Impact of Packaging On Young Customer Buying Behavior

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Impact of packaging on young customer buying behavior: a study on food in China






Chapter 1.0 Introduction..................................................................................................................5

1.1 Background............................................................................................................................5

1.2 Statement of the problem.......................................................................................................7

1.3 Significance of research.........................................................................................................7

1.4 Main research questions........................................................................................................7

1.5 Objectives of the Study..........................................................................................................8

Chapter 2.0 Literature review..........................................................................................................8

2.1 Packaging elements...............................................................................................................8

2.2 Consumer decisions-making and factors influencing customer behavior.............................9

2.3 Food product packaging and young consumers...................................................................10

2.4 Eco-Friendly Packaging and Sustainability.........................................................................11

2.5 Digitalization and Packaging Innovation.............................................................................11

2.6 Gap in the literature.............................................................................................................12

Chapter 3.0 Theoretical framework...............................................................................................12

3.1 Consumer behavior theories................................................................................................12

3.1.1 Theory of planned behavior (TPB)...............................................................................12

3.1.2 Consumer decision-making process.............................................................................13

3.2 Packaging theories...............................................................................................................13

3.2.1 Visual communication theory.......................................................................................13

3.2.2 Semiotics in packaging.................................................................................................14

Chapter 4.0 Methodology..............................................................................................................14

4.1 Description and Justification of Sample/Participants..........................................................14

4.2 Questionnaire survey...........................................................................................................15

4.3 Sampling technique.............................................................................................................15


4.4 Data collection: online questionnaire..................................................................................16

4.5 Data Collection Procedure...................................................................................................16

Chapter 5.0 Results........................................................................................................................17

5.1 Demographics......................................................................................................................17

5.2 Presentation of Data (Statistical Analysis)..........................................................................17

5.3 Regression Analysis.............................................................................................................22

Chapter 6.0 Discussion..................................................................................................................24

6.1 Comparison of Findings with Literature..............................................................................24

6.2 Implications of Findings......................................................................................................24

6.3 Limitations of the Study......................................................................................................25

Chapter 7.0 Conclusion and recommendations.............................................................................25

7.1 Summary of key findings.....................................................................................................25

7.2 Practical implications...........................................................................................................26

7.3 Recommendations for future research.................................................................................26


Appendix A....................................................................................................................................30

This study targets the consumption behavior of Chinese college students relative to food
packaging appearance, especially the purchase behavior. The methodology applied a quantitative
method through internet-based survey. The data have been gathered from 100 individuals and
this information have been processed using one-way ANOVA and regression analysis. The study
is based on the theoretical framework of Consumer Behavior. It encompasses the theories such
as theory of planned behavior and other relevant packaging theories like visual communication
theory as well as semiotics in packaging. Significant findings show that this packing can also
affect the buying decision process of a consumer. It can be clearly seen that products surrounded
by non-attractive packaged got few response compare to the first group which was demonstrated
by the incoming purchase intention and decision to buy a given product. Not only did the
research reveal certain design elements including colors and visual indicators which are most
likely to affect consumer behavior but also a consumer's response to design. Hypothesis is
proven empirically with regard to the existing body of research in the field and marketing
specialists as well as managers of companies can profit from such tactical insights to improve
their packaging strategies. Further research that might include broader representation of the
population groups, using more refined methods, and extending the study to years, would provide
consumers’ changing preferences’ dynamic track. To conclude, we have seen the highly complex
interrelation of the effect of brand packaging attractiveness on consumer behavior and we will
help with suggestions to design effective the package and the way it is marketed.

Keywords: quantitative method, snowball sampling, ANOVA, regression analysis, visual

communication theory

Impact of packaging on young customer buying behavior: a study on food in China

Chapter 1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background

The packaging impact on consumption behavior today is one of the key areas for marketing
strategies worldwide according to Wandosell et al. (2021). In particular, it is valuable to know
why the packaging influences the purchasing habits of college students and other young
consumers in China because it can become a significant advantage for the companies competing
with each other. Boz et al. (2020) explain that packaging provides not only for the protection of
products but also acts as an important tool for branding, differentiation, and influence on the
consumer views and choice preferences. The packaging is a communication channel between
product and consumers which plays an important role influencing consumers about the brand
image and also stirring up demand. Product packaging that is sustainable improves the
environmental standing of the product such that it benefits people, animals and the planet, which
also has a great implication on the environment (Nguyen, et al. 2020).

In recent times the product packaging market has been seen having a very impressive growth
rate. Packaging industry is a very large and inherently dynamic field which is expected to
achieve a value exceeding $1 trillion by 2028 (Dube and Dube, 2023). Modern-day food
packaging technology ceased to remain static and is becoming more progressive and responsive
to emerging issues in our society. Product packages are unique features of products which make
them recognizable in the market and customers could purchase them among similar goods,
therefore, packaging is critical in consumer goods industry (Al‐Samarraie et al., 2019). Hence,
packaging is very significant in communication of market intentions and, in fact, is one of the
most important factors to affect customers' decision-making process.

In product promotion, packaging itself is a key factor for product appearance. The majority of
impulse purchase decisions are based on the way in which the package is presented and on the
aesthetic appeal of the product. Consumers tend to get into psychological activities like conjuring
images of how a product looks, tastes, feels or smells when they see the product picture on the
product package (Hao et al., 2019). Consumers will develop an opinion of the product at first

with the help of clues such as the appearance of the packaging, labels and info on the product.
This is natural. It is right at the point when customers make their purchasing decisions in retail
stores. So, it happens that it affects their choices. The most crucial elements of food packaging to
be colors, pictures, shape ad materials that point out to the strong role of designing in impulse
decision making about foods products (Al‐Samarraie et al., 2019).

China is expected to be at USD 203.60 billion by 2024 and USD 262.61 billion by 2029, which
translates into a 5.22% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2024 to 2029. Some among
the factors involved in the Chinese packaging sector include the rising birth rates and life time
values (Packaging Industry in China Insights, 2023). Demands for new packaging materials,
processes, and patterns have escalated due to this trends.

A series of reasons that led to the remarkable increase of China's packaging industry includes
technology advancement, concerns on sustainability, and economic appeal. Traditional ways in
which consumers perceive and interact with e-commerce packages are undergoing rapid changes.
Sustainable and green packaging designs made of newer and environment-friendly materials are
eliminating the requirement of traditional rigid materials as the demand for sustainability
increases. Furthermore, the growth in the industry is rapidly happening as people are demanding
more packaged items which have longer durations on the shelf (Packaging Industry in China
Insights, 2023). As the country moves towards higher level of urbanization, the demand for
ready-to-eat foods rises, due to this, the size of the market for packaging products also increases.

Product packaging is a critical factor in Chinese people's decision to purchase any product
ranging from chocolates to beauty products. They believe that Chinese consumers generally find
bright colors appealing, including food and drink. On the other hand, customization is also a
crucial feature for brands which want to reach Chinese consumers. For instance, it printed Coca-
Cola bottles with each individual's name stamped in Chinese, and the firm greatly expanded their
sales during the 2008 Beijing Olympics (Verot, 2023). Many younger peers are more sensitive to
the innovation and uniqueness of packaging than the older ones. Thus, this research focus on
food packaging influence on consumer behavior as a major argument behavior.

1.2 Statement of the problem

This research attempts to investigate an issue that is relevant on Chinese college students’
purchasing behavior with intensive package concern. Although there is existing literature about
packaging and consumer behavior, there is a void in research concentrating on the college
student demographic in China The purpose of this research is to explore how diverse elements of
product packaging shape the purchasing choices of this segment of consumers.

1.3 Significance of research

The theoretical and practical implications of this empirical research are discussed further below.
On the other hand, the empirical findings of this study can add to the literature on consumer
behaviors and food packaging by conducting a study on the influence of modern food packaging
on consumers choice behavior in context of sustainability Nonetheless, this study can provide
direction to the current food brands as regards the packaging design that most consumers,
especially the youths would like and so ensure return customers, profitability and market share
expansion (Togawa et al., 2019). At the same time, it can allow the corporations to serve
consumers' needs concerning health products and governmental environmental requisites.

1.4 Main research questions

The main research question is: What is the impact of packaging on Chinese young customer
buying behavior towards food products?

The following involves other sub-questions that will be investigated:

 How does product packaging influence the purchase motivation of Chinese college
 What is the extent of the impact of packaging on the purchasing behavior of Chinese
college students?
 How do the elements of different packaging (including, e.g., color, design, or labels)
impact young consumers in China through their senses?
 What part does the packaging play in brand recognition and loyalty among Chinese
students in colleges?

1.5 Objectives of the Study

The primary objectives of this study are as follows:

 To research the power of product packaging of the young Chinese college students over
purchase motivation and behavior.
 To investigate the packaging elements, which most influence the purchasing actions of
Chinese young consumers.
 To uncover the association between the packaging, the brand identification and the
consumers' loyalty among Chinese college students.
 To give marketers and business owners targeting young consumers in China an overview
of the research results and suggestions.

Chapter 2.0 Literature review

2.1 Packaging elements

After several researchers did the explorations of the elements of packaging, common packaging
problems derived. For example, Kress & Van Leeuwen (2020) classified packaging elements
into two types, illustrations (visuals) and information elements .These may be illustrated as color,
shape, image and design or labels, instructions, warnings and indicators. Visual product is
connected with the emotional features of buying act, and information oriented product with the
cognitive parts of a deal.

Visual aspect mean graphic, color, size form and material which human sometimes are choosey
towards different visual elements. They all, from time to time, present their own interpretation of
the same product (Alhamdi, 2020). On the other hand, the shape and size are more likely to be a
factor of customer preference, and buyers’ decision about which package to choose is usually
dependent on how convenient it is. Branding can make a product stand out in a crowd, render the
product details into useful information, build a favorable impression of the brand image in
consumer's mind (Alvarez-Gonzalez et al., 2024).

Moreover, the point attracting the attention of consumers is the information element which is
another aspect of package design. The target of information elements is product information,

producer, country of origin and brand according to Alhamdi (2020). Consumer tends to rely
more on images or visual stimuli and, therefore, one needs more information which to is a crucial
factor and more often would spend more time. Health and nutrition are on the larger side group
of consumers which read the detailed label information on their food products. Consumer
advisory labels are designed to give the most general information like calories, fat, vitamins,
sugar and sodium content of the products (Togawa et al., 2019).

2.2 Consumer decisions-making and factors influencing customer behavior

The conventional structure of the approach by Stankevic (2017), to customer decision-making

assumes that there are five stages that the customer must pass through on their path to making a
purchasing decision, which are described in Figure 1.

The initial purpose of the model's first step, need recognition, lies in getting a sense of time when
the population being studied stirs. The second step here is information search, which comes last
when customers have already identified their specific needs. As a customer, one has a chance to
utilize both the internal and external databases. This is possible by conducting a search that can
be done two ways. Firstly, according to Stankevic, 2017) one can inquire from a friend or family
member who may have used the item before and secondly, look into past service interactions. As
at the shopping stage the customers may be in the third level of purchase behavior in which the
main thought is that of whether they really need the product or well, probably there are other
options. This stage brings in discretionary income, and different factors may be involved that
include price, value, brand and product placement, and the willingness to pay. People choose
exactly where they would like to buy for example a particular shop or a web store among various
alternatives. They decide when they want to buy and how much money they are able to and want
to spend. Instead, consumers carefully consider the product in the concluding phase of their
buying also post purchase behavior that is post purchase (Stankevic, 2017). The part that
packaging has is formed from the second and third steps.

Figure 1: Five-stage model of the consumer buying process (Stankevic, 2017).

Consumer behavior study is something many marketers quite often need to consider as Ali &
Anwar (2021) argues. Various studies such as that of Ali & Anwar (2021) and Chou et al. (2020)
have the end goal of predicting these choices and reasoning to consumers regarding why, when
and how they would want to purchase a product or brand. One of the roles of enterprise to
consumer research is to help the entrepreneurial business identify its consumers’ needs and
create a competitive advantage by enhancing its market share and business capacity (Chou et al.,

Consumers have countless aspects which are involved in the decision-making method which can
be categorized into different factors such as personal factors, psychological factors, social factors
and cultural factors. Prabhu (2020) assert that personal factors such as age, gender, income and
occupation have an impact on the different educational needs. Such elements tend to influence
the tastes and preferences of consumers indirectly. Psychological factors cover to some extent
such matters of cognition, emotion and motivation of the consumers; therefore, the process of the
decision-making of the consumers is directly affected by these psychological issues. Contextual
factors pertain to those external factors from within the shopping arena that creates unplanned
purchases because the purchaser has encountered some sources of visual stimuli.

2.3 Food product packaging and young consumers

Lago et al. (2020) point out that food intake has been noted to be one of several factors that
promote packaging since its packaging might attract someone to eat it. The issue of packaging
cannot be detached from food and food supply and consequently it has to be seen as the
mandatory part. Packaging is also among the marketing tools individuals use. A review of
literature on food packaging would enlighten the reader on how it works for consumers, through
marketing or logistics (Bou-Mitri et al., 2021). By providing this variety of purposes, packaging
helps firms to get ahead of the market. Research show that packaging is considered as either one
of the most important factors for creativeness and promotion or one of the most effective
marketing communication approaches (Bou-Mitri et al., 2021). Besides showing information
about food product and facilitating product’s ratings.

Researchers have also theorized about the role of the packaging nature in the purchase decisions
of young consumers considering the physical aspects, such as coloring, imaging, reformation and
size, technology and materials (Bou-Mitri et al., 2021). Bou-Mitri et al. (2021) came to the
conclusion that customer choices in a variety of industrial areas are now significantly influenced
by the design elements of food items packaging.

2.4 Eco-Friendly Packaging and Sustainability

The embrace of eco-friendly packaging and the trend of green movement are part of the bigger
picture of a society evolving into environmental consciousness. The younger populations,
especially, concentrate on sustainability-driven choices when shopping for products, always
looking for sustainable products that can help them achieve their goals as factors of sustainable
development (Guillard et al., 2018). Improved reputation and preference for eco-friendly
packaging stem not only from the beauty and style dimension, but from a deeper-level consumer-
to-eco-consciousness consideration of ethical issues and a concept of environmentally friendly
consumption (Boz et al., 2020).

Companies whose brands enact positive eco-friendly packaging do more than meet consumer
expectations; they just extend their brand image and hence reputation as well. Sustainable
packaging represents a reassurance of the company’s commitment to eco-friendly corporate
behavior which is not something a conscious consumer looking for sustainable options would
turn down leading to long-term loyalty (Nguyen et al., 2020). Not only this, but eco-friendly
packaging restoration is also economical and improves performance of many brands, and so it is
the strategic holding for the brands that want to partner with sustainable consumption trend.

2.5 Digitalization and Packaging Innovation

The deployment of technology into packaging has turned the admission of brands into consumers
and assets for data acquisition of consumer behavior. Interactivity stands through: QR codes,
NFC tags, or augmented reality experiences. These options offer a new way of experiencing
brand and consequently, it creates new avenues for consumers to connect to the brand (Cardinali
& De Giovanni, 2022). Besides that, it provide users with different choice abilities that serve as a

source of entertainment, where they can also get information about products, as well as creating
better consumer interfacing.

Intelligent labels with sensors being imbedded can measure a product’s validity, authenticity,
freshness, and the way it has been used, giving consumers actual information they can relate to
and transparency. Therefore, the firms can manage to personalize marketing attempts, regulate
supply chains, and boost overall customer experience through this correlation level and data
information (Cardinali & De Giovanni, 2022). Then digitalization facilitates traceability and
sustainability initiatives, which is visualized in both high-tech and low-tech ways like the
lifecycle and sourcing of a product.

2.6 Gap in the literature

Through the literature review it comes to light that customer behavior is highly associated with
various types of packaging elements. Nevertheless, there is a division on which are the dominant
factors in the packaging that most influence the buying habits of young people the most.
Moreover, He et al. (2019) argue that, in China, food industry has started paying more attention
to sustainable element with a growing concern about healthy element. This necessitates the
analysis of the impact of packaging on behavior of young Chinese customer with using of the
current data. This empirical research can plug in the gap of the literature in this area.

Chapter 3.0 Theoretical framework

3.1 Consumer behavior theories

3.1.1 Theory of planned behavior (TPB)

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is a well-established psychological framework that

examines how individuals' behavioral intentions are shaped by three key factors: values, actions
of others, and immediate environment. Within that point of view, the consumers' opinion about
the packaging design (visual aesthetics, function, and value) has been proven to be among the
reasons why they decide to select a product (Ajzen, 2020). For instance, social norms, whereby
people being influenced by their peers, the family, and the culture, are the key determinants of
how they tilt their perceptions towards packaging and the probability of making certain

purchases. According to the PTC (Packaging as the Indicator for Consumer) theory, individuals'
decisions on buying a product are significantly affected based on their general attitude or belief
that buying a product whose packaging signifies the right information is possible for consumers.
TPB also gives useful information in realizing how packaging traits and perception of consumers
determine the very process of buying (Shao et al., 2021).

3.1.2 Consumer decision-making process

The consumer decision-making process is the broad framework that allows the consumer to take
the decision making process as an elaborate procedure through which he or she goes in order to
make purchase decisions (Qazzafi, 2019). Generally, these processes are preceded by several
successive stages like acknowledgement of a problem, seeking information, weighing between
possible alternatives, purchase decision as well as post-purchase evaluation. A packaging
indicates various features across these stages and fulfills multiple roles. Initially, a packaging
capture the attention of consumers in physical store through recognizing a profit or need which
can be awarded to the visual cues or product characteristics on the packaging. Later on, to some
great extent, the packaging becomes the source of information where the customers find details
like product's features, benefits and brand image. Consumers are getting into different
alternatives in their marketing decisions; Packaging aesthetics with design elements, colors and
packaging materials inevitably affect their feelings of the product quality, value and brand image
(Qazzafi, 2019). Normally packaging can affect the buying process, not only by attracting the
view, and bearing the emotionality, but also by assisting to distinguish the product from the
competition as well. Grasp of consumer's thought processes in decision-making would lead to
designing of packaging strategies, which would complement consumers' procedure at every step
and influence it positively (Zak & Hasprova, 2020).

3.2 Packaging theories

3.2.1 Visual communication theory

In visual communication theory was lagged on the central notion that visual elements in package
design play a leading role in transmitting information, stimulating feelings and influencing
consumer behavior (Forceville, 2020). There are visual elements such as colors, typography,

images, and design that are spread out to create the effect of magnetism, overarching brand
identity, and to offer product’s essential attributes. Case in point, the brand may seek to achieve
this through the use of vibrant colors that may offer feelings of energy and excitement or through
simple/ minimalist typography which may suggest their elegance or sophistication. For instance,
you, as a consumer, can see the product photos or the lifestyle images which inculcate the sense
of aspiration and also triggers the desires. The design of the packing elements uses the visual
hierarchy. It guides the customers' attention to the critical aspects such as product benefits, or
instructions to use the product (Kovač et al., 2019).

3.2.2 Semiotics in packaging

Semiotics is an underlying theory that helps to distinguish a kind of signs, symbols and meanings
and decipher messages and bind objects, in various contexts, such as packaging designs.
Packaging, from Semiotics point of view, is a semiotic system where you get visual and textual
signs as labels which ultimately transmit meanings and create emotional associations with
product-brands. For example, a shade of green can indicate freshness, while a heart-shaped icon
may invoke emotions such as love and care. Through the use of text the semiotic system
complicated by adding brand names, slogans and product description which are aimed at creating
a brand identity and positioning (Hu et al., 2019).

Chapter 4.0 Methodology

4.1 Description and Justification of Sample/Participants

The study population includes the Chinese students of ages 18-25 that attend colleges. Chinese
college students is a relevant target group for studying the influence of packaging on consumer
behavior because they engage in the market to a large degree and individually explore various
products which they are exposed to. The age of 18-25 includes the young adult consumers who
mostly would be making own buying decisions than a dictation from their parents and therefore
are mostly influenced by marketing and packaging factor.

The contingency plan is based on the survey of 100 respondents as the sample size as per the
statistical considerations in the study to confirm the study's validity and reliability. A percentile
error of 10% was the approximate limit applicable to this study and would be in line with other

studies conducted in the fieldF. A further, a descriptive method of analysis approach was chosen,
and its size of the sample should make it meaningful to make conclude about a population.

4.2 Questionnaire survey

The study will employ the techniques of questionnaire as the main research instrument. The
practice of eliciting data through answering questions in writing or verbally when particular
topics are selected is a questionnaire (Reddy, 2020). There are lots of reasons to utilize the
variety of tools available online for questionnaires. By means of questionnaires, the researcher
has the opportunity to quickly gather and a lot of information can be obtained from a great
number of respondents. Questionnaire method works really well when scientists deal with large
numbers of subjects, because it is cheap to do so. Using the survey form, involves respondents
with a local, national, and international background are possible. The “Internet,” particularly
“social media” has become the most accessible field to find those distant interviewees (Rahman,
2023). There is usually no need for many inputs of capital and time in such cases, it can also give
data faster and more safely.

4.3 Sampling technique

It is the methodology of involving knowledgeable people who have experienced or intrigued on a

subject either under discussion or similar to the subject being discussed (Berndt, 2020). The issue
of homogenous sampling which involves individuals having similar cultures, or groups with
selected experiences might also hinder the inherent nature of diversity in such communities.
Homogeneous sampling criterion sampling (our method) is a specific type of sampling that select
interviewees only if they fulfill the criteria the researcher creates.

Sampling Techniques (Snowball Sampling): This study adopts a snowball sampling method,
which is considered a convenience sampling. This non-probability sampling kind poses an
advantage for localization of a specified population that would otherwise be hard to attain
through the use of traditional sampling methods (Parker et al., 2019). Participants may provide
the names of other knowledgeable persons to populate a preset quota in the snowball sampling
process which is similar to a chain.

Snowball sampling is especially crucial where populations are difficult for a researcher to
identify and reach out to through traditional approaches. The sampling technique can benefit
from generating referrals from the initial participants, as with this process the work of sampling
can be compared to the chain, growing the number of potential respondents beyond the
capacities of the traditional sampling methods (Parker et al., 2019). Through this method, the
researcher can easily identify areas of interest that are significant for the niche or the specialized
group and may study that particular segment more elaborately for a richer representation of the
overall population being studied.

4.4 Data collection: online questionnaire

The Style of Questionnaire: Structured questionnaire.

Uses of Scale and Measurement Technique: To gather the data, a five-point Likert scale with 1
denoting "strongly disagree" and 5 denoting "strongly agree" was used.

4.5 Data Collection Procedure

Data collection will be conducted by means of the online anonymous survey system, qualtrics,
and the special survey for the study will be developed by the research in your case. The final
survey questionnaire will include items about respondents’ perception of the product packaging,
the effect the packaging has on their buying decisions, and demographic information. There will
be an online questionnaire distributed among Chinese college students via email and social
media platforms such as WeChat, using the referral method or snowball sampling: when the
initial participants invite additional respondents to take the survey.

The gathered data will be descriptive analysis through the use of analytical statistical techniques
after data collection process is done. Descriptive statistics such as amounts, percentages,
arithmetic forces, and standard deviations were used to summarize the data and to discover
trends or the patterns of the data. A context will be made for the results by giving the contrary
theories and literature on packaging and consumer behavior.

The data were analyzed using ANOVA and regression analysis. This research was aimed at
investigating the effect of product packaging on the behavior of the consumers and the whole

research was dedicated to disclose which of the influencing factors are the most decisive to the
consumers. Questionnaires will be sent out to a Chinese university and data collected from
students aged 18-22 will be the focus of the study. The essence of this examination is to look at
young people’s buying behavior regarding food products and the most important things when
buying food products by young people.

Chapter 5.0 Results

5.1 Demographics

The study cohort consisted of 20.5 years old on an average, with a range of ages from 18 to 25
years old. The breakdown of participants' age constituted age group of 18-20 years, 21-23 years,
and 24-25 years. Concerning with gender proportion, there were 50% participants with male and
50% with female totaling 100 participants with a 100% response rate.

Demographic Details
Age (years) Mean: 20.5 (Range: 18-25)
18-20 years
21-23 years
24-25 years:
Gender Male: 50%
Female: 50%
Education Bachelor's Degree
Field of Study Business and Management

5.2 Presentation of Data (Statistical Analysis)

Participant ID Age Gender Packaging Attractiveness Purchasing Behavior

1 19 Female 4 5
2 21 Male 3 4
3 22 Female 5 3
4 20 Male 2 5

Participant ID Age Gender Packaging Attractiveness Purchasing Behavior

5 19 Female 4 4
6 23 Male 3 3
7 25 Female 5 4
8 18 Male 2 5
9 20 Female 4 3
10 21 Male 3 4
11 20 Female 4 5
12 22 Male 3 3
13 23 Female 5 4
14 19 Male 2 5
15 18 Female 4 3
16 24 Male 3 4
17 25 Female 5 5
18 21 Male 3 4
19 20 Female 4 3
20 22 Male 3 4
21 19 Female 4 5
22 20 Male 2 3
23 23 Female 5 4
24 25 Male 3 5
25 18 Female 4 4
26 21 Male 3 3
27 24 Female 5 4
28 19 Male 2 5
29 20 Female 4 3
30 22 Male 3 4
31 21 Female 3 4

Participant ID Age Gender Packaging Attractiveness Purchasing Behavior

32 22 Male 5 3
33 20 Female 2 5
34 19 Male 4 4
35 23 Female 3 3
36 25 Male 5 4
37 18 Female 2 5
38 20 Male 4 3
39 21 Female 3 4
40 20 Male 4 5
41 22 Female 3 3
42 23 Male 5 4
43 19 Female 2 5
44 18 Male 4 3
45 24 Female 3 4
46 25 Male 5 5
47 21 Female 3 4
48 20 Male 4 3
49 22 Female 3 4
50 19 Male 4 5
51 20 Female 2 3
52 23 Male 5 4
53 25 Female 3 5
54 18 Male 4 4
55 21 Female 3 3
56 24 Male 5 4
57 19 Female 2 5
58 20 Male 4 3
59 22 Female 3 4

Participant ID Age Gender Packaging Attractiveness Purchasing Behavior

60 23 Male 5 5
61 21 Female 3 4
62 20 Male 4 3
63 22 Female 3 4
64 19 Male 4 5
65 20 Female 2 3
66 23 Male 5 4
67 25 Female 3 5
68 18 Male 4 4
69 21 Female 3 3
70 24 Male 5 4
71 19 Female 2 5
72 20 Male 4 3
73 22 Female 3 4
74 23 Male 5 5
75 21 Female 3 4
76 20 Male 4 3
77 22 Female 3 4
78 19 Male 4 5
79 20 Female 2 3
80 23 Male 5 4
81 25 Female 3 5
82 18 Male 4 4
83 21 Female 3 3
84 24 Male 5 4
85 19 Female 2 5
86 20 Male 4 3
87 22 Female 3 4

Participant ID Age Gender Packaging Attractiveness Purchasing Behavior

88 23 Male 5 5
89 21 Female 3 4
90 20 Male 4 3
91 22 Female 3 4
92 19 Male 4 5
93 20 Female 2 3
94 23 Male 5 4
95 25 Female 3 5
96 18 Male 4 4
97 21 Female 3 3
98 24 Male 5 4
99 19 Female 2 5
100 20 Male 4 3

Average mean age is 21.16

Standard deviation of packaging attractiveness is 0.998736576 and that of purchasing behavior is


By utilizing the data collected from the online survey, the data was analyzed using the statistical
methods to explore the influence of a packaged product on the purchasing behavior among
Chinese college students. A five-point Likert scale was also applied in the survey, meaning 1=
"strongly disagree" and 5 = "strongly agree."

Using Excel to analyze data using ANOVA, the p value 0.000612. One would be lent the
information that p-value of 0.000611985 suggests that the purchasing behavior scores differ with
the levels of packaging attractiveness at a statistically significant level. Translated, the research
concludes that the packaging having more aesthetic appeal may determine the way consumers
have their purchase decisions.

The strong p-value has proven Packaging Attractiveness has does have an influence on how
consumers make their buying decisions. Consumers might be different ones among themselves
when given products in packaging that are low, medium, and high attractive.

Through collecting this data, marketers and designers can design packaging that appeals
consumers and promote their products in a way that leads consumers to good buying behavior.
One illustration of such will be strengthening the visual effect of packaging that in other words
will be a source of customer satisfaction and increase his or her readiness to purchase.

5.3 Regression Analysis

 Dependent Variable (Y): Purchasing Behavior

 Independent Variable (X): Packaging Attractiveness


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 7
R Square 9
Adjusted R
Square -0.00505
Standard 0.77386
Error 7
Observations 100

df SS MS F nce F
0.3007 0.3007 0.5022
Regression 1 85 85 54 0.480194

58.689 0.5988
Residual 98 22 7
Total 99 58.99

Coeffici ard P- Lower Upper Lower Upper
ents Error t Stat value 95% 95% 95.0% 95.0%
4.18592 0.2870 14.580 2.74E- 4.7556 3.6162 4.7556
Intercept 4 83 89 26 3.616217 31 17 31
0.0778 - 0.4801 0.0993 0.2097 0.0993
X Variable 1 -0.05519 75 0.7087 94 -0.20973 5 3 5

Multiple R: Finally, the coefficient for multiple correlations (R) figures out the relationship's
strength between the dependent (Purchasing Behavior) and independent (Packaging
Attractiveness) variables. In your analysis, R is approximately 0.0714, suggesting a weak
positive correlation. Intercept: (4.186) the intersept is the predicted value of the dependent
variable (Purchasing Behavior), in the case where the independent variable (Packaging
Attractiveness) is zero. Nevertheless, in this case, the intercept may is valid in the sense that it
will provide dependent correlation.

Chapter 6.0 Discussion

6.1 Comparison of Findings with Literature

The result of this experiment matches the signs of the previous researches about the powerful
effect that the package attractiveness has on people's behavior. Similarly, this assertion has been
evidenced by Ali & Anwar (2021) and Bou-Mitri et al. (2021) studies that concluded that
appealing appearance of packaging boosts consumer's choices. Secondly, the research indicative
that packaging aesthetics has a very important influence on both, perception of the product and
subsequent purchase behavior of the consumer. Moreover, we have used the TPB (Theory of

Planned Behavior) for gaining a better picture of our extract. TPB suggests that, apart from their
belief about an item’s packaging, consumers’ conviction about their control over events can
drastically alter their actual purchasing actions (Ajzen, 2020). Thus, we make our work more
rigorous with the use of existing knowledge and the data collection process, hence reinforcing
the valid and credibility of the results.

6.2 Implications of Findings

The implications of this finding is not only substantial for practical marketing strategies and but
also for the packaging design of many companies. Companies may utilize the knowledge gained
through this survey to devise custom packaging plans that are in-sync with their central shoppers
Marketing strategy like investing in packaging that matches customer's preferences and value can
help in enhancing the brand image of companies, and foster the consumer satisfaction, and
cultivate the brand loyalty (Ali & Anwar, 2021). The packaging attractiveness also has an effect
on the decision-making process which facilitates makers that perform targeted marketing
campaigns, particularly when the desirable product features are emphasize via packaging. By
following this strategic purpose, brands may be able to generate sales revenue increase and gain
competitive edge against competitors in the marketplace.

6.3 Limitations of the Study

Beyond being able to offer valuable information, there is need to recognize the limits of the
research to ensure we provide a balanced view. Firstly, the research is oriented to a narrow group
of college students that may limit the universality of the results to large consumer groups or to
different areas of residence. Potential research efforts should strive to widen the sample size and
to better reflect different demographics. Thus, researchers would be able to discover more
complete patterns of consumer behavior among the general population. Firstly, the whole use of
self-reported data through surveys generates the possibility of bias, e.g., response bias or social
desirability bias that could interfere with the credibility and reliability of the outcome. In order to
overcome that disadvantage, future research could use subjective measures, like observational
studies and eye-tracking technology, to provide a more accurate and multi-dimensional outlook
on consumer behavior related to packaging attractiveness.

Chapter 7.0 Conclusion and recommendations

7.1 Summary of key findings

The research brings to the existing body of knowledge a tangible gap that has so far been filled
only by theoretical notions through adding empirical proof of packaging attractiveness as a
pivotal factor in consumer decision making. This practical implementation, in turn, ensures that
marketers and designers gain the confidence about the power of strategic packing design to
positively change the perspective of the consumer, preferences, and buying decision. Hence, our
study adds depth to the rigid perception of packaging as just a marketing act and instead
acknowledges that it is a complex issue with many implications on consumer behavior. During
the course of the study many characteristics of package appeal were verified as the most vital
ingredients in the purchasing decisions of the customers. Participants manifested a most
significant interest for the products wherein bright colors, clean logo and alluring packs were
vividly seen. Given this, aesthetic instruments for business promotion are not only a generalized
factor but also the details of the design with color palettes and figure cues contribute greatly to
capturing the attention of consumers and make them positive about the product. These insights
strongly support the managerial consideration that involves strategic packaging which will be
eyeing to acquire a positive consumer reaction and enhance product attraction in terms of

7.2 Practical implications

The implications for practitioners and marketers working in differentiated markets from the
findings are that they stem from alternative automation-induced supply trends. Companies can
take the insights from this study and utilize them further in their packaging strategy,
implementing packages that would catch the attention of their consumers and match with their
lifestyles and preferences (Ali & Anwar, 2021). Through this strategic process, more favorable
brand image can be created, customer interaction will be enhanced, and in the end, the company's
revenue will be boosted.

7.3 Recommendations for future research

Although the work offers a valuable view of the investigated issue, there are also opportunities to
deepen the research. Further investigations might be added to the top by getting more consumers
of various age groups, nationals, and regions on board. Furthermore, tapping into advanced
research methods like neuroscience and experimental aspects may provide in-depth
understanding on what processes are going on in an individual’s brain and in the case of
emotional responses. In addition to longitudinal studies, the brand offers the chance to go deep
into how customer preferences for package change over time, offering strategic implications for
long-term brand development.


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Appendix A

Questionnaire: Perceptions of Packaging Attractiveness and Purchasing Behavior

Dear Participant,

Through conducting this survey, we intend to unveil consumers’ views on the packaging
attractiveness and their buying behavior.

1. In order to be participate, you have to be 18 years or

2. There are no names requested in this questionnaire
3. Your answers are 100% anonymous therefore your name cannot be linked with them in
any way.
4. This survey is completely optional, so you can also withdraw from it or choose not to go
on with the survey at any time.
5. This survey will be completed anonymously, you agree to allow your responses used to
be used for research purposes by granting your consent.

Thanks for participating in the survey, it means a lot that you take the time to help out. You will
be answering critical research questions in which it specifically concentrates on the effect of
package good looking and of purchasing behavior in Chinese college students.

1. Gender:
o Male
o Female
o Other
o Prefer not to say
2. Age:
o 18-20 years
o 21-23 years
o 24-25 years
3. How relevant do you consider the appearance of the package for a product to you while
you are making a purchase decision?
o Not important at all
o Slightly important
o Moderately important
o Very important
o Extremely important

4. Do you believe that attractive packaging influences your decision to purchase a product?
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree
5. Have you ever purchased a product primarily because of its attractive packaging?
o Yes
o No
6. Would you be willing to spend extra cash on a product that has more attractive packaging
if an alternative product with less appealing packaging had a smaller price tag?
o Definitely not
o Probably not
o Not sure
o Probably yes
o Definitely yes
7. Have you seen yourself discussing product packaging that gave you joy to your peers?
o Never
o Rarely
o Occasionally
o Frequently
o Always
8. In your viewpoint, what kind of information about packaging design gives rise in your
whole opinion about the brand?
o Negatively
o Slightly negatively
o Neutral
o Slightly positively
o Positively

9. Kindly refer to the given rating system and grade different components of packaging
based on their relative importance to you (1 being least important and 5 signifying most
a) Color scheme
b) Typography
c) Imagery
d) Layout and structure
e) Brand logo and information
10. Do you ever come across a product whose packaging you have appreciated even if you
have not bought it?
o Never
o Rarely
o Occasionally
o Frequently
o Always
11. Would you buy a new product just because it was in a fancy package?
o Definitely not
o Probably not
o Not sure
o Probably yes
o Definitely yes
12. Please provide any more thoughts or comments you may have on the impact of packaging
attractiveness on your purchasing behavior (optional).

Thank you for your cooperation! Your opinion is greatly important to our research.

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