Kin-Ball Canada LESSON PLAN - 7 - E - IKBF
Kin-Ball Canada LESSON PLAN - 7 - E - IKBF
Kin-Ball Canada LESSON PLAN - 7 - E - IKBF
In order to have your participants use speed against the other teams, this
week’s newsletter objective will be about what is called the extended hit.
If you look at the “KIN-BALL® sport instruction manual” at page 26, you will
find an exercise idea to increase the general speed of the play. The extended
hit is one of the ways to use speed and consists in extending the ball’s
trajectory after it has been caught by the team in defense. To explain it you
can show your participants that if they hit the ball using the same direction
as the previous team did and are able to accomplish this, the previous team
to hit will not have enough time to get back into position around the ball
and defend their corners. Here is an illustration of the extended hit. The
black team (N) attacks the blue team. The blue team then sends rapidly the
ball to the black team in the same direction the ball came to them.
Lesson Plan #7
Educational exercise
In order to develop this skill with your participants, use the following
exercise named “Hit and Follow”.
Lesson Plan #7
Modified game
In order to encourage your participants to use this new skill during game
time, you can proceed by using this modified game no matter how old your
participants are.
The way of proceeding consists in giving a bonus point to a team each time
the team is able to realize an extended hit, meaning every time they are
able to hit the ball in continuation of the previous hit trajectory.
Every time a team successfully accomplishes an extended hit, this team gets
a bonus point.
Proceeding this way, the team that executes this skill the most often will
get more points and will be more involved in the game than the other
teams. You will then notice that the hitting team will avoid hitting the ball
in the middle of the court to avoid being beaten by this strategy. Learning
where to hit will be the objective of Lesson Plan #9.
If you are using this game, to avoid always having the same team attacked
over and over, you have to make sure that the teams are balanced and you
could reset the score every two minutes.
REMINDER: You should not use modified games for the entire
playing time. You should use this modified rule for a
maximum of 10 minutes if your activity lasts one hour.
Lesson Plan #7
The Countdown Bomb
The players are spread around the gymnasium and are lying on the floor.
The coach then throws the ball in the air and makes a designation (ex:
Omnikin blue). The players of the designated team must then stand up and
catch the ball. If they catch it, they will then have 5 seconds to hit the ball
back to the coach after completing a special designation (ex: Omnikin
Coach) and hit the ball toward the coach. If they can complete it within the
given 5 seconds their team will get one point. If they can’t, both other
teams will receive a point. After completing the hit, they go back to their
position and the coach will then name another team. According to the age
and level of play of the players, the coach can modify the height at which
the ball is thrown in the air.
Safety tips:
In order to avoid injuries, make sure to throw the ball where the players of the
designated team will have enough space to handle the ball without trampling on
students of the other teams.
Thank you very much for your interest in the sport, please contact us for
any question.
Pierre-Julien Hamel
General Manager IKBF
Lesson Plan #7