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1 s2.0 S0195561612001969 Main
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Canine Pododermatitis 57
David Duclos
This review article is meant to help the general veterinarian differentiate
between 12 of the most common skin diseases that cause lesions on the
canine paw. Most of these either look the same or have important features
that are frequently missed. Each of these conditions will be described and
the key features to note will be listed. These key features may be historical
or signalment information or they may be diagnostic tests that are critical
in making clear diagnostic separations between these diseases.
Ischemic Dermatopathies 99
Daniel O. Morris
The ischemic dermatopathies are a group of vasculopathic diseases that
share clinical and histologic features but result from variable causes.
Generalized ischemic dermatopathies are typically characterized by atro-
phic lesions with erythema, scale/crust, erosions/ulcerations, and pigmen-
tary changes. Lesions may affect the toes, tail tip, pinnal margins, bony
prominences, or any combination of these areas. Familial dermatomyositis
(FDM) most commonly occurs in juvenile collies and Shetland sheepdogs.
Ischemic reactions to rabies vaccines may mimic FDM and can occur in
any breed. The most reliable symptomatic therapy for any form of ischemic
dermatopathy is the combination of pentoxifylline and vitamin E.
Index 205