SW210DE01 - Software Engineering - HK23.1A
SW210DE01 - Software Engineering - HK23.1A
SW210DE01 - Software Engineering - HK23.1A
A. Course Specifications:
Periods Periods in classroom
Total Lecture/ Lecture
Activity study Lab room Fieldwork
periods* Seminar room
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
45 45 0 120 45 0 0
(1) = (2) + (3) = (5) + (6) + (7)
C. Course Description:
The course aims to provide students with a background in software development processes
and steps, and to equip students with a basic understanding of how to evaluate, analyze, and
implement project according to the process.
D. Course Objectives:
No. Course Objectives
1 Provide students with software development engineering background.
Help students apply appropriate development models, analysis techniques,
design, programming, ... to build software projects in the right process.
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F. Instructional Modes:
Room Periods
1 Lecture room 30
2 Computer Lab 30
Total 60
● Language used for teaching and learning: Vietnamese.
● Lecturers can ask that English be used for the following cases: learning materials;
lecture slides; multiple choice questions in quiz, quiz, or final exam questions;
project report presentation.
● Requirements for students when participating in the subject: Students are divided
into small groups to do exercises and practice on the subject.
● How to organize the teaching of the subject:
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H. Assessment Methods (Requirements for Completion of the Course):
1. Description of learning outcomes assessment
Students studying the "Software Engineering" course will be assessed on 4 forms:
a) Case study
- Students are divided into groups of 3-5 each. Each group will be assigned a case study in
week 1 for in-class presentation starting week 5. The group is also required to submit to
the lecturer the materials prepared for the reporting session one week before present.
- This score will be divided into 3 parts: 40% for the group's results, 40% for the effort of
each member contributing to the group and 20% for presenting and demonstrating
understanding of the group. when answering questions from teachers and classmates. If a
member feels another team member is not contributing, he must notify the trainer to
resolve it. In extreme cases, students may ask to do it on their own. However, any
complaints about the group must be reported to the instructor no later than week 4.
- 1 point will be deducted if the submission is late. If it is more than 1 week late, the group
gets a zero.
b) Final Project
Students work in group projects (3-5 students) to apply and check the knowledge they
have learned in real projects. Each group of students will work on one topic during their
practice in the Lab. Performance and results will be evaluated by the trainer.
c) Homework Assignments
There will be regular homework assignments on the topics covered in class, with
approximately 2 homework assignments.
2. Summary of learning outcomes assessment
I. Academic integrity
Academic integrity is a fundamental value that affects the quality of teaching, learning, and
research at a university. To ensure the maintenance of academic integrity at Hoa Sen University,
students are required to:
1. Work independently on individual assignments: Collaborating on individual assignments
is considered cheating.
2. Avoid plagiarism: Plagiarism is an act of fraud that involves the use of ideas or words of
another person without proper attribution. Students will be accused of plagiarism if they:
a. Copy in their work one or more sentences from another person without proper
b. Rephrase, paraphrase, or translate another person’s ideas or words without proper
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c. Reuse their own assignments, in whole or in part, and submit them for another class.
d. Work responsibly within a working group.
3. In cooperative group assignments, all students are required to stay on task and contribute
equally to the projects. Group reports should clearly state the contribution of each group
member. Any acts of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero for the task at hand
and/or immediate failure of the course, depending on the seriousness of the fraud. Please
consult Hoa Sen University’s Policy on Plagiarism at http://thuvien.hoasen.edu.vn/chinh-
sach-phong-tranh-dao- van
To ensure the maintenance of academic integrity, the university asks that students report cases of
academic dishonesty to the teacher and/or the Dean. The names of those students will be kept
J. Teaching Staff:
STT Name Email, Phone Schedul Position
1 Nguyễn Văn Sơn son.nguyenvan@hoasen.edu.vn
2 Nguyễn Ngọc Tú tu.nguyenngoc@hoasen.edu.vn
3 Nguyễn Thị Thanh thanh.nguyenthi@hoasen.edu.vn
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1.2 Standard model
1.3 Spiral model
1.4 Components-based development model
2. Software development method
3. User role in software development stage
[1]. Chapter 5
4/4 Chapter 04. Software project management
Page 92104
(2 periods) 1. Project preparation activities
2. Project planning
3. Study the feasibility of the project
4. Select a solution
5. Installation environment
6. Methodology
7. Supervision and control
8. Human resource management
9. Risk management
Part 3: Designing
[1]. Chapter
7/7 Chapter 8. Architectural design and
(2 periods)
Page :241264
1. Organize the system
2. Solution
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3. Controller
4. Architecture of the application
[1]. Chapter
8/8 Chapter 9. Object-oriented design and
(2 periods) Page :313335
1. Object oriented design
Page :362386
2. Interface design
[1]. Chapter 28
14/14 Chapter 14. Process Improvement
(2 periods) 1. Process improvement
2. Process classification
3. Measurement
4. Analysis - process model
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15/15 Case study presentation
(2 periods)
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7. Supervision and control
8. Human resource management
9. Risk management
Part 3: Designing
[1]. Chapter
7/4 Chapter 8. Architectural design and
Page :241264
1. Organize the system
2. Solution
3. Controller
4. Architecture of the application
[1]. Chapter
8/4 Chapter 9. Object-oriented design and
Page :313335
1. Object oriented design
Page :362386
2. Interface design
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4. Template
[1]. Chapter 18,
10/5 Chapter 11. Software Reuse - Development
1. Reuse
Page :415436
2. Design sample
3. Application framework
4. Component-based software
[1]. Chapter 28
14/7 Chapter 14. Process Improvement
1. Process improvement
2. Process classification
3. Measurement
4. Analysis - process model
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