Colour Science 2
Colour Science 2
Colour Science 2
Dr Faiza Safdar
Eng. Dr Faiza Safdar
Light Source
10 YR 7/10;6/10
Eng. Dr Faiza Safdar
Eng. Dr Faiza Safdar
Color Specification and Color Specifying
System (Subjective)
• Limitations of Munsell Color System
• Based on subjective color comparison
• Standard samples can fade and degrade
• Complementary colors are not on opposite side of value axis.
+ =
+ =
This illustrates the basic structure of spectrophotometers. It consists of a light source, a lens, a
monochromator, a cuvette for sample solution in case of liquid (transmittance)/textile (reflectance), a
•45/0 (Normal)
• A geometry of 45° means that the light source is at
an angle of 45° to the sample and the measuring
head is at 0.
On a diffuse/0
instrument with the specular
component included, the
same samples will show little color
difference (< 0.40 dE CIELAB) because
the diffuse illumination creates such
multiple reflectance's that the effects
of the gloss are minimized.
• The preferred geometric arrangement for measuring textile samples is diffuse/normal and most
modern instruments for textiles measure in this configuration.
• Depending on the arrangement, the integrating sphere distributes light onto the sample diffusely
from many directions or collects light diffusely from many directions.
Desktop Spectrophotometer