WELL Health Reducing Patient No Show Rates Guide
WELL Health Reducing Patient No Show Rates Guide
WELL Health Reducing Patient No Show Rates Guide
Reducing Patient No-Show Rates: A Comprehensive Guide
Reducing Patient No-Show Rates: A Comprehensive Guide
High patient no-show rates have a
negative impact on healthcare. They
damage provider revenue, and they
prevent patients from receiving optimal
care – a serious lose-lose.
How can providers implement the right strategies to reduce no-show rates?
Reducing Patient No-Show Rates: A Comprehensive Guide
of Patient No-Shows
Here’s an all too familiar scenario:
A medical staff member calls out a
name in a packed waiting room. Visibly
impatient people look up, but no-one
answers. The staff member calls out the
name again. Silence again. The name is
crossed out. • Interrupted continuity of care
• Poorer clinical outcomes
For providers, these ill effects translate • No-shows add more administrative burden
directly to a damaged bottom line. to staff who are tasked with scheduling
and appointments. As the list of patients
to call grows, the operational expenses
required for calling patients and making
follow-ups also increase.
Reducing Patient No-Show Rates: A Comprehensive Guide
Patient No-Show Costs
Patient no-show rates vary greatly across the
U.S. healthcare system, ranging from 5.5% to
50%. (The global average for patient no-show
rate is 23%, according to the National Library
of Medicine).
Data from the Physicians Foundation revealed that U.S. doctors see
20 patients daily. However, when many patients fail to show up, the
result is significant revenue leakage.
One missed appointment can cost a provider $200 to $265. Across the
U.S. healthcare system, an average loss of $200 per appointment
translates to $150 billion every year. In a $3.5 trillion industry, every NO-SHOW RATE
missed appointment represents a significant amount of lost revenue
for healthcare systems. And despite what some patients think, To calculate your no-show rate,
skipping an appointment doesn’t free up time in a provider’s schedule divide the number of no-shows
— it creates more administrative work for staff and prevents other by the total number of weekly
appointments. For example, if
patients from getting the care they need.
your practice typically sees 100
patients each week, and you
For managed care and services that receive monthly fixed fees from
have 20 no-shows, your no-
their clients, they can’t pass along the additional costs of services and
show rate is 20 divided by 100,
administration. When clients don’t show up, due to multiple personal
or 20 percent.
reasons including financial issues, lack of transportation, and lack of
time off from work, the impact of the loss of revenue is intensified No-show rate calculation
because of the extra expenses. results will differ for everyone,
but the national average no-
It’s critical for healthcare providers to empower patients to show up show rate is roughly 18 percent.
to their appointments. Not only will it stop financial bleeding, more During the COVID-19 pandemic,
patients appearing for their check-ups and procedures can generate patient no-show rates soared
millions of revenue. The NCBU study shows that reducing the no-show across the U.S. healthcare
rate to 5% would increase revenue by nearly $51.8 million annually network, and in some clinics,
the figure rose to 36.1%.
across the U.S. healthcare system.
Reducing Patient No-Show Rates: A Comprehensive Guide
Poor Provider-Patient
Some of the causes of no-shows are
hard to mitigate:
People are busy and forgetful; public transportation and of healthcare consumers
the weather also play a role. However, there is one big area expect providers to
where providers can actively slash patient no-show rates. communicate with them via
U.S. research has shown that up to 31.5% of no-shows are channels they prefer.
due to poor provider communications.
Fragmented communication between patients and
providers, as well as outdated practices for managing
patient preferences for appointment reminders, are among
the leading drivers of high no-show rates among providers.
of patients now put a
premium on convenience
To fix this, healthcare practices need to start making the
factors and would have
whole appointment scheduling journey as seamless and
no difficulty switching to
friendly as possible. Modern patients want communication
another provider if it’s more
with their providers to deliver the same things they expect convenient.
from the consumer products they use in their everyday
lives: convenience, value, and innovation.
Reducing Patient No-Show Rates: A Comprehensive Guide
There are two major things that can
immediately cut patient no-show rates:
• Texting appointment reminders to patients
• Offering patients the option of self-rescheduling by text
70% 83%
appointments as well as ask
for additional details from
their physicians.
Reducing Patient No-Show Rates: A Comprehensive Guide
to Reduce Patient No-Show Rates
Understanding why your patients are missing
their appointments is essential to finding solutions
to reduce no-shows. As discussed, poor patient
communications are a key cause of missed
appointments that can be remedied through digital
communications such as texting. Providing patients
with multiple, convenient communication options
that are automated, bidirectional, conversational,
and in a language of their choosing are all other
effective ways of addressing no-show problems.
Reducing Patient No-Show Rates: A Comprehensive Guide
Use the patient’s preferred
Help patients understand the
method of contact need for the appointment
Patients of all ages now use technology in One reason patient no-show rates remain high
every facet of their lives and expect more is that patients don’t understand the purpose
than robo-dialers, or one-way email and text of the visit. Only 12 percent of U.S. adults have
systems from their providers. They want proficient health literacy, and a staggering 77
the convenience of choosing their preferred million adults have basic or below basic health
channel to communicate whether it be literacy. This results in patients not adhering
text messaging, phone, or email. Ask your to treatment plans — including attending their
patients their preferred method of contact for scheduled visits. One of the effective strategies
appointment reminders and other types of to reduce no-show rates is to make information
patient outreach. and health education accessible to patients,
particularly in complex medical situations.
In addition, providers can also communicate
instructions and information via texting prior
to a visit or procedure to help patients prepare
and empower them to show up to their doctor’s
office. Research published in the journal,
Medscape General Medicine recommend five
steps for changing patient beliefs and behavior
as they relate to following treatment plans and
attending appointments.
Reducing Patient No-Show Rates: A Comprehensive Guide
Use automated patient
Calm patient fears
appointment reminders
Another way to reduce no-show appointments
Perhaps the most effective strategy, and is to calm your patients and address their
arguably the simplest for reducing patient fears. Fear fuels patient no-show rates since
no-show rates, is to send appointment patients may fear bad test results, getting
reminders. Automated appointment on the scale, or uncomfortable procedures.
reminders help bring down patient no-show Whatever the reason, fear keeps patients
rates and boost appointment confirmations. from following through with their scheduled
Leveraging automated text reminders will appointments. “Many people feel anxious
ultimately increase patient attendance via because they fear the unknown, and they let
better scheduling and slot utilization. their imagination run wild,” said psychologist
Dr. Barbara Cox in an interview with NBC’s
Conducting outreach through text and health site, Better. “They may imagine a
email has huge potential to reduce missed worst-case scenario, when in fact going for an
appointments. Text appointment reminders annual check-up is the best prevention.”
that are bidirectional — meaning patients
can text you back — give patients a chance to Addressing the fear factor is a big step
confirm their appointment, get directions, ask in reducing no-show appointments. Cox
questions, and adequately prepare for their recommends providers help patients to
appointment. acknowledge their anxiety before a visit.
Providers can initiate this conversation
by asking patients how they feel about an
upcoming test or visit and reinforcing their
role as not only a provider but also, an
advocate and an ally.
Reducing Patient No-Show Rates: A Comprehensive Guide
Reduce the time between
Offer digital check-in and
scheduling an appointment updates on scheduling issues
and the actual appointment
Healthcare consumers are busy people, so
asking them to repeatedly wait long periods of
Cut down the waiting time for your patients to
time before an appointment may turn them into
get an appointment. Whether it’s reducing no-
no-shows. Eventually, they may also become a
show rates in primary care or in specialized
lost patient if they find another provider who
practice, patients want faster access to
they perceive values their time.
doctors, information, and medical services.
Spending a significant amount of time in
To save administrative time, many providers
between appointments waiting to see their
are continuing virtual waiting rooms practices
doctor can be a frustrating experience. The
created during the COVID pandemic or
longer the time in between scheduling an
operating a hybrid version. Offering a touchless
appointment and the actual appointment,
or digital check-in process will allow patients
the more likely the patient is a no-show.
to pre-register and complete any screenings
Unfortunately, the problem is a bit of a
or paperwork before their appointments. For
chicken-and-egg scenario. Long wait times
up-to-date information, bidirectional texting
to see a provider increases no-shows, and
allows patients and the medical staff to quickly
no-shows contribute to longer wait times for
communicate if there are any scheduling or time
other patients.
Reducing Patient No-Show Rates: A Comprehensive Guide
Text patients to reschedule
Send follow-up messages
Proactively reach out to patients after they Automating thank you messages to show
missed an appointment with an invitation to your patients appreciation for keeping their
reschedule. Encourage them to text back or appointments acknowledges their time is
contact the office staff. valuable and helps build patient loyalty. You
can also include additional information in the
post-appointment thank-you message for
referrals, medication, and any other types of
Reducing Patient No-Show Rates: A Comprehensive Guide
WELL® reliably cuts patient no-show rates by equipping healthcare providers with a sophisticated and
centralized communication hub that simplifies patient-provider communication. From a unified platform,
providers can engage patients in one-on-one, back-and-forth text conversations at scale.
The WELL platform eliminates communication issues stemming from outdated, rigid phone systems and
other one-way communication tools. Providers can tailor their messages based on their patient’s profile,
previous interactions, and current treatment plan. Personalized messaging empowers patients to become
more engaged and involved with their health, thus contributing to the reduction of patient no-show rates.
Secure Messaging
Broadcast Messaging The WELL Health system is also
To help fill slots when patients do designed to protect patient
cancel, WELL empowers healthcare information through secure messaging
providers to send customized protocols. All messages are secure and
messages to up to 1,000 patients, require patients to verify their identity
informing them of available slots to prior to viewing the content of their
ensure all slots are utilized. messages.
Reducing Patient No-Show Rates: A Comprehensive Guide
Case Studies
Community Memorial Health Located in Coachella Valley, The Tiburcio Vasquez Health
System (CMHS) is a large CA, health system Eisenhower Center (TVHC) caters to 115,000
healthcare system that had a Health grappled with high call patients, a large proportion
legacy appointment reminder volume. Staff spent as much as of which are Hispanic. The
system that didn’t allow two hours on the phone each language barrier was making
patients to respond. Every day dealing with appointment it difficult for TVHC physicians
day, CMHS staff had to call reminders yet patients were to connect with such a large
patients to remind them of their still frequently no-shows. volume of patients, resulting in
appointments. But after using Eisenhower Health had to find high patient no-show rates and
WELL for two months, CMHS a way to decrease no-shows to lost revenue. By implementing
saw immediate results. maintain revenue. After using WELL Health, TVHC overcame
WELL, the staff saw the time the language barrier issue.
CMHS’s no-show rate dropped they spent on the phone drop
by 29 percent, resulting in an from as much as two hours to as TVHC saw its no-show rate
estimated $1,169,600 increase low as 15 minutes. drop by 20%. Confirmed
in annual revenue. bookings skyrocketed from
With WELL, Eisenhower Health 25% to 80%.
“It became obvious to us very saw a 40% reduction in no-
early that (WELL) was going to shows and a 23% growth in WELL “has given us a better way
eliminate a lot of work... and it appointment confirmations. to talk to our patients, an easier,
did.” - Lori Hooks, Director of more efficient way to reach
Quality and Practice Systems. With all the extra time, Mark out to patients, and a better
Steffen Chief Administrative way to handle scheduling,” said
Officer, Primary and Specialty Caleb Sandford, TVHC Chief
Care Clinics said, “We can focus Operations Officer.
our care team on more patient-
focused activities and follow-up.”
Reducing Patient No-Show Rates: A Comprehensive Guide