1. News
2. Module Team
Module Tutor
David Kendall
Neil Eliot
3. Teaching Arrangements
4. Synopsis
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EN0370 Sockets for Internet Programming
The aim of this module is to provide a grounding in the theoretical principles and
practical application of the POSIX socket API.
On completion of this module, students will be able to:
1. Develop an appropriate client/server model for an internet aware application.
2. Critically analyse the sockets interface requirements of a given application.
3. Design, write and test, programs that use the POSIX socket API.
5. Teaching Plan
The following is a provisional guide to the organisation of the module for this year. These
arrangements are subject to change during the course of the module.
Week W/c Lecture Lab/seminar
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EN0370 Sockets for Internet Programming
In addition to the taught sessions, you are expected to undertake independent and directed learning. On average, you
should be spending about 8 hours per week on this module.
6. Assessment
7. Recommended Reading
You are strongly advised to obtain a copy of one of the texts below for your personal use.
Try the Northumbria University campus bookshop.
• [DON01] Donahoo,M., TCP/IP Sockets in C: Practical Guide for Programmers,
Morgan Kaufmann, 2001 [Amazon]
• [GAY00] Gay,W., Linux Socket Programming By Example, Que, 2000 [Amazon]
• [SFR04] Stevens,W.R., Fenner,B., Rudoff,A.M., Unix Network Programming:
Sockets Networking API v. 1, Addison Wesley, 2004 [Amazon]
Useful C programming reference books are:
• [HS02] Harbison,S., Steele,G., C: A Reference Manual, Prentice Hall, 2002
• [KR88] Kernighan,B., Ritchie,D., The C Programming Language, Prentice Hall, 1988
• [PC06] Prinz,P., Crawford,T., C in a Nutshell, O'Reilly, 2006 [Amazon]
If you are new to C programming, try the following introduction:
• [KOC04] Kochan,S. Programming in C, Sams, 2004 [Amazon]
The latest edition of a classic text about C programming in a Unix environment is:
• [SR05] Stevens,W.R., Rago,S., Advanced Programming in a Unix Environment,
Addison Wesley, 2005 [Amazon]
8. Other resources
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