BG 1001 Unit 5

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'! Look at the photo. Answer the questions.

I Do you live in a city like this?
2 Where do you think these people are going?
3 What is a popular neighborhood in your

I Describe household chores

2 Make and reschedule appointments
3 tMake and respond to requests
4 Describe your neighborhood





bi, {f i'

B VIDEC) Bicycle Anecdotes from Amsterdam

Answer the
i A ffi Vou are going to watch a video about getting around (traveling around)Amsterdam.
questions with a Partner.
1. What do You know about the citY?
2. There are two major ways to get around the city' What do you think they are?

B ffi Watcfr the video and answer the questions. Circle T for True and F for False'

1. fast'
ln the inner canal area, both bikes and cars go

2. Onthe main roads, there are off-street bike paths' T F

3. The bike system is mainly for students. T F

4. There are many more cars than bikes on the busiest streets. T F

Do many people
C ffi loot< at your answers in B. What do you think of Amsterdam's "bike culture"?
ride bikes in your country? Why or why not? Tell a partner'

64 ururs Outandabout

A ffi Wort< with a partner. tVatch the sentence parts.
1. You do the dishes... a. at school in the morning.
2. You do laundry... b. for dinner at a restaurant.
.-l 3. You drop off your younger brother or sister. c. after you eat.
4. You go grocery shopping... d. the floors
5. You make a reservation... e. in the evening.
f 6. You make a doctor's appointment... f. when you feel sick.
7. You make dinner... g. when your clothes are dirty.
F 8. You pick up your younger brother or sister.. h. the rugs
--J 9. You sweep... to remove dust and dirt. i. when you have no food in the house.
- 10. You vacuum... to remove dust and dirt. j. after school.
.. I have to pick up l
T some food at the
B ffi Wf icfr activity do you have to do soon? Complete the sentence.
market tonight. i
r= Then tell a padner. I'm having a
I I have to dinner party i
h ir
I Lomorrowl t'
G Complete the questions ryith the verbs from A. Use the correct form of the verb
1. Do you- ever the dishes?
2. When was the last time you dinner for yourself? What did you eat?
3. Who usually the laundry in your house?
4. How often do you the floors or the rugs in your bedroom?
5. When was the last time you an appointment for yourself? Who did you see?
6. When you grocery shopping, what's something you always buy?
7. Have you ever a reservation for dinner? Where did you go?
8. Do you ever off or up someone at school?

D ffi fafe turns asking and answering the questions in G with a padner. Then discuss: How many of
your chores and errands can you do in your neighborhood?




A ffi Read the sentences. Then listen to four different phone calls.
tisten for gist.
Circle the correct words to complete each sentence. CD 1 Track 29
1. The woman is calling to make / change a hotel/ restaurant reservation.
2. The man wants to drop off / pick up his pants / shirts at the dry cleaner.
3. The man is calling to make / change a doctor's / dentist appointment.
4. The girl needs a ride to school/ the doctor's office.

B ffi ldentity a response. What would the speaker say next in each conversation? Listen again and
circle your anSWerS. Some items have two correct anSWerS. CD 1 TraCk 29
1. a. Sorry, but the only other time available is 9:00 PIr4.
b. Yes, we can add two more people to the reservation.
c. Sure, no problem. How is 7:30 for you?
2. a. No, tomorrow's better.
b. Perfect. l'll see you at 5:00.
c. Okay, I can drop them off later.
3. a. Ten works for me. See you then.
b. Great. See you tomorrow afternoon.
c. That doesn't work for me. Do you have anything later?
4. a. OK,l'll see you at school later.
b. Sure. l'll pick you up in fifteen minutes.
c. Yes, it is.

C ffi Wnfi a parlner, complete each conversation in B by adding one more sentence to one of the
correct answer choices. Then role-play one of your conversations.

1/[e want to change our t' Sure, no problem.

reservation. How is 7:50 for you? t
Great. See you then.

D i..i! Pronunciation: Reduced forms of could you and would you, Listen. Notice the reduced
pronunciation of could you and would you in each question. Then repeat the questions. CD 1 Track 30
1. Could you open the window, please? 3. Would you mind making dinner tonight?
2. Could you drop me off at school? 4. Would you pick up your socks from the floor?

E [r.ii; eronunciation: Reduced forms ol could you and would you. Listen to the questions. Circle
the words you hear. GD 1 Tnack 31
1. Could you / Would you turn down the TV, please?
2. Could you / Would you make a dinner reservation for four people?
3. Could you / Would you spell your last name, please?
4. Could you / Would you take notes for me in class today?

F ffi Witf' a partner, say the questions in D and E with the reduced forms of could you and would you.

66 urums outandabout
A ffi ffi Listen to the conversation. Then answer the
questions with a partner. CD 1 Track 32
1. Why is Minh calling the language center?
2. When is he planning to go there?
MARTTNA: Hello, ISS Language Center. This is tVartina.
MINH: Yeah, hi. l'm in a TOEFL class that starts next
week. l'd like to make an appointment to see the
student counselor first.
MARTINA: Sure. I can help you with that. Let,s see, can you
come in tomorrow at 10:30?
M|NH; No, that time isn't good for me. Do you have
anything later in the day?
MARTTNA: Let me check. OK, how,s 4:15?
MtNH: That's perfect.
MARTTNA: Great. Now, ljust need to get your name.
M|NH: lt's lVinh Nguyen.
MARTTNA: Could you spellyour last name for me, please?
M|NH: Sure, it's N-G-U-y-E-N.

B ffifr Practice the conversation with a partner.


Explaining you're calling

I'm calling to... / l'd like to...
make an appointment with a counselor I Dr. Smith / the dentist
make a dentist / doctor's / hair appointment.
reschedule my appointment / our meeting.
Scheduling the time
Can you come in / Could we meet / How,s tomorrow al2:00?
That's perfect. / That works for me. No, that (time / day) doesn,t work for me.
C ffi Witfr a partner, create a new conversation like the one in A.
Use the situation below and at least two Useful Expressions.

Student A: You want to make an appointment to get a haircut on Thursday afternoon.

student B: You work at a hair salon. on Thursday, you are free at 11:30 AM.
You also have some afternoon appointments on the weekend.

D ffi S*itcf, roles and repeat with the situation below.

Student A: You and your classmate usually meet on Tuesday to practice English. you want
to reschedule for Wednesday at 1:00, but you can also meet on Friday.
student B: You can only meet on Thursday or Friday after 1:00.
LESSON A Running errands 67


Turn to page 201. Complete the exercises' Then

do B-D below
Requests with Modal Verbs and mind
Responding to requests
Making requests
Sure, no Problem. / l'd be glad to' /
Can / Witl You hellp Of course. / Sure thing.
Could / Would You me, please? l'm sorrY, / l'd like to, but I can't'
No, not alall.lNo, l'd be glad to'
Would you mind hel p ng l'm sorrY, / l'd like to, but I can't'

to 8'
paper' On eight' write the numbers from 1
B ffi Wort< with a paftner. Take 16 small pieces of
Then on four pieces of paper' write the word Yes'
shuffle these and put them face down on the desk.
the list of eight requests in the box'
G ffi Vo, and your paftner are college roommates' Read
R""O tft" example. Then follow the instructions below'
this activity from the list'
1. Student A: Turn over a number (1-8). Ask your roommate to do
ExPlain whY You need the favor'
2' Student B: Turn ouer a yes / No paper and respond in the correct
1 and 2,Take turns and continue until
you do all eight'
3. Change roles and repeat steps

1, make dinner tonight

2. take notes for me in class tomorrow
3. pick up my clothes at the dry cleaner
4. drop me off at the mall
5. loan me some money for lunch
6. be a little quieter after 11:00 PM
7. do my laundrY
B. introduce me to Your cute friend

Jin, could You do me a favor? Would A: Jin, can you take notes for me in class
you mind taking notes for me in class tomorrow? I have a dentist appointment
tomorrow? I have a dentist appointment B: Sorry, but I won't be in class tomorrow
B: No, not all.
A: Great, thanks! A: No Problem' l'll ask someone else'

did you use Would you mind ? why?

D Think about the requests you made in G. For any of them,

68 urulr s out and about

ffi GCDMMUNIGATICDN benriya.Ihisis

A Look at the photo and read the information.

What would you pay a benriya to do for you?
Think of one idea.

B ffi Wort< with a partner and create your own

benriya service. Answer the questions.
o What services do you offer (doing housework,
running errands, fixing things, etc.)?
. How much do you charge for each service?
o What is your company's name, and when
do you work?

C EH C", together with a new paftner. Sit back-to-back.

Do the following. Then switch roles.
o Call your new partner's benriya service.
. Use your idea from A. Explain what you want the
service to do for you.
o Ask what your partner's service charges.
o Make an appointmeni with the service.

A: Hello, Handy Helpers Service.

How can I help you?
B: Hi. l'd like some information about
your service.
A: Sure, what exactly do you need us to do?
B: I want to break up with my boyfriend.
No problem! We can do that for you.
how much

LESSON A Running errands 69


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Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, are

pedestrian and bicYcle friendlY.

A aa
a, Look at the photo and, with a partner, point to these things: the sidewalk, the pedestrians, the
bike lane

B ffi neaO the information below. Then look at the photo. ls this a walkable area? Why or why not?
Tell a partner.

ls your neighborhood walkable? ln a walkable neighborhood:

get around = to go from one
1. lt's easy to get around on foot because sidewalks are in
place to another Place
good condition.
get to (a Place) = to travel to
2. lt's safe for pedestrians (people walking)to cross the street. a place
Drivers are careful. There isn't a lot of traffic.
3. There are bike lanes in the street so cyclists can ride safely.
4. lt's easy to get to other parts of the city by bus or by subway

It isn't safe for pedestrians

C ffiffi f= your neighborhood walkable? Tell your partner. to cross the street in mY
Explain with reasons 1-4 in B. neighborhood. Drivers are crazYl

70 urvm s Out and about

D ffi nsf. your partner the questions. Answer in two Describing Ways of Going Places
waysr with by / on and with a verb. Use the chart to
help you. transportation verbs
1. How do you get around your neighborhood? bike ride my'bike
bus / subway take the bus / subway
by cat drive
I usually
taxi take a taxi
2. How do you get to school orwork? train take / catch the train

bylon on foot walk

Notice the two ways to say the same thing:
I usually
1. I usually get around my neighborhood
on foot.
LISTENING 2.1usually walk.

A ffi Wnere is the neighborhood in the photo?

What do you think it's like? Tell a partner.
B ffi tisten for the main idea. Read the sentences.

Then listen and circle the best answer. CD 1 Track 33

Two international students in Seoul are talking.

They are mainly discussing Hongdae.

a. the best way to get to c. the problems with

b. a popular street in

C ffi tisten for details.Read the sentences. Then

listen again. Circle the correct answer. CD 1 Track 3il

The woman says...

1. the area is / isn't easy to get to by bike.
2. it's best to go to Hongdae by car / on public
3. Hongdae is / isn't easy to get around on foot.
4. it's faster to go to Hongdae by bus / subway.

D ffi ldentify key details. What information helped you

choose your answers in G? Listen again and write the
words or numbers you hear. CD 1 Track 33
1. There's a lot of and there aren't many for cyclists.
2. lt's better to take the and then get around Hongdae
3. Hongdae is a very atea.
4. lf you take the , it's about
minutes. By it's only
E ffifi f" there an area like Hongdae in your city? What's it like? How can you get there? Tell a partner.

LESSON B IVy neighborhood 71

A ffi St im for the main idea. Read the
title and the sentence below it. Then look
quickly at the photos and the passage.
What is this article mainly about? Where
are the neighborhoods? Tell a padner.

B ffi neaO for details. Work with a

partner. Each person should choose one
neighborhood, read about it, and then
answer the questions below.
1. What is the neighborhood's name?
2. ls it a busy or quiet neighborhood? I

3. ls it a walkable neighborhood? p

4. What are some sPecialthings

about the neighborhood?
:. *g?v!
C ffi nsf your partner the questions
in B - i A4.Ar

about the neighborhood he or she chose.

Take notes. Then read about your partner's
neighborhood to check his or her answers.

D Scan for information. What does each

number describe? Look quickly through the
reading to find the answers.
1. 5.4 The dze of lnwood

2. 20
3. 200
4. 859
5. 1,200
6. 9,000
7. 10,000
E &[ Answerthe questions with a paftner.
1. How are the two neighborhoods
similar to or different from Yours?
. 2. Which one would you like to visit? Why?

Go online to learn one more thing

about lnwood or Fes el Bali. Share
it with the class.

72 ururs outandabout


I tt


) r,,
,,, T live tn Fes el Bali, a nelghborhood tn the city of Fes in Morocco. IMy neighborhood
is over 1 ,200 years
old, and it's a very busy place. ln fact, there are almost 1 0,000 businesses
here. We've also got one of the
oldest universities in the world. It opened tn the year 859.
,: Fes el Bali is surrounded by a high wall with gates. You can
drive inside the main gate, but then you can
only travel through the streets on foot, by bicycle, or donkey! ln fact, Fes el Bali is one of the largest
* car-free pedestrian areas in the world. And speaking of the streets, there
are over 9,000 of them. It',s easy
to get around my neighborhood, but be careful: the streets aren ,t straight.
They're very long and winding,
and it's easy to get lost! rf you 'rg ever in Morocco, be sure to spend
some time in my neighborhood: Fes el

Bali. It',s a place you 'll never forget!

When people hear the word "Manhattan," many think of tall buildings, theaters,
lvy neighborhood lnwood is also in Manhattan, but it's very different from the
and crowded streets.
rest of New York City. For
# example, this neighborhood has a forest. Many of its trees are hundreds
of years old, and there are lots of
small animals and wild birds. You can go hiking in some parts of

I the forest and get lost!

Ir/any buildings in this neighborhood are old, too. For
example, there's a farmhouse near my home. lt,s over 200 years
old. Today it's a museum.

lnwood is about 5.4 square kirometers (2 square mires), so it,s
easy to get around on foot or by bike. And unlike the rest of New
York city, lnwood is a pretty quiet prace. But it's stiil very easy to
.e get to the other parts of the city. you can take the subway and in
"ir"i 20 minutes, you're in downtown Manhattan. lf you,re ever in New
York city, come and visit lnwood and see a part of lt/anhattan
I you didn't know existed. you,ll be glad you did!

page 202, Complete the exercises. Then do B and G
A Turn to

Modifiers reatlY I verY and PrettY

Adverb Adjective
really / verY far from here
It',s pretty
Adverb Adjective + noun
really / verY long walk from here
It',s a

very, really, or pretty to each sentence

B Make the sentences true for you. Then add
1. I have a busY / relaxed schedule'
2. I live in a noisy / quiet neighborhood'

4. IMy neighborhood is -----.----------------- clean / dirty' I have a verY busY
I schedule. I go to school
lVlondaY lo FridaY.
/ reserved people' I work, too.
6. tvly neighbors are friendly

c ffi rate turns telling a partner your sentences in B. Explain each


I -ffift WRITING
with a partner.
A ffi neao the paragraph. Then answer the questions

1. Where does the writer live?


I live in tMadrid in a neighborhood iti:


called Pacifico. I like living here for

three reasons. First, it's convenient' lt's
really easy to get around bY subwaY
or bus. I can go anYwhere in the citY,
and I don't need a car. lt is also a very
walkable neighborhood. There are a lot
of stores and restaurants. I can walk to
the supermarket or my favorite cafe in
five minutes. There's a big park in my
neighborhood, too. lt's a great place to
ride your bike. And finally, Pacifico is
a pretty quiet neighborhood. I live on
a busy street. lt's noisy during the day,
but at night it's not' I like that.

74 ururs outandabout
B Complete an outline about your neighborhood. Use a different adjective in each reason
Explain each reason with an extra sentence or two.

I live in a neighborhood in called

I like / don't like living here for three reasons
'1. lt's
2. lt's
3. lt's

C Use your outline in B and the example in A to help you write a paragraph of your own. Use very,
really, or pretty at least twice in your paragraph.

D ffi fxcnange papers with a partner.

1. Circle any mistakes in your partner's writing.
2. Answer the questions in A about your partner's neighborhood.
3. Would you like to live in your partner's neighborhood? Why or why not? Tell your partner

A ffi Witf' a partner, think.of a problem in a neighborhood in your city. Use the ideas below. Then
think of at least one solution to the problem. Explain why it's a good idea.

Problem: ln (name of neighborhood)

o it's difficult for pedestrians to cross the streets safely.
o the sidewalks are really dirty.
o public transportation is terrible. lt's hard to get to other parts of the city.
o it's dangerous to walk alone at night.
o there are no fun things to do.
o other:

Our solution
Why it's a good idea:

B ffi

C"t together with another pair. Present your problem and explain your solution(s). The
other pair will listen, answer the question below, and explain their opinion. Then switch
roles and repeat.
What do you think of their idea?
The sidewatks in this neighborhood i
""'4 . I really like the idea because... ,..:-"-=:-,i,1Y lrrro.o-,r::*-o,
o The idea is pretty good, but...
o Sorry, but I don't think the idea will work because...

#. l-
G .r' ,: Repeat B with a different pair,

LESSON B lVy neighborhood 75

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