opened, all the water from the Shell test that
connection from the pump that was was trapped between the ball and the blind
installed to equalize pressures. flange will run out this connection. Allow
enough time for this water to drain, after
which the only water coming out this
connection will be the seat leakage.
Standard maximum allowed leakage is 10 cc
per hour per inch diameter, at 60 psi
differential in a new valve.
7.4.3 Seat leakage testing procedure This completes the test for two of the
three seats.
Since these valves operate at low pressures,
typically 60 to 90 psi, it is important to test for 4. Relieve the pressure and rotate the ball
opening to either of the tested connections.
leakage at these more difficult low pressures.
Repeat the leak test across the third seat, at
This Seat Leakage Test will be done following a the three specified pressures.
successful Shell Hydro Test. 6. Remove all flanges. The valve is now ready
for installation.
1. Prepare the valve for the seat test as
described in the Hydro Test procedure.
NOTE: That the valve must have the three
outlet flanges bolted in place at all times that
the valve has pressure applied, since the
insert-retaining cap screws are not intended
to hold pressure.
2. Connect the water line to the valve body
through the body purge connection or any of
the bellows OD purge connections. Vent out
all air if not done as in the Hydro Test
procedure immediately preceding. Close all
the purge connection valves.



NOTE Due to the special construction of these valves, the project drawings issued for each job should be
used to determine the actual construction of each valve.

Item Qty Description

04A- 1 Shaft
11- 2 Packing flange
12- 2 Gland bushing
15- 4 Stud
16- 4 Nut
56A- 2 NPT screw
59A- 2 Purge pipe
59B- 2 Purge pipe
68A- 2 Purge flange 04A
68B- 2 Purge flange








Figure 8.1A Ring valve



26A 97

Item Qty Description 26C

01- 1 Body
04B- 1 Shaft 7B 56B
05- 1 Ring
11- 2 Packing flange
12- 2 Gland bushing
13A- 4 Packing ring
13B- 10 Packing ring
13C- Set Bearing ring
14- 2 Lantern ring
17A 8 HSH Cap screw
19- 1 Gasket 05 26B
21- 1 Body insert
26A- 1 Key
26B- 3 Key
26C- 1 Key
32- 1 Operator 01
56B- 4 HEX HD bolt 19
78- 1 Bracket
97- 1 Coupling

04B 21


13B 12



Showing position of Showing position of
minimum pressure drop maximum pressure drop

Figure 8.1B Ring valve


The Ring Valve is intended to be used to create a
pressure drop across it, in order to increase the Since the ring valve has no seats (does not shut
flow of hot vapors backwards through the fresh off flow), the steam purges will always flow.
drum so as to reduce the time required for However, the clearance between the ring and the
warmup of that drum. A hand gear or electric body is designed to be minimal so that a small
operator is used to vary the valve’s opening. amount of steam is adequate to purge the body
cavity. We recommend that a 3⁄16” orifice be used
The valve is normally left wide open, at which time in each body purge line. The lantern only serves
it introduces a minimum pressure drop. When it is as barrier steam and thus, has no flow. Therefore,
desired to create a pressure drop, the valve is no orifices are required for the lantern ring purges.
partially closed. A stop in the hand gear unit at
approximately 18˚ from closed prevents it from The bearings for the shaft are high density
being closed more than that. That is graphite die formed rings, close in to the body
approximately the position where the resistance is bore. Packing rings of die formed graphite are
greatest. The flow characteristic of this valve will outboard of them, with a long lantern ring
be nearly equal percent, since it has two equal between packings and bearings. A braided
lenticular restrictions in series, the same as a graphite ring is used at each end of the packings
round ball control valve element. to prevent extrusion. Tightenable packing flanges
are outboard on each stuffing box. Steam to the
lantern rings, at a pressure slightly higher than the
8.3 INSTALLATION OF THE RING VALVE process pressure, is intended to act as a barrier,
preventing vapor from entering into the bearing
The valve body is drilled and tapped at both sides,
graphites. No steam flow is expected into these
for studs to be inserted. The pipe flanges with
lantern ring connections, because packing-type die
gaskets in place are bolted to the valve with these
formed graphite is used as the bearings.
studs and nuts. The shaft should be horizontal, to
keep the weight of the inner ring element from
rubbing against the body. There are no thrust
bearings, and the ring will find its own position
inside the valve, along the axis of the shaft.


8.5 DISASSEMBLY OF RING VALVES Make note of the condition or any unexpected
character of all parts of the valve.
8.5.1 General
Follow warning instructions in Section III before
beginning disassembly. If valve is equipped with a
gear or motor actuator, see Appendix for disassemb- 1. Clean all parts with appropriate and
ly of actuators. As a general disassembly pro- safe solvents.
gresses, place matching marks on parts so that the 2. When cleaning out the valve body, be sure to
same orientation of parts can be maintained at poke the purge nipples clear of any
reassembly. Work in a clear area, with room for accumulated coke that may be inside them.
collecting and protecting the valve parts as they are
3. Clean out the threaded holes for the keeper
removed. Be prepared to note the condition of all
screws (56A) that hold the shafts in place by
parts as they are taken apart, looking for evidence of
lightly running a pipe tap to the end of the
wear, leakage, interferences, and so forth.
taper. Do not cut metal.

8.5.2 Disassembly of ring valves 4. Be sure that the gland bores are cleaned of
coke accumulations.
1. Place the valve up on wooden blocks, body
5. Check that the keys slide freely in the
faces in the horizontal plane, with the shaft
keyways, but have a snug fit that will be free
keeper screws (56B) facing up. Turn the ring
of lost motion.
(5) to the closed position. Note that it will
protrude outside the body ends, which is why 6. Lightly apply “Never-seize”nickel high
the blocks are needed. temperature thread lubricant to the threads
and bearing faces of all fasteners.
2. Remove the actuator. Remove the bracket
(78) and coupling (97) from the valve.
3. Remove the body insert cap screws (17A). 8.7 ASSEMBLY OF RING VALVES
Remove insert ring (21). Remove gasket (19),
Reassembly is the simple reverse of disassembly.
which should be discarded.
4. Remove nuts (16) and the packing glands (11) 1. Place the ring (5) back into the body (1).
Install the shafts (4A and 4B) back through the
5. Remove screws (56A).
ring’s shaft holes with the three shaft keys
6. Tap the shafts (4A) and (4B) inwards into the (26B) installed. Apply a very thin film of
valve – one at a time catching three keys (26B) molybdenum disulfide grease on the shafts in
as the shafts enter the body (1). Drive the the region of the bearing rings before
shafts all the way in through the packing inserting them through the ring.
(13A), (13B), and bearings (13C), into the
2. The shafts must be positioned in the middle
body, and remove them when they come free
of the gland bores while the bearing rings are
of the inside diameter of the rings.
being installed, to be sure that the shafts and
7. Lift the ring (5) up and out of the body. A simple the ring are well centered. A braided ring
way to lift it is to use a lifting rod approx. 1” in (13A) must be installed first, into each stuffing
diameter and 3” longer than the bore of the ring, box, because braided rings prevent extrusion
passed through the shaft bores and through sling of the innermost die form ring. Care must be
loops. Be sure that the sling loops do not slide taken to pack the bearing rings (13C) in tightly
along the bar and allow the ring to tip. at the bottom of the stuffing box, before the
8. If bearings and packings are to be replaced lantern rings and packing rings are installed,
with new, pull the packing rings, lantern rings so that they are firm and hard, not left soft.
(14) and the bearing rings out the outer ends To assure packing them down hard so deeply
of the two shaft bores. into the box, it is recommended that a piece


of pipe be arranged, approx. .02” larger ID 8.8 TESTING OF RING VALVES

than the shaft diameter and .01” smaller OD
than the stuffing box ID, to slide loosely over There is no seating leak test. If possible, it is
the shaft and loosely into the stuffing box, advantageous to do a body gasket leak test, to avoid
long enough to tap the rings firmly into place any body leak problem after installation. A pair of
so that they serve well as bearings (see Figure blind flanges must be bolted onto the body, using
5.1C). Note that dense graphite rings are the pipe studs and nuts, then pressure applied, to do
used as bearings, but they need to be pressed the gasket leak test.
in firmly and compressed, one ring at a time.
3. After installing the bearing rings and tamping 8.9 STORING
them down firmly, install the two lantern rings
(14) on top of the bearings. Pack the valves If the valve is to be stored for an extended period of
with the packing rings (13A), compressing time, be sure that it is dry. Loosen the packing
each ring individually as it is installed, glands, and tag them prominently with a warning
finishing with a braided ring as the last ring at tag as being in a loose condition.
the top of the box. The level of the top
packing ring should be within 1⁄2” of the top of
the stuffing box.
4. Install the packing glands (11), and snug
them firmly.
5. Install the body gasket (19), being sure that
the sealing surfaces that go against the gasket
are clean.
6. Install the body insert (21), and the cap screws
(17A). Note that the cap screws are not
strong enough to compress the body gasket.
That must be done by installing the pipe studs
and nuts, and tightening them gradually and
uniformly all around, to pull the cover into the
body, compressing the body gasket uniformly.
Then the cap screws are tightened, to hold the
gasket compressed. When tightened all
around, remove the pipe studs and nuts.
7. Install the bracket (78), coupling (97) and
operator (32). Be sure to apply non-hardening
grease on the valve shaft inside the coupling,
and on the coupling inside the actuator, to
make the next disassembly easy. Nickel base
Never-Seize is recommended. Be sure that
the orientation of the actuator is as it
was originally.


9.1 PROCEDURE FOR REMOVING MANUAL 4. Remove all actuator bolting from the
GEAR ACTUATOR underside of the yoke flange.
5. Using a hoist, raise the actuator off
Velan valves can be equipped with a variety of
the coupling.
manual gear actuators.
6. If further disassembly of the actuator is
1. Remove all actuator bolting from the required, refer to the maintenance manual
underside of the yoke flange. provided by the actuator manufacturer.
2. Using a hoist, raise the actuator off 7. If there is further work to be performed on
the coupling. the valve, refer to the proper valve
3. To repair the actuator, refer to the manufactur- disassembly and maintenance section in
er's instruction manual. If there is further this manual.
work to do on this valve, refer to the
appropriate section of this manual.


Velan valves can be equipped with a variety of
electric motor actuators. Motor actuators are
mounted directly to the yoke (Figure 9.2)
IMPORTANT: The torque switch of the motor-
actuated valve is set during factory assembly
to close the valve against the specified
differential pressure and requires the same
special attention for resetting.
WARNING: Should it become necessary to
change the torque switch setting for any Figure 9.2 Motor actuator - Direct attachment
reason, contact your Velan Customer Service
Manager to obtain a correct new setting from
the factory. 9.3 SPARE PARTS
All parts on any valve can be ordered. It is best to
CAUTION: get in touch with your local Velan representative
1. Upon reassembly of any actuator, the open who will help you determine the way to restore
and close limit switches must be reset. your valve with a minimum of time and expense.
Please refer to the maintenance and
instruction manual provided by When ordering spare parts, correctly determine
the actuator manufacturer for which parts are required. After this is done,
appropriate instructions. present Velan with some of the following
2. When checking for proper rotation of the information:
electric actuator, make sure that the valve is
1. Velan order number
in mid-stroke position. If the three-phase
wiring connection is incorrect, the valve 2. Velan item number (if more than one item)
will close when the open button is pressed. 3. Velan figure number and drawing number
If the valve does not travel in the correct OR
direction, then simply interchange any two
of the three power connections. 1. Customer order number

3. Disconnect the electrical wiring from 2. Customer item number

the actuator. 3. Valve size, type, pressure class and
drawing number.

CONTRACT: Orders are subject to acceptance by costs those parts proven defective, or (iii) in
the Velan Companies hereinafter referred to as the discharge of Seller's maximum liability herewith,
seller. No terms or conditions of Purchaser's order refunding all monies paid by Purchaser to Seller
contrary to the Seller's terms and condition shall for the Product and, at discretion of Seller, having
be binding upon the Seller unless specifically the product removed and returned to Seller at
agreed to by the Seller in writing. Purchaser's expense. All transportation charges
MINIMUM ORDER CHARGE: $500.00 net. relative to corrective work, defective parts or
PRICES: All quoted prices are subject to change by replacement parts shall be borne by Purchaser.
the seller without prior notice and, unless Purchaser shall give Seller immediate notice upon
otherwise stipulated by Seller, are understood to discovery of any defect. The undertaking of repairs
be F.O.B. Seller's plant, with delivery to carrier or replacements by Purchaser or its agents
constituting delivery to purchaser. Right to without Seller's written consent shall relieve seller
possession of the material to secure the payment of all responsibility herewith.
of the purchase price shall remain in Seller until all Finished materials and accessories purchased
payments therefore shall have been fully made. from other manufacturers are warranted only to
For the protection of the Purchaser and the Seller, the extent of the manufacturer's warranty to Seller.
verbal customer orders must be confirmed by a Any alteration in material or design of Seller's
formal written purchase order. If a written product or component parts thereof by Purchaser
purchase order is not received within ten days or a or others without written authorization by Seller
verbal order, product descriptions, quantities, voids all obligations of Seller regarding the product
specifications, etc., as set forth in Seller's and any associated warranty herein stated or
acknowledgement and invoice shall be conclusive implied.
and binding on both parties. Any order that is
shipped before receipt of confirmation which Seller's sole liability shall be exclusively as set
might have been entered incorrectly and would forth herein, and Seller shall not be liable for any
require remedial action would be for the incidental or consequential damages due to its
Purchaser's account. breach of any warranty herein contained, or
otherwise. Without limitation to the foregoing, in
TAXES: All prices are exclusive of taxes. Sales, use
no event shall Seller be liable for the loss of use of
and other taxes, by whomsoever levied, are to be
the product or of any other product, process,
paid by the Purchaser, and unless invoiced, are to
plant, equipment, or facilities of the Purchaser or
be paid by the Purchaser directly to the appropriate
end-user whether partially or wholly due to
governmental agency.
defects in material and / or workmanship and / or
DELIVERY: Delivery or shipment specified is design of Seller's product, and in no event shall
Seller's best estimate and Seller shall not be liable Seller be liable for removal of appurtenances or
for delay in deliveries resulting from any cause incidentals such as connections, pipe work and
whatsoever. Failure to ship on or near the similar items of obstruction or for any cost
estimated date shall not entitle Purchaser to cancel brought about by the necessity of removing the
his order without charge. product from its point of installation.
RETURN OF MATERIALS: Materials may be Seller makes no warranty of any kind whatsoever,
returned only with prior written agreement of expressed or implied, other then is specifically
Seller. stated herein; and there are no warranties of
CANCELLATION: Cancellation of orders may be merchantability and/or fitness for a particular
made only with the Seller's written consent and purpose which exceed the obligations and
Purchaser shall be subject to cancellation charges. warranties specifically stated herein.
PRODUCT WARRANTY: Seller warrants the Parts furnished without charge as replacements
equipment of its own manufacture to be free of for original parts under warranty are warranted for
defects in material and workmanship, under that period of time during which the original parts
normal use and proper operation for a period of warranty is effective.
one year from the date of shipment from Seller's
plant. Seller's obligation under warranty shall be ALL SHIPMENTS WILL BE F.O.B. PLANT LOCATION.
strictly limited, at Seller's option, to: (i) furnishing SHIPMENTS WILL BE MADE VIA MOST
replacement parts for or repairing without charge ECONOMICAL CARRIERS UNLESS OTHERWISE
to Purchaser, F.O.B. Seller's plant or (ii) issuing REQUESTED.TERMS: NET 30 DAYS FROM DATE OF
written authorization for Purchaser or others to INVOICE: 11⁄2 % PER MONTH OF ALL OVERDUE
replace or repair without charge to Purchaser, at ACCOUNTS, ALL TAXES EXTRA. PRICES SUBJECT
costs comparable to Seller's normal manufacturing TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.

Size Pressure Applicable
Valve Product Line
in mm Class Specifications
Forged pressure seal and bolted bonnet PS: ASME 600 – 4500
2 – 24 50 – 600 ASME B16.34
gate, globe and check valves BB: ASME 150 – 1500
Small forged steel API 602, 606
⁄4– 2
8 –50 ASME 150 – 2500
gate, globe and check valves ASME B16.34
Forged steel Y-pattern globe valves ⁄2 – 4
15 –100 ASME 900 – 4500 ASME B16.34
Cast steel gate, globe and check valves 2 – 60 50 – 1500 ASME 150 – 1500 API 600
Cast stainless steel API 603
⁄2 – 24 15 – 600 ASME 150 – 300
gate, globe and check valves ASME B16.34
Twin flapper wafer check valves 2 – 72 50 – 1800 ASME 125 – 2500 API 594
All stainless steel knife gate valves 2 – 36 50 – 900 150 psi TAPPI TIS 405-8
ASME 150 – 600
Memory seal ball valve ⁄4 – 24
8 – 600 ASME B16.34
600 – 4000 WOG
General purpose ball valve 1
⁄4 – 12 8 – 300 Up to 300 Up to ASME B16.34
Metal-seated ball valves 1
⁄2 – 24 15 –600 ASME 150 – 4500 ASME B16.34
Butterfly valves 3 – 36 80 – 900 ASME 150-300 API 609
Bellows seal gate and globe valves 1
⁄2 – 12 15 – 300 ASME 150 – 2500 ASME B16.34
Cryogenic gate, globe, check, ball and butterfly valves 3
⁄8 – 48 10 – 1150 ASME 150 – 1500 ASME B16.34


Don Bowers Charles Pogue / Paul Dion / Brian Hall Gary Tan VELAN VALVE VELAN INC.
94 Avenue C B. Lawson / T. Harfield / Jacques Godbout VELAN VALVES LTD. 18 Eastwood Place CORPORATION 7007 Côte de Liesse
Williston, VT M. Tilley 7007 Côte de Liesse Cambridge Rd., Singapore 486543 94 Avenue C Montreal, QC H4T 1G2
05495-9732 730 N. Post Oak Road Montreal, QC Whetstone Tel: (65) 6246-1108 Williston, VT 05495-9732 Tel: (514) 748-7743
Tel: (802) 864-3350 Suite 311 H4T 1G2 Leicester LE8 6LH Fax: (65) 6244-9791 Tel: (802) 863-2561 Fax: (514) 748-8635
Fax: (802) 865-3030 Houston, TX Tel: (514) 748-7743 England Fax: (802) 862-4014
77024 Fax: (514) 748-8635 Tel: (44) 6-275-0206
Paul R. Lee
Tel: (713) 682-1084 Fax: (44) 6-275-0224
Jim Thanos ENGLAND 2125 Ward Avenue
105 Carriage Drive George S. Lysakowski 25 Beagle St., VELAN VALVES LTD. Montreal, QC H4M 1T6
Fax: (713) 682-6071
Hockessin, DE 871 Kowal Drive J.C. Cennac Mosman Park, Unit 1, Pinfold Road, Tel: (514) 748-7743
19707-1329 Christopher G. Hiett Mississauga, ON VELAN S.A.S Western Australia 6012 Lakeside Business Park, Fax: (514) 748-8635
Tel: (302) 239-7114 21931 Harborbreeze Lane L5H 3T3 90, rue Challemel Lacour Tel: (61) 8 9284-2255 Thurmaston, Leicester
Fax: (302) 239-7946 Huntington Beach, CA Tel: (905) 278-7522 69367 Lyon Cedex 7 Fax: (61) 8 9284-6314 LE4 8AS
550 McArthur Ave.
92646 Fax: (905) 278-8155 France England
Tony Boland Montreal, QC H4T 1X8
Tel: (714) 965-6277 Tel: (33) 4-78-61-6700 Tel: 44-116 269-5172
45 W. Franklin Street Bill Patrick Tel: (514) 748-7743
Bellbrook, OH
Fax: (714) 965-6737
8825, 51st Avenue
Fax: (33) 4-78-72-1218 DISTRIBUTION Fax: 44-116 269-3695
Fax: (514) 341-3032
45305 John Flynn Edmonton, AB INDIA CENTERS & FRANCE
Tel: (937) 848-2011 289 Antioch Road T6E 5H1 S.Giridhar VELAN S.A.S
1010 Cowie Street
Fax: (937) 848-2144 Lake Lure, NC Tel: (780) 465-1122 B-708 Vardhaman 90, rue Challemel Lacour
U.S.A. Granby, QC J2J 1E7
28746 Fax: (780) 465-0403 Apartments 69367 Lyon Cedex 7
E. Harlan Dunk VELCAL Tel: (450) 378-2305
Tel: (828) 625-9441 Mayur Vihar-Phase 1 France
5409 Thornapple Ln., Leo Shewchuk Dave Frolich Fax: (450) 378-6865
Fax: (828) 625-9437 Delhi 110091 India Tel: (33) 4-78-61-6700
Acworth, GA 17 Simcrest Manor S.W. 537 Stone Road, Unit "A"
Tel: (91) 11-2271-2196 Fax: (33) 4-78-72-1218 PROQUIP
30101 Joe Denny Calgary, AB Benicia, CA
Fax: (91) 11-2275-3533 835 Fourth Line
Tel: (770) 590-0909 1638 Estate Circle T3H 4K1 94510 PORTUGAL Oakville, ON L6L 5B8
Fax: (770) 590-8144 Naperville, IL Tel: (403) 232-6482 CHINA Tel: (707) 745-4507 VELAN VÁLVULAS
Tel: (905) 842-1721
60565 Fax: (403) 686-6485 Suite C-1705, Newtown Fax: (707) 745-4708 INDUSTRIAIS, LDA.
Ronald J. Harrington Fax: (905) 849-0923
Tel: (630) 579-1833 88 Jian Guo Road Av. Ary dos Santos
43 Wyckoff Avenue VELEAST
Waldwick, NJ
Fax: (630) 579-1834
MEXICO, Chaoyang District Scott Stewart
1679-018 Famoes KOREA
Beijing, China 100022 Portugal VELAN LTD.
07463-1721 David Brodnax CENTRAL 605 Commerce
1060-4 Shingil-Dong
Tel: (86) 10-8580 6196 Tel: (351-21) 934-7800
Tel: (201) 670-0995 503 Comanche Trail & SOUTH Park Drive SE
Ansan City, Kyunggi-do
Fax: (86) 10-8580 6199 Fax: (351-21) 934-7809
Fax: (201) 670-6810 West Monroe, LA AMERICA Marietta, GA
Korea 425-833
Michael Midgley
71291 Sergio Pensotti JAPAN 30060 TAIWAN Tel: (82) 31-491-2811
Tel.: (318) 396-7517 VELAN VALVE CORP. Tak Sakamoto Tel: (770) 420-2010 VELAN-VALVAC
3160 Vera Valley Drive Fax: (82) 31-491-2813
Fax: (318) 396-4995 730 N. Post Oak Road 4-31-3 Kamimeguro, Fax: (770) 420-7063 P.O. Box 2020
Franklin, TN
Suite 311 Meguro-ku , Tokyo Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Houston, TX GERMANY Tel: (04) 2792649
Tel: (615) 599-5910 153-0051 Japan VELAN GmbH
77024 Tel: (81) 3-3792-1891 Fax: (886) 42750855
Fax: (615) 599-6949 Wolfgang Maar
Tel: (713) 682-1837 Fax: (81) 3-3792-1891
Fax: (713) 682-6071 Daimlerstrasse 8
D-47877 Willich
Tel: (49) 2154/4938-00
Fax: (49) 2154/4938-99
Tel: (514) 748-7743
Fax: (514) 748-8635
Velan’s valve distributors are located worldwide. Web:


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DATE 16 FEB 04

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