Physics Form 3 p1 Marking Schem1
Physics Form 3 p1 Marking Schem1
Physics Form 3 p1 Marking Schem1
ii) The above awing moves faster than the air Volume of the patch = volume of the oil
below. Pressure above wing is reduced. The re- drop.(1mk)
sulting pressure difference creactes a lift.
c) A1v1 = A2v2 3.14x (37.5)2 cm2 × x = x 3.14 x (0.035)3
A1 = π(2.6cm)2 cm3
A2 = (0.65cm)2
π(2.62)cm3x v1 m s-1 x = x (0.035)3 cm3 x 1 (1mk)
= π(0.652)cm2 x 3m s-1 (37.5)2
v1 = 0.19m s-1 = 4.066 x 10-8cm
= 4.066 x 120-10 m
= 4.1 x 10-10 m.
15. a) When one sucks from the straw the
pressure inside the straw is reduced. This allows
ii) – the oil does not evaporate
- the oil spreads to a one molecule
thick layer.
17. n = (1mk)
= 3 x 108
1.88 x 108 (1mk)
= 1.596
= 1.6 (1mk)
b i)
ii Sin C = (1mk)
= (1mk)
C = 38.8° (1mk)
c) n = sin θ (1mk)
sin r
1.596 = sin θ (1mk)
sin 21.2
θ = 35.25 (1mk)
iii) = fy
f = = = 0.625 (1mk)
= 6.4 m (1mk)