Procedia CIRP 119 (2023) 21–28
Recent advancements in Natural Language Processing have opened up new possibilities for the development of large language
models like ChatGPT, which can facilitate knowledge management in the design process by providing designers with access to a
vast array of relevant information. However, integrating ChatGPT into the design process also presents new challenges. In this
paper, we provide a concise review of the classification and representation of design knowledge, and past efforts to support
designers in acquiring knowledge. We analyze the opportunities and challenges that ChatGPT presents for knowledge management
in design and propose promising future research directions. A case study is conducted to validate the advantages and drawbacks of
ChatGPT, showing that designers can acquire targeted knowledge from various domains, but the quality of the acquired knowledge
is highly dependent on the prompt.
© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0)
Peer review under the responsibility of the scientific committee of the 33rd CIRP Design Conference
Keywords: Engineering design; Knowledge management; ChatGPT; Responsible AI
ChatGPT in this context, including the potential to provide 2.2.1. Classification of knowledge
more accurate and comprehensive information, and the ability Domain-specific, common-sense, and cross-domain
to integrate generated knowledge into the design process more engineering and technical knowledge are the main types of
easily. However, there are also several challenges associated knowledge employed in design studies [7], as shown in Fig.1.
with the use of ChatGPT in design knowledge acquisition, such
as the difficulty of controlling the quality and accuracy of the
information, the potential to be biased, and the challenge of
ensuring that the information is relevant and useful for the
specific design task at hand. The purpose of this paper is to
explore the opportunities and challenges of ChatGPT for design
knowledge acquisition.
This paper is organized as follows: In section 2, an overview
of existing research on design knowledge acquisition is
detailed. Section 3 outlines the opportunities, challenges, and
research opportunities that are brought to design knowledge
acquisition by ChatGPT, and illustrates a case, followed by the
conclusion and future work in Section 4.
both natural and engineering sciences while considering the other representation appears in the latter stage. Utilizing a
specific conditions and constraints of the given task. From the linguistic representation of knowledge has several advantages
knowledge perspective, it is argued that engineering design is in this regard. One advantage of linguistic knowledge
the instrument of exploration, description, arrangement, representation is that it allows for clear and concise
rationalization, and utilization of design knowledge [6]. Hence, communication of knowledge [10]. This not only facilitates the
simply put, knowledge in engineering design is explored, transfer of knowledge between design team members but also
understood, and used to find solutions for certain problems. allows for easy access and retrieval of information for future
Exploring knowledge effectively requires properly classifying design projects. Furthermore, linguistic representations are
and representing knowledge, which enhances understanding often more accessible and understandable to a wider range of
and utilization of the knowledge during the design process. individuals, which can facilitate knowledge share and
Xin Hu et al. / Procedia CIRP 119 (2023) 21–28 23
collaboration across different departments an,d industries [11]. design process. Balancing the breadth and depth of knowledge
Also, there is a large collection of information accumulated is difficult, which necessitates the use of different knowledge
by the end of the design process that could be beneficial for providers for acquiring knowledge, leading to inefficiencies for
future designs if it was made available to the designer at an the designer. In addition, it requires the seeker to have a clear
earlier stage [12]. By effectively capturing and organizing understanding of the question being asked. Particularly for
design knowledge in a linguistic format, the design process can novice designers, may make it challenging for them to clearly
be streamlined, and designers can benefit from the experiences articulate the problem they are trying to solve, leading to a lack
and insights gained from previous projects. It is therefore of effective and useful knowledge. Moreover, there is a lack of
essential to equip all relevant stakeholders throughout the sufficient interaction between the seeker and the provider the
process of design with an integrated tool that provides designer is a passive information receiver. It is limited to a
linguistic knowledge.
question-and-answer format without supporting context, which
is sequential in nature. As a result, the knowledge provider
2.3. Design knowledge acquisition
caters to only one knowledge seeker at an inquiry round. This
poses a challenge in supporting team collaboration during the
Design knowledge acquisition involves the interaction
design process as it restricts the capability to attend to multiple
between two the knowledge provider and the knowledge seeker
knowledge seekers simultaneously.
in certain problem domains, as represented in Fig.2. In recent
years, the knowledge provider is characterized by digital
3. Proposition: opportunities, challenges, and future
knowledge bases that are in the forms of semantic networks [7].
research directions
Semantic networks are graphical representations of knowledge
that depict relationships between concepts, and the
3.1. Opportunities for design knowledge acquisition
relationships between concepts and instances, which function
as knowledge retrieval, association, and reasoning. The nodes
Engineering design is a highly involved, often ill-defined,
in a semantic network represent concepts, while the edges
complicated, and iterative problem-solving process, requiring
represent relationships between the concepts. These networks
access to a vast and diverse array of knowledge. Design
can be used for acquiring domain-specific, common-sense, and
problems are characterized by the term “wicked problems” that
engineering and technical knowledge, such as WordNet,
have a large problem space and no fixed problem-solving
ConceptNet, B-Link, and TechNet, which contributes to idea
sequences [19]. By leveraging design knowledge, engineers
generation, conceptual design, and design representation in real
can better explore the problem space, identify potential
applications [13-15].
solutions, and make informed decisions about how to proceed
with the design process. The integration of ChatGPT in design
knowledge acquisition provides several opportunities to
support the design process from the perspectives of the
knowledge provider, the knowledge seeker, and their
interaction, as depicted in Fig.3. In the following text, these
opportunities will be detailed.
3.1.1. Points of an integrated knowledge provider effectively steers them toward increasingly optimal and precise
ChatGPT provides a novel opportunity for design solutions.
knowledge acquisition through its ability to offer a general,
common, and integrated platform for knowledge retrieval. In 3.1.3. Points of knowledge seekers
such a single and centralized platform, designers can acquire In the context of design, concurrent engineering often
sufficient knowledge that pertains to common sense knowledge, involves multiple stakeholders from various domains and at
various domain-specific knowledge, as well as engineering and different stages of the design process. Collaboration is
technique knowledge, which support design decisions therefore essential for the successful development of a design
throughout the design process. Consequently, it is potential for solution. ChatGPT has the potential to support concurrent
designers to alter knowledge providers less when defining and engineering by serving as a shared knowledge platform that
solving problems derived from diverse stages of the design enables team members to acquire knowledge and collaborate
process. The reduction in the need for designers to frequently effectively. This multi-object interactive process encourages
switch between different knowledge provides help streamline collaboration and knowledge exchange among team members,
the design process and improve workflow efficiency. In enabling them to holistically view problems. Specifically,
addition, such an integrated knowledge tool can facilitate better relevant stakeholders can ask questions, seek clarification, and
collaboration and communication among designers by explore problem space from their different disciplines. For
allowing them to work on the same platform and share example, a mechanical engineer may ask ChatGPT for
knowledge easily. This can improve team productivity and information about the design of a robotic arm, while an
reduce the risk of errors or miscommunications. electrical engineer may ask about electrical systems. It can
It is also important to understand that the design process is provide relevant information to both designers in real-time,
not a linear, step-by-step process and that there is no fixed allowing them to proceed with their work in parallel and
structure or sequence that designers must follow [12]. However, coordinate their efforts.
past design knowledge providers were more rigid and forced Furthermore, ChatGPT also has the potential to facilitate
designers to use specific tools and follow certain procedures at expansive learning, which involves acquiring new knowledge
different design processes, which impedes the ideation process and skills through the process of engaging in new and
and the creativity of designers. With its comprehensive challenging activities [20]. By enabling team members to
integration that brings flexibility to designers, ChatGPT is acquire and transfer knowledge effectively, team members can
exactly the knowledge provider to aid the designer rather than develop a shared understanding of the design problem, identify
dictate the design process. knowledge gaps, and co-create new knowledge that can
enhance the quality and effectiveness of the design solution.
3.1.2. Points of situated interaction
The traditional methods of knowledge acquisition in the 3.2. Challenges for design knowledge acquisition
field of design follow a linear and discrete inquiry to acquire
knowledge. This approach is effective for conveying single ChatGPT, a highly prevalent language model, is widely
basic information but can be limited when it comes to more utilized by users globally owing to its cost-free access,
complex design problems. ChatGPT offers an alternative multilingual question-answering abilities, and continual
approach to knowledge acquisition in design that is more learning capability. Nonetheless, being an AI system, it
dynamic and interactive. Rather than following a linear and confronts the obstacle of enhancing its responsibility during
discrete inquiry process, it enables designers to engage in human-computer interaction. Responsible AI encompasses the
situated interactions that are tailored to their specific design capacity of AI to furnish human-oriented courses of action
problem by understanding the semantic and contextual from an ethical and legally compliant standpoint [21]. In this
information of the designer’s inquiry. Through a back-and- section, we outline four prevalent challenges faced by
force conversational interaction with ChatGPT, designers can ChatGPT in its pursuit of becoming a more responsible AI.
continually ask questions and receive answers in real-time,
enabling them to explore different aspects of a design problem 3.2.1. Bias
The prevalence of bias in language-based models during
and to seek clarification and additional information as needed.
training is a well-documented issue, and ChatGPT, as a
In the context of design, iterative and continual knowledge
reinforced machine learning system, is susceptible to being
acquisition is particularly beneficial for an ill-defined problem
influenced by the training data without conscious awareness,
and an optimal solution, requiring consideration of multiple potentially inheriting biases present in the dataset [22]. As a
perspectives. The ability of ChatGPT to support iterative multilingual human-computer interaction platform, ChatGPT
knowledge acquisition enables designers to continually refine must provide fluent and natural responses to users in various
their understanding of a design problem as they work through countries with diverse semantic cultures. However, users have
the design process. As such, it helps identify constraints and reported perceiving ChatGPT as exhibiting bias and unfairness.
objectives, enabling focused exploration of innovative Zhuo's [23] 2023 survey conducted an extensive analysis of
solutions that cater to specific needs. Furthermore, designers 305,701 tweets associated with ChatGPT, highlighting
can engage with ChatGPT as an intelligent design assistant, significant issues concerning stereotypes, misunderstandings
empowering them to iteratively navigate various solution across diverse cultural contexts, and unfair discrimination.
spaces and assimilate diverse perspectives. This process In this study, we provide an illustrative example of the bias
present in language-based models. Specifically, we present a
Xin Hu et al. / Procedia CIRP 119 (2023) 21–28 25
conversation with ChatGPT, as shown in Table 2, in which the As observed in the case of ChatGPT, users have reported
user inquires about the reasons why Chinese and American instances of common-sense errors and fabricated information
families prefer to use a floor sweeper. Interestingly, the that can have unpredictable and even harmful consequences.
responses generated by ChatGPT demonstrate clear bias and For users who cannot discern credible information from
unfair discrimination against the countries in question. For untrustworthy information, these errors can be especially
instance, when asked about the reasons why American misleading. As evidenced in Table 3, ChatGPT can produce
households prefer to use a floor cleaning robot, ChatGPT cites inaccurate and falsified output, as seen in the mismatch
the convenience and time-saving benefits associated with this between paper titles, authors, and publication dates. This can
cleaning tool. However, in the case of Chinese households, lead to a proliferation of incorrect content and undermine the
ChatGPT emphasizes that the use of a floor cleaning robot is a rigor of academic work if the user relies solely on ChatGPT for
answers. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure the quality and
luxury item that enhances social status, rather than highlighting
accuracy of the training set used to develop natural language
the practical advantages of this cleaning tool. Notably, these
models and to ensure that the models do not fabricate answers
two questions are identical, with the sole difference being the
when unable to provide accurate responses, which can cause
countries referenced. These two questions are the same, only unnecessary confusion and misunderstanding.
the countries are different, yet ChatGPT gives a biased answer
based on unfair discrimination against the countries. Table 3. Recommended information for the article on errors.
Information was Correct/Existing Correct
Table 2. Different answers to identical questions in different country settings.
given by ChatGPT Information
Character Context Biased
Title "Finite element ✓
User Why do Chinese families like to use floor analysis of stresses in
cleaning robots? beam structures"
ChatGPT The popularity of floor cleaning robots among ✓ Author G. R. Liu and S. S. Conrad Arnan
Chinese families may be attributed to their Quek Ribas
convenience and time-saving benefits, alignment
Published 2002 2010
with cultural values concerning cleanliness and
hygiene, and their status as a technological luxury Title “A review of additive ✓
item. The use of floor cleaning robots may also be manufacturing”
perceived as a symbol of social status and Author J. M. Pearce K. V. Wong &
modernity. A. Hernandez
User Why do American families like to use floor Published 2014 2012
cleaning robots?
ChatGPT The convenience, timesaving, efficiency, and
health benefits of floor cleaning robots may make 3.2.3. Low Transparency
them an attractive option for American families Enhancing the transparency of AI is crucial to responsible
looking to keep their homes clean and tidy. development. As AI continues to advance, there is a growing
consensus within the community to increase transparency in AI
ChatGPT is an increasingly popular conversational AI that decision-making systems [25]. Transparency refers to the
claims its multi-lingual capability and sustainable learning. ability of users to understand the basis and sources of
Despite these advancements, the issue of bias looms over the ChatGPT's answers to questions, allowing them to verify the
platform, impacting user judgement and outputting potentially accuracy of the information provided. Despite the benefits of
biased information that can exacerbate discrimination based on ChatGPT's ability to swiftly respond to a wide range of
factors such as race, gender, age, and culture. To mitigate this inquiries across various domains, its transparency is relatively
problem, models must be trained on a large number of high- low. There are concerns that ChatGPT may use users'
quality, impartial, and multilingual corpora, and criteria for information to train the model, thereby jeopardizing the privacy
screening and identifying bias must be developed to minimize and compromising the accuracy and transparency of the data.
its production. Further research is necessary to advance these The near-exclusive control of large technology corporations,
efforts and promote greater fairness and inclusivity in natural such as Microsoft, over conversational AI technology, has
language processing models. resulted in a lack of transparency regarding the retrieval, access,
and processing of textual information that underlies these
systems. The opaque nature of these internal workings creates
3.2.2. Unreliable Data
barriers to understanding and limits the ability of outside
The reliability of natural language models is a crucial aspect
researchers to assess the reliability and validity of these
of their research and development [24]. The reliability of these
systems. To address this challenge, the promotion and support
models directly impacts the accuracy of the output content,
of open-source AI development present a potential solution to
ultimately affecting the acceptance and impact of the product.
increase transparency and promote responsible AI
In the presence of false and outdated information that is biased
development [26]. By enabling researchers to have greater
in a particular direction, the generated output information can
access to AI technology and its internal workings, open-source
be incorrect, thereby reducing the reliability of the AI and
development can help to foster a more transparent and open
undermining the trust of the users.
ecosystem for the development of AI technologies.
In the context of the growing use of natural language models
such as ChatGPT, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the
output generated by these models is of paramount importance. 3.2.4. Explainability
The proliferation of AI has seen its increasing usage in
26 Xin Hu et al. / Procedia CIRP 119 (2023) 21–28
various fields of study. Nonetheless, AI is sometimes viewed generate misinformation for specific requirement parameters,
as an opaque ‘black box’ by both users and developers, thereby such as "150W" and "1.5 liters," which may vary across
presenting difficulties in recognizing the internal workings of different standards.
AI [27]. Consequently, over-reliance on the output from AI
may arise, leading to uncertainty in determining the correctness
of the output. To address this issue, users and developers must
improve the explainability of ChatGPT models by mitigating
the opaque dependencies between input and output generated
during the learning process [28]. By placing the user at the
center of the process and enhancing the explainability of
ChatGPT models, it is possible to create a suitable level of
understanding and trust in the user, thereby unveiling the AI
decision-making process 'black box' and meeting the user's
needs [29]. Moreover, improving explainability leads to
increased transparency, as users can more easily understand the
AI decision-making process [30]. As such, ensuring
explainability and transparency in AI development is
paramount, and should be prioritized by researchers and
3.4.1. Points of the knowledge provider This involves conducting empirical studies to evaluate the
Research direction 1: Neuro-editing for design knowledge performance of designers who use ChatGPT-based design tools
acquisition will lead to more accurate outputs. Neuro-editing versus those who do not and assessing the impact of ChatGPT
refers to the process of manipulating the neural representations on various design outcomes, such as creativity, usability, and
of a language model to enhance or suppress certain features, quality. By analyzing the strengths and limitations of ChatGPT
such as bias or toxicity. By applying neuro-editing techniques for different types of designers, researchers could better
to ChatGPT-based design tools, researchers could potentially understand how to optimize its use and tailor its features to
mitigate some of the ethical concerns associated with AI- different design contexts.
generated design, such as the potential for bias or Research direction 7: There is a need to investigate the
discrimination. By addressing these ethical concerns, impact of ChatGPT on designers' learning and skill
researchers could help promote the responsible use of ChatGPT development. ChatGPT can potentially support designers in
in design and other domains. acquiring and applying design knowledge in new ways, which
Research direction 2: Investigating the potential ethical may enhance their learning and skill dev4. elopment over time.
and social implications of using ChatGPT will contribute to Researchers can explore how designers use ChatGPT for
more responsible AI. As with any AI technology, there are learning and skill development and evaluate the effectiveness
concerns about the potential biases, errors, and unintended of different learning strategies and feedback mechanisms.
consequences of using ChatGPT in design. Researchers can
explore ways to address these issues, such as developing 4. Conclusion, limitations, and future work
transparency and accountability mechanisms for ChatGPT,
ensuring diversity and inclusiveness in the training data, and This paper provides an analysis of ChatGPT's opportunities,
engaging with stakeholders to understand their perspectives challenges, and future research directions in design knowledge
and needs. management, as well as a case study validating its potential
Research direction 3: It is necessary to develop hybrid benefits and issues. The study identifies opportunities for
approaches that combine with other knowledge-based systems. knowledge providers, seekers, and their interaction, including
ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can generate the provision of a comprehensive knowledge base, iterative
responses to a wide range of queries, but it is not the only linguistic interactions, and facilitating expansive learning and
source of design knowledge. There are other knowledge knowledge transfer among designers. However, the use of
providers, such as knowledge graph, that can complement ChatGPT for design knowledge management presents
ChatGPT in providing a more comprehensive and context- challenges, particularly in the context of responsible AI,
sensitive design knowledge base. This can involve integrating including potential biases, reliability concerns, and the lack of
ChatGPT with existing knowledge graphs or developing new transparency in outputs. The paper proposes several research
knowledge graphs that incorporate ChatGPT-generated opportunities, including integration with other knowledge-
knowledge. based systems, exploring ethical and social implications,
investigating effectiveness for novice designers and experts,
3.4.2. Points of interaction and analyzing individual and collaborative interaction patterns.
Research direction 4: Researching interaction patterns for Afterward, the case study showcases the vast information and
design knowledge acquisition will lead to more effective contextual awareness that ChatGPT can offer, while
knowledge acquisition. This involves examining how designers highlighting the crucial role of suitable prompts and
can best interact with ChatGPT to elicit design knowledge from verification in ensuring the accuracy and relevance of
the system. For instance, researchers could explore the use of generated information.
different prompts, or interactive feedback mechanisms to In terms of the limitations, this work focuses mainly on the
enhance the usability and usefulness of ChatGPT-based design core aspect of knowledge management, which is the acquisition
tools. By discovering effective interaction patterns, researchers of knowledge for designers. However, there are other areas of
could help designers maximize the value of ChatGPT and research in design knowledge management that this paper does
streamline the design process. not cover, such as knowledge storage, dissemination, and
Research direction 5: Exploring the potential of ChatGPT utilization. Moreover, this paper primarily focuses on the
for collaborative design is important in the layer of teams. individual and design team layers of knowledge management
Design is often a collaborative process that involves multiple and does not involve the organizational layer.
stakeholders with different perspectives and expertise. Future work will investigate the potential of integrating
ChatGPT has the potential to facilitate collaboration by ChatGPT with knowledge graph to support engineer design
providing a common platform for sharing and acquiring design processes and analyze interaction patterns to evaluate the
knowledge. Future research can explore the potential of effectiveness of ChatGPT in supporting design knowledge
ChatGPT for collaborative design and investigate how to acquisition. This investigation will identify the advantages and
optimize the interaction between ChatGPT and multiple limitations of each interaction pattern and the scenarios where
designers. they are most effective.
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